Danetki detective stories. Board game "YesNetki


Remember that not always the answer in rhyme is correct!

Funny danetki - without candy wrappers -
Only "yes" and only "no" - give the correct answer!

If you run to the buffet,
So you're hungry?.. (yeah)

In the sky a month and a star
So it's noon?.. (no)

On the airfield of the train
Ready to launch into the sky? .. (no)

Who eats a lot of sweets
That sweet tooth, right?.. (yeah)

Saucepan and frying pan
Needed for catching fish? .. (no)

If you love ballet
Will you go to the theater? .. (Yes)

Growing mustache and beard
For those who go to kindergarten? .. (no)

If you are always lazy
In the diary of the five? .. (no)

You ate dinner with gusto
Need to say thank you? .. (yes)

If you lie everywhere, always,
So you're truthful?.. (no)

Clean water in the well
To swim and dive there? .. (no)

Danetki. Rules of the game "

On the ground floor of the house there are three switches in the off state. Each includes one of the three light bulbs located on the second floor. How to determine which switch corresponds to which light bulb by going up to the second floor no more than once? You can't go outside and so on.

Answer: Turn on one switch for ten minutes. Then turn it off and turn on another one. Climb to the second floor. One of the lights is on and the other is warm.

Once a young artist undertook to paint a portrait of an ugly old banker. Friends warned him: in vain took! If he draws similar, the banker will not pay, he will say that the portrait is bad. If the artist embellishes it, the old miser will also refuse to pay, this time complaining about the lack of resemblance. The friends were right. "It's not me, but some stuffed animal!" - the banker flared up and left without paying a penny. However, a few days later, he again appeared at the artist's and with difficulty persuaded him to sell the painting for a price ten times higher than the original one.

Answer: The artist hung the portrait in an exhibition called The Miser. The whole city made fun of the greedy banker. He had to buy the painting.

Two jigits compete: whose horse will be the last to reach the finish line. But things are not going well, both stand still. They turn to the sage for advice ... After that, both galloped at full speed.

Answer: The sage advised to exchange horses.

It's worth it. An old woman walks past "this" and says: "Baba Yaga." A soldier walks, looks and says: "Napoleon!" There is a girl, she looked and said: "Vasilisa the Beautiful!" What is this"?

Answer: Mirror.

A former sailor placed an ad in the newspaper: "For a small fee, I send cash on delivery a reliable remedy for seasickness." After a while he was arrested, although he did not deceive anyone.

Answer: He sent everyone a recipe: "sit at home."

Bruce won the race but did not receive the prize.

Answer: Bruce is the name of the horse.

The pilot reports on the radio to the dispatcher: "There is not a drop of fuel in the tanks!". Dispatcher: "Hold on! Use all your skills! We will try to help you!" There were no victims. How did you manage to escape?

Answer: The plane has not yet taken off.

A popular circus artist came home after the performance, undressed. Hanging clothes in the closet, he looked in the mirror, was horrified, then he took it and hung himself.

Answer: The artist is a dwarf. The competitor filed the legs of the cabinet, and the artist decided that he had grown up, therefore, he would lose his job.

This is the most popular action in the world. If a person stops doing it, then after a while he will have a desire to do it. But there is one person who has not done this for almost 76 years, and she does not even have a desire to do it. What is this action? Who is this person?

Answer: Action is breathing. Personality - V. I. Lenin. Commentary: Cardiac activity is a more frequent ("popular") process, but it is not subject to our desires (that is, we cannot stop or start it at will).

Answer: He hung it on a tree to dry.

In machines for producing liquid helium, the most important part - the expander - is a vertically standing pipe about three meters high and about ten centimeters in diameter. Once, a rubber ball, an iron bolt, and a copper nut were dropped into this pipe in turn. How did you get these items?

Answer: Pour water - the ball will float. Remove the bolt with a magnet. Freeze the nut into ice along with the rope using liquid nitrogen.

After a shipwreck, a man lived on a raft for three years, having only one radio. Why didn't he starve to death?

Answer: I listened to "Mayak", which hung noodles on his ears, and was fed up with these noodles.

At the Olympics, the average boxer won three fights. At first, the blows were ordinary, but gradually grew stronger, reaching such force as if they had been beaten with a stone. Then he was disqualified.

Answer: The hands are wrapped in a bandage soaked in plaster.

