Flowers and trees according to the signs of the zodiac. Horoscope of the Druids: natural patrons by date of birth


The fate of a person is determined by a tree. It can also reveal his character. Using the druid horoscope, you can correct life, changing it for the better. Pay attention to your tree more often - come to it, talk, listen to its advice.

Everyone needs to know their tree. However, you need to be able to communicate with him:

  • find your green patron;
  • lean your whole body against its trunk;
  • feel the transition of life-giving energy;
  • be alone for a few minutes;
  • feel relief and peace;
  • thank him for the gift of healing;
  • decorate with a bright ribbon and give the tree words of gratitude.

My green horoscope

The greatest power of the tree manifests itself on a person’s birthday, as well as during the active period of the sign. To determine the patron tree, the ancient druids created and structured a horoscope, which is often called green.

Apple tree (December 22 - January 1; June 25 - July 4)

The beauty-apple tree knows how to please the eye, and internally attracts with indescribable cordiality and charm. She is a sentimental, sensitive and versatile tree. In love, the fruitful one is always faithful, imprudent and disinterested, because of this it can be extremely easy to deceive her. Despite the fact that the apple tree, by its nature, is able to give away the last shirt or a piece of bread, it is not a simpleton, full of fantasy and philosophizing. A tree living today is inclined towards science, thoughtfully, intelligently and logically. To dispel the monotony in the emotional sphere, which the apple tree abhors, is capable of life complications.

Fir (January 2 - January 11; July 5 - July 14)

Fir is capricious, thin, loves isolation and, nevertheless, is able to suffer from loneliness even when in a crowded place. A taciturn and sad coniferous soul, proud, intractable and demanding - it is difficult for her to communicate and live a life together. Fir always achieves its goals, maybe because in its work it is really serious and conscientious, and also distinguished by scrupulousness. The vocation of fir is to choose the most difficult path and follow it to its logical end, she never loses faith, hope and presence of mind. You can rely on it, and fir love is capable of infinity, picky in small things, but is satisfied with more.

Elm (January 12 - February 24; July 6 - July 25)

A balanced and calm elm is attractive to others. Its noticeable and almost only drawback is its slowness. Elm is open and straightforward so much that it can literally disarm with its sincerity, as well as a developed sense of duty and responsibility. Prefers to lead rather than obey, but this can and should be treated with patience because the elm can be incredibly loyal. This tree sign also has a highly developed sense of humor, which saves from life's disappointments.

Cypress (January 25 - February 3; July 26 - August 4)

The opportunist cypress in any situation knows how to be content with little. He is not interested in fame and success in life, does not attract money - much more cypress needs friendship, a large family and constant communication. He does not accept loneliness, loves animals and long walks. A mentally calm, dreamy and pleasant person in society, often quite harsh with loved ones.

Poplar (February 4 - February 8; August 5 - August 13)

Topol is a person of warmth, without a touch of sentimentality, pleasant in society, and occasionally may seem a little rude. He is a dreamer who can easily and without hesitation give himself into the hands of the flow of life. It has an elastic, intelligent and reasonable character, and in its fidelity it is inaccessible and incomprehensible. In the circle of loved ones, the life of a poplar is like a quiet, flowing stream.

Cedar (February 9 - February 18; August 14 - August 23)

All dreams of cedar are about convenience, but it adapts quickly to any situation. This tree symbol is always quite self-confident and dynamic, spinning in the spotlight. He is able to take anyone by surprise and can extricate himself from any crisis situation. Cedar is suggestible, so it can easily become a weapon in unkind hands. Finding a favorite thing, she gives herself entirely to it, with perseverance and trepidation. As a rule, the life of such people is very diverse, and the soul is intelligent, receptive, sensitive and sentimental.

Changing the topic of conversation

Druids by date of birth determined the character. Their horoscope, as well as the year, is divided into two periods, each of which consisted of nine segments, several days long. Each tree name had its own time period. The tree horoscope of the Druids consists of 22 signs: 18 pairs and 4 singles;

Pine (February 19 - February 28/29; August 24 - September 2)

An irresistible pine appreciates the house and a beautiful interior, loves beautiful things, and creates its own pretty corner for itself. Pine is brave, rebellious, unshakable, stubborn, perhaps thanks to these qualities, success pursues her in her work. The coniferous beauty is able to get out of any incredibly difficult situation with dignity and without losing face. She is precise in her actions, incapable of excessive generosity, although deep down she is impulsive and sensitive. Perhaps that is why her only weakness is love.

Willow (March 1 - March 10; September 3 - September 12)

Sensitive and romantic on the outside, Willow is actually determined and businesslike. She is eaten by the colorlessness and routine of everyday problems, and love suffering makes her life chaotic. But you should not take a word for her suffering and wringing of hands, because if her feelings do not adorn suffering, they will not attract her attention.

Lipa (March 11 - March 20; September 13 - September 22)

Charming linden, no doubt, is able to turn everyone's head. Meanwhile, she is filled to the top with contradictions - shy, pessimistic, silent, serene and unreliable. Lipa is a patient listener, but in love affairs she loses face and becomes capable of jealousy without any reason.

Hazel (March 22 - March 31; September 24 - October 3)

This tree is weak and nondescript at first glance, but in fact it is charming and radiates originality of mind. Hazel, one of the few who are able to be content with little, as well as adapt to any conditions of life, and at the same time kind, wise and patient, restrained and modest, but always noticeable. With such a tree-man, compatibility is a difficult issue to resolve, since his sophisticated anger often becomes a stumbling block.

Rowan (April 1 - April 10; October 4 - October 13)

Rowan is charming and sweet, has good taste and loves to give joy. But despite the above, relationships with her are complex, contacts are difficult, and compatibility with her is always a big question. Mountain ash is sensitive and naive, you can rely on it, in love it demands as much as it gives and does not forgive deceit and disappointment.

Maple (April 11 - April 20; October 14 - October 23)

Maple is always neat and full of energy - literally tireless, especially when it comes to his fantasies and unusual plans. The nature of this tree is multilateral - it is restrained, not daring, and at the same time capable of risky decisions. Able to call for frankness, and he himself expresses his thoughts well, possessing a harmonious sense of humor, he also loves when they talk about him.

Walnut (April 21 - April 30; October 24 - November 2)

The nut is timid, capricious, selfish, sometimes aggressive, but, despite this, hospitable and polite, prone to loyalty, fidelity, and still fickle.

