Circus performance "Starfall" for children of senior preschool age. The scenario of the circus performance "musical circus" for preschoolers and younger students


Expected Result:

- bring joy to children and parents;
- to cultivate a sense of kindness and love for adults, giving them a holiday;
- to reveal the creative potential of each child, giving him the opportunity to believe in himself, to feel his success, to increase the significance of the child in the eyes of his parents.

Result of activity:

The performance "The Circus lights the fires" was liked by the guests and the participants themselves. The guests applauded merrily, and the children performed enthusiastically, as a result, this program was shown on the "Day of Laughter" to the entire kindergarten, where adult clowns were involved who led this program.
Separate performances, such as "Doves", "Russian nesting dolls", "Trained dogs" were shown in the Palace of Culture of the city of Staraya Ladoga at the annual festival "Ladoga Gathers Friends".

Children with circus performances also performed in front of a team of teachers of primary classes of the Volkhov city gymnasium and secondary schools No. 1 and No. 8 and were highly appreciated for their efforts.

The melody of the song "We dreamed of a circus for a long time" sounds. Two clowns Tic and Tac run into the hall.

Preschoolers, dads, moms, all the guys - you and me!

Let's start our parade - hello!

Parade - alle.

Here are our horses

They wave their heads.

And the actress -

Ballerina Vasilisa

Here are the dogs - they know the numbers,

They count to five.

And here are the strongmen -

Horseshoes bend like rolls!

Here is Mishutka with mom, dad,

He waves his paw to all the guests.

Here comes the lion tamer

With my pet Leva -

Roll call.

You have many worries.

And they are all very loved.

On our vast planet

The only, unique!

That we can play sometimes

There are moments like this

That we can joke and fight.

4. We are capricious beyond measure,

Offended and inflated.

And you're losing faith in us

For a moment, sometimes for a minute.

5. And we want to kiss you,

Bad guys forget everything.

And grieve, beloved,

You will never be.

6. We wish you to live for three hundred years,

May life be good.

The sky is bright and clear

And the soul rejoices!

music S. Kozhukhovskaya

Everyone takes their seats. The horses go behind the curtain .

Tick: Here is our stage, it is called the arena.

Horses sit on chairs. The ballerina goes behind the curtain.

So, attention!

Only today and only with us

Young ballerina from Berlin

Actress - Vasilisa

Performing on the tightrope now!

(The ballerina comes out, )

Performed "Dance of the Ballerina on the Rope".

The melody “Letki-enki” sounds. Tix runs into the hall like a flat horse on a stick .

Tick: Caught ... Yes, while I was running after her - that's what was left of her - she completely drove (sighs).

Tak: Okay, don't worry! Get your act together - it's your turn to announce the next artists.

Tick: The program continues.

This number is the hardest!

Strongmen in the arena

The best circus performers in the world!

Throw weights,

Like baby balls!

The strong men come out.

Performance of the strongmen.

1. Gymnastic exercises.

2. Weights.

3. Pyramid.

The famous Ivan Ogurets.

(A pantomime is played with lifting the barbell. The clown comments on the actions of the athlete, emphasizing (exaggerating) the efforts that he makes to lift the barbell. And now the weight is taken 200 kg. Ivan Ogurets bypasses the circle of honor to the applause of the audience and puts two more disks on the barbell. Number c repeats with comments. Weight is taken. The weightlifter leaves. He receives a cucumber as a gift.)

Tak: Guys, your dads are also just as strong and dexterous ? (Children's answers.)

"Song about dad" music V. Shainsky.

So: And now I am pleased to present the incomparable, brilliant Anastasia with her trained pigeons.

Teak (runs out screaming) Lost! Lost!

Tak: What's lost?

Tick: Lost the candy! (Looking for) Not here, not here!

Tick: Got it! Here is my candy! (Shows to the audience)

So: I want!

Tick: I'll give you candy if you guess which hand I'll hide it in!

So : Turned away!

Tick: Done! (holds out both hands)

So I'm afraid to make a mistake…..Tick! You have a huge mosquito on your forehead! ). Candy in this hand!

Open doors wider

Animals perform in the circus!

Here is the bear clumsy,

Looking for dad, looking for mom!

Don't worry, they're here

There they bring the log here!

The bears come out. Mishutka tries to help them. The log falls on his paw - he starts to roar.

Tick: What is it? What happened?

So: Mishka's paw was crushed!

Better call an ambulance

Dial "03" soon!

Tick: Tick is calling you from the circus!

Send us a car!

Tick: Mishka's paw was crushed!

Aibolit: I brought Ivat bandages!

show me sick

One, two, three - and you're done!

Ready to perform!

He gets on a scooter and goes around the arena, everyone is chasing him. Next come the bears: dad and mom, they ride bicycles, bow. Then Mishutka lies on his back and “rolls” the log with his paws. The clown Tuck directs all these tricks.

The bears bow and leave.

Tick: But I will amuse you all,

Learn math!

And the dogs will help me -

Dogs are not simple:

Can put the numbers in a row,

Add and multiply!

Dog performance.

The “Dog Waltz” sounds and the dogs one by one show different exercises:

Running between the legs of a clown;

Running through the "tunnel";

Dance to music;

So: And now, dear guests, attention! (Drumroll)

The light goes out soon, soon

And jump into the hoop deftly,

I am a wonderful circus performer

And a master trainer!

trainer (gives different commands): Lyova! Hello - gop!

Jumped on the pedestal.

Give me a paw, another one.

Hit the ball.

Jump into the "burning hoop".

Tick: Conquered the arenas of the world

Great magician-fakir!

Music sounds, assistant girls run into the hall and take their starting position.

(song by F. Kirkorov "Salma").

Suleiman: Our dear mothers!

You eclipsed with your beauty

And the light of the moon, and the light of the sun -

You are not more beautiful in the world!

The magical gift of my soul.

And if he gives fun

Shows tricks:

I . Colored water.

II . Where are the nesting dolls?

Dance "Russian nesting dolls"

III . The snake charmer:

I conjure with my music.

