Quotes about the sky and clouds in Russian. Smart quotes about the sky


Sky quotes


For me, only the sky is the limit.
The limit for me is only the sky.

Salvador Dali

But where is it, the sky? What is it? The sky is not above us and not below us, not to the left and not to the right. Heaven is in the heart of a man, if he believes. But I do not believe and I am afraid that I will die without seeing the sky.

Leonardo da Vinci

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return.
Experience flight once, and your eyes will forever be fixed on the sky. Once you have been there, you are doomed to yearn for it for the rest of your life.

Cecilia Ahern. I do not believe. I do not hope. I love

And now the sky is blue-blue, sheep clouds made of cotton candy graze in it.

Haruki Murakami. Hear the song of the wind

I love the sky. I can look at it as much as I like - I don't get bored. And when I don't want to, I just don't watch it.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery. A little prince

It is enough just to move the chair a few steps.
And you look at the sunset sky again and again, you just have to want ...

Joe Hill. Cotton Art

And what happened? Did he run out of air?
He has run out of heaven.

Boris Akunin. jade rosary

However, such is the peculiarity of the starry sky: everyone who looks at it has a sweet heart ache. Perhaps we really come from somewhere there?

House of Sun

- Where are you climbing? For what? Do you want to go to heaven?.. You are stupid: the sky begins right behind your head. And you don't have to climb so high.

Vladimir Borisov

Rain is when the sky is in fragments of puddles.

Vyacheslav Butusov - Song of the Going Home

Snow is falling from the sky - so the sky needs it ...

Haruki Murakami. 1Q84

Living in cities teaches you to look only at your feet. The fact that there is a sky in the world, no one will remember ...

John Fowles. Collector

The sky is empty. Clear and beautiful, but completely empty skies. It is impossible to imagine that architects and builders lived in all those houses that they created.

Joe Hill. Cotton Art

And the sky became colorless. It's as if the blue sky is a sheet of paper with a hole burned out in the center, and beyond that hole is solid blackness. And everything is in the stars. Just imagine what it's like to fall UP.

Stepan Balakin

The sky is the same for everyone, but the sky is different for everyone.

Richard Bach. Seagull named Jonathan Livingston

Heaven is not a place, and it is not a time. Heaven is being perfect.
Heaven is not a place or a time. Heaven is the attainment of perfection.

George Bernard Shaw at

In heaven, an angel is nothing special.

Anita Tsoi - Sky

Please, Heaven, don’t hurt more, I can’t live without it, I don’t know how ...

Teacher Mafia reborn! (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)

I don't like the way you put it, but you're on the right track. In this sky, a cloud can float quietly, but one day, I will bite even the sky.

True Tears / Turû tiâzu

I want you to always look to the sky.

Fazil Iskander. Human parking

Whoever sees angels in the sky does not see birds in the sky.

Five centimeters per second (Byôsoku 5 senchimêtoru)

Desperately and recklessly raising our hand to the sky, we sent a huge block of metal flying in order to peer more closely into insanely distant outer space.

Radif Kashapov. stereo leaves

Do not touch the sky with your fingers - spots remain.

Evgeny Zamyatin. We

I am alone. Evening. Light fog. The sky is covered with a milky-golden fabric, if one knew: what is higher there? And if you know: who am I, what am I?

Louis Sepulveda. The old man who read romance novels

No one is able to capture and appropriate the roll of thunder. No one can take heaven from another person. No one can take the sky with them

Zemfira - Let's leave it like that

I'm on the couch... Heaven in my pocket...
Let's leave it like that!

Emily Bronte. Wuthering Heights

I have almost reached my sky. The sky of others I do not put in anything and I do not bother about it.


Heaven doesn't err - it's the eyes that deceive us.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. Steppe

The immense depth and boundlessness of the sky can only be judged at sea and in the steppe at night when the moon is shining.

Lao Tzu. Tao Te Ching (Book of the Way and Power)

Heaven and earth are durable because they do not exist for themselves.

Valery Bryusov

I love you and the sky
Only the sky and you.

Immanuel Kant

Two things always fill the soul with new and stronger surprise and awe, the more often and longer we think about them - this is the starry sky above me and the moral law in me.

Gossip Girl

Sometimes the light is so blinding that it's all you can see. Sometimes dark clouds engulf you and it seems like the sky will never be clear. But when the sun's rays break through the rain, a bittersweet rainbow comes.

Terry Pratchett. petty gods

For some, only the sky is the limit. And some of them even the sky will not stop.

Starry Sky

The sky can be seen everywhere you go. And no matter how far away you are, there is still a connecting thread with him.

Helen Keller

Not a single pessimist has yet penetrated the secrets of the stars, discovered an unknown land, and opened new skies before the human spirit.

