Quotes from the movie old man hottabych 1956. The wisest genie


– You lost because my teacher was a great gamer.

“And don’t forget to tell her about the nipples!”

“Kisa, even though you are a fool, I still love you.

I'm not dumb, I'm an actress.

- Is it possible to see on the Internet how beautiful maidens wash themselves?

What is this bird that sings so wonderfully?
Yes, it's an alarm.

- Ale!
- Che ale! You are hello!

- O beautiful! Your body is flexible like a wild chamois. The skin is soft like a dove. Your hair is like wonderful waterfalls. Your nipples...
- So, Hottabych, let's stop at the nipples.

“Use a condom, man, if you don’t want her to lay eggs!”

“I won’t tell you yet, woman.

The soul is reflected in every cell of the body.
- Where?
– Somewhere, somewhere, in the genetic code.

Yes, I can't kill. But in this world, you can only be a file, and I'll just erase you.

- You live here like a bum! You can even make tea in a saucepan!

“But this girl turned out to be such a bastard that I won’t even tell you.

- Japanese tape recorder, how much the world has changed.

- Baba Yaga? Who is this? Did you have sex with her?

“It all started with a break-in. Because hacking is cool. In general, hacking should give Nobel Prizes. But the laws are imperfect, and for such things they give time.

- Yes, for such grandmas, a genie could have been included.

- Yes, I knew that in Russia everything is different from ours, but I didn’t think it was that much.

- Let's know what: we'll make a linoleum plane instead of a carpet. Easy to wash, moth won't eat...

"Do you think I'm interested in watching you mate?" Huge ugly wingless creatures.

- So, for half a year you were playing with her over the network in computer toys, and all this time you claimed that you have a girlfriend.

- Look, they've bred!

How can you be a sucker if you have so much money?

- Quality papyrus.

– Okay, now you know Russian.

- Drinks: tea, coffee...
– [half tone] You will never get married, never.
- What?
– Tea without sugar, please.

Don't think for others. Ask for yourself.

– Fatal error at the address "Lena".

“You will never be able to raise glasses with your eyes, understand?

You will never, ever be free. Soon I will gather all the dinns together, and the greatest, world-wide bummer will come.

- Oh, it's me. Gena Ryzhov, wearing rare headphones, 1976.

“Oh, shame on my gray hairs.

- I'll wait until 18. But no one will fuck my brains for 6 years.

Tell me what you smoked and I'll tell you who you are.

- Tell me, did you hack the Microsoft server?

– The connection to the Lena object will be terminated after 3 seconds, 2 seconds, 1 seconds.

“Your trees are strange. Hello, tree!..... He is silent, does not want to say hello.

- Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, sucks, sucks, sucks... (at the sight of a watering can) Oh! What is this teapot? Multilayer, right? (searches further) Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, expensive, expensive, expensive...

– Hacker, server... Some kind of nonsense...

- Fuck knows lope-lion.

- What, my children, maybe a beer?

- ... And why did I become a man? Humans are the most miserable creatures.

- And since yesterday, Mogilev-Podolsky online. Already offline.

- Do you want me to enchant your Komsomol member so that he will write to you about one thing?

- That's it. Like adults, but no brains. It's hard to grow up these days.

“It all started with a teapot.

- Yes, I have mountains of these documents.

“If you don’t drop all the charges against him, I [flow of abuse in English, translation:] will complain to the central authorities!

So she's like that with everyone?
- Who?
- Kisa. A prostitute.
- Don't be upset. Do you want me to program a whole harem of these for you?

- And then this will begin ... In short, the greatest worldwide bummer.

“When I saw her, my heart sank. And it sang in English.

- Ku-ku. Well, who's the old idiot here, and who's screwed whom?

- I’ll buy myself a house, and we will live there with my kitty. We will sit on the seashore and listen to the alarm sing.

- The moth is also alive. Moreover, I promised her a mink coat.
- You promised a fur coat for the moth ?! You are so kind!

“I finally found someone who appreciates it.

- Okay, see you later. Don't forget to talk about nipples.

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***Jin hottabych*** Today's children's fairy tale often does not invent new monsters, but transforms old, familiar images. This path made it possible to create very interesting varieties of dragons, mermaids and goblin. Many children's books and films have appeared, which

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senex, senis m - old man, senile age Approximate pronunciation: senex. Attention! The stress and pronunciation was changed in the memo - senEca (such a surname). Z: OLD MAN SENEC lived in Rome And spoke Latin. It’s good for him, count up: He knew from birth

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1956 On expediency in nature // Science and life. - M., 1956. - No. 8. - S. 42–45. Against subjectivism and modernization: Book review: Kravets, I.N.; T.F. Osipovsky is an outstanding Russian scientist and thinker. - M.: Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1955. - 104 p. // Questions of Philosophy. - M., 1956. - No. 3. -

Oh, and that's me. Gena Ryzhov, wearing rare headphones, 1976.

