Decorative paintings with your own hands. Paintings for the interior with your own hands


Sometimes the prices for paintings and all sorts of trinkets to decorate the interior are simply shocking. At first glance, their price is a penny, since the level of the artist's skill is not higher than the kindergarten scribbles, but, alas, these works of art cost a lot of money. "Interesting to know" believes that it is not necessary to spend that kind of money on decorating the interior, because each of us is able to make something similar with our own hands.

Dish in oriental style

Such beauty can be made from unnecessary disks that have been lying around at home for a long time, and thrown away, all hands do not reach. With pieces of a disk, you can paste over not only plates.

Beautiful paintings on a natural theme

With the help of spray paint and a regular branch, you can create a beautiful and original picture. Dried flowers can serve as a model.

unusual tree

With the help of a bunch of unnecessary buttons, you can create a beautiful picture of a tree. The main thing is to draw the trunk and branches.

Insulating tape for original patterns

To create a bright interior decoration, you need some electrical tape. She needs to lay out rhombuses, triangles and squares, and decorate with any colors you like, as in the photo.

World map image on wood

All you need is a photocopy of the world map and a wooden board that was going to be thrown away.

How to extend the life of old photos

A cheerful inscription made of cardboard letters with old photographs can revive and decorate the interior.

paper birds

Paper swallows, cut and pasted in this way, will look beautiful on any wall.

bright spots

Such a miracle is obtained from a watercolor dried with a hair dryer. Even a child can create such spots.

Stylish wooden accessory

From a piece of any tree, a stylish and expensive piece of interior decoration is made.

Work of art from newspapers

Who would have thought that ordinary pieces of newspapers, glued together in a special way, look so beautiful on the wall.

golden glitter

From the remnants of finishing materials, an original wall decoration is obtained.

Lace patterns

Another idea with a spray gun. If there are unnecessary napkins, and even better, snowflakes made of paper, which children often cut out for the new year, then you can draw similar pictures.

colorful Christmas trees

Do not throw away unused pieces of wallpaper, they can turn out such a bright picture that is easy to create with children.

Pictures from milk

With the help of an iron, milk and paper, an unusual pattern is obtained. Such drawings look very stylish and expensive.

Photo panel

Bright inserts complete with family photos will create a unique interior decoration. At one glance at him, the face lights up with a smile, and warmth appears in the soul. The panel is made very simply.

Probably, paintings are one of the oldest accessories for decorating your own home. The question of how to make paintings with your own hands can cause logical bewilderment - of course, draw, but what else? But let's say you can't draw. Or you know how - but are not yet ready to present your work to the public, even at home.

But even in this case, you have every right to call yourself an artist! After all, there are many ways to make a picture on your own - turn to arts and crafts, sculpt a masterpiece in a graphic editor, cut an annual subscription of your favorite magazine into collages. Or indulge in spontaneous painting and throw paint at the canvas from a distance of several meters. Or maybe frame dried flowers or bags of sugar taken from a cafe?

There are more possibilities than you might think! We will please you - in the article we will talk about how to push your creative limits, and not about how to drive yourself deeper into them. Our goal is not to get an "A" in drawing, but to express our character through interior decoration.

  • Look for ideas
  • Accumulate impressions
  • try new things

  • Embroidery
  • Application picture
  • Silhouettes on canvas
  • Patterned silhouettes

  • Scenery
  • Abstraction
  • geometric patterns

"Where to begin?"

Are you planning to make a picture with your own hands? We will try to suggest you some simple and original options. Maybe you will realize some idea that you like the most.

"Search for Ideas"

  • Are you ready to give the room a charismatic face? If yes, then start looking for sources of inspiration everywhere. Creativity is a constant search, observation and irrepressible curiosity. To make a breakthrough in interior design, you first need to make a breakthrough inside your head. Do not discard even the craziest ideas, because the original vision is what we need.