Cecilia Ahern. I love your memories

Lying on my back, I look up at the sky. Lying on my stomach, the clouds look down right at me.

A few words about love (Dhaai Akshar Prem Ke)

There are kindred spirits in heaven. Finding a kindred spirit on earth is much more difficult.

Bram Stoker. Dracula

How nice it was to see the clouds running across the sky, and the flickering of moonlight in the gaps - isn't that how joys and sorrows alternate in human life?

Omar Khayyam

Enamored! In the sorrows of love
Don't call the sky for help!
It is, believe me,
In love, more powerless than yourself.

Stella Gianni - Sky

If the sky is in the soul, then the sky is in the eyes ...

Have you noticed that when you lie down, the sky is closer?

Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva

At night the city is an inverted sky.

Lawrence Durrell. justine

It seems to me that the sky has fallen to the ground, and I am sandwiched between them and breathe through the eye of a needle.

Frederic Begbeder. French novel

The sky is an inverted ocean. From time to time it falls on us, washing houses and hills with sea water.


Where are we flying?
- Into the sky!

Felix Yusupov. Memoirs

I found more comfort in the contemplation of the starry sky than in human wisdom.

Lauren Oliver. Delirium

Before sunrise there is a moment when the whole sky becomes so pale, almost colorless... It is not quite gray and not white, I always liked it, because when you look at it, you believe that something good is about to happen.

Pablo Neruda

Why earth when there is sky?

Max Fry. Encyclopedia of myths

The sky above your head is a frivolous satin blue, a kind of immense “family” cowards of a deity, as it should be for a normal May sky.

Kino (Viktor Tsoi) - The stars will stay here

I don't like dark glasses
Through them the dark sky.
Let me in, open the doors.
I dream of the Black Sea
Warm Black Sea
It's raining outside, but I don't believe in it.

Rabindranath Tagore

Dark clouds turn into heavenly flowers when light kisses them.

Starry Sky

If people are far away, they are united by the firmament.

Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. A billion years before the end of the world

The sky is not for peeping. The sky after all - it to admire.

Autumn is the time of poets and pensive women, the time when the scales tilt and the unbridled fury of life subsides. Dust settles in autumn. Dust of experiences, beating on bare nerves, dust of crazy ideas and almost begun accomplishments. The sky cools down in autumn. And along with it, the animal roar of passion cools down, becoming a quiet peaceful tenderness.

Boys first, flowers later (hana yori dango)

Getting to heaven is as difficult as it is for a rich person to have real friends.

Alessandro D "Avenia. White as milk, red as blood

Nobody pays attention to the sky until they fall in love.

big uh

We will now listen to what is happening in the sky!
- I can't. Yes, there is nothing, only the stars are falling.
- And you listen well.

David Davidovich Burliuk

Soul - a tavern,
and the sky is a rip.
Poetry is a frayed girl
and beauty is blasphemous rubbish.

Tokyo - I love you so much

I feel heaven when I look into your eyes.

Zemfira - Plane

I'm trying to deal with the falling sky.
I'm by no means a weakling, but there are such skirmishes - I am silent.

Al Quotion. Spare Part Improvisation

Escaping from yourself is like escaping from heaven. You can build walls, block the ceiling, but as it was above your head, it will remain there. In the same way, in games with your own soul, you can grow any illusions, break all the mirrors, but your face will still remain the same.

Pandora Hearts

The sky... it's beautiful. Despite everything, the sky is crystal clear. As if nothing had happened. There will always be "today". I don't know why, but these things drive me crazy.

Joe Hill. Cotton Art

I want to see if I can fly high. I want to know if this is true. Is it true that the sky at the very top opens up.

Art Antonyan

Angels sew up the sky every night...

Air Gear (Air Gear)

I hate birds. For flying over me for no reason. When their wings break, they fall to the ground and become completely helpless.

World's Best First Love (Sekaiichi hatsukoi)

The sky is silent - people speak for it.

Compiled by Martha Ketro. Inhale. And! Not! breathe!

My heaven, you sometimes speak to me in such warm, sudden voices.

Ezekiel 25:17 - I have never seen the sea

And I, like a bewitched stare at the horizon,
I have never seen the sea...
And there in the sky they only talk about that,
What sunrises, what sunsets...

Spreading the wings of a chick
Flying to heaven
And in the mirror of water
Frozen blue.
Immensely smooth surface is clean -
sky river,
that sheds tears on us,
Looking from above.
And flies between tears
Our chick in the clouds.

Veronika Ivanova

There are skies infinitely high -
Above sticky everyday dust
Always calling and lonely.
Standing under them, you dream of wings.