Do not be afraid, dear friends,

(Ravel's "Bolero" sounds, Suleiman blows a pipe - a Snake appears ).

Reprise with a snake.

So I prepared a treat for the guys

Tick: A treat for the kids, and a surprise for moms! (Children give souvenirs to their mothers).

Sounds like "Circus". All participants become a semicircle.

Clowns: The program has come to an end, together we will ask moms:

Was the circus good here? (Moms:…)

Clap your hands together!

Thank you say clowns

Thank you strongmen!

Let's all clap

Happy circus!

The song "Circus" is performed, music M. Sutyagina.

The holiday ends.




The melody of the song "We dreamed of a circus for a long time" sounds. Two clowns Tik and Tak run into the hall.

Tick: The program is starting, hurry to the circus, friends!

Preschoolers, dads, moms, all the guys - you and me!

So: Let no one sit at home today,

Come all to us circus - let's have fun!

Tick: Listen and watch everyone

Let's start our parade - hello!

The melody of the song "Circus" sounds, music. I. Dunayevsky. Children-artists come out, and clowns represent them:

Parade - alle.

Here are our horses

They wave their heads.

And here is the actress

Ballerina Vasilisa

Here are the dogs - they know the numbers,

They count to five.

And here are the strongmen -

Horseshoes bend like rolls!

Here is Mishutka with mom, dad,

He waves his paw to all the guests.

Here comes the lion tamer

With my pet Leva -

We all know each other from books!

All participants in the circus performance go around the hall and stop in a semicircle.

Roll call.

1. We are glad to see you at the holiday,

You have many worries.

But you put aside everything now,

For what? Why? Everyone will understand this.

After all, the holiday of all women in the country is coming.

2. How many mothers are there in this world?

And they are all very loved.

On our vast planet

The only, unique!

3. Don't be angry, dear ones,

That we can play sometimes

There are moments like this

That we can joke and fight.

4. We are capricious beyond measure,

Offended and inflated.

And you're losing faith in us

For a moment, sometimes for a minute.

5. And we want to kiss you,

We will forget the bad.

And grieve, beloved,

You will never be.

6. We wish to live for three hundred years,

May life be good.

The sky is bright and clear

And the soul rejoices!

Children sing the song "Congratulations to our mothers",music S. Kozhukhovskaya

Everyone takes their seats.The horses go behind the curtain.

Tick: Here's our stage, it's called the arena.

Wonderful horses in the arena, on the playground!

They run very nicely around the site.

Their manes are curly and their backs are smooth.

Then one after another they run harmoniously,

They stand quietly on their knees.

Girls perform "Dance of the Circus Horses"

(“Rhythmic Mosaic” by A.I. Burenina).

Horses sit on chairs.The ballerina goes behind the curtain.

Tick: You have good horses! And I also have a horse, but not a simple one, but a clockwork one.

(Whistling - a “horse” of 2 adults comes running, dancing “Letka-enka”. Then Tik wants to ride it, but does not have time to sit on it, as she runs out the door, he runs after her screaming).

Tak: Do you guys think Tick will catch his horse? Well, let him catch her for now ... And now I am announcing the next artist.

So, attention!

Only today and only with us

Young ballerina from Berlin

Actress - Vasilisa

Performing on the tightrope now!

(The ballerina comes out,and the strongmen at this time change clothes)

Performed "Dance of the Ballerina on the Rope".

(Polka "Anna". Sat. "Dance Rhythm" by T. Suvorova) Sits down.

The melody “Letki-enki” sounds. Tick runs into the hall with a flat horse on a stick.

Tak: Well, did you catch your horse?

Tick: Caught ... Yes, while I was running after her - that's what was left of her - she completely drove(sighs).

Tak: Okay, don't worry! Get your act together - it's your turn to announce the next artists.

Tick: The program continues.

This number is the hardest!

Strongmen in the arena

The best circus performers in the world!

Throw weights,

Like baby balls!

The strong men come out. At this time, pigeons are preparing.

Performance of the strongmen.

1. Gymnastic exercises.

2. Weights.

3. Pyramid.

Tick: And now the wrestler is entering the arena,

The famous Ivan Ogurets.

(A pantomime is played with lifting the barbell. The clown comments on the actions of the athlete, emphasizing (exaggerating) the efforts that he makes to lift the barbell. And now the weight is taken 200 kg. Ivan Ogurets bypasses the circle of honor to the applause of the audience and puts two more discs on the barbell. Number c repeats with comments. Weight is taken. The weightlifter leaves. He receives a cucumber as a gift.)

Tak: Guys, your dads are also just as strong and dexterous? (Children's answers.)

"Song about dad"music V. Shainsky.

So: And now I am pleased to present the incomparable, brilliant Anastasia with her trained pigeons.

The melody "Alevander" sounds. A trainer comes out with pigeons.

Performance of trained pigeons.

(After the performance of the pigeons, the Bears go to prepare).

Teak (runs out screaming)Lost! Lost!

Tak: What's lost?

Tick: Lost the candy!(Looking for) Not here, not here!

Tak: What kind of candy did you have? Fruity? Chocolate? Marmalade?

Tick: Which one is which one? Delicious! Here's what!

Tak: And if you find candy, will you give me a bite?

Tick: Got it! Here is my candy!(Shows to the audience)So, do you want to bite off the candy, but the whole thing?

So: I want!

Tick: I'll give you candy if you guess which hand I'll hide it in!

So good! I guess. Hide quickly!

Tick: Just turn your back and don't peek.

So (walks away and stands with his back to Tic): Turned away!

Tick: Done! (holds out both hands)

So (wants to show, then pulls his hands away):I'm afraid to make a mistake…..Tick! You have a huge mosquito on your forehead!(Tick slaps his forehead with his free hand). Candy in this hand!

Tick: That's right, you guessed it! Get candy! How did you guess?

So: Ask the guys! They will tell you, but I have no time - it's time to announce the next number…….

Performance of trained bears.

