Quotes about autumn and school. Beautiful quotes about autumn


This article contains quotes about autumn, short and beautiful, with a meaning about the nature of the autumn season.

Autumn is the flowering of nature, shrouded in wisdom and awareness of the immutability of the flow of life. The time of falling leaves has come again! How much light and color in the last autumn days!

"His eyes reflected the gray of the autumn sky" Marilli Juliet

“Notice that autumn is more the season of the soul than of nature.” Friedrich Nietzsche.

Spring flowers are fairy tales, autumn leaves are tragic dramas. Mehmet Murat Yildan

Our judgment matures; our imagination disintegrates. We cannot immediately enjoy the colors of the Spring of life and the fruits of its autumn. Macaulay Thomas B.

"Autumn is the greatest reminder of the fabulous beauty of nature, that beautiful dreams can easily disappear"

Autumn is nature's last party this year. Debra Welsh

My heart is a garden tired of autumn. Sara Theusdale

The autumn garden is sad when the sun doesn't shine...Francis Brett Young, Cold Harbor

Autumn… the last, most beautiful smile of the year. William Cullen Bryant

Autumn begins to decorate the earth with its fragile pieces of weakened gold. Teresita Fernandez.

Autumn is a celebration of the last beauty of falling asleep nature.

Autumn teaches us humility. Joko Ono

Autumn is the second spring, when every leaf is a flower. Albert Camus

Autumn is the season of checking for the presence of debts to the past… Elchin Safarli.

Autumn is the bite of the apple harvest. Christina Petrovsky

Autumn spring in reverse order. Terry Gillemets, "The Fall"

Autumn is a season of change. Taoist proverb

Autumn gives back to the earth the leaves that summer has lent to it.

Why is summer fog romantic and autumn fog just sad? Dodie Smith

Ah, the yellow forest, the yellow forest... Here is a piece of happiness for you. Here is a place for you to think. Gavriil Troepolsky "White Bim Black Ear"

Pale amber sunlight falls on the reddened October trees. Ernest Dawson.

There is something incredibly nostalgic and significant about the annual cascade of autumn leaves. Joseph Wheeler

In the autumn forest, we step on carpets of gold and crimson, brown and bronze, woven by winds or rains from these fine textures while we sleep.

In the autumn sunny forest, a person becomes cleaner ”- yes, more often we would all go to this yellow forest. Gavriil Troepolsky "White Bim Black Ear"

There is a blizzard around the chalk: red, yellow, green. Henry Lyon Oldie. Savages of the Oikoumene. Leader

Winter is dead; spring is crazy; summer is fun, and autumn is wise! Mehmet Murat

And every autumn I bloom again. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

And only autumn stretches on gray days, reminiscent of the ghost of lonely nights ... Alisa Belousova

No matter how the metropolis stinks, it cannot bury the fresh and clean aroma of autumn. Dim Butcher

Leaves, falling, whisper, saying goodbye forever. M. M. Prishvina

Now the fire of autumn burns slowly through the forest, and day after day the dead leaves fall and melt. William Allingham

I love borders. August is the border between summer and autumn; this is the most beautiful month I know.

The music of distant summer flutters around Autumn, looking for its former nest. Rabindranath Tagore Passing Birds

There is nothing sadder and more silent than autumn twilight. Emile Zola

Nobody dies as beautifully as autumn. Ashley Willis

But still, autumn is only twenty weeks before spring... Al Quation.

Today outside the window smells of autumn coolness. Elchin Safarli. "You were promised to me"

Autumn is the second spring, and every leaf is a flower. Albert Camus

Autumn is my spring! August Strindberg

Autumn is a hint from God to Old Age. Austin O'Malley

Autumn is a reminder that when leaves die and fall, there will always be spring, a chance to fill up and be reborn again. We all have the opportunity to replenish ourselves in order to be reborn. Tao Porchon-Lynch.

Autumn ripens in the rays of summer. John Armstrong.

Witty people are born in autumn; beautiful in July. Andrew Holleran

October is a symphony of constancy and change. Bonaro Overstreet.

