Define a noun. Concrete and real nouns


It is an independent part. In a broad sense, all nouns name objects and answer two questions: who? What?. Taking their place in a sentence, they most often act as a subject, as well as an addition or circumstance. in Russian has six categories, each of which divides all the words of this part of speech according to some specific feature.

The first category of nouns is based on the opposition of cases. Case forms help to determine how a noun as a part of speech relates to other words denoting objects, actions or signs. The Russian language has six cases, each of which answers its own questions. To facilitate the understanding of the semantic load of the noun, auxiliary words are used.

All words of this part of speech are classified into two categories - The first group includes homogeneous names, processes or states, and proper nouns include the names of single, unique objects. Own words are names, surnames, titles, etc.

Each noun as a part of speech belongs to a group of animate or inanimate names. The first of them answer the question - who ?, and the second answer the question - what?

And answering the question "who what". One of the main lexical categories; in sentences, the noun, as a rule, acts as a subject or an object.

The noun names objects in the broad sense of the word; these are the names of things (table, wall, window, scissors, sleigh), persons (child, girl, youth, woman, man), substances (cereals, flour, sugar, cream), living beings and organisms (cat, dog, crow , woodpecker, snake, perch, pike; bacterium, virus, microbe), facts, events, phenomena (fire, performance, conversation, holidays, sadness, fear), as well as qualities, properties, actions, states (kindness, stupidity, blue , running, decision, pushing).

Common noun

Common nouns serve as a common name for a class of single objects: article, house, computer etc.

N.'s transition and. in its own is accompanied by the loss of the name of the language concept (for example, "Gum" from "gum" - "right"). N. and. there are concrete (table), abstract or abstract (love), material or material (sugar), and collective (students).

Proper name

Proper nouns serve as the name of a specific object, distinguished from the class of homogeneous: Ivan, America, Everest.


A noun has a number of attributes (nominal classes), the number of which varies in different languages. These attributes can be:

  • Gender (masculine, feminine, neuter, there are also common nouns)
  • Case (nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, prepositional)
  • Number (singular, plural)
  • Animation

The set of these characteristics defines the paradigm of inflection called declension.

All nouns have one of 3 declensions: Nouns of the 1st declension are masculine and feminine nouns ending in the nominative singular -а, -я, for example, dad, mom, family. Nouns 2 declensions - masculine and neuter nouns ending in the nominative singular: zero ending for masculine and zero or -o, -e for neuter, for example, window, dove, table. Nouns of the 3rd declension are feminine nouns that have a zero ending in the nominative singular, for example, mouse, shawl, lie.

There are also inflected nouns, for example, nouns ending in -iya, such as army, nation, police, they do not follow the general rules of any of the declensions.


with a transitive verb with particle -not-

In the phrase “particle -non- + transitive verb + noun”, the noun is always in the Genitive case.

see also


  • A. Potebnya, "From Notes on Russian Grammar" (I)
  • K. Brugmann, “Grundriss der vergl. Gram." (II, 429-462)
  • Paul, "Prinzipien der Sprachgeschichte" ( , pp. 331-333).

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Nouns are divided into own And common nouns .

Own nouns are called one-of-a-kind objects - the names and surnames of people, the names of settlements, rivers, mountains, etc. ( Mendeleev, Moscow, Volga, Kazbek).

common nouns nouns are generalized names of homogeneous objects ( scientist, city, river, mountain).

gender of nouns

Most nouns belong to one of three genders:

  1. to male, for example: house, father, tram, key(you can substitute the word this);
  2. to the female for example: wall, arrow ground, gallery(you can substitute the word this);
  3. to the average for example: village, field, uprising, banner(you can substitute the word This).


  1. Words that are used only in the plural form have no gender ( e.g. holidays, ink).
  2. Some nouns with the ending -and I) can refer to both male and female persons, for example: orphan, clever, sissy, dirty. Such words are called nouns. generic .

Number of nouns

Most nouns have the form the only And plural numbers, for example: pillar - pillars, lake - lakes, village - villages etc. However, some nouns have either only the singular form (for example, students, asphalt, blue, mowing, burning), or only the plural form (for example, tongs, railings, pasta, weekdays, Alps).

Case of nouns

When connected with other words in a phrase or sentence, nouns change in cases, i.e. bow down . There are six cases in Russian.

