Dan Balan (Dan Balan). Dan balan, biography, news, photos Dan balan Russian or not


Dan Mihai Balan is a bright star of the stage and show business. Born in a full-fledged family in 1979, February 6. At the moment, the singer is already 36 years old, but it is quite difficult for him to give such an age. The singer keeps himself in shape and looks fit.

The hometown of the famous singer is Chisinau (Moldova). Dan's father Mihai Balan and mother Lyudmila Balan tried from childhood to accustom their son to something wonderful, and thanks to their upbringing, the first public performance of a young talented boy took place at the age of 4, when he first got on an entertainment TV show. It was the parents who made a huge contribution to education and upbringing, for which the singer is infinitely grateful to them, talking about this in many interviews with journalists and TV presenters.

First performances and music

The biography of Dan Balan is full of various significant events. Some of them happened already in childhood. Parents noticed the craving for singing and contributed to the acquisition of an accordion, on which Dan already composed his own works for waltzes and dances at the age of 11.

Over the years, the young singer gained experience, more and more appeared on the stages of theaters and school halls. At the age of 14, he was actively playing in the bands Pantheon and Inferialis and playing gothic-doom metal music. These trial breakthroughs into the world of show business turned out to be very productive, and at the age of 20 Dan Balan's biography was replenished with serious events - performances on the big stage.

O-Zone - the formation of the group and the beginning of serious success

In 1999, the singer took another step towards success and, together with his faithful friend Petr Zhelikhovsky, created a group. In his group O-Zone (that's what it was called), the singer was both a producer, a musician, and a singer. The most famous and popular single in many European countries is Numa Numa Song. Many more albums of the group were able to glorify performers throughout Europe, and O-Zone achieved a really wild success. But in 2005, due to some disagreements, the group broke up and ceased creative activity.

But the biography of Dan Balan is replenished with new events. Dan goes to Los Angeles, where he meets with the famous producer Jack Joseph Puig. He creates all the conditions for promoting the solo career of his ward.

The first album and unprecedented success: where does the solo star journey begin

At first, Dan Balan did not act on his own behalf, but had the pseudonym Crazy Loop. So he released his first solo album, The Power of Shower. But soon this pseudonym disappeared - the singer began to perform under his own name. Dan Balan began to film the songs, and the famous director Haim Williams worked on his first video for the single Chica Bomb. The hits that occupied the first lines of the charts from Dan Balan went one after another. A duet song with Vera Brezhneva called "Rose Petals" and the compositions Freedom, "Only Until the Morning" made the singer a leader in the music show business. His songs stayed on the first lines of the charts for an unusually long time.

For fruitful work, the singer goes to New York, where he records new singles and shoots videos. But the biography of Dan Balan is not only creative activity, but also personal life.

The special attractiveness of Dan Balan is the reason for great interest from fans who love their idol not only for his beautiful songs, but also for his external features.

Dan Balan: personal life. What is the singer hiding?

No matter how hard the reporters tried to find out who his beloved was, nothing came of it. The singer always speaks of his heart secrets briefly and clearly: "I am a free bird, and so far everything remains so." Joint work with Vera Brezhneva was interpreted differently by journalists, and the yellow press gave Dan Balan many statuses, including it was believed that they and Vera were a couple. But no matter what the newspapers write, Dan Balan still remains an enviable bachelor, and there was no connection between the stars of show business, except for creative activity.

The Moldovan singer Dan Balan was born in 1979 in Chisinau in the family of an ambassador and a TV presenter. Parents paid great attention to the education and creative development of their son. He attended many circles and sections.

Becoming a musician

Dan's musical talent began to appear at the age of three. Performing his first songs, the boy dreamed of becoming an artist, which his parents did not doubt.

In the third grade, Dan began to compose his first poems, with which he spoke to his peers and teachers at school events. At the age of 11, his father gave his son an accordion, under which he composed his songs.

In 1994, his father was transferred to work in Israel, he moved with his whole family, and after 1.5 years the artist decided to return to his homeland, where he graduated from the Lyceum, received a secondary education and became a student at the Moldovan State University, studying law.

As a student, he began singing in the little-known band Panteon, and a few months later he decided to create his own project, the band Inferialis, but it did not last long.

