Whose daughter is Ksenia Sobchak really. Who was the father of Ksenia Sobchak! important! Managed father's business


The journalist and socialite gave birth to a boy in one of the maternity hospitals in Moscow.

Fans of Ksenia Sobchak began to practice belly fortune telling as soon as she had it. The shape and dimensions were subjected to detailed study. The location of the navel, the signs of the zodiac of the parents, the character of Sobchak and the order of the stars at the time of conception were taken into account. The conclusion was almost unanimous: Ksenia is expecting a boy. And after all, folk signs worked! Although Sobchak and Vitorgan carefully concealed the sex of the baby even from their parents: they were afraid that happy grandparents might inadvertently give out information to journalists!

A strong baby was born in Lapino, beloved by stars near Moscow.

“11/18/16 is now the happiest day. I am the mother of a beautiful boy, ”the TV presenter wrote on her Instagram.

"Friends! Congratulate us! Was born!!! Mazal tov!!! We are crying!!! Grandfather Emmanuel and grandmother Ira,” Maxim’s happy dad left a message on social networks.

This center is very popular with celebrities. For example, the twins of Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin Harry and Lisa, the youngest daughter of Ivan Urgant Valery, the daughter of Garik Kharlamov Nastya were born there. In addition, it is only a 15-minute drive from the country house Sobchak and Vitorgan. According to Sobchak herself, another argument in favor of Lapino is that she wanted to give birth in Russia. Like, a person has a connection with the place where he was born.

Most likely, Sobchak gave birth without anesthesia. Partly - in order not to harm the child, partly - in order to test oneself for endurance again.

“I’m thinking of giving up anesthesia during childbirth,” Ksenia told reporters early in an interview. Suddenly this will not happen a second time, I want to feel what kind of strong pain that a person can endure anyway.

For the next three months, as Tatler reported, the star mother planned to settle in her country house and focus on motherhood.

“I’m actually a city person, but I understand that a child outside the city will be more comfortable, there is fresh air. Walking with a stroller along the Garden Ring is not fun, ”Ksenia admitted. - I have been dreaming of not going anywhere for a long time, but<…>then “Ksenia, you are very needed” begins. It seems I can say “no”, but I’m still going” (read more).

For Ksenia, the child is the firstborn, and her husband, actor Maxim Vitorgan, already has two children: 20-year-old Polina and 16-year-old Daniel.

An example of Sobchak is wonderful for all women over 30. After her famous statements about children, for some reason everyone decided that Ksenia was a convinced child-free. Therefore, their marriage with Vitorgan was predicted to collapse soon - they say, what kind of relationship would last a long time without offspring. Then for some reason they decided that Sobchak could not get pregnant and all the talk that she simply did not want this at a given period of time was just a cover.

At the same time, Ksenia’s position was very understandable and correct: giving birth because “age” or because “necessary” is wrong. The child should appear only when she really wants him. I wanted to at the age of 35, and she did it.

Pregnancy of Ksenia Sobchak

Sobchak is a devoted follower of the commandment that "pregnancy is not a disease." From the first months and right up to the very birth, Ksenia did not give herself a descent in anything.

First, she didn't stop working. Much and ruthlessly. She gave herself an indulgence only by stopping traveling at the 8th month. But in Moscow, activity at that moment seems to have doubled: she went to shows, led events and seminars. At the celebration of the anniversary, MUZ-TV even joked that she was afraid to give birth right on stage. However, after that it did not slow down.

Secondly, Sobchak did not forget about sports. In general, the figure is one of Xenia's "fads". She was so afraid of gaining weight that she practiced for two hours every day: she stood on her head during yoga classes, regularly swam in the pool and tried to walk more. I also monitored nutrition: no jamming of pickles with cakes! Taboo for baking! As a result, she recovered only in the abdomen.

Perhaps the conceived cover in Tatler magazine served as an incentive. Ksenia graced the front page with her naked pregnant body, which caused a tsunami of emotions!

How Sobchak plans to raise a baby

Knowing the workaholism of Ksenia Sobchak, her close friends Natalya and Alexander Chistyakov, congratulating the TV presenter on the birth of a child, wished her not to rush to go to work.

“I wish that she fully felt the role of a mother and, most importantly, was able to find time to see everything. After all, when a child is born, we mothers always run to work. And my personal story was no exception, I returned to the stage just a few months later, therefore, having a similar experience, I want to wish Ksyusha to enjoy this period and see all the first victories of her baby, ”says Gluko’Za.