"To accumulate impressions"

  • If you have already joined the ranks of supporters of the do-it-yourself philosophy, you will soon begin to notice how you scan the apartment with your eyes in search of unnecessary gizmos that can be turned into a work of art. Throwing out garbage will also turn into torture for you - a true hand-maker must fight to the last for every beautiful piece of paper. Jokes aside, but you will have to bring a separate box or basket for treasures. Who knows what feats she will inspire you to do sooner or later.

"Try new things"

  • Even if you draw beautifully, no one has canceled the creative stupor. Besides, suddenly it's time to try yourself in a new genre? The interior design options that we have proposed belong specifically to the “try” category. That is, they will not take a lot of time and effort from you. If you understand that the topic resonates with you the most, you can always dive deeper into it. In the meantime, let's taste the life-giving nectar of the artist, a concentrate of inspiration and creative power!

"Fabric Paintings"

If you are into creating and sewing is your hobby, forget about throwing away the leftover fabric or putting it on rags! Textile paintings for interior decoration are the latest fashion now. And apparently they are not going to lose their status.


  • Without much difficulty, such an element of decor will be created by lovers of minimalist jewelry and catchy accessories. The former can simply stretch the fabric on a wooden stretcher, the latter can find openwork frames in vintage style.

  • Some do not know how to approach embroidery, complex multi-color schemes are intimidating, and therefore, they are put off for later. But in order to make pleasant masterpieces for interior decoration, you do not need to raise the bar high and embroider the scene of the Battle of Borodino. See how delicate flower stalks can look, embroidered on rough canvas and placed on the wall right in the hoop!


  • Look, any embroidery is very easy to combine with applique, and work in a more flexible genre that allows you to create images that will decorate not only country-style interiors. DIY interior paintings, consisting of several parts, always look interesting - try your hand at this, what if it works out?

"Silhouettes on Canvas"

  • The following photo confirms what unexpected discoveries a simple silhouette work can make! Using a simple shape means we complicate the textures, common sense tells us. To repeat this picture at home, you will need:

In order to imitate the texture of wood, cover the canvas with an even layer of dark brown paint, and then gradually add strokes of ocher and red to it. Do not be zealous with the density of the coating, it is the "striping" of the picture that will give it a resemblance to the original. The image of a branch and birds can be found on the Internet, print and cut out a stencil from paper, according to which a textile version is cut out. Wait for the paint to dry completely (several hours) and carefully stick the fabric onto the canvas.

"Patterned Silhouettes"

  • The possibilities of such a silhouette application are endless. You can create DIY interior paintings on any theme: elegant for the living room, delicious fruits for the kitchen, cute animals or for the children's room. For example, look at the photo below - making this wonderful giraffe is not difficult. The main thing is to find a suitable bright fabric.

"Taking on the colors"

Want to draw? Ever dreamed of having your own wall art at home? Do not be shy and do not put off inspiration for later. Get paints with brushes, and let's go create ...


  • If you are not one of the timid and prone to expressive gestures, or if you understand that it won’t get any worse, splash out your emotions on the wall in the literal sense of the word. Yes, very brave, but you have a chance to get not only a unique experience, but also an amazing wall. Brighter colors - and go!


  • Each of us has a favorite color that we can look at endlessly. Or the interior greedily asks to complement it with a shade of sea wave or piercing purple. If you carefully look at the photos of designer interiors, you might notice that it is abstract canvases that often play the role of color support. Shall we do the same? We take:

We mentally break the host into several parts and begin to make a color stretch from dark to light. Don't try to get perfect transitions! You can always make the right places darker or lighter by adding paint or water. Acrylic is easy to work with. But it requires speed, as it dries quickly. In a word, to make a picture for the interior with your own hands, as in the next photo, it will take you no more than an hour. All that remains is to choose a frame for the newly-made masterpiece, or leave it in a slightly unfinished form.