Al Quotion. Spare Part Improvisation

The one you love is the blade. It's the scalpel you use to dissect your own soul. This is a carving knife, with which you mercilessly cut off in yourself everything superfluous, superficial, which has suddenly become so small and unnecessary. It's the razor you use to cut open your chest, revealing a trembling heart that yearns for the most intimate touch. And having opened yourself, you begin to thoughtlessly shred this sky in order to give it piece by piece to the one whom ...

Jean-Paul Sartre. Nausea

I liked yesterday's sky so much - squeezed, black from the rain, which pressed against the glass, like a funny touching face.

Zemfira - Let's leave it like that

At this moment, the sky is falling.

Loc-Dog - Even if

If the stars are nails, take them off, let the sky fall.

Lady Fiona. color of hope

And then the sky cleared up. Stars began to appear from behind the inky clouds. At first timidly, uncertainly, and then more and more boldly. The white veil was tinged with a silvery light. Christmas night has come into its own. Until the morning the world will be like this - silver-white, like a blank sheet. And tomorrow everyone will paint a new day in their own colors: Joy, Sorrow, Distrust, Sincerity, Condemnation, Forgiveness, Happiness, Hope...

I always knew that the sky is full of secrets, but only now I realized how full of mysteries the earth is.

OdnoNo feat. SunSay - There are no good or bad people in the world

And now I want my heart
Expanding your sky
Placed the universe in itself -
Eternal souls unearthly round dance.
And let them dance
Birds, spirits, planets, people -
You came here to enjoy!
Smile we will be free!

Oscar Wilde. the importance of Being Earnest

What's the point of talking about divorce? Divorces are made in heaven.

Kukryniksy and Helavisa - Fall

My heart cannot understand me
How can I look for the radiance of distant stars alone?
It became freer without you - an empty state ...

My heart cannot live without heights!
I rise again into the gray skies of the flock.
How many hearts do I change - I don't fly alone!

Semantic Hallucinations - Reason will ever win

Reason will ever win
Something will make you pull yourself together,
I sinned against heaven in vain,
It doesn't get bored - it dies of boredom.

Jonathan Trigell. Boy A

For some reason, these stars in the painted sky seemed to him more real than the real ones in the real, real sky.

Snowy Vanilla Sky

You know what I want now -
Vanilla sky and loneliness.
You know I like it so much
When the sweet snow crumbles around...

Olga Ozertsova. stonefly

Anger compresses the soul, and a person goes blind. Tell me, is it possible for an evil person to understand heaven?
- Well, everyone sees him, both good and evil.
He sees with his eyes, but not with his heart. He sees and passes by. And he will die without understanding anything.

Viktor Pelevin. Empire V

The human mind is either a microscope through which a person examines the floor of his cell, or a telescope through which he looks at the starry sky outside the window. But he does not see himself in the right perspective.

Markus Zusak. I am the messenger

I lay down on my back to look at the stars. They are invisible in the sky. It seems as if you are falling, but not down, but up. In the starry abyss overhead.

Abraham Russo - Holiday

If the sky is covered with clouds
And there is anxiety in my heart.
I believe tomorrow everything will be better
Even if today is bad.

Svetlana Alexievich. War has no woman's face

After the war, it took so long to get used to it that you no longer need to be afraid of the sky.

Ray Bradbury. time to leave

Honore de Balzac. Separate establishment

The cold skies of Normandy cannot be the skies of Spain.

Al Quotion. Spare Part Improvisation

Valery Afonchenko

It is impossible to point your finger at the same point in the sky twice.

Ray Bradbury. time to leave

His eyes looked at the edge of the sky, they reflected the horizon.

Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva

Passion is the last opportunity for a person to speak out, as the sky is the only opportunity to be a storm.
Man is a storm, passion is the sky that dissolves it.

Joe Louis

Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die.
Everyone wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die.

Wing Chronicles (Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle)

Spread your wings and reach for the sky that we both dreamed about in our dreams.

Al Quotion. Spare Part Improvisation

How strange the sky feels on the shoulders, elastic, alive, listening. How is it to get used to, to feel, to fall in love, to scream, to cry, to be silent, to suffer, to rejoice ... and splash outward, into hands, eyes, ears, lips, souls ...

GROT - One minute

Fingers write "Happy ending" on a dusty screen
Heaven will open the gates and we will not be with you.

Richelle Mead. An Academy of vampires. Darkness Kiss

Your union is made in heaven. Or somewhere around that.

Truman Capote. Breakfast at Tiffany's

It is better to look at the sky than to live there. What an empty place, and so overcast. Just a land where thunder rumbles and everything in the world disappears.

Neil Gaiman. nowhere

The sky, old Bailey thought with pleasure, never repeats itself: every day, every night it is different.

Viktor Pelevin. t

The sky is rarely so high. On clear days it has no height at all - only blue. It needs clouds to make it high or low. This is how the human soul is - it is not high or low in itself, everything depends solely on the intentions and thoughts that fill it at the moment ... Memory, personality - it's all like clouds too ...

