Delphic oracle divination will call or not. Oracle of Delphi and ancient Greek soothsayer Pythia


Each of us wants to look into our future, and sometimes find out the present - what is hidden from our eyes.

This has always been the case, and in ancient times, even before the advent of writing, people began to use symbols and signs to predict their own future. Of course, much has changed today, you can tell fortunes online, it is so accessible that many have ceased to trust predictions.

But everyone has heard about the Delphic Oracle - a system of divination that has come down to our times from antiquity and appeared even before our era.

The oracle is exactly a system, and it is based on card layouts. And if at the time of the creation and heyday of this oracle there were soothsayers who used other methods, then in our time the system has adapted and become simpler and more accessible.

This does not mean that the Delphic oracle today and then are different things. The essence remains the same, only its forms have changed.

So, for example, Delphic divination, like many other predictions, is available online. It's free, easy and allows you to guess at any time.

But many understand that online fortune-telling is far from the truth, because they do not have the main component - energy. And without it, not a single mystical process is genuine, and it is impossible to expect reliable answers from online divination.

How to guess?

It's simple and interesting - the Delphic oracle offers divination on playing cards, which are easy to buy for this purpose. You will remember the meanings of each card when you start practicing predictions, and at first you can open it online or simply print out a list of values ​​and use it like a cheat sheet. The layouts themselves are varied, choose those that are most relevant to you.

two rings

Two rings - a wonderful layout on playing cards that will help you find out the thoughts of a loved one or someone you are simply interested in. Shuffle your deck and then lay out the cards in this way: six in a circle, and the seventh in the center. You will get three cards in a semicircle on the right, three on the left, and one in the center.

  • So, the three on the left are the thoughts, feelings and events in the life of the person you are guessing at.
  • Three on the right are your thoughts and events that lie ahead of you.
  • And the middle one is the result, the result, the joint future and the main event that will affect the fate and relationship with this partner.

The meanings of the cards are standard, but be able to read them correctly. For example, if a ten falls in the left row, we read - this means the road. This may mean that the partner is on his way somewhere, or he wants to invite you somewhere.

guiding thread

This is a prediction on the cards, which is popular online, but much more reliable in live form. Moreover, it is simple and fast.

Shuffle the deck and lay out five cards on the table: one, then to the right and above - two, even to the right and above - two more.

  • The first, topmost, are important events in the present.
  • Next two - the near future,
  • And the last two are the result, that is, how this life stage will end or how the situation that excites you and is relevant to you will be resolved.

By name

A wonderful fortune-telling for a person you are interested in is by his name. Write down the name of the person on paper, and then count all the letters. If there are less than 36 of them, start guessing, if there are more, add the numbers again.

So, you have a number and a deck in your hands. Start randomly pulling out cards from it and counting - the first, second, third, until you pull out the one corresponding to the number that you got. You need to interpret this symbol - this is the answer to what awaits you with this person, what events will affect the relationship, or, what is important, in your common destiny.

Answer to any question

There is a good, unusual fortune-telling on the cards, which will help in any matter. You can find out if your partner loves you, if your ex will return, if there will be success in business - in general, anything.

Take out cards randomly from the deck, and put them in this order: four on top, three more below them, two below, and one last one even lower.

  • The top four symbols are you, your thoughts, anxieties, potential and opportunities in the matter that worries you. Your present.
  • Three from the bottom are the thoughts and actions of a partner, if you are guessing at a person, or third-party events that are not dependent on you, if you are guessing at a situation.
  • The two symbols below are very important, they are your advice on what you need to do to make things your way.
  • And the last card is the outcome and the possible result.

The Delphic oracle is an extensive, large and multifaceted system from which you can choose the most accessible, simple and truthful card fortune-telling for any occasion. Choose for yourself the type of predictions that will be pleasant, understandable and simple for you, and use it to your heart's content.

