Dashi namdakov jewelry. Biography


I have been familiar with the work of Dashi Namdakov since about 2002. It was then that his first exhibition took place in Moscow at the Herzen Gallery. I remember the burning eyes of my sister, Angelina Askeri, when she just returned from the exhibition. Angelina told me about an extraordinarily talented sculptor whose work, in time, in her opinion, would be worth millions.

I recently visited the State Historical Museum, where, as part of a major museum project “Nomad. Between Heaven and Earth” opened an exhibition of one of my favorite sculptors, an artist with a unique style - Dashi Namdakov. The winner of many awards in the field of art, Dashi was awarded not only the state prize of the Government of the Russian Federation, but also the attention of the British royal family, with the assistance of which his monumental sculpture "Genghis Khan" was installed in London in 2012.

: Let's talk about your family and childhood. Your father, I know, was also an artist. How did your family and the environment in which you grew up influence you? After all, what was invested in us in childhood affects what we are now.

Dashi Namdakov: There was a huge path between me as a child and who I am now. My parents, of course, influenced my development, although in childhood it always seemed to me, due to the large number of children in the family, that no one really brought us up. As I grew older and became a father, I realized what my parents had done for me.

'Cause real parenting is what you don't feel
but what you live in, what you absorb,
being in this family, environment and culture.

: What influenced your creativity?

Dashi Namdakov: If there are miracles in the world, then they certainly happened to me. In my youth I had health problems, it was a big overcoming in my life. For seven years I was seriously ill, and I think that this influenced who I became. There is a lot of work behind all my work, I am a perfectionist and I believe that everything should always be done in the best possible way.

: What did you dream about as a child?

Dashi Namdakov: I wanted to become an assistant train driver (laughs). Everyone dreamed of being astronauts, but I, as always, about something else. In fact, I dreamed of being a sculptor, although I did not even know that such a term existed. Until the age of 7 I spoke Buryat and did not know Russian. Since childhood, I have always been drawn to volume and form. You know, once I came with my dog ​​Laika to the village, and she immediately rushed to the hunt, where she showed all her hunting insides, it is in her blood. I also have sculpture in my blood. The talent given by nature helps me, and when there is a result, I thank the Higher Forces, who, through my parents, rewarded me with this.

Some things and images come to me in a dream, and you need to be able to concentrate on them and remember them, otherwise they go nowhere.

: They always say that creators have an ancient soul. Do you believe in reincarnation of the soul?

Dashi Namdakov A: Of course, this is my religion. I have a grandson and he is the 23rd representative of a series of ancestors whose names we remember in our family. I am proud that I have such an ancient family. When I did one of the first exhibitions in Moscow, many guests from the members of the Academy of Arts came to it, and many of them said that they thought that sculpture was dead in Russia, but when they saw my works, they were glad that this was not so. After the opening of the exhibition, I just flew with happiness. I went to my spiritual teacher, and he told me: “You know, Dashi, all your talent is the merit of your ancestors, in whom all generations accumulated the power that fired at you.” Then I really liked these words, and I realized that I was just a tool. Since then, I have never been arrogant, and I have not been dizzy from success.

: That is, you have knowledge and skills inside, but you still studied at an art institute. Did you enjoy studying?

Dashi Namdakov: I had problems with the humanities, I was more successful in the exact sciences. In addition, my teacher considered that the institute could suppress my individuality, and advised me to complete my studies as an external student.

: What are the most important features that characterize your own "I"?

Dashi Namdakov: I am very critical of myself, first of all as an artist, then as a person. And every year I become more demanding. This does not always please me, because self-digging, although it helps to develop in art, is a difficult aspect for a person. I pride myself on being a workaholic, in a good way, and totally dedicated to my work.

: You are a world-famous sculptor, artist, jeweler. Do you have a desire to try yourself in something else?

Dashi Namdakov: In fact, I have been thinking about the fashion industry for a long time. I am quite an adventurous person, I have always been intrigued by the idea of ​​trying myself in this area. My parents, being jacks of all trades, sewed national shoes from leather and fur, and we children helped them. As a rule, what I did in my youth, I do now, only, of course, on a different level. At one time I had a jewelry workshop, thanks to which I earned money for sculpture. Then, when I started making money with sculpture, after some time I opened the jewelry business again. Now in London and New York, my jewelry collection is of great interest.