Band and solo career

In 1998, Dan began recording his songs in the studio, and a year later, with a like-minded person, he created the O-Zone group. Their songs became interesting not only to listeners, but also to critics. A few years later, Dan decided to start a solo career. The singer's first album brought a stunning success, he became known not only at home, but also abroad.

Since 2000, his career began to develop rapidly, he began to collaborate with producer Jack Joseph Puig. Such well-known compositions as "Chica Bomb", "Freedom", "Love" were born. A duet with Vera Brezhneva and their joint hit "Rose Petals" brought the singer great fame and millions of fans. He was credited with an affair with Vera, but the artist denied these rumors, as did the singer herself.

Girls Dana Balan

The artist prefers to hide his marital status, but it became known to journalists that Balan was married before he became famous for Ella Krupenina. Their marriage lasted only five years and in 2009 the couple divorced due to jealousy and distrust of his wife. From this relationship, the couple had a son, Alan.

As Dan Balan said, a wife should not have any special qualities, external beauty, sincerity and fidelity are enough. The family for the singer plays a big and important role, the bonds of marriage are sacred to him.

According to the artist, in his life there were all three serious relationships. It is known that Dan met with a close friend of his sister, Cristina Russu, whether this relationship exists today is unknown.

At the moment, Dan Balan lives in the United States and only occasionally comes to his homeland.

An insinuating voice, sweetly singing about love, plus a sexy and masculine appearance has long led the Moldavian singer Dan Balan to the top of the musical Olympus. Millions are heard with his songs, clips are often broadcast on music channels, and he himself is a frequent guest of girlish sweet dreams. Unfortunately for fans, Dan Balan's personal life is carefully hidden behind the doors of his house, since he himself considers this topic taboo in communicating with journalists. For a very long time, curious female fans remained in the dark about wife of Dan Balan or at least his girlfriends, drawing their own conclusions often from fragmentary information taken from the media.

To date, the sultry Moldovan singer is still not married. Although he prefers to bypass the topic of his personal life and novels, he himself shared information that only three women played a big role in his fate. And all of them were in no way distinguished by either celebrity, or a strong social position, or special wealth, which will undoubtedly pleasantly surprise the singer's fans, since it makes the chances of each of them very real. Moreover, Dan Balan, by his own admission, does not put forward any increased requirements for his future life partner. The only quality that must necessarily be present in her is external beauty, and he will accept all the rest unconditionally if he feels his soul mate in the girl.

In the photo - Dan Balan with his son

By the way, according to publications in the media, Dan Balan, it turns out, has already managed to learn firsthand what family life is. Even before the start of his solo career, he was married to a girl named Ella Krupenina. True, this marriage was short-lived - about five years - and in 2009 the couple broke up due to uncontrollable jealousy on the part of the wife. Although it is easy to understand. It's hard to keep calm when your husband is constantly in the center of attention of numerous fans. In this marriage, an heir appeared - the son of Alan. Just a couple of years ago, the press again remembered the singer's ex-wife in connection with a suicide attempt, again on the basis of jealousy for her husband, whom she did not stop loving even after the divorce. It is difficult to judge how true this information is.

In the photo - the alleged girlfriend of Dan Balan Christina Russu

In the same period of time, it was also said that Dan Balan had already given his heart. Christina Russa, a close friend of the singer's sister, was presented as his beloved girl. However, he himself, again, did not comment on this information anywhere and in no way, limiting himself only to admitting that he was really not free at the moment. What is happening in Dan Balan's personal life is now unknown, since he usually attends all social events attended by journalists alone.

Dan Balan is an outstanding singer that even the most famous stars should look up to. Parents prepared for the guy the fate of a lawyer, and he was able to survive and go his own way, and the result was that now Dan is a world-class star. He made his way from an ordinary boy from Chisinau to a popular music artist, whose songs are not only listened to all over the world, but also put on the first places in all music charts on radio and television. His biography is worth admiring.

