Demonstration options for the OGE in the Russian language (Grade 9). Oge in Russian


GIA in Russian, grade 9 with answers.

GIA in Russian for grade 9 with answers.

Part 1.

Listen to the text and do task C1.

Listening text.

Not so long ago, scientists believed that success in life is directly related to our intellectual abilities. The more a person knows and knows how, the more likely it is that he will achieve a lot in life.
However, it turns out that future professional prospects are determined not only by the volume and quality of everything that we managed to learn in school. According to modern scientists, a head filled with knowledge is not yet a salvation from serious life failures and failures. The intellectual abilities and skills necessary for subsequent work are just the foundation, the foundation. On this foundation, the building of professional success can only be built if a person has certain personal qualities.
And one of these most important qualities is the ability to understand others, feel their mood, empathize with them. Through empathy, a person feels his involvement in those who live next to him, participates in what is happening around him. Therefore, having the ability to understand, feel and empathize, a person will be able to maintain harmonious relations with the world, which means he will be able to succeed in this world.
How to develop this ability? Psychologists have come to the conclusion that the perception of art, in particular, can help this. A person who enjoys picturesque or sculptural images, feels the beauty of a verse or melody, feels the rhythm of a pattern - such a person is capable of emotional experience necessary for life. And that these experiences are vital, scientists do not doubt. You just need to be able to feel. And through the perception of art, we ennoble our feelings, educate them. Cinema, theater, music - everything enriches the personality, because thanks to the perception of any kind of art, we develop the so-called emotional intelligence, that is, the optimal combination of the emotional and intellectual abilities of our personality.

Listen to the text and write a concise summary. Please note that you must convey the main content of both each microtopic and the entire text as a whole. The volume of presentation is not less than 90 words.

Part 2.

Read the text and complete tasks A1-A7.

(1). Kintel saw the little violinist on the last day of August, when he was walking to the market for potatoes.
(2). First he heard music.
(3). At the fence of an abandoned construction site, about fifteen guys and adults stood in a semicircle.
(4). And against the background of dark and torn posters, a girl played the violin.
(5). The same age as Kintel.
(6). She was thin, snub-nosed, with short and disheveled hair, like a boy's.
(7). She swayed on her tanned legs, as if on stalks, looked thoughtfully past the people and moved her bow.
(8). At the girl's feet, in dusty plantains, lay a violin case, in its open lid a sheet of paper was white.
(9). On it was written:
(10). "I make money on the violin."
(eleven). Probably, the girl's current violin was someone else's.
(12). Or not very good.
(13). But even on it the girl played delightfully.
(14). At least, the sad and bright music captured Kintel immediately, and the girl herself too.
(15). Kintel looked at the young violinist, and his heart sank in sweet anguish.
(16). There was something surprisingly sweet in this violin melody and in the one who played it - in quick thin fingers, in the trembling of hair, in thoughtful eyes and stern eyebrows.
(17). And there was also a trusting defenselessness and loneliness in the girl.
(18). And there were people around.
(19). People listened attentively, and there were already quite a few crumpled pieces of paper in the violin case.
(20). Kintel had in his pocket only the money that his grandfather gave and which could only be spent on potatoes.
(21). And if he had his own money - at least a hundred rubles! - he would immediately put them in a case, at the girl's feet.
(22). Although... would he dare?
(23). Everyone would immediately start looking at him.
(24). And she would have looked - at the awkward, shorn by a prisoner's hedgehog, in a wrinkled, knotted shirt at the belly ...
(25). He's already been standing here for probably half an hour, so everyone, of course, guessed his fascination...
(26). Kintel backed away, feeling his ears and cheeks fill with warmth.
(27). And he walked and walked, not daring to look back.
(28). And for a long time I heard the violin ...
(According to V. Krapivin).

Complete tasks A1-A7 based on the analysis of the content of the read text.
For each task A1-A7, 4 answers are given, of which only one is correct.

A1. Which of the following statements answers the question:
“Why was the hero immediately “captured” by a little violinist?”