"Geometric Patterns"

  • Remember, in the article about we talked about a bedside table, an unusual pattern on which was obtained thanks to masking tape? This picture was created in the same way. Places that should remain white are sketched in with a pencil, and then covered with tape. This technique provides perfectly smooth edges. To get paint streaks in some places, blot the still wet work with a cloth or foam sponge.

"Making a Collage"

Collage is a godsend for those who want to create something absolutely fashionable, bright and eye-catching. Moreover, the creative process itself may not be monotonous, but very impulsive. You can think over the composition and paste the collage on a piece of drawing paper. Or you can buy a large cork board and start collecting your wish card. Such a pattern can always be quickly replayed, so beginners can stop at the second option without fear.

"Photo printing"

If you are planning to make a picture with your own hands in a more complex genre, it is better to turn to the services of printing workshops. Only in this way you can get high-quality prints on any surface. For example, on book pages, as in the illustration below. At first glance, it seems that the drawing was applied with black ink, but in reality, this is a good photo. This is especially true if you are interested in a genre of miniature that you cannot depict yourself.

"Paintings from natural materials"

Of course, natural materials, minimal processing, and all kinds of handicrafts from them bring a very special comfort to our home. Making paintings out of them with your own hands is not only fast, but also very pleasant. In addition, in this way you can bring your interior closer to an eco-friendly style.

They brought shells, pebbles and stars from the sea - and don't know what to do with them? Do not rush to pour into a vase, better stock up:

  1. a set of deep photo frames - determine the depth depending on the size of the shells,
  2. colored blue or blue cardboard,
  3. scissors,
  4. superglue.

The next task is clear without words. As you may have guessed, we cut out squares from cardboard according to the size of the frame. Then we glue the shells on them and insert them inside. Voila - do-it-yourself sea painting is born! If the shades of blue in this room do not suit anything, then you can replace them with any other color.

"Frame without a picture"

Well, if nothing comes to your mind at all - decorate the interior with a picture that does not exist! Yes, yes, oddly enough, frames without pictures have come into fashion again. Decorate it prettier - and go! You can find dozens of frames of different sizes and shapes, and then cover them with paint of the same color, or create one massive and noticeable. To design a frame like in the next photo, you will have to learn how to create - so read our article on this insanely relevant topic.

In an age when all design solutions already seem boring and a little fed up, making a picture with your own hands on the wall means finding an opportunity to stun your guests and make them admire the creation of a talented owner with admiration. However, experts insist that even talent is not strictly required, because the main thing is desire. Everyone has the right to a zest in the interior, and the fact that you can make it yourself allows you to save a lot - it’s even strange that this technique has not yet become universally popular.

The idea of ​​putting pictures on the walls is attractive enough to play a bad joke on the interested person. The owner of the premises, having heard about the unique opportunity to quickly, inexpensively and creatively decorate his home, can take rash steps - for example, make pictures inaccurately or use the first idea that comes across instead of the one that would turn out to be ideal.

You can't do that. Failure in this matter can greatly disappoint an unlucky designer, and it is possible that he is really a talent, he just does not suspect it himself. The idea of ​​a creative work must necessarily be nurtured for a long time - until all the details of its implementation seem obvious, and the idea itself becomes a familiar and integral part of the future implementer.

Remember that masterpieces are created only when the creator has a clear idea of ​​both the work process and the final result.

Methods for making paintings

Once upon a time, paintings meant mainly painting, but if we are talking about a design element for a wall, then there will be much more options. There will be no usual paints applied to paper here - everyone can guess to draw a picture and insert it into a frame. We will try to analyze only those solutions that look fresh, and at the same time they can be made by hand.

Finished fabric paintings

This method does not involve any fine art at all, except, perhaps, the correct compilation. The picture does not have to contain a clear plot and meaning - you can make a chic abstraction by simply hanging three pieces of fabric of the same shape and size stretched on the base next to each other, which would properly harmonize with each other.