Mom will help with the upbringing of baby Xenia. But only, Lyudmila Narusova admits, if her daughter asks her about it.

“Ksyusha is one of those people who will never ask for help, but there were moments when I felt that she needed my support. That's why I'm a mother. But I understand that we must act carefully so as not to hurt her pride and so that she does not notice anything, - said Lyudmila Narusova in an interview. - I know that there are forbidden topics that I should not touch, and I do not. This is a question of her relationship with Maxim. I can watch from the sidelines, but if they don’t ask me, I don’t interfere.”

Lyudmila Borisovna says that Ksenia has changed a lot with the advent of Maxim Vitorgan in her life. She has become more calm, balanced, more responsible in her statements, in relation to problems, she always considers issues from one side and the other. Yes, and Ksenia herself has repeatedly admitted that she feels calm and reliable with her husband.

Despite the established reputation, Sobchak has a great experience in communicating with children. She gets along with teenagers - Maxim's children. She has two godchildren, the children of her friends, with whom she constantly keeps in touch. And recently, Ksenia visited a children's party - the son of her friend, businesswoman Oksana Lavrentieva, turned 10 years old. "On the children's DR and happy !!!" and two ironic, quite in the spirit of Ksyushin, hashtags: #have come and #life is full of amazing changes. So everything flows, everything changes.

Ksenia at the presentation of Nobu watches

Lyudmila Borisovna is absolutely sure that Ksenia is ripe for motherhood and is ready to change diapers and not sleep at night.

“Ksyusha will be a wonderful mother, completely selfless and correct. Whether they will let me see my grandchildren, I can only guess, humbly ask, and I don’t know how they will decide. But I know in advance that I will go to any lengths to achieve this. I will humiliate myself, grovel and ask to work with my grandchildren. And how they will decide - I do not know. What will they call me? I don't care at all - even a great-grandmother, even a grandfather, anyone, as long as there were grandchildren. I'm not going to be young,” says Lyudmila Narusova.

Recall that the pregnancy of Ksenia Sobchak was just some kind of obsession. For several months, as it became known about her interesting position, some fantastic theories were put forward. Users of social networks argued to calluses on their fingers: whether Ksenia herself is carrying a child or a consignment note, they accused her of PR during pregnancy. It got to the point that Xenia's nine-month-old belly was not noticed point-blank, insisting that the child was carried by a surrogate mother.

Such pressure is difficult to bear, and Maxim Vitorgan once could not stand it and broke down, saying a lot of harsh words on Instagram. But Xenia, it seems, does not notice this wild excitement. We hope that now, after the birth of a child, passions will subside somewhat, and Xenia and Maxim will be allowed to enjoy parenthood.

How much did the birth of Ksenia Sobchak cost

Lapino Clinical Hospital "Mother and Child"

Rumors that V.V. Putin - the godfather of Ksenia Sobchak have only circumstantial evidence. At one time, these suspicions arose because of the close friendship of Anatoly Sobchak and his assistant Vladimir Putin. Family holidays, trips, they did it all together. Based on photographs from the christening, where the current president was also present, many have suggested that Putin is the godfather of Ksenia Sobchak. And who, if not him? Closest friend, adviser and colleague.

As noted in the inner circle of the former mayor, he knew how to understand people and in troubled years he wanted to protect his family, thus intermarrying with a promising politician.

Is Putin the godfather of Sobchak?

More recently, an interview with Ksenia appeared in the press, where she directly states that Putin is not her godfather. This somewhat shocked the public, because before she actively used this "nepotism". If in front of the daughter of the disgraced, besides the deceased mayor, many doors were closed, then in front of the goddaughter of the president they were widely plowed open and a red carpet was laid. More than once she threatened to call “who needs it” and these threats certainly worked. After all, everyone knew who exactly the eccentric girl would complain to. But, let's do our own mini-investigation.

Ksyusha was born in 1981, and according to her, she was baptized at the age of 12. The turbulent 1993 brought Russia a putsch, a coup and a conflict in power. Why exactly at this time did Anatoly Sobchak decide to baptize his daughter, and to whom did he want to transfer custody of his family? After all, Anatoly Sobchak had good enough reasons to worry about his life?

