Exam dates in the official year. Exam Schedule


Recently, Rosobrnadzor announced the dates and schedule of exams for the USE in 2016 for graduates. And thanks to these dates, graduates can navigate and choose the exams they want to take. Note that the exam is conducted in two stages. The first is early exams, the second is the main stage. And they also have their own date. Let's take a closer look at all the dates.

And so, soon - on March 21, the early stage of passing exams in the Unified State Examination will begin.
And the main stage will begin on May 27th.

New in passing the exam in 2016:
- Finally, our officials singled out an exam in social science on a separate day. After all, according to statistics, only 1 student out of 5 does not pass it. Therefore, such an exam simply needs to be taken out on one day. And now, years later, it happened!
- if you received a deuce for an exam in mathematics or the Russian language, then reserve days will be announced for retaking. They are scheduled for September 2016. The exact dates are not yet known.
- in 2016 it will be possible to pass the exam in the Chinese language. True, not all schools will accept such an exam. Therefore, you need to check with your school principal.
- in 2016, graduates of grade 10 can try their hand at passing the exam. His assessments will not affect absolutely anything. It's just a test a year before the main exam.

And now look at the table with the schedule of all the dates of the USE exams in Russia.

Every student in our country must pass the unified state exams, which demonstrate the level of knowledge gained at school, and become the basis for the further development of education - admission to a university. Such an important event requires a long preparation, and therefore every student strives to know in advance the schedule of the USE exams 2017.

Features of the USE 2017

Until 2017, tests were the main form of knowledge testing. In 2016, the form of test questions was recognized as obsolete, because even without knowing the correct answer, the student had the opportunity to guess it from the provided options. Since 2017, a decision has been made to return to the questionnaire form of passing exams, that is, most subjects will be taken in the same way as it was accepted in the "zero" - in the period up to 2009. In addition, the student is waiting for a number of innovations. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Firstly, a third is added to the two mandatory exams - it should be history. True, the name of the third subject has not yet been firmly established, however, at the beginning of the school year, this information will already be made public. That is, you will have to take the Russian language, mathematics and, most likely, history - more precisely, it will be known by the date of the USE 2017.

Secondly, RAO (Russian Academy of Education) insists on the introduction of a point scale for grading essays. Until today, the essay was evaluated only according to two criteria - pass or fail. This, according to representatives of the Russian Academy of Education, negatively affects the knowledge of students and gives advantages to those students who are simply too lazy to learn literature - it is much easier to get a “test” in an essay than a five.

Thirdly, the grades in the certificate will also affect the results of the exam. The higher the scores for school subjects, the higher the final grade for the state exam.

Fourth, if the points scored do not reach the threshold level, students will be given the opportunity to retake the exam twice more. It will also be possible to go for a retake if the student for some reason is not satisfied with the points scored.

So, at the exam, schoolchildren will have to take one of their choice. It will be possible to take them several times until the result seems satisfactory to the student.

Dates of the exam in 2017

The USE schedule in 2017 consists of two parts - early and main delivery.

Early period for passing the exam

  • geography, informatics and ICT
  • Russian language / compulsory subject
  • history, chemistry
  • mathematics / compulsory subject
  • Geography, literature
  • foreign languages ​​(oral exam)
  • foreign languages, biology, physics
  • social science, literature

Reserve time for all exams included in the USE list starts next week

  • reserve: geography, chemistry, informatics and ICT, foreign languages ​​(oral), history
  • reserve: foreign languages, literature, physics, social studies, biology
  • reserve: Russian language, mathematics B, P
  • Foreign language, history, social studies (reserve)
  • Foreign language (oral), geography, physics, biology (reserve).

However, not every student is in a hurry to take advantage of the right to take the exam ahead of schedule. Therefore, most students will be interested in the second section of the USE 2017 schedule - the main period.

  • geography, informatics and ICT
  • math B
  • mathematics P
  • social science
  • physics, literature
  • Russian language
  • foreign languages, biology
  • foreign languages ​​(oral)
  • foreign languages ​​(oral)
  • chemistry, history

Reserve days of the Unified State Examination begin on Tuesday.

  • reserve: geography, informatics and ICT
  • reserve: literature, chemistry, physics, social studies
  • reserve: biology, history foreign languages
  • reserve: foreign languages
  • reserve: math B, math P
  • reserve: Russian
  • reserve: in all subjects

Additional period (September)

Retaking the USE exams in 2017

In addition to the main and reserve days, the USE process itself provides for a third period - a retake. The right to retake is granted to every student - both those who have not reached the threshold minimum, and those who simply want to improve their own results and score more points. True, to increase your own level, you will need remarkable confidence in your own abilities and knowledge.

Retaking the exam usually takes place in September, most often in the first half of the month. However, the schedule of a possible retake will be known only by August 2017.

Extra points

Additional points may be added for the points scored in the exams. So, 10 points can be added:

  • for a certificate with one fives;
  • for prize-winning places taken at Olympiads in school subjects;
  • for achievements in sports.