Autumn is a hazy shadow that speaks of the sweet, precious things that God has created in the realm of nature. Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

Autumn is all the colors of a traffic light in one park. Life rushes forward when the park is spring green and slows down when all colors are lit at the same time

Autumn is a constant change. It is maturity and color, the time of completion; but also latitude, depth, and distance. Hal Borland

Autumn for me is a time of magic, when the world is painted with the colors of masters.

Autumn is both the beginning and the end. Gene Penzivol. Lighthouse Keeper's Daughters

Autumn comes with its golden days, its reverent days and with you - Oh, this is the most delightful time, my heart burns with anticipation. Byron Caldwell Smith, letter to Kate Stevens

Autumn is good only if the summer in the soul has not yet ended. Rinat Valiullin. Where kisses fall

Autumn walked quietly and confidently through the streets, like a cat. Marina Efimova "Ghost in Love"

The rainbow colors of autumn remind me of your beautiful smile. Gabor Timis

The most beautiful carpet is the carpet of autumn leaves! Mehmet Murat

Love also has an autumn, and the one who has forgotten the taste of the kisses of a loved one will know it. Mark Levy

Autumn colors... bright and beautiful. It is nature that is trying to fill us with color, to saturate us, turning everything into muffled and dreary before winter. Siobhan Vivian.

I still live, remembering our autumn. Ekaterina Sivanova

I don't feel like spring. I feel warm red Autumn. Marilyn Monroe

Section topic: quotes with meaning about autumn, short and beautiful.

I don't like autumn. I do not like to watch how the leaves full of life wither, having lost the battle with nature, a higher power that they cannot overcome.
Cecilia Ahern. I love your memories

A new autumn enters the heart like a dark bird.
Performer "Fleur"

Autumn is in the human soul. Like spring, summer, any season, any weather. And therefore, to the same rain, someone with joy and a premonition of purification will substitute his hands, and the other will frown heavily, brush his sadness into a random stream and tighten his cloak. The weather is in us, and the rain ... it just comes. Deprived of shades of good and evil, joy and sadness, the rain falls through our souls.

I'm not sick, said the Colonel. “It's just that in October I feel like my insides are being gnawed by wild animals.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez. No one writes to the colonel

Every year something in you dies as the leaves fall from the trees and their bare branches sway defenselessly in the wind in the cold winter light. But you know that spring will definitely come, just as you are sure that the frozen river will be free of ice again. But when the cold rains poured incessantly and killed the spring, it seemed as if a young life had been ruined for no reason. However, in those days, spring always came in the end, but it was scary that it might not come ...
Ernest Hemingway. A holiday that is always with you

Autumn is the last, most delightful smile of the year.
William Cullen Bryant

October - impetuous, so juicy, so fragrant in its golden-scarlet radiance, with early white frosts, with a bright transformation of the leaves - this is a completely different, magical time, the last daring jubilant splash in the face of the impending cold.
Joanne Harris. Five quarters of an orange

Having swallowed the unsteadily trembling September air, the short summer melted away, and the soul still did not want to part with its miserable remnants. An old tank top, denim shorts, beach sandals…
Haruki Murakami. Pinball 1973

Autumn is the time of poets and pensive women, the time when the scales tilt and the unbridled fury of life subsides. Dust settles in autumn. Dust of experiences, beating on bare nerves, dust of crazy ideas and almost begun accomplishments. The sky cools down in autumn. And along with it, the animal roar of passion cools down, becoming a quiet peaceful tenderness.
Al Quotion. Spare Part Improvisation

I believe that in November every decent person should fall into depression from three to ten days. If for some reason you do not roll around like an aluminum spoon, this indicates insufficiently fine mental organization.
Martha Ketro. Care and return guide