Previously, there was no division in art: any of the famous artists, for example, Leonardo Da Vinci or Michelangelo,
could do everything in the field of art.

I also decided to try myself in many ways. I am engaged in architecture, jewelry business, I start working with porcelain. And gradually it pushes me into the world of fashion. Because clothes are the same sculpture and the same volumes. This is what I want to do and why not try myself in this area. I like painting on fabrics, and I would start with this. On the other hand, I think that this project can take a lot of my time. Therefore, I would like to consult with you, do I need this?

: I think you know the answer inside yourself. This is interesting, this is an expansion of the field of activity, and this can lead to even more global things. Fabrics can be both for a suit and for creating an interior - these are two different directions. You can try to make fabrics in cooperation with a well-known manufacturer. In my opinion, it will be interesting.

Dashi Namdakov: Of course, it's interesting. I now have a lot of projects, and if you take on the fashion environment, then this, I repeat, will take half of my time. Since I am new to this, I must learn everything thoroughly. But on the other hand, this is a good opportunity for development. I'm interested in creativity itself. All the charm is in the process in which you need to achieve a result.

: What about the result? Tell us how you feel when you open exhibitions?

Dashi Namdakov: I open exhibitions, but I never go to them. I always feel uncomfortable about it. I understand that this is an integral part of the work, exhibitions are needed, they popularize your name. Although it is the exhibitions that confuse me. My team and I did a lot of exhibitions in Siberia, which was extremely important for me. We purposefully traveled to Omsk, Buryatia, Chita and many other cities.

: It's wonderful! You give a chance to people who do not have the opportunity to come to your exhibitions in Moscow or St. Petersburg.

Dashi Namdakov A: Yes, absolutely right. I wanted to "pay tribute" to my region and show my creativity, first of all, there.

: Do you travel a lot. What is your favorite place?

Dashi Namdakov: Recently, I fell in love with Moscow more. Although my favorite place is still the village where I grew up. Seeing many countries, constantly being on planes, I became much more patriotic.

: You are married and have three children. Where does your family live?

Dashi Namdakov A: My family lives in London. The youngest daughter, 5 years old, went to school. Once, I came to school for her, and she runs out to me, so happy, and shouts: “Dad, I fell in love today!” I thought, thank God, it finally happened! (Laughs)

: It's so wonderful. And what is more pleasant, to receive high marks from professionals or the public?

Dashi Namdakov A: I think professionals, because they are the engine of the process.

: What was the most pleasant reward?

Dashi Namdakov: When in Italy I was awarded as the sculptor of the year. There is a city of Pietrasanta, where many sculptors and artisans from all over the world live and work. And once a year, among the loudest names in the field of contemporary sculpture, the international award "Pietrasanta and Versilia in the world" is awarded.

: I heard a lot about this place. Do you have a studio there?

Dashi Namdakov: Yes, I have been working in Italy for 5 years. Since it is difficult for me to stand in one place, the blood of nomads is evidently making itself felt, I think that my five-year Italian history will be transformed. The world is changing so fast that it is impossible to stay in one place. But you should always try to live life to the fullest.

: I heard that your exhibition is planned for autumn in London, in the legendary Harrods. And that this was preceded by a unique case. Tell me please, how was it?

Dashi Namdakov: As many people know, I love to work with bronze and, in general, this material prevails in my work. But I also work a lot with gold and precious stones. And once, for the first time, I made a sculpture from Afghan lapis lazuli, which is extremely unusual for me. And this work was put up for sale in Harrods. After some time, my partner calls me and informs me that Harrods had the most expensive purchase in the history of the store, and an unknown client bought my sculpture for 1.5 million pounds. And now they want to do an exhibition of my work. It is, of course, very pleasant.

: What about Asia?

Dashi Namdakov: Soon, very soon, but it's still a big secret)))

Top model, TV presenter and actress. After receiving the title of "Best comers girl in Russia" according to Fashion TV, she flew to conquer Paris. And she succeeded - Polina signed contracts with the Houses of Dior, Roberto Cavalli, Jitrois, Levi's. And as a beauty model, Polina managed to work with L’Oreal and Feraud, becoming the face of successful advertising campaigns for famous brands.