Open doors wider

Animals perform in the circus!

Here is Mishutka clubfoot,

Looking for dad, looking for mom!

Don't worry, they're here

There they bring the log here!

Bears come out. Mishutka tries to help them. The log falls on his paw - hestarts to roar.

Tick: What is it? What's happened?

So: Mishka's paw was crushed!

Better call an ambulance

Dial "03" soon!

Tick: Tick is calling you from the circus!

Send us a car!

Aibolit rides out from behind the scenes on a scooter with a medical bag.

Aibolit: Say what happened?

Tick: Mishka's paw was crushed!

Aibolit: I brought bandages and cotton wool!

show me sick….. (takes out iodine, lubricates the wound)

One, two, three - and you're done!

Teddy bear: I'm already completely healthy,

Ready to perform!

He gets on a scooter and goes around the arena, everyone is chasing him. Next come the bears: dad and mom, they ride bicycles, bow. Then Mishutka lies on his back and “rolls” the log with his paws. The clown Tak directs all these tricks.

The bears bow and leave.

Tick: But I will amuse you all,

Learn math!

And the dogs will help me -

Dogs are not simple:

Can put the numbers in a row,

Add and multiply!

Music sounds. Dogs run out - two girls.

Dog performance.

Account with numbers: The clown shows the cards - the dogs bark.

Tick: And now we will show you the highest class!

The “Dog Waltz” sounds and the dogs one by one show different exercises:

Jumping into hoops laid out on the floor;

Running between the legs of a clown;

Running through the "tunnel";

Dance to music;(Then Tick commands: "Dogs, home!" - the dogs run away)

So: And now, dear guests, attention!(Drumroll)We ask you to sit still, do not get up from your seats in order to avoid an accident.

The light goes out soon, soon

The king of beasts is in the arena! With her trainer Maria!

Performance of a trained lion

Music sounds. Maria comes out first, bows, then snaps her whip - from behind the curtains with an important gait, slowly, Leo comes out - a boy.

Leo (important): I can deftly throw the ball

And jump into the hoop deftly,

I am a wonderful circus performer

And a master trainer!

trainer (gives different commands):Lyova! Hello - gop!

  1. Jumped on the pedestal.
  2. Give me a paw, another one.
  3. Hit the ball.
  4. Jump into the "burning hoop".
  5. In a hoop with "sticked knives".
  6. In a hoop lined with corrugated paper.

At the end of the performance, they bow and sit on chairs.

Tick: Conquered the arenas of the world

Great magician-fakir!

Music sounds, assistant girls run into the hall and take their starting position.

Performing "Oriental Dance"

(song by F. Kirkorov "Salma").

(At the end of the dance, the magician Suleiman comes out)

Suleiman: Our dear mothers!

You eclipsed with your beauty

And the light of the moon, and the light of the sun -

You are not more beautiful in the world!

Accept, incomparable, as a gift

The magical gift of my soul.

And if he gives fun

Then our souls will be full of joy!

Shows tricks:

I. Colored water.(At this time, the girls dress up for the dance "Russian nesting dolls").

II. Where are the nesting dolls?

Dance "Russian nesting dolls"

III. The snake charmer:

I am the great snake charmer

I conjure with my music.

Do not be afraid, dear friends,

Here, in a jug - a trained snake!

(Ravel's "Bolero" sounds, Suleiman blows the pipe - the Snake appears).

Reprise with a snake.

Suleiman: I am very happy with your circus,

So I prepared a treat for the guys.... (Blowing a pipe - an adult,who controls the snake, pulls out a treat by the fishing line).

Tick: A treat for the kids, and a surprise for moms!(Children give their mothers souvenirs).

The melody "Circus" sounds. All participants become a semicircle.

Clowns: The program has come to an end, we will ask our mothers in unison:

Was the circus good here?(Moms:…)

Clap your hands together!

It's good when a lot of lights sparkle in the circus!

It's good when there are many friends in the circus!

Thank you say clowns

Thank you strongmen!

Let's all clap

Happy circus!

The song "Circus" is performed,music M. Sutyagina.

At the end of the song, balloons with wishes fall from the ceiling.

The holiday ends.

Circus entertainment.

Summer game program for outdoor activities.



Clown Knopa


Attention! Attention!

Summer party!

Hurry up quickly

The holiday will be more fun!

Leading: Hello guys! Today we are here to play and have fun!

Music sounds, an envelope flies to the feet of the presenter.

The host takes out a telegram from the envelope.

Leading: Look, guys, and the wind brought us a telegram.(read out)

“I am a cheerful clown Knop,

I'll be visiting soon.

Jokes, games, jokes

I'll bring it with me!"

Guys, how will he find us? We need to make some noise so that Knopa can hear us. Let's clap loudly together, stomp merrily, meow loudly, grunt merrily. And now, baby, let's all shout out loud "Hurrah"!

The kids are clapping...

Knopa enters.


Here I am! Long time no see!

You've been waiting, haven't you?

Leading: Yes, sure! And since you have come - say hello, you see - the audience.

Button: I don't see any donut!

Leading: Yes, not a donut, but the audience. Say hello guys!

Button: Hello viewers! Do you want to compete with me?

Leading: What to compete in?

Button: Well, for example, who will open their mouth wider and say "A"! So guys, 1 - 2 - 3!(children open mouth "A")And now, who will scream louder! Come on 1 - 2 - 3!(children shout "Oh")

Leading: You know, Knopa, I'll tell you in advance, we don't need such competitions!

Button: Okay, I was joking. But how much fun it immediately became!


All! Stop opening your mouth and screaming!

It's time for us to dance!

Can you dance?

Button: Of course, my grandmother Koryavushka taught me to dance. Do you want me to teach you?

