Denmark: what are they, Danish men? Marriage in Denmark.


Sweden is located on the northern peninsula of Scandinavia. It is inhabited by the Swedes, whose appearance leads many to a state of delight. And there is very real evidence for this assertion. The appearance of male Swedes is considered the most attractive among representatives of other nationalities. Don't believe? Meanwhile, in 2012, the international company Travelers Digest compiled a rating of countries where the most beautiful representatives of the strong half of humanity live. The Swedes were among the first.

The appearance of a man: a description of national features

Scandinavians are Caucasian. Therefore, the appearance of the Swedes differs little from that of the British, Germans, Slavs, and so on. They have a straight straight nose, medium-sized ears, lips and eyes. Growth is usually slightly above average. But quite tall people are often found, because it was from Scandinavia that the very Vikings were, about whom legends still circulate.

But it is worth pointing out the national features that distinguish the Swedes. These people usually have fair skin. The appearance of the Swedes is also characterized by blond hair and blue or gray eyes, like most northerners.

Today it is difficult to talk about the purity of the nation. Even if the metric indicates "Swede", there is no guarantee that the genotype is fully consistent with what is written. Perhaps my mother was Swedish by passport, and my father was a native of the United States. And my mother took her nationality thanks to her dad, who was only 25% Swedish. Therefore, all reflections on what the Swedes look like in the modern world are only conclusions drawn from subjective impressions.

Handsome... Maybe he's Swedish?

Most women consider representatives of the strong half of humanity, whose passports contain the entry "Swede", very attractive. Some even take the blame, stating that a third of all men could become world-famous by becoming models. Why are Swedes so attractive to ladies?

The appearance of a man of this nationality is quite average. Most of them are blond or fair-haired with greenish, blue or gray eyes. If we compare their average height with the parameters of representatives of other nationalities, then it will have a slightly larger value. And statistically, tall blondes rank higher in women's perception of male beauty.

But not only inborn traits attract the Swedes. The appearance of a man directly depends on grooming, physical fitness. So, the Swedes pay special attention to her. Almost everyone goes in for sports, has a pumped up slender body. Of course, among them there are flabby and untidy people. But this is rather an exception. Therefore, Swedish men are so attractive in the eyes of women.

Which was given above, almost always corresponds to fashion trends. Most of them have a stylish hairstyle, wear branded clothes and shoes. Although one should not be surprised to see among the Swedes young people in ordinary clothes, but quite attractive. Neatness and neatness in appearance is an integral national trait.

Swedish Prince Carl Philip

This internationally recognized handsome man does not have a typical appearance at all. The Swedes, as we have already mentioned, are usually represented as fair-haired handsome men. He is far from blond and not even blond. However, this did not prevent him from being included by Forbes magazine in 2008 in the list of the twenty most enviable young brides and grooms with royal blood in their veins.

Fine aristocratic facial features, a beautiful proud posture and a truly royal stature - well, how can one doubt his belonging to the highest society?

Markus Hellner

Many Swedes have made careers in sports. So is Markus Hellner. In the 2010 and 2014 Olympic Games he was the relay champion. In 2010, Markus also won the skiathlon title. And at the 2014 Olympics, he was awarded only a silver medal for this type.

It is clear that many women's hearts fell at the feet of the athlete. But it cannot be said that this handsome man has a typical appearance of the Swedes. He has curly brown hair with a reddish tint and hazel eyes. Perhaps it is the reddishness that is the highlight in his appearance, which so attracts the eyes to him. Or his athletic build, which is also important.

Henrik Lundqvist

The hockey goalkeeper has such charm that only because of this, the Swedes should already be proud of him. Appearance - the photo perfectly conveys his charm and attracts the eyes of ladies of different ages - this athlete can be called the standard of male beauty.

It is not surprising that the goalkeeper "lit up" as an actor. His incredibly sexy clip advertising Head & Shoulders shampoo is known all over the world.

Dolph (Hans) Lundgren

This representative of the strong half of humanity is rightfully proud of everyone in Sweden - both ladies and male Swedes. Appearance (photo published below) Lundgren is the most typical for this nationality. The tall blond is only five centimeters short of two meters. His build can only be envied. Since childhood, Dolph has been engaged in contact wrestling. The athlete achieved special achievements in karate and bodybuilding.

