What does it mean to give yourself away. The meaning of the word give out


Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language


Dictionary of Efremova


owls. transition and indefinitely.
see issue.

Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary


Syn: to give, to give, to give, to hand over, to give

Ant: take

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language


impersonate- involuntarily discover in something true, but hidden feelings, state, attitude, etc.

Issue (myself) head on- to discover with certainty in actions, words, etc., one's involvement in something, one's guilt, a crime, etc.

Dictionary Ushakov


you give *****

3. What. Make known to someone, inform, discover (something that was kept secret). Give away other people's secrets. Issue intentions. “Either she herself guessed that Mishka was in great grief, or Mishkin’s eyes betrayed this grief.” Neverov.

| someone something. Expose, betray. The thief was betrayed by a careless movement. The thief betrayed his presence with a careless movement. Give yourself away (discover your secret). Release your accomplices. Give out the head ( cm. ).

4. someone for someone. To declare someone something, to present something that is not what it really is. Pass yourself off as a scientist. Passed off someone else's work as his own.

5. someone something. the same as extradite someone to marry cm. (unfold obsolete). Two daughters were given away, one remained unreleased.

Ozhegov's dictionary

IN S GIVE, am, ash, ast, adim, adite, adut; ah; this; owls.

1. What. To give, to give something, to supply something. B. salary. B. pass.

2. What. To manufacture, release (what kind of products), present as a result of work. The furnace gave out the first heat. The machine gave information.

3. someone something. Discover, discover, expose. V. accomplices. V. secret. V. your irritation with a thoughtless word.

4. (with the word "married" or colloquial without it), whom for whom. Contribute to the Chemun. marriage, agree to someone. marriage. Successfully delivered my daughter.

5. someone for someone. It is wrong to imagine someone else, to declare not to those who (what) really is. V. himself for the auditor.

6. What. Say what. unexpected or abrupt, unpleasant, inappropriate (simple). Well, he gave the news! V. face the whole truth.

| nesov. issue, give, give; Let's.

| noun issuance, And, and.(to 1, 2 and 3 values).

Sentences with "issue"

Among other things, the conversation was about the fact that it would be necessary to extradite those Russian citizens who were convicted there in this case of an attempt.

On the other hand, a probabilistic algorithm may never produce a result, but the probability of this is 0.

Whether it will be possible to pass politicians' exercises on morality and spirituality as an appeal to religious values ​​depends on the ability of politicians to express themselves in religious terms, on the ability of voters to understand them, as well as on the willingness of religious leaders to help politicians.

In total, within the framework of the experiment, it is planned to issue up to 22.5 thousand preferential loans.

  • ISSUE, -ladies, -give, -will give, -let's give, -give me, -will give; led. Give; owl., transl. (nesov. issue).

    1. Give, release from a place of storage, stock, etc.; hand over (in accordance with the established procedure, regulations, etc.). Issue money. Issue a certificate. Issue an advance.Today it was my duty to give the cook flour and butter. Chekhov, On the dangers of tobacco. - Why did you bring boots? - he asked. - What do you think, we will not be given felt boots in the army? Panova, Satellites. || for whom (with the word"married" and without it). Arrange a marriage, allow or force to marry (daughter, sister, etc.). Finally, four years ago, they managed to give her [daughter] for a rich man and in significant ranks. Dostoevsky, Netochka Nezvanova. During his student days, he [Levin] almost fell in love with the eldest, Dolly, but she was soon married off to Oblonsky. L. Tolstoy, Anna Karenina.

    2. To make known, to discover, to discover smth. hidden. - Please note, I did not want to know your secret, nor to give you mine. Turgenev, Rudin. For several minutes we stood in one place in the hope that some rustle would betray the presence of the tiger. Arseniev, Through the Ussuri taiga. His hands shook with excitement. In order not to betray his fortune, he stuffed them into his pockets and tightly clenched them into fists. Markov, Strogoffs. || Expose, betray. - Yegor Ivanovich asks you to trust me in everythingI won't give you awayDo you believe? Pomyalovsky, Molotov. [Coward] after all will betray everyone in the hope of saving his own skin. N. Ostrovsky, Born by the Storm. Senya died without betraying any of his comrades. I. A. Kozlov, In the Crimean Underground.

    3. for someone. Name, present not what it really is. [Gorodulin:] You write, and I, so be it, will sacrifice myself, pass off as mine. A. Ostrovsky, There is enough simplicity for every sage. - She didn’t tell me to say that I was her mother, she passed me off as her housekeeper, and herself as an artist. Fadeev, Young Guard.