Dance - the game "You have me"
1. I have (show pens on yourself)

Funny pens. (shake hands in front of you)
I have (point to yourself)
You have (point to partner)
Funny legs (putting feet on heels)

Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap (cymbals)
We are with you, we are with you, (tilt forward and back, hands on the belt)
Top, top, top, top. (stomp)
Lose: spinning in pairs
2. For me, for you (point to yourself, then to your partner)
Beautiful eyes (show eyes with hands)
I have, you have (point to yourself, then to your partner)
Beautiful cheeks (draw circles at the cheeks)
We are with you, we are with you, (tilt forward and back, hands on the belt)
Clap, clap, clap, clap, (with fingers in front of the face we clap cilia (like a beak)
We are with you, we are with you
We touch the inflated cheeks with fists(get sound).

Button: Now listen carefully, I have a suggestion: Do you want to go to the circus?

Children: Yes!

Button: Then we will now go to the circus for a circus performance.

Guys, do you agree? Then repeat after me

"One - two - three, spin around,

Turn the street into a circus!”(children repeat)

Hooray! Happened! We are in place! Now we will arrange such a circus here, just gasp! And let's start our performance with a parade-alle.

Leading: Button, what is it?

Button: The parade alle is the exit of all participants in the circus performance before it starts. Come on guys, show yourself.


We got up early today.

And they started charging.

Hands up! Hands down!

Turn left and right!

Sit together, stand together,

And they began to make inclinations.

They started jumping and jumping.

And then play again.

(Perform movements on the text).

Button: The first number of our program will be jugglers!

Do you want to be jugglers? And we will play with circus hats and rings. (Children's answers)


Children stand in a circle, Knopa and the Leader - in the center of the circle, with rings for the ring toss; children pass the hat around: “Give the hat to a friend, catch the ring in the hat!”. The button and the presenter throw the ball a ring to the one on whom the words have ended.


circus riddles,

Guess what, clowns!

Who performs in the circus arena?

Everyone knows these artists.

Waving a wand -
The predators are dancing.
Frowning face -
The lion will jump into the ring.
What is he, a regulator?
No, this is ... (tamer)

Any object in my hands
As if bewitched.

There is a ball, but there isn’t!
Here it is again!

Here and there, then no, then there is!
And now the balls can not be counted!

Look, they're gone!
Where can I get them?!

And very strange,

I'm getting them again...

From your pocket!(Magician)

Juggler performs on stage
He throws balls with his trunk
Standing on the paw, on one,
He is very nice and funny.(Elephant)

Here are acrobat kittens,
Here are the clown kittens.
Over the head - somersault,
So here is the cat...(Circus)


Well done you guys

Solve all the riddles!

Please continue Knopa.

Button: What else please!? Who is this please?

Leading: How so? Knopa, don't you know the magic words?

Button: I know many different magic words. Abra-kadabra, Akhalay - mahalai, for example. But why do I need these magic words now?

Host: Oh, Klepa!

There are magic words

All locks open

We say them not in vain,

They help in life

Feel free to speak

Hello please,

It is easier for us to live with them,

Sailing under a white sail.


Oh, these words are truly magical! How many of these words do you know? (children's answers). And now we'll check it out!

Game "Magic words"

The guys are divided into two teams.A child with a ball runs around obstacles and, giving the ball, says a “good” word.

Presenter: Well done, you know a lot of magic words!


And the time has come again

Perform in the circus arena.

And circus animals will perform: giraffes, zebras, kittens and even elephants.

DANCE "AT THE GIRAFFE"text movement

(Ekaterina Zheleznova "A giraffe has spots")


The show continues!

Shooters are invited to speak.

Guys, do you want to become shooters?

Shoot the target game

The principle of the game is similar to bowling. At a distance of 8-10 meters from the starting line, skittles, cubes, boxes or plastic bottles with sand in the amount of 5 pieces are installed closely. Each team member is entitled to one throw, after which the ball passes to the next player. For each item knocked down, the player receives 1 point. All knocked down targets are set in their original place. The team with the most accurate hits wins, i.e. scoring more points.


The fun continues

Let's get in the mood!

Get in a circle soon

Let's dance more fun!


Four steps forward, four steps back.

Spinning, spinning our round dance.

We clap our hands, we stomp our feet.

We jerk our shoulders, and then we jump.

(With each repetition, the tempo speeds up. To the music.)


And now meet! On the arena of the circus "Dashing Riders"!

Guys, do you want to become riders?

Let's get ready to go to practice.

Relay game "Dashing Riders"Relay race. Two teams. Children ride wooden horses to the chair and back, passing the horse to another.


And now we will play with you in the stream.

Game "Brook with a ball"

Children line up in two columns, legs apart, pass the ball between their legs from hand to hand. The latter runs forward and transmits again. The game repeats until it returns to the beginning.


And now tricks! Do you love tricks?

I'm here to prepare my magic table.

/on the table under the tablecloth there are 3 identical plastic water bottles/

Get ready guys, the magic is about to begin.

You, water-water,

You are my student friend!

Stand, water-water,

Not simple - green!

Knopa covers one of the bottles with a lid, on which green gouache is applied, says magic words:


The first trick is out!”

flips, shakes the bottle. Everyone discusses together what happened to the water - the water turned green

You, water-water,

Light as frost!

Stand, water-water,

Not simple, but blue!

second focus similar to the first

You, water-water,

You are my beautiful friend!

Stand, water-water,

Not simple, but red!

the third focus in the likeness of the first.


Guys, do you like magic tricks? Something we stagnated. It's time for us to move.


We sat down for a bit

To break the bones

I suggest you run

Visit bubbles.

Mobile game "Soap Bubbles"

Leading: Guys, we are going to turn into bubbles now. Let's say the magic words:

One two Three,

We are all soap bubbles.

Bubbles love to fly. On a signal: “Fly”, you will run around the site. Bubbles have houses. These are hoops. At the signal: "It's time to go home!" you will try to take a place in the house. Whoever does not have enough space is eliminated from our game and turns back into a child.

During the game, the leader removes one hoop at a time, at the end of the game one hoop remains; bubble winners are praised.


Phew, that's what we flew.(Knopa takes off her butterfly, waves it at herself, sweats, and loses it, and the presenter quietly picks it up).