1) The girl who played the violin had an unusual appearance.
2) The girl aroused sympathy in the hero, first of all, because she knew how to earn money herself.
3) The girl seemed to the hero defenseless and at the same time independent, deep.
4) The girl did not pay attention to the hero, and this hurt him and aroused interest in her.

A2. Why did the hero think that "the girl played amazingly"?

1) The girl played confidently and loudly, although she had a strange or bad violin in her hands.
2) The hero was influenced by the fact that many stopped to listen to the girl play.
3) People will not pay money for a bad game, and the girl was given a lot of money.
4) The girl knew how to put her soul into the melody, as if merging with the music into a single whole.

A3. How does the information contained in sentences 20-21 characterize the hero?

1) Kintel was a prudent person who knew how to spend money economically.
2) Kintel was a responsible person, but at the same time he was capable of spiritual impulses.
3) Kintel knew how to find an excuse for himself in a difficult situation.
4) Kintel did not understand anything in music and therefore was ready to pay a lot of money for the girl's game.

A4. Indicate the meaning in which the word "fascinated" is used in the text (sentence 25).

1) charm
2) witchcraft
3) love
4) immobility

A5. In which answer option is the content of the second sentence opposed to the content of the first?

1) (1) Kintel saw a little violinist on the last day of August, when he was walking to the market for potatoes.
(2) First he heard the music.
2) (11) Probably, the girl's current violin was someone else's.
(13) But even on it the girl played delightfully.
3) (17) And there was trusting defenselessness and loneliness in the girl.
(18) And people were standing around.
4) (23) Everyone would immediately start looking at him.
(24) And she would look - at the awkward, shorn by a prisoner's hedgehog, in mint,
a knot on the belly of a tied shirt ...

A6. Choose the correct continuation of the answer to the question: “Why do the author and the hero call the violinist not “girl”, not “girl”, but “girl”? This wording says...

1) about the pity of the author and the hero for the little violinist.
2) about the lack of genuine sympathy of the author and the hero for the young violinist.
3) about the condescending attitude of the author and the hero to the poor street violinist.
4) about the serious and respectful attitude of the author and the hero to the violinist.

A7. Point out the sentence that contains the metaphor.

1) She swayed on tanned legs, as if on stalks, looked thoughtfully past the people and led the bow.
2) At least, sad and bright music captured Kintel immediately, and the girl herself too.
3) There was something surprisingly sweet in this violin melody and in the one who played it - in quick thin fingers, in the trembling of hair, in thoughtful eyes and stern eyebrows.
4) And if he had his own money - at least a hundred rubles! - he would immediately put them in a case, at the girl's feet.

Complete tasks B1-B14 based on the text you have read.

IN 1. Replace the word PAPER from sentence 19 with a synonym for official business or scientific style. Write this synonym.

AT 2. From sentences 6-7 write out a word with an alternating unstressed vowel in the root.

AT 3. From sentences 6-10, write out a word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the deafness / sonority of the sound indicated by the letter following the prefix.

AT 4. In sentences 24-25, find a word in which the spelling HH is determined by the rule: "If there are dependent words with an adjective formed from an imperfective verb, then this adjective turns into a participle and HH is written in its suffix." Write down the found participle with the dependent word.

AT 5. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas in the clarifying circumstance. She swayed on tanned legs, (1) as if on stalks, (2) looked thoughtfully past the people and led the bow. At the girl's feet, (3) in dusty plantains, (4) lay a violin case, (5) a paper sheet was white in its open lid.

AT 6. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas between parts of a compound sentence. At least (1) Kintel was captured by sad and bright music immediately, (2) the girl herself too. Kintel looked at the young violinist, (3) and his heart sank in sweet anguish.

AT 7. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas between parts of a complex sentence. He is already standing here, (1) probably (2) half an hour, (3) therefore everyone, (4) of course, (5) guessed his fascination ... Kintel backed away, (6) feeling, (7) how ears and cheeks fill with warmth.

AT 8. Replace the phrase listened carefully (sentence 19), built on the basis of adjacency, with a synonymous phrase with the connection control. Write the resulting phrase.

AT 9. Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 23.