Beauty and intelligence, according to most, rarely belong to one person. This incredible case takes place when it comes to Lundgren. After completing his service in the Marine Corps with the rank of corporal, Dolph entered the Stockholm Royal Institute of Technology, which he successfully graduated with a bachelor's degree.

A career in cinema was not long in coming. A world-class sex symbol is not only a famous actor, but also a producer, screenwriter and film director. He will turn 60 in November 2017. But this does not prevent him to this day from remaining one of the most attractive men in the world, excite the imagination of ladies and appear to them in erotic dreams.

Peter Stormare

The track record of the famous actor is quite long. After eleven years at the Royal Dramatic Theatre, he became a film star, starting his career in this field in 1982 with a small role in Fanny and Alexander. Then the real glory awaited him. In 1996, Stormare played a criminal element in the Coen brothers' film Fargo.

An interesting fact of the film biography is his role as Russian cosmonaut Lev Andropov in the film "Armageddon". This once again indicates that the national features of the Swedes practically do not differ from those of Russians and other representatives of the Caucasoid race.

Alexander Skarsgård

First, Alexander's father, a veteran in cinematography Stellan Skarsgård, earned fame. And not only in the acting field. His second remarkable feature is the subtle aristocratic beauty that he endowed with his offspring. Each of his sons is a real sex symbol due to his physique and two meters tall, blue eyes, beautiful blond hair, regular features and charm. Yes, here they are - real "purebred" Swedes! The appearance of the photo can convey, but the inner beauty, fortitude, confidence and calmness?

Interesting can be called the fact that the first success came to Alexander with the tiny role of an idiot fashion model. It was the comedy "Model Male", where appearance and sex appeal, the attractiveness of appearance and a slender figure played a special role, that made the handsome Skarsgård popular.

Are all Swedes beautiful and slim?

If it seems to someone that exceptionally slender and lean people with regular features live in Sweden, then they should be referred to the famous one of the main characters of the tale is Carlson. And his appearance is not at all a demonstration of those true national features of the male appearance, which were mentioned above.

Carlson is not tall, quite well-fed, even pot-bellied. After looking at the illustrations for the work, drawn by the Swedish artist Ilun Vikland, we can conclude that the face of a little man with a propeller was not distinguished by beauty in the sense in which contemporaries used to understand it. A fleshy large nose, a sagging chin, a large head of irregular shape - this is how the illustrator depicts the character.

Without belittling the merits of most of the masculine, one can nevertheless draw certain conclusions. Not all Swedish men have a natural beauty of the face and a slender figure. And men in the country are also judged not only by external data. After all, almost all the people of the world are impressed by the funny and funny Carlson, who was so masterfully described by Astrid Lindgren and painted by Ilun Wikland. Although handsome in the prime of his life, except for Carlson himself, no one considered him.

The famous Swede, who can hardly be called a beauty

The same tale destroys the belief in the postulate that all representatives of the weaker sex, born in Sweden, are charming and slender. Miss Hildur Bock inherited, perhaps, only one national feature of the Swedes. She is tall. But its heaviness negates the attractiveness of the figure. A double or even triple chin, small, deep-set eyes can hardly be attributed to features that cause admiration among others.

In the story there is a mention of the appearance of the sister Hildur Bok - Frida. The apartment thief Fille, who tried to seduce the old maid, humorously pays her a compliment about the “nose”, which is good in any weather. So this character is not particularly attractive.

Like all writers, Astrid has the right to fiction. But most often the descriptions themselves are given by the authors in accordance with what they see around them. That is, the writer would not invent ugly sisters and an absurd fat man, if it were impossible to meet people in something outwardly similar to them in the country.

But still...

Scandinavian beauty Elsa Hosk

Northern girls of the Caucasian race have always attracted attention with their tenderness and charm. Swedes can be proud of many beauties. The appearance of the girl, the description of which corresponds to the attached photograph, is typically Swedish: huge blue eyes, a chiseled nose, blond hair. Of course, they slightly tint, but only the hairs themselves. “A minimum of cosmetics! Elegance and natural charm! ”, - this is how the Swedes formulate their attitude to the female appearance.

The appearance of the girl - the top model - is truly beautiful. And the reason is not only in the magnificent face. Her figure is perfect too! With a height of one hundred and seventy-five and a half centimeters, she has a chest circumference of seventy-nine, a waist of fifty-six, and hips of eighty-nine centimeters.

Ann Margaret is an American star born in Sweden.