Do you guys have any favorite toys? Which? (children's answers)

I have one too, but I won't tell you which ones!

Presenter: Are you being mean?!

Button: No! I just want to play some more!

I will make riddles, and the guys will guess them!

They rush up, they play,

They fly away from a thin thread.

This is the joy of children -

Multi-colored ... (balloons)

There is a cabin, box,

Folding side on it,

Has wheels and tires

At the toy ... (Cars)

I like to play with him

Jump, run, chase!

What kind of ball is jumping briskly? -

This is my favorite... (Ball)

I change clothes for her

I put to sleep, I drive for a walk,

I'll comb it, and if necessary,

I will tie a beautiful bow.

What am I playing with, tell me, friends? (Doll)

Bears, cubes, cars

And the designers are big,

And balls and trinkets -

These are all mine ... (Toys)

Button: Well done! All my riddles are solved!

He wants to fix a butterfly on himself, which is no longer there.

Oh! Where is my favorite butterfly?

Leading: And here she is. We won't just give it to you. Let's teach you a little lesson so that you don't lose any more. Try to catch up with your butterfly. Guys, help!

Children pass the butterfly around to each other, and Knopa tries to catch up. Until he catches her.

Button: Cheers cheers! Caught up with! I won't lose her again.

Presenter: We had a little fun, and now we'll play puzzles!

Four caterpillars were walking in the garden,

One thought to swim in the pond.

He decided with a naked dive under the water,

And how many geese will continue on their way? (3)

Ripe apples in the garden

We got to taste them.

Five ruddy poured,

One with sourness, how many are there? (6)

Mushroom grew in the shade of aspens

He was alone at first

Here the second fungus broke through

I found myself next to the first

Surprised owl:

There was one, but it became .... (2)

Two tits sang songs

Two girlfriends, two singers

One of them has gone missing.

Apparently she was tired of singing.

No hint needed here.

There were two, now ... (one)

Button: Well, what are you good fellows! Is it time for us to return?

Leading: Yes, Knopa, it's time for the guys to return. Their mothers and fathers must have been waiting for them.


Then repeat after me

"One - two - three, spin around,

Turn the circus into a street!” (children repeat)


Hooray! Here we are back!

Now you can go for a walk.


The fun holiday was a success!

I think everyone liked it!


Farewell, farewell!

Everyone be happy

Healthy, obedient

Always kind.

End of entertainment. The children disperse.

Scenario circus performance

Kindergarten No. 6 "Swallow"

The music hall is decorated in the form of a circus arena. There is a dome, painted circus animals, and of course the famous music.

Parade alley. Two bicycles with flags ride out to circus music, circle around the "arena" and stop in the center of the arena.

Then all the participants of the circus show come out. They stop in a semicircle and say the words:

Circus! Circus! Circus!

The circus is very good!

Everywhere is festive, light!

Joyful laughter is ringing here!

Acrobats and jugglers

Trainers, dancers

We invite everyone to visit!!!

Circus music sounds. Participating views leave. Cyclists pass through the "arena" and leave the hall.

The steward (sprechstalmester) comes out: Only today and only here is the world-famous children's circus giving its only performance! The most famous and famous, the most dexterous and beautiful artists take part in it! Welcome our circus lights up!

Music sounds and the circus opens with a dance with sultans.

Steward: Here is a circus dog

All obedient

In vain she does not bark

Plays with a trainer.

A trainer with a dog performs at our circus arena.

In the arena, a trained dog to the music of "Dog Waltz".

A clown runs out: What a dog! Here you try to cope with the cow!

Manager: Here, try it!

Clown: Well, let's try!

Steward: Try it!

Clown: Gavryusha to me!

Reprise "Gavryusha". A “cow” runs out (To the music of “33 cows”). It runs around the clowns and stands next to it, slightly crouching on its hind legs.

Gavryusha: Mu!

Clown: Gavryusha, how much is one plus one?

Gavryusha: Mu! Mu!

Clown: Gavryusha, be quiet! Around! Sailor dance na-chi-nai!

Gavryusha dances "Apple", then, marching, leaves.

Steward: Famous gymnasts with the Hula-Hoop dance are in the circus arena! Meet!

Room with hoops.

Steward: In this issue of the program

Speaks in front of you

Famous sorcerer!

He does wonders for us

Surprises all children!

Reprise "Handkerchief" (clowns with a manager). At this time, assistants prepare props for the magician.

Magician: ………. There is a box in front of you

I put a handkerchief in it

I close one, two, three!

Hit with a stick - look!

I open the gingerbread man

But where did the handkerchief go?

The magician asks the clowns: Do you have a handkerchief in your pocket?

Clowns: no!

Magician: Well, follow me - he is ... behind my back!

Showing tricks with a bottle and a rope, with cards and a handkerchief.

Steward: They are beautiful and playful,

Graceful and beautiful!

Number "circus horses".

Steward: I continue the presentation,

I present the number again

Strongmen visiting us -

Greet them now!

Number "Strongmen".

The strongmen warm up: they squat, wave their arms to the sides and accidentally hit the clown, he almost falls. Strongmen throw weights up, throw them from side to side. One of the strongmen raises the barbell, I parade the weightlifter to the drum roll. The clowns offer to raise the bar to the count.

The strongmen leave. The clowns are trying to lift the bar, they are carried in one direction, then in the other. Swaying in tension, they approach the audience and ask someone to help clean up. They offer several times to squeeze the weight or barbell.

Steward: The famous fearless tamer performs with her animals: Leva, Leo and Tigrusha!

Number "Tamer with animals" to the music of M. Boyarsky "Up, and the tigers sat at my feet."

Reprise of a clown with a ball.

Steward: And now a circus performance with gymnastic balls! Applause!

Number with gymnastic balls.

Steward: Our performance is over!

All participants are invited to the arena!

Participants: Circus, circus, circus!

This is a magician who works miracles.

These are childhood surprised eyes.

This is a friendly striped tiger roar,

It's music and spotlights.

Circus, circus, circus!

These are waltz horses.