If you are interested in contemporary art, and sculpture in particular, you must have heard of the Buryat sculptor and jeweler Dashi Namdakov. His works are fascinating, you can look at them for hours and each time find something new and close to you. What is their secret?

A bit from the biography

Today Dashi Namdakov is famous all over the world - his exhibitions are thundering not only in Russia, but also in Europe, Japan, China, America, and his works are in state museums and private collections in 25 countries. For example, the sculpture "Genghis Khan" stands in Hyde Park, in the very center of London. What does all this say? Of course, about the fact that this master is close and interesting to people of different cultures - Russian, Eastern, European. But is it possible to please everyone at the same time? Is it possible to chase two, three, four hares at once?

Dashi Namdakov - the son of his parents, a hereditary artist, sculptor, Buryat, Buddhist, and his works - sculptures, as well as jewelry made of various materials (bronze, copper, marble, gold and silver, wood, bone, horsehair) - speak of this for him. Myth and reality seem to have merged in them, the worlds of the past and the present have reunited, East and West have met.

Dashi Namdakov (second from left) at his exhibition. Source: Wikimedia

Motives in the work of the eminent sculptor

At the heart of Dashi Namdakov's work lies the thoughtful processing of the cultural heritage of the past. And not in vain at his exhibition, which Petersburgers saw in the Hermitage in 2010, the works were exhibited among the objects of primitive art. This is quite natural, because the worldview of the sculptor echoes the worldview of the people of ancient times. And even if his themes are sometimes unexpected, they are mostly traditional for East and West.

So, among his works we see sculptures of Amazons, totem animals, archers, horsemen, warriors, Siberian shamans, Buddhist lamas, legendary leaders and mythological creatures.

They are powerful and monumental, frightening and fantastic or graceful and graceful, but they are certainly not depicted in the way that was customary before. Due to the innate sense of form and plasticity, as well as the technique of stylization, antiquity in the works of Dashi Namdakov ceases to be a dead monument of the past and receives a second birth, becomes relevant.

Sculpture as a special interpretation of the worldview

To make it more clear, let's talk about his work on a specific example. Namely - consider one of the sculptures called "Elements". It was made in 1999 from bronze using casting and patination techniques. By the way, the work is in the private collection of V.V. Putin.

So, what is the legacy of the past in it? Of course, the theme is a galloping horse. It is associated with the culture of the Mongolian nomads, with the role assigned to this sacred animal, without which it was simply impossible to survive in the steppe. The very image of a horse, literally flying across the spacious territories that our imagination draws, expresses the freedom and power of the elements in the best possible way.

Perhaps, from the nomads Dashi Namdakov adopted both the clarity of the idea, the purity of the form, in which there is nothing superfluous, and the understanding of the material. After all, bronze has been one of the most popular metals since ancient times.

There are also associations with Scythian art and its "animal style". Remember the famous Scythian Lying Deer from the Hermitage collection? It is made of gold and is much smaller than Namdakov's horse. But there is a significant similarity, isn't there? Both animal images are executed as if in flight. But this is not blind copying, but only an echo of the past - what is at the heart of modern culture.

01 11

Ms. Wang Limei

Director of the Beijing World Art Museum

His works reflect the worldview of the Buryat people and the author inclusive, which is characteristic of the philosophy of shamanism that everything in the Universe has a soul, everything is connected and mutually subordinate. All these ideas can be seen in his work. I think that his work is actually very mysterious, but we can understand this mystery by looking into the past, feel the spirit and mood that the author wanted to express in his work. … in his works we see a kind of synthesis of two cultures”

02 11

Dr. Maurizio Vannu

Executive Director of Lucca Center of Contemporary Art Museum

Dashi is an artist by vocation. He is gradually gaining international recognition. The sculpture of Dasha in the world of our time is the fruit of the creation of an artist who listens, who is nearby and who perceives the state of contemporary world art and at the same time respects the past and traditions. This is fantastic realism, even more real and realistic than what nature offers us. Dashi is an artist of his time. He translates personal experience into his sculptures, into his creations.

03 11

Sergei Bodrov

Film director of the film "Mongol"

Dashi is a unique person with unique abilities. Therefore, he contributed much more to the picture than an ordinary artist. He contributed his knowledge of a culture that is completely unknown. He is very accurate in guessing the style. He is practically a co-author of our picture. Without him, the picture was worse.