    4. To manufacture, release (some kind of products, products, etc.); present as the result of work, searches, etc. Issue the first heat. Give oil over the plan.By lunchtime, the workshop issued the parts, and the teams began to assemble. Krymov, Tanker "Derbent".

    5. Obsolete Release to the public; publish. I have written a tragedy and am very pleased with it; but it's scary to let it out. Pushkin, Letter to A. A. Bestuzhev, November 30, 1825. We do not understand why the author of "Abbaddon" gave out his novel without end. Belinsky, Abbaddon. Op. N. Field. In November, the brother certainly wants to give out the November book. Dostoevsky, Letter to I. S. Turgenev, 18 Oct. 1863.

    6. Prost. Do or say smth. unexpected, unusual. - You suffer, you suffer, but you still won’t give out an interesting number! You can’t force a fox to ride a bicycle or at least roller skates. Nagibin far from war. - All! Phew, my tongue really hurt, I gave you a whole speech. Dworkin One long night.

    Do not give (those)!- do not let (those)!, help out (those)! The smart horse turned its head towards him and neighed. - Fine, fine! - said Vasily affectionately. - --- Look, Serko, don't give out tomorrow! Korolenko, Sokolinets.

    give head cm. head .

    impersonate- involuntarily in smth. discover true but hidden feelings, state, attitude, etc.

    To betray (oneself) with one's head- to discover with certainty in actions, words, etc., one's involvement in something, one's guilt, a crime, etc.

    Hand out what to whom cm. hand .

    Issue to the mountain cm. on-mountain.

Source (printed version): Dictionary of the Russian language: In 4 volumes / RAS, Institute of Linguistics. research; Ed. A. P. Evgenieva. - 4th ed., erased. - M.: Rus. lang.; Polygraphic resources, 1999; (electronic version):


issue; to give out, to give, to give, to distribute; to release something to someone, to endow someone, to supply a certain amount of something. We are given the mess. The payment has already been issued. Give out a book, publish. Extradite the prisoners, the criminal, turn where they want. Do not betray, brothers, help, intercede, do not leave. Don't give out! I suppose we won't give it away, we'll stand up for ourselves. The girl was given away, given in marriage; she was married off to a clerk. He pretends to be a nobleman, assumes this title. Do not pass off someone else's product as your own, do not call it yours. Be patient yourself, but do not betray another (or: do not offend). God forbid to betray a good person. We won’t extradite, but it’s guilty, so let’s say. -sya, return. and suffer. depending on the meaning. To protrude, to go out, to act, to form a cape, a wedge, a ledge.

Fall out, succeed, happen. Day after day is not issued, does not come. He turned out to be a freak, neither to himself nor to people. And now we have a good cabbage. Don't lean forward, don't lag behind. Issuing duration issuance is completed. issuance of action by vb. Issuing, pertaining to the issuance of something. Outstanding, successful, successful. Issuer, gave out, issuer m. who issues, in various meanings, esp. bad intercessor, traitor. Here are my sellers and distributors, speaking. bride about her family.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


give out, give out; issuing, pov. give out. Nesov. to issue.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


nesov. transition

    1. Give in the prescribed manner.

      Release from storage, stock.

      Transfer to smb. order.

  1. trans. To allow (daughter, sister, etc.) or force (daughter, sister, etc.) to get married.

    1. trans. To make known, to reveal.

      Detect someone's presence.

      Show, reveal your feelings, your state of mind.

      Make someone explicit. state, position, smb. feelings etc. (about external signs, features).


      Transfer secret information (to the enemy, enemy).

  2. trans. To name, represent not what it actually is.

    1. Develop, manufacture, produce (some kind of products, products, etc.).

      unfold Fulfill (plan, norm, etc.).

      Transfer data (about the car).

      unfold Present as the result of work, searches (usually with a touch of playfulness).

  3. trans. Reach some. result, success, doing, doing smth. (in the speech of athletes).

    1. razg.-decrease. Perform (usually unexpected).

      Communicate, pronounce.

Examples of the use of the word issue in the literature.

As if in defiance of the abstractionism of the wallpaper, completely devoid of the individuality of the artist, the dwelling itself betrayed habits of the hostess with a head.

