Quotes I am happy to spit on others. Beautiful and philosophical statuses about a happy woman


How many women, so many opinions about women's happiness. And this is understandable. Happiness is not chocolate that everyone likes. Especially since chocolate is different.

While the post suggests "quotes, aphorisms, sayings and statuses about women's happiness", it has more real real statements about what happiness is.

Real women and their statements about what happiness is for them.

Sayings, statuses, aphorisms quotes about women's happiness

A small female happiness is worth a huge male effort…..

The paradox is that the more beautiful the girl, the less chance of simple female happiness.

Dad and mom made me nice, the teachers made me well-mannered, the teachers made me educated, and my husband made me happy.

Female doping is shopping!

Women's happiness is when every morning you wake up in his arms.

Chocolate... but they say you can't buy happiness

Taking this opportunity, I want to express my deep gratitude to all my ex-men for those crazy, unforgettable, filled with joy and happiness days that I was lucky to live after our parting.

Men's joy is measured in LITERS. Women's happiness - in carats.

Delicate creamy sweet waffle caramel honey here it is, happiness ...

I should be happy and I don't owe anything to anyone else.

What happiness to be a beautiful woman, shrouded in fogs of spirits, tapping cracks in the hearts of men with the blows of high heels!

The secret of female happiness is simple: new shoes, a good manicure and a bald girlfriend.

She was happy in her seventh month.

When I'm happy, I feel like crying, but when I'm sad, I don't feel like laughing. So it's better, I guess, to be happy. So you get two experiences for the price of one.

Women's happiness has the appearance of a beloved man.

I'm fine.
I'm happy.
I have nothing to please you.

A girl should give happiness, not wait for it.

The greatest happiness for a woman is to see that her children are happy!

HAPPINESS for a woman is small warm hands, candy wrappers behind the sofa, crumbs on the sofa. HAPPINESS is for everyone who has children!

In my purse you can find only perfume, with the smell of joy, glitter - the colors of the rainbow and orbits, with the taste of happiness.

Female happiness - I met my ex with a woman, she is so ugly.

Happiness for a woman is not only a state of mind, but also a state of her husband.

The happiest women, like the happiest nations, have no history.

I am the happiest. I love it and it's such a blessing. Everything is simple, like in a fairy tale. Finally I felt what it means to be happy. What does it mean to love and be loved. There is a smile on my lips now.

A woman needs a man to be happy; for misfortune, just a husband is quite enough.

If they ask me what HAPPINESS is, I will answer: “Happiness is if I am next to you.”

They asked me if I miss you. I didn't answer, I just closed my eyes, smiled and walked away... and then whispered... "crazy."

I'M HAPPY! for this I have EVERYTHING, even you, dear, you just don’t know it yet.

What a great happiness it is to love and be loved.

I can smell your perfume hundreds of meters away... Not because it's persistent... but because I breathe you!

Happiness is when he, whom even alarm clocks will not wake up, wakes up from the fact that I stopped hugging him.

Being loved is more than being rich. Because being loved means being happy. Money can't buy happiness...

There is a person in this world whose mere presence fills me with happiness.

A happy girl, not the one who has many admirers, but the one who has one, besides whom, she does not need anyone !!!

The greatest happiness in life is the certainty that you are loved...

You are happiness… A little strange and incomprehensible…. Leading to nervous breakdowns and terrible fear .... But happiness..

Do you know what happiness is to me? Happiness is You and Me!

Seconds without a loved one are hours. Hours with a loved one - seconds ...
Love is the happiness of a loved one.

Happiness is falling in love with a person who is already in love with you ...

How good it is to be loved, happy, healthy and make plans for the future!

Only my heart beats for you.

Happy is he who is completely sure that he is dearer to someone than everyone else in the world !!!

He may not be the best, but the most necessary for me.

Sometimes for happiness it is enough to see the person you miss madly.

For me to be happy, only one condition is needed - your presence in my life.