  1. nominative - Who? What?
  2. Genitive - whom? what?
  3. Dative - to whom? what?
  4. Accusative - whom? What?
  5. Creative - by whom? how?
  6. Prepositional - about whom? about what?

Case questions Who? whom? to whom? animated , for example: student, female student, crane.

Case questions What? what? what? etc. refer to nouns inanimate , for example: pine, tree, field.

Nouns animated in all three genders, the accusative plural is similar to the genitive, and for nouns inanimate - with a nominative, for example: I see students, female students, elks, cranes (but: I see pines, trees, fields).

Declension of nouns

Changing nouns in cases is called declension . There are three main types of declension of nouns.

first declension

The first declension includes nouns:

  • feminine ending -and I (For example, country, land, car);
  • male face with ending -and I (For example, youth, uncle, son).

Second declension

The second declension includes nouns:

  • masculine gender with a null ending (for example, pillar, crane, watchman, museum, sanatorium);
  • neuter with ending -o - -e (For example, glass, field, knowledge).

third declension

The third declension includes feminine nouns with a zero ending (for example, steppe, horse, thing).

Inflected nouns

A small group of nouns refers to nouns heterogeneous . These are nouns of the middle face on -me (time, burden, name, banner, flame, seed, stirrup, crown, udder) and a masculine noun path.

Heterogeneous nouns in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases of the singular have the ending -And , i.e. the end of the III declension (for example, at the banner, about the banner, on the way); and in the instrumental case - the ending -eat , i.e. the end of the II declension (for example, bow before the banner, go your own way).

Indeclinable nouns

Among the nouns there are indeclinable . These include some common nouns and proper names, for example: jury, taxi, coat, subway; Heine, Garibaldi, Tbilisi.

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Noun - this is the most essential part of speech, in grammar it is considered to be frequently encountered.

All students need to know about it in order to correctly complete tasks both in the Unified State Examination and in the State Academic Examination. In particular, in the 11th grade exam there is a task in which you need to choose the correct form of the noun. Also, this selection will help to make a morphological analysis of any noun.

DEFINITION: noun is the part of speech that stands forITEM and answer questions WHO? or WHAT?

Own and common noun

  • OWN nouns denote - names, surnames, patronymics, nicknames of animals, geographical names, titles of books, newspapers, magazines ( Moscow, Volga, Maria, Kashtanka, Alexei Maksimovich).
  • common nouns nouns - the name of objects and phenomena ( student, textbook, country, forest, dog).

Animated and inanimate

  • ANIMATED Nouns answer the question WHO? and name people and animals ( teacher, student, sister, cat, bird).
  • inanimate Nouns answer the question WHAT? and name inanimate objects cloud, forest, water, notebook, bus).

Number of nouns

  • THE ONLY THING number - stands for one item ( letter, child). Some nouns are used only in the singular ( milk, kindness, Kaluga, singing, youth, France).
  • MULTIPLE number - refers to several items ( letters, children). Some nouns are used only in the plural ( glasses, sleigh, name day, scissors, gate, Alps).

gender of a noun

GENUS- a constant attribute of a noun. Nouns do not change by gender.

  • MALE- he is mine ( horse, car).
  • FEMALE- She is mine ( rye, earth).
  • AVERAGE- it's mine village, ring).

RULE: to determine the gender of a noun, you need to put this noun in the initial form: with balls - a ball (m. R.), on the ground - land (f. R.), by the sea - the sea (cf. R.).

  • COMMON GENDER- he, mine, this / she, mine, this ( crybaby, orphan).

Spelling "Soft sign (b)after sizzling at the endnouns"

  • Is written- feminine ( mouse, rye, oven, lies, power).
  • Not spelled- in the masculine garage, reeds, comrade, borscht).

A soft sign after a hissing noun at the end indicates that it is a feminine noun.

Declension of a noun

declension of nouns- this is a change of words in cases. The case is determined by questions.

Cases and questions:

To make it easier to remember questions of cases, you can substitute auxiliary words.

  • Nominative case (is) who? What?
  • Genitive case (no) whom? what?
  • Dative case (I give, glad) to whom? what?
  • Accusative case (I see) whom? What?
  • Instrumental case (satisfied, admiring) who? how?
  • Prepositional case (I think, I speak) about whom? about what?

RULE: To determine the case of a noun, you need to find the word with which this noun is connected in meaning, and put a case question from it.
EXAMPLE: The old man was fishing with a net. (A.S. Pushkin)

Caught (with what?) with a net (T. p.); caught (whom?) Fish (V.p.).