The autumn cemetery is a special sight. Royal purple and refined gilding of foliage, royal commemoration in the summer against the background of the solemn severity of evergreen thujas - faithful cemetery mourners. Gray granite of tombstones, bronze of memorial inscriptions, smoky marble of obelisks, black basalt of monuments, modest tuff of memorial slabs. The severity of the alleys and a riot of colors, flashes of consumptive passion and sadness poured into the air. Cemeteries are mostly in autumn. Not the spring riot of life, which seems shameful in the resting places, not the sultry languor of summer, not even the winter shroud - autumn, the threshold of oblivion.
Henry Lyon Oldie. Shelter of heroes

It was the last days of September, when for no apparent reason life becomes so sad.
Ray Bradbury. Lake

In autumn, every woman is a bit of a witch. After all, crimson leaves awaken in the soul as ancient as the world, remembering the fire with a mysterious potion - and its recipe is deep inside.
Nadia Yasminska

October was amazing. A sharp bitterness soared in the cool air, the aroma of dry fallen leaves was felt. Autumn walked quietly and confidently through the streets, like a cat. The sky was high, translucent blue. However, the sun cooled down more and more every day, and the city gradually resigned itself to the approach of the inevitable cold.
Marina Efimova. Ghost in love

Why all the days and hours are very fast, and autumn, it is so long, as if it never ends.
Oleg Tishchenkov. Cat

How bright, how uncompromising, she came and threw everything off herself.
- Lucky you with a woman.
- I'm talking about autumn.
Rinat Valiullin. fifth season

Autumn creativity. Large selection of creative ideas

After reading all these quotes, autumn loses some of its coldness and becomes warmer and brighter. That is why you need to read quotes about autumn.

Autumn is a wonderful time, transforming nature beyond recognition. Yellowed, reddened leaves falling from the trees, the gentle autumn sun, a refreshing breeze - what could be more beautiful? This time of the year inspired Russian poets in a special way, who dedicated many beautiful works to it. You can pick up quotes about autumn for every taste, emphasizing your state of mind and mood.

1. Amazing words

2. Lines with a touch of humor

Amazing words

Autumn quotes that can be found on the Internet can create a mood. Reading them prompts a person to reason and think about love and eternal questions. Despite fallen leaves, cold evenings and heavy rains, beautiful phrases are saturated with a special atmosphere. When you read them, you are transported back to the time when they just lay down on a blank sheet of paper, and you experience the emotions that their author experienced at that time.

Whatever the weather is outside, the main thing is that it was summer inside ...

Autumn has come suddenly. This is how a feeling of happiness comes from the most inconspicuous things - from a distant steamboat whistle on the Oka River or from a random smile.
(K.G. Paustovsky)

... By the way, autumn flowers more colorful and luminous than that of summer, and they die earlier...
(Erich Maria Remarque)

Smells like autumn. Something unusually sad, friendly and beautiful. I would take it and fly away somewhere with the cranes.
(A.P. Chekhov)

Autumn is the second spring when every leaf is a flower.
(Albert Camus)

Autumn is the last, the most delightful smile of the year.
(William Cullen Bryant)

Well, there is autumn, she gently and gently prepares us for the cold. Favorite autumn. Time for reflection, hands in pockets, mulled wine in the evenings and pleasant melancholy...
(Elchin Safarli)

Quotes from books and aphorisms of great people about this wonderful time have long been scattered around the world. Many of them people dedicate to each other, reading in the autumn evenings. This beautiful time also delights modern poets. Evidence of this are the regularly updated categories of statements about autumn. This is not surprising. Every season is beautiful in its own way. Autumn is distinguished by its colorful colors.

Here come the rains... Wash away the dust from the soul,
to then clean it with white snow ...

In the spring the heart is wrong, and sums up in the fall.

Autumn is all the colors of a traffic light in one park. Life rushes forward when the park is spring green and slows down when all the colors are lit at the same time.

Love also has an autumn, and the one who has forgotten the taste of the kisses of a loved one will know it.
(Mark Levy)

Autumn is the season, immediately after which the expectation of spring begins.
(Doug Larson)

It would seem that there can be beauty in a fading nature. But after that, it will bloom again. In the meantime, she will rest, gain strength, each person will be able to enjoy the entrancing sayings about the golden age.