This is another typical Swede, in whose appearance all the main national features can be traced. Ann Margaret at the age of five was taken to the United States, where she made her career as a singer, dancer and actress.

But despite the fact that she became a naturalized American, the Swedes can rightly be proud of her. The appearance of the girl, whose photo can be seen above, helped her play the role of Cinderella in The Tenth Kingdom in 2000, Della Monroe in Marilyn Monroe. Of course, in addition to beauty and attractiveness, her diligence, talent and self-confidence play a huge role. But if she had not been so charming and graceful by nature, she would hardly have been able to achieve such success.

Maud Adams

Having twice played the role of a beautiful blonde in the movie, she gained real fame. Although the main role in her achievements is played, of course, by talent. But not the last place is, according to the Swedes, appearance. Pictures from the films "The Man with the Golden Gun" and "Octopussy", which took a lot of time between filming, prove that years do not always age - sometimes they turn a beautiful girl into a gorgeous extravagant lady. The appearance of a Swedish woman, even in adulthood, is distinguished by well-groomed, refined taste in clothes and make-up, sporty figure.

Martha Thoren

Luxurious light-eyed brown-haired woman, a native of Stockholm, was also an actress. Despite the fact that her life was so short, she managed to leave her bright mark on the world. Thirty wonderful films in which you can enjoy the magnificent performance of the brilliant Swedish beauty - this is the legacy that Martha Thoren has bestowed on people.

Helena Mattson

Another charming actress whose appearance is hard not to admire. The blue-eyed blonde began her career in the modeling business. Then she entered the theater school, for which she had to move to London.

Helena's career as an artist can hardly be called very successful. Some of her roles, if not a failure, did not win universal recognition. Critics were not always kind and generous to the work of the diva. But not a single bad word can be said about Mattson's beauty.

Greta Garbo

One of the greatest stars of cinematography of the first half of the twentieth century - Greta Lovisa Gustafsson (she became Garbo later) - most people remember from her wonderful films. In 1954, she was awarded an Oscar. Greta received this award for her outstanding contribution to the development of cinematic art.

The fate of the beauty was not the best. At the age of thirteen, the girl lost her father and was forced to earn extra money, first at a hairdresser's, then at a department store. But the proverb about beauty and happiness in relation to the charmer failed. Not being happy, Greta shone with beauty even in such a modest position. And she was noticed. At first she posed for advertising in front of the camera, then - in front of the movie camera. And then she was invited to the shooting of the film.

Swedish Princess Madeleine

This representative of the royal dynasty is famous not only for her pedigree. Many people consider her the standard of female beauty and attractiveness.

Madeleine Teresia Amelia Josephine really captivates with her regular features, soft skin, lovely blond hair, which create such an amazing contrast with expressive brown eyes.

Anita Ekberg

The stunning blonde who played Federico Fellini in the sensational films of her time, her fans remember to this day. It was "Boccaccio-70" and "Sweet Life" that became important milestones in the creative life of the actress.

Although there were still dizzying ups in the fate of Anita. True, they were associated not so much with her creative career as with beauty. In 1951, she became the winner in her country's beauty contest. And because she had the honor to represent Sweden at the international contest "Miss Universe-1951".

Camille Sparv

This universally recognized beauty is known throughout the world for her role in the film McKenna's Gold.

Perhaps the fact that this film in the Soviet box office took fourth place among foreign films in terms of box office receipts is the merit of a fair-haired beauty with a magnificent figure.

Briefly about the main

Of course, the beauty given to man by nature is a great gift. But the ability to properly use it, cherish it, make it serve for the benefit of humanity is an even more valuable gift that everyone cultivates within himself.

Being ugly in youth is bittersweet. But being ugly in adulthood is a shame. Because beauty is not always just the right features, tall stature and long legs. If a person does not take care of himself, does not go in for sports, does not follow a diet, abuses alcohol, nicotine or even drugs, by adulthood he can easily lose everything that nature has awarded him in his youth. And vice versa, with the help of the right lifestyle, taste, and the ability to follow fashion trends without excessive fanaticism, you can correct or hide some of the flaws in appearance.

Speaking about the Swedes, experts just emphasize this peculiarity of theirs. Even quite mature people, for the most part, go in for sports, have no problems with being overweight, dress discreetly, but fashionably and tastefully.