Salvador Dali. The secret life of Salvador Dali, told by himself

The sky is neither high nor low, neither to the right nor to the left. The sky is right in the middle of the chest of the person who has Faith.

Tatyana Tolstaya. Sky in diamonds

The sea was like black silk, and Lawrence Beasley, the most poetic passenger, looked with a feeling of cosmic delight and horror as the dome of the sky, turned upside down, was reflected in the mirrored anti-dome of the water: as if there were no sea at all, as if a ship, shining with the lights of ten decks, rushing in a diamond abyss full of billions of huge non-flickering stars.

Jormungand (Jormungand)

The modern sky or the original sky... the difference is that the modern sky is constantly at war, although originally people just wanted to soar in it. When they see the sunrise, look at the birds, they will understand that this is a shameful page in their history. Do you think they will continue to fight after this?.. I don't think so. People don't like shame. This is what distinguishes them from animals.

Night Snipers - Siberian Crane and Swan

Is it worth looking at the sky if the heart is in a vice?

Windmill - Dragon

And that's all, and there's nothing more -
There is only heaven, eternal heaven.

Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy. War and Peace

Above him there was nothing now but the sky—a high sky, not clear, but still immeasurably high, with gray clouds quietly creeping across it. “How quiet, calm and solemn, not at all the way I ran,” thought Prince Andrei, “not the way we ran, shouted and fought; not at all like the way a Frenchman and an artilleryman dragged a bannik from each other with embittered and frightened faces - not at all like the clouds crawling across this high, endless sky. How could I not have seen this lofty sky before? And how happy I am that I finally got to know him. Yes! everything is empty, everything is a lie, except for this endless sky. Nothing, nothing but him. But even that is not even there, there is nothing but silence, calmness. And thank God!..

Eldar Ryazanov

I want to collapse into the unrumpled grass,
stare envious eyes into the sky
and plunge into the floral scents,
and endlessly adore everything that lives.

Basta - You are the one

Black Rock Shooter / Burakku Rokku Shuta

A small bird flies in the azure sky. The sea reflects this azure. But the azure itself comes from the sea into the sky. The sky is crying on the sea with blue tears. Among these blue tears there are small birds.

Basta - You are the one

The sky is crying in autumn - it's love that dies.

Sergey Lukyanenko. Stars - cold toys

Noisy ocean. Eternal and the same. Everywhere and always the ocean was free. Poison could be poured into it, boundaries could be drawn in it.
But the ocean lived.
The ocean did not remember insults.
Like the sky, he believed in freedom, like the sky - he did not tolerate barriers ...

Natalya Ignatova. Death Hunter

In search of freedom, in a previously unknown thirst to see the sky - to always see the sky, breathe it, drink dry cold ...

Civil Defense (Grob) - That's what the sky is

And the sky is exactly the same
As if you didn't sell...

Carol Burch. Menagerie of Jemrak

The black sky was literally strewn with stars. The starry sky over the ocean is not at all the same as the starry sky over London. Over the ocean, this is a foreseeable impossibility, and the contemplation of the sky is a look into infinity.

Xun Tzu

What is done without the participation of human labor, and what he receives in addition to his desires, constitutes the activity of heaven ... When a person refuses to do what is intended for him, and waits for heaven to do everything for him, he is mistaken.

Max Fry. Crow on the bridge

People take the sky very seriously and prefer it to be painted in the same familiar color - this makes them feel safe.

Radiant Records - Singles

You seem to be tired of how dazzlingly blue the skies are.

Placebo - In a Funk

Heaven if knows you promise not to go
I will pay you back in kind
Heaven knows perfectly well: with my heart I am ready to pay,
If you promise not to go anywhere.

John Fowles. Collector

All day I write the sky. I just draw a line a few centimeters from the bottom edge. This is the earth. And I no longer think about anything but the sky. June sky. December. Augustovskoe. In the spring rain In lightning. At dawn. At dusk. I have already written from a dozen heavens. Only the sky, nothing else. Simply - a line, and above it - the sky.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. Steppe

When for a long time, without taking your eyes off, you look at the deep sky, then for some reason your thoughts and soul merge into the consciousness of loneliness. You begin to feel irreparably lonely, and everything that you previously considered close and dear becomes infinitely distant and priceless.

Erich Maria Remarque. A time to live and a time to die

We used to raise our eyes to the sky to pray. And now - raise to curse.

Walter Scott. abbot

The sky carries out its plans through human folly.


Well, how can the sky be taken away from a person? It's the same general.

Epidemic - Life in the Twilight

I am cursed in the Twilight by both Light and Darkness!
The circle of life is closed, there is no way home.
In a bleak world, there are no stars in the sky!
Dreams turn to dust!