Lines with a touch of humor

Among the statements saturated with warmth, love, comfort, you can find funny aphorisms about autumn that can make a cloudy day bright, illuminate it with a good mood, charge it with positive. Short and humorous poems sent to relatives and friends as a morning greeting or a wish for a good day will certainly please them.

Funny sayings about autumn can be assigned not only to friends, but also to a dear person. Having found cool lines about love, you can unobtrusively hint about your feelings. And the golden time will contribute to this, because it does not happen more romantic and more mysterious.

Doctor, I'm allergic to autumn.
I cover myself with a blanket and sleep all the time ...

If you smear the roof of the house in the fall chocolate, caramel or condensed milk, then in the spring it will be much more pleasant to lick icicles!

Autumn has come falling sheets. I don't need anyone but YOU!

Indian summer- this is the last chance to decide with whom you will spend the winter!

Folk sign: the hand on the mouse freezes - autumn has come.

autumn, autumn, We won't stop drinking anyway!

Even though it's raining and slushy outside,
I'll pour myself a cup of tea,
I will add honey, love and joy,
And I drink...))

Or maybe autumn was created for that in orange tones, so that we feel light, warm and in general ... juicy!

When it rains on the roofs
and the wind rips umbrellas out of my hands -
warm me with their warmth

Autumn - time to warm up warm sweaters, hot tea and kindness.

Autumn is no reason to be sad.
Autumn is a good reason to wear a beautiful scarf! :)

It is very easy to cheer up with the help of this category of statements, and the eyes run up from their number. This once again confirms that one can talk about autumn endlessly.

Statuses for social networks

With the advent of a cool, but colorful and mysterious time, most active users of social networks want to make their page truly cozy and romantic. Phrases about autumn will help to create the right mood, among which one will certainly be found that meets their requirements.

In this way, users of Instagram, VKontakte, Twitter and many other social networks get a cheerful, mysterious, romantic or sad status on the page. As for the last category, lines with notes of sadness are also very popular. Indeed, looking at the gray nature and the impenetrable wall of rain, you can feel sad, but not for long. After all, the rain will soon end, and it will be possible to continue to enjoy this wonderful time.

I sit, I drink coffee, I analyze. Autumn is in the cup, winter is in the plans, spring is in the body, and the soul, as always, did not have enough summer.

And I want winter!
So that everything around is white-white!
So that my former dirt and sadness
It's covered with fluffy snow!

Autumn poetry, which can be found today on most sites, is popular among people of different ages. After all, they contain all the best statements, aphorisms, statuses, both modern poets and writers of the past. Therefore, anyone can please the eye, warm the soul, recharge with positive emotions.

Someone loves autumn and sees beauty and a riot of colors in it. For some, it is cold, rain, dampness and constant depression. But nature does not die. She gives herself and people a break, getting ready for sleep under a snow blanket. And in just a few months, everything will come to life again. The spleen, dull mood will disappear, and we will again enjoy bright colors, aromas and love.

Where to find words to describe autumn love? To do this, we have selected beautiful quotes and aphorisms about autumn, love, and everything connected with it.

Millions of women love autumn...

Short, beautiful quotes and aphorisms about autumn and love

Autumn can be warmer than summer
When the soul is dressed in love.

Well, what a charm - a woman's soul!
Everything is in the clouds, naive, hovers!
And even autumn is good for her.
Kohl next to the one who opens the umbrella!

When a woman is warmed by love,
She is not afraid of autumn!

Millions of women love autumn...
Leaf fall and the sound of rainy streams ...
Carefully measured doses
Coffee, chocolate and a kiss...

From the maple leaf fell on coffee,
Like a warm hello from you.
Bad weather draws your profile
On the transparent palette of rain...

Someday I'll come back to you in the rain.
Autumn rain, noisy in memory ...
You'll tell me: "It was all a dream!"
And I will answer: “It was happiness!!!”

It's autumn outside.
Sadness in the heart.
I love you so much!
Do not believe? It's a pity…

Even though it's raining and slushy outside,
I'll pour myself a cup of tea,
I will add honey, love and joy,
And I drink...