So, for half a year you were hacking with her over the network into computer toys, and all this time you claimed that you have a girlfriend.

I'll wait until I'm 18. But no one will fuck my brains for me for 6 years.

That's it. Like adults, but no brains. It's hard to grow up these days.

It all started with a hack. Because hacking is cool. In general, hacking should give Nobel Prizes. But the laws are imperfect, and for such things they give time.

It all started with a teapot.

You live here like a bum. You can even make tea in a saucepan.

The "sexual relations" program has been removed.

Yes, for such grandmas, a genie could also be included.

What? Sell ​​your computer? Are you completely stupid? I'll sell my kidney soon.

- Che ale! You are hello!

Fuck knows lope lion.

Hacker, server ... Some kind of nonsense ...

Oh horror, the monster has swallowed the jug!

Oh, shame on my gray hair.

Let's know what: we'll make a linoleum plane instead of a carpet. Easy to wash, moth won't eat...

Yes, I have mountains of these documents.

You got it, monkey vomit!

You will never be able to raise glasses with your eyes, understand?

Your village is strange. Hello tree! Silent, does not want to say hello.

I know something that even your most learned men don't know.
- Well?
- The earth is spherical.

O beautiful! Your body is flexible like a wild chamois. The skin is soft like a dove. Your hair is like wonderful waterfalls. Your nipples...
- So, Hottabych, let's stop at the nipples.

Ready. The money has been sent to you by e-mail.
- Oh, well done.

Look, they've bred!

And what kind of bird is singing so wonderfully?
Yes, it's an alarm.

Don't be late. And then I'll bewitch.

While Hottabych hung, stuck in the life of a big city, I ran for the computers.

Japanese tape recorder, how much the world has changed.

Dreaming. Another six months no sex.

Well, like, open up sesame.
- I can do the same.

Do you want me to cast a spell on your Komsomol member so that he will write to you about one thing?

And since yesterday - Mogilev-Podolsky online. Already offline.

Is it possible to see on the Internet how beautiful maidens wash themselves?

Tell me what you smoked and I'll tell you who you are.

What, my children, can beer?

How can you be a sucker if you have so much money?

And don't forget to tell her about the nipples.

I can conjure myself thousands of beautiful women, but to find one who will understand me - I have problems with this.

I'm not going to tell you yet, woman.

When I saw her, my heart sank. And it sang in English.

Tell me, did you hack the Microsoft server?
I finally found someone who appreciates it.

This is my job, nothing personal.

Okay, now you know Russian.

I'll explain everything to you. But first you have to kiss him, otherwise he will never wake up. [Kisses]
- Back off, creature.
- You have a strange relationship. Actually, you shouldn't have kissed. I was just joking.

And then this will begin ... In short, the greatest worldwide bummer.

But this girl turned out to be such a bastard that I won't even tell you.

Don't think for others. Ask for yourself.

Yes, I knew that in Russia everything is different from ours, but I didn’t think it was that much.

Baba Yaga? Who is this? Did you have sex with her?

Dear Gennady! I express my gratitude to you for your unparalleled courage and your highest professionalism, which you demonstrated by hacking into the server of the rotten Microsoft.

Hail, Gennady Vitalievich,
Hail, Gennady Vitalievich,
Also known as Mazahaka,
Bill Geist is the fifth trampling!

If you don't drop all the charges against him, I'll [flow of abuse in English] will complain to the central authorities!

Farewell, jug, I always hated you.

I will buy myself a house, and we will live there with my kitty. We will sit on the seashore and listen to the alarm sing.

Well, the apartment is ready for seduction.

Moth is also alive. Moreover, I promised her a mink coat.
- You promised a fur coat for moths?! You are so kind!

I'm not dumb, I'm an actress.

Program code. Well, it's like she's without clothes.
- Naked? Oh God!

So she's like that with everyone?
- Who?
- Kisa. A prostitute.
- Don't be upset. Do you want me to program a whole harem of these for you?

Every cell of the body reflects the soul.
- Where?
- Where-where, in the genetic code.

Eh, you can't crack the genetic code. Me too, hacker.

…And why did I become human? Humans are the most miserable creatures.

Never, never will you be free. Soon I will gather all the genies together, and the greatest, worldwide bummer will come.

Drinks: tea, coffee…
You will never marry, never.
- What?
- Tea without sugar, please.

Ku-ku. Well, who's the old idiot here, and who's screwed whom?

You lost because my teacher was a great gamer.

Yes, I can't kill. But in this world, you can only be a file, and I'll just erase you.

Okay, see you later. Don't forget to talk about nipples.

Use a condom, man, if you don't want her to lay eggs!

Do you think I'm interested in watching you mate? Huge ugly wingless creatures.

Kitty, even though you're a fool, but I still love you.

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