Karenina throws herself under the train, but strong arms push her aside.

Answer: Filming a movie.

In the last century, a French writer did not have the money to travel to Paris. Then he came to the police, holding an envelope in his hands, and in response to the question of what he had in the envelope, he said three words. After that, he was quickly taken to Paris at public expense.

Answer: He said "poison for the queen".

Every night a man walks around the big building and scatters pebbles. For what?

Answer: The caretaker of an old building saves it from being destroyed by tourists.

The collective farmer planted a tree and began to water it with engine oil.

Answer: This little girl is the beginning of a joke. And here is the end: A neighbor came up and said to the collective farmer: - What are you doing, it will wither! - Let it fade, if only "Schmeisser" does not rust!

He did not violate the instructions, but died.

Answer: The skydiver suffered from a stutter and did not have time to count to three.

He went into the forest and did not return.

Answer: Gray goat (or bun).

The man went into the forest and did not return. (This is another baby!)

Answer: Ivan Susanin.

They got married for love. They lived soul to soul, engaged only in each other. As a result, they became millionaires.

Answer: Before that they were billionaires.

Elevator accident. Four people got stuck. Three are upset, one is happy.

Answer: For example, a loser is happy that he will be late for school.

At one of the farm departments, the quality of beef has deteriorated sharply. The farmer did not figure it out himself, invited specialists, but the survey did not give anything: all the norms were strictly followed.

Answer: The specialists were on the farm during the day, and at night a rock band was rehearsing nearby. Animals experienced stress, resulting in increased alkalinity of meat. A similar case is described in "Children of Captain Grant": in the words of Paganel, "tasty meat lay for a long time, and tasteless meat ran for a long time."

The man sat in the room, shaking with fear. Suddenly he jumped up and ran, shouting loudly...

Answer: The student at the lesson is afraid that he will be asked. The bell rings...

The climber fell into the abyss. His comrade, having discovered the loss, shouts: - Vasya, are you alive? - Yes! - Whole head? - Yes! Are your arms and legs intact? - Yes!. Where is Vasya?

Answer: Vasya is still flying.

The man got hit in the eye and was very happy.

Answer: The wallet flew out of the window of a passing train.

A waiter in a restaurant inadvertently splashed broth on a customer's pants. Apologizing, the waiter led the visitor into the back room, sprinkled clean water on the stain, then dried it with a hair dryer. The stain is gone. How?

Answer: The broth was pure water.

The house was on fire. The fire cannot be stopped. But the man calmly entered there, no one stopped him. Why?

Answer: Testing fire equipment.

Sparrow sat on a cutlet that someone had left on the bench. Suddenly, three strangers appear and drive him away. They saw the cutlet, but although they were hungry, they did not eat it.

Answer: Sparrow is the surname of a person.

A young man enters the supermarket, takes a piece of cheese, leans against a column and chews. After a while, another person enters the store, also takes cheese and, leaning against another column, also chews. The first thought: "I'm lost!". Why?

Answer: One scout signaled to another.

A visitor came to the professor of white and black magic and declared that he had a very strange book: whoever opens it disappears. The professor wants to look at the book. The visitor says he left it with the secretary. They go to the reception. There is no secretary, the door is locked from the inside, there is an open book on the table. Explain the situation without using magic.

Answer: The secretary dressed as a visitor.

The famous chess player Johann Zuckertort, one of the three strongest chess players in the world of his time, made a bet with two others (Steinitz and Blackburn), who were stronger than him, that he would hold a blind simultaneous game with them, gaining at least one point. Zukertort won the bet, not thanks to chess skill, but to his own ingenuity. How did he do it?

Answer: He applied the Munchausen technique: he passed the moves of one to another.

An engineer came to a small town on a business trip and settled in a single room in a hotel. In the evening he went to bed, but he could not sleep for half the night. Then he got up, dialed the phone number, did not say anything, lay down and fell asleep peacefully.

Answer: I called my neighbor behind the wall, who was snoring loudly.

№ 11:

While changing the wheel of his car, the man dropped all four nuts of his fastening into the sewer grate, from where it was impossible to get them. He had already decided that he was stuck here, but a boy passing by gave him a very sensible idea, which allowed him to go further. What was his idea?


Q: Did the boy suggest any way to attach the wheel?
Oh yeah.

Q: Was it necessary to get the fallen nuts to do this?
Oh no.