This is a clown who managed to make you laugh.

These are bright lights shining

How hard it is to tell us...

"Circus! Circus! Circus!". Scenario of the New Year's holiday in the senior group

Shvab Ekaterina Valerievna, music director of MBDOU Loukhsky kindergarten, Loukhi village, Loukhsky district, Republic of Karelia
Description: The script can be useful for music directors and teachers of preschool institutions, school teachers, employees of the Department of Culture.
Creating a joyful, New Year's mood in children.
To consolidate knowledge about the New Year's character Santa Claus, about the circus and circus professions.
Cultivate friendships, collectivism, responsibility, culture of behavior at the matinee.

Event progress:

Parents on site
And the children wait so long
When does the holiday start
Under our slender Christmas tree?
This New Year's Eve
Miracles happen
Now in kindergarten
The story begins...

Dance "New Year's Rhyme"

What is more beautiful in this room?
What did we decorate together?
You don't have to think long
Well of course it is..
Children (all): Christmas tree
1 child:
Tree, tree, tree!
Just a sight!
fluffy needles
Everyone is surprised!

2 child:
stars, lanterns,
Balls on it -
Everything is burning, shining
Lots of lights.

We are friendly to the Christmas tree
we all come
And a Christmas tree song
sing ours!
Children stand around the Christmas tree

"Yolochny round dance" by A. Evtodieva
Sit on chairs
The guys are whispering something
Do they have some kind of secret?
1 child.
We want to surprise
There is nothing more amazing.
2 child:
First! First! Today now,
Kindergarten circus present for you!
Special Circus! This circus on New Year's Eve
It will bring us many more miracles!
Our first guest - come soon!
Let's celebrate together!
Shurik runs out from behind the Christmas tree, performs two "wheels", kneels in front of the audience and children

Hello everyone, I'm the clown Shurik,
In a frock coat I painted,
Look at me
Do you like me today?
Oh, Shurik, today you are simply inimitable and your costume is excellent!
As long as we don't get bored.
We continue the circus
Listen, watch all
Let's start our parade!

"Parade - alle!" festive rebuilding + sit down
Let's start the show
Surprise all guests!
Participating in the show
the most famous and famous artists!
The first number of our program….
Shurik hides behind a Christmas tree.
Leading (to children):
Have you seen Shurik?
Shurik: I'm here!
And what are you doing?
I look through my grandfather's old binoculars, you can see a lot of unusual things in it
And what do you see?

Your dress is new and the decoration is also very suitable for the dress!
Oh, Shurik, don't embarrass me, it's better to look at the guys!
And now let's look at the guys!
Looks at children
Shurik: The kids have beautiful costumes.
And their eyes are waiting for something fabulous, unusual ....
Still, we have a New Year's, fabulous, magical holiday .. They are waiting for miracles!
Maybe they need to show focus?
What is a circus without tricks?
And now I will show tricks!
Does anyone have a mobile phone?
One of the spectators gives the clown a phone

"Mobile Focus"
Shurik puts the phone in a bag, takes a hammer, knocks where the parts are. Then he pours them into the palm of his hand, shows them to children and parents
Shurik, why did you break someone else's phone? Aren `t you ashamed?
Wait, wait, now look further!
Shurik puts the parts of the phone back into the bag, conjures over it and takes out the whole phone again.
Well done Shurik! Since you know how to do such difficult tricks, conjure us Santa Claus for the holiday, the children have been waiting for him for a long time!
Music sounds, Shurik conjures over (a large box), opens it, Baba Yaga appears.
Wow ... Like Santa Claus wanted to conjure, but here Baba Yaga showed up ....
Baba Yaga:
Look what you are, Baba Yaga, what, only in the forest should she sit ...?
I want New Years too!
Yes, I want to see the circus too.
Help at least the old one to get out of your box, I am also a magician, a magician.
Sits next to the children

Do not worry, Shurik, next time you will definitely succeed!
For the joy of a child
A traveling circus came to us
In singing and in ringing,
Everything in it is like in the present:
Let's start the New Year's circus performance!
The first number of our program is trained cats, meet with thunderous applause!

Cat Trainer:
My cats love affection
I feed them sausage
My cats are just awesome
Look at us all!

Dance "Trained cats"

Shurik: Can I try again?
Of course Shurik, how can we be without Grandfather Frost ...
Music sounds, Shurik conjures over the box, Santa Claus appears

Father Frost:
Wow .. For the first time I get on the Christmas tree from the box ...
Hello my dears,
Hello my pretty ones!
Oh, how elegant you are
All ruddy yes okay.
We need to celebrate the New Year
Get up in a round dance together!
Santa Claus, our Christmas tree is not burning, help us light the Christmas tree!
Father Frost:
Since I've come here
this grief is not a problem!
I'll fix it, my friends
I just need help!
Will you help me?
Will your parents help light the Christmas tree?
Then listen carefully and watch.
Get up!
Everybody get up

Father Frost:
Stretch your handles to the tree, squeeze your fists.
So that everything is like in a fairy tale,
close your eyes tightly!
And imagine two funny lights in the fists!
Now open your eyes, throw the lights up!
I'll catch the fires and throw them on the Christmas tree!
Children throw lights
Father Frost:
Christmas tree beauty, light up with clear lights,
Blue, green, yellow and red!
Let the star shine stronger
peace and happiness illuminates!
And now we all blow on the Christmas tree and quietly say the magic words:
"One, two, three Christmas tree burn!"
The lights are on

Father Frost:
We have not tried in vain with you,
the tree burst into flames!
Your lights are sparkling!
We are invited to the round dance

Round dance “Who walks there, wanders” by A. Evtodieva

Baba Yaga:
Just think, Shurik conjured Santa Claus ... Your Santa Claus himself would have come to you anyway, that he should sit at home ... Try to make my broom fly without me, and dance ... Haha, never work!
Father Frost:
Okay, granny, don’t be angry, it’s better to ride the kids on your broomstick and see for yourself, it will become more fun!