NOUN INITIAL FORM- singular nominative form ( always determined in morphological parsing).

Three declensions of nouns

In Russian, nouns that have the same endings in the same cases are divided into three groups - declension.

  • TO 1st declension include names feminine nouns And male with endings -A, -I in the nominative singular (ruler, earth, mom, dad, uncle).
  • Co. 2nd declension include names null masculine nouns And neuter with endings -O, -E in the nominative singular ( lesson, day, mirror, field).
  • TO 3rd declension relate null ending feminine nouns in the nominative singular and ending in a soft sign (blizzard, carrot, thing, daughter).

RULE: to determine the declension of a noun in the plural, you need to put this noun in the initial form, determine its gender and highlight the ending.

SPELLING "Letters E and I in the case endings of nouns"

To correctly write an unstressed case ending of a noun, you need:
1. Determine the case.
2. Determine the declination.
3. Remember the ending of the nouns of this declension in the right case: a letter (to whom?) to grandmother (1st cl., D. p., singular, -e); to ride (on what?) on a bicycle (2nd cl., P. p., singular, -e).
4. Check the unstressed case ending with the stressed ending of the noun of the same declension: thinking about the Motherland (about the land); trees in hoarfrost (in silver); I saw in the hole (in the steppe).

SPELLING "Letters O and E after hissing and C in the endings of nouns"

After hissing And C in the endings of nouns in the instrumental case, the vowel is written under stress ABOUT, and without stress - a vowel E: a doctor - a task, a chick - a bird.

Morphological analysis

1. Part of speech. What does it mean to answer the question.
2. Initial form (nominative singular).
3. Immutable signs: animate or inanimate; own or common noun; gender (male, female, neuter); declination (1,2,3).
4. Variables: case, number.
4. Role in the proposal.


The hunter saw a squirrel.
1. Squirrel - a noun. Designates an object, answers the question of whom?
2. Initial form - protein.
3. Animated, common noun. Feminine, 1st declension.
4. Used in the singular, in the accusative case.

5. In the sentence, it is a minor member of the sentence, explains the predicate: I saw (whom?) A squirrel.


Squirrel - noun, whom ?, n. f. - squirrel, soul, nat., female, 1st class, singular, VP, second. member (addition).

As you can see, the noun is the most comprehensive part of speech. It describes at once a large number of things in this world, names, events and other things. Also, its features allow for even greater clarification.

MORPHOLOGY is a section of grammar that studies different aspects of a word: its belonging to a certain part of speech, structure, forms of change, ways of expressing grammatical meanings.

PARTS OF SPEECH are lexical and grammatical categories into which the words of the language fall apart due to the presence of

  1. a semantic feature (some general meaning that accompanies the specific lexical meaning of a given word),
  2. morphological feature (a system of grammatical categories specific to a given category of words),
  3. syntactic feature (features of syntactic functioning).

In Russian, independent and auxiliary words are distinguished.


Independent (significant) parts of speech are categories of words that name an object, action, quality, state, etc. or point to them and which have an independent lexical and grammatical meaning and are members of the sentence (main or secondary).

The independent parts of speech are:

  1. noun,
  2. adjective,
  3. numeral,
  4. pronoun,
  5. verb,
  6. adverb.

24. NOUN- this is an independent part of speech, which combines words denoting objects and animate beings (the meaning of objectivity) and answering the questions who? What? This meaning is expressed using the independent categories of gender, number, case, animateness and inanimateness. In a sentence, nouns mainly act as the subject and object, but they can also be other members of the sentence.

24.1. Discharges of nouns: common, specific, collective.

Depending on the lexical and grammatical features, nouns are divided into:

  • common nouns (names of homogeneous objects, actions or states): house, bed
  • own (names of single objects selected from a number of homogeneous ones - names, surnames, geographical names, etc.): Vanya Petrov, Pluto, Moscow;
  • concrete (they name specific objects and phenomena from reality): a boy, a station and abstract (abstract) (they call an object or sign abstractly from the agent or carrier of the sign): hatred, love, care;
  • collective (denoting a set of identical or similar individual items as one whole): students, sheet.