Q: Did you need to use any attachments that are not usually found in the car?
Oh no.

Q: Was it a smart idea, easy to put into practice?
Oh yeah.

The boy suggested unscrewing one nut from each of the three wheels and fixing the fourth wheel with them. Having done this, the man was able to drive to the nearest garage on firmly fixed wheels.

№ 12:

Bill was on vacation. He settled in a hotel on the sixth floor. Every morning at 8 o'clock he went down to the hall on the second floor, had breakfast and then took the elevator back to the sixth floor. Every evening at 8 o'clock he took the elevator down to the lobby, and then up five flights of stairs and returned to his room, although this did not give him pleasure. Why did he do it?


Q: Was Bill quite capable of operating the elevator?
Oh yeah.

Q: If he wanted to go up to his room at a different time, would he take the elevator?
Oh yeah.

Q: Did other guests take the elevator in the evenings?
Oh yeah.

Q: Was the person physically normal?
Oh yeah.

Q: Did he get up every evening at 8 o'clock alone?
Oh no.

Q: Did his regular walks in the evening serve a useful purpose?
Oh yeah.

Bill was on vacation and living in a hotel with his wife and a very mobile and active two-year-old son. The couple noticed that the best way to tire the baby before bed so that he falls asleep sooner is to make him climb five flights of stairs. The boy was happy about this journey, but for his father it was difficult.

№ 13:

In 1980, Ben was 20 years old, and in 1985, only 15 years old. How is this possible?


Q: Was Ben an ordinary person?
Oh yeah.

Q: Does he get a year older every year?
Oh yeah.

Q: Do I need to do something with the dates?
Oh yeah.

Ben was born in 2000 BC. For this period, calendar years are counted backwards, so in 1985 BC he was 15 years old, and in 1980 BC he was 20 years old.

№ 14:

In the course of an experiment at a lesson at school, the girl was sent to the center of the nearest city to take an air sample there to determine the degree of pollution. She was given a jar with a tight-fitting removable lid. She understood that the bank contained the comparatively clean air of the school. How did she manage to displace this air and fill the jar with the necessary sample of city air?


Q: Could the girl have obtained a representative sample by simply removing the lid from the vial and waving it around?
Oh no. How could she be sure that all the air that was in it originally was removed from the jar?

Q: Did the girl use any device to create a vacuum?
Oh no.

Q: Did the girl's solution involve some advanced physics or the need for sophisticated devices?
A: No, she took a very simple approach.

At school, the girl completely filled the jar with water, and poured this water in the place where it was necessary to take an air sample. Its place was taken by the city air, which became quite a representative sample.

№ 15:

Greenland is a huge island covered in snow and ice. Why did the person who discovered this island call it Greenland, that is, the Green Country?


Q: Was the island green when this man discovered it?
Oh no.

Q: Did this person believe that the island would or could become green?
Oh no.

Q: Did he name the island after someone or a place?
Oh no.

Q: Was the title supposed to be descriptive?
Oh yeah.

Q: Was the title accurate in any respect?
Oh no.

Greenland was discovered around 982 by the Scandinavian jarl Eric the Red. He sought to encourage people to settle there and therefore called the country Greenland, as this name could attract them (in English. greenland- "green earth"). This is one of the earliest examples of deliberate misinformation.

№ 16:

The girl was listening to the radio. Suddenly it went silent, and after a minute it turned on again. The radio was in perfect order, the radio transmission was not interrupted, and the girl did not touch the controls of the receiver. Why did the radio go silent and then work again?


Q: Did the girl affect the radio in any way or change the position of the antenna?
Oh no.

Q: Did other listeners of this radio station have the same pause at the same time?
A: Most didn't, but few did.

Q: Did the location of the girl matter?
Oh yeah.

Q: Are such occurrences rare or common?
O: Common.

The girl listened to the radio in the car driven by her father. Reception was temporarily interrupted as he drove through the tunnel.

№ 17:

A long and difficult boxing match ended in a knockout. The judges unanimously declared a clear victory. However, during the fight, not a single athlete struck. What happened?

Riddles - Danetki

The day before yesterday Petya was 17 years old. He will be 20 next year. How can this be?


If the current day is January 1, and Petya's birthday is December 31. The day before yesterday (December 30) he was 17 years old, yesterday (December 31) he turned 18 years old, this year he will be 19 years old, and next year - 20 years old.