The Void (Turgor)

Blue sky... How do you know what it should be like? Have you been there before? Or maybe it's just the memories of your dying Soul?..

Semantic Hallucinations - Abyss

I love your wishes
Your love that I bathe in
And even if I ever confess

Your tear is the most beloved in the world
What a weird dizziness
And even if I don't meet you
I will love your eyes

A sky without a bottom is an abyss
without bottom.

Loc-Dog - Dream of the sky

May you dream of the sky
in which the stars The sky is the color of your eyes.
They are in tears. everyday problems
Replace crystal clear air
pierced by the rays of the sun. The sky will dream
But you do not touch the infinitely pure height,
Azure vaults, touch the seas of the surf,
Breathe in the fumes of factories. The sky will dream
Don't touch it, it's a different breed.

John Boyne. boy in striped pajamas

If someone looks at the sky at night, this does not mean that we are dealing with an astronomer.

Assai - Orion 122

I won't reach the sky
After all, we can only fly clumsily.

Anosh Irani. Song of Kahunshi

No matter how alien the city is, you can always look up and see the usual picture.

Andrey Kuraev

So is the river of history. Generation after generation leaves more and more dirt in its bed. And the sky is getting further.

Fleur - The sky wants to fall

And the sky wants to fall
It has lost its peace.
Heaven sees my world in a dream
Heaven wants to be me.

Alice Sebold. The Lovely Bones

Once in heaven, at first I thought that everyone there, without exception, sees the same thing ...

Kozma Petrovich Prutkov

Human! Raise your gaze from the earth to the sky, what, worthy of amazement, is the order there!

Ransom Riggs. House of Peculiar Children

His gaze, passing me, rushed to the sky, already bristling with needles of stars.

Alexander Rosenbaum - I see the light

May our women in short dreams hear the whispered motive of the Lord,
As long as possible to love them, let it be heaven we are allowed to be able to.

Agatha Christie - Islavey

The gray banners of love are above us instead of the sky.

Radiohead - 2+2=5

Oh go and tell the king
that the sky is falling in
Oh report to the king
The sky is falling to zero.

Bad guy (Bad Guy / Nabbeun namja)

Tonight I'm at the very bottom of darkness. I was dumb looking at the sky. Although there is only emptiness inside. I was dumb when the stars blazed with light. But now for me they are just sparks in the sky. Where should I go? Maybe to heaven? Maybe to hell?

A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)

How beautiful is the sky. I should have gone there in a rocket, they never come back...

Christmas tree ft. Aibolit - Love is scattered in fragments

And even the sky needs you, it gets dark without you...

Richard Bach. Bridge over eternity

Keep your love for the sky, child, and I promise you that what you love will find a way to take you away from the earth, up into its eerily happy answers to all questions.

Tina Karol - White sky

Because my sky is a white sky
White, and I'm alone in winter, snowy.
I gave you half the world, the first
It's my fault…

Detective Agency Hamatora (Hamatora the Animation)

Sometimes looking at the sky helps to calm down.

Aria - Heaven will find you

The sky does not wait for prayers,
The sky does not hear threats,
Heaven will find you.

Alexey Vorobyov - About her

This is more than love,
It's above those lights
That in the sky they cry with white snow -
About her...
This is more than love,
This is beyond my power.
Believe that you will return
As I requested...

Sasha Project - I really need you

And let the thunder rumble again
And the sky frowns all evening.
I only think about
That I live from meeting to meeting.

Free Thoughts - The Last Song of Childhood

And ahead is like an eternity of happy days.
There's more to come, let's keep it that way!
Listen to your heart - it knows everything!
You look at the sky - it understands everything
And the stars above our heads, we seem to be next to them,
And don't feel like strangers.

Semantic Hallucinations - Alien Sky

We get nothing for seniority
We will eagerly grab fragments of bygone stories
I doubted - they gave me hope in return
And the sky above your head was given to someone else

Vyacheslav Verkhovsky

A unique opportunity to look into the future: look into a puddle - and you are already in the sky!

Camille Flammarion

When will man finally stop crawling on the surface of the earth and settle down in the azure silence of heaven?

Osip Emilievich Mandelstam

Oh heaven, heaven, I will dream of you!
You can't be completely blind
And the day burned like a white page:
Some smoke and some ash!

Vasily Aksenov. Crimea Island

There is no better icon than the sky!

Virginia Andrews. Flowers in the attic

I raised my eyes to the sky. It looked like a deep
a velvety dark blue bowl turned upside down
bottom and adorned with crystals of stars resembling snowflakes.
Or maybe it's my frozen tears that I have to
cry in the future? For some reason it seemed to me that with my
heights they look at me with regret and I felt
depressed, completely meaningless being
the size of an ant.