He likes to suffer himself or makes others suffer, because. this sign is not inherent in balance. His influence must be resisted otherwise he will absorb and crush anyone with his strategic mind and quick reaction.

Jasmine (May 1 - May 14; November 3 - November 11)

Lively and sociable jasmine literally attracts with skillful conversation. A delicate flower is vulnerable, prone to disappointment and a pessimist from birth. The diplomatic side of his nature makes Jasmine cautious and far-sighted. Life in marriage with him is not easy, because even in his own home he wants independence. He is not an enemy to his soul mate, but he can quickly become disappointed in her and leave. It is worth noting that Jasmine loves children and feels great next to them.

Chestnut (May 15 - May 24; November 12 - November 21)

Chestnut is full of vitality and needs space. Fair, hates prudence, sensitive and impressionable, which is why he is in dire need of a huge amount of love, but in relation to her - an enemy because of the fear of losing her. shortcomings include stubbornness, a passion for comfort, intractability at the very least, and an amazing ability to shock. Chestnut is monogamous and his life and abilities are completely dependent on the people that surround him.

Ash (May 25 - June 3; November 22 - December 1)

Demanding ash has a lively character, so living with him is not easy. He seeks to surround himself with the care of others and at the same time makes everyone live according to his own rules. This sign prefers an independent and independent life, rather proud, capricious, but in contrast - generous, has a unique intuition and insight. A tree-man named ash is always reliable and only sometimes tries to flirt with fate.

Hornbeam (June 4 - June 13; December 2 - December 11)

By date of birth it is difficult to say anything here, but you can tell a lot by the name of the tree. Grab is an aesthete, attracted to form rather than content, a dreamer and an intellectual. He is capable of obedience and discipline, he has a highly developed sense of justice and responsibility. This tree is an excellent partner, but duty chooses between duty and love.

Figs (June 14 - June 23; December 12 - December 20)

The tree-man is delicate from birth, subtly impressionable and unadapted to the difficulties of life. The fig really needs warmth and space, a family hearth and stability, however, the fig itself is fickle, emotional and impulsive. A touchy realist is quite indulgent towards others, and is forced to fight laziness all his life.

Oak (spring equinox - March 21)

Majestic and overflowing with virtues is a sign. The date of birth completely determines the inflexible nature of the oak - there is nothing fragile in it, it is bold and courageous, strong-willed and self-possessed, irreconcilable and independent. But despite this, the oak of the disease suffers hard, and lives like a true conservative, not interested in other people's lives and completely devoid of intuition.

Bereza (summer confrontation - June 24)

Birch is flexible, sweet and aristocratic, delicate and restrained, the druid horoscope speaks of her as a modest and elegant puritan. Sentimental, faithful, intelligent, inventive, a birch needs only a minimum from life: a close heart and a good library.

Olive (autumn equinox - September 23)

The olive in the horoscope borders on the beautiful and the ugly. The rheumatism-prone tree nymph is in dire need of sunny days for her own health. The olive is calm and balanced, delicate and not indifferent, she is in control of herself, and feels the need for peace. She is followed by a good memory, she is loved and appreciated by others, from which she is almost always happy.

Buk (Winter Standoff - December 21/22)

Beech is agile and resourceful, even in adverse situations he is capable of success. This sign is always full of plans and firmly follows the intended path. An ideal husband or wife, the beech is generous and decent with others. He needs children, who for him are the flowers of life. Bright materialist - loves wealth and happiness.

Video about the horoscope of the ancient druids:

The connection of the Earth and its inhabitants, the symbolism of nature - reflects the horoscope of the Druids by date of birth or, as it is also called, the horoscope of trees. The Druid calendar consists of 13 months and associates the names of signs with the names of trees.

Each tree expressed certain properties. According to the Druids, a person born during the period of dominance of one of the trees should have the same characteristics as the sign. Thus, the interrelation of human and natural energies was created.

In the modern world, a person pays little attention to nature, and for the Druids, the connection with the trees was very important. If you turn to them with pure thoughts, then they are able to heal, give energy and strength.

You can easily find your sign by comparing it with the date of birth, and get a characteristic according to the horoscope of the druid trees.

Druid horoscope by date of birth

In this article, you will learn about the horoscope of trees by your date of birth:

The Druid horoscope divides Rowan representatives into two types of character: new moons (the first two weeks) and full moons (the last two weeks).

  • People of Rowan-new moon are distinguished by impatience, often, having failed to achieve their goal, they are disappointed, but they are always ready to help solve the problems of others.
  • Rowan-full moon people are open and sociable, tend to make big promises.

In general terms, Rowan is distinguished by progressive and idealistic thinking, a far-sighted mind that combines strong spiritual principles. This sign loves change and becomes impatient if it feels restricted.

A person born during this period seems to be individualistic, original, unusual and independent. Despite his cold temperament, a passionate nature is hidden inside.

Ryabins make natural leaders, responsive bosses. They know how to listen, respect other people's opinions, but they can be tactless, which is what repels some people. These people are not afraid of responsibility for their actions, but do not want to be responsible for others. They are interested in dealing with modern technologies, improving and reorganizing outdated ones, as they are very resourceful.

Rowan Man is devoid of romanticism. He enters into marriage late, because for a long time he cannot give up his freedom. It is not easy for such a person to find a life partner with the same worldview, but having found it, he will be very happy. He is always ready to support his parents, however, he expects great independence from his children.

Ash (February 19 - March 17)

Representatives of Ash are divided into two types: new moon and full moon.

  • The New Moon Ash Man (the first two weeks of the period) during times of emotional outburst is impulsive and demonstrative. Has a spontaneous nature.
  • The Full Moon Ash Man (the last two weeks of the period) is characterized by poise, has great fortitude, and may, at first glance, seem naive.

Representatives of this sign are distinguished by the duality of nature. These are vulnerable artistic personalities on the one hand and pragmatic natures on the other. They are characterized by compassion, sensitivity, understanding of the unchanging aspects of a person. Their compassion is shown not only in relation to people, but also to animals. Ash people are able, through physical and spiritual means, to alleviate the suffering of others. Such people are very flexible, have good intuition, and can easily recover from emotional blows.

Ashes are creative people and are also suitable for making money, but they can leave a project or idea unfinished.

They need a mentor who will discover and realize their potential. These people love theater, cinema, they themselves are endowed with artistic talents. In a career, they are not used to positions with strict discipline. They can work in the field of medicine, art, and charity.