Dashi is our artist. He is a famous sculptor. He knows it all, feels everything, an amazingly talented person.

04 11

Westminster City Council

This is a mystical and fantastic sculpture. The Keeper is a powerful protector with sharp and intimidating wings behind her back. She seems to growl, threatening anyone who dares to attack those she protects with sharp fangs.

05 11

Valentin Yudashkin

Honored Artist of Russia

What I see is very young and dynamic for me. The artist feels the form, plastic, very national and ethnic.

06 11

Irina Khakamada

Dashi, I think this is such an Asian Dali, because this is a challenge, this is crazy energy, a huge knowledge of their own ethnic roots, but reworked in modern Western values. He is a unique artist...

07 11

Dmitry Peskov

Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin

Any exhibition of Dasha is a great holiday for those who love and know his work. This is a bright representative of Russian culture, which is rich in all our diversity. And it's great that he brings his art abroad, and pleases our viewers.

08 11

Valentina Matvienko

Rare talent. It is necessary to give the opportunity to enjoy his work, his magic to as many people as possible.

09 11

Dashi Namdakov lives and works in Eastern Siberia, not far from the natural wonder - the beautiful Lake Baikal.

Dashi was born in 1967 in a small village in the Chita region in a large family of a craftsman. Dasha's father was known in the village as a man who knew how to make literally everything with his own hands - furniture, metal door handles, and carpets. His wooden sculptures of Buddhist deities and tangkas - Buddhist icons - were installed in monasteries. Therefore, from childhood, helping their father, the children learned different crafts, knew how to make things using different materials.

Dashi grew up in this atmosphere from early childhood, and therefore, by the time he grew up, he already knew how to do a lot with his own hands. But circumstances so developed that at the age of 15 Dasha suddenly became very ill, and for a long 7 years all visits to doctors did not bring any result. The young man was on the verge of death.

In the end, the parents ended up with a shaman, who explained the cause of illnesses and ailments by saying that people forgot their roots, stopped remembering their ancestors, remembering their names. The shaman performed her ritual. Incredibly, the pain subsided immediately. And after 7 days, Dasha was in another city and was looking for a job. That shaman predicted success for him, because Dasha had the ability to see the beauty of the surrounding things and embody it in her works.

Dashi starts working in the workshop of the Buryat sculptor G.G.Vasiliev in Ulan-Ude, where he hones his skills in working with different materials. Then in 1988 he entered the Krasnoyarsk Art Institute. Famous artists - L.N. Golovnitsky, Yu.P. Ishkhanov, A.Kh. Boyarlin, E.I. Pakhomov became his mentors.

After graduating from the institute in 1992, Dashi returns to Ulan-Ude, where he continues to work. In 2000, after the first solo exhibition in Irkutsk, it became clear that a new name appeared in the art world - Dashi Namdakova. The exhibition made a splash in the art establishment. This was followed by successful exhibitions in other cities of Russia, successful shows abroad.

"Images often visit me at night," says Dashi, "when consciousness is in a borderline state between the real world and the world inhabited by illusions and spirits." Dasha scrupulously puts these visions on paper so as not to forget, and then skillfully transfers what she saw to another material - bronze, silver.

Dasha's sculptures come from distant worlds. From there, where there is no boundary between man and the universe, everything is there - particles of the universe, occupying a niche prepared for everyone in an endless stream of universal transformations. This is how the East perceives this world - finding beauty in its integrity and fragile harmony, fearing to destroy the order established by the Almighty with an awkward movement.

From here, shamans appear in Dasha's works, who still play an important role in the life of modern Buryats. The wisdom of things seen by Dasha pierces all his works. His warriors, tired of the war, do not seem like inhuman barbarians, but are filled with wisdom and greatness. Dasha's women are seductive and sensual in an earthly way, but at the same time she bashfully turns away from the artist deprived of modesty. If you look closely at a resting fallow deer, is it possible not to see a sleeping girl in it? Beauty surrounds us, wherever we are, but not everyone can see it.

"Perceive the world as it is, for its creator is wiser than you," Dasha's sculptures say, "then true beauty will be revealed to you."

The works of Dashi Namdakov, thanks to an amazing combination of innovation and ancient traditions of Buryatia, unusual plasticity and exceptional craftsmanship, were acquired for the personal collections of the first persons of Russia, including the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin.