How good it is to be someone forever.
And know that these are not empty words.
How to share bread and soul and year.
Look into the eyes of immensely expensive.
How good it is to be someone forever.
And to know that he will not leave, will not deceive.
And pull out from under any ice.
And never stop loving...

You can be Small and Weak only when there is Big and Strong next to you.

She remembered how they met ... so ridiculous, and most importantly, she didn’t like him at all ... and now she’s crazy about him ...

Love is a drug. At first, there is euphoria, lightness, a feeling of complete dissolution. You want more the next day. You haven't gotten into it yet, but while you like the feeling, you're sure you can do without them. You think about your favorite being for 2 minutes and forget about it for 3 hours. But gradually you get used to it and get completely addicted. And then, you think about it for 3 hours and forget for two minutes.

A woman is happy when she sees the smiling eyes of her husband and knows that she is the cause of this joy.

All women are beautiful, and the love of men gives them beauty.

What color is happiness?
- Green.
- Why?
- It's the color of his eyes

If they were building a house of happiness, the largest room would have to be taken as a waiting room.

Happiness is the most wonderful thing in the world, and for those who know how to be happy, it can be as deep as sadness.

When a person is happy, he does not know that he is happy.

If we seek happiness without knowing where it is, we run the risk of losing it.

The unfortunate have a truer and more accurate idea of ​​happiness.

Behind the door of a happy person, someone with a hammer should stand, constantly knock and remind that there are unfortunate people, and that after a short happiness, misfortune comes.

If I want my children to be happy, then I must be the happiest person on Earth myself.

Happiness excludes old age. Whoever retains the ability to see beauty does not age.

Life gives a person, at best, a single unique moment, and the secret of happiness is to repeat this moment as often as possible.

Happiness is not given soon, you have to look for it, like a mushroom in the forest, and break your back over it, and if you find it - look - is it not a toadstool.

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First: I'm good! Secondly: Enough of the "first"!

She lived to the age when the guy she likes can be married.

He doesn't want perfect, he wants me. Such harmful, touchy and jealous.

Statuses with meaning to yourself

I, like a kettle ... I boil instantly, only you can’t wash off the scale with any means ...

I am not the one with whom you can live ... I am the one without which it is impossible to live ...

I'm not a queen, but a crown suits me.

Allow me to introduce myself - Queen! Snowy! Very cold!

Statuses about a girl

I go to his page, gently caress his name with the cursor and leave.

Statuses are daring to yourself

I somehow don't care how I look in your eyes... In mine I look... great!!! And this is the main point!!:)

If my mother taught me to be sweet, gentle, cultured, this does not mean that I don’t kick in the eye, as my father taught me.

Zadolbali with his "must be able to forgive." God will forgive. And I will remember.

I'm going to be kind and good. Don't bother me...don't run into me!

You do not like me? No problem! You me too!

A happy person is one who does not regret the past ... is not afraid of the future ... and does not climb into someone else's life ...

To all those who are so interested in my life, I officially inform: I am still young, beautiful, happy and not even on a diet!!!

Thank you ex-husband for my new life! He just has no idea how he helped me become truly happy!

Live in such a way that there is life in your eyes ... in your heart - Love ... in your soul - peace ... and behind your back - wings !!!

Don't expect it to get easier, better, easier. It won't! There will always be difficulties. So you need to be happy today!

Yesterday, a truck with cucumbers and a truck with goods from an sex shop collided on the highway, the traffic cops who arrived played edible not edible for 3 hours.

If a person is a woodpecker in life, then he will never become a clear falcon ...

Only when you're drunk do you realize who you really love!

Life is too precious to waste it on cheap people...
Appreciate those who also appreciate you...

Five emotions that prevent us from living: pride, envy, anger, pity and fear.

Let go of the past and forgive, wish the past happiness - and life will sparkle with new colors for you, do not regret anything, most importantly, let go and forgive! Life is one, do not waste it on empty people for you. Once betrayed will never deserve trust! Live the future!