Part 3

Using the read text of part 2, complete only one of the tasks: C2.1 or C2.2.

Read the opinion of Anton and Kirill on the role of punctuation marks1 in writing.

Help Anton prove his point. Write an essay-reasoning: “Why do we need punctuation marks?” Thinking over the answer to the question, read again the text of V. Krapivin. Give 2 examples from the read text illustrating the different functions of punctuation marks. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

You can write a work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic only on linguistic material and / or in general cultural terms. You can start an essay with a phrase belonging to Anton, or with your own statement. You can write work on your own behalf or on behalf of Anton.

Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the final text: “Kintel backed away, feeling his ears and cheeks fill with warmth. And he walked and walked, not daring to look back. And for a long time I heard the violin ... "

In your essay, give two arguments from the read text that confirm your reasoning. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.
The essay must be at least 50 words.

GIA or the state final certification in the Russian language refers to the mandatory examination procedure for ninth grade students.

Taking into account all the shortcomings of the previous examinations, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation made adjustments to the content of the GIA project. In 2018 it is planned to increase the number of disciplines for mandatory examination up to four. Two of them - Russian and mathematics - are passed by everyone without exception, and the remaining two can be chosen at will.

Discussions are still underway to introduce four subjects as compulsory examinations, as this will create additional workload for students and may lead to a deterioration in the level of knowledge gained and a decrease in the motivation of the students themselves.

Representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation also reported that the issue is being considered to gradually increase the number of exams taken to six items. Innovations are also expected in the form of systematic tests at the federal level, which will help students prepare for certification.

The changes will also affect the number of retakes. Next year, students will have the opportunity three times retake the exam if you fail. It will be allowed to retake even those subjects, the assessment of which is “Satisfactory”.

It is also worth noting that in 2018 the revised order will apply. Schoolchildren will have the opportunity to take the GIA throughout the year.

The examination process in the Russian language will remain the same. At the first stage admission to state certification will be carried out in the form of an essay or presentation, and on the second- Examination itself.

In the future, it is planned to draw up a unified federal scale of passing points, which will help to objectively evaluate the work performed.

The structure of the tasks of the GIA 2018 in the Russian language

Russian language testing within the GIA in 2018 is presented in three parts. In the first part there was a task to complete a short presentation on the read text. The main requirement is to preserve the idea of ​​the original. The second part contains tasks that require a short answer to the proposed questions. By doing third part work, the student had to write a short essay on the given text.

In the first and third the task was checked spelling, punctuation, grammar. Both the presentation and the essay were checked for speech errors.

Changes in the structure of the GIA in 2018 are not expected. There were rumors about the introduction of the oral part, but the adoption of such a decision has been postponed.

In 2018 the number of tasks is not planned to be changed, their number will be 15 , as well as the maximum possible score for completing these tasks - 39 .

Statement of GIA 2018

The presentation in the GIA allows not only to check the student's literacy and his ability to use punctuation marks, but also how much he has learned to build sentences and compose speech structures.

The main requirements for the presentation of the GIA organizers are as follows:

  • the text of the presentation should be narrative, not descriptive or judicious;
  • the presence of semantic completeness in the work is necessary;
  • the presentation should not contain any details traumatizing the psyche;
  • workload should not exceed 450 words and be less 150.

Schoolchildren usually make standard mistakes when completing a task, namely, the main idea of ​​the read text is not fully described, they use more reasonable constructions than narrative ones. Make spelling and punctuation errors.

When evaluating the work, first of all, the content of the work and its logical construction are taken into account.

GIA essay 2018

Essay on the Russian language is reintroduced into the State Academic Examination in the Russian language 2018 with the aim of allowing children to develop thinking and be able to properly put thoughts into words.

An essay-reasoning must be written on the topic of the presented text. That is, the student will be required to read the presented passage of the text and build their work on it. The essay template should be standard.

It is worth starting work with an introduction, which should contain a certain thesis, which the student must prove. Arguments are given in the main part of the work. The conclusion includes a conclusion on everything written.

The amount of work is quite small, so the text should be concise and clearly structured. It is absolutely not necessary to use retelling and excessive, completely unnecessary, information in the work on the essay.