The phenomenon of Dashi Namdakov as an artist is that he preserved national traditions, but presented them in a completely new, avant-garde style.

« Dashi, I think this is such an Asian Dali, because this is a challenge, this is crazy energy, a huge knowledge of their own ethnic roots, but reworked in modern Western values. He is a unique artist...(Irina Khakamada, politician)

His handwriting cannot be repeated: the sense of form, plasticity, movement, the sense of proportion and harmony are academic, but filled with original character and meaning.

The reunification of the classical, traditional East with the familiar European civilization gives Dasha's works a unique individuality, style, and originality.

Dashi Art Studio, CC BY-SA 3.0


Dashi Namdakov was born in the Buryat village of Ukurik, in Transbaikalia. Full name - Dashinima ("Dashi Nima") - "Lucky Sun". He was the sixth child in the large family of Balzhan and Buda-Khanda Namdakov, who had eight children.

The sculptor's family belongs to the ancient family of blacksmiths-Darkhate, from which the best jewelers, craftsmen and artists came out. Only they were allowed to work with fire, the sacred symbol of the chosen.

Dashi Art Studio, CC BY-SA 3.0

By religion, Namdakov is a Buddhist. The artist's father carved Buddhist symbols, figures of lamas and deities from wood.

Buddhism found a deep reflection in Dasha's work. When asked what role Buddhism plays in his work, he replied that, as a Buddhist, it was even strange for him to hear such a question.

On the wall of the datsan in St. Petersburg there is a marble plaque-bas-relief in memory of the first rector of the temple, made by the artist.

Nika Dolidovich, CC BY-SA 3.0

The traditional images of his works are immediately visible - these are nomads, warriors and horsemen, sacred figures, magical women, patrons of the Buryats: totem animals and mythological creatures.

The viewer is presented with deformed, curved, elongated characters with disproportionate body parts, such as elongated necks and elongated limbs. Almost all of them have Asian features.

Dashi Art Studio, CC BY-SA 3.0

Until the age of seven, Namdakov did not speak Russian, he lived in the house of his ancestors. In this regard, he later noted:

“I had a full-fledged rich world, just a gigantic one, which was saturated with all kinds of spirits, animals, creatures. And when I went to school, they told me: “The whole world fits in this sheet, throw everything else out of your head. It's your sick imagination." And the world shrank into this leaf. I am 44 years old and all my life I have been fighting how to get rid of this sheet that limits me, I owe everything that I can to my parents, to my homeland.

Dashi Namdakov began working in the workshop of the Buryat sculptor G. G. Vasiliev in the city of Ulan-Ude.

Dashi Art Studio, CC BY-SA 3.0

In 1988, he entered the Krasnoyarsk State Art Institute, studied with artists and sculptors L. N. Golovnitsky (who came to Siberia from Leningrad to teach), Yu. P. Ishkhanov, A. Kh. Boyarlin, E. I. Pakhomov.

After graduating from the institute in 1992, Dashi returns to Ulan-Ude, where he continues to work.

In the 1990s, Dashi Namdakov opened a small jewelry workshop in Ulan-Ude. “This money and part of the salary of my wife, who then worked at Sberbank,” he later recalled, “we spent on bronze. But casting from this material is a whole technology. It is impossible to do this alone - people who need to be paid a salary are needed. In general, I think that we would have much more sculptors if it were possible to organize this process more simply.”

In 2000, the first personal exhibition of Dasha Namdakov was held in Irkutsk.

Dashi Art Studio, CC BY-SA 3.0

According to Dasha, the results of this exhibition were a big surprise for him. Before her, he believed that his art was interesting only to the Buryats and Mongols, residents of the Irkutsk and Chita regions, but nothing more. And it was after this vernissage that Dasha's creative fate went up sharply: he moved to Moscow, his exhibitions are regularly held in Europe and Asia, in America.


The works of D. B. Namdakov are made in the technique of artistic casting, forging and mixed media. The works are made of bronze, silver, gold, copper, precious stones, as well as bone (mammoth tusk), horse hair and wood.

The mighty Rhino will soon be cast in bronze, but for now - a plasticine model Dashi Art Studio, CC BY-SA 3.0

Sculpture, jewelry, graphics and tapestries have a pronounced unique author's style, which is based on elements of national culture, traditions of Central Asia, and Buddhist motifs.