Danish Scandinavian men incredibly intelligent and gallant - respect and admiration for a woman is brought up in them from childhood. No, scandinavian danish man, when you get out of the car, they most likely won’t give you a hand and they won’t let you through the door ahead - equality is equality, here European feminists have tried. But do not immediately glue on Danes label of ungallant Scandinavian men. Some scandinavian men great masters of complimenting and showing gallantry in small things, but in serious things one cannot expect actions from them.

But in everyday life Dane will surround you with care and even guardianship, especially if you are younger than him. In the morning you will wake up from the sounds of washing dishes, they will bring you coffee in bed, prepare breakfast, let you soak in bed. And they will turn on the news channel at your request, even if the remote control is closer to you. Well, about how to Dane man gave you a hand when getting out of the car, you can just ... ask, explaining unobtrusively that it would be nice for you . Believe me, in front of you is a knight without fear and reproach, you don’t need to remind him of this, his main goal is to please you! So if you go out, you won't regret it. More than a wife, a Dane can only love children - as a rule, Danes just extremely caring and gentle fathers.

Equal responsibilities. As a rule, in Danish family there is no division into women's and non-women's work. Scandinavian, and in particular, danish man he will gladly cook dinner, and not scrambled eggs and pasta, but lasagna with some delicious salad, uncork a bottle of Italian wine, create the necessary atmosphere at home or take you to dinner in a restaurant, he knows a lot about it! By the way, this also applies to household chores. Cleaning the apartment, washing dishes, grocery shopping - all this for Danish man habitual things. About which they speak with pride and irony.

In Scandinavia you can often meet a tall handsome man - Dane with muscles and tattoos, carrying a baby carriage or waiting for a child, peacefully playing on the playground. What another man would call a woman's business has long become a habit for northern Europeans. And therefore, in Scandinavian families, the upbringing of offspring occurs harmoniously and fully, because both father and mother take the most active part in it.

Fantasy and initiative. There is a myth thatscandinavian menboring. It is not true! They are thoughtful and calm. But at the same time, they are incredible dreamers and inventors, they love to surprise and please their partner with pleasant surprises. Yes, like any other man, the Dane does not like scandals. But unlike ours, Scandinavian menwillingly discussfamily problems, even start such conversations themselves, so as not to aggravate the problem, not to let the conflict take its course - maybe it will resolve itself. They are well aware that they themselves may subsequently suffer ...

Surprisingly, the descendants of the Vikings - danish men quite ... timid, and may not immediately take the initiative in a relationship. But on the other hand, you can afford to be the first to talk about the desire to live together or confess your love to him if you feel that he will reciprocate. If you are also shy, you can directly tell the man about it. Then, knowing about this trait of your character, he, again, because of the desire to please you, will take on the role of “first violin”. All men, regardless of nationality, do not understand hints! This is how their brain works, because they are logic, and we are emotions. Therefore, some things can and should be said directly. Including about their feelings and desires. Thus, many misunderstandings in life together can be avoided.

Finance. Scandinavian men generous, but they know how to count money and they see the gold digger from afar. Be honest! The first rule: you should not look into the wallet and find out about its income. In time as you get closer Dane will share this information with you. The very fact that you met and met indicates that a man earns normally for his country. Since he apparently came to get to know you with further intentions of marriage or a serious relationship, he takes into account that you will not be given a fiancé visa if he does not have a certain monthly income. Believe me, he has already calculated everything a few steps ahead. For our ladies, this is unusual, but only at the beginning. Then you yourself will understand that it is this approach that leads to healthy relationships and the implementation of plans, for which you will later tell your loved one man from Denmark Thanks a lot.

Children. With pleasure! Danish the population is aging, like all of Scandinavia, and offspring, healthy and beautiful, is the dream of every man and every family. For a Dane, the birth of a child is a big event. And a new father Dane almost completely takes care of him. Of course, we are not talking about breastfeeding. But changing diapers, spoon feeding, going out for a walk with a stroller is not a burden, but a real Viking privilege that they bring to life with pride. By the way danish children and amazingly quiet. Never scream, never cry.

The kingdom has the most favorable environmental situation of all European countries, so most women who are going to get married in Denmark dream of giving birth to a baby here. Transparent mirrors of the purest lakes, dense beech forests, sandy coasts surround small Danish cities, creating a feeling of unity with nature. Even the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen, does not look like a typical smoky metropolis - rather a cozy place for a measured family life.

If a woman has her own child, do not be afraid. It would never occur to a Dane to divide children into friends and foes - he will love him like his own kids.