Autumn is a reason to think
Feel the "here" and "now"
And of course love
Against all laws of nature!
Evgenia Sharova

I once LOVED autumn ... so in ten or twelve years ...
I loved to go for a run in the rain without an umbrella in boots ...
And now I'm older...
And for this I love autumn only ... so that with me, under one blanket ...

I will get sick with you ... autumn will cool the trembling ...
It’s easier in autumn… She doesn’t know how to lie…
Ekaterina Alekseeva

Love and autumn in some way you are one -
Coming bright and leaving gray
But there is no more beautiful picture of life -
Although it would not be long to be a single whole ...
Larisa Kuzminskaya

I wish you an autumn full of love!

Autumn is the time of the year when people should warm each other with their words, their feelings, their lips ... And then no cold will be terrible.

I wander alone through October, timidly crushing the leaves, I lie to myself that I don’t love, I lie to myself that I forget.

When someone you love appears in your life... then autumn becomes colorful. You do not notice the rain, but only multi-colored umbrellas!

I wish you an autumn full of love, warm colors, the smell of coffee and kisses.

The leaves fall when the sun ceases to warm, in autumn, and the relationship between lovers ends when love ceases to warm.
Rugiya Mustafayeva

It's damp outside, the sky is crying, the sun is hidden: everything is so black and gray ... Why? Maybe because it's October? No, you're just not there...

Autumn… cold, windy and rainy. But it becomes cozy and warm if you are not alone in it. If she has him...

Autumn makes words warmer, kisses stronger, and love ... Love does not depend on the season.

Love! In winter from cold, in summer from heat, in spring from the first leaves, in autumn from the last: always from everything.

Love has its own laws of development, its own ages, just like human life. She has her own luxurious spring, her hot summer, and finally, autumn, which for some is warm, bright and fruitful, for others - cold, rotten and barren.

In autumn, you can become the focus of warmth and love.

If autumn is in gray clouds - I miss you!

No, you can't live without love in autumn. Otherwise, it will certainly turn into winter.

Perhaps autumn is to blame for everything. I feel it stronger than you. Fall break the rules and everything becomes so invalid. And the man wants... What does he want? Love.

Quotes from books and aphorisms of great people about this wonderful time have long been scattered around the world.

Love also has an autumn ...

And I don't like autumn when I'm waiting. Waiting for the person without whom my autumn fades.
Elchin Safarli "Sweet salt of the Bosphorus"

Perhaps autumn is to blame for everything; I feel it more than you. In autumn, pacts are torn and everything becomes invalid. And the man wants... Yes, what does he want?
- Love.
Erich Maria Remarque, "Shadows in Paradise"

Love also has an autumn, and the one who has forgotten the taste of the kisses of a loved one will know it.
Mark Levy, "Those words that we did not say to each other"

Love is when you want to experience all four seasons with someone. When you want to run with someone from a spring thunderstorm under a lilac strewn with flowers, and in the summer to pick berries and swim in the river. In autumn, cook jam together and seal windows from the cold. In winter - to help survive a runny nose and long evenings ...
Ray Bradbury, Dandelion Wine

Probably each of us has some especially dear love memory or some especially serious love sin.
Ivan Bunin, "Dark Alleys"

Still, it's better to have an unhappy first love than a last one.
Galina Shcherbakova, "Very desperate"

I was irresistibly drawn to you, drawn again to taste at least a miserable particle of that hot, dazzling happiness that we once enjoyed prodigally and carelessly, like fairy-tale kings.
Alexander Kuprin, "Autumn Flowers"

Autumn is approaching like a relentless army. And you understand that love is something more than a playful word of a frivolous woman.
From the film "Summer Rain"

Autumn... What an unusual time of the year - sad, but still beautiful. The world takes on the brightest color.

And nature dresses up in the most beautiful outfit for a meeting with the mistress of blizzards.