Force your beloved to recognize herself as an Endur when she is an Abkhaz, and immediately persuade someone else's girl, if she is with an Endur admixture, so that she betrayed himself for a full-blooded Abkhazian, it was too much for Uncle Sandro.

He stopped near the accordionist, slowly looked around at those present and, as if reporting on a malfunction in the operation of the unit, quite ordinary, simply, issuing immediately his artistic unprofessionalism, he said: - A song about a towel.

When Lysander, put at the head of the fleet by the Lacedaemonians, began extradite the sailors were given four obols instead of three - he received the money from Cyrus - Alcibiades, who was already paying even three obols with difficulty, went to Caria to collect money, and transferred command of the ships to Antiochus, an excellent helmsman, but a rude and reckless man.

Very commendable, however, her copper-hued skin and cream-coloured high-necked robe - leaving nothing but her arms exposed, yet form-fitting and only barely opaque, so that it, hinting at everything, does not betrayed nothing, - they left no doubt that the one who wears it is from the noblest families of Arad Doman.

On that day, he gave me the money sent to Asha in the way issue hired killer pay.

If from the Peter and Paul Fortress many secret letters penetrated the will, if the ravelins, fiercely guarded, even Alekseevsky and Trubetskoy, yielding to perseverance and perseverance, issued their secrets, then from the Schlisselburgers, although they languish there for years and years, not a single line, not a single word has come down - only vague rumors, meanwhile, the noble heroes of the last trial - Lieutenant Colonel Aschenbrenner, Staff Captain Pokhitonov and Lieutenant Tikhonovich.

From the faded shoulder straps, it is not difficult to guess that this balabon walks as a lieutenant for the second, if not the third, year, the muzzle is wrinkled, the undereye is plump, the tunic is fine-clothed, there are no such in the school issued not a year or two ago.

Some Sysoev or Balayan comes to the West on a business trip, we find out from the newspapers where they are and what, we steal them, like this Belkin, and they give us issue codes of their deposits in Swiss banks.

The list of permitted operations is determined by the license, issued credit institution by the Bank of Russia.

Most often it was some kind of trifle: the client gaped and the ATM swallowed the card, sometimes the check tape jammed or ran out - and the machine refused extradite money.

Chait was already beginning to doubt that General Baruzdin was really who he was. betrayed.

Frightened by the massacres and pogroms in the Ryazan land, exhausted in the struggle with his own boyars, the prince of Murom was afraid, on the contrary, that the wedding would not take place for some reason and that he would then have to look for a groom among the Lipetsk, Vorgol or Kursk princes, completely ruined by the Tatars, and even extradite her for some Vladimir boyar, or even to the Horde, which was already hinted to him by the Murom Baskak, who frankly admired the grown-up prince's daughter.

Pallister immediately gloomily advised the newcomers extradite patches with the image of a teapot, but Batt instantly applied his main weapon to him - a look from which winter began to walk on his back.

Magic closet resignedly betrayed any costume, any era, any class.



expose oneself, put on a mask, expose oneself, act out, simulate, repaint, put on a mask, put on a mask, portray, play a role, pretend, put on a mask, act out oneself, show off, impersonate, the hat is on fire on the thief to disguise, to disguise, to pretend to be

Dictionary of Russian synonyms.


give one's head off (unfold)

The thief's hat is on fire (unfold)

Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. - M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011 .

See what is "to give yourself away" in other dictionaries:

    impersonate- give out / give yourself away 1. Detect your presence. From noun. with meaning face or breath. subject: a guest, a child, a duck ... pretends to be what? scream, noise...; How? immediately, instantly ... give yourself away. The guys hid, but with unexpected laughter they immediately betrayed themselves ... Educational Phraseological Dictionary

    impersonate- EXPOSE YOURSELF. GIVE YOURSELF. Razg. 1. for whom. To name, portray, represent oneself as someone else. I assured myself that the only reason for my sudden dislike of them was annoyance at their craftiness. Who forced them to impersonate ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    impersonate- Involuntarily discover than l. hidden feeling, state, attitude, etc. ... Dictionary of many expressions

    HEAD, Shy, wine. head, pl. heads, heads, heads Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    give one's head off- To reveal with all obviousness your misconduct, guilt, involvement in a crime, etc. ... Dictionary of many expressions