In general, the representatives of Ash are quick-witted, spontaneous, sociable, curious and intelligent. These are gentle personalities, they are easy to offend. They can be attentive and kind friends, ideal lovers and caring parents. The main thing for Ash is to carefully choose the circle of his communication, to be able to focus his mind.

The New Moon Alder Man (the first two weeks of the period) is considered restless and indecisive. He cannot stop in time and re-analyze his actions.

The Full Moon Alder man (the last two weeks of the period) has a more confident approach to life, but does not have the same vibrant energy as the New Moon Alder. However, such a person can become successful by applying the right strategy.

This sign gives rise to strong and enterprising people who are able to independently make their way in life. The people of Alder are brave, they can be excellent allies, but they are used to acting alone. They are distinguished by a restless spirit, recklessness, are considered quite competitive, but sometimes they direct too much energy for the benefit of others and thus harm themselves.

These people break down barriers and explore new territories. Thanks to their enthusiasm and courage, they make excellent leaders.

Alder endows its sign with energy and activity, swiftness, arrogance and a risky character.

They make successful entrepreneurs who are able to implement any, even the most risky, project. They have a competitive spirit, demand recognition, and are able to openly express their own opinions. These are not ambiguous people.

Due to their passionate nature and desire to love, Alder people quickly enter into relationships. However, because of their love of freedom, it is better to be just lovers with them than spouses. Despite this, they are good parents.

Thus, in order for Alder not to waste her energy on fruitless disputes, she needs to learn diplomacy.

Representatives of Willow are divided into two types.

  • Willow-new moon (the first two weeks of the period) may have sudden changes in mood and have unreliable character traits. She is receptive to change and quickly finds promising opportunities.
  • Full Moon Willow (the last two weeks of the period) is dismissive of advice, inventive, has an exceptional memory.

In general, Willows are endowed with a strong-willed, strong character, resourceful and have an excellent memory. They are characterized by emotionality and mystery, often there are sudden changes in mood. Thanks to their practicality and ability to soberly analyze, they make brilliant inventors. They can be reliable friends, or they can become dangerous enemies. Representatives of this sign make good parents, ready to support and protect loved ones. Such people cannot forget and forgive grievances for a long time, which is why conflicts with family and friends constantly arise. These are disgusting individuals.

The Willow Man cannot fully devote himself to a career, however, he makes a good worker in a responsible position. He will be a great teacher, a man of art. Thanks to his wisdom, such a person can give good advice and earn respect from others.

This sign gets married early. If you have chosen the right partner, then you are ready to create a strong family with him.

It should be noted that the characteristics of this sign described above do not always correspond to it. They tend to change their personal qualities depending on the situation.

Hawthorn people are divided into two types: new moon and full moon.

  • New moon hawthorn (the first two weeks of the period) is more impulsive and endowed with a strong sensual character. He is characterized by complete composure in achieving the goal.
  • The full moon hawthorn (the last two weeks of the period) is less collected, does not have perseverance and has a slightly different approach to business.

In general, people of this sign are endowed with charisma and have a creative nature. Thanks to their talents and versatility, they can adapt to changing circumstances. They know how to empathize and influence other people.

These people are self-confident, have good communication skills, so they become leaders among others. They make good listeners and sincere, honest friends. Sometimes, they have outbursts of anger and restlessness.

Hawthorn Man is able to develop the most brilliant project and plan. He knows the opponent's weaknesses well and uses them to his advantage. However, you can’t call him ruthless, he’s just smart and knows how to strategically calculate the benefits. He is characterized by a subtle sense of humor, the ability to express thoughts on paper, therefore, he often chooses the profession of a journalist.

These people find it difficult to establish stable relationships. However, they make wonderful parents. They are able to pass on to their smart children the love of life..

Thus, the representatives of the Hawthorn are ageless to us both externally and in character.

Oak representatives are divided into two types: new moon and full moon.

  • The New Moon Oak (the first two weeks of the period) is more risky in financial matters. He is characterized by strong natural qualities of a leader and the ability to rise above greed and greed. Such a person is distinguished by self-sacrifice.
  • The Full Moon Oak (the last two weeks of the period) is less prone to financial losses. Such a person is distinguished by brightness, vanity, generosity. As a rule, this is a creative person.

In general terms, this sign endows people with enterprise, breadth of vision of various kinds of situations.

These are determined, purposeful, responsible and enthusiastic individuals. They make good leaders who can inspire and motivate. They know how to remain calm even in a crisis.

However, behind his seriousness, there is a cheerful and optimistic person by nature. He always speaks the truth and is not afraid of the consequences. However, it cannot be called prudent, which often leads to financial risks. Such a person may be a good friend, but prone to vanity.

These people need to be able to deal with their pride. As a rule, they make good leaders who occupy positions in power structures. They are naive in matters of the heart and love to set standards in love.

People of this sign are distinguished by two types: new moon and full moon.

  • New Moon Holly (the first two weeks of the period) is characterized by a tendency to dream, help others, provide both financial and moral support. He is distinguished by a disinterested and sympathetic character, which sometimes harms him.
  • The full moon holly (the last two weeks of the period) has more determination and ambition in the realization of their own dreams. From the people of this period, successful businessmen and public figures are obtained, however, they are very sensitive to criticism and can withdraw into themselves.

In general terms, Holly people are practical, hard-working, and firm in problem solving. Due to caution, logic and efficiency, they are able to conduct business well. However, they are more often assistants than leaders. These people keep and keep their promises.

The main disadvantage of this sign is considered to be sensitivity to criticism, a constant need for care and attention. Therefore, in a relationship, they can be very demanding, although they provide protection and support to loved ones.

Their strength is their caution. They will never make hasty decisions until they have all the facts. Thanks to the ability to think simply and logically, they are able to solve complex problems.

Often, a Holly man chooses a profession related to banking and insurance, and can become a good collector.

In family life, such a person shows tenderness. As a rule, does not engage in a long search for a partner and quickly marries. This is a faithful spouse who can have friends among both sexes.

Thus, a person born at this time can be secretive, close in on himself and rest from the huge responsibility entrusted to him.

Hazel representatives are divided into two types: new moon and full moon.

  • New moon hazel (the first two weeks of the period) is characterized by a desire for knowledge, an inquisitive nature, sociability and a lively temperament, loves intrigue. Such a person can engage in social activities, instruct and educate people in the field of art.
  • The Full Moon Hazel (the last two weeks of the period) is an honest person with certain principles. He is hypersensitive and wants to know how others treat him.

