Deineka painting artist. Deineka's paintings


This page contains paintings by Deineka Alexander Alexandrovich, which are distinguished by social realism, patriotism, monumentality and optimism.

Most are familiar with the artist's work from his historical canvas "Defense of Sevastopol". And, apparently, this is his most famous painting.

Patriot painting!

But during his creative life, Deineka created many other wonderful and life-affirming paintings, photos of which, with names and descriptions, we present below.

Alexander Alexandrovich Deineka. Self-portrait. A sad portrait turned out, in gray tones.

And this is an optimistic self-portrait of the artist in his office. It can be seen that Deineka is pleased with the fruits of his creative work!

Defense of Sevastopol. Deineka. The most famous painting by Deineka.

A monumental epic work that expresses the heroism of the Soviet people in the fight against fascism!

The main part of the canvas is occupied by the Soviet marines in white uniforms. On the right, in a small part of the picture, a dark fascist force with protruding bayonets.

Two of our sailors are armed with bundles of grenades, and this in an oncoming infantry battle is already complete selflessness, without mercy for the enemy and without sparing himself.

"Defense of Sevastopol" is heroism and selflessness!

Deineka's paintings are saturated with patriotism! Very patriotic art!

Future pilots. Deineka.

The painting "Future Pilots" is inferior in popularity only to the painting "Defense of Sevastopol".

A hydroplane flies in the sky over the sea. Three teenagers on the shore carefully and with great interest follow his maneuvers. On the right, an older teenager expertly comments on this flight. The younger comrades listen to him attentively.

The guys are completely absorbed in the story and watching the flight of the seaplane.

They really want to become pilots, and they will become them!

Deineka's paintings reflected the most diverse aspects of the life of the Soviet people, but they were always optimistic! Optimistic painting!

In the photo, the painting "Basketball".

Girls with beautiful bodies play basketball.

Many of Deineka's paintings are dedicated to sports. Deineka admired swimmers, runners, wrestlers, hockey players and these girls playing basketball.

Defense of Petrograd. Deineka.

The famous painting, inferior in popularity only to the paintings "Defense of Sevastopol" and "Future Pilots".

The Defense of Petrograd is a monumental genre painting in which the war is presented, although schematically, but also deeply symbolically.

In the foreground, armed fighters march energetically across the snow towards the front. Among them is a nurse to provide the necessary assistance.

Nurses are already escorting the wounded, moving from above along the bridge in the opposite direction from the battle. And they no longer have strength and vigor as in the warriors in the foreground.

The dreary cycle of war, the endless and terrible cycle, reminiscent of a meat grinder.

Deineka's paintings are deeply symbolic! Symbolic painting!

In the photo, the picture "Skiers".

In the photo, the painting "Meeting with the beautiful."

Outskirts of Moscow. Deineka.

Military life of Moscow in 1941. Enemy at the door!

Houses without windows and dilapidated, on the ground there are anti-tank hedgehogs and snowdrifts.

Serious tension!

But the truck is speeding somewhere and it gives hope! A way out will be found! Rough painting!

Pictured is the painting “Winter landscape. Lugansk."

Expanse. Deineka..

Perky girls run up from the river after swimming. They are full of energy, freshness, youthful joy.

They run straight up into space! And all around is a continuous expanse and an immense sky!

Confidently and swiftly want to move towards a brighter future!

Deineka's paintings are optimistic and full of vitality! Energetic painting!

In the photo is a still life "Black gladioli".

Pictured is the painting "In Occupation".

Mournful and unhappy faces of people: the enemy is the master in the house.

Deineka's paintings reflected the suffering of people during the war.

In the photo, the painting "Landscape with a train."

Textile workers. Deineka.

A monumental painting about the work of textile workers. People and machines merged into one.

Burnt village. Deineka.

The village is empty, it seems to have died out. In the foreground, completely charred trees.

But you will definitely have to survive! Tragic painting!

And Alexander Deineka did not immediately become a famous artist in the USSR: he worked in many places that were not directly related to art. But later the artist found his theme - sport. The strong and beautiful characters of his canvases reflected the ideals of socialist realism - high morale, competition and victories.

A teacher in a women's gymnasium and a photographer in the Criminal Investigation Department

Alexander Deineka was born in 1899 in Kursk. His father was a railroad worker, and the future artist grew up in the atmosphere of a simple hardworking family - strong-willed, athletic, physically strong. According to family tradition, he entered the railway school to continue the work of his father. However, the love of drawing turned out to be stronger: a year later, Alexander Deineka went to Kharkov to enter an art school. His father did not support his choice, did not help financially. But, despite the difficulties, Deineka continued to study. The young artist was more attracted to graphics than painting: oil paints were expensive then, and he was used to working with a pencil from childhood.

After the February Revolution, classes stopped, and the artist had to change many specialties. He was a teacher in a women's gymnasium, designed performances in the theater and even worked as a photographer in the Criminal Investigation Department. While serving in the army in 1919, Alexander Deineka headed an art studio, where he was noticed by the leadership. Deineka was sent on a business trip to Moscow, to one of the best art schools in the country - Vkhutemas.

In the capital, he became a student of the famous graphic artist Vladimir Favorsky. During his studies, Deineka collaborated with the magazines "Atheist at the Machine" and "Projector": he drew sharp caricatures on religious topics, depicted the working days of factory workers. Deineka traveled a lot around the country and collected material for his works everywhere. During this period, he created hundreds of drawings, some of which later became the basis of large paintings. In the workshops of Vkhutemas, Deineka met the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky, and his poems inspired the artist more than once.