Height, weight, age. How old is Dan Balan

Many fans are interested in height, weight, age, how old is Dan Balan. He is a very handsome guy and has a special attractive appearance, which so attracts fans and makes his popularity even greater. Of course, the guy takes care of his appearance, but he considers the quality of sleep and food to be the main thing in this life, Dan lives under the motto "Eat or die!". With a height of 190, he weighs 73 kg. The singer was born on February 6, 1979, at the moment he is 38 years old, although he always looks like a young guy under 30 years old.

Biography and personal life of Dan Balan

Dan was born in an artistic family, so it is not surprising that since childhood he loved to make music and eventually devoted his whole life to this. Mom was a popular TV presenter, so the boy got acquainted with the world of show business when he was at her work. Dan's father was a diplomat, and his mother was busy with her career, both parents were immersed in work and there was no time to raise their son, so little Dan was sent to be raised by his grandmother in a small village, but when he was three years old, his parents took him back to the city.

From early childhood, Dan was fond of music and first performed in front of the public at the age of 4. And at the age of 11 he was presented with an accordion, on which he quickly learned to play and actually composed his first compositions. At the same age, he was sent to study at a music school.

The father took a very responsible approach to the education of his son and sent him to one of the best lyceums in the country "M.Eminesku", and after that - to "Gheorghi Asache". A little later, Dan's father was given a promotion and they went with their family to live in Israel. After spending a year and a half in a foreign country, the guy decided to return to his homeland. The father insisted that Dan enter the Faculty of Law and the young talent did not argue, but asked him to give him a synthesizer for successfully passing the exams. He passed the exams, entered the law school and now plunged headlong into a new tool. The study of the keys prompted the guy to create his own group, so "Inferialis" appeared in Chisinau. After working a little with the group, the guy left the team and tried himself solo, recording his first work.

This was followed by the creation of the O-Zone collective, which gave the world many interesting and popular compositions that occupied a leading position in sales in many countries. Since 2006, Dan finally began a solo career and went to New York, where he bought an apartment for himself and still lives, although the guy says that he goes there at most 5 times a year, and travels around countries the rest of the time.

The biography and personal life of Dan Balan is very interesting for the public, and not only fans of his work are interested in his life. The artist's personal life is very vague, or rather hung from the public with real networks. Now the musician remains free and says that he experienced the very first and greatest feelings while still a schoolboy, at the age of 16. And for all the time of his life, Dan only experienced strong feelings for girls three times. With his busy schedule and constant work, there is simply no time left for his personal life.

After the release of a joint song with Vera Brezhneva called “Petals of Tears”, journalists attributed a novel to this duet for a long time and hoped to get juicy details, but there was no connection between them. Dan himself admits that he liked Vera as a girl, she is very beautiful and generally interesting, but she has a husband and this is sacred for the performer.

Family and children of Dan Balan

Dan's parents practically did not engage in his upbringing. The guy admits that mom and dad were constantly at work, and sometimes there was not even time to have dinner together, so the singer grew up on his own. Throughout his childhood, he watched how his peers were raised incorrectly by their parents, instilling Soviet rules and norms in them, and Dan at that time decided for himself what was right for him and what was not, stuffing bumps and trying everything new that interested him. It was thanks to such a childhood that Dan grew up as an open, purposeful and talented person.

Dan Balan's own family and children are still only in the distant future. The singer does not have enough time to even think about it and does not want to get ahead of himself. He has not yet met the girl with whom he would like to live his whole life, but he is not upset about this either. Now he has a dizzying career and he is working hard to hone his talent. Dan gives all his strength to music and we can say that he lives by his creativity, devoting all his free time to development.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dan Balan

Instagram and Wikipedia Dan Balan will be of interest to his fans. Dan does not use Twitter, but is an active user of Vkontakte and Facebook. Vkontakte, he has his own fan club in which he communicates with his fans and answers all their questions.

If you look at this young performer, his serious look and cold appearance make him a serious person outwardly, but when communicating with him, it becomes clear how open and kind a guy he is. Dan always communicates openly with fans and journalists, in interviews he often jokes and is embarrassed when he is told that he has a very beautiful appearance and that all the fans simply adore him. Despite the multimillion-dollar stadiums, Dan does not suffer from star disease and all he does is just live music, and his fame is only the result of his work on himself and constant rehearsals. Once he just created a group to do what he loves, he did not pursue fame, she overtook him herself.