Happiness is made up of little things that are available to everyone. You just need to learn to notice them.

You need to live for the smiles of your parents, for the laughter of your children, for the happiness of your loved one. After all, what could be better than pride in the eyes of parents, what could be more beautiful than the words of your child: "My mommy", and the quiet whisper of a loved one "I love you"".

Remember, for a happy life there is one simple rule: No one in this world owes you anything.

Life is good when you rarely have to ask God and often give thanks.

Life is an interesting thing, it gives unexpected meetings, acquaintances, and among them there are people without whom now... life... would be boring!!!

Do not be afraid to change lives, because of the fear of change, we miss the chance for happiness and remain in a vicious circle of problems.

Today I am seriously thinking about the question that I need to change something drastically in my life. So tonight I'll be sitting on the TV and looking at the couch!

You need to realize in time that what cannot be returned and just start life anew, perhaps God gave you two chances, and the first lost one means the beginning of the second, happier one.

Happiness is when you have friends - a doctor, a cop, a lawyer and a killer ...

Always be SURE in what YOU are doing! And spit on someone else's OPINION! It's not a shame to be WRONG for OUTSIDE... it's a shame to be UNHAPPY for YOURSELF!!!

Know and never forget that not a single woman has ever disappeared without a man, rather she will disappear with a man ...

If you want to live a happy, long family life, learn to forgive, understand, keep silent when necessary, tell the truth and just love!!!

How little I need for happiness - a little affection, a couple of words A simple loving look and at night the phrase "Sweet dreams" ...

I'm on the threshold of a new life! It remains only to open the door ... I think, from the foot or culturally!

How is there no happiness in life?!? And I?

Happiness comes not when you hang a horseshoe, but when you remove the collar.

Got sick! Diagnosis:
"An acute insufficiency of fabulous events in my life."

You can be happy anywhere, anytime, anytime, but... NOT WITH ANYONE!!!

It is never too late to love, enjoy life and be happy.
Happiness has no expiration date and age restrictions.

When there is someone nearby who makes you happy, you can survive everything ...

Think your life is shit? Go to the orphanage. There, thousands of eyes will look at you, which are not to blame for anything, and would be happy to have at least 10% of what you have ...

Happiness is when the same person is in the house, in bed and in the head ...

About happy life statuses

I'm happy by default! Please do not meddle in the settings!

Finally, I'm in seventh heaven with happiness. I warn you, you don’t need to substitute the ladder, I won’t get down anyway.

She parted the curtains to brighten the street. I am beaming with happiness.

A beautiful smile, Confident gait, A drop of perfume, Heels and a whisper behind her back: "She's still happy."

I have an unlimited tariff "Personal happiness!"

Being drunk from happiness is much cooler than from alcohol!

And yet I'm happy. Yes, I'm happy. Nobody can deny it. They don't have proof!

Do not disturb... found happiness...

The main thing is to feel happy, and what the rest will say is no longer important.

And I don’t need someone else’s happiness ... I would like to keep mine in my hands ...

The greatest happiness in the world is the belief that you are loved!

To hell with pink glasses - they don't suit me, to hell with the past - it prevents me from being happy in the present ... To hell with everything that was - I'm happy!

I love the truth, but still I prefer happiness ...

I tried on happiness ... But it suits me ... I will wear it.

Let's go with a friend! She's so chic in heels. And I'm so happy in slippers!!!

I'm happy! I'm doing what I love.

I want, I can, I will and already now - happy!

I am very happy! Yes Yes Yes! And who will spoil my mood - I will throw slippers!

My heart beats in the rhythm of happiness and no one will stop it

Happinnes exists. I know him. I know his phone number, habits, the color of his eyes. They are beautiful. He has gentle hands and he smiles gorgeous!

I am happy that every day I see my future more and more clearly next to him ...