Ksyusha states that she does not remember this event, and her mother, Lyudmila Narusova, remained silent for many years for unknown reasons. And only now, on the eve of the elections, it was announced that Vladimir Putin was simply present at the girl’s baptism ceremony, and a certain unknown priest named Gury and a mother’s friend from St. Petersburg, Natalya Karetnikova, became the real godparents. And why all these years the mother hid the names of her godparents from her daughter?

There were more questions than answers. Can Kremlin experts and opponents of the current government be mistaken when they call Sobchak's election campaign a farce? Can Konstantin Borovoy be wrong when he says that Vladimir Putin is the godfather of Ksenia Sobchak? After all, Borovoy is not a newcomer to the political kitchen, is he?

There are many assumptions about this situation, but let's take another look at how close the connection is between these two heroes - Vladimir Putin and Anatoly Sobchak?

What did Father Sobchak do for Putin?

At one time, Anatoly Sobchak became a kind of godfather and guide to the world of politics for the future president. According to the official version, Vladimir Putin got a job at Leningrad State University. Zhdanov, where Anatoly Sobchak previously taught. The goal was to write a PhD on international relations, however, the time for the USSR was difficult, perestroika, the State Emergency Committee, and the specter of the collapse of the country loomed.

The rector of the university recommended the young specialist V. Putin as an assistant to the then mayor of Leningrad Anatoly Sobchak, and he gladly accepted him. In addition, as it turned out, they met earlier, during the studies of student Putin.

Putin did not hide from his boss that he had previously worked in the KGB, but this did not embarrass the mayor, and already in 1994 Putin received the post of chairman of the foreign relations committee of the administration of St. Petersburg and concurrently deputy chairman of the government of St. Petersburg.

Intrigues were repeatedly woven against the young "former Stirlitz" (as Sobchak called Putin). He was accused of fraud, but without any evidence, and the goal was to split this Putin-Sobchak tandem. Anatoly Alexandrovich put together a strong team around him and subsequently did not regret it.

It was Putin who helped the disgraced mayor escape to Paris, escaping arrest. It was Putin who stopped the investigation into Sobchak's abuses, and it was Putin who brought Xenia's father home when it was safe for him in Russia.

Let's not stir up the biography of Anatoly Sobchak, but isn't the funeral indicative? Who comforts the widow and daughter, if not the closest person, practically a family member?

Distancing himself from his relationship with Putin, Sobchak is gaining points and support abroad, as well as his loud statements about the wrong policies of the Kremlin. Why this clowning? Perhaps the Kremlin needs just such a candidate in the elections, and this colorful show will bring some variety to the elections and create the illusion of competition?

TV presenter, journalist and socialite Ksenia Sobchak has repeatedly spoken out about her skepticism about family values ​​and childbearing in particular. All her novels stopped before reaching their logical conclusion, that is, before the wedding.

It seemed to most of her fans and opponents that Sobchak would never marry. But no, she got married and had a child. Actor Maxim Vitorgan became the chosen one of 32-year-old Ksenia, and this news was completely unexpected for everyone.

Hereditary actor

Maxim Vitorgan was born in the acting family of Emmanuil Vitorgan and Alla Butler. The son of famous parents, he graduated from GITIS in 1993, and entered the Moscow Youth Theater, where he played in productions of Thunderstorm and Decembrists.

Since 1999, he served in Lenkom, but during his creative career he managed to work with the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, the Theater of Nations, the Center. Meyerhold. He became widely known as part of the Quartet I Theater, where he played the role of DJ Misha in the production of Radio Day and Election Day. These performances have been filmed.

Maxim's filmography includes more than 50 works. Most often in the cinema, he gets roles in comedies, he explains this fact with a typical appearance: "Such a large, awkward person."

Mystery of romance

Sobchak and Vitorgan met at the rally "For Fair Elections", but the acquaintance did not continue immediately. At that time, Ksenia was in a relationship, and Vitorgan began to conquer her.

As he himself admits, at the first meeting, Ksenia made a stunning impression on him. "I have never seen such a combination of strength, energy and fragility."

The couple hid their relationship for a long time, even from relatives and closest friends. February 1, 2013 Sobchak and Vitorgan got married.

The ceremony took place in the cinema "Wick". The invitees were sure that they had come to the premiere with the participation of Vitorgan. But suddenly, quite unexpectedly, Xenia appeared, in a wedding dress and veil. For most guests, this came as a surprise.

