What does trade mean in drawing. Drawing Tips


Gift- drawing as a gift.

line- a neat drawing without color and shadows. Line drawing.

Trade- exchange of drawings or a situation when artists, by agreement, draw for each other.

Sketch- sketch, sketch.

sketchbook- an album or notebook for sketches.

Complete- color drawing with background and all details.

Traditional(traditional, traditional, traditional) - an image made without the use of digital technology, such as a drawing on paper.

Request Art work made to order for free or in exchange for something.

commission(commission) - an artwork made to order for money.

Collab- collaborative art work

headshot- a drawing that shows only the head or bust of the character.

Fullbody- art, which depicts a character in full growth.

shading- overlay shadows / work with shadows.

Adopt- a character invented by the artist and offered for sale/exchange.

Anthro- anthropomorphic animals, similar to humans in almost everything.

Furry- animals that are assigned human qualities to one degree or another.

Overpaint- an image made on top of the work of another person. Used for hints or error indications. In a negative sense - (as some people like to say MADE) a stroke on the photo. Usually applied to digital works.

Redline- work fixes / pointing out errors made using red lines.

WIP(W.I.P., vip, vipka) - abbreviation of English. work in progress. Work posted in the process of its creation, in order to show the process itself or ask for advice.

Deadline- the deadline for completing the task.

digital art- image made in a graphic editor.

YES/DA- short for "DeviantArt", the name of a popular site for artists from all over the world. It can also be short for Digital Art.

ACEO trade- exchange of traditional drawings by mail.

Speedart- quick drawers. That is, the recorded drawing process and accelerated by n times.

Tutorial(tutor) - teaching drawing, effect, style, etc.

Collage(photo collage) - creating an illustration using a set of photographs and their various combinations, can also apply to a drawing. It can be used both in digital art - and in photobash and mettpaint.

Photobashing(photobash) is often used as a term when you want to texture some object(s) using photos. At the same time, photobashing, in a professional environment, usually serves to create quick sketches, without detailed study of the details of the object. In very simple words - adding objects from a photo to your drawing and possibly their subsequent processing / drawing / drawing.

matte painting(mat-painting, mat-paint, mattpaint, matt) - this is the name for large-scale hand-drawn images used in cinema, television and in the production of computer games to create an illusion of the environment in the frame, which for some reason cannot be captured in nature or reproduced with material decorations. The main task of Matte Painting specialists is to make the resulting images photorealistic so that they blend seamlessly with outdoor shooting. In matt, both collage and photobashing and digital art and 3D modeling, etc. can be used.

Retouch(retouch) - changing the original image by classical or digital methods. The purpose of editing is to correct defects, prepare for publication, and solve creative problems.

Dodge&Burn(dodgeburn, dnb, d&b) - The Dodge&Burn principle is based on local lightening and darkening of certain areas of the image to enhance the depth of space, correct and enhance the volume of objects, eliminate individual imperfections and uneven skin pigmentation. The principle got its name from the tools of the same name in Adobe Photoshop - Dodge Tool (Clarifier) ​​and Burn Tool (Dimmer)

frequency decomposition(chastotka) - a method in retouching, which allows you to preserve the texture when eliminating defects and working with color / tone and light.

Brush(brush, brush) - brush

brush pack(brushpack, brushes) - a set of brushes

Ref(refka, reference) - in a broad sense: an auxiliary image or photograph. In a narrow sense: a detailed graphic description of a character.

Stadik- this is an educational work from a photograph, in which you learn something, the transfer of color, shape, environment, etc. ... in addition, it is a study, which can be deciphered as a sketch or sketch. Stadics are not for "find the meaning in creativity", but for some individual. lvl apa goals of a specific author.

Lvl up(lvlap) - improving skills. In general, this is the same as "pumping skill"

Skill- skill, ability, skill.