Dan fell in love with music from an early age. Already at the age of three, he arranged concerts in front of relatives. The boy's mother was a TV presenter and once brought her son to an audition. On Moldovan television, the future star sang the song, but for some reason the cameras turned off and the debut failed. Despite this, Dan did not lose heart, but, on the contrary, firmly decided to become a musician.

Biography of Dan Balan

Dan was born in Moldova in Chisinau on February 6, 1979. Mom is a TV presenter, dad is the Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to Israel.

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In elementary school, the boy began to compose poetry. And in the 3rd grade I read my works to classmates and teachers. Everyone was delighted.

For his 11th birthday, dad gave Dan an accordion. It was under him that Balan composed his first musical works. Back then it was mostly waltzes.

At the age of 14, the young talent was already playing in gothic doom metal bands, Pantheon and Inferialis. And in 1994, he decides to perform a song of his own composition at a school festival, where he breaks the first loud applause. In the same year, he wrote a song for the TV show where his mother worked. The song is heard on television and brings fame to a 15-year-old boy.

In 1994, Dan Balan's father was transferred to Israel as an ambassador. The family moves there. It was in Tel Aviv that the performer first recorded his songs in the studio. Dan entered the Scottish school, but could not get used to the new environment and returned to his native Chisinau. Here he graduated from the Lyceum. Passion for music grew, but the parents did not consider it a serious hobby and chose the Faculty of Law for their son. They even promised to buy a new synthesizer if he entered the institute without any problems. Dan did. But the new synthesizer pulled Balan even more into the world of music, and the young man dropped out of school.

Dan started promoting his own rock band. In 1999, Dan created a new musical project - the O-zone group. According to Balan himself, this is both “ozone”, which smells of the air after rain, and “Zone 0”, which in the Conex mobile network denotes the territory of Moldova. Their first album "Dar, unde eşti" was released in the same year, instantly making the performers popular in their homeland.

The song "Dragostea Din Tei", which sounded in 2003, brought worldwide popularity to the band. Thanks to her, Dan Balan became famous among eminent music producers, received many prestigious awards.

The next album "DiscO-Zone" went platinum in many countries and sold over 3.5 million copies.

In 2005, Balan decided to pursue a solo career and officially closed the O-Zone project.

In 2006, Dan left for the USA and recorded a solo rock album, which, however, was not released. But he used some of the songs from it in the next project called "Crazy Loop". This was the new pseudonym of Balan. The album "The Power of Shower" was quite well received in Europe, and the singer himself was awarded the MTV Europe Music Awards in the Best Romanian Act nomination.

World fame made it possible for Balan to collaborate with many show business stars. In particular, Dan wrote the song "Live your life" for Rihanna. This song was nominated for a Grammy in 2009.

Prestige and recognition in Russia and the CIS countries Dan Balan brought his joint work with Vera Brezhneva. They sang the song "Petals of Tears" as a duet.

In 2012, Dan Balan was nominated for the MUZ-TV Award in the category "Best Performer". In the same year, at the RU.TV Russian Music Award ceremony, he was named the sexiest singer in Russia. And also for the second year in a row he won the Golden Gramophone award for the hit "Only Until the Morning".

In January 2014, in London, Balan began recording a new studio album. All tracks on the album are written by Dan. He is also a producer.

In a recent interview for one of the TV channels, Dan admitted that he was looking forward to the release of the album and concerts, as he was tired of studio work in two years.

Balan's personal life

Since Dan is not only a talented performer, but also an attractive man, the fans are very interested in the singer's personal life, whether he is married or not. There is very little information on this topic, the singer does not like to advertise his personal life. It is known that he had great love at the age of 16 with his sister's girlfriend. But then the Balan family moved to Israel, feelings faded at a distance.

Balan was credited with a relationship with Vera Brezhneva, but he denied this, explaining that the bonds of marriage were sacred to him. And since Vera is married, they could not have anything.

And just recently, at the beginning of 2016, answering questions from the audience, Dan admitted that he has a girlfriend, her name is Anya Berdyugina. To the question "When will you get married?" Balan replied: "Probably soon."

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