Gerald Butcher, a London banker, was found dead in his office. He was lying on the table, a pistol in his hand, shot through the temple. The curtains were drawn, a table lamp was on, and a tape recorder was right there. Inspector Brown pressed the play button and heard Butcher's last message: "I can't wait for bankruptcy, this is the end..." and then there was the sound of a gunshot. Under the banker's head was a blood-stained letter from the Tax Police with a notice of inspection. Suicide seemed certain, and the policemen were already cleaning up the body when Inspector Brown stopped them: “Wait a minute, this looks like a murder. What made him suspicious?


The message began to sound as soon as Inspector Brown pressed the play button. Consequently, the film was rewound, and the man with the bullet through his head could hardly do it himself.

A father and two sons went on a hike. On their way they met a river, near the bank of which there was a raft. He stands on the water either a father or two sons. How to cross to the other side of the father and sons?


Both sons cross first. One of the sons returns to his father. The father moves to the opposite bank to his son. The father remains on the shore, and the son crosses to the original shore after his brother, after which they both cross to the father.

The servant brought the king and queen two glasses of water for the night. The king drank all the water in one gulp and nothing bad happened to him. The queen drank for a long time, in small sips. She died. Why?


The glasses contained poisoned ice cubes. The king drank the water so quickly that the ice did not have time to melt.

You are sitting in a boat that floats in a pool. There is a heavy cast-iron anchor in the boat, not tied to the boat. What will happen to the water level in the pool if you drop your anchor into the water?


The water level will drop. While the anchor is in the boat, it displaces a volume of water that weighs as much as the anchor, its own weight and the weight of the cargo. If the anchor is thrown overboard, it will only displace the volume of water equal to the volume of the anchor, and not the weight, i.e. less, since the density of the anchor is greater than that of water.

You are standing in front of two identical doors, one of which leads to death, the other to happiness. The doors are guarded by two identical guards, one of whom tells the truth all the time, and the other lies all the time. But you don't know who is who. You can only ask one question to any of the guards.

What question should be asked in order not to be mistaken with the choice of the door?


One of the solutions: "If I ask you to show me the door to happiness, which door will the other guard point to?" And after that you need to choose another door.

Between the legs dangling on the X called P will see rises.


A young man enters the deli, takes a piece of cheese, leans against a column and chews. After a while, another person entered the store, also takes cheese and, leaning against another column, also chews. The first thought: "I'm lost!". Why?


One scout signaled to another.

Danetki with answers is a great entertainment for those who love detective stories and logic games.

A great many entertainments for a group of friends have already been invented. Today we want to remind you about such fun as “danetki”. This game has been known to many since childhood, but for some it will be a novelty. A huge plus of the game is that the game makes you think, develops logical thinking and includes fantasy.

The game can be played by an unlimited number of people at the same time. The rules of the game are as simple as 2+2. One of the participants, the leader, reads a small text to the rest of the players. This passage is most often a description of a particular situation or the ending of a story. The task of the remaining players is to unravel what led to such an ending. According to the rules of the game, the leader can be asked questions to which he can answer “yes” or “no”. With the help of these questions, the participants must come to a solution to the puzzle. After the answer is found, the host can be changed so that everyone has the opportunity to participate from "both sides".

In this article we will offer you a small selection of interesting data.

Danets with answers

1. A cowboy walks into a bar and asks the bartender for a glass of water. The bartender suddenly draws a gun and fires into the air, after which the cowboy thanks the bartender and leaves. What happened?

The cowboy suffered from hiccups and wanted to get rid of it by drinking a glass of water. The bartender, having understood the cowboy's problem, applied a tried and tested remedy - to frighten the hiccup.

2. In a conversation with John, a man, in boots and with a backpack on his shoulders, said: "You are my son, but I am not your father." Who was John?

3. The man went into the hotel room late at night, lay down on the bed, but could not sleep. After a car drove by, he looked under the bed and found a corpse there. Why did he decide to look under the bed?

The headlights of a car passing by illuminated the clock that was merry on the wall and the man saw that they were not running, but he heard the ticking of the clock. It was the ticking of the watch that was on the corpse.

4. The farmer had a wife and children. In addition to them, a maid and a night watchman lived on the farm. Once a farmer was going on a business trip. When the farmer was about to leave for the station, a watchman approached him and said that that night he had a dream about a train that had derailed. Since the farmer was superstitious, he rescheduled the trip, only to find out the next day that the train had indeed been wrecked. The caretaker was fired. Why?