Etude(sketchbook) is a short work completed in form. The main features of the etude: The completeness of the form. The etude has a beginning, a development, a climax and a finale. In simple terms, a more or less completed sketch or a preparatory sketch for a future work.

Hairez- a slang term used to refer to the original image or images in high resolution.

fakap is more than a bummer, a failure, a bad example, an option, etc. fakap is more comparable rather with an epicfail. In creativity, for example, a fakap can interpret some serious jamb in work, for example, with perspective, i.e. its incorrect construction or a fakap of shadows on some object. In short, serious changes are needed.

Naming(naming) - the process of developing a brand name for a company, product or service, the most important part of the company's marketing strategy, an integral part of brand positioning. Naming includes the following steps - marketing, market analysis, brand company analysis, target audience analysis, creative work to create name options, selection of the most appropriate ones and their thorough analysis (at stylistic, visual and phonetic levels), technical coordination, focus group test .

Feedback- In a broad sense, feedback means feedback. In the creative field, it is more positioned as a review of the work with indications of errors - criticism / advice. An example is when a less experienced (let's say) artist shows his work to a more experienced artist in order to get useful advice.

Ava- only the face / muzzle of the character.

Adopt / Adopt / Adoptable - creature designs specially created for sale

Art- drawing.

Arter- artist

Artota- drawings.

VIP / vipka / WIP / work in progress - screenshot showing unfinished work in progress.

Gift /gift- drawing as a gift. This is usually received by friends, idols or just people/characters who are nice to the artist. As a rule, they are drawn depending on the desire of the artist himself.

Digital / Didj / digital - drawing, digital art, made in any graphic program on a computer.

kiriban(eng. kiriban, came from the Japanese kiri no ii ban) - "a good number to stop") - any picture for the screenshot, which captures an interesting, round or beautiful (although it can be absolutely any) number displayed on the counter (participants , watchers, visits, views, etc.), which was previously made on kiriban and announced by the owner of the page. If you hit the right number - take a screenshot and show the author - he draws art for you as a gift.

1) milestone, an interesting number displayed on the counter (visits, views, etc.), for example 11111, 222222, etc. or chosen by the owner of the page in order to reward the one who achieved it.

2) a gift/reward to those who have reached this number.

3) the very system of rewarding those who have reached kiriban.

/as for me it's a mixture of increasing subscribers and the system of anniversaries./

Clone- a series (usually a certain amount, but it depends on the desire of the artist himself) of variously colored versions of the same template (be it just a line, a line with shading, possibly with a background) with possible changes and additions. Any method of obtaining can be.

Collab / collaboration - joint work on one art. The division of tasks is different. there can be any number of painters (for example, sketch from the first, line from the second, paint from the third, shading from the fourth).

commission / commission / commission / commission / commission / commission / commission - drawing to order, for money. Negotiated and made to order, paid both in various currencies, and for example, points for YES, votes in VK and other means.

Line / line art / line - a neat outline, a clean stroke of the sketch.without color and shadows, which you can color by yourself. shorter coloring.

Overpaint (aka redline) - outlining the work, drawing on top of the finished or almost finished image by another artist. Can be used for hints or for identifying/correcting performance errors.

Character / character / charm / fursona / person. as an option, there is a mmorpgshny term "alto" - it hints .. it can be either a second version of itself, or just a menagerie to have someone to draw. may be a separate entity; and maybe related to the characters of other authors. Naturally with the consent of these same authors.

paint I propose to connect with coloring. this is usually a stage/level of work. used to describe work when ordering; or by the artist himself to create a price list.

Complete - color drawing with background and all details

Request / request - free custom drawing upon request.

Reference / ref / ref / reference sheet - information sheet. Art that shows the character and contains information about him, a kind of passport to make it easier for others and you to draw him. description of the character, showing his appearance and personal details

has two meanings:

2) Photography is a landmark. Helps to understand, compare or depict with its help the desired drawing.

draftsman - the one who draws. wiki: "drawing; making drawings; also an artist skilled in the art of drawing.

