Fry's quotes are the best. A selection of quotes by max frei


Many of us have read popular quotes or statements by Max Fry, but not everyone knows that Max Fry is a talented artist, novelist, publicist, radio host and prose writer, and most importantly, a sweet woman Svetlana Yuryevna Martynchik. The early books were written in collaboration with the famous artist Igor Styopin, who was and still is the author of the main characters from the books.

Svetlana was born in sunny Odessa in 1965, where she studied at the Odessa State University at the Faculty of Philology. For some time she lived in Moscow, and since 2004 she has been living in Vilnius. It turns out that Max Frei is a Russian-speaking writer born in Ukraine and living in Lithuania. Agree, a very interesting mixture comes out, which is confirmed by her popular books.

Today, Max Fry has more than sixty books to his credit. The most popular series of books: "Labyrinths of Echo", "Chronicles of Echo" and "Dreams of Echo". We have prepared the best Max Frei quotes for current and future fans of this wonderful author.

"Shame" is a word from the lexicon of an ordinary person, preoccupied with other people's opinions and other social sinkers.

You can break almost anyone, there would be a desire. But to put a broken person in order is hard work, not everyone will undertake this.

If your question “How are you?”, the person answers “Normal”, then you do not enter into the sphere of his trust.

People can drink together, they can live under the same roof, they can make love, but only joint idiocy can indicate real spiritual and spiritual intimacy.

Life is so good that it does not always meet expectations!

Nobody likes a new life - at first. Then time passes and old memories can only cause a condescending smile.

The best journey is one that has no end.

You need to go where you want, and not where you supposedly "should". Go yourself, go and be afraid of nothing. You can do it, really!

When you know what to talk about with a person, this is a sign of mutual sympathy. When you have something to keep quiet about together, this is the beginning of true friendship.

I have a great rule: if what is happening ceases to please, you must immediately leave.

You and I are great, we did everything we could. It remains to do everything that we cannot, and then success is guaranteed.

Sometimes a decisive step forward is the result of a good kick in the ass.

A fool strives for power over someone else's body, wallet and mind, a wise man - only for power over someone else's heart, because the heart will bring with it the mind, body and wallet.

You can break almost anyone, there would be a desire. But to put a broken person in order is hard work, not everyone will undertake this.

I have a great rule: if what is happening ceases to please, you must immediately leave.

I just really need something out of the ordinary to happen sometimes. Extraordinary. Inexplicable.

You and I are great, we did everything we could. It remains to do everything that we cannot, and then success is guaranteed.

Sometimes you have to make a mistake in order to be rightly understood.

Complimenting me is a very good strategy. From a conscientiously praised me, you can twist more than one hundred meters of good, high-quality ropes. The thing, as you know, is necessary in the economy.

Pretend that you are all right. You will be surprised when you realize how effective this method is. After you manage to deceive yourself, in general, everything in the world will be on your shoulder.

Waiting and hoping is a sure way to suddenly go crazy, but running around the city and doing stupid things is exactly what you need.

There is nothing worse than dragging yourself into your own future just for the company of friends.

You have such a face, as if all my closets are already filled to overflowing with your lovers. And now you are trying to figure out how to delicately explain this sad fact to me.

At first we learn to feel, but eventually we become insensitive.

"Max Fry Quotes"

The most truthful thoughts are the ones you won't tell anyone about.

Sometimes people tell lies with such scope and enthusiasm that, as a result, they themselves can no longer remember how everything really happened.

Even a person who has nothing always and very quickly acquires property, like stray dogs with fleas.

It's good that a person is not able to suffer for a very long time. Having exhausted our limit, sooner or later we calmly switch to something else.

After a person has once overcome the border of his reality, there are no more borders for him, except for the memories that they were.

Sometimes a decisive step forward is the result of a good kick in the ass.

"Shame" is a word from the lexicon of an ordinary person, preoccupied with other people's opinions and other social sinkers.

Long live split personality - the shortest path to peace of mind!

One important secret: you need to go where you want, and not where you supposedly need to.

Quotes by Max Fry

Before parting, people are usually terribly preoccupied with what such a significant thing to say or do. Well, while they push, time ruthlessly runs out.

A person just needs a rest from himself, at least from time to time.

When you know what to talk about with a person, this is a sign of mutual sympathy. When you have something to keep quiet about together, this is the beginning of true friendship.

The absence of a direct ban could well be considered a kind of permission.