The night watchman is supposed to guard the farm at night, not sleep.

5. A man ran out of the tram, followed by a second shouting: “Take everything, but return the ticket!” What happened?

A pickpocket stole a passenger's wallet containing a large winning lottery ticket. The passenger noticed the loss in time and chased after the thief.

6. One collector had a book worth $50,000, but he deliberately destroyed it. Why?

7. A person wakes up in the middle of the night to drink a glass of water, then turns off the light and goes back to sleep. When he woke up in the morning and looked out of the window, he committed suicide. Why?

8. Indoors table. He has cards and a gun on him. Everyone at the table is dead. Five have pained grimaces on their faces, the sixth has a normal facial expression. What happened?

It happened on a submarine that sank. Oxygen supplies were running low. Those gathered at the table on cards played the right to shoot themselves, since there was only one bullet in the pistol.

9. A “fool” lived in one village. He became a local landmark, thanks to the fact that when he was offered a choice of 10 cents or a dollar, he always took 10 cents. Why?

And if you want something new and exciting, we suggest paying attention to Danetki - a game that perfectly trains logic, develops intuition and analytical skills. With it, you can cool your brain and have fun in a big company or together.

The game is suitable for all ages and is popular all over the world. She likes fans of detective stories and stories with a catch. In addition, this fun is often used in computer science lessons. It does not require special training, any fixtures and props.

The game is suitable for all ages and is popular all over the world.

What it is

The game consists of puzzles that describe non-standard, sometimes frankly strange situations. Usually in riddles there is no clear question, but the players must figure out how the story described could have happened and uncover its background. To this end, they ask leading questions, the answer to which can only be: "yes", "no" or "doesn't matter". Hence the funny name of the game.

Today it is easy to buy different versions of the game. Including Danetki Superset. It consists of story cards containing stories for the game of varying difficulty levels.

How to unravel

The rules of the game are quite simple:

The host tells the ending of some unusual, sometimes absurd or mysterious situation. The participants are tasked with guessing what caused such an end and find the background of the story. According to the rules, they can ask questions that require only a “yes” or “no” answer. Also, the facilitator may say "not important" if the players have chosen the wrong path.

Since non-standard situations are presented in the gameplay, in addition to logic, participants train their imagination and learn to clearly formulate questions. The game has several levels of difficulty and varieties, which will be discussed in the article.

Types and description

There are several types of games. The simplest is riddles. The host writes a hidden word on paper. Participants then ask leading questions that require a yes or no answer. For example, you can’t ask: “What shape is it?”, But you can ask: “Is it square?”.

Of course, you can guess for a long time what word was intended, so at first it is better to ask general questions: Is it an animal? Vegetable? Technique? After collecting the necessary information, you can ask precise questions. For example, Is it an animal? No! Bird? Yes. This is a parrot? No. Hummingbird? Yes! The host shows the word written on paper so that no one doubts his honesty.

However, the most popular form of fun is solving fictitious or real stories. For example, a couple got married for great love. The couple lived happily, for their own pleasure and only had fun. As a result, after three years they became only millionaires. What's happened? After the participants ask all the questions, they will come to the conclusion that this is possible if the lovers were originally billionaires.

Game sets can be divided into simple, medium and complex. They are also classified by genre into:

  • funny;
  • diabolical (terrible);
  • detective;
  • based on real events;
  • literary;
  • fabulous.

In addition, there are tasks for teenagers, children and adults.

The simplest

Below, read simple tasks with answers that will help participants understand the rules of the game and get a taste of it.

Flat tire

The driver found that one of his tires on the car was flat. He did nothing, but just got behind the wheel and drove to work, and then also calmly returned home. He did not experience any difficulties along the way. How is this possible?

Solution: The flat tire was in the trunk. It was spare.

An unusual story in a bar

The cowboy asked for a glass of water in the saloon. Suddenly the bartender pulls out a pistol from his belt, cocks the trigger and fires into the air. The visitor thanks him and leaves the bar. Why did it happen?

Solution: The cowboy had hiccups, but from fright it stopped.


The passenger on board the plane jumped out without a parachute and was not injured. Is it possible?

Solution: The plane was on the runway.