The main mistakes of schoolchildren are that the main problem of the topic is incorrectly defined. From here comes a further mistake - the wrong arguments are given, and as a result, the wrong conclusion is made.

Many ninth graders make mistakes in summarizing. They write another paragraph, although the conclusion should summarize all the information previously presented.

Categories of those who pass the GIA in the Russian language

The state final certification can be passed by all students of the ninth grade who have marks in all disciplines of the basic school curriculum not lower than triplets. Also, students who have only one unsatisfactory mark in the subject that will be taken to the GIA can apply for participation in the GIA.

In addition, students of previous years who have not received a certificate are allowed to pass the state certification.

Examinations in the Russian language in 2018 will be held ahead of schedule 25th of April, in the main period - May 29 and in the additional period, for those students who would like to pass the exam for a higher mark - 4 September.

How to become a member of the GIA 2018

In order to become a participant in state certification, a student must 1st of February submit an application, which will indicate all the disciplines to be passed. An important condition for completing the application is that the student must give permission for the processing of personal data. The document is submitted to the educational institution at the place of registration of the student.

In order to register an application, the student must fill it out with his own hand and confirm his identity with the appropriate document (passport).

Also, students have the right to change the disciplines that they will take if there are good reasons for this. To do this, an additional application is submitted with a modified list of items and a description of the reasons for such a decision. Documents confirming the reasons are attached to the application.

The final decision is made by the organizers of the GIA. If a student has a number of chronic diseases or a disability, he/she submits supporting documents to the commission.

Early delivery of the GIA in the Russian language in 2018

Pre-schedule exams can be taken by everyone. To date, only those schoolchildren who took part in various sports competitions, participants in Olympiads were eligible for early certification. Also, children who were sent for treatment and schoolchildren who studied abroad or intended to go abroad had the opportunity to pass the GIA ahead of schedule.

The most important advantage of early examinations is that the student does not have to be afraid of violating the deadlines for passing the test. The disadvantage is that students will have to prepare for the exam in a hurry and combine preparation with the main learning process. This state of affairs can negatively affect the results of the examination.

Demo version of the GIA in the Russian language 2018

Demo version of the GIA in the Russian language 2018 FIPI is a material that includes some tasks that will be present in the Russian language exam. The structure of the demo materials is similar to the exam tasks, but differ in content and data.

A complete list of tasks can be found in the element codifier for the state exam, posted on FIPI official website( The demo version of the GIA is needed so that any student taking an exam in the Russian language can independently get acquainted with the structure of KIMs. You can download them on our website and try to pass the tasks with these points in mind. Such materials enable students to fully prepare for the exam and develop a strategy for passing the exam.

Additional information about the GIA 2018

For the Russian language exam, you need to take a black gel or capillary pen and a passport with you. As additional materials permitted by Rosobranadzor, schoolchildren have the right to bring a spelling dictionary into Russian.

In the event that a student is seen cheating, he is disqualified and a mark is placed on his work on the answer sheet about the reasons for removal from the test.

In order for the state certification in the Russian language to be counted, you must score at least 15 points. This number of points is equal to the mark "satisfactory".

Ninth grade students who have passed state certification have the right to protest the results of the examination. A similar application is submitted to the conflict commission. If, in the opinion of the student, the procedure for conducting the examination was violated, then it is necessary to submit an application without leaving their audience. In the event that a student has doubts about the correctness of checking his work, he has the right to file a complaint within four working days and demand a re-check.

The conflict commission does not consider the content and structure of tasks in the disciplines, as well as complaints related to violations committed by the students themselves. It is also impossible to challenge the incorrect design of the work.

How to prepare for the GIA 2018 in Russian

It is very important to fully prepare for the exam. To this end, numerous manuals have been issued to help students today. You can use the following brochures and textbooks:

Preparing for GIA in the Russian language 2018 may also include both the use of questions from , which contains options for questions in all disciplines used in past years. Demonstration versions of exam questions are quite suitable for preparing, which repeat the exam tasks in structure and content. Online GIA tests in Russian will allow the student to prepare for the test part of the exam and practice regarding the time allotted for completing tasks.

