Dalai Lama Sayings. Wise sayings of the Dalai Lama

Release theme: The Dalai Lama - quotes and sayings, namely the spiritual leader, whose name is Ngagwang Lovzang Tenjin Gyamtsho:
  • I believe that the really true religion is the Good Heart.
  • "I am just a simple Buddhist monk, nothing more, nothing less"
  • Whatever happens, never give up! Develop your heart. Too much energy in your country is spent on developing the mind and not the heart. Develop your heart, be compassionate not only to your friends, but to everyone. Be compassionate, work for peace in your heart and in the whole world. Work for peace, and I'll say it again: never give up.
  • Be willing to change your goals, but never change your values.
  • Maintaining a positive attitude towards life, you can be happy even in the most adverse conditions.
  • All world religions, emphasizing love, compassion, tolerance and forgiveness, can contribute to the development of spiritual values, and do so. But the reality is that tying ethics to religion no longer makes sense. Therefore, I am more and more convinced that the time has come to find a way in matters of spirituality and ethics to do without religions at all.
  • Before you judge someone, take his shoes and walk his path, taste his tears, feel his pain. Run into every stone he stumbles over. And only after that tell him that you know how to live right.
  • Mr. Putin was first president, then prime minister, then president again. It's too much. This demonstrates that he has an egocentric attitude: me, me, me!
  • Remember, silence is sometimes the best answer to questions.
  • If you can help, help. If not, at least do no harm.

  • Often, when describing my duties and tasks, I say that I see them in protecting Tibet, its culture, nature and spirituality. In this context, the slogan “Save Tibet! “Save Tibet!” because it covers everything: the nature of Tibet, its religion and culture, autonomy and human rights…
  • If the problem cannot be solved, it is useless to worry.
  • Our enemies give us a golden opportunity to practice patience, fortitude, and compassion.
  • Sometimes I doubt whether a mosquito is capable of experiencing love: it happens when a mosquito lands on me, I don’t drive it away, but out of compassion I let it drink blood, and then it flies away without showing its gratitude.
  • The world reality today is such that basing ethics on religion no longer fits it. Therefore, I am more and more convinced that the time has come to find a way in matters of spirituality and ethics to do without religion at all.
  • When it seems to a person that everything is going awry, something wonderful tries to enter his life.
  • People are social beings. We are born thanks to other people. We survive with the help of others. Whether we like it or not, in our life it is hardly possible to find moments when we are not dependent on others. Therefore, one should not be surprised that human happiness is the result of our relationships with others.
  • If there is a cure, then you have nothing to worry about. You just have to accept it. If there is no cure, then why worry? Worry only exacerbates suffering.
  • The world is imperfect because we are imperfect.
  • It's safe to say that the following quote is the rule of a happy life... Fortunately, there are two ways to get there. The first way is external. By acquiring better dwellings, better clothes, more agreeable friends, we can, in varying degrees, find happiness and satisfaction. The second path is the path of spiritual development, and it allows you to achieve inner happiness. However, these two approaches are not equivalent. External happiness without internal cannot last long. If life is drawn to you in black colors, if something is missing in your heart, you will not be happy, no matter what luxury you surround yourself with. But if you have achieved inner peace, you can find happiness even in the most difficult conditions. Material well-being in itself can sometimes help solve a problem, but in return it creates another. Let's say a person can be rich, well-educated, occupy a high position in society, but happiness bypasses him, and now he begins to take sedatives and abuse alcohol. He always lacks something, he is still not satisfied with something and finds salvation in drugs or in a bottle. On the other hand, there are people who do not have much money to worry about - and they enjoy peace. Poor in material terms, such people are still contented and happy. This is what right mental attitude means. Material wealth alone can never completely solve the problem of human suffering.
  • We are part of humanity, so we should take care of humanity. And if this is not in our power, then we should at least do no harm.
  • Learn the rules so you know how to break them correctly.
  • No matter what is happening around you, no matter what happened to you - never give up!
  • If the problem can be solved - do not worry about it,

The followers of Tibetan Buddhism revere the Dalai Lama as the earthly incarnation of Avalokitesvara - the enlightened one, who refused to go into nirvana to save all living beings.

"Dalai" in Mongolian - "ocean" in the meaning of "great". All rulers after Genghis Khan were called "Dalai Khans". "Lama" is the equivalent of the Sanskrit "guru" ("teacher"). According to Buddhist tradition, after his physical death, the Dalai Lama moves into the body of one of the newborn babies.