Remember that predictions only help, point the way and give advice, but they should not decide your fate for you! Author: Vasilina Serova

Online divination on the Mirror Oracle

An interesting deck of cards that surprisingly reflects the most subtle facets of the fortuneteller's personality psychology and at the same time, this deck is full of life, joy and magic, which we sometimes lack in everyday life. The mirror oracle quite accurately answers the deepest spiritual questions, helps to understand oneself, find out the causes of problems, and also gives understanding and enlightenment to those who are looking for themselves, their Path.

Fortune telling on the Mirror Oracle - What is really happening? This universal alignment is very effective in the case when you cannot give an accurate assessment of the events taking place, because you do not understand where and how to look for the truth, what are the root causes of the current situation, what are the influences from outside and inside, what is the subjective and objective assessment of what is happening, and also - how events will develop in the future

Fortune telling on the Mirror Oracle - Analysis of professional activity. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what from the past affects the situation in professional activity, how this situation looks at the moment, what changes can happen and what they will bring to you

Fortune telling on the Mirror Oracle - A novel on the Internet. This alignment will help you find out what impression you make on the person of interest, what you don’t know about him, what is the degree of your compatibility, what a real meeting will bring you, how it can affect your relationship

Fortune telling on the Mirror Oracle - Is he free? This alignment will help you find out if there is a possibility of a relationship with a person of interest, what obstacles, problems, influences stand in the way of the relationship, which positively affects the relationship, and also whether you will be happy with this person

Fortune telling on the Mirror Oracle - What's wrong? This simple, but at the same time quite accurate alignment, which will show what your heart is worried about, how your loved one treats you and what the oracle advises you about this situation

Fortune telling on a mirror oracle - a gift from Santa Claus. This fascinating alignment will show what surprises the New Year has in store for you in the most important areas of life; love, work, finances, health, relationships with loved ones

Fortune telling on a mirror oracle - New Year's wish. This fortune-telling will help you determine which wish is best on New Year's Eve; will it come true, what will it bring, how will your life change after the fulfillment of desire

Fortune telling on the Mirror Oracle - Gift. This fortune-telling can be applied in a situation where you do not know what to give. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what area the gift should belong to, what functions it should perform, what qualities it should have, and what it will bring to the person to whom you are going to give it.

Fortune telling on the Mirror Oracle - Winter Solstice. This alignment is applied on or before the winter solstice and shows what you have not yet learned from the previous cycle, what events and situations you are rushing, what can bring you profit, good luck, and what you should already omit.

Fortune telling on a mirror oracle - Who are you in my fate? This layout will show why the person of interest came into your life, what lesson or experience you can get from this meeting, how long this person will remain in your life, how you should behave with him and what is the prospect of your communication

Fortune telling on the Mirror Oracle - Treasure Map. This spread will show your financial situation at the moment, your attitude towards money, potential in the financial sector, the changes that the coming year will bring, positive and negative influences, what will be the main source of income in the coming year, a possible source of financial problems in the coming year, and as well as the financial results of the year.

Fortune telling on the Mirror Oracle - Shopaholic Syndrome. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out where the money is actually spent, whether these expenses are necessary, how to limit yourself, what to exclude from spending, whether you have a chance to become richer, and also where to get additional income.

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Fortune telling on a mirror oracle - Why did everything go wrong? This fortune-telling is used in the case when it is not possible to achieve the goal. With the help of this alignment, you will find out what the defeat is, what aspects you have not yet realized, what you deny, what played a key role in the current situation, what lesson you need to learn

Fortune telling on the Mirror Oracle - Love at a distance. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out how your loved one perceives these relationships, what face-to-face meetings with you are for him, what virtual meetings mean for him, how he spends his free time, how he tolerates separation

Fortune telling on a mirror oracle - Probability of marriage. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out how others perceive you, how you feel about yourself, what you can be in family relationships, how you imagine your life partner, what you need to do to meet your other half, and also what is the probability of marriage in a dreamed term

Fortune telling on a mirror oracle - Crescent. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will learn about compatibility with the person of interest; in the material, emotional sphere, outlook on life, attitudes towards marriage, health and physical labor, as well as a commonality of views and interests