If the fabric already contains some images, then this can be used additionally to create some kind of meaningful composition. Making these with your own hands is not at all difficult, here it will be harder to choose a good combination in such a way that it leaves a lasting pleasant impression. You can depart from the triptych proposed above - individual fragments of fabric may have irregular shapes, intertwine or be combined in any other way.

The main feature in creating paintings from fabric is the ability to choose the right combination, in accordance with the rules for combining colors.


This method is fully consistent with the wisdom that everything new is just a well-forgotten old. In the old days, women decorated their homes in this way, but today this tradition has been largely abandoned - and in vain: with proper execution, embroidery looks very attractive. Of course, only a real needlewoman can do such work with her own hands, but literally any plot can be portrayed. If the author also dreams of getting married, then her work, hanging on the wall in a frame, will tell a lot about potential candidates for husbands invited to visit.

Paintings in 3D

And who came up with the idea that the wall should be flat? We propose to make a real three-dimensional image out of it with our own hands, the features of which are conveyed not only by paints, but also by bulges and depressions!

Such work will be more difficult, more time and effort will be spent on its implementation, but the result will definitely be unusual! And you will need to do the following:

  1. On the wall that you plan to decorate in an original way, draw the outlines of the intended pattern with thin pencil lines. It is advisable to immediately evaluate the sketch from different angles of view and from different distances, show it to several people for an objective assessment and immediately correct it if there is constructive criticism.
  2. In an oilcloth bag, collect a sufficient amount of putty and tie a container by making a small hole in it. With an impromptu putty gun, circle the outlines of the drawing so that the drawn lines become convex, thanks to the added layer.
  3. Wait for the material to dry and harden, and then use a small knife to carefully trim the volume contour. If the drawing is complex enough, you can highlight both the contours and the internal details with irregularities.
  4. Since the resulting surface will not only be convex, but also very rough, use sandpaper to achieve smoothness. Do not choose a coarse-grained option - it will only damage the results of creative work. It is best to give preference to the smallest grains used for final grinding.
  5. Mix gouache with liquid PVA glue - so it will be much more resistant and durable. Use a brush to color the image as you intended at the planning stage.
  6. To complete the picture, its borders can be marked with special baguettes, which in this case will play the role of a frame.

colored paper

Such a solution threatens to be short-lived, but it is easy to do it yourself and then periodically renew it, introducing additional elements. The idea is extremely simple - silhouettes are cut out of colored paper according to the template, for example, butterflies, which are freely glued to the wall using ordinary PVA, or simply pinned. Cut out figures can be additionally decorated with intricate patterns. Ideally, the figures should differ in shape and size, and maybe in color. It is best to combine opposite shades, for example, black with white or red with blue.

For the wall near the stairs, figurines imitating a kitten captured in various playful poses on different steps are perfect.

Twine as a tool in the hands of the artist

It's amazing, but you can make beautiful decorations for the interior even from an ordinary rope! Only a gifted person can make such a picture with his own hands - artistic vision and great patience are needed here in order to fix the rope in a vertical position in the required form. You can set the shape in any way - both with hot glue and with hidden thread fasteners. The resulting product is attached to the wall either with the same glue or with hidden studs.

Twine paintings look unusual and stylish, so this wall decor option definitely deserves attention.

Three-dimensional paintings with appliqué elements

You can make a picture with your own hands, which will combine both painting and applicative creativity. For this you need:

The value of this product will be all the higher because, despite the availability and prevalence of all the materials used, not so many people can create such a masterpiece, simple in its genius, with their own hands.

Option for the laziest

In the end, there is a way to create a wall picture that does not require any talent, or any skills, or even effort at all. All that is needed is to find the desired image on the Internet in high resolution and print it on a printer. Next, the resulting printout is inserted into a frame purchased in advance in the store and voila - cheap and cheerful!