In general, Hazels are perceptive and intelligent. They make excellent writers, wonderful organizers and creators of various kinds of projects. They are used to working out everything to the smallest detail. In addition, these people have an analytical mind, developed imagination, tend to idealize everything. They can be called interested observers, able to correctly assess the situation in a short time. Sometimes, Hazel can be called paranoid, as he has an excess of nervous energy.

Man - Hazel does not recognize false values. He appears cold and reserved, often hiding his sensitive nature under this mask.

He lacks physical endurance. Thanks to his mind, he copes with any problem, however, he tends to underestimate his own capabilities, can be cynical and cunning in achieving his goals.

In married life, they are faithful and caring partners, but sometimes they can abuse the trust of loved ones. However, sincerity and devotion are deeply valued.

Representatives of the Grape sign are divided into two types: new moon and full moon.

  • New moon grapes (the first two weeks of the period) are able to openly express their own emotions. These are, in a way, enthusiasts who are able to support the people next to them.
  • Full moon grapes (the last two weeks of the period) know how to forgive, show compassion, love to indulge in sensual pleasures.

Grape people have high personal standards. Such people may seem cold and distant, but deep down they are sensitive and vulnerable romantics. They are characterized by emotional instability, sensitivity, understanding of fine aesthetic taste. They make good organizers and civil servants.

The Grape Man is kind, creative, sociable, loves music, theater and painting.

To feel happy, he must have a personal level of security in both relationships and finances. He cannot be called ambitious, it is more important for him to find a balance in life.

Representatives of this sign are slow, sensitive, but have a strong spirit. In relation to relatives, they are kind, help to create stability and harmony in their lives. These people have a good sense of humor and demand attention.

In marriage, such people are not simple, because of their dual nature, but very passionate lovers come out of them.

Representatives of the Ivy sign are divided into two types: new moon and full moon.

  • New moon ivy (the first two weeks of the period) is characterized by radical thinking and has an artistic nature, however, hesitancy in choosing opportunities is inherent in him.
  • Full moon ivy (the last two weeks of the period) is used to maintaining the image of a successful person. He is generous, responsible, and can be cunning in financial matters. Having taken a high position, he often uses his power in a harsh form.

However, representatives of this sign can be called talented in many things. Such wealth allows you to earn awards and recognition in society. Thanks to their sociability, good nature, cheerful disposition, they have many friends, they are able to solve difficult problems with contagious optimism. They are gifted with a sharp mind and a sense of humor. These are dedicated individuals who are able to answer for their actions. They are often surrounded by people with low moral principles, which is why they must be careful when establishing personal and friendly relationships.

The Ivy people fall in love quickly. They are romantic and sensitive. Having met their life partner, they become caring parents and good spouses.

Representatives of the Kamysh sign are divided into two types: new moon and full moon.

  • The reeds of the new moon (the first two weeks of the period) can become both an influential friend and a powerful enemy. Such a person tends to deserve great respect and achieve high positions.
  • The reeds of the full moon (the last two weeks of the period) are used to changing plans often, but, having gathered, they can realize them and receive great public recognition.

In general terms, these are very jealous individuals who can resort to violence. They want to dominate both in the family and beyond. They can be called devoted and ready to support their loved ones. Such people are accustomed to drastic changes and can survive in any circumstances. They need to combine strong will with determination.

Thus, strong, fearless personalities with a complex character come out of the people of Kamysh.

They are proud and independent, have a strong will, rarely compromise, do not like to show weakness. Thanks to their energy, they are always ready to meet challenges. Overly sensitive natures should avoid this sign, as it has a strong character.

  • Elderberry of the new moon (the first two weeks of the period) is distinguished by its frankness and impulsiveness. People of this period have oratorical qualities.
  • The Full Moon Elder (the last two weeks of the period) has a broad vision and is used to successfully operating in the background rather than taking advantage of open confrontation.

People of this sign are constantly evolving. In their youth, they can spend a lot of effort and energy on completely useless projects. They are curious, energetic, love to travel, deepen their knowledge and crave change. These are self-sufficient, cheerful and sociable individuals who are not able to put pressure on others.

In the process of life, perseverance and patience come to them, they can be heartless.

Elder Man is ambitious and strives to achieve his goal by any means. He often speaks without thinking, he can make a career in journalism and the army, as he has a constructive approach to life. The strength of such a person is self-discipline and intuitive knowledge of where he is right.

In relationships, these people are open and sincere. It is almost impossible to tame their restless nature. Parental responsibilities burden this sign, so excellent aunts and uncles will come out of them.

Representatives of this sign are divided into two types: new moon and full moon.

  • The birch of the new moon (the first two weeks of the period) is impulsive and emotional. People of this period can demonstrate faith in themselves, coping with the obstacles that have arisen and achieving their goals.
  • The full moon birch (the last two weeks of the period) knows how to clearly understand its goal, but can be out of touch with reality.

In general, those born at this time have perseverance and ambition. Due to their ability to achieve their goals, they make good strategists, organizers and leaders. They are real workaholics. They are serious, take care of their health, do not like to advertise their successes, and can be somewhat pessimistic about life.

Each tree has a different effect on a person. For some, it gives a surge of vital energy, while for others, on the contrary, it takes away strength. There are breeds that can accumulate a huge amount of cosmic energy, give it to a person and quickly restore reserves. Such trees are called "donors", if everything happens the other way around, then they are called "vampires".

According to astrology, each tree corresponds to its own zodiac sign. Therefore, jewelry made from such “correct” breeds can bring well-being to a person’s life, help to recover from ailments, find family happiness and protect from energy influence from outside.

Trees according to the horoscope of zodiac signs

Let's look at which breeds, presented in our assortment, will be mascots and patrons for different signs.

What tree has the zodiac sign Capricorn - 22.12-20.01

Practical, ambitious, hardy Capricorn is always focused on a clear goal and specific actions. These are inflexible and in a sense uncompromising people who rarely take into account the opinions of others.

In order to accelerate career advancement, which is of fundamental importance for Capricorns, you will need an oak talisman. Powerful and centuries-old, it “sympathizes” with stubborn and persistent Capricorns, therefore it helps them at every step, inspiring and adding vitality. He will help his owner overcome fear, despondency, not succumbing to a sense of insecurity and a pessimistic mood.