Quotes about the autumn of Russian poets

Nothing inspires poets, artists of words and rhymes like the seasons. Poems written by Russian poets in the autumn period are full of both tragedy and admiration.

"Golden autumn has come.
Nature is quivering, pale,
Like a sacrifice, magnificently removed ... "

A.S. Pushkin

"Autumn. Ancient corner
Old books, clothes, weapons,
Where is the treasure catalog
Turns over the cold."

B.L. Pasternak

"Autumn roamed in the wet valleys,
She laid bare the cemeteries of the earth,
But thick mountain ash in passing villages
The red color will dawn from afar."

A.A. Blok

"I'm sad to look at you,
What a pain, what a pity!
Know only willow copper
We stayed with you in September."

S.A. Yesenin

"Autumn. The trees in the alley are like warriors.
Each tree smells differently.
Army of the Lord."

M.I. Tsvetaeva

"And every autumn I bloom again."

A.S. Pushkin

Quotes about the autumn of Russian writers

Russian writers express their attitude to autumn, both in short, but deep thoughts, and in long, ornate sentences.

"It smells like autumn. And I love Russian autumn. Something unusually sad, friendly and beautiful. I would take it and fly away somewhere with the cranes."

A.P. Chekhov

"... I love how they sing to the hurdy-gurdy on a cold, dark and damp autumn evening, certainly on a damp one, when all the passers-by have pale green and sick faces ..."

F.I. Dostoevsky

"Autumn came suddenly. This is how a feeling of happiness comes from the most inconspicuous things - from a distant steamboat whistle on the Oka River or from a random smile."

K.G. Paustovsky

"... autumn is in the yard, and in autumn a person, like all animals, seems to withdraw into himself.
Look, the birds are already flying away - look how the cranes are flying! she said, pointing high above the Volga at a curved line of black dots in the air.

I.A. Goncharov

“I went to bed sick, and woke up sick. It suddenly seemed to me that the autumn darkness would squeeze out the glass, pour into the room and I would choke in it, as if in ink.”

M.A. Bulgakov

Quotes about the autumn of foreign writers

Foreign classics and just writers were also inspired by the autumn period. Probably, this is such a time of the year when the soul becomes truly calm and peaceful.

"Autumn is like a hot supper, when everything is eaten with appetite that one did not want to wake up in the morning and did not want to look at it. And her world was entering its best time, just when it was time to leave it."

Harper Lee

"Autumn has come, a wonderful, cool time, everything changes color, fades."

Knut Samsun

"- What a bright, what an uncompromising, she came and threw everything off herself.
- Lucky you with a woman.
I'm talking about autumn.

Rinat Valiullin

"... By the way, the flowers in autumn are more colorful and luminous than those of summer, and they die earlier..."

Erich Maria Remarque

"Autumn is the second spring, when every leaf is a flower."

Albert Camus

"Autumn is the last, most delightful smile of the year."

William Cullen Bryant

Movie Quotes About Autumn

Films allow us to enjoy the autumn beauty of the whole world. After all, autumn comes and adorns the life and each person.

"Autumn is approaching like a relentless army. And you understand that love is something more than a playful word of a frivolous woman."

From the movie "Summer Rain"

"Before it gets cold, it warms up for a while."

From the movie "Sleep with me"

"The forest was silent ... Only the golden leaves of the birch played a little, bathing in the sparkles of the sun ... Ah, the yellow forest, the yellow forest ... Here is a piece of happiness for you. Here is a place for you to think. In the autumn sunny forest a man it becomes cleaner - yes, we should all go to this yellow forest more often.

From the movie "White Bim Black Ear"

Quotes about the autumn of contemporaries

Times change, people change too. But the attitude towards autumn remains unchanged.

"For ordinary people, dreams in the fall simply lengthen and become sepia colors, and by winter they are completely endless and black and white."

Mikhail Baru

"... With a touch autumn will overshadow
everything that was inviolable."

B.A. Akhmadulina

"... fallen leaves floated down the ditch like a letter torn to shreds, in which summer explained why it fled to the other hemisphere."

Aleksey Ivanov

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