The current spiritual leader of the followers of Tibetan Buddhism is the 14th in a row.

The 13th Dalai Lama left a prediction, accurately describing the place of his next birth, so the lamas, in search of his new incarnation in 1937, found the village of Taktser and a little boy named Lhamo Thondrub without much difficulty.

After the required tests, the baby was recognized as the rebirth of the Dalai Lama XIII and received a new name Zhetsun Champel Ngagwang Yeshe Tenjing Gyamtsho. On February 22, 1940, the ceremony of enthronement took place, and the five-year-old boy was proclaimed the head of all Tibetan Buddhists.

During his life, the XIV Dalai Lama visited more than 40 countries, met with politicians, clergy, businessmen, published many books and monographs, and won the Nobel Peace Prize.

  1. We can live without religion and meditation, but we cannot live without love and compassion.
  2. We can never achieve peace in the outer world until we achieve it in the inner.
  3. My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.
  4. Error is the cause of problems and its timely elimination does not allow the problem to develop into a disaster. But in order to eliminate a mistake, you must first admit it, and this is not always easy: it hurts our pride.
  5. Learn to see the difference between a person and his position on a particular issue. Attack in a dispute not a person, but his position. Don't get personal - don't get emotional.
  6. The world is imperfect because we are imperfect.
  7. Whatever happens, never give up. The one who constantly says to himself: “I will succeed” will eventually achieve his goal. If you tell yourself:
    “It’s impossible, I’m not capable of it, I will never succeed,” then you doom yourself to failure. As the Tibetan proverb says: "Without the strength to resist despondency, it is impossible to overcome poverty."
  8. What are you looking for? Happiness, love, peace of mind. Do not go looking for them to the other side of the earth, you will return disappointed! Look for them in the depths of your heart.
  9. Be kinder whenever possible. And this is always possible.
  10. We are part of humanity, so we should take care of humanity. And if this is not in our power, then we should at least do no harm.
  11. Love is the perfect way to change other people for the better, even if their hearts are filled with anger and hatred.
  12. Be willing to change your goals, but never change your values.
  13. People are social beings. We are born thanks to other people. We survive with the help of others. Whether we like it or not, in our life it is hardly possible to find moments when we are not dependent on others. Therefore, one should not be surprised that human happiness is the result of our relationships with others.
  14. Everything we have today is the result of our yesterday's actions.

1. Bear in mind that great love and great achievement require great risk. There is risk in every great opportunity in life. If it weren't risky, then everyone could take advantage of it, which would make it common rather than "exceptional". Separate yourself from the crowd as someone who not only can take risks, but loves to do so. Such confidence in life can bring you satisfaction until you get tired of it.

2. When you miss something, don't miss a lesson. If you lose what you knew as what you shouldn't have done, you will be doomed to learn that lesson again. More important, however, is the fear of failure. Failure is the precursor to success. It is unlikely that something special that you want to achieve will come without a hitch. This brings us back to the risk rule mentioned above.

3. Follow the Three Eternal Rules: Respect Yourself— Trust plays a key role in success and the one who respects himself is trusted by others. So if you don't respect yourself, you won't be able to succeed at anything big and you won't be able to respect others. Respect others And you will be mutually respected. Anyone who doesn't respect you on a reciprocal basis is letting you know right away that they're not worth your time and don't respect themselves. Avoid weak, unreliable, self-hating people. Take responsibility for all your actions- Only you are responsible for your feelings, actions, success, etc. You have complete control over your life, so don't try to blame other people for your mistakes or misfortunes.

4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes incredibly lucky.. Not everything you want is necessarily good for you in the long run. If something doesn't work for you for a long time so that it seems like fate intervened, consider letting go of it completely or returning to it at another time. The ways of the universe are inscrutable and should be trusted. Just make sure you don't pass off your own mistakes as clues from the universe.

5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them correctly. Rules are meant to be broken. Most of them are run by archaic, corrupt institutions that only seek to enslave and maintain their own power. When it comes to breaking the rules they set, do it right to avoid punishment. But first of all, make sure you are actually breaking the rules. If authority was never challenged, we might become a stagnant civilization.

6. Don't let a small disagreement ruin a big friendship. Obviously, friendship is more important than one small argument, but very few people actually put this rule into practice. They will also have to follow Rule #7 in order to truly follow this rule.

7. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it. And don't let your pride get in the way of taking these steps. Apologize, accepting full responsibility. This will say more about your personality than the action that led to the mistake from the very beginning.

8. Spend some time by yourself every day. No matter what you do, set aside at least 30 minutes a day to spend alone in a quiet place. This will give you at least half an hour to analyze what is happening in your life, to explore yourself and find out what you want. Whether you use prayer, meditation, yoga or golf, this ritual is a must.

9. Embrace change, but don't deny your values. This world is constantly changing. If you are not open to change, then you will live a very unhappy life. You yourself will also change, but this does not mean that your values ​​should be discarded. Welcome new places, new faces, and new loves, but never change the core part of yourself unless you have good reason to believe that your belief in them was wrong from the start.

The most important components of the Buddhist spiritual path are wisdom and compassion. “Just as a bird glides freely across the sky with the help of two wings, so the practitioner traverses the spiritual path, relying on wisdom and compassion,” His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso quotes Buddhist thinkers of the past.

General information

The Dalai Lama is called the highest Tibet, Mongolia, as well as any Buddhist territories in many countries of the world. In Buddhism and Lamaism, the main tenet of faith is the principle of reincarnation - the reincarnation of souls. According to such beliefs, the Dalai Lama after death (his immortal soul) moves into a new body of a newly born male baby. From all the children born at a certain time, the monks choose the true one, after which he undergoes special training, which includes not only spiritual, but also secular, political aspects.

The Dalai Lama is the earthly incarnation of a Bodhisattva (a creature who decided to become a Buddha for the benefit of all living on Earth). Today he is in his 14th incarnation and goes by the name Tenzin Gyatso.

History of the 14th Dalai Lama

He was born on July 6, 1935 in the village of Taktser in northeastern Tibet. His family was engaged in the cultivation of wheat, oats and potatoes. He was the 5th of 9 children.

In 1937, after the death of the 13th Dalai Lama, a group of lamas arrived in the village of Taktser in search of his new incarnation. After special tests, 2-year-old Lhamo Dhondrub (the name given to him by his parents) was recognized as his reincarnated predecessor. In October 1939 he left home and headed for Lhasa. In 1940, he was enthroned as the 14th Dalai Lama and named Tenzin Gyatso.

In 1949, relations between China and Tibet deteriorated. The Chinese government claimed that Tibet is part of their state. The Tibetan people wanted independence and invited the Dalai Lama to become their leader. November 17, 1950 Tenzin Gyatso was proclaimed the spiritual and secular ruler of Tibet.

For many years the Dalai Lama tried to find a consensus with Chinese leaders and resolve the Tibeto-Chinese conflict. An agreement was prevented by Beijing's brutal actions in eastern Tibet, which led to uprisings that quickly spread throughout the state. The Chinese army brutally crushed the rebellion. The Dalai Lama was forced to seek refuge in India. About 80,000 Tibetans followed him into exile. Since then, since 1960, Tenzin Gyatso has been living in the town of Dharamsala, which is still called “little Lhasa”.

The Dalai Lama resigned as the political leader of Tibet in 2002, and Prime Minister Samdong Rinpoche became head of the government-in-exile. And in 2011, His Holiness withdrew from the secular power, which is the head of the government (kalon tripa).

Negotiations have resumed between Tenzin Gyatso's representatives and the Chinese authorities on granting greater autonomy to Tibet, but so far no noticeable results have been noted.

The life of the Dalai Lama today

His Holiness considers himself an ordinary Buddhist monk and lives a simple life, waking up at 4 am, meditating, praying and following a rigid schedule of official audiences, meetings, religious ceremonies and teachings. End your day with prayer.

Tenzin Gyatso also travels a lot, is engaged in religious activities, is the author of many books, philosophical treatises and sayings.

Commitment of the Dalai Lama

His Holiness expressed his obligations in this incarnation thus:

  1. Human values: to bring into this world patience, compassion, self-discipline, the ability to be content with little and forgive.
  2. Inter-religious harmony: gaining mutual understanding between different religions and beliefs, since they all have one goal - the education of good and kind people.
  3. Tibet: works to preserve the Buddhist culture of their homeland, peace and non-violence.