Marcel Proust. Towards Svan

We lack only the necessary: ​​a large piece of the sky. Try to always keep a piece of the sky above your life.

Martin Amis. Money

Sometimes, when the sky is just as gray - impeccably gray, one might say, a denial of the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcolor - and hunched millions look up, it's hard to distinguish air from visual defects, as if all these grains of sand floating up and down in blurry curls are part of the element itself - rain, spores , tears, film, dirt. Perhaps at such moments the sky is just the sum of the dirt that has accumulated in our eyes.

Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich. Seven great secrets of space

If you like to look at the starry sky,
If it attracts you with its harmony
And strikes with its immensity -
So you have a living heart beating in your chest,
This means that it will be able to resonate with the innermost words about the life of the Cosmos.

Olesya Shalyukova. Night of shadows

Gray clouds outside the window floated slowly in the sky, they did not care about the small insects below. The sky was eternal...

Alice Hoffman. Here on Earth

Sometimes love is like a house without a single door; like a sky so full of stars that none can be seen.

Alice Hoffman. What was, what will be

The sky only seems blue: in fact, moisture mixes with dust and creates this illusion. But in reality, without blue light, without dust, space is empty. People see what they think, not what is actually there. They create their reality from water and dust.

Mumiy Troll - Alien guest

There are no comets in the night sky -
The whole planet in the world of dreams.
In the distance I saw a dim light -
This is a sign from other worlds.

Sun of the Aztecs (Im Juli)

The sky is blue everywhere.

George Gordon Byron. Don Juan

And the sun has set. yellow moon
Ascended to heaven - the old witch;
She looks shy and cold.
But even on the twenty-first of June
In three hours she will make
Such leprosy in another full moon,
Which for the whole day you can’t do:
She's got the hell out of it!

Aria and the Mill - There High

There are clouds running high
To a star that went out many years ago.

Alexey Ponamarev - When I die

And here I sit and look at one point,
More precisely, in the sky, in its torn shreds.

William Faulkner. Sartoris

Not everyone who talks about the sky is destined to get there ...

Viktor Pelevin. Chapaev and Void

I looked up again and suddenly thought that the last time I saw the starry sky, God knows when, although all the time it was above my head - it was enough just to raise it.

Do you know why people look at the sky when they are very hurt? So they try to hold back their tears.

I hate the sky Once, together with you, we counted stars on it.

Have you ever cried, looking at the sky, filled with passionate beauty?

I send a kiss to the sky so that it would give it to you wherever you are.

Love, dreamily in the air, warms the soul. And love, dissolved in daily routine, will add warmth to the family.

She can look at the night sky for a long time. And everything is waiting for the star to fall. She believes in miracles and knows that she will definitely be happy.

Your eyes embrace the sky, your eyes make me weak.

For lovers, as for birds, not only a nest is necessary, but also the sky.

Gone love is like a star that once shined brightly in the sky. Even when it fades, it leaves its mark.

My blue eyes are the sky for you.

Sometimes you want to raise your eyes to the sky and ask: “Are you mocking me?”

The miracle is closer than it seems. Just believe.

No one has yet been to heaven during their lifetime, but everyone already absolutely knows everything about them.

When you often raise your eyes upward, you will see many interesting things, but if you look at the ground more often, you will not fall.

Come with me to the seventh heaven. I already took your place, on the best cloud.

Four things you cannot understand: the path of an eagle in the sky, the path of a serpent on a rock, the path of a ship in the sea, and the path of a man to a woman's heart.

I never take offense for a long time, and let it be very insulting. I will definitely forgive a person close to me in my heart. But I keep a secret hope that heaven will avenge me and whip the offender with a twig on the backside.

Looked up - there is the sky. Looked down - the earth. Looked in the mirror - oh bl*.

Each of us has its own madness, and in each of us lives an irresistible desire to break, someone from the roof, someone into the sky, someone from the coils.

Grass is looking for crowds of its own kind on the ground; the tree is looking for its loneliness in the sky.

Open your eyes, look at the sun and the sky, you will see the world in the eyes of a child.

Good is when the sun appears in the blue sky, because of the white clouds, the mountains in the distance are freed from the bluish haze, and the flowers in the green meadows begin to bloom and exude the most delicate aroma. And at the same time, you can still sit in your chair and drive the cursor around all this splendor.

And everyone is so happy - just olyalya. And I have no sky. No sea. Neither you.

I have stars in the sky, but I long for the little lamp that was not lit in my house.

Raise your head to the sky clouds sprinkle the world with vanilla sugar.

What must be done to be saved and go to heaven?

Look at the sky at 5 am. The world is perfect without man.

Thank you for the peaceful sky above your head, dear veterans! If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be here today.

When I die, there will be the most beautiful sky. All the colors of the world will merge and spread as if you are applying with a thin brush, lightly dipping it in tears. It means I left you forever, but I promise to watch over you from heaven.