Game "Baba Yaga's Tail"

We continue our circus performance.
Open doors wider
Animals perform in the circus.
Meet the famous tamer Elena and her trained tigers!

Dance "Trained Tigers"
Shurik runs out from behind the Christmas tree, and knocks on rattles
Shurik, what are you doing, quickly remove the rattles!
(takes them away from Shurik)
Shurik takes out a pipe, blows the Leader in the ear
It's a shame what else you came up with..

Teases the Host by playing even louder. The presenter selects the tune
I'm out of tools, but I have hoops!
And what will you do with them?
I will give them to excellent assistants with trained pigeons.
This number is very unusual.
You can call it exotic.
I can't find any other words for him.
These pigeons only live in the circus
They dance together and don't get tired.

"Dance with trained pigeons" girls of the preparatory group

Baba Yaga:
What a beauty ... I also need to catch someone in my forest and prepare a circus act ..
Who will continue to perform with us?
The show continues!
We invite strongmen.
Every day, strong men pump muscles
Even strongmen are recognized at the Olympics!

"Dance of the Strong"

Father Frost:
Well done, made the old man happy!
Let's have an intermission now!
Feet don't want to stand
I invite you to play
Come on out kids
And show yourself to everyone!
The game "Let's jump"
Children sit down

Father Frost:
And now the attention game:

The game "Ssss-nezhinki" - Ssss-nezhki "
Snowball boys, snowflake girls. D.M. says, if “snowballs”, then the boys run, grab the staff with their hands, if “snowflakes” - the girls run out, take the staff. He speaks in different ways, or holds out sssssssnowballs, or snow----inks, the children wait for Santa Claus to say and run out to the staff.

So our New Year's holiday is coming to an end and the New Year is approaching closer.
In the New Year's bright hall, we have a clock ..
Shiny hands slide along the dial ...
You can't stop them even for a moment!
They are always on the move…tick tock, tick tock, tick tock!!

Dance "Tick-tock" by A. Chugaikina

Santa Claus, are you upset about something, what happened to you?
Father Frost:
Children are waiting for gifts, they forgot the bag with gifts in the forest. How can I bring it so quickly, I have no idea
Baba Yaga:
Take your bag, next time I won't carry it anymore
Father Frost:
Thank you Yagusya, today you are just so accommodating, kind, I will also have a gift for you!
Baba Yaga:
Well, thanks ... I didn’t expect ... I’ll still come in handy for you!
Today in the arena were:
Trained tigers and inimitable Elena!
Children run up, bow, receive gifts
Father Frost:
Beautiful cats and their trainer!
Cat girls run out, curtsey, receive gifts
And of course, world-famous strongmen!
Strong men come out, bow, receive gifts
There are cameras in the hall
Come on, `click` guys!
Next to Santa Claus!
Only together…
Father Frost: No questions!
Children take pictures with Santa Claus


In our world, saturated with information and stress, the soul asks for a fairy tale, a miracle, a feeling of a carefree childhood. And in connection with this, one of the main tasks of the educator is to develop the creative abilities of children, the desire to speak to the audience. The formula for success lies in the mutual love of children and adults who are passionate about one favorite thing.

Holiday - this word makes the heart of every child beat faster.

The greatest hopes and expectations of children are connected with the holiday. It is about childhood holidays spent with parents that adults most often remember. For many, these memories are the brightest and most joyful in life.

The scenario for children's entertainment "The Circus Lights the Lights" is one of the cycle of theatrical and circus performances. This is the final entertainment, which is carried out when children have certain knowledge, skills and abilities. On which creative abilities, imagination, memory, a sense of rhythm, coherent speech, pace, motor skills, the desire to perform with a group of peers develop.

The entertainment scenario "The Circus Lights the Lights" is addressed to music directors, educators and parents.

Explanatory note.

The world of childhood is next to us, it is inside our adult world. he looks at us through the eyes of a child, speaks with his voice. Once it was our world, but we have gone from there, and there is no turning back.

But for some reason I want to go back to it. Does it seem to each of us an inner paradise, the golden age of our lives?

How can one look into this world even for a moment? Choke with childish delight, at least for a moment see the mysterious planet called “Childhood”. Without looking into this world, it is impossible to understand not only children, but also oneself.

While working on the script for "The Circus Lights the Lights" I wanted to open the cherished door to the world of children's consciousness. The scenario of this theatrical and circus festival connects children with each other, children with adults into a single magical whole. And if a child begins to trust us, to believe, then you can create, fantasize, imagine.

The circus is one of the most democratic and accessible forms of art for children, it allows you to solve many urgent problems of modern pedagogy and psychology related to:

  • art education and upbringing of children;
  • moral education;
  • formation of aesthetic taste;
  • development of communicative qualities of a person (training in verbal and non-verbal types of communication);
  • education of the will, development of memory, imagination, initiative, fantasy, speech (dialogues - monologues)
  • creating a positive emotional mood, relieving tension, resolving conflict situations through a circus show.

The scenario of the theater and circus show allows you to reveal the spiritual and creative potential of the child and provides a real opportunity to adapt in the social environment.

The creative principle of education and upbringing is very important, that is, the maximum orientation towards the creativity of children, the development of psychophysical sensations, the emancipation of the individual.

This scenario is part of the section "Developing ideas about the surrounding world about yourself" of the program "Development".

The practical value of the script "The Circus Lights the Fires" lies in the development of artistic education. The script can satisfy any interests and desires of children. Participating in entertainment, children get acquainted with the creative world in all its diversity - through images, colors, sounds, music.

Program content:

  1. Exercise in the ability to assign roles, understand an imaginary game situation and act in accordance with it.
  2. To consolidate the ability to carry out game actions according to speech instructions, to cultivate friendly relations, the ability to determine the characters of the characters, to evaluate their actions.

Educational tasks:

  1. To expand the knowledge of children about the circus, about its workers.
  2. To develop creative imagination, memory, coherent speech of children, a sense of rhythm, pace, motor skills.
  3. Cultivate a desire to play in a team of peers.

