Day of friendship and unity of the Slavic peoples scenario. Congratulations to all Slavs on the main holiday - the Day of Friendship and Slavic Unity! How it was in years past


On June 25, the Slavs of the whole world celebrate the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs. In total, there are about 270 million Slavs in the world. This holiday is celebrated by Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, Serbs, Slovaks, Slovenes, Belarusians, Czechs and Bulgarians. This holiday was established in the 90s of the 20th century and was created so that different branches of the Slavic peoples remember their historical roots, strive to preserve their culture and centuries-old connection with each other. This date is most widely celebrated by three friendly countries - Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. This holiday is truly popular. It comes from common roots, cultural traditions and customs.



Day of friendship and unity of the Slavs

Purpose of the holiday: the formation in children of a sense of tolerance, interest and respect for other national cultures. Raising a sense of community, friendship and unity with people of Slavic nationalities.

The course of the holiday

Sounds like song "Give a smile to the world."


Today's motto:Slavs of all countries unite! And this is no accident! Since, annually, on June 25, the Slavs of the whole world celebrate the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs. In total, there are about 270 million Slavs in the world. This holiday is celebrated by Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, Serbs, Slovaks, Slovenes, Belarusians, Czechs and Bulgarians.

This holiday was established in the 90s of the 20th century and was created so that different branches of the Slavic peoples remember their historical roots, strive to preserve their culture and centuries-old connection with each other.

This date is most widely celebrated by three friendly countries - Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. This holiday is truly popular. It comes from common roots, cultural traditions and customs.

Brothers Slavs - one world for us,

Away from all sorrows, we keep friendship.

Are you Ukrainian, Slovak or Czech,

Russian, Pole? Yes, we are all Slavs!

Peaceful sky above your land,

The native sun and the dashing dance,

Laughter from the heart, blessings from the soul -

So that the unity motive does not go out.

So let's have fun, sing and dance songs,

And we will invite good friends to visit!

Let's all say together

The phonogram of Russian folk music "Polyanka" sounds, the girl Nastenka appears in a Russian folk costume.

Nastenka: Hello my friends!

I am very glad to meet you!

Presenter: Hello, Russian beauty Nastenka!

Children: Welcome to visit us.

Nastenka: Russia, Russia…

She has eyes like the sky, blue

Kind and clear eyes

She has my Russia,

Eyebrows, like forests over the Volga.

Her soul is expanse of the steppes,

Sensitive, like a song, hearing.

You will go out in the harvest time in the field -

And it will take your breath away.

Overhead, such showers are noisy,

In flashes of blinding dreams,

That you become happy forever

From her bird cherry and birch trees.

She, dear, has such heights,

spring freshness water,

That she will exalt you like a mother

And will not offend anyone.

With Russian cordiality I meet you,

I invite you to play games with me!

I know a lot of fun games

many old,

Our grandmothers played

These games are amazing.

Hey guys get out!

"Brook" you start!

The Russian folk game "Brook" is held.

Children line up in pairs one after another, holding hands, raise their hands to make a “gate”, one child leading. To the music, the driver passes through the "gates" and chooses a friend for himself, calling him affectionately by name. The remaining child becomes the leader. The game is repeated again.

Presenter: Thank you, Nastenka! We liked your game. Stay with us!

Together: We will be friends with the Russian people,

Presenter: Again we will invite good friends to visit,

Together :

A phonogram of Belarusian folk music sounds, a girl Olesya appears in a Belarusian costume.

Olesya: Good day, Shanounynyya Syabry!

Good afternoon my friends!

I am very glad to meet you!

Presenter: Hello, Belarusian beauty Olesya!

Children : Hurry, dear lady, we kindly ask you and us!

Olesya: Belarus, Belarus - the cry of cranes in the sky.

Belarus, Belarus - the smell of bread from the fields!

Belarus, Belarus - you are native lands.

Belarus, Belarus - you are a native country!

The expanse of both rivers and lakes - there is no blue in the world.

And people, and people - there is no kinder in the world!

Belarus, Belarus - the nightingales sing here,

They won't let us sleep until dawn!

I meet you with Belarusian cordiality,

presenter : We are happy to play with you

And we want to know soon

Like Belarusian guys

They play so as not to be bored!

Olesya: I know a lot of fun games

many old,

Our grandmothers played

These games are amazing.

Hey guys, don't be bored!

Play Pärscenak with me!

Presenter: And what does parscenak mean, Olesya?

Olesya : In Russian, pärstenak is a ring!

A round dance game "Pärscenak" - "Ring" is held.

The players stand in a circle, holding their hands in front of the boat. Olesya stands in the center of the circle, holding a ring in her hand. To the music, she sings the song:

Here I go in circles

I give you all a ring,

Hold your hands tight

Yes, take the ring.

Olesya imperceptibly puts a ring in the palms of one of the children, and then leaves the circle and says: “Ring, ring, go out on the porch!”. The child who has the ring runs out into the circle, and the children should try to detain him and not let him out of the circle. The game is repeated with a new driver.

Presenter: Thank you Olesya, very interesting game! Stay with us and have fun!

Together : We will be friends with the Belarusian people,

And cherish our strong friendship!

Presenter: We will again invite good friends to visit,

Let's play together, dance and sing together!

Together: One two Three! Good friend come to us!

A phonogram of Ukrainian folk music sounds, a girl Oksana appears in a Ukrainian costume.

Oksana: Good day my friends!

Good afternoon my friends!

I am very glad to meet you!

Presenter: Hello, Ukrainian beauty Oksana!

Children: Hello, dear guests, we kindly ask you to come to us.