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Severe and somewhat dry Capricorns need a talisman that will help them build bridges with others. For these purposes, a hornbeam may be suitable, which will add a little romance and sensuality to pragmatic Capricorns.

Which tree has the zodiac sign Aquarius - 21.01-19.02

Magnanimous, unforgiving, distinguished by non-standard thinking and approach to solving many problems, Aquarius is largely focused on the spiritual side of life. This makes Aquarius people incredibly sensitive.

Fruit breeds, such as plum, enhance humanism, make them even more cordial, develop altruistic impulses.

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In love, Aquarians prefer freedom and independence, which is why they do not seek to limit themselves in choosing partners until they find their soul mate. All kinds of ash elements can serve as nourishment, which contribute to the birth of the brightest feelings in his heart, developing a spiritual community and romantic affection between partners.

Ash will help to "put in order" the financial side of Aquarius's life. Ash wood will help him learn how to properly manage his earned capital, without throwing it to the wind and without investing in dubious adventures.

What tree for the zodiac sign of fish - 20.02-20.03

Rich imagination and fantasy, sensitivity to the problems of people around, sentimentality and a tendency to solitude are characteristic of people born under the influence of the Pisces constellation. However, the duality of personality inherent in all representatives of fish sometimes prevents them from living, pushing them to rash acts, provoking nervous tension.

Juniper is a type of wood that will serve as an excellent talisman for fish. It will make dreamy fish more rational, responsible and mundane, help to establish harmony in the inner world.

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In order to realize their inner potential, to reveal talents, people born under the constellation Pisces will need some kind of amulet that will push them to decisive, active actions. Here, a miraculous hornbeam will help to cope, decorations from which not only charge melancholy fish with optimism and determination, but are also able to transform their appearance.

What tree has the zodiac sign Aries - 21.03-20.04

Aries, as fire signs, are subject to the strong energy influence of Mars, so their talismans help them improve their health and overcome everyday difficulties. One of these species is oak.

Known in ancient times as a symbol of strength and power, the oak becomes one of the most powerful amulets for people under its care. This wood gives Aries optimism, helps to remove the fatigue accumulated during the day, fills its owner with good spirits, and can help both in a career and in personal life.

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Extremely useful for rams are all varieties of conifers, which in the spring produce luxurious green shoots. Juniper for them can become the very universal talisman that gives strength.

What tree according to the sign of the zodiac is Taurus - 21.04-20.05

The mighty oak will help the calves survive any adversity, find the right solution even in the most hopeless situation. For those who suffer from a lack of energy and strength, this wood will return optimism and determination. The unique feature of oak is to preserve and increase the results achieved - it is these qualities that it will provide to its owner.

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On the love front, ash will be an indispensable patron for the calf. He will fill with an incredible feeling that will make his soulmate the happiest person. This talisman is for those who want to strengthen family relationships.

Gemini - which tree is suitable for the sign of the zodiac - 21.05-21.06

Gemini should pay attention to jewelry made from fruit varieties. For example, cherry helps develop intellectual abilities, intuition and instincts. It not only gives its owner the necessary qualities to achieve their goals, but also helps to reveal their hidden talents.

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Gemini, who pay close attention to their appearance, just need to turn their eyes to the hornbeam. It will become a real talisman for creative people, provide them with inspiration and a thirst to create.

What tree is the zodiac sign cancer - 06/22-07/22

If cancer suffers from constant stress, even a small piece of ash jewelry or a souvenir can help them calm their nerves and relax. It perfectly relieves fatigue and is most useful for weakened, unhealthy people. Ash wood gives its owner a sense of hope for the best, a sense of perspective.

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Since cancer is endowed with an incredibly sensitive character, he should choose a talisman that will provide him with a sense of security and self-confidence. In this regard, oak will be a good talisman for crayfish.

Which tree according to the zodiac sign is Leo - 08/23-09/22

For an active lion, the talisman should not only bring something new to life, but strengthen his character traits. So, ash helps them achieve what they want in their careers and love, gives them self-confidence, helps get rid of negative thoughts and increases self-esteem.

Lions, tired of the endless, exhausting modern rhythm of life, can look after themselves a souvenir made of oak. He will help people born under this powerful constellation become more realistic and wise, find their path and devote their lives to it. Oak often makes people more determined and persistent in their efforts to achieve what they want.

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In order to harmonize your temperament, a lion can pay attention to an exquisite cherry, which will add restraint, tolerance and flexibility in communicating with other people. She will teach you the ability to calculate your steps in advance.

Zodiac sign Virgo - tree donor - 23.08-22.09

Charming and unique virgins, with a rich inner world and a certain mystery, like no other sign of the zodiac needs amulets and talismans.

If a virgin wants to learn to trust her inner voice, she can always resort to using plum talismans. She will bring a certain piece of romance into their stable life, make them pay attention to her sensual side, help to look at any component of the relationship from a completely different angle.

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Pride and courage are qualities that are largely inherent in virgins, but due to certain circumstances they can fade away. Again, draining will help you regain your much-needed personal virtues today. She will help her master to establish a family life and help to follow the chosen course of life.

Zodiac sign Libra, patron tree - 23.09-23.10

Any fruit trees with stones can serve as potential amulets for scales. It is worth choosing them, starting from personal feelings and intuition, one of the most favorable types of wood is cherry and plum.

Jewelry created from these breeds will help develop the ability to make quick decisions even in extreme situations, help get rid of unnecessary fears. They have a beneficial effect on the mood of the scales, these varieties of fruit trees will also protect a person from ailments and all kinds of diseases.

what jewelry suits the sign of scales

A fairly popular wood for those born in October is ash. She gives Libra the ability to gather at the right time, organizational skills, observation and sociability. Ash will help to cope with bouts of unreasonable jealousy, harmonize the emotional background of a person.

Zodiac sign Scorpio, patron tree - 24.10-22.11

Oak is a fairly popular amulet for scorpions, it helps them direct their inexhaustible energy in the right direction, save strength and not lose confidence in their own abilities.

In relation to scorpions, this wood can neutralize negative thoughts and attitudes, and help in the fight against one's own personality flaws. Judgment, a clear correspondence to the task, quick wit - all these are the qualities inherent in people born under the sign of the scorpion, which the oak can only strengthen.