Sketch / sketch- sketch, quick sketch, without painting and background. Light, quick drawing, which is the basis for further refinement, but is also a separate piece of art. This is not a "contour without painting and background", this is a SKETCH, it can be in color, and with a stroke and even with shadows, the Internet can introduce you to the term sketch or if you are studying at a thin level. institution. You can decide for yourself what a sketch is for you in the degree of elaboration.

Traditional / Traditional / traditional - drawing in traditional materials (paper, canvas, wood, fabric, almost anything)Art created with traditional tools (pencil, paints, crayons, etc.)

Trade /AT / art trade - exchange of drawings. Simply, you draw for me, I draw for you. It is usually done by appointment.

Freeline / Free line / free line - a line that you can paint yourself. line free to use (it happens with shading, and with the background, and different options for details,sometimes it can be changed, but this is how the artist will allow), but in compliance with copyright (that is, you must indicate the author or keep the author's signature). Opportunities for its use is given in the description.

Full body / full / full body - when the figure is in full growth.

Halfbody /half body - when in the figure the character is at half height, the figure is waist-length, half of the body

Headshot - drawing of the head, portrait, bust of the character.

Furry - (from the English furry - fluffy, covered with fur) - a genre of creativity about anthropomorphic animals and a community of its fans. Anthropomorphism of characters is expressed in human behavior, facial expressions, speech, anatomy details, walking upright or wearing clothes. Anthropomorphic characters can also be four-legged animals, animal-like fictional creatures, or non-speaking animals shown in an empathetic way. Simply put, "furries" are animals that behave like people to varying degrees. Fans of furries are called furries. The word "furry" is also sometimes used in this sense, and "anthropomorph" as a synonym for furry characters.

Fursona(English fursona, fur + persona), or personal furry, phenotype is a personal character of a furry fan. As a rule, this is an individual anthropomorph with a name, a description of appearance, character and background. In its simplest form, an indication of the type of animal or a picture of an avatar can be considered a fursona.

Ferals- Zoomorphic character (zoomorph), or feral (feral), four-legged, quadruped (quad) - various designations of a furry character with animal anatomy, as opposed to anthropomorphs (anthro), which have the structure of a human body. a character that mainly repeats the proportions of the body and the way of movement of the prototype species (zoomorph).

Challenge- the essence is this. in a certain dimension and period of time, the owners of creative thinking and those who simply want to participate in the discussion draw / create on a certain topic for a certain period of time.

inking/outlines- stroke, contour (sketch) .. line in general.

flat coloring- flat / even color. just a color fill.

Shading / shade - literally "shading". overlay shadows.

highlights- literally "light effects".glare/reflections/reflections.

palette(I don’t know how such tasks are called correctly) - you are given several specific colors and you need to draw a picture using only these colors.For example, assignments for Virink contests, although mixing of specified colors is allowed on the assignment - And
" As a rule, the organizer gives several colors to the participants, and they use them in their work. Using blended colors would greatly increase the range of hues, so no. Sometimes neutral colors are allowed, i.e. white is acceptable. But in fact, depending on the conditions of the battle, it is better to address this question directly in the comments under the contest)"


OC/original character- original character. This can only be called the character that was invented by the author not in some of the already existing universes, but in his own (or in the real world) character invented by himself, personally by the author

FC-Fan(dom)-character- fan character. This is a character that was created in the realities of some alien world, invented by someone else. character invented in the existing world, for example MLP. Accordingly, all our ponies are FC, fan characters in the world of MLP.

OS session- collaborative drawing in Open Canvas

ASEO-trade (Art Cards, Editions and Originals)- exchange of traditional drawings small cards for exchange or sale, 2.5 x 3.5 inches (approximately 6.3 x 8.9 cm). Usually hand-drawn, but ASEO can also be a photograph or a collage. The work can be distributed both in the original and as a printout (in the case of printing, ACEO is numbered and signed on the reverse side).