Given the possible addition of points, it is worth thinking about passing the exam in advance: take part in olympiads and competitions in all subjects, and not just profile ones; increase the level of knowledge, striving for excellent grades; participate in school sports.

The Unified State Examination (USE) is a form of attestation based on the results of obtaining secondary general education (11 classes). All USE exams are held in written form in Russian. The only exception is the oral part of the certification in foreign languages ​​to choose from: English, German, Spanish or French.

The Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor) is the responsible body for conducting the exam. Every year, this service officially approves the unified schedule of exams in the Russian Federation.

In the early spring of 2016, the first stage of the USE was passed, and the main certification period began on May 27 and will last until June 20 inclusive. From June 22 to June 28, there will be a reserve stage, for which you can make an additional attempt and improve your score in the subject passed to the main stage.

Main exam dates:

the date of the USE GVE-11
May 27 geography, literature geography, literature
May 30 Russian language Russian language
2 June mathematics (basic) mathematics
June 6 mathematics (profile)
June 8 social science social science
June 10th
June 11 English, German, Spanish, French (oral)
June 14 English, German, Spanish, French, Biology
June 16 informatics and ICT, history informatics and ICT, history
Reserve stage
June 20 chemistry, physics chemistry, physics
22nd of June geography, foreign languages, chemistry, social studies, informatics and ICT
June 23 foreign languages ​​(oral)
June 24 literature, physics, history, biology
27th of June Russian language Russian language
June 28 mathematics (basic/profile) mathematics

Tab. 1 USE exam schedule (main stage)

Innovations of the Unified State Exam-2016

The full approved exam schedule table also speaks of the third, additional stage. Its holding is scheduled for September and is intended for the delivery of compulsory disciplines. These are mathematics and the Russian language.

The three-step approach to certification is great news for graduates. According to the rules of Rosobrnadzor, each passing the exam in the subject will receive the highest score obtained over three attempts. Therefore, anyone who did not score the required minimum points the first or even the second time can try to retake.

The minimum threshold for a passing score in 2016 is presented in Table. 2

Item Passing score (minimum value)
Mathematics 27
Russian language 36
Story 32
Biology 36
Literature 32
Social science 42
Computer science 40
Foreign languages ​​(optional) 22

Tab. 2 Passing score of the USE-2016

Child psychologists are inclined to believe that innovations in the USE will have a positive impact on the condition of graduates and reduce their level of anxiety. According to them, stress not only affects the physical condition, but also blocks the work of analytical thinking and imagination, which are so necessary for serious certification.

What to expect from the exam in 2017?

Rosobrnadzor does not plan to stop at this. It is possible that as early as next year, assignments for the USE will completely lose the test part. In 2015, the commission has already weeded out the option of random test answers in mathematics, Russian language and literature. Most likely, in 2017, the dealer will no longer be able to “guess” the correct answer without the necessary knowledge, relying only on intuition. Educators say that this will also be a big advantage for that small part of the examiners who are psychologically difficult to endure tests. According to statistics, this is approximately 10-12% of all certified.

Experts from the Ministry of Education and Science are talking more and more about the possibility of restructuring the overall USE system and making it a tool for university admissions. All students are encouraged to be sure to issue certificates, even taking into account unsatisfactory grades. The only condition for obtaining a certificate will be the end of 11 classes. This approach will give creative graduates and children with special abilities a chance to realize themselves. Psychologists do not deny the fact that this approach will help them find their true purpose and develop their talents to the maximum.

For the 9th grade, it is proposed to leave the OGE as a preparatory certification before the USE. When and whether the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science will be confirmed, has not yet been reported.

Each new year brings something new to the final test for high school graduates. The academic year that has begun will continue the modernization of the Unified State Examination. What awaits school graduates in 2017?

Schedule (project) of exams

Rosobrnadzor published a calendar for the implementation of the final test in 2017. Next year, it is proposed to hold a unified state exam in three stages: in the spring - a preliminary stage and in the summer - the main stage. The early period for taking the Unified State Examination will start on March 14 and continue until April 7.

There are additional days (April 15-16, April 21-23) for retaking the final work in all subjects. The main period will begin on May 29 and will last until June 30. An additional opportunity to pass the exam will be provided on June 22-24, 27-28.30.

Schedule of the unified state exam
# date Exam
early period
Tue 21 March math B, P
Wed March 16 informatics and ICT, history, chemistry
Sat 18th of March foreign languages ​​(oral)
Mon 20th of March Russian language
Wed March 22 foreign languages, biology, physics
Fri March 24 social science, geography, literature
Mon April 3 reserve: literature, chemistry, informatics and ICT, foreign languages ​​(oral), history
Wed 5th of April reserve: foreign languages, geography, social studies, physics, biology
Fri April 7 reserve: Russian language, mathematics B, P
main stage
Mon May 29 geography, informatics and ICT
Wed May 31 Russian language
Fri 2 June chemistry, history
Mon June 5 math B
Wed June 7 mathematics P
Fri the 9th of June social science
Tue June 11 physics, literature
Tue June 15 foreign languages, biology
Fri June 16 foreign languages ​​(oral)
Sat June 17 foreign languages ​​(oral)
Mon June 19 reserve: geography, chemistry, history, informatics and ICT
Tue June 20 reserve: literature, physics, social studies
Wed 21st of June reserve: biology, foreign languages
thu 22nd of June reserve: foreign languages ​​(oral)
Wed June 28 reserve: math B, math P
thu June 28 reserve: Russian
Fri 30 June reserve: in all subjects
Additional period
Mon 4 September Russian language
thu 4 September math B
Wed September 13 reserve: Russian
Fri September 15th reserve: mathematics B, Russian language