    App., number of synonyms: 1 wearing a toga (8) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    Razg. Discover in what a mistake, a mistake, an oversight. FSRYA, 113; SHZF 2001, 50; 3S 1996, 366; BMS 1998, 120 … Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    Give out, give out, give out, give out, give out, give out, give out, pov. give it out, owl. (to issue). 1. what. To provide with something, to let go, to provide something. (official). The cooperative gave out cereals. Issue an identity card. Issue wages. 2. whom ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Himself, myself and myself, about myself. pronoun noun Indicates the relationship of the action to the producer of the action (the subject), corresponding in meaning to the personal pronouns of any person and number. Fear for yourself. Test for yourself. Live only for yourself. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    give out head- To betray (oneself) from the head / th Involuntarily open, discover a hidden feeling, state, attitude ... Dictionary of many expressions


  • The Knife and Watch Mystery, Larson Hope. About Meet Alexander and Cleopatra Dodge, Twins of Twelve. After the disappearance of their father, they join the Black Hook gang. Having got to the police for theft, they agree to extradite ...
  • Comic book The Mystery of the Knife and Watch, Hope Larson, Rebecca Mock. Meet Alexander and Cleopatra Dodge, twins of twelve years old - the main characters of the comic book The Secret of the Knife and Watch. After the disappearance of their father, they join the Black Hook gang. Getting to the police...


give out

vb., nsv., use often

Morphology: I give out, You betray, he she it issues, We issue, You you're giving, They give out, give out, give out, issued, issued, betrayed, issued, issuing, issued, issuing, issuing; St. issue; noun , With. extradition

1. If you you're giving something to somebody, you give it to somebody according to the established rules, order.

Issuing money with a magnetic card. | Issue a visa, warrant. | Especially a lot of people crowded near the window, where letters were issued on demand. |


He gave him a receipt for the money.

2. If you hand out something, for example, some official document, which means that it is handed to you personally.

Each of them was given a decent amount of money.

3. If any electronic machine issues any information to the user, which means it shows it on the screen.

The system issues a warning message. |


The computer displayed a splash screen.

4. If a girl give in marriage for a man, which means that she will soon become his wife.

It's not easy to get your daughters married. |


It's time to marry her.

5. If anything issues feelings or state of a person or the person himself issues them, which means they become clear and open to everyone.

Only a blush betrayed the internal struggle that the young man was carrying out with him. | Outwardly, he was calm and nothing betrayed his anger.

6. If any state issues criminal or suspect to another state, which means that it transfers him to the country where the crime was committed in order to be tried.

Hand over the criminal to the authorities.

7. When they speak The devil will not betray, the pig will not eat, then they mean that in this situation you can take a risk.

8. If anyone impersonates, which means that he reveals something about himself that was previously kept secret, for example, his whereabouts or a misdemeanor, a crime.

You give yourself away with your laughter. |


This little comedy was played to make him give himself away.

9. If a person throws himself off his head, which means that he completely reveals about himself that which was previously kept secret.

10. If anyone impersonates for another person, so he wants to hide his true identity and pretend to be a different person.

I had to impersonate a young Englishman who was on the run from the police. |


He posed as a close friend of the convict and was given permission to visit.

11. If a person issues any work, thing, etc., which means that he does, makes it.

In May, I have to issue a dissertation, all deadlines have already passed.

12. If a person issues anything, his words or deeds are unexpected and cause surprise.

Usually in companies he sits very quietly, modestly, but then he suddenly gives out something like that - everyone falls down with laughter. |


His three-year-old daughter suddenly gave out the whole multiplication table the other day!

13. If someone issues someone, so he scolds him for something.

What is this noise? - Nastya gives this to her for yesterday. |


Well, now they will give him the first number!

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Dmitriev. D.V. Dmitriev. 2003 .


See what "issue" is in other dictionaries:

    See express (sya), change, detect, determine ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. give out; to speak out, to change, to discover, to determine, ... ... Synonym dictionary

    to give out, to give out; to give out, to give, to give, to distribute; to release something to someone, to endow someone, to supply a certain amount of something. We are given the mess. The payment has already been issued. Give out a book, publish. Give prisoners, a criminal, turn where ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    give out, give out, give out; giving out, led. give out. incompatibility to issue. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    GO IN, am, ash, ast, adim, adite, adut; ah; this; owls. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    extradite- credit action ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

    extradite- mine to undermine (rock) Topics oil and gas industry Synonyms to mine to undermine EN raise ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    extradite- ISSUING1, carrying. (Sov. issue) that. To make (make) what l. products, products, etc., presenting them as the result of searches, work (as a rule, about collective hard work); Syn.: release, produce)

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