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Pessimism is a common trait of a Scorpio. He tries hard to hide her from others, but with a close acquaintance, the truth still becomes clear. In order for anxieties and doubts to go into the background, the bodies need constant contact with juniper products.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius, patron tree - 23.11-21.12

Ambitious and purposeful archers are usually quite successful in the professional field, but in their personal lives they are often unlucky. For family relationships, this is a rather complex and ambiguous partner, who, due to his high demands on a potential soul mate, can be left alone.

To harmonize this sector, archers can purchase a small ash product for themselves, which will serve as a kind of stabilizer for a fastidious disposition.

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Each tree has a different effect on a person. For some, it gives a surge of vital energy, while for some, on the contrary, it takes away strength. There are trees that can accumulate a huge amount of cosmic energy, give it to a person and quickly restore reserves. Such trees are called "donors".

According to astrology, each zodiac sign has its own tree - the patron. And jewelry made from such rocks can bring well-being to a person’s life, help to recover from ailments, find family happiness and save them from outside energy influences.

A talisman tree can charge a person with energy, get rid of negative emotions. To do this, it is enough for at least five minutes to hug the desired tree in a forest or park. Not all signs of the zodiac are sensitive enough to feel the effect of an amulet or talisman from the wood of a patron tree, but contact with a living plant has a positive effect on everyone.

Aries - 21.03-20.04

Aries, as fire signs, are subject to the strong energy influence of Mars. And the trees - the patrons of this sign help them to improve their health, overcome everyday difficulties. Beads and bracelets made from such rocks can become powerful amulets. One of these trees is oak. Known in ancient times as a symbol of strength and power, the oak becomes one of the most powerful amulets for people under its care. Oak bracelets or beads endow Aries with optimism, help relieve fatigue accumulated during the day, endow their owner with good spirits. Oak is able to help both in a career and in personal life.

Extremely useful for Aries are all varieties of conifers, which release luxurious green shoots in the spring. Juniper for Aries can become the very universal talisman that gives strength. He can endow a person with such qualities as perseverance, the ability to overcome difficulties, courage, purposefulness. A person will stop going with the flow, will begin to move through life with his head held high. He will easily overcome any difficulties. Juniper also helps in interpersonal relationships - it makes a person friendly and sociable. If there is an urgent need to add organization to life, juniper jewelry will help solve the problem.

In order to maximize the restoration of vitality and replenish the energy balance, Aries need to "communicate" with the trees in the summer. Conifers are definitely their true allies, especially spruce and pine. In addition to them, you should pay attention to alder, linden, oak. It is desirable that the trees have a well-developed crown, and it is better to stop the choice on the specimen that stands apart, away from the rest.with a beautiful and lush crown.

Taurus - 21.04-20.05

For a rational and pragmatic Taurus, trees and fruits containing tannins are useful, and an oak amulet is ideal. The mighty oak will help Taurus survive any adversity, find the right solution even in the most hopeless situation. For those who suffer from a lack of energy and strength, oak will return optimism and purposefulness. The unique feature of oak is to preserve and increase the results achieved - it is these qualities that it will provide to its owner. In addition, oak decoration will help Taurus to create a solid material base.

From among the fruit trees, Taurus is suitable cherry And plum. They will protect a person from the energy blows of envious people, the evil eye and damage, and will make those born under this sign generous, optimistic and active. Possessing incredible aesthetic properties, these types of wood will help add grace and charm to solid Taurus.

Spectacular ash jewelry is a great gift option for Taurus. Ash will help the representatives of this sign in love. He will fill a person with an incredible feeling that will make his soulmate the happiest person. This tree is a talisman for those who want to strengthen family relationships.

In Taurus, the patron tree is rather peculiar. Poplar cleans the human energy field very well, but you need to communicate with it with caution, because it can also take the necessary energy. It is preferable for Taurus men to choose chestnut, but for women - walnut. Other trees of the sign are mountain ash and oak.

Gemini - 21.05-21.06

The talisman tree for active Gemini is a juniper that can bring a new round of development into his life. This plant endows its owner with a thirst for discovery, determination and incredible energy. Juniper will become a source of inexhaustible strength for those born under this sign of the Zodiac. It will be enough for career achievements, and for personal happiness. Beads, bracelets or juniper souvenirs are a must-have for Gemini.

In addition to juniper, Gemini should pay attention to jewelry made from fruit trees. For example, cherry helps to develop intellectual abilities, intuition and instincts, especially if you have chosen the profession of a lawyer or a merchant. It not only gives its owner the necessary qualities to achieve their goals, but also helps to reveal their hidden talents.

Gemini, who pay close attention to their appearance, just need a distinctive hornbeam decoration. exquisite hornbeam will make the already original Gemini even more stylish and attractive in the eyes of others. Decoration from this type of wood will become a real talisman for creative people. He will provide them with inspiration and a thirst to create.

The tree of the zodiac sign Gemini is primarily a fruit tree, mostly an apple tree or a pear tree during its flowering period.

But maple can become a faithful assistant in the prevention of various diseases, but it is best to contact your Gemini trees at the end of summer.

Cancer - 22.06-22.07

A talisman made of wood for the wards of the constellation Cancers must perform two main functions: to suppress depressive moods in it and to energize it, setting it up for constant intellectual development. And juniper can cope with this task. In addition to the above properties, juniper can become a true talisman for Cancers in love. He will fill the heart with the brightest feeling, maintain harmony between lovers, protect from envious people.

Since this zodiac sign is endowed with an incredibly sensitive character, he should pick up a talisman tree that will provide him with a sense of security and self-confidence. In this regard, a good talisman for Cancers will be oak. Notable for their excellent aesthetic and psychological impact, oak jewelry activates hidden reserves in Cancers, improves well-being, fills with faith in oneself and others.

If Cancer suffers from constant stress, even a small piece of jewelry or a souvenir from ash help them calm their nerves and relax. It perfectly relieves fatigue and is most useful for weakened, unhealthy people. Ash wood gives its owner a sense of hope for the best, a sense of perspective.

Cancer, choosing a tree according to the sign of the zodiac, you need to pay attention to alder, willow and elm, which work as filters of energy flows. They are especially effective in the last months of spring and summer.

Leo - 23.08-22.09

For an active Leo, a talisman tree should not only bring something new to life, but strengthen its character traits. So, ash helps Leos achieve their goals in career and love, gives self-confidence, helps get rid of negative thoughts and increases self-esteem.