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What could be more beautiful than an insanely happy woman? Absolutely nothing, because a happy woman, like any hero from Greek myths, is capable of performing a lot of “feats” and deeds. You know that most of the fair sex has hundreds of troubles about being overweight, their beauty and attractiveness, they always see a sea of ​​flaws in themselves and are always ready for self-criticism. But few people know that all this self-criticism is almost always based on a lack of the most banal happiness. I don't think you know many ladies who, being happy, delved into their shortcomings or believed that nature did not reward them with an attractive appearance. As proof, let's give an example of a banal girl in love, who, as inspired, goes on a romantic date with her boyfriend, she feels great, smiles at passers-by and does not see dark spots in the sun. And also, even if, a week ago, she stood in front of the mirror for an hour and looked at her not ideal, as it seemed to her, body, did not know what to wear today, because she believed that everything did not suit her and, having dressed, went out into the street , sullenly striding into a new day. It is not surprising that love, the soulmate and the family as a whole make a young, happy woman out of a girl who, with male support, can overcome any difficulties and failures in the family and in career growth and in life in general. Our statuses I am happy are simply obliged to raise the spirit and inspire you, dear creatures.

I'm happy by default. Please do not meddle in the settings. If you built a house of happiness, then the largest room would have to be taken as a waiting room

Happiness is when you put your foot on his knees and sit on the couch, and he draws hearts on it with a felt-tip pen 🙂

I always have the sun in my pocket, sparks in my eyes and happiness in my soul ...)

Happiness is the shortest of all impressions

I am happy because I have no time to think that I am unhappy ...

You have to pay for happiness, otherwise she will get up, get dressed and leave.

If everyone is happy, they will die one day

One girl was lucky. Happiness is also not in debt

Nothing-nothing! They don't die of happiness!

Overslept happiness - sleep with misfortune

Until a bottle of vodka is started, a person needs a lot for happiness

And happiness was so close that closer is impossible. Closer - only closeness

Happiness divided by two multiplies

The goal to come up with is not a problem, but to achieve it is happiness.

To hell with pink glasses - they don’t suit me, to hell with the past - it prevents me from being happy in the present ... To hell with everything that was - I’m happy!

Happiness is different for everyone - this is a fact, but for many, its indispensable attributes are - LOVE

Happiness - when people around you guess your desires ...

Happiness is a moment ... they cannot live

The pursuit of happiness is what underlies all our desires and actions.

I am now so happy-happy that the whole world around from my happiness is a lucky one!

The element of surprise is a prerequisite for happiness

Happiness is when you envy yourself...

The most difficult fight is when you have to fight laziness for happiness.

Don't be ashamed of your bad habits. Smoking, wine, impulses of passion - of course, shorten life, but they can prolong moments of happiness.

Happiness has no tomorrow, it does not have yesterday, it does not remember the past, does not think about the future, it has only the present - and that is not a day, but an instant.

Happiness will definitely come, because he is also interested!

Do you know what happiness is to me? Happiness is just ... it's You and Me!

Happiness is a reward for a long and hard journey .. Happiness is when your eyelash fell out, and you don’t know what to think of ...

Do not cheat, do not look - it will immediately become easier to live. Staying human, you can get happiness!

I will be happy only when I stop appearing every evening on VKontakte

Stars twinkle in the sky and you and I are alone. We understand the essence of happiness! You just don't forget it!

Happiness is when you don't have to lie that you feel good!

I'M HAPPY! for this I have EVERYTHING, even you, dear, you just don't know it yet

Do you want to be happy? Learn to suffer first. No one can be happy until they endure suffering.

The cure for unhappiness is not to think about it. When you think about misfortune, it does not go away, but increases

Happiness is like health: when you don’t notice it, it means you have it

What are your plans for tomorrow? -Make you happy...

Happy. Definitely. Very happy... It's nice to realize that I have no reason to be unhappy...

I bring joy, I bring happiness!

My life * my dreams * my boy * my happiness * my status*

Your smile is the reason to be the happiest on earth, every minute I fall in love with you even more ...