In order to successfully pass the exam, it is important not only to learn and repeat all the tasks received well, but also to prepare psychologically for the test. This aspect is extremely important because, due to excitement, a student can make many mistakes and, as a result, get fewer points.

To avoid such a situation, the student needs to tune in to the exams, be sure that the exam can be passed with a good mark and follow the preparation mode. Parents are required to provide their child with the necessary environment that will allow the child to fully prepare.

Statistics on passing the GIA in the Russian language for the past years

In previous years, the results of the GIA in the Russian language were quite deplorable. A large number prevailed twos and threes. Since 2012 the percentage of positive results has increased significantly and today more than 57% students pass a test in the Russian language with a result of at least a “good” mark. Also on 2% the number of students with the highest score increased.

Exam Schedule

Teachers treat the Unified State Examination and the State Academic Examination in the Russian language differently, but they are more often criticized than approved. However, the USE and GIA have firmly entered the education system and it is necessary to be critical not of the content and form of the exam, but of the level of students' preparation in this subject. Let's try to look at the GIA in the Russian language positively, figure out what kind of knowledge and skills of students this exam requires to be tested, and how, in the process of preparing for it, schoolchildren will be able to systematize knowledge, fill in the gaps in them and correlate their practical skills with them.

The tasks of the final certification in the 9th grade are checked by:

    linguistic competence, i.e., the ability to conduct an elementary linguistic analysis of linguistic phenomena;

    language competence, i.e., practical knowledge of the Russian language, vocabulary and grammatical structure; observance of language norms;

    communicative competence, i.e., possession of different types of speech activity, the ability to perceive someone else's speech and create their own statements.

Methods and techniques for preparing for an essay

The practice of my work and the analysis of examination papers show that most of the graduates experience difficulties in performing creative work, especially the third part of tasks GIA, which is explained by the advantage of the informational principle of teaching over a practice-oriented approach to teaching the Russian language in basic school. Therefore, in my speech, I want to dwell on the system of preparation for Part C2.

What class to start this work? - The earlier the better. Therefore, already from the 5th grade, I begin to include essays on a linguistic topic in the work program - from fairy tales to more serious ones: “The significant part of the word is a prefix”, “This is an irreplaceable adjective”, etc. So, in the 7th grade today we wrote an essay on the following topics: “The role of the adverb in speech”; “Is it right to attribute the words of the category of state to an independent part of speech?”, “The role of the preposition in speech”:; “Unions, being service words, i.e. not used either independently or as part of a phrase, they still remain words, i.e. have not only form, but also meaning ”(Miloslavsky I.G.), an essay based on the statement of A. Morois“ There is only one way to become a cultured person - reading. The last topic is rather on a moral and ethical topic, however, the skills of commenting on statements and building their own judgment on this basis are being formed in students.

Exercises for commenting on statements on a linguistic topic can also be offered as a linguistic warm-up in the structure of any lesson.

    Justify the position: " The correct punctuation in the text indicates the respect of the writer for the reader. ».

    Continue the sentence: In a complex sentence, the subordinate part should be separated from the main part in order to ... ".

    Continue the sentence: Some students confuse participles and participles. Both the participle and the gerund participle are derived from verbs. However, these are different parts of speech, because ... ".

    Continue the sentence: In order to correctly punctuate the dictation, one must not only listen to the text being read, to the intonation, but ... ".

    Prove that the rules of punctuation make our written language uniform and thus easier to read.

    Prove that knowledge of the composition of a word is facilitated by the rules of its spelling.

Systematic work in preparation for the GIA begins in the 8th grade.

But for this work to be productive and successful, the hours allocated for the study of the Russian language according to the basic plan are clearly not enough. What time resources do we start from?

1.Additional hours from the school component

2. Electives (until 2013-14 academic year), elective courses: "Text as a communicative unit of speech", "Editing basics", i.e. those that involve working with text


4. Independent work of students with subsequent analysis

The sequence of preparation for writing part 3 is as follows:

Stage 1. Repetition of theoretical information (what is the essence of the reasoning, what should be the structure of the text of this type of speech, what is the thesis, arguments and conclusion, etc.).