Lions, tired of the endless, exhausting modern rhythm of life, can look after themselves a souvenir made from oak. He will help people born under this powerful constellation become more realistic and wise, find their path and shine their lives on it. Oak often makes people more determined and persistent in their efforts to achieve what they want. However, purposeful Lions should be careful - an oak filled with energy can enhance their emotionality a hundredfold. A certain inflexibility and firmness in one's own rightness has its advantages, but for Lviv it can also become a stumbling block. In order to harmonize your temperament, Leo can pay attention to the exquisite cherry, which will add a sign of restraint, tolerance and flexibility in communicating with other people. She will teach you the ability to calculate your steps in advance. Cherry jewelry will add femininity and charm to their owners.

Elm is also the main tree of the zodiac sign Leo. Cypress has protective and healing properties, but Leo men must definitely interact with oak.The ideal time to talk to a tree is September and April.

Virgo - 23.08-22.09

Charming and unique Virgo, with a rich inner world and a certain mystery, like no other sign of the Zodiac needs amulets and talismans made of wood. Natural amulets enhance their innate virtues and help get rid of personality flaws. Virgo can draw her life force from juniper, which will enhance their seriousness and efficiency, hiding under a pretty appearance. Juniper enhances the already rich fantasy of the Virgin, helps to reveal acting talents.

If Virgo wants to learn to trust her inner voice, she can always resort to using talismans from plums. She will bring a certain piece of romance into their stable life, make her pay attention to her sensual side, help to look at any component of a happy relationship from a completely different angle. Pride and courage are qualities that are largely inherent in Virgos, but due to certain circumstances they can fade away. In order to regain the personal virtues that are so necessary today, again, it is worth resorting to plum wood products. She will help her master to establish a family life and help to follow the chosen course of life.

The practical Virgo is not always spiritually stable, so alder and hazel, as well as fruit trees: plum and apple, will become her faithful patrons, especially when the fruits ripen on them. July, August, and also October are the best times for Virgo to contact her tree.

Libra - 23.09-23.10

Potential amulets for Libra can be any fruit trees with seeds. It is worth choosing them, starting from personal feelings and intuition. One of the most favorable types of wood for this zodiac sign is cherry And plum. Jewelry created from these breeds will help develop the ability to make quick decisions even in extreme situations, help get rid of unnecessary fears. Having a beneficial effect on the mood of Libra, these varieties of fruit trees will also protect a person from ailments and all kinds of diseases.

A fairly popular tree for those born in October - ash. It endows them with the ability to assemble at the right time, organizational skills, observation and sociability. Ash will help Libra cope with bouts of unreasonable jealousy, harmonize the emotional background of a person. If a person wants to develop in himself such qualities as efficiency, attention to detail, pragmatism, oratory, he should definitely take a closer look at ash talismans. A properly selected ash tree decoration can become a full-fledged source of bioenergy.

In Libra, the main tree according to the sign of the zodiac is a birch, a real healer of the body and soul,which allows you to get rid of ailments and stress. Linden will also heal and relieve fatigue, but you can also pay attention to maple and mountain ash.

Scorpio - 24.10-22.11

Oak- A fairly popular tree for Scorpio. It helps the representative of this sign to direct their inexhaustible energy in the right direction, save strength and not lose confidence in their own abilities. In relation to Scorpions, oak can neutralize negative thoughts and attitudes, help in the fight against one's own personality flaws. Judgment, clear compliance with the task, quick wit - all these are the qualities inherent in people born under the sign of Scorpio, which the oak can only strengthen. We recommend wearing jewelry made of this type of wood for important business meetings or negotiations.

Pessimism is a common trait of a Scorpio. He tries hard to hide it from others, but with a close acquaintance, the truth still becomes relevant. In order for anxieties and doubts to go into the background, representatives of this sign need constant contact with products made of juniper. They will help to breathe into him a bit of optimism, faith in the best. A rare Scorpio does not cope at work - usually their career is going well. But if there are problems on the horizon in this environment, again, a juniper talisman can come to the rescue.

Scorpions are favored not only by tall and tall chestnut and pine trees, but also by shrubs - wild rose and hawthorn. Spruce and mountain ash are also great for Scorpio for "communication", for which early spring will be the ideal time, when the buds just began to swell.

Sagittarius - 23.11-21.12

Ambitious and purposeful Sagittarians are usually quite successful in the professional field, but in their personal lives they are often unlucky. For family relationships, this is a rather complex and ambiguous partner, who, due to his high demands on a potential soul mate, can be left alone. To harmonize this sector, Sagittarius can buy even a small product from ash, which will serve as a kind of stabilizer for the fastidious disposition of representatives of this zodiac sign. If Sagittarius still fell in love, then he throws himself into the pool with his head. Plunging into the whirlpool of passions, he behaves like the most passionate lover. If the second half is not yet on the horizon, an ash amulet will help its owner improve the situation in this area.

The sincerity and openness inherent in Sagittarius can sometimes work against them - not every person is ready to listen to the truth about himself. Hot temper and impulsiveness of this fiery sign also brings many problems. In order to reduce the negative impact of these personality traits, Sagittarians need a full-fledged amulet from hornbeam, with the help of which a person can overcome any obstacles and difficulties without destroying relations with others.

In March, August and October, Sagittarians should definitely turn to any of their two main talisman trees: cedar or hornbeam, which protect and restore the spiritual forces of this sign.

Capricorn - 22.12-20.01

Practical, ambitious, hardy Capricorn is always focused on a clear goal and specific actions. These are inflexible and in a sense uncompromising people who rarely take into account the opinions of others. In order to accelerate career advancement, which is of fundamental importance for these signs, you will need a talisman from oak. A powerful, centuries-old tree "sympathizes" with stubborn and persistent Capricorns, therefore it helps them at every step, inspiring and adding vitality. He will help his owner overcome fear, despondency, not succumbing to a sense of insecurity and a pessimistic mood.

However, harsh and somewhat dry Capricorns need a wooden talisman that will help them build bridges with others, including potential partners. For these purposes, it may be hornbeam, which will add a little romance and sensuality to pragmatic Capricorns. If representatives of this sign meet on their way with unrequited love and disappointment, a hornbeam jewelry will help them to go through this stage with dignity and faith in the best. Such an amulet will help to find family happiness, even if the rational Capricorn decides to marry by calculation.

Those born under the sign of Capricorn have as many as three strong patrons who have powerful healing properties. These are fir, beech and birch. It is best to contact them at the moment when the first snow has just melted, or in late summer, when the harvest is in full swing.