Fortune telling on a mirror oracle - On a kindred spirit. This alignment will show you how to contact your soul mate, whether your soul mate is in the physical world, what to do so that your soul mate enters your life, whether there will be harmony and prosperity between you, what changes you need to make in anticipation of a soul mate

Fortune telling on the Mirror Oracle - Prospects for dating. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what the person of interest is, what are his intentions towards you, what this acquaintance can lead to, what is the advice for you, and also - a possible outcome if you follow the advice

Fortune telling on a mirror oracle - Work and finance. With the help of this divination, you will find out what affects your financial situation at the moment, what could have caused it in the past, what your financial situation really looks like, what you can achieve if you make an effort.

Fortune telling on the Mirror Oracle - Deal. With the help of this divination, you will find out how circumstances will develop regarding an exciting business transaction; how things are now, what you will come to as a result, as well as advice from the cards on how best to proceed

Fortune telling on a mirror oracle - Whisper of the Universe. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out how your situation really looks, what higher powers are trying to warn you about, what others are trying to convey to you, what your subconscious mind is telling you, what you need to listen to

Fortune telling on the Mirror Oracle - Celtic Cross. This fortune-telling is intended to analyze an exciting situation or problem. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what is at the heart of the situation, what stops the problem, what you can get, what is the current state of affairs, what awaits you in the near future, how you behave and feel in this situation, what are your fears and hopes, and Also, how does it all end?

The Delphic oracle is one of the most famous mystical phenomena of antiquity. This phrase is usually understood as the place of divination - the temple of Apollo in the Greek city of Delphi, and the soothsayer himself, or rather, the soothsayer, the priestess-Pythia. In addition, sometimes called the Delphic oracle and divination by Tarot cards.

Oracles in Ancient Greece

In ancient times, it was common practice to turn to the messengers of the gods in search of a solution to a difficult situation. At some temples, specially trained priests lived, whom we now call oracles - from the Latin word ōrāre "to speak." The Greek word for predictor of the future is chrysmos.

Most often, the oracles were men, and only in Delphi did a priestess prophesy. Conversion to the temple was available only to wealthy people, and ordinary people were content with the predictions of wandering soothsayers. The oracle's predictions also stood apart from other types of fortune-telling - through the intermediary priest, the gods gave a direct answer to the question asked, and did not send a sign that required a solution, as in mantic fortune-telling.

Temple of the Delphic Oracle

The Temple of Apollo at Delphi became the home of the most powerful forces for interpreting the future. Pythia's predictions from the temple were considered the most correct and accurate, which brought more and more new visitors here.

It is believed that originally on the sacred Mount Parnassus, on the site of the temple dedicated to Apollo, there was a sanctuary of the goddess Gaia. The personification of Earth and Nature, Gaia belonged to those ancient and chaotic gods who were destined to give way to an orderly pantheon of young Olympian gods. With this transition from the worship of chaotic forces to the bright cult of Apollo, the legend of the emergence of the Delphic temple is connected. Before founding his own temple, Apollo killed the guardian of the sanctuary of Gaia - the underground dragon Python (hence the name of the Pythian priestess).

Apollo then needed priests for a new temple. Turning into a dolphin, he rushed into the sea and caught up with a Cretan ship passing nearby. Apollo told the sailors about the new sanctuary and they turned towards Mount Parnassus. These sailors became the first priests in the Delphic temple, which was named after the appearance of Apollo in the form of a dolphin. And the first Pythian priestess, according to legend, was Femonoia, the daughter of Apollo. She is credited with the invention of the poetic size of the hexameter - the very one with which Homer's Iliad and Odyssey were written.

Real story

Myths and legends reflect the real history of the Delphic oracle, divination and the temple. Apparently, there really was a sanctuary at this place even before the arrival of Greek culture to these lands. It is believed that the temple was founded in the 9th-8th centuries BC, and its heyday fell on the 7th-5th centuries BC. e. The temple building was rebuilt several times, the current ruins are the remains of a building from the 4th century BC. The temple ended its existence in the 4th century AD, when the Roman emperor Theodosius, who revered the Christian faith, ordered to close it as a stronghold of paganism.