Various theories were circulated in the press, for what reasons Sobchak chose Vitorgan. One of them said that in this way Ksenia is trying to forget her previous romance, the other - that there are no hunters to Sobchak's hand, so she grabbed the first person she met (the years go by, but no one really wants to mess with such a woman). They also discussed the version of creating an extra informational occasion, and that Sobchak wants to move away from the opposition ...

Interesting Notes:

Few believed in the sincerity of this couple and in the reality of marriage. No one thought about such a simple thing that the iron Sobchak could “float” and fall in love.

However, many things speak in favor of this particular version.

In principle, all her serious relationships ended with an offer, but it didn’t go beyond that.

Already someone, and Sobchak has seen in her lifetime and billionaires, and stars, and ardent patriots, and fighters against the regime - but no one offered her the main thing. What Vitorgan offered her was to love her for who she is.

In addition, such convinced "childfree" do not give birth to children simply because it's time. They give birth to children in exceptional cases. For example, for love.

Unity of opposites

At first glance, they are too different. She is provocative, social, with a reputation as one of the most scandalous media people. He is selective in communication, reserved intellectual. According to Maxim himself, he was not so interested in secular parties that he did not even suspect the extent of his wife's popularity.

“The press is interested in her every sneeze, every word becomes an occasion for an entire article,” he shared his experiences in an interview with one of the portals. “If I find myself at some social events, it means that I was beaten badly.”

Despite the difference in lifestyle and temperaments, the couple is still together. Many say that Sobchak has become softer, has ceased to get involved in various adventures. Vitorgan began to look better, lost weight, began to dress stylishly.

November 18, 2016 the couple had a son, Plato. At first, the young mother practically did not leave the country house in which they live with the mother of the journalist, Lyudmila Narusova. Ksenia admits that a few years ago she could not even imagine that she would enjoy a quiet, "village" life.

Vitorgan also enjoys fatherhood. The actor has two children from previous marriages, but he perceives later fatherhood in a completely different way. “I look at him every time and don’t really understand why I even leave the house ... He is still such a lucky dude: calm, attentive, reasonable.”

Ksenia Sobchak began her career on the Russian television screen as the host of the scandalous show Dom-2. Today she is no longer the scandalous blonde she was in the zero years. Now she is known as a witty publicist and an excellent interviewer. According to the joint rating of the Ekho Moskvy radio station, the Ogonyok magazine and the Interfax agency, published in March 2014, Ksenia Sobchak ranks 22nd among the most influential women in Russia.

She continues to host the Sobchak Live program on the Dozhd TV channel, maintains a blog on Instagram, and also holds the post of editor-in-chief in the fashion magazine L'Officiel. In October 2017, Sobchak announced her intention to run for president, replacing the column "against all" for voters.

Childhood and youth of Ksenia Sobchak

The famous TV presenter Ksenia Anatolyevna Sobchak was born in St. Petersburg on November 5, 1981. Father - co-author of the current Constitution of the Russian Federation, the first mayor of post-Soviet St. Petersburg (headed the city from 1991 to 1996) Anatoly Sobchak (died in 2000). Mother - a senator from the Republic of Tuva since 2002, a former State Duma deputy Lyudmila Narusova. But at the time of the birth of their daughter, the spouses were teachers who did not think about a political career: Anatoly Alexandrovich - from the Faculty of Law of the Leningrad State University, Lyudmila Borisovna - from the Faculty of History of the Leningrad Institute of Culture. Krupskaya.

Sobchak has an older (16 years old) half-sister Maria, born in Anatoly Sobchak's first marriage to philologist Nonna Gadzyuk. She is a lawyer by education, she worked in the St. Petersburg Bar Association.

Ksenia first studied at the "English" school No. 185, but she received a certificate already at the school at the Herzen State Pedagogical University. In parallel with her studies, the girl studied at the ballet studio and attended the Hermitage art school. The teacher, composer Vladislav Uspensky, who was engaged in the musical education of the girl and taught her to play the piano, came home to the Sobchaks. Ksyusha studied excellently, but she was the purest humanitarian: physics and chemistry were given to her with difficulty. She read a lot, including the works of ancient Greek historians: Suetonius, Plutarch, Tacitus, knew all the sculptures in the Summer Garden by heart.

Close girls noted that she was an extremely naughty and impudent child, often disrupted lessons. In addition, Ksyusha has always been sharp on the tongue. For example, when Anatoly Sobchak once tried to flog a naughty daughter, she shouted: “Me too, democrat!” However, Ksyusha always easily found a common language with her father, but relations with her mother were tense.