Stage 2. Reading and analysis of ready-made reasoning texts. What are the essays

Stage 3. Collective (or group) work on the creation of an essay-reasoning with its further discussion, identification of advantages and disadvantages.

Stage 4. Independent writing of an essay-reasoning on a given topic.

Stage 5 Analysis and evaluation of own compositions.

Based on this, I draw up a plan for preparing for an essay (in the system of preparing for the GIA).

In the first lesson, we review the following concepts:

1.1. The concept of writing on a linguistic topic. The structure of the essay (composition). Criteria for evaluating the essay.

It is advisable to acquaint every eighth grader and ninth grader with criteria for evaluating the presentation and essay, which allows you to avoid mistakes in the construction of the text, highlighting micro-themes, helps to objectively evaluate your own work.

My children immediately ask the question: “What are lexical or grammatical phenomena? Logical errors, speech, grammatical errors? So we repeat

1.2. Lexical and grammatical phenomena in the language. their role in the text.

1.3. Speech, grammatical, factual, logical errors.

Stage 2. Reading and analysis of finished essays-reasonings. What are the essays

Acquaintance with the memo "How to write an essay-reasoning on a linguistic topic", which includes the following sections:

· Artistic and visual means.

· Syntactic means of artistic expression.

Stage 3. Collective (group) work on the creation of an essay - reasoning.

Practice shows that it is very difficult for children to beginning of essay. Students do not understand the meaning of the statement or find it difficult to formulate the original thesis in their own words. A cheat sheet helps "Step-by-step instructions for writing an essay C2"

Step 1. Getting to know the saying

Read the statement about language carefully. Consider it. Highlight keywords.

Step 2 Determine the main idea of ​​the statement

Find out what properties of the language, what linguistic phenomena are discussed in the statement. Sample answers: about the richness, expressiveness, accuracy of Russian speech; about the means of expressing thoughts; about the role of epithets, metaphors, personifications, comparisons, synonyms, antonyms, phraseological units, etc. in the Russian language; about the relationship of vocabulary and grammar; about the role of syntax in human communication; about the flexibility of the Russian punctuation system and the functions of punctuation marks, etc. .

Step 3 We make out the introduction

In the introduction, it is necessary to reveal the meaning of the statement. The following words and expressions will help you with this:

the author analyzes, characterizes, argues, notes, proves, compares, contrasts, contrasts, names, describes, analyzes, emphasizes, refers to ..., dwells on ..., reveals the content, notes the importance, formulates, relates, asserts, considers what... etc.

Remember that the introduction should consist of approximately 2-3 sentences.

You can use citation, for example: K.G. Paustovsky said: "There is nothing in life and in our minds that could not be conveyed by the Russian word." Indeed, words most accurately, clearly and figuratively express the most complex thoughts and feelings of people, all the diversity of the surrounding world.

You can do without quoting, for example: Language is one of the miracles with which people convey the subtlest shades of thought. The great Russian writer K. Paustovsky argued that the Russian word can not only name objects, phenomena and actions, but also express ideas, thoughts, feelings. I cannot but agree with the opinion of the author of the statement.

or: I understand the statement of K. G. Paustovsky as follows: there is no object in the universe for which a person would not have invented the word. With the help of the word, we name not only objects, but also any action and state. The Russian word is especially rich in designating phenomena. I share the point of view of the Russian writer.

or: In the statement of K. G. Paustovsky, my attention was drawn to the idea that in the rich Russian language one can find words to express the whole diversity of the surrounding world and the inner world of a person.

Step 4 We write the main part

The main part can be started with the following phrases:

    Let's take a closer look at the words in the text ... (we call the name of the author of the text)

    Let's turn to the text of the Russian writer ... (surname of the author of the text)

    Let's prove this idea with examples from the text...

    Let's try to reveal the meaning of the thesis on examples taken from the text...