From time immemorial, people have tried to decorate their homes, painted animals and their way of life on the stone walls, and made various handicrafts. Modern people are not far from their ancestors, and now we want to decorate our house, and certainly something special, not like everyone else. Our article will talk about one of the interior decoration ideas. It will be about how to create your own hands.

Pictures - decoration of any interior

How long have the paintings existed? As much as there is a person himself. Only their purpose was not always the same. Previously, many thousands of years ago, paintings were a kind of means of transmitting information to future generations. And only after many centuries people began to draw them for pleasure and beauty. Painting has become art.

It is pointless to argue with the fact that the picture is the decoration of any interior. Even the oldest wall will be transformed if you hang a picture on it, and the room will certainly become much more comfortable and nicer. Do you want to learn how to change your home on your own? Painting for the interior with your own hands - that's the answer! You do not need much time, effort and financial costs. If earlier a painting was considered a luxury item, now anyone can make it on their own. How? Read on and be sure to find out! All you need is a little diligence and minimal creativity.

There are many ways to do it yourself. Most of them are related to the creation of three-dimensional flowers. They are very easy to create using the embroidery method and a few bright satin ribbons. It turns out beautiful, bright and individual!

Such a picture can then be placed in an ordinary frame or come up with other ideas for using a three-dimensional pattern with flowers. You just need to apply a little imagination and creativity. For example, if the image is small, then it can even be placed in a photo frame, and then you will have an exotic desktop decor.

Necessary materials

What you need to purchase in order to learn how to create such voluminous

  • Needle with a very wide, large eye.
  • Chalk or pencil for sketching.
  • Material as a canvas on which you will embroider flowers. It can be anything - thick cardboard, velvet paper pasted on the same cardboard. The main thing is that the base of the picture should not be too thick and hard, it should allow the needle with the tape to "pass" through itself. You can use the fabric and hoop, and then glue or stretch the fabric on another suitable base.
  • Scissors.

Preparation: sketch

A painting for the interior, made with your own hands, can become not only a decoration for your own apartment or house, but also a wonderful gift. Where does the creation of the future masterpiece begin? That's right, from the sketch! First of all, you need to understand what nominal bouquet you want to see. In our master class, we will consider the manufacture of tulips. On the prepared canvas, barely noticeably draw the outlines of your bouquet with chalk or pencil. The most important point will be the location of the buds.

Bud embroidery

The sketch is ready. Let's start embroidering buds!

Stem and leaf embroidery

Agree, a picture for the interior, created with your own hands, would be incomplete without stems and leaves. It is them that we will now do, giving the picture a finished look!

Some more interesting ideas

A little higher it was said about how you can create three-dimensional paintings (flowers) with your own hands, namely from satin ribbons. You have learned all the secrets and made sure that there is absolutely nothing complicated about it. This example is just one of the few, it is the tip of the iceberg called "creativity"!

We bring to your attention a few more ideas for creating three-dimensional paintings.

  • bottle caps

    Why throw them away? After all, you can make a picture that is completely different from anything else! And you will be 100% sure that no one else has one like it.

DIY grain paintings - a new fashion trend

Grain paintings are gaining more and more popularity. It's eco-friendly, inexpensive and very interesting! Such a picture will perfectly decorate the interior in a rustic style. All you need is glue, a frame and grains of various varieties.

A great idea would be to create a picture of coffee beans. Making a composition is very easy, even a child can handle it. The grains are attached to the canvas with ordinary glue. Ordinary burlap will be an excellent material for the canvas. In addition, true connoisseurs of this drink will be delighted with the aroma of the created masterpiece! Art and aromatization of the room in one bottle? Easily!

Create, dear readers! Whether it is a painting made of material, satin ribbons, dried flowers or grains, the most important thing will always be that you made it with your own hands! You will always know that this masterpiece is available only in a single copy and your apartment is decorated with an exclusive little thing. Or maybe you come up with something completely new? Who knows! Surprise yourself and your friends, diversify your child's leisure time. Creating three-dimensional paintings is a very interesting activity that can captivate the whole family!