In 1928, he created the famous painting "The Defense of Petrograd" - one of his favorite canvases. Deineka wrote a large-scale work in just a week.

Alexander Deineka. Running (detail). 1932. Association "Historical, Local Lore and Art Museum", Tula

Alexander Deineka. Athlete (fragment). 1933. Russian State Library, Moscow

Alexander Deineka. Football (detail). 1928. Ivanovo Regional Art Museum, Ivanovo

One of his earliest paintings dedicated to the theme of sports is "Football". The artist created it in 1924. He seems to have connected several frames of film in the space of the canvas, referring the viewer to the language of cinema.

Wrote football. I loved the game, I knew it like thousands of my peers, like tens of thousands of excited spectators. The game every time pushed me to the desire to paint a picture. I made dozens of drawings and, sketching out one of the many unsuccessful sketches, I discovered that the sketch did not fit into the compositional norms of familiar paintings. I was putting together a new plastic phenomenon and had to work without historical footnotes.

In the 1930s, a healthy lifestyle and exercise came into vogue. This time coincided with the heyday of socialist realism: ideas of emotional uplift, competitions and victories, both sports and labor, glorification of the beauty and perfection of a healthy human body were spreading in Soviet society. Alexander Deineka from childhood was engaged in running, swimming and gymnastics, and in his student years he was fond of volleyball and boxing: wrestling was held in high esteem at Vkhutemas. Personal sports experience helped the artist find suitable techniques to reflect the dynamism and plasticity of athletes on canvas. Deineka skillfully painted them in complex angles and movements.

Alexander Deineka. During a lunch break in the Donbass (detail). 1935. Latvian National Museum of Art, Riga, Latvia

Alexander Deineka. Defense of Petrograd (detail). 1928. State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

Alexander Deineka. Youth (detail). 1961. National Museum of Arts of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan

It happens that you are filled with enthusiasm, a surge of energy, the muscles spring back, a chill of vivacity passes through the body. You seem to have just stepped out of a cold river in the morning. You want to run away, dump excess energy reserves, waste it in large handfuls, look at life with laughter and enthusiasm ...

From the memoirs of Alexander Deineka

The painter portrayed his heroes with monumental pathos - young, energetic and healthy, full of life and optimism. Conveying the physical beauty of the characters, Deineka emphasized their fortitude. In an effort to embody the image of a man of the future, he was guided by the ancient ideals of athletic beauty.

In the 1930s, Alexander Deineka created mostly paintings, but he also benefited from the skills he had gained by illustrating books. The artist instantly grasped the figures of athletes in his sketches. He was often seen in stadiums making quick sketches of the most difficult camera angles, making dynamic moments natural and natural. Usually sketches later became the basis of the future canvas. The artist's pencil noticed sharp moments, easily captured complex angles.

Alexander Deineka. Expanse (fragment). 1944. State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg

Alexander Deineka. Gladiolus (detail). 1954. Private collection

Alexander Deineka. Girls at the weekend (fragment). 1949. Exhibition hall of the Union of Artists of Russia, Moscow

In 1932, Alexander Deineka painted the famous canvas “Running”, and a year later he created the poster “Athlete”. It depicted a slender athletic girl who is preparing to throw a discus, and next to it is a catchy quatrain: “Work, build and don’t whine! / The path to a new life is shown to us, / You may not be an athlete, / But you must be an athlete! In the background are images of a shooter, cyclists and runners, ready to leave the stadium at any moment and stand up for the young Soviet state.

On the canvas “During the Lunch Break in the Donbass” in 1935, Alexander Deineka depicted young miners who run out of the river against the background of a burnt summer sky. Large monumental figures seem to be approaching the viewer from the space of the canvas. Glittering splashes of water and short contrasting shadows emphasize the feeling of midday heat.

Sculpture, mosaic, battle canvas

During the war, the cult of sports and health in the work of Deineka gave way to a military theme. The artist created a series of landscapes of Moscow, and after visiting the destroyed Sevastopol in 1942, he painted the battle canvas "Defense of Sevastopol". Alexander Deineka returned to his favorite subjects only in the second half of the 1940s: in 1947 he painted the canvas “Relay Race on the B Ring”. Deineka conveyed the panorama of a sports festival with reportage authenticity: a bright sunny day, concentrated and serious runners, smart spectators with flowers, among which the artist depicted himself.

Deineka devoted not only paintings and graphic works to sports, but also sculptures. In the bronze composition "Relay", he depicted running athletes, carefully emphasizing each muscle, focusing the viewer's attention on the physiology of the figures and their complex poses.

Alexander Deineka also created sketches for mosaics that adorn the Mayakovskaya and Novokuznetskaya stations of the Moscow metro. They were made in the workshop of the famous artist Vladimir Frolov.

Throughout his life, Deineka taught fine arts. He had many students: Andrei Vasnetsov (grandson of Viktor Vasnetsov), German Cheremushkin, Yulia Daneshvar, Isabella Aghayan.

Alexander Deineka died in Moscow in 1969. His works are kept in the largest museums in Russia and in private collections.

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Hot sunny summer, the joy of youth, a riot of colors - Alexander Alexandrovich Deineka captured all this in this picture. On it, he depicted a group of girls running up the hill after bathing. The picture looks very […]

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The Good Morning panel is made in the mosaic technique typical of monumental art. He is considered one of the brightest examples of social realism in this genre. The canvas surprisingly accurately reflects the era. The focus is on a group of young boys […]

Soviet painter Alexander Deineka could develop his talent in the bosom of Mexican muralists or American social realists. However, he considered them very small for his works. He wanted to work in the Soviet Union, in […]

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