Whoever sees angels in the sky does not see birds in the sky.

I want to live on a rainbow, not a zebra.

Sky quotes

The crew says goodbye to you and wishes you a pleasant flight.

The sky in her eyes is just a bright blue fabric. She can look into the distance and just drown in dreams.

Dear heaven, please stop displaying my state of mind. The rains have already arrived.

The sky does not understand hints, but loves sincerity.

Opening your eyes and standing under the endless sky, enjoying every breath of fresh air, enjoying each other's company - this is happiness.

Even the saddest autumn day should not take away from you the memory that in fact the grayness of the sky is temporary, and it has a bright blue color.

See also -

The sky… It is always different. The way it looks depends on the weather, on the time of day, on the season. The sky transforms into the most incredible images. We have prepared the same different quotes about the sky for you. We hope that among all the statements and aphorisms about the sky presented here, you will be able to choose one that accurately describes the vault of heaven above you. Or maybe not. The sky is visible...

Wise Quotes About Heaven

Look at the sky more often, and not at your feet - and your thoughts will be clear and light.
Seraphim of Sarov

There is no better icon than the sky!
Vasily Aksenov

The sky is the cradle of children's imagination.
Sergey Fedin

The sky is not above us and not below us, not to the left and not to the right. Heaven is in the heart of a man, if he believes. But I do not believe and I am afraid that I will die without seeing the sky.
Salvador Dali

As the earth pulls down, so the sky pulls up. And the attraction of the sky is no weaker than the attraction of the earth.
Alexander Vyazemka

War is not talked about under a clear sky when the sun is shining.
Patrick Ness

Living in cities teaches you to look only at your feet. The fact that there is a sky in the world, no one will remember ...
Haruki Murakami

Never before has such a familiar sky seemed to me a truly blessed heaven...
Ann Rice

No sharpness of the human mind is so great that it can penetrate into the sky.
Mark Tullius Cicero

He is closest to heaven, who needs nothing.
Grigory Skovoroda

Heaven with its mystery has always lured people. People have always searched for the meaning of their lives in heaven. And no wonder, because it is always majestic. Against its background, human life looks petty and unworthy of attention.

Sayings about the sky with meaning

Perhaps the sky is really a meadow overgrown with white flowers; and there God walks and breaks the stars ...
John Galsworthy

A unique opportunity to look into the future: look into a puddle - and you are already in the sky!
Vyacheslav Verkhovsky

The sky is a perfect creation; whoever and wherever he stands on earth, he always feels himself in the center, in the middle of the earth, and the dome of heaven extends an equal distance from him in all four directions.
Irving Stone

It is strange to realize that, despite the same sky above our heads, we are all completely different.
Veronica Roth

Not everyone who talks about the sky is destined to get there ...
William Faulkner

The sky carries out its plans through human folly.
Walter Scott

No matter how alien the city may be, you can always look up and see the usual picture.
Anosh Irani

We all live under the same sky, but we all have different horizons.
Konrad Adenauer

Sometimes I stop believing in the blueness of the sky: it seems to me that this space is perfectly bruised.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Everyone wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die.
Joe Louis

The sky is incredibly beautiful. In any weather, at any time of the day. Looking into the deep heights, you feel like a small speck of dust, whose life is invisible and not as important as it sometimes seems. But, nevertheless, we believe that a person is paramount, if only because only he is able to briefly describe the beauty of the sky in quotes and aphorisms. The heavens themselves cannot do this for sure.

About the sky quotes are short and beautiful

I looked up again and suddenly thought that the last time I saw the starry sky, God knows when, although all the time it was above my head - it was enough just to raise it.
Victor Pelevin

The sea and the sky are two symbols of infinity.
Giuseppe Mazzini

We are nothing compared to the clear, blue, endless sky.
Lev Tolstoy

Heaven is not a place or a time. Heaven is the attainment of perfection.
Richard Bach

After all, what is our life? This is heaven. Scenery. View from the cape. Two clouds, the sun and the air - nothing by a third. You can sit and look for meaning in this sky, and you can spread your wings and fly in it.
Al Quotion

The most beautiful pictures show the sky.
Vadim Sinyavsky

The sky is the same for everyone, but the sky is different for everyone.
Stepan Balakin

We lack only the necessary: ​​a large piece of the sky. Try to always keep a piece of the sky above your life.
Marcel Proust

Why earth when there is sky?
Pablo Neruda

People take the sky very seriously and prefer it to be painted in the same familiar color - this makes them feel safe.
Max Fry

Children often look at the sky and clouds, and when they grow up, they look at the sky very rarely. Adult people are almost always in a hurry somewhere and they never look around, and even more so - look at the heavenly heights. If someone looks into the sky, he will see only the sky as it appears at first glance. And, perhaps, no one thinks about the fact that it also lives, because depending on the time, season, weather conditions, it changes, is embodied in various forms and images.