Preliminary work. Watching a video film about the circus and its history, making and selecting attributes together with parents. Learning replicas, poems about the circus. Acquaintance with circus terminology, reading fiction on this topic.


  • circus posters, tickets;
  • performance costumes;
  • hoops, balls, water bottles;
  • handkerchiefs, ropes, gymnastic ribbons;
  • stilts, improvised weights, barbell;
  • balls, magic box.

Entertainment progress

The music of the song "Circus" is playing (music by V Kainsky). Children run up when they hear the music and start dancing.

Presenter: Guys, what was the song?

Children: Song about the circus.

Presenter: Which one of you has been to the circus?

Children: We, we, we.

Presenter: Guys, do you know that we have a circus in Perm?

Children: Yes Yes Yes.

Presenter: Do you know who is the most important in the circus?

Children: Circus director.

Presenter: Without whom the performance will not take place?

Children: No circus performers.

Presenter: What circus performers do you know?

Children: Juggler.

Presenter: What does a juggler do?

Children: Throws up several objects at once and manages to pick them up on the fly.

Presenter: What else?

Children: The trainer teaches the animals to dance, play football. Clowns make us laugh, entertain, imitate other artists.

Presenter: What does a clown look like?

Children: A crimson wig, a red nose, a ridiculous hat, huge shoes with upturned toes.

Presenter: What other circus performers do you know?

Children: A magician - he pulls a whole hundred silk scarves out of his pocket, then releases a flock of doves from his sleeve.

Presenter: People of what other professions work in the circus?

Children: Cashier, controller, toy seller, waiters at the buffet.

Presenter: Children, do you want to go to a performance at the circus?

Children: Yes Yes Yes.

Presenter: Let's choose the circus performers ourselves. (They distribute roles.) What does Arthur want to become?

Arthur: I like different tricks, I want to become a magician.

Presenter: What does Tanya want to be?

Tanya: I love to dance and want to become a ballerina. And our teacher Galina Dmitrievna can be appointed director of the circus.

Presenter: Okay, I agree.

The artists leave with the director of the circus, the spectators remain.

Presenter: What do you need to do to get into the circus? That's right, buy tickets!

Hurry up to buy a ticket
Because very soon
Early in the morning at dawn
The circus will leave for a new city.
Buy tickets to the circus
You didn't remove that.
Behemoth sings couplets.
The elephant plays the trumpet.

Spectators are asked to take their seats in the auditorium, the bell rings, the circus performance begins. The hall is decorated with balloons and garlands. Girls and boys go to the middle of the "arena".


Why is everything beautiful today?
Why are miracles expected this morning?
Why is today such a happy day?
Because I'm going to the circus today.

Boy: The cold rain doesn't stop me now. I will smile at strangers passing by. There is so much happiness, joy and laughter in the circus that it can dispel any sadness!

Children enter the hall to the music, sit down, all the participants of the circus performance enter the applause, stop in a semicircle.


Circus! Circus! Circus!
The circus is very good!
Everywhere Festive, light!
There is laughter here!
I invite everyone to visit!

Boy and girl: Welcome. Our circus lights up!

The garland on the central wall lights up.

Presenter: Our festive circus program will be led by famous clowns: Bim and Bom! Please welcome them!

Applause sounds. Two clowns run out from different directions.

Bim(joyfully): Boom!

bom(surprised): Beam!

Beam: How glad I am to see you!

Bohm: And I'm even happier!

Beam: Hello Bom!

Bohm: Hello Bim!

Bim and Bom greet the children together. "Hello guys!" and bow.

Bohm: Dear viewers, children and parents, come to us soon, sit down in your seats. You will see so many interesting things today that you will not even believe your own eyes!


Music is fun
Let it thunder with us!
Dance will give us
Girls now!

Dance with a headscarf.

Ha ha ha ha!
Quickly look
Look at Bom!

Bom enters with a tape in his hands.

Beam: Look in the ribbon do not get confused!

Bom dances to the music, tangles in the ribbon and serves. Bim helps Bum get up, rubs the back of his head.

Beam and Bom: Yes Yes. Everything needs to be learned!


Ballerina in the arena
Like a light fluff
And dancing and spinning
And yet not afraid!

Ribbon dance.


We continue the show
We present the number again:
Strongmen visiting us
We welcome them now!

Room with weights.


Strongmen you rest and sit quietly
Now see for yourself
That hoop dance!
Everything is airy and light,
Like a moth from a fairy tale!

Dance with hoops.


In this program number
Speaks in front of you
The famous magician-fakir,
He surprised the whole world!

To the music, a magician enters the hall, bows.


I have many wonders.
Rain will fall on you from heaven
There will be lightning and thunder...

There is a loud knock, and Bom runs in.

Presenter: Don't be scared, it's Bom.

The clown bursts the balloon.

Presenter: And don't you feel sorry for spoiling the balloons?

Bohm: And, besides this trick, I can’t show anything!

Magician: I'm calling an assistant, I'll show you tricks!

A girl in a red dress enters with a magic box.


box in front of you
I put a handkerchief in it.
Close: one, two, three!
Hit with a stick, look!
I open the box.
But where did the handkerchief go?


I'll tell you one, two, three
You carefully look!

A whole garland stretches out of the box. They bring out a table with three jars of water.

Magic wand, you help me:
Turn my transparent water into colored water!

Tricks with water.

Bohm: Wow! What wonderful tricks! I don’t know how to show tricks, here Bim can do anything, let’s call him!

Spectators Clap. Bom runs out. Attractions with spectators: with whistles, soap bubbles, balls.

Clowns: And now we invite all the guys to dance!

And not a bit bored!
Light up the circus!

Children enter the arena. They perform a cheerful dance “The circus loves everyone” At the end of the dance there is “colorful rain (confetti).


It's time for parting
But let's not be sad goodbye
We are always happy to meet again.
The circus of miracles says "goodbye!"
And nothing will stop
To meet friends again.
The circus moves around the world
But it will still come back to us!

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