Savior Phone

The mistress of the house did not know how to make the guests go home. But a phone call saved her. How?

Solution: The owner pretended to receive a call to report a fire in the house of one of the visitors, but she could not hear what house they were talking about.

Medium difficulty

The average difficulty of the game forces players to think more and use outside the box thinking. Let's take a few examples.


Everyone has seen a ship in a bottle. That is, there is a way to put it there. But how to place a ripe pear in a bottle, but at the same time not damage the container, and the fruit?

Solution: The pear is originally grown in a bottle. To do this, fix it on a branch when the fruit is tied.

rare book

The collector had a rare book worth fifty thousand dollars. He deliberately destroyed the tome. Why did he do it?

Solution: The man had two copies of a rare tome, and he deliberately destroyed one in order to raise the price of the second.

Money can not buy happiness

The woman found the money and was upset. What was the reason?

Solution: The woman is an aspiring author. She produced several copies of her book at her own expense and left it on the shelf of the city library, placing money between the pages. So she wanted to check whether her works would be interesting to readers. Therefore, after some time, the code found the money untouched, upset. So no one has read the books.


The student passed the examination paper later than everyone else, and the teacher refused to accept it. However, the young man managed to pass the exam well. How did it come about?

Solution: The student asked the teacher: "Do you know who I am?" and, having received a negative answer, he put his work in the middle of the pile. After that, he ran away. The teacher had to check the work and evaluate it at its true worth.

Increased difficulty

A difficult option is suitable for experienced players and people with well-developed logical thinking. Below you can find some examples.


The man is staying at a hotel. He came to his room at night and went to bed. The measured ticking of the clock was soothing, but the coffee he had drunk the day before prevented him from falling asleep. It was dark in the room, and only passing cars illuminated the room for a moment. At first, one car passed, and after it, after 10 minutes, another. When the room was momentarily filled with light from the machine, he looked under the bed and found a corpse. Why did the man decide to look under the bed?

Solution: Cars illuminated the wall clock, and the hotel guest realized that they had stopped. That is, the loud ticking of the clock was heard from under the bed. The man found the body there.

strange language

American law enforcement officers have instructions with words in rare languages ​​that the police themselves do not speak. In that case, why are they needed?

Solution: These are commands for service dogs. They are needed so that only a policeman can give an order to an animal.

Man with a match

A dead naked man lies in the middle of the desert with a burnt match. How and why did he get here?

Solution: A man and his friend flew in a hot air balloon. He began to lose height, so the men threw away all their belongings, including their clothes. But that wasn't enough. Friends decided that one of them should jump out to save the life of the other. They decided to pull a match - whoever gets a burnt one will jump. This man was forced to jump because he pulled out a burnt match.

Sudden death

The man went down the stairs and realized that at that moment his wife had died. What's happened?

Solution: The man was visiting his wife in the hospital, who was connected to a life support machine. As he was descending the stairs, the electricity went out in the building. That is, the device to which the wife was connected turned off.


Thrill-seekers will love the devilish tasks.

One of them: every day a person drove a car along a dangerous mountain serpentine. He knew this route very well and, without risking anything, traveled at high speed. Once his car was robbed, taking away some things, but the man, approaching the car, did not notice anything. He did not return home. The car swerved off the road and the driver died. What caused the tragedy?

Solution: Expensive sunglasses were stolen from the salon. The driver wore them while driving. When he passed the turn without glasses, the sun blinded the man and he died.

By literary works


When new neighbors settled in the house, Mary died. Why?

Solution: Scene from Agatha Christie's The Lost Key. The new neighbors were Mary's missing husband and his wealthy new wife. So that he would not be called a polygamist and not imprisoned, the man killed his former wife.


He was not hungry, but food became his salvation from death. What are we talking about?

Solution: The plot is based on the work of Edgar Allan Poe, "The Well and the Pendulum". The man was tied up in jail. The sickle that was supposed to kill him was lowered. However, the hero smeared the fetters with the remnants of food from the bowl, and the rats gnawed them.

Based on real events

Riddles based on real events are in great demand. Eg,


Winter. Blizzard. A car with a dead woman. What happened?

Solution: The driver spent an hour clearing a parking spot for his car. The events took place during a heavy snowfall in Chicago. But when he drove up to the place by car, he saw that it was occupied by a woman. Unable to cope with emotions, the man shot her.

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