Phrases about the sky to think about

The sky does not understand hints, but loves sincerity ...
Vladimir Borisov

We used to raise our eyes to the sky to pray. And now - raise to curse.
Erich Maria Remarque

What fears can hold out for a long time in the bright light of the morning sun, under the blue sky, in the fresh, invigorating breeze?
Theodore Dreiser

It seemed that even the sky was crying, looking through the window of my room...
Janusz Leon Wisniewski

No one can take the sky with them when parting.
Luis Sepulveda

Nobody pays attention to the sky until they fall in love.
Alessandro D'Avenia

For lovers, as for birds, not only a nest is necessary, but also the sky.
Evgeny Panteleev

Throwing down from the heavens of spiritual experiences to the plain of reason, the object of worship will certainly break up into mutually exclusive concepts.

In VKontakte, you must indicate the marital status "in the passive search." That is, it is understood that you prostrated yourself on the sofa, waiting for marvelous men or delightful ladies to fall from the sky.

All evidence is ridiculous, naive and powerless. You do not trust either the prophets or the doctors if the clipped wings hurt when you do not dream of the sky at night.

I never take offense for a long time, and let it be very insulting. I will definitely forgive a person close to me in my heart. But I keep a secret hope that heaven will avenge me and whip the offender with a twig on the backside.

When you often raise your eyes upward, you will see many interesting things, but if you look at the ground more often, you will not fall.

Love, dreamily in the air, warms the soul. And love, dissolved in daily routine, will add warmth to the family.

When we are happy, we fly up to the clouds, we fly to the sun and stars. But one day dreams will be destroyed, happiness will disappear and only regret for the lost will remain.

They are not looking for loved ones, they are sent by heaven.

I'm blowing a kiss to the sky to give it to you... wherever you are.

You are better than the sun and the moon, you are better than the starry night! You are better than heaven and earth, I love you very much! ..

If the heavens suddenly cry with rain, know that it is I who miss you, if a bright star flares up at night, it is I who give my love to you.

A cat loves a cat, a bird loves a sparrow, the sky loves the sun, but no one loves you.

If the sky, then blue. If a friend, then a strong one. If friendship, then eternal. And love is endless.

The limit for me is only the sky ...

Happiness is where you are - where you are, there is happiness. It surrounds you; it is a natural phenomenon. It's just like the air, just like the sky.

Good is when the sun appears in the blue sky, because of the white clouds, the mountains in the distance are freed from the bluish haze, and the flowers in the green meadows begin to bloom and exude the most delicate aroma. And at the same time, you can still sit in your chair and drive the cursor around all this splendor.

Summer is a drop of sky in your palms, a drop of light on your eyelashes... And a drop of unforgettable life...

I would like the autobahn .... rush straight to the sky ... there is no need for brakes ...

I am free, like a bird in a clear sky ... I fly and feel happiness!

By your smile, by your eyes... in the sky all the stars suffer, but on earth I suffer.

Looking at the sky, I see one star, it burns so brightly that it reminds me of you, you are just as beautiful and I am glad that you are mine.

Finally, I'm in seventh heaven with happiness. I warn you, you don’t need to substitute the ladder, I won’t get down anyway.

Happiness is made up of little things, of small, insignificant joys. Huge happiness, like a brick from the sky, does not fall, but is painstakingly created.

When Masha finally married Igor, she was in the 7th heaven with happiness and 3 months from Konstantin.

Smile when there are clouds in the sky. Smile when your heart is in trouble. Smile and you'll feel better in no time. Smile, because you are someone's happiness.

Two crocodiles are flying across the sky - blue and red, especially red.

There are unforeseen winds and clouds in the sky, while a person has sorrows and happiness.

Opening your eyes and standing under the endless sky, enjoying every breath of fresh air, enjoying each other's company - this is happiness.

Come with me to the seventh heaven... I have already taken your place, on the best cloud.

Thank you for the peaceful sky above your head, dear veterans!!! If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be here today.

Each of us has its own madness, and in each of us lives an irresistible desire to break, someone from the roof, someone into the sky, someone from the coils.

Looked up - there is the sky. Looked down - the earth. Looked in the mirror - oh bl*.

Grass is looking for crowds of its own kind on the ground; the tree is looking for its loneliness in the sky.

I have stars in the sky ... but I miss the little lamp that was not lit in my house.

The magical night is coming, scattering stars in the sky. She leads the miracle worker Nikolai behind her.

Sometimes you want to raise your eyes to the sky and ask: “Are you mocking me?!”

Her eyes are the color of the sky, her lips taste like vanilla chocolate, and her heart is like a broken vase.

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