Approach to life and travel. attitude towards what is happening Scandinavians very light, while not devoid of philosophical depth, which is especially pleasing to the Russian soul. At a glance Dane, life should be an orderly process, everyone should finish school, go to college, study, work, build an adult life, start a family. The system teaches them such a responsible approach to life. Residents of Denmark both rent housing and buy their own - usually on credit. Interest rates are about 2% today, some talk about the possibility of falling rates to one percent. After the recession Danes They began to take fewer loans, and therefore banks are glad to each client. In addition, the state system of economy and finance exists for the sake of the person, and not just for the sake of profit.

Travel Scandinavians much and willingly. Fortunately, they have four holidays a year: Easter week (varies), autumn holidays (mid-October), summer annual holidays (three weeks of any summer month) and, of course, Christmas holidays (about two weeks).

Language. Danish, Norwegian and Swedish are similar to Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian. Representatives of all three nations understand each other perfectly. If you know English or German, then Danish you will be able to learn much faster, because the construction and logic of the language is quite clear. But in the cities there are numerous language courses, plus the language environment is the best "hotbed" of linguistic knowledge. You can now learn the first word: elskede (elskede) - beloved!

National character and traditions.
Main national trait Danes- balance and calmness. Danes, Danish men unrealistically well organized from the inside and have incredible abilities to communicate and understand people.

Punctuality, but not to fanaticism. Danes- lovers of beer and delicious food. The local cuisine includes herring, pickled vegetables and delicious dairy desserts, open sandwiches, smoked and dried fish, pea soup with smoked meats (yes, yes! this is not our invention!). Scandinavian cuisine very diverse, but ... they don't have borscht! Share your traditions, surprise with your national dishes - believe me, it will be appreciated. After all, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. And our wonderful cuisine, like no other, greatly contributes to making this path as short as possible.

Danish husband- this is a real gift of fate, which is why dating in Denmark for marriage is so popular among our ladies. If you have decided to marriage in Denmark, and at the same time chose a resident of this country as your husband, you are unlikely to ever have to regret it. It is in Denmark that dreams of a happy life come true in a cozy family nest with a loved and reliable person.

Lovely girls! If you want to marry a Dane, we invite you to use the services to use everything and get to know a successful and serious a man from Denmark!

The Scandinavian countries have been called the best place to live for more than a year for a reason. These northern states have everything to fully enjoy life in all its manifestations. Traditionally, it is wonderful to live there not only for single locals and tourists (by the way, not as numerous as in warm countries), but also for families. Marrying a Dane is one of the most attractive options for a girl from almost any country in the world. And the point here is not only the beauties of the country itself, but also the peculiarities of the local residents, because Danish men have always been among the most desired suitors. What is their secret? Let's figure it out.

Rational Danes

It should be noted right away that Denmark, despite the cool, by our standards, climate (in summer the temperature rarely rises above 20 degrees), is a strong agricultural country. And it also affects the way of life of the local population. Let us explain - the level of salaries of the local population allows them to have not only an apartment in the capital Copenhagen or another large settlement, but also a house outside the city. In most cases, along with the house, the Dane also acquires a piece of land next to it of some size. Well, since it is not customary to stand idle here, the Dane often works there as well. There may well be a vegetable garden and a garden, so if you have experience in caring for them, then there is a chance that it will come in handy for you.

The desire to use everything that is at your disposal as efficiently as possible (including equipping a small plot of land for a garden) is a very useful feature of a Dane. In general, to one degree or another, it is characteristic of the inhabitants of most European countries. At first, this may seem like greed, but having lived here for at least a short time, you understand that this frugality hides a real concern for others. In European countries, taxes are very high, due to which high-quality medicine and education are provided here for free. And after deducting them, it always turns out to be a much smaller amount on hand than it was originally. And now the Europeans are trying to use it as efficiently as possible. For example, the average Dane is financially quite capable of buying an expensive car for his wife, but would rather prefer a modest and more economical one. Simply because it would be more beneficial.

The character of a typical Dane is quite consistent with their approach to managing money - he is usually very calm and non-aggressive. These people do not like to show their emotions to the fullest - for this you need a very serious reason.