Pythian priestess cult

It is not known exactly how the main protagonist of the Delphic oracle, the Pythian priestess, was chosen. Initially, it was a chaste young girl leading a righteous life. Having entered the rights of a priestess, she bequeathed her life to Apollo and could not have a husband and family. True, history mentions a case when a man who came to ask for advice from the gods was inflamed with passion for a young and beautiful priestess and kidnapped her. After that, the priestesses were already elected from adult women, aged 50 years and older, but they were dressed up in clothes that rely on young maidens in order to pay tribute to tradition. The Pythia could also be chosen from among married women - then she left family life and devoted herself completely to God.

Divination Ritual

The process of divination in the temple of Apollo was not just fortune-telling: the Delphic oracle required the observance of the ritual both from the priestess herself and from the one asking. Anyone who intended to ask the gods for advice had to first undergo purification (be clean physically and spiritually), make some sacrifice to the gods and a certain payment to the priests. Initially, one could only ask once a year on Apollo's birthday. As the popularity of the temple grew, pilgrims were received every month.

Before the ritual, the priestess herself had to undergo a bathing ceremony in the Castal spring near the temple and put on golden clothes, and put on her head a wreath of laurel branches - a plant that was considered a symbol of Apollo. Immediately before the prediction, the priestess chewed laurel and drank water from the spring. Then she walked inside the temple, where the most interesting began.

It was believed that the priestess received the opportunity to interpret the future thanks to miraculous vapors rising from the ground. The temple was located directly above the cleft - there was a crack in the floor, from where mysterious vapors rose. The testimonies of contemporaries of the Delphic oracle diverge: some indicate that the priestess, inhaling the vapors, was in a semi-mad state. While in this trance, she muttered indistinct words and sentences, which were interpreted by other priests. Others argue that the priestess retained her common sense and herself answered the questioner to his request. What is interesting: no traces of cracks in the floor on the modern ruins of the Delphic temple have been preserved.

Be that as it may, there is much evidence of the accuracy of the Pythian answers. In search of clues, many famous figures of antiquity visited here - King Croesus and the father of Alexander the Great, King Philip, came to the Delphic oracle to guess the fate.

Not only an oracle: Delphi as the center of the world

The Delphic temple was known not only as the abode of the fortune teller of the future. According to legend, it was here that the center of the then world was located, simply called the Navel of the Earth. In fact, the Navel of the Earth was called not just a place, but a specific object - Omphalus, a large stone, which, according to legend, Zeus threw to Earth in the place where two eagles flying from different parts of the world collided. According to another version, Omphale was the very stone that was swallowed instead of the baby Zeus by his father, Kronos, who ate his children because of the prophecy that one of them was destined to take away his power over the world and other gods. The omfal stone was kept inside the temple, and on the sides of it were two golden eagles - two statues reminiscent of the origin of the shrine.

In a sense, Delphi really became the center of ancient Greece. The priests of the Delphic oracle were an influential force - even statesmen came here to ask for advice before important political and economic decisions. Many threads of social control were concentrated in the hands of the priests - nothing prevented them from interpreting the will of the gods according to their own desires. Ancient historians give several well-known examples of false prophecies made for the selfish purposes of the priests. True, they also testify that the gods do not tolerate deceit, and for all participants, such transactions ended in misfortunes up to death.

Pythian games

The city of Delphi also went down in history as the venue for the so-called Pythian Games. In addition to the Olympic, in Hellas there were three more similar all-Greek competitions held every four years - the Pythian, Isthmian and Nemean games. The Pythian were the second most important after the Olympian and were held a year before the latter. It was believed that Apollo himself established these games after defeating the dragon Pythia. This event was reminded of this event before each game by a theatrical performance, symbolically depicting the victory of Apollo over the chthonic forces in the face of a serpent.