24.2. Lexicre-grammatical categories of nouns:

24.1. Animation-inanimate category: animate nouns denote living beings (humans and animals), and inanimate nouns - an object in the proper sense of the word, in contrast to living beings. This category is manifested in the declension of nouns, namely in the accusative case of the plural: the form of the accusative case of the plural of animate nouns coincides with the form of the genitive case, and of inanimate nouns with the form of the nominative case. For masculine nouns (except for -a, -я), the same thing happens in the singular.

The masculine gender is a variety of the gender category, characterized by a certain form change, and for animate nouns, the belonging to it of masculine creatures (father, cat, table, house).

Feminine gender is a kind of gender category, characterized by a certain form change, and for animate nouns - belonging to it of feminine creatures (mother, cat, bench, terrace).

There are nouns of the general gender that can be correlated with both masculine and feminine persons: slob, orphan, incognito, protégé.

The neuter gender is a variety of the gender category, characterized by a certain form change (partially coincides with the form change of the masculine gender) and the meaning of inanimateness (window, sky, sun);

24.2.3. Category of number: in Russian there is a singular form (denotes one parent in a series of homogeneous objects): chair, sock, boy, and a plural form (denotes an indefinite set of homogeneous objects): chairs, socks, boys.

The singular and plural differ in different endings, different compatibility with other parts of speech.

There are nouns that have only the singular form: some abstract nouns (love, care), collective nouns (leaves, students), proper names (Moscow, Siberia), some nouns denoting substance (milk, gold).

There are nouns that, on the contrary, have only a plural form: some abstract nouns (holidays, twilight), some nouns denoting a substance (soup, cream), the names of some games (chess, hide and seek), some concrete nouns that consist of several components (scissors, trousers);

24.2.4. Case category: this category is based on the opposition of case forms and denotes the relationship of the object denoted by the noun to other objects, actions or features. There are six cases in Russian: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, prepositional.

24.3. Declension of nouns is a change of nouns by cases.

There are three declensions in Russian.

1 cl.
noun m.r. and cf.
on -a, -i

2 fold.
noun m.r. from zero. ending
dry cf. on -o, -e

from zero. ending


I.p. Mother. uncle
R.p. moms, uncles
D.p. mom-e, uncle-e
V.p. mum, uncle
etc. mom-oh, uncle-her
P.p. oh mom, oh uncle

house, window
house-a, windows-a
house-y, window-y
house, window
house-ohm, window-ohm
about the house, about the window

night and
night and
at night
about the night and


I.p. mothers. uncles
R.p. mom, uncle
D.p. mum-am, uncle-yum
V.p. mom, uncle
etc. mom-ami, uncle-ami
P.p. about mom-ax, about uncle-x

house-a, windows-a
houses, windows
house-am, window-am
window-a, house-a,
houses, windows
about house-ax, about windows-ah
night and
night and
about the nights

Notes: in masculine and neuter nouns, in which a vowel is written before the case ending and, in an unstressed position in P.p. the ending -i is written; for feminine nouns, this rule applies to D.p. and P.p.

I. p. militia, genius, blade
R.p. militia, genius, blade
D.p. militia, genius, blade
V.p. militia, genius, blade
etc. militia, genius, blade
P.p. about the police, about the genius, about the blade

For more information about difficult cases of writing the ending of nouns, see the "Spelling" section.

In the Russian language there are nouns with different declensions: these are 10 neuter nouns in -mya (flame, burden, time, udder, banner, seed, stirrup, shemya, tribe, name) - they decline with an increase in the suffix -en- in the singular in all cases , except for the instrumental, according to the 3rd declension, and in the instrumental case of the singular - according to the 2nd declension, in the plural they decline according to the 2nd declension; the words mother, daughter (inclined according to the 3rd declension with an increase -er-), way (inclined in all cases according to the 3rd declension and only in the instrumental - according to the 2nd), child (this word is now not used in indirect cases singular).

There are also indeclinable nouns (that is, they do not change for cases and numbers). Basically, they include words of foreign origin, which denote both inanimate objects (cafes, radios), and masculine and feminine persons (attache, lady); they can also represent animals (kangaroos, chimpanzees), given names and surnames (Helen Frankenstein), place names (Baku, Helsinki), etc.

24.4. Syntactic functions of nouns

In a sentence, a noun can be; any member:

  • subject: Mom goes to the store,
  • addition: I asked him to give me a book.
  • definition: Mom bought me a notebook with checkered paper.
  • Addendum: The Volga River is very beautiful.
  • circumstance: He got his way despite the difficulties.
  • predicate: My father is an engineer.

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