Both stages are united by the fact that the items for delivery on the same day are grouped in the same way. But the sequence of their implementation is completely different. The spring stage will begin with basic mathematics (March 21). A day later (March 23) they take the baton of history with computer science and ICT. On the twenty-fifth of March, all graduates take the Russian language.

Mathematics at the profile level will be passed by students on March 28. On March 30, everyone who chooses this subject will test their knowledge of social studies. The first day of April is allocated for geography with literature, the second of April - for physics and chemistry. The oral part of a foreign language can be taken on April 8, and the written assignments the next day. On the same day, the examiners will take biology.

Reserve days for early delivery and for the main stream do not coincide with the USE in subjects combined on the same day. High school students taking exams in the spring will be able to take advantage of an additional chance on April 15 to retake the Russian language, the next day - for mathematics. Informatics and ICT, chemistry, literature are united for a second chance on April 21st.

Subjects of the humanitarian cycle (social studies, history, foreign language) can be retaken on April 22. The rest of the subjects have been postponed to April 23 - oral foreign language, physics, biology and geography.

Reserve days for the main stage will begin on June 22, 2016 with a retake of geography and chemistry, a foreign language and social studies, computer science and ICT. The oral part of a foreign language can be passed on June 23. The next day was allocated by the organizers of the exam for another opportunity to pass physics and history, literature and biology.

Two days next week (June 27 and 28) are designated for an additional attempt to pass the Russian language and both levels of mathematics. On June 30, everyone can take the exam in any subject, if for some reason it was not possible to get the desired score in the subject in regular time.

Noteworthy is the peculiarity of the schedule of final exams for graduates in 2016: a special day is allocated for the exam in social studies. This is due to the fact that many graduates choose this subject of the exam. After the Russian language and mathematics, social science is in first place among all exams chosen by students.

In 2016, there is a third (additional) deadline for passing the exam. The reserve stage will be held in September. It is intended for testing in traditionally compulsory disciplines: mathematics (September 10) and the Russian language (September 17). The last opportunity to get the desired score in these subjects is on September 24th.

What innovations will bring

The calendar for the implementation of the unified state exam of the Unified State Examination in 2016 allows graduates to use the attempt to pass the exam in a separate subject three times. This is good news. Of the three attempts to pass the exam in the subject, the one that will give the maximum score for the exam will be selected. Therefore, those who did not reach the required minimum (the so-called threshold) can also try to retake. And those who believe that they just got too worried during the exam and know the subject for a higher score.

Psychologists say that the ability to repeat an unsuccessful attempt to pass the exam will lead to a decrease in the level of anxiety in the graduate. The absence of nervousness will allow the child to be liberated and show his knowledge to the maximum.

Along with the pluses, the changes will bring minuses. Graduates of 2016 will not find test tasks at KIMs in four more subjects. If in 2015 test questions disappeared in mathematics, literature, Russian language. Now it will not be possible to choose one correct answer out of the four proposed in computer science and ICT, geography, history, and social science.

In the future it is expected completely remove test questions from KIMs in all subjects. It will not be possible to guess the answer without knowing the material of the studied topic.

The passing score for obtaining the status of a student of a higher educational institution will again be determined in advance. Compared to 2015, there will be an increase. The ability to retake the exam three times gives hope to still gain the required amount to pass through the competition and enter a university.

Admission to the exam

In December 2014, I passed a trial version of admission to the Unified State Examination. It was a literary essay. Today's eleventh graders will definitely have to write such an essay. The deadline for the final essay on literature is determined - December 2. Suggested themes are also known. There are five of them:

  • year of literature;
  • time;
  • Love;
  • path.

No grades or points will be given for the written masterpiece. All assessment comes down to two results: “pass” or “fail”. "Certificate" admits the student to the exam in all other subjects. If you received a “failure”, you can try to rewrite the final essay. The dates of the possible retake are known: February 3 or May 4.

An attempt to rewrite the final essay is given once. The second time an attempt to write it and get admission to the exam will be allowed only after a year. It is planned to write the final essay in conditions that are extremely close to the conditions for the implementation of the unified state exam. This is considered the psychological preparation of each student for a crucial moment.

To obtain a certificate, it is necessary to cross the minimum threshold in two compulsory academic disciplines: the Russian language and mathematics. A profile exam in mathematics is necessary for those students who want to enter an educational institution where scores in this subject are taken into account. A graduate who has not passed profile mathematics is closed to the university.

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