Tarot spread “Delphic Oracle”

The fame of the soothsayers from Delphi continues to this day. Often a common three-card Tarot spread is called the Delphic Oracle (as it is on playing cards). Most likely, this name arose due to the simplicity and accuracy of this layout. It contains only three cards drawn in turn, symbolizing:

  • the situation regarding your question, which has developed at the moment;
  • what to do to get out of this situation;
  • what will be the development of events in the future.

Some practitioners recommend removing minor arcana from the Tarot deck to make divination even more accurate. If you use the “Delphic Oracle” divination on playing cards, then, of course, you will need a full deck, since the number of interpretations of a regular deck is not as extensive as in the case of Tarot cards.

Other fortune-telling: how they predicted fate in ancient Greece

In ancient times, various magical practices occupied an honorable place in daily life. Other methods of predicting the future that spread throughout the ancient world competed with the Delphic oracle: divination by the behavior of birds, on the insides of animals, the interpretation of dreams, lines on the hand, and, after all, astrology.

Each type of prediction of the future eventually had its own name, most often borrowed from the Latin language (in fact, like the name “Delphic Oracle”). Fortune telling on an egg, for example, was called oomancy or ovomancy. Fortune telling by the behavior of birds - auspices. And people who predicted the future from the insides of sacrificial animals began to be called haruspices.

Modern oracles

In a modern interpretation, the word "oracle" is often used for any predictive system, be it online fortune telling or fortune telling on playing cards. The Delphic oracle in this regard can be considered a kind of symbol of the role of predictions in human life.

Often an oracle is called a deck of cards, in which a ready-made prediction is already written on each card. In some ways, you can catch the similarity with the Delphic oracle: you can guess on such a deck without the ability to interpret the cards. As if you come to the temple and the gods communicate their will to you through the mouth of the Pythian priestess.

The cuisine of the freely revived Delphic Oracle is food for your soul! When you reject bad thoughts and turn to your heart, you will not become a servant of others, but a master of yourself.

There is no reading of the future or the past, the answer dictates the present moment and its possibilities. The soul has a healing message, warning, advice. Don't be afraid to get any answer.

In the end, there is no yes or no: agreement in one is a refusal to another, and vice versa. Everything here is true, and here everything is false at the same time. Only the choice between them decides everything.

Let nothing gnaw at you, seize the moment. Know yourself in everything that happens.

Think of your question!

Hints to the texts of the Delphic Dumpling

Varenik's answers are divided into 6 cycles.

1 cycle associated with skill, if you meet such words: "master", "genius" - this is an indication that, thanks to the events you are asking about, you can improve your experience, get a powerful impetus for change. Events that occur invite or push you towards self-realization or the fulfillment of your destiny.

Cycle names: Effort, Patience, Control, Love, Development, Relief, Merit.

2 cycle associated with Obstacles which it is important to learn to overcome without shying away from personal responsibility. The answers of the cycle are associated with the passage of barriers and limiting states or events, due to which you can hit the bottom if you give up, or strengthen your character and reveal your strength.

Loop responses: Quarrel, Enemy, Luck, Past, Parting, Struggle, Obstacle, Loss, Deception.

3 cycle is called Dream, and is associated with undertakings, ideas, adventures, travel. Mostly the responses of the cycle are motivating or encouraging. If you meet the words: guiding star, angel, inspiration, help, advice - this is a call to ensure that you do not stop hoping for the best and believe in yourself in the given question.

Loop responses: Beginning, Journey, Help, Advice, Honors.

4 cycle associated with Society: order, rules, permissions or prohibitions, which often form certain stereotypes and reactions, and require stereotyped behavior from you, while the way out often lies outside the options provided and is associated with your personal creativity and awareness of your freedom, uniqueness. It is also the influence of your environment on the question.

Loop responses: Patron, Woman, Child, Family, Law, Conversation, Seclusion, Power, Passion, Mistake, Victim.

5 cycle symbolizes fate- events of an irreversible, unpredictable nature, which often occur unexpectedly, take by surprise and leave behind a rich life experience. This includes both positive and negative responses that indicate gifts worth accepting or wounds that need to be healed in relation to the question being asked.