Interview with 11-year-old Ksenia Sobchak

Ksenia Sobchak has known the second President of Russia Vladimir Putin since childhood. In his youth, Vladimir Vladimirovich was Sobchak's adviser on foreign relations.

In 1998, she became a student at the Faculty of International Relations at St. Petersburg State University, but literally three years later, due to moving to Moscow, she had to transfer to a similar specialty at MGIMO. A year later, after receiving a bachelor's degree (her thesis was an analysis of the presidential regime in Russia and France), Sobchak entered the magistracy at the Faculty of Political Science, which she graduated in 2004, after which she went to graduate school, which she never completed.

Scandalous person and socialite

Fame came to Ksenia Sobchak at the age of 16 - it was then that she first appeared on the pages of the Russian tabloid Express Courier, which reported that the daughter of the mayor of St. Petersburg had been kidnapped. In 1998, 17-year-old Ksyusha was credited with an affair with 43-year-old businessman Umar Dzhabrailov, then with publisher Vyacheslav Leibman, after that with Alexander Shustorovich, also a publisher. In 2001, the media reported about about $ 600,000 worth of jewelry stolen from a girl's apartment (according to the documents, allegedly belonged to Leibman).

All scandalous videos of Ksenia Sobchak

And although relatives tried in every possible way to protect their daughter from such attacks by the press, it seemed that the attention of journalists only fuels Xenia's passion for public provocations. The girl was a frequenter of all secular parties, her name often appeared in drug scandals, she also managed to star in a photo shoot for men's gloss.

Lyudmila Narusova, said that Ksenia's shocking roots go back to childhood, and she was sure that her daughter's behavior was temporary and would soon pass.

Ksenia herself later admitted that she was horrified by the “cocaine glamor” of the 2000s, but she reconciled and mimicked fashion trends, because the image of the “blonde in chocolate” went with a bang.

I was horrified by all this. But is it somehow necessary to live and survive in fashionable Moscow? Soon I was trying to come to terms with reality with Wonderbra silicone liners and pink corsets.

Dom-2 and other TV projects

In 2004, Ksenia Sobchak became the co-host of Ksenia Borodina on the controversial Dom-2 project. It should be noted that the impudent girl, who does not go into her pocket for a word, fits perfectly into the format of an ambiguous reality show, which brought Xenia not only fame, but also a huge amount of criticism. So, in 2005, the Duma Health Committee sent a statement to the Prosecutor General's Office with a request to bring Sobchak to criminal responsibility (with the wording "for pimping and pandering").

At the dawn of her career, Sobchak hosted the scandalous show "Dom-2"

With the growth of popularity and interest in her person, Ksenia began to be invited as a host by other TV channels. Later, she hosted the programs "Who Doesn't Want to Be a Millionaire" on TNT, "The Last Hero" and "Two Stars" on the First, "Blonde in Chocolate", "Top Model in Russian" on Muz-TV.

In 2008 and 2010, Ksenia Sobchak, along with Ivan Urgant, was the host of the Muz-TV Prize. Thanks to Ksenia's sociability and eloquence, programs with her participation have always aroused the genuine interest of the audience, although - often - with a minus sign.

Ksenia Sobchak recites a poem about an inflatable version of herself

By this time, her style had changed from glamorous to more delicate and feminine - "a la russe". Not the last role in the change of image was played by her friendship with the designer Ulyana Sergienko.

Soon Ksenia Sobchak became the host of the radio program "Weekdays Barabaki" (later renamed "Barabaki and the Gray Wolf") on the radio station "Silver Rain". In the spring of 2010, the girl of the talk show "Freedom of Thought" on Channel Five, but after several episodes left the project, because, according to her, "everything slipped into a discussion of utility tariffs." Then, for six months, she was the co-host of the entertainment program “Girls” on the Russia-1 TV channel, created as an alternative to the ProjectorParisHilton Channel One project. Xenia's company was Marina Golub, Alla Dovlatova and Olga Shelest. After the 24th issue of the first season, Ksenia left the program after the scandal with Vladimir Solovyov on the air.

Ksenia Sobchak in the program "Girls": scandal with Vladimir Solovyov

In addition to the role of the host, Ksenia tried herself with great pleasure in new endeavors, for example, she participated in the show "Circus with the Stars" and starred in Timati's video for their joint song "Let's Dance".