Family traditions in Denmark

Tolerance of the Danes is fully manifested in their attitude to family life. In their understanding, there is no division into exclusively female or male duties and occupations. And a local resident, for example, will happily sit with a child if the mother has other things to do. It is not uncommon here that wives work, and men simply have more opportunities to take care of children. But the best option is, of course, to get together and spend time with the whole family. They also try to resolve all common issues after a joint discussion, which once again emphasizes that they are not individual farmers.

At the same time, you will not have to regularly see your man's parents - Danish grandparents, as a rule, have something to do without raising their adult children. On the one hand, this will save you from their annoying attention, on the other hand, sometimes there will be no one to turn to with a request to look after the child. They definitely will not sit and wait for the moment when they will come in handy for you. In this case, you will have to get out on your own, or hire a nanny.

How is life in Denmark?

Denmark, as one of the Scandinavian countries, boasts one of the highest standards of living in the world. The small population of this country is fully provided with all payments and services necessary for a good life. For example, payments after childbirth continue here until the child reaches 16 years of age. But the hospitality of the state is also shown in relation to newcomers - if you move to Denmark for a long time, then you will be provided with free Danish language courses.

Denmark is a small country, the capital of which has a very modest half a million people by our standards. Other cities are even smaller. And it often takes much less time to get from work to home or vacation spots here than in larger countries. Therefore, in Denmark it is quite common practice to use a bicycle as the main means of transportation. This is not only economical (remember, we talked about the reluctance of the Danes to buy expensive cars?), but also good for health - thanks to this, the whole nation as a whole is quite healthy, and residents are fit even at an older age.

Preparation of documents for marriage in Denmark

Coming to get married in Denmark is one of the most popular routes for honeymooners. And it's not about the popularity of local men. The fact is that, compared with other EU countries, local legislation for marriages is greatly simplified. There is no need to prepare mountains of documents to get married here. And a marriage registered in Denmark will have exactly the same status in any other country in the world.

So the list of documents you need will be limited to the following:

  • passport and valid Schengen visa;
  • birth certificate;
  • certificate of marital status;
  • registration certificate.

Most likely, that's all, but it's best to ask your fiancé to clarify the details at the registry office of his commune. Of course, all papers must be translated and certified. Be prepared that it may take you up to several months to complete all the procedures, you are probably familiar with our bureaucracy.

You send all the documents and then wait for the decision of the Danish municipality. They will check all the information and then set a date. You can come, pick up documents and prepare for the ceremony.

How and where to meet a Dane

Making a serious acquaintance with a Danish citizen is both easy and difficult. It is difficult - because this people is very small, and compared to most other countries, the percentage of unmarried men is lower here. Easy - because a Dane looking for a wife is a special phenomenon. What is specific?

Statistics show that Danes get married less often than in other European countries. So if the Dane nevertheless decided to settle down, then he will approach the issue of choosing a wife very seriously. And this means that most of the dating sites so popular with us disappear automatically - they are free and do not provide any guarantees. No results, no credibility.

Nevertheless, you will surely find a number of profiles of Danes. But here we come to the other side of the issue. The fact is that Danish laws, which are so loyal to representatives of other countries, quite strictly regulate who can obtain a residence permit or citizenship in their country. A Danish man, before marrying a foreigner, must confirm his financial capabilities - after all, first he will have to take his wife on full support until she has the right to officially work. And the amounts there, for sure, so as not to miss, are considerable. So not everyone is able to go to a foreign marriage in Denmark. And even if one of these men on any dating site claims that he has gone through all the procedures, you still won’t be able to check it. Simply because such sites do not provide for verification of incoming information. When you realize that you, God forbid, were deceived, a lot of money and emotions can be spent.

Marriage Agency Paradise Date

You can avoid such an unenviable fate quite simply - use the services of professionals, as a result of which you do not have to act at random. Marina from Kharkiv did the right thing - she immediately came to Paradise Date, the largest international marriage agency in the city. The girl had heard about the bad experience of her friends who acted independently and received absolutely nothing but extra nerves.

All the girl did was come to the office of Paradise Date, fill out a form and immediately take a few photos for her. After that, no more than a couple of weeks passed, and she already had several dates. Some went well, some did not, but ended correctly, as expected, one thing - her marriage to the Dane Mark is almost formalized. Mark is a businessman with a slightly above average income, which allows him to exist comfortably and not deny himself the opportunity to regularly visit warmer countries than his native Denmark. Now Marina accompanies him on these trips.