The works of Dashi Namdakov are kept in the collections of the State Hermitage Museum, the Russian Museum of Ethnography in St. Petersburg, the Museum of Oriental Art, the Museum of Modern Art in Moscow, in museums in many countries of the world, including the Tibet House (New York) and Art Museum (Guangzhou, China). Sculptures are in private collections of V. V. Putin (“Elements”), M. Sh. Shaimiev (“Horseman”), Yu. M. Luzhkov, R. A. Abramovich (“Evening”, “Old Warrior”), others representatives of the elite of Russian politics and business, as well as in private collections in Germany, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Finland, Japan, USA, Taiwan.

Dashi Art Studio, CC BY-SA 3.0

The works of D. B. Namdakov are possessed by such famous and influential people as different in character as Gerhard Schroeder, country music star Willie Nelson, and actress Uma Thurman. On April 14, 2012, a monumental sculpture of Genghis Khan by Dashi Namdakov was installed in London.

Sculptures by D. B. Namdakov "Masks" and "Actor" were the prizes of the All-Russian Festival of Modern Drama. Vampilov (Irkutsk, 2002, 2003), and the sculpture "The Owner" - the International Documentary Film Festival in Irkutsk (2002). In 2003 he was awarded the silver medal of the Russian Academy of Arts.

Since 2004, D. B. Namdakov has been living and working in Moscow, since 2014 in London.

Opening of the sculpture "Keeper" in London Dashi Art Studio, CC BY-SA 3.0

In 2007, he provided art design for the film Mongol. In March 2008, D. B. Namdakov received the “Nika-2008” award “for the best work of the artist” in this film, as well as the “White Elephant”.

On July 30, 2008, the sculptor's workshop was robbed (moreover, they took away not only jewelry, but also molds for making them). “Everything that we had accumulated in five years,” D. B. Namdakov claimed, “was taken away in one night.

Some people, of course, got very rich - God bless them. At first we had a panic, but then we calmed down. After all, it was not only my work, but also my colleagues - jewelers and stone craftsmen. But we set the task and completed the collection again on time.”

Dashi Namdakov, exhibition in New York


Dashi Namdakov in 2015 was elected an honorary academician of the Florentine Academy of Drawing Art.



Ordos Sculpture Museum
Ordos, China. Personal exhibition

Soul of Asia
V. Bronstein Gallery
Irkutsk, Russia. group exhibition

Academy of Fine Arts
Florence, Italy. Personal exhibition

Journey to a mystical land: Dasha Namdakov's memories of Asia
Gallery Shchukin

The art of creating
Halsyon Gallery, London, UK. Group exhibition.

Nomad. Works by Russian sculptor Dashi Namdakov
Henan Provincial Museum
China. Personal exhibition


Nomad. Works by Russian sculptor Dashi Namdakov
Beijing World Art Museum
Beijing, China. Personal exhibition

Dashi Namdakov. Between heaven and earth
Halsyon Gallery, London, UK. Personal exhibition.

Halsyon Gallery, London. group exhibition

Nostalgia for origins. Universe of nomads by Dashi Namdakov
Krasnoyarsk Art Museum named after V.I. Surikov

Nomad. Between heaven and earth
State Historical Museum, Moscow


Magical visions: jewelry and sculpture by Dashi Namdakov
Gilbert Albert Gallery, New York, USA.
Personal exhibition.

Buryat Republican Artistic
museum to them. Ts. S. Sampilova.
group exhibition

Nomad: memories of the future
National Society of Arts, New York, USA.
Personal exhibition.

"World of Myths"
Tampere Art Museum, Finland. Personal exhibition


State Center for Science and Culture. Prague, Czech Republic. Personal exhibition

"Nomad Universe"
Halsyon Gallery, London. Personal exhibition.

Hiko Mitsuno Jewelry College
Tokyo, Japan. Exhibition of jewelry and graphics "25"
Irkutsk Regional Art Museum and the Union of Artists. Irkutsk. Group exhibition.


"Bronze Asia of Dashi Namdakov"
Irkutsk Regional Art Museum. V.P. Sukachev. Personal exhibition, participation in the program of the Baikal Economic Forum

"The Universe of the Nomad Dashi Namdakov"
State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan, Khazine Gallery, Kazan Kremlin. Personal exhibition


"Nostalgia for the origins: the universe of nomads Dashi Namdakov"
St. Petersburg, State Hermitage. Personal exhibition

Russian National Exhibition in Paris
Palace of the Grand Palais. Participation.