In early July 2012, Ksenia Sobchak left the Dom-2 project, stating the following:

I left because I internally outgrew this stage, and also because I find it impossible to combine social activities with the conduct of such a show. I used to think that it was enough to reflect reality, and people would be horrified, but now I understand that this is not enough, you need not just reflect - you need to create reality in order to educate those who are still included in the disgusting matrix of lies and indifference of our society.

Actor career

Ksenia Sobchak received her first film role in 2003, playing a journalist in the film Thieves and Prostitutes. In 2006, the film "Chocolate Blonde" was released, in which Paris Hilton played the main role. Ksenia dubbed her character's lines into Russian. In 2007, Sobchak got the role of a prostitute in the film by Garik Kharlamov and Mikhail Galustyan "The Best Movie".

In 2008, Ksenia starred in the film "Hitler Kaput" as Adolf Hitler's mistress. In the same year, such films as "Beauty Requires...", "Nobody Knows About Sex 2", "Europe-Asia" and "Artifact" were released, where the TV presenter appeared in episodic roles. In 2012-2013, she was involved in such films as "A Short Course in a Happy Life", "Rzhevsky against Napoleon", "Term", "Affair with Cocaine" and "Corporate Party".

Ksenia Sobchak crashed into Euroset

The girl is also connected with Euroset by the fact that in 2010 she acquired 0.1 percent of the shares from the owner of the company Alexander Mamut for one million dollars. She is also one of the three co-owners of the Bublik cafe on Tverskoy Boulevard in Moscow. She invested about 17 million rubles in this institution.


Ksenia Sobchak wrote five books, one of them co-authored with Oksana Robsky (Marriage to a Millionaire, or Marriage of the Highest Grade (2009). The first printed work was the book Ksenia Sobchak's Stylish Things. titled "Masks, glitter, curlers. The ABC of beauty".

In 2010, the "Encyclopedia of a sucker" was released - a book that defines a "loch" as "a person for whom self-presentation is above all else." In the same year, together with Ksenia Sokolova, a collection of interviews was published, compiled on the basis of articles for the GQ magazine - the book Philosophy in the Boudoir.


Ksenia Sobchak has repeatedly become the culprit or participant in various scandals in the media. In 2008, she had a fight on the radio "Mayak" with the host of the program "Cult of Personality" Katya Gordon. During the interview, a skirmish broke out between them, which then continued on the Internet, as a result of which Gordon was fired from the radio station.

Ksenia Sobchak vs. Katya Gordon on Mayak radio

In 2011, Sobchak grappled (in a figurative sense) with Anastasia Volochkova. Sobchak participated in the filming of the program "Let them talk", dedicated to the anniversary of the ballerina. This transfer was the starting point, after which Anastasia left the United Russia party, swearing at both United Russia and Sobchak.

Conflict between Ksenia Sobchak and Anastasia Volochkova

Political activity

Until a certain point, the name of Ksenia Sobchak was associated by the majority exclusively with “yellow” scandals and “Dom-2”, until in 2006 the girl announced the creation of the youth movement “Everyone is free!”. According to Sobchak's plan, the main goal of the organization was to be "a fun and easy fight for rights", but these plans remained unfulfilled.

Ksenia Sobchak began to actively demonstrate her civic position in 2011. In December 2011, she actively rallied against the falsification of elections to the Duma, in March 2012 she participated in the rally "For Fair Elections", and on May 8, the girl, along with Alexei Navalny, was detained at the Nikitsky Gate. After that, her career leading on state channels went downhill. First of all, she was excluded from the list of hosts of the Muz-TV anniversary award. In the summer of 2012, a search was carried out in the apartment of Ksenia Sobchak with the seizure of significant sums of money, but the investigation did not find anything illegal in the origin of the funds, so they were returned to the girl.

The experience gained by Ksenia over the years of work on television helped in the public expression of her political views. So, in 2012, the first issue of the talk show “The State Department with Ksenia Sobchak” was released on the MTV-Russia channel, which was called “Where is Putin Leading Us?”. It was attended by the coordinator of the Left Front Sergei Udaltsov, a member of the Solidarity movement Ilya Yashin and the head of the movement In Defense of the Khimki Forest Yevgenia Chirikova. After the first release, the show was closed by decision of the channel, although low ratings were announced as the official reason for the cancellation. Two weeks later, the first series of the State Department-2 program was published as part of the Internet version of the Snob magazine.

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