Do you have an empty wall in your house with nothing to hang on? Scarlet cushions on the sofa look lonely and require another bright accent? Just take a canvas and draw a suitable picture!

We live in an era of victorious abstract art, when one would like to say about every second gallery work that even a child can draw it. So why not put aside your fears and forget about realistic art for a while to create your own little masterpiece? Drawing is fun, besides, it is simply impossible to draw an abstract picture badly or incorrectly! All you need is a canvas, paints, courage, a few hours of free time and perhaps a nice group of collaborators to create a unique work of art that is perfect for your interior. This is much more interesting than just buying a poster at IKEA! If you agree with us, we offer you a selection of the best techniques and workshops to create your own painting.

gold and concrete

The most-most favorite color of everyone who undertakes to make a stylish picture with their own hands is gold. You just need to add a little leaf foil or just paint to any, even plain, background. Gold looks good and not too defiant with an uneven gray concrete color.

Photo: Jennifer Flanniganart /

sound waves

Horizontal uneven lines always resemble some kind of graphics or visualization of sound waves, in general, something important, and therefore it is interesting to look at them. To dilute the dull monochrome of the image, you can, as the author of this master class, add a little (or a lot!) Gold.


Have you noticed how beautiful cuts of stones are? This is a drawing with a history, a story about changes in climate, relief, and wildlife. You can create your own beautiful rock pattern: just take a vertical canvas and apply horizontal stripes of different widths and different colors on it. Invite the children to draw with you - let them come up with a story of a fictional world in which such a beautiful cut could appear.

Photo: BrennaGiessen /


Peas are a magical pattern: you can draw it on everything, and it will turn out beautifully. You don't even have to have a brush handy - just make a stamp out of a wine cork or the bottom of a glass. If you take a thicker paint (as in this case), the pattern of the prints will resemble the pattern of corals!

colored peas

If you want something more complicated, then make a print with a colored ornament. In this master class, in order for the peas to be even, they are cut out with a special hole punch, and then glued onto the canvas.


One way to create an abstract drawing is to step back as much as possible and let the paint do the work for you. For example, pour a large blot and then tilt the canvas so that the paint runs picturesquely over it. Such a picture can be made together with the child, you do not even need a brush for this.

Photo: CelineZiangArt /


Checked: any abstract spots look cooler if their edges are very even. Such a contrast effect can be obtained by painting through a stencil, or by pre-reserving part of the canvas with masking tape, or by applying white borders with a stencil later, as in this master class.


Make squiggles of any color on a canvas of any color, inspired by famous works, or relying only on your own inspiration - there are no borders and laws, doodle art is a very democratic direction! You can, like blogger Michel, create many layers, achieving complex textures, or you can paint with pure color on white. The main thing is to relax your hand and not forget that this is pampering, and you can always paint over an unsuccessful option.

Color swatches

Paintings with careless horizontal lines look like they are a sample of colors from the table of a Pantone employee or a fashion makeup artist's palette. The secret to success here, as blogger Julia demonstrates, is to leave enough white space and apply the paint in one stroke. Colors can be anything.


Gradient, or ombre, is a very simple and very beautiful effect. You don't even need a master class to repeat it. Two paints - basic and white, brush or roller, five minutes of your time, and the picture is ready. A great solution if your bright apartment has a bright accessory that needs color support.


There is nothing easier than to make a print in avant-garde style. Draw straight lines with scotch tape like in this tutorial and use bright paint straight from the can. The only advice - do not be too lazy to make a few sketches in advance.


The most budgetary paintings do not even require the purchase of brushes: just take the first object that comes to hand and use it as a stamp. You will be surprised what a stylish thing you can draw with an ordinary glass!


And the last idea of ​​the painting for today is an impressionistic canvas painted in large strokes. Artist Ashley Sturgill shows you how to paint a vibrant painting with gold accents.

Get inspired and experiment, and we will help you with this!

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