You stand with a person in an embrace ... you hear his breathing, and nothing more is needed for happiness ... =)

I so want to scream that I am the HAPPiest in the world, so that EVERYONE, EVERYONE, EVERYONE knows about it! But it’s enough for me that you know this ...)

You know ... but I'm happy ... Let him not be you, but he appreciates me ... This is also happiness ...

Happiness is when the tree you plant grows taller than you.

Happiness is when you see a bright rainbow in a black sky after a thunderstorm.

Happiness is when on a cold evening with friends you remember past adventures.

Happiness is when a butterfly lands on your nose.

Happiness is when you can visit a friend at any time, and he will be delighted with you.

Happiness is when we built a house with friends for a whole summer, and returned there next year

Happiness is when you lie on the grass at night and look at the stars.

Happiness is when you see a friendly smile in a gray crowd and you understand that not everything is so bad.

Happiness is when the first ray of the sun shines friendly through the window, and the whole room becomes warm and cozy.

You will definitely find the way to happiness, just choose the right direction =)

The main components of happiness in this life are as follows: a person must work on something, love someone and hope for something.

Money can't buy happiness - just look at current prices.

Happiness is not in love. Happiness is in you. Someday you'll understand...

There is happiness, it's just not my turn now ...

When a text message comes from you, my phone doesn't just turn on the backlight. He glows with happiness, you know?

I am a happy man. just seeing your dear face is enough for me to understand what I live for

I want a perfume with the smell of HAPPINESS, mascara the color of joy and a cream with a feeling of LOVE

Waiting for happiness, but it does not come??? Send a taxi for him!

Thoughts are the only place on earth where we can be truly happy...

In order to be happy, you need to have a good stomach, an evil heart and no conscience at all.
And I don’t need someone else’s happiness ... I would like to keep mine in my hands ...
Happiness is when your eyelash fell out, and you don’t know what to think…
Happiness is when you don't have to lie that you feel good!
The happiest of all is the one who depends only on himself.
Money can't buy happiness. But you can buy a yacht that will take you to it.
Happinnes exists. I know him. I know his phone number, habits, the color of his eyes. They are beautiful. He has gentle hands and he is a gorgeous kisser!
On the face - a smile. And go baby. They must think you're happy...
And they lived happily ever after...until they met...

Happiness is nothing if there is no one to share it with.
Happiness - it lasts only a second, but you remember all your life.
Love and Appreciate Happiness, it is born in the Family, which can be more precious on this Fairy Land!
Happiness is not in those women with whom you want to sleep, but in those with whom you want to wake up.
There must be some kind of happiness blockage in my body. I don't know how this thing turns off, but it's definitely there!
If you ever find it while chasing happiness, you will find, like an old woman looking for her glasses, that happiness was always on your nose.
Happiness is when you don’t have to lie that everything is fine ...
Happiness is not a life without worries and sorrows, happiness is a state of mind.
The greatest happiness in life is the confidence that we are loved, loved because we are who we are, or despite the fact that we are who we are.
Foolish heart, don't beat! We are all deceived by happiness...
They say, doing good to others, it will definitely come back to you ... well, where is my happiness then?
Happiness is like a butterfly: the more we catch it, the more it eludes us...

happiness is good health and poor memory
The constant, never-ending search for happiness is real life.
I'm so happy that I don't even have to embellish anything! ..
I love the truth, but still I prefer happiness ...
Happiness always escapes through that door that you didn't even know was open.
Happiness is not a final destination, it is a PROCESS!
Happiness, tell me your address, I'll run.
Happiness will come to everyone. And not necessarily on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday. Not necessarily in February or July. Not necessarily good weather. But surely all of a sudden...
For every minute you are angry, sixty seconds of happiness are lost.
Happiness is when you can visit a friend at any time, and he will be delighted with you.
Money can't buy happiness - just look at current prices.
There is no happy life, there are only happy days.
If you feel happy for more than one day, then something is being hidden from you.
Happiness has no comparative degree.

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