YES / DA- short for DeviantArt, website for artists from all over the world

FA / FA- short for Fur Affinity / Furaffiniti, a site of foreign artists dedicated to furry. Initially, the campaign was created for anthro - both art and authors. now it's a cookie jar. anthro, manga, realism, photo, sculpture, fenki, music, stories, communication, and so on. I find it difficult to describe in one word.

FN / FN- short for FurNation, site of Russian furry artists

Request- this is a request to the one who accepts requests to draw something for you, that is, this is art that someone makes for you for free

Today, the word Request is used not only among artists, but also among ordinary Internet users. Some people are sometimes interested, request what it is, because they cannot understand the essence of this concept.
For example, citizens who rehash"Various popular songs receive requests under their videos to do something similar, but from the repertoire of another artist. In fact, this can be called a request, that is, a kind of request, but do not confuse this with another overseas concept, such as "challenge". Usually, it means a challenge thrown to the artist that he cannot draw, any art. These are the usual showdowns of creative individuals who have fun as they can. It is better for outsiders not to go deep into them so as not to spoil their nerves.

Just know that most citizens use requests, which we have already discussed. Many beginners and even eminent artists post various requests on their pages as a way to show their level. And this interesting lesson was started by a user under the nickname "Chilik". It was he who for the first time on his page offered to give him tasks and requests. Soon, other artists and illustrators took up this initiative, starting to accept requests from visitors on their pages on social networks.

The most difficult thing to complete requests is for those noob artists who have not yet developed a specific drawing style. Despite the fact that the request is made for " Thank you", this does not make it any less important request. Therefore, before you start accepting requests, you need to prove yourself, collect a portfolio, and put it on your page.
Some artists work as web designers, and fulfill the orders of the employer, and therefore, in their free time, they want to prove themselves from the other side. From here comes the desire to accept requests that allow you to take a break from the works of the righteous, and enjoy your creativity.

After reading this article, you learned the word Request it in drawing, and what it means. And now you can explain the meaning of this overseas term to your acquaintances and friends.

Hello, my name is Wave! And this is my lineart tutorial!

I will be using the drawing of Megaman X and Zero, as well as other drawings drawn by me in the Lineart genre!

Heroes X (Megaman X) and Zero (Zero) belong to Capcom (C). Megaman 2 was my first video game.


My name is Wave! I am a girl who loves sci-fi and plans to become a manga artist or colorist for Marvel someday!

In this lesson, I will talk about many things at once, so the lesson VERY verbose. The main focus is on digital drawing techniques.

But just because it's a digital technique doesn't mean it can't be applied to a regular drawing too!

There is not much difference when drawing ":)" on a computer or ":)" on paper!

But still, I won't go into too much detail on the drawing process... I'll teach you my techniques that I use to achieve crisp, even Line Art drawings. :)



Rulers should always be at hand if you are drawing in perspective! The need for straight lines should not be underestimated. Others will always notice if you used a ruler or freehand.

Capillary pens

Capillary pens are perfect for outlining! Among them, I have no favorites ... I mean that everyone has their own preferences in choosing a capillary pen. I have used pens from brands such as Sakura, Microns, Prismas, Mars, etc. Just choose the one that you feel most comfortable drawing. I usually use 0.05 and 0.1 nib thickness pens.


If you ever find yourself in an artist's specialty store, you will find special types of paper sizes that are used to create drawings.

Of course, you can use regular printer paper too :)


Graphic tablet for drawing

Tablets are amazing inventions!

It's like drawing on a drawing board, but the board is actually your mouse!

Factors such as pressure sensitivity and pen drawing make tablets almost indispensable for artists.

Paint Tool Sai

Paint Tool SAI is a digital painting program developed by the Japanese company SYSTEMAX. If you do not have this program yet, then you can find the download link in the Paint Tool SAI section :)

The main advantage of this program is the ability to trace vectors.