About happiness. There are 2 paths to happiness. One of the ways is external. It consists in acquiring a new home, better clothes, good friends. In doing so, we get satisfaction and happiness to some extent. The second way is spiritual development. It helps in achieving inner happiness. These paths are not equal. Without inner happiness, outer happiness cannot last long. If the heart lacks something, if life is seen in black, then it is impossible to experience bliss, no matter how luxurious you surround yourself with. But when you achieve inner peace, you can feel happy even in difficult conditions.

About imperturbability. Never lose hope. Despair is the cause of failure. You must remember that you can overcome any obstacle. Even if you find yourself in a difficult situation, stay calm. If your mind remains unperturbed, external circumstances will have little effect on you. If you allow yourself to feel angry, you will lose peace even if the environment remains serene.

About a person. When asked what amazes him the most, the Dalai Lama replied that it was a human being. Because he sacrifices health to earn money. And then he uses that money to restore his health. At the same time, he is gnawed by such anxiety about the future that he is not able to enjoy the present. As a result, he cannot live either in the present or in the future. A person lives as if he will never die, and when he dies, he regrets that he did not live.

About the value of life. Waking up, every morning you need to start with the thought: “Today I was lucky - I woke up, I am alive, I have this great value - human life, and I will not waste it on trifles. I will direct my energies towards inner development in order to open my heart to others and achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all. I will have only good thoughts about others. I won't get angry or think badly of them. I will do everything to benefit others.”

About condemnation. Before you condemn someone, take his shoes and walk his path, taste his tears and feel his pain. Stumble on a stone every one he stumbled over. And only then can you tell him that you know how to live right.


The Dalai Lama expressed many interesting thoughts. Quotes that have become most famous:

  • know that silence is sometimes the best answer to a question;
  • understand that not everything you want is really necessary for you;
  • the best relationships are those in which love is stronger, and not the need for each other;
  • if the problem can be solved, it is not worth worrying about; if it cannot be, it is useless to worry;
  • enemies give us a wonderful opportunity to learn stamina, patience and compassion;
  • when everything seems to be going awry, then perhaps something wonderful is trying to enter your life;
  • you need to learn the rules in order to understand how to break them correctly.

The Dalai Lama is not only a spiritual philosopher, who teaches us to live correctly, in accordance with the highest principles that can bring at least a little warmth and goodness into our world, make it a little better.

“Be kind whenever possible. And that's always possible."

“Our main goal in life is to help others. And if you can't help, at least do no harm."

“With awareness of one’s own potential and confidence in one’s abilities, a person can make the world a better place.”

“It is not ready right away. It happens because of your actions."

"By changing your mind, you will change the outside world."

In difficult personal circumstances, the best remedy is to try, as far as possible, to remain honest and open. Responding rudely or selfishly will only make matters worse.

“Some people are fat, others are thin, some are very handsome, but if you look at all of them in x-rays, you see only a room full of skeletons.”

“If the problem can be solved, don’t worry about it. If the problem cannot be solved, it is useless to worry.”

"Learn the rules so you know how to break them!"

“Each of us is responsible for all of humanity. This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples, there is no need for complicated philosophy. Our, our heart is our temple; our philosophy is kindness.”

"The purpose of religion is to benefit people, and if there were only one religion, I think that sooner or later its effectiveness would be exhausted."

“True change is within; leave everything external as it is.”

"When you lose, you don't lose experience."

“Remember that what you want is not always what you really need.”

"Prosperity comes from action, not prayer."

People were made to be loved, and things were made to be used. The world is in chaos because everything is the opposite.

"If God wants to make you happy, then he leads you on the most difficult path, because there are no easy paths to happiness."

"Keeping a positive attitude towards life, you can be happy even in the most adverse conditions."

“At first, a person sacrifices his health in order to earn money. He then spends the money on restoring health. At the same time, he is so worried about his future that he never enjoys the present. As a result, he does not live in the present or the future. He lives as if he will never die, and when he dies, he regrets that he did not live.

"Be willing to change your goals, but never change your values."

“Live a decent life so that later, in old age, there is something to remember.”

“In everyday life, when you happen to face suffering and lose heart, it is important to cheer yourself up. And you also need to land yourself when you get too excited. If you have the courage to look difficulties and hardships in the face, they will not bring you out of balance. Some lose their presence of mind in the face of poverty, others become proud when they get a little wealth. The best thing is to remain consistent in the face of both suffering and happiness.”

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