Cycle names: Loss, Despair, Loss, Fate, Knowledge, Gift, News, Completion.

6 cycle Personality associated with your personal priorities, abilities and opportunities that are worth realizing, developing, applying or learning to control. The cycle also indicates the months of the year, by which you can determine the time of the execution of the event, as well as understand what mood is important or necessary in your situation.

Cycle names: Healing, Strength, Friend, Money, Success, Intuition, Reason, Weakness, Spontaneity, Achievement, Opportunities, Emotions.

Coming soon new project!

The desire to know one's future was always present, there was a place for solitary fortune-tellers, and for entire temples. Now the Delphic oracle is a phraseological unit, and in ancient Greece this phrase meant a place where you could ask a question and get a prediction.

What is the Delphic Oracle?

The goddess Gaia was the owner of the oracle, which was guarded by the dragon Python. The building was inherited first by Themis, and then by Phoebe, who passed it on to Apollo. The grandson learned the art of divination under the guidance of Pan, arrived at the oracle and became its sole owner, having killed the dragon. After that, he only had to find priests for his institution, turning into a dolphin and telling the sailors of the ship he met about their destiny. The sailors went to Parnassus and built the Delphic oracle, named after the image in which Apollo appeared to them.

Such serious mythical support helped the servants of the radiant god gain popularity and weight in society. The temple became popular, its decoration was striking in its richness - there was no shortage of golden bowls and other attributes. In the ancient world, the Delphic Oracle is not only a holy place with professional soothsayers, but also a political center. Both commanders and merchants wanted to get approval for their plans, so both military and trade flows were in the hands of the priests.

Oracle of Delphi - history

Conducted archaeological research proved that the origins of the sanctuary go back to the pre-Greek era. Historians find it difficult to name the exact date of foundation, it is believed that the oracle in Delphi appeared between the 10-9th century BC. In the 7th century a stone temple was built, which burned down in 548 BC and was replaced by a magnificent building in the Dorian style. It existed for 175 years before the earthquake, a new oracle was built between 369 and 339 BC, its ruins are now being studied by researchers. The best period fell on the 7th-5th centuries BC. e., the temple was finally closed in 279 AD.

Priestess of the Delphic Oracle

At first, divinations were given only on Apollo's birthday, then on the 7th of each month, and then every day. Everyone was allowed into the temple of the Delphic oracle, except for criminals. Before addressing the question, it was necessary to undergo a purification procedure. Pythia gave predictions, and they were interpreted by priests. Any woman, even a married woman, could become a Pythia, but after taking the priesthood, she was required to be chaste and devoted to Apollo. Before work, the priestess bathed in the spring and put on gold-woven clothes.

The Delphic oracle was supplied with narcotic substances that Pythia inhaled to immerse herself in the future. In ecstasy, she could not speak clearly, so she needed an interpreter who could give meaning to all the spoken phrases. The ancient authors were able to record many prophecies, some were specific, while others were figurative.

Oracle of Delphi and Socrates

Buildings in ancient times acquired inscriptions on the walls, the oracle of Apollo at Delphi could boast of the saying “know thyself”. Authorship was attributed to various sages, Plato argued that seven thinkers presented the phrase as a gift to the radiant god. And Socrates said that these words led him to the path of philosophical research, the result of which was the conclusion about the identity between man and the soul, he calls the body an instrument. Therefore, in the process, you should examine your soul.

Delphic oracle - predictions

Not every prophecy has gone down in history; the following are widely known.

  1. By crossing the river Halys, you will destroy the great kingdom . This forecast was received by Croesus during the war with Persia. He destroyed the kingdom, but his own, and the priests, in response to indignation, answered that the name of the victorious state was not in the prophecy.
  2. Fight with silver spears . The oracle of Delphi predicted Philip of Macedon victory in any battle with such tactics. He was one of the first to mint gold coins, which opened the gates of every Greek fortress that was considered impregnable.

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