"Transformation: sculpture and graphics by Dashi Namdakov"
Villa Versiliana, Pietrasanta, Italy. Exhibition project


Buryat Republican Art Museum. Ts. S. Sampilova. Personal exhibition

"Element" Dashi Namdakov
Omsk Regional Art Museum. M. Vrubel. Personal exhibition

"Element" by Dashi Namdakov: sculpture, graphics, jewelry collection"

Moscow State Exhibition Hall "New Manege". Personal exhibition


"Bronze Asia Dashi"
Museum of the city of Dalian, China. Personal exhibition

"Transformation: sculpture, graphics and jewelry collection of Dashi Namdakov"

"Transformation: sculpture, graphics and jewelry collection of Dashi Namdakov"
Gallery "House of Nashchokin", Moscow. Personal exhibition


State Tretyakov Gallery
Moscow. Personal exhibition

"Bronze Asia Dashi"
Zhongshan City Museum, China. Personal exhibition

"Bronze Asia Dashi"
Museum of Fine Arts, Guangzhou, China. Personal exhibition

"Bronze Asia Dashi"
Exhibition Center of Dongguan, China. Personal exhibition

"Spirit Expression"
The State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia together with the gallery "Dom Nashchokin", Moscow. group exhibition


"Rider under the firmament"
Art Center, Taichung, Taiwan. Personal exhibition.

"Nomad Universe"
Beijing World Art Museum (Chinese Altar Millennium Museum)

Beijing, China
Exhibition project in cooperation with the Museum of the History of the Republic of Buryatia and the Irkutsk Regional Museum of Local Lore

China international gallery exposition
Beijing, China. Participation

"Open Russia"
National Museum of Fine Arts

Participation in a group exhibition of Russian artists
Beijing, China. International project.


"Rider under the firmament"
National History Museum, Taipei, Taiwan. Personal exhibition

Art Taipei
Taipei, Taiwan. Participation

"Rider under the firmament"
History Museum, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Exhibition project.
Together with A. Ivashchenko, a collector of Buddhist thangka icons

Songjing Gallery
Singapore. Personal exhibition (jewelry art, sculpture)

Gallery "Hanart"
Hong Kong. Personal exhibition (jewelry art, sculpture)

Jeff Hsu Art Gallery
Taipei, Taiwan. Personal exhibition

Singapore Jewelry Show
Singapore. Participation

Moscow International Fine Arts Salon
Central Exhibition Hall "Manege", Moscow. Participation

Los Angeles International Antique
Fine Art and Jewelry Fair, Los Angeles, USA. Participation

Chicago Contemporary and Classic
Chicago, USA. Participation

Art Miami, Miami Beach
USA. Participation

Pal, Beach Connaisseurs
West Palm Beach, USA. Participation


International Exhibition Center
Hong Kong. Private screening as part of the RBC international conference

Gertsev Gallery
Atlanta. Personal exhibition

"Nomad Universe"
State Museum of Oriental Art, Moscow.
Exhibition project in conjunction with the collections of the Buryat Research Center and Siberian collectors

Tibet House US
New York, USA. Personal exhibition

Russian week, Palace hotel GSTAAD
Switzerland: Group exhibition

Central House of Artists
Moscow. group exhibition


Art Museum
Ekaterinburg. Personal exhibition

Russian Ethnographic Museum
Saint Petersburg. Personal exhibition

State Museum of Oriental Art
Moscow. Personal exhibition

Irkutsk Regional Art Museum. V.P. Sukacheva
Irkutsk. Personal exhibition

Krasnoyarsk Cultural and Historical Museum Complex
Museum Biennale. Personal exhibition.


Zurab Tseretelli Art Gallery
Moscow. Personal exhibition

Central House of Artists
Moscow. group exhibition


Gallery "Classics"
Irkutsk. Personal exhibition

Museum of the History of the Republic of Buryatia
Ulan-Ude. Personal exhibition

Gallery of the Union of Artists in Mongolia


Irkutsk Regional Art Museum. V.P. Sukacheva
Irkutsk. Personal exhibition

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