Lying is a pernicious habit: once you learn it, you immediately begin to be cunning even when you are alone with yourself.

I rummaged through the bins of my soul in search of a little sensible boy who often comes to my aid in critical situations. Looks like he wasn't at home.

Don't keep anyone, let them go, it's their choice.

"Max Fry - quotes"

In some cases, remaining friends is the most hopeless dead end.

If you stare hard into the eyes of a miracle, it may be embarrassed and not happen - simply because human eyes are not so accustomed to miracles.

It is much easier to let someone go free than it is to do the same for yourself.

Sometimes there is nothing better than an old and unfunny joke: such things somehow stick together reality, which from time to time falls apart in our inept hands.

Justice as such is not at all one of the immutable laws of the universe: this concept is just a product of the great secret dream of every person to receive at least some reward for their true and imaginary virtues, not appreciated by their neighbors.

It always seemed to me: it happened, so it happened. What the hell does it matter why the sky has once again collapsed on my head? It collapsed, therefore, it is necessary to survive.

MAX FRY - quotes

Books by Max Fry- This is an easy home reading when the heart wants comfort and magic. About magical worlds and roads, about magic and magical adventures. About the fact that one day a person can see his Door in the wall leading to the unknown. The characters of these books are eternal children, with their motto "how interesting everything is!". These books are at the same time a fantasy, a magical detective story, and a story about friendship and love. Written with irony, light humor, kind and positive, easy to read, with pleasure and with a smile.
Quotes from these books are not aphorisms. These are the thoughts and reflections of the characters, an attempt to understand themselves and the world. And sometimes it's just a joke.
Read good books - and you will be happy!

QUOTATIONS from books by Max Fry

Quotes from The Outsider (Labyrinth) and other books in the Echo Labyrinths series

And remember: a dream come true is not always identical with happiness. But it's still worth a try...

When you know what to talk about with a person, this is a sign of mutual sympathy. When you have something to keep quiet about together, this is the beginning of a true friendship.

Sooner or later, anyway...

"Tomorrow" is one of the most dangerous words in the world. It paralyzes the will worse than any other spell, inclines to inaction, destroys plans and ideas in the bud.

If you fall off a cliff into an abyss, why not try to fly? What are you losing?

But some dreams should remain dreams, I think so.

Reason and humor are two sides of the same coin, in my opinion.
And remember: "Victory at any cost" is not our motto. Our motto sounds differently: "Victory, cheap."

You are saying amazing things now.
- To say unsurprising things and without me there will be hunters.

A man never decides anything,” objected the stern Fairiba. - It's just that many men know how to convince themselves that it is they who make the decision ...

- In a foreign world there is always an irresistible charm, whatever it may be. And one’s own homeland often causes a dreary disgust, sometimes completely unjustified ...

You don't drink, Max, - Ande said sadly. - I'm leaving forever, and in general, everyone always leaves forever. It is impossible to return - someone else always returns instead of us
- What are the second always not going to in an attempt to finally become the first!
- But people, you know, are characterized by imperfection ...
- You know, some miracles are much easier to perform than to understand!
“At that time I was young and did not have the luxury of being miserly.
“I think it’s better to know more: there’s something damned attractive about ignorance, but it’s dangerous, isn’t it?”
"True," Juffin confirmed seriously. But the same can be said about knowledge. So the main thing is the correct dosage.
The Journey to the Dark Side Begins with Another Journey. From the fact that one morning a person wakes up, leaves his house and goes into the unknown.
Did you hear the roar? I asked. “It was the stone that fell on my heart.
Everything was fine until the elves broke the ancient taboo and tasted the wine...

One of the few virtues of anger is that it is stronger than fear.

Death is a bit like the wind: an invisible but tangible force that is always ready to knock us off our feet...

Quotes from the book Master of Winds and Sunsets

"Master of winds and sunsets" - the first of a new series of books by Max Frei "Dreams of Echo".

This is a story about a city full of wonders: fantastic sunsets, colorful winds, night rainbows.
And poems written in the sky.

“We all don’t know how to do something, and that’s wonderful. Otherwise, there would be much less surprises and meaning in life.”

“Every being is born in order to know the world. And not to please everyone in this world"

“Why are you arguing?
Because life is beautiful and amazing. And someone has to balance this unbearable happiness with their bad mood

“Since childhood, I knew what art was for. And what should be the artist. And why is it all. To change every human life, and through the sum of such changed lives - the whole world. Change - and not even because it is my will. Because that is the will of the world. He always wants to change and calls for help from everyone who is around. And a real artist just stands closest to everyone, that's the secret.