Thus, the general requirements for arguments are as follows: there must be 2 examples; examples must be from the specified text; giving an example, one must not only name a linguistic phenomenon, but also explain its meaning and indicate its role in the text.

Last year, one example was supposed to illustrate lexical phenomena, the other - grammatical. In 2013-2014, this requirement is not mandatory. For example: Argument 1.

An important source of enrichment of speech is synonymy. Our language is very rich in synonyms (a linguistic phenomenon is named) - words that have a common meaning and differ in additional shades or stylistic coloring (its meaning is explained). Synonyms attract the writer or speaker in that they allow you to express your thoughts with the utmost accuracy. Thus, describing the feelings of Anna Fedotovna, the author uses the synonyms "bitterness and resentment" (sentence 44), "the conversation disturbed, surprised, offended" (sentence 33), which help the writer to more fully and comprehensively reveal the state of mind of his heroine (the role in the text is indicated ).

Argument 2. The Russian language also has the richest word-formation possibilities. The ways of forming words in Russian are very diverse. One of the most productive ways is the suffix. Take, for example, the word "Tanya" from sentence 1. It is formed with the help of a diminutive suffix -echk-, which helps the author express sympathy for the heroine of his work.

When designing examples, you can use the introductory words "firstly", "secondly", etc. Don't forget that they are separated by a comma.

For successful work in this part, we use a cheat sheet "The role of lexical and grammatical phenomena in the language", adapting it to a specific text.

Step 5 We write the conclusion

In the final part of the essay, a conclusion is made from all that has been said. As a rule, the conclusion says the same thing as the introduction, but in different words. You can start the conclusion with the following words and phrases: Thus, ... So, ... Therefore, ... As a result, we can come to the following conclusion: ... In conclusion, we can say that ... We are convinced that ... Summarizing what has been said, .. It follows from this that ... etc.. For example: Thus, the above examples confirm the idea of ​​K. G. Paustovsky that in the Russian language you can find the right words to express the most complex thoughts and various shades of feelings. or: Summing up what has been said, I want to note that epithets play an important role in a literary text: they contribute to a more complete, accurate, vivid and figurative transmission of the shades of thoughts, feelings and assessments of the author of the text.

So, the PLAN of an essay-reasoning on a linguistic topic is as follows:

2. Argumentation: a) argument-example No. 1;

b) argument-example No. 2.

We start each part with a red line. That is, your essay should have at least 3 paragraphs. And 4 is better, because The 2nd part can be divided into 2 paragraphs according to the number of example arguments. Points are deducted for missing paragraphs.

At first, I work on an essay in groups so as not to create stressful situations, situations of failure. After the formation of elementary skills, students move on to individual work.

Stage 4. Independent writing of an essay on a given topic

Stage 5 Analysis of what has been written. Classification of errors. Scoring and grading

In the process of preparation, it is necessary to more often offer students to analyze options for work completed in previous years or their own work. In the course of such work, an understanding arises of how to write correctly, what you need to pay attention to. This analytical approach will be useful for both the student and the teacher.

I build my work according to the teaching aid edited by N.A. Senina. In addition, there are good sites on the Internet: I often use the site of Zakharyina E.A. Essay on a linguistic theme. "Traps - Unified State Examination. RF. How to prepare for an essay at the GIA “Here are options for essays from I.P. Tsybulko, recommendations, comments.

In 2018, the OGE in the Russian language in the 9th grade will be not only written, but also oral - an interview will be added. In the article you will read how to prepare students for new requirements throughout the school year and control the work of teachers. There is a cyclogram of control measures and examples of tasks. And to make it easier for you to tell teachers about the new rules, use the electronic presentation.

To make it easier for you to inform teachers, students and parents about the oral interview in Russian, use the comments on the slides.

Show teachers, students, and parents a demo of the oral interview tasks, as well as the specification and codifier of the level requirements.

Target audience: for teachers

Interactive simulator “Getting ready for the OGE. Phrase. Task 7" was compiled using materials from the FIPI Open Bank of Tasks.