Oksana: Oh, how beautiful is Ukraine!

Her Taurian fields,

Her meadows, forests, hillocks

And blessed land.

Here the acacia blossom will swirl,

The song of the nightingale intoxicates here,

And the smell of bread in every house,

I was born here, I grew up here.

There is no clearer sky in white light

And in the springs the water is tastier,

I will bow down unearthly

Beloved Motherland.

I meet you with Ukrainian cordiality,

I invite you to have fun together!

Presenter: We are happy to play with you

And we want to know soon

Like Ukrainian guys

They play so as not to be bored!

Oksana: I know a lot of fun games

many old,

Our grandmothers played

These games are amazing.

Hey guys, don't be bored!

Play Lame Duck with me!

The Ukrainian game "Lame Duck" is being held

Game progress: indicate the boundaries of the site. A “lame duck” is selected, the rest of the players are randomly placed on the court, standing on one leg, and the other leg bent at the knee is held behind by the hand. After the words "The sun is flaring up, the game begins," the "duck" jumps on one leg, holding the other leg with his hand, trying to touch one of the players. The salted ones help her to salt others. The last non-peeled player becomes the lame duck.

Rule: A player who stands on both feet or jumps out of bounds is considered tagged.

Presenter: Thank you, Oksana, for a fun game! Stay with us!

Together: We will be friends with the Ukrainian people,

And cherish our strong friendship!


Together: One two Three! Good friend come to us!

The phonogram of Polish folk music sounds, the girl Jadwiga appears in a Polish costume.

Jadwiga: Dzien dobri!

Good afternoon my friends!

I am very glad to meet you!

Presenter: Hello, Polish beauty Jadwiga!

Children: Dzien dobri! Witam, Jadwiga!

Jadwiga: What words can express

About the beauty that is so sweet

For the gaze of the eyes, ale for the heart?

River flowing into the distance

Wooded shore then deserted

That quiet disposition, and then noisy.

Along the banks of that river

Birches are dormant and oaks.

When it flows through the fields

Vistula is not more modestly dressed.

In a flowering meadow, the beauty of the fields

And in the bird's joyful trill,

And look from the height of an eagle

Oh how sweet Wisla

Like a young maiden slender

Although you flow through the ages.

I meet you with Polish cordiality,

I invite you to have fun together!

Presenter: We are happy to play with you

And we want to know soon

Like the Polish guys

They play so as not to be bored!

Jadwiga: I know a lot of fun games

many old,

Our grandmothers played

These games are amazing.

Hey guys, don't be bored!

In "Birki" you play with me!

The Polish game "Birki" is being held.

The number of participants in this game is unlimited (from 2 people). Before the game, you need to prepare 10 tags - 8-10 centimeter boards, cut from wood.

Birks form pairs: emperor and empress, king and queen, prince and princess, peasant and peasant woman (2 pairs).

During the game, the first participant must take all the tags in his hands, throw them up and try to catch them in his palm with straightened fingers. Only matched pairs are considered to be caught. For the imperial, 12 points are given, for the royal - 7, for the prince and princess 4, for the peasants - 1 point. The winner is the one who scores the maximum number of points for a certain number of throws.

Presenter: Thank you, Jadwiga, for a fun game! Stay with us!

Together: We will be friends with the Polish people,

And cherish our strong friendship!

Presenter: We will again call our dear friends,

And we will play games with them!

Together : One two Three! Good friend come to us!

The soundtrack of Bulgarian folk music sounds, the girl Ivanka appears in a Bulgarian costume.

Ivanka: Hello!

Good afternoon my friends!

I am very glad to meet you!

presenter : Hello Bulgarian beauty Ivanka!

Children: Hello! Dobra has arrived, Ivanka!

Ivanka : Someone dreams of Bavaria,

And dreams about China

And I'm from Bulgaria -

Not a country, but a marvelous paradise.

The people here are simple, nice,

And they speak Russian

naughty and playful,

They strive to treat everyone.

Roast lamb beside

And dolma is being prepared,

The Bulgarian peasant

Delicious dishes - well, just darkness.

The ancient bagpipe tears the soul,

Tapan beats the rhythm

The music sounds great

Glad contented music lover.

Dancing passionate, beautiful,

Attract and beckon

Rhythms are light, playful,

Inspire and invigorate.

Legs dance on their own

And the soul sings inside

The heart is filled with life

And love blossoms all around.

I meet you with Bulgarian hospitality,

I invite you to have fun together!

Presenter: We are happy to play with you

And we want to know soon

Like the Bulgarian guys

They play so as not to be bored!

Ivanka: I know a lot of fun games

many old,

Our grandmothers played

These games are amazing.

Hey guys, don't be bored!

Play Chanterelles and the Watchman with me!

The Bulgarian folk game "Chanterelles and Watchmen" is held.

This is a simple, fun game. Two children are chosen as watchmen, their eyes are tied with scarves. They stand opposite each other at a distance of a step to guard the chicken coop. Each of the chanterelles must sneak between the watchmen unnoticed. When a fox sneaks, other foxes distract the watchmen. The fox that was caught becomes the watchman.

Presenter: Thank you, Ivanka, for a fun game! Stay with us!

Together: We will be friends with the Bulgarian people,

And cherish our strong friendship!

Presenter: Our brothers, fair-haired and fair-skinned,

We have enough in common.

Our Slavic languages ​​are similar for everyone,

And we have one cultural heritage.

Well, since our languages ​​are similar, try to read and understand the proverbs and sayings of the Slavic peoples. Is there a Russian version of this proverb?

The guest, even if it’s not for a long time, she remembers everything. (