« Sleep is the freedom of consciousness from everyday obligations. A kind of vacation»

“I get used to everything very quickly and do not like changes, including the so-called “better”. Because when external circumstances change, you yourself change with them, and you never know in advance whether you will like being this new person.

“A person who is pinned to the wall is capable of absolutely anything. And I, one might say, live at this wall.

“- She is omnipotent, which means that everything can be done, including mistakes.
- Aren't you?
- Where do I go. I'm not all-powerful yet."

“When you look with peripheral vision, some hidden things just don’t have time to hide from you”

Quotes from the book Too many nightmares"

“Great plans,” I replied. - But why does the world need to be changed?
- Yes, because he himself is constantly changing. The only question is whether this will happen with my participation or without me.

Night is the time when we will star in the sky. That is why the most incredible things happen to us at night.

Don't you think that the meaning of life is the same for everyone?

It is impossible to predict in advance who is able to endure how much and what will break. No one knows this even about himself.

How great it is to be born just a person for whom practically everything is impossible, which means that every day you can jump over your own head, triumphing over reasons so trifling that it’s ridiculous to yourself. Perhaps this is how I imagine happiness.

Of course, one should not worry, but only because anxiety is a state that does not contribute to efficiency.
We all don’t know how to do something, but at the same time we are capable of much more than we expect.
I have noticed more than once that the phrase “now I know what to do” precedes the most wild and ridiculous actions in the life of the one who said ...
"That's not the case," she smiled. “So that there is a person, but there are no problems - they don’t even compose children’s fairy tales about this”

Happiness for many becomes a difficult test: suddenly there is something to lose! It only seems from the outside that it is easier to be happy than unhappy, but in reality it often turns out the other way around.

"Doing other people's business is the best way to take a break from your own"

"The Truth About Us"

"This is a book about the path to happiness is always within us, we just need to listen to its whisper. About what knots we tie on the threads of our destiny and soul. About friendship, love, magic and silver foxes. Read and reread, for sure. From a review.
I really liked you. Like at home in childhood, although there was nothing like this in my childhood.
"Gradually and almost imperceptibly, step by step, and one day it turns out that you are already what you are, to yourself and Cosmos and Chaos, and only theoretically you understand that before there was no So"

In the end, "you never know where you will be lucky" (c)

Max Fry is a literary pseudonym of two authors - Svetlana Martynchik and Igor Styopin. Their books are written easily and captivatingly, pulling you in from the first page. They are filled with optimistic and humorous deep observations and fill with the desire to live. A real literary antidepressant.

We have collected 25 quotes filled with optimism, kindness and real wisdom of living in a good mood:

  • The head should go around - this is her main duty!
  • I just really need something out of the ordinary to happen sometimes. Extraordinary. Inexplicable.
  • Life is good because it does not always meet our expectations!
  • A month is, of course, a very long time. But "in a month" sounds much better than "never".
  • A person just needs a rest from himself, at least from time to time.
  • I have a great rule: if what is happening ceases to please, you must immediately leave.
  • Pretend that you are all right. You will be surprised when you realize how effective this method is. After you manage to deceive yourself, in general, everything in the world will be on your shoulder.
  • You and I are great, we did everything we could. It remains to do everything that we cannot, and then success is guaranteed.
  • Long live split personality - the shortest path to peace of mind!
  • Complimenting me is a very good strategy. From a conscientiously praised me, you can twist more than one hundred meters of good, high-quality ropes. The thing, as you know, is necessary in the economy.
  • Laughing at people is a great way to not kill them more often than necessary.
  • If you fall off a cliff into an abyss, why not try to fly? What are you losing?
  • Waiting and hoping is a sure way to suddenly go crazy, but running around the city and doing stupid things is exactly what you need!
  • Doing the impossible is not such a big problem if you know where to start...
  • Sometimes a decisive step forward is the result of a good kick in the ass.
  • One important secret: you need to go where you want, and not where you supposedly need to.
  • If there is no way out nearby, you should create it yourself, from improvised materials.
  • When you know what to talk about with a person, this is a sign of mutual sympathy. When you have something to keep quiet about together, this is the beginning of true friendship.
  • It always seemed to me: it happened, so it happened. What the hell does it matter why the sky has once again collapsed on my head? It collapsed, therefore, it is necessary to survive.
  • It's good when the morning is at nine. No, at ten it is even more beautiful, and at eleven it is already debauchery.
  • The absence of a direct ban could well be considered a kind of permission.
  • The already excellent mood became even better. So I had to go down the narrow stairs sideways: the smile did not creep through.
  • A man does not forgive, he forgets, and a woman - she forgives everything, but never forgets.
  • Fate is not stupid. In vain will not bring people together.
  • From time to time you should say stupid things, this helps to create a warm friendly atmosphere.
  • You never know which weakness will be your greatest strength.
  • So many vices in a single living being - this, I understand, is perfection!
  • I still don't regret anything, if only because it's pointless.