Aquarius - 21.01-19.02

Generous, unforgiving, distinguished by non-standard thinking and approach to solving many problems, Aquarius is largely focused on the spiritual side of life. This makes the representatives of this sign incredibly sensitive people. That is why wooden amulets for them are rather not a luxury, but a necessity. Fruit trees, for example, plum, strengthen the humanism of Aquarius, make them even more cordial, develop altruistic impulses. Plum talismans, such as beads or pendants, are suitable for people of this sign who prefer to work in a team.

In love, Aquarians prefer freedom and independence, which is why they do not seek to limit themselves in choosing partners until they find their soul mate. All sorts of gizmos from ash, which contribute to the birth of the brightest feelings in his heart, developing a spiritual community and romantic affection between partners. Such talismans will help to "put in order" the financial side of Aquarius's life. Ash wood will help him learn how to properly manage his earned capital, without throwing it to the wind and without investing in dubious adventures.

Poplar will give Aquarius an energy balance, and linden and euonymus will become a life-giving force for them. The best time to contact these trees is late spring.

Pisces - 20.02-20.03

Rich imagination and fantasy, sensitivity to the problems of people around, sentimentality and a tendency to solitude are characteristic of people born under the influence of the constellation Pisces. However, the duality of personality, inherent in all representatives of this sign, sometimes prevents them from living, pushing them to rash acts, provoking nervous tension.

Juniper- This is a good type of wood from which talismans for Pisces can be made. It will make the dreamy Pisces more rational, responsible and mundane, it will help to establish the harmony of the inner world. In love, juniper will help Pisces to nullify unexpected changes in mood and desires, which often cause conflicts within a couple.

In order to realize their inner potential, to reveal their talents, people born under the constellation Pisces will need some kind of amulet that will push them to decisive, active actions. This question can be dealt with by a miraculous hornbeam, decorations from which not only charge the melancholic Pisces with optimism and determination, but are also able to transform their appearance. Such an amulet will strengthen the natural craving for the unknown and mysterious for Pisces, and will strengthen the already developed intuition.

Who has the most diverse set of tree patrons is Pisces - a sign of the zodiac, whose tree must bear fruit in order to achieve the maximum effect of "communication" with it. For these purposes, the middle of summer is best suited. Viburnum, honeysuckle, yew and larch are Pisces' best friends. The fruits from the patron trees are of particular importance for this sign. But the aspen will take away all the negative energy, but you should be careful with it.

Druids worshiping the forces of nature believed that a special power was contained in the trees. It is easy to determine, just pay attention to the day and month of your birth. Druids believed that trees store the most energy twice a year. Therefore, one tree can patronize different signs of the zodiac. Druids paid special attention to the time of summer and winter opposition, as well as the equinox.

Astrologer's advice: Looking at the constellations in the dead of night, it is quite possible to get the right solution to various questions, although without special knowledge. Take advantage of this opportunity in difficult situations.

The apple tree will become an assistant in getting rid of unnecessary worries, will give a feeling of peace and comfort to Capricorns (from December 23 to January 1) and Cancers (from June 25 to July 4)

Capricorns (January: from 2 to 11) and Cancers (July: from 5 to 14) fir will help to replenish the energy balance, give confidence and determination.

Elm - for Capricorn, Aquarius (January: from 12 to 24) and Cancers, Lviv (July: from 15 to 25). This tree clears negative thoughts, relieves depression.

Cypress, which stabilizes the emotional background, creates a sense of security and ease of life, patronizes those born under the sign of Aquarius (from January 25 to February 3) and Leo (from July 26 to August 4).

Poplar also governs Aquarius (February: 4th to 8th) and Leo (August: 5th to 13th). It will bring a particle of balance, relieve the fear of change.

Cedar is able to fill with a good mood, protect the spiritual forces of Aquarius (February: from 9 to 18), as well as Lviv and Dev (August: from 14 to 23).

Pine - for Pisces (February: from 19 to 28) and Virgo (from August 24 to September 2). The tree will help to find harmony in relations with others, to become more open.

Pisces (March: 1 to 10) and Virgo (September: 3 to 1) are also patronized by willow. She makes these dreamy natures more responsible, sober-minded.

Representatives of Pisces, Aries (March: from 11 to 20) and Virgo (September: from 13 to 22) will be endowed with self-confidence, the linden patronizing them will save them from fatigue.

Aries, born on March 21, is patronized by an oak, which gives a person strength of mind to overcome various life hardships.

Olive will help you find the strength in yourself to make the right decision, listen to your intuition Libra, born on September 23.

Hazel will help prone to whims, mood swings Aries (March: from 22 to 31) and Libra (from September 24 to October 3) to find harmony with themselves.

The patron tree for Aries (April: from 1 to 10) and Libra (October: from 4 to 13) is and Rowan. Rowan will give confidence, relieve unfounded fears.

Maple, patronizing Aries, Taurus (April: from 11 to 20), Libra, Scorpio (October: from 14 to 23), will add softness to the representatives of these signs of the zodiac, eliminate anxiety, and give faith in the best.

The walnut will cleanse of negative energy, awaken optimism and interest in life in Taurus (April: from 21 to 30) and Scorpions (from October 24 to November 2).

Jasmine is designed to give Taurus (May: 1 to 14) and Scorpio (November: 3 to 11) organizational skills, stamina, and restore energy balance.

Chestnut will help Taurus, Gemini (May: from 15 to 24), as well as Scorpions (November: from 12 to 21) not only clear their energy field, but also harmonize feelings and mind, reveal their talents.

Ash, patronizing Gemini (from May 25 to June 3) and Sagittarius (from November 22 to December 1), can help you become more tolerant of others, tune in to a positive outcome in any business.

Hornbeam - for those born under the sign of Gemini (June: 4 to 13) or Sagittarius (December: 2 to 11). It reduces temper, gives inspiration and sensuality.

The patron tree for Gemini, Cancer (June: 14 to 23) and Sagittarius (December: 12 to 20) is figs. This tree helps to restore spiritual strength, helps to become softer, avoid mood swings.

Birch for those born 24.06 Cancers. It will bring back the joy of life, add dreaminess and romance.

Sagittarius and Capricorn (December: from 21 to 22) patronizes beech able to restore their spiritual strength, to help gain faith in themselves.

During the period of activity of the patron tree, it is necessary to lean against its trunk, try to feel the flow of energy that fills the body. After standing for a few minutes near the tree, it is worth thanking him for the restored strength.

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