Using the services of Paradise Date, Marina avoided the need to somehow verify the information that her interlocutor provided about herself. In addition, she initially knew what Mark was, thanks to which she could build her own line of behavior with him. With the consulting support of the agency's employees, of course - the difference in mentalities still sometimes made itself felt, and the knowledge and experience of the Paradise Date staff made it possible to smooth out sharp corners. Thus, the path to Marina's happiness turned out to be comfortable and easy - repeat her experience too!

Are you planning to marry a Danish citizen? Then this article is especially for you. So, let's start this amazing story about the country, the men of Denmark and many other interesting things.

In a beautiful kingdom...

Denmark is the southernmost country of all the Scandinavian states. In Denmark, amazing nature, the beauty of which does not fit into the traditional canons, but penetrates the heart forever, giving rise to admiration and sincere feelings.

In this country, sandy coasts give way to winding fjords, beech forests that look into lakes transparent as tears. Even Copenhagen does not evoke the feeling of a metropolis, it is not the representative center of the country. Copenhagen is a place to live. There are a lot of good things in this country, but there are no mountains. Most of the land area is plains that lie on the Jutland Peninsula a hundred meters below sea level.

Denmark is a state of ancient Viking fortresses with the involuntary names Fyrkat, Trelleborg, Aggersborg and others.

In Helsingor there is a castle that Shakespeare chose as the site of his tragedy. Theatrical performances take place here every year.

The dynasties of the kings of Denmark rest in the unique Roskilde Cathedral.

In this country, local citizens celebrate holidays such as Christmas, the birthday of Queen Margaret II and Easter with great pleasure.

By the way, in the country the royal power is not fake. Here the queen herself appoints the government, she has the right to dismiss the prime minister or dissolve parliament. She is also the head of the church (state), as well as the commander in chief of the armed forces. Every four years, local citizens elect a parliament under the supervision of the monarch.

State flag, freedom and laws

Modern men of this country perfectly combine two qualities (mutually exclusive): law-abiding and freedom-loving. The Danes value personal freedom and the freedom of others, as well as state values ​​that govern public life in general. A local man will be outraged if he is forced to read a book that everyone reads, but he unconditionally pays all taxes and fees, and also completed his entire service life in the army.

If you want to become the wife of a local citizen, then you need to get used to the slightly wild spectacle: the state flag will fly over your site. If you live in the city, then your husband will hang a flagpole near the entrance.

Is it possible to marry a poor Danish citizen? No, you won't succeed!

In this country, there are laconic, modest men, but at the same time they are very temperamental. All actions are evaluated in terms of utility: initially for society, then for the family, and lastly for oneself. Everything happens exactly the same way and nothing else. All citizens who have reached working age work in the state. This has been happening since ancient times, when work was the key to survival, both for the country as a whole and for each person separately.

But at present, Denmark is one of the most developed countries, not only in Europe, but of the entire planet.

A woman who marries a Dane need not worry that her husband will be poor, even if he talks about it.

A citizen of Denmark is allowed to acquire a "foreign" family only if he is over 24 years old, he works in a permanent place, and also has an income of at least the required level. Note that the unemployment benefit here is such that you can live on it together, there will be no problems with a cozy life and interesting pastime.

A Dane husband is a real gift of fate

A typical Dane is a decent and hardworking person who is attentive to the one he loves. In addition, he is tolerant of everyone. The Dane is a master of reasonable compromises, an intellectual and, of course, a gentleman. Local men are narcissistic, proud, but very indulgent.

Local citizens consider their society, country and, of course, character to be the pinnacle of perfection. Oddly enough, but it is precisely because of this that the Dane can be easily dealt with. A citizen of this country will never be offended by you for a mistake, but only smile, and also take up the education of his wife from a foreign country in the national spirit of Denmark.

If you become the wife of a Dane, then you will need to lead a sports and healthy lifestyle, take part in environmental protection (celebrate religious holidays and sort household waste, etc.). All these activities are very enjoyable. Note that the husband will happily share the cares of the house, raising children, and he will also relax with you, take you to dinner in restaurants or cafes, and introduce you to his friends.

A secret mistress and drinking late - such thoughts will not come to the head of a local citizen. Note that in this country the sale of alcohol is carried out freely, they drink here, but less than, for example, in Norway and Sweden.

In Denmark, family does not equal marriage

If you want to marry a Danish citizen, then you need to know that with great love for children and family comfort, they attach very little importance to official marriage. This country has the highest divorce rate in Europe, as well as perhaps the largest number of couples who live together without registration. The concept of "illegitimate child", which is known in the Russian Federation, is not here and, in principle, cannot be. All children are surrounded by the attention of both the state and parents. In college, no one will ask a neighbor if his parents are married.