Max Fry- a literary pseudonym of two authors - Svetlana Martynchik and Igor Styopin. They wrote a series (about 40 books) "Labyrinths of Echo" and a sequel. The protagonist of the books, Sir Max, moves to another world and enters the service of a powerful wizard.

If you fall off a cliff into an abyss, why not try to fly? What are you losing?

Max Frei, Echo Chronicles

Man is born lonely; Strictly speaking, birth is the first step towards loneliness, such are the rules of the game into which we were all drawn without asking; complaints are not accepted. When a loved one appears, this is a wonderful event, a precious gift of fate, a welcome respite on the way, but loneliness was, is and remains the natural state of every living being. The inability to accept personal loneliness as the norm is a mental illness that needs to be treated.

Max Fry

Nothing is impossible. Not for you, not for me, not for anyone. Much is difficult, but "impossible" is a meaningless word.

Laughter is an excellent seasoning for passion, much better than the languid seriousness with which the heroes of melodramas attack each other.

Max Frei, "The Outsider"

Confidence is the privilege of fools.

Everyone chooses what will become true for him and what will not. Do not neglect the opportunity to make this choice consciously, then everything that you like will become true.

Max Frei, Crow on the Bridge. The story told by Sir Shurf Lonley-Lockley"

Night is night, at night you can believe in any nonsense, if the preacher were good. But in the morning it's not like that.

Max Frei, "Book of Complaints"

When you tell the “truth and only the truth” about yourself, while trying to be fascinating or at least funny, the effect is amazing: your own sorrows begin to seem like an old joke that you yourself have heard from someone once.

Max Frei, Quiet City

It is necessary that not one of the days of your life be like the others - a recipe for eternal youth.

Max Frei, Quiet City

Pretend like you're all right. You will be surprised when you realize how effective this method is. After you manage to deceive yourself, in general, everything in the world will be on your shoulder.

Max Fry, "The Elusive Khabba Han"

A person usually sees only what he is ready to see in advance.

I'm so smart now that I should sleep in a safe.

Max Frei, "The Power of the Unfulfilled"

Long live split personality - the shortest path to peace of mind!

Max Frei, The Book of Fire Pages

Hiding your feelings is an empty thing, it's better not to have them, and that's it ...

Max Frei, "The Outsider"

You have to love and praise yourself. Do not entrust such a responsible matter to strangers.

Fate is not a fool, in vain will not reduce people ...

Max Frei, Simple Magical Things

When you know what to talk about with a person, this is a sign of mutual sympathy. When you have something to keep quiet about together, this is the beginning of a true friendship.

Max Frei, "The Outsider"

If there is no way out nearby, you should create it yourself, from improvised materials.

"Tomorrow" is one of the most dangerous words in the world. It paralyzes the will worse than any other spell, inclines to inaction, destroys plans and ideas in the bud.

I'm pretty indifferent to people ever since I got bored of actively not loving them.

Max Fry

Not only the inarticulate muttering of a person backed to the wall, but also the most powerful spells are powerless when fate really takes you by the throat and kicks you forward, into your destiny.

I have never heard of a wolf getting lost in a forest, even if that is not the forest in which he was born. Probably, there is some still unexplored “urban instinct”: if you can already navigate in one big city, you will not have any special problems with other megacities.

Max Fry

A person who has hope is always dumber and weaker than someone who has nothing to lose.

I still don't regret anything, if only because it's pointless.

Good weather is quite enough for happiness, and in bad weather you can, for example, bake an apple pie. And no additional meaning is required. As in childhood.

Max Fry

Every self-respecting schizophrenic is obliged from time to time to discuss current problems with himself, his beloved.

Yes. Everything should always be the way I want. All other options have irritated me to death since childhood!

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