The resource can be used in a lesson or an elective lesson to practice the ability to replace phrases of one type of connection with a synonymous one of another type of connection (task 7 OGE)

An electronic educational resource provides material for self-preparation for task 11. The presentation contains theoretical material and tasks for self-examination on the topic. The material will be useful for both students and teachers.

Target audience: for grade 9

The work was done on the basis of the test designer A.N. Komarovsky. The resource provides for automatic output of the final grade, solution time and numbers of tasks in which errors were made. If desired, the test can be repeated again.

The resource can be used in a lesson or an elective lesson to test the ability to determine the types of subordination of subordinate clauses in the structure of complex sentences (task 13 of the OGE in the Russian language).

Target audience: for grade 9

Interactive test “Preparing for the OGE. Complicated simple sentence. Task 9” was compiled on the basis of the test designer A.N. Komarovsky with automatic output of the final grade, solution time and numbers of tasks in which errors were made. If desired, the test can be repeated again.

The test used materials from the FIPI Open Bank of Tasks.

The resource can be used in a lesson or an elective lesson to check the level of preparation for completing task 9 of the OGE in the Russian language.

Target audience: for grade 9

Interactive test “Preparing for the OGE. Expressive means of vocabulary and phraseology. Task 3" was created on the basis of a template for creating tests in PowerPoint with automatic counting of correct and incorrect answers, deriving a final grade.

The test used materials from the FIPI Open Bank of Tasks.

The resource can be used in a lesson or an elective lesson to check the level of formation of practical skills in determining expressive means in the course.

Target audience: for grade 9

Interactive test “Preparing for the OGE. Spelling prefixes. Task 4 "can be used in a lesson or an elective lesson to check the level of students' preparation for task 4.

The resource is compiled on the basis of the test constructor A.N. Komarovsky using the didactic materials of the manual G.T. Egoraeva "OGE 2017. Russian language. Grade 9. Workshop on the implementation of standard test tasks" / G.T. Egoraeva. - M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2017.

Target audience: for grade 9

The interactive simulator consists of 10 tasks that test the ability to find a complex sentence with various types of connections between its parts.

The resource can be used for individual or frontal work in a lesson or an elective lesson in preparation for the OGE.

As didactic material, tasks from T.N. Nazarova "OGE - 2016. Workshop on the Russian language: preparation for completing assignments 6-14" / T.N. Nazarova, E.N. Violin. - M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2016

Purpose of the course: this course is focused on expanding the knowledge of students and intensive preparation for the GIA in the Russian language.

Approximate number of lessons per course: 20 lessons of 60 minutes.

The range of topics covered in the course:

  • Vocabulary and phraseology
  • Syntax
  • Spelling
  • Punctuation
  • The expressiveness of Russian speech
  • Language norms
  • Work with text. Presentation. Composition

Course benefits: each course topic corresponds to the GIA content elements codifier. In the shortest possible time, students can prepare for the exam, fill in the gaps, and score the highest possible score on the final test.

Independent work on the course is combined with constant supervision and assistance from the teacher.

Course format: paid. Additional consultations are possible. For those who pay the full course, the cost of classes is reduced.

Russian language. OGE. Grade 9

The purpose of the course: preparation for the GIA in the Russian language.

This course will help you quickly:

  • restore and organize material
  • understand what is required in each type of part A, B, and C assignment
  • master the sequence of actions, reasoning algorithms when choosing an answer
  • learn not to guess, but to consciously choose the right answer without falling into traps and pitfalls
  • understand the laws of the Russian language
  • feel confident in the exam
  • complete each task
  • save time
  • score the maximum number of points.

Course format: paid.

Russian language. Preparation for GIA Grade 9

This course will allow the children to independently complete tasks, repeat the theory in certain sections of the Russian language and consolidate it in practice.

The course contains exemplary texts for both presentation and essay-reasoning. Focusing on ready-made presentations and essays, their detailed analysis, the guys themselves will be able to write presentations and essays.

Passing allows students to understand the structure of the Russian language exam in grade 9 in the GIA format. You will be able to get acquainted with the main sections, the evaluation criteria for each task. This is a great opportunity to practice both individual thematic tasks and the entire test as a whole.

The course is aimed at students in grades 8-9.

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