Have you ever seen at wedding ceremonies you can meet baby angels of about seven years old who carry the train of a wedding dress? If not, then know that they do exist in real life. There is nothing unusual in this country. By the way, if you marry a Dane, divorce him after the baby is born, and then legally marry again, most likely the child will have two mothers and two fathers who will take care of him with almost the same diligence! Socially secure women, families and children in the country are heaven on earth. Here they do not know what a paid maternity hospital is, since they do not need such services. The state provides full, high-quality medical care to all future parents and young mothers. In this country, maternity leave is given for 14 weeks, and both parents can get it. By the way, they are paid 90% of the monthly salary. Any child under the age of sixteen receives an allowance in the right amount for a full-fledged upbringing. Every elderly person has a pension, even if he has not officially worked in the country for a second.

"Hygge" and "Janteloven" are the keys to the character of a Danish man

If you want to fully understand the Danish man you are planning to marry, then you need to understand two concepts. They are components of the main value of a citizen of the country. Janteloven is the moral code of the citizen. In the local Janteloven, it is clearly stated that each person is a person who is very important for society, in the country all people are equal, the greatest pleasure is to do business together. And Hygge is cosiness, although special: spiritual comfort, which is achieved not alone, but during communication, and it doesn’t matter: in a friendly company, family or team.

Now you know how your husband will treat you, if, of course, he is a true Dane, that is, not only by documents, but also by blood and spirit!

Hello, this is Ludmila Saunina and the channel Denmark with Liudmila Saunina.

The topic of today's conversation will be about Danes men.

Do Danes men differ from Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians? Yes, they are different. But maybe not so much externally as mentality. However, outwardly, for the most part, the Danes are very tall, very stately; blue-eyed, fair-haired, red-haired - well, such a bright nation of the Vikings. And today, of course, the Danes are a peace-loving people; helmets or helmets are worn only by cyclists, or - as they are called here - cyklist (syuklist), motorcyclists, those who drive scooters; there are no masks and helmets for other purposes.

Today Denmark is a country of modesty and moderation. And this is partly a testament to the Danish sense of social responsibility. The education of personal responsibility begins at an early age. Children, in general, are told about a bear cub, a duckling, who regularly encounter problems when there is a confrontation between the personal and the public. And in this way, children are taught responsibility.

As for the attitude of men towards women, it is completely different. They treat women like... you know, if we take the division of labor in the family into male and female, there is no such thing in Denmark. I think that there is no such thing in all of Scandinavia, but let's talk specifically about Denmark: there is no concept of male and female work. Moreover, I will tell you that in 99% of cases you will see men walking with strollers on the streets.

Since Denmark is a running and cycling country, there are special bikes equipped with child seats with fastened hoods (like in a stroller). If a man loves cycling, then be sure that he will push this stroller with a special mount in front of him, and if he loves to run, then when running, he will push the stroller in front of him in the same way. And this is the norm here.

In addition, for men it is not a problem to change diapers for babies, cook dinner for them, cook lunch; washing, vacuuming - this is the norm here. For me, this was a revelation, it was somehow not like that; I always thought: “Why does a man want to do my job?” And I remember that I was even offended when I came home, and the man was standing in the kitchen, and I thought: “Oh my God, he thinks that I am a bad housewife!” In fact, time passes, and you understand that here the attitude to life is different: here they value a woman and value work.

As for one more point and nuance ... By the way, if we talk about the language barrier, then in Denmark you will not encounter this problem, because almost all men speak English fluently. In general, the riddle is solved very simply: why the entire population of Denmark speaks English. Do you know why? All the films that are shown on TV are broadcast in their original language, that is, they are American films, as a rule, and the Danish translation to them is allowed as subtitles. Therefore, children from early childhood absorb the correct English speech, and thus unobtrusively people develop two languages.

I have already said that the Danes are tall, they are well built; take care of themselves, as a rule, go in for sports, go to gyms. I do not know a single man in my environment who does not go in for sports. Someone goes to the gym, someone runs - every day, and it doesn’t matter what the weather is: rain, just a downpour, I don’t know, frost, hail - they still run. Well, nature doesn't have bad weather, if only Denmark didn't know about it.

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