It's okay if you don't know what Vectors are - in this tutorial I will dwell on this topic in detail.


photoshop photoshop!

It is by far the best photo editing program at the moment (at least I think so. :))

The main thing is that you have a tool Brush (Brush tool), as well as the rest of the tools that I will use in the Digital Line Art section!


Okay, let's say you already have a finished drawing!

It is carefully drawn, there are no unnecessary details and it's time to scan it!

Each scanner has a different interface, and I can't cover every known interface, so I hope you understand what I mean.

- Grayscale
- color
- DPI (dots per inch)

First, set the scan mode to PROFESSIONAL.

In other scanners, this mode may be called: "Advanced Mode", "Working Mode".

Or you already have this mode set by default, and you just have to choose DPI and IMAGE TYPE.

First, let's deal with DPI :)

DPI stands for Dots Per Inch - Dots Per Inch. Accordingly, this means how much information your work has.

When you're drawing, people may sometimes ask, "Why don't you make big drawings?"

This is a difficult task, but at the same time, in this case, you will be able to draw more or add more "information" to the page!

This is a drawing of me and my other character - Suzaren!

It was scanned in COLOR AT 400 DPI.

400 DPI is a fairly high resolution, but it's ideal for printing. The higher the resolution (DPI), the more printable your drawings will be.

200 - fairly low
300 - golden mean
600 - perhaps too high;)

The higher the resolution, the larger your file size will be.

REMEMBER, you can always compress a large image, but you can't enlarge a small one.

Why? Well, as I said, DPI is the amount of information. If you take a small image and try to enlarge it, the computer won't be able to do it because it simply won't have the information it needs.

Obviously, we will scan a color image with the Color Image setting. Some scanners may prompt you to select 8-bit or 16-bit color. Don't choose a color higher than 8. Always use the lowest setting for the color, as there's really no need to choose 16-bit - it will just increase the file size.

What if I want a very crisp black and white Lineart drawing?
I scanned Suzarena in Black and White mode at 400 DPI. Please do not confuse black and white with SHADES OF GRAY. These are two different settings.

Note that depending on the brand of your scanner, this mode may be called Black and White Document or even Bitmap.


Hey! Stupid! Black and White and Shades of Grey! I told you that you are two completely different modes, only without fights!

I haven't edited anything :) As you can see, the Grayscale mode scans all gray areas on the sheet...even the paper itself. And if you look closely, you can see pencil marks.

When scanning in Black & White mode, the picture is scanned in white and black only, without any gray casts.

You can adjust the ratio WHITE And BLACK colors using "THRESHOLD". Just experiment with it :) When you move the threshold slider higher or lower, you add either more BLACK or WHITE to the drawing.

Click on the image to view the image in full size and 100% quality.

Okay, okay, you probably already understand the importance of high resolution, but I want to demonstrate this to you with an example.

The second drawing was scanned at resolution = 100 DPI, in Black and White mode.

High resolution is very important when scanning a picture in Black & White mode.

Using the Grayscale Mode:

If the drawing has pencil shading.
- If you have shades of gray that you want to keep in the picture.

Using Black & White Mode:

If all the objects in the picture are outlined and you would like to get rid of the gray areas in order to scan only sharp bright black and white lines.

If you are using Photoshop and want to edit a drawing scanned in Black and White mode, then CONVERT IT TO GRAYSHONES.


Make sure you do this before you start editing the image. Accordingly, if you work with color, then convert to RGB :)



I just want to remind you that this is NOT a drawing tutorial. Drawing is a very long and painstaking process. But I will give you some hints that helped me.

Life experience in drawing... Simply put - the more you paint pictures of real life, the more realistic your drawings will be.

Instructors may advise you to just go outside and start drawing what you see or attend artist classes where you can draw from human nature...

But not everyone can afford it...

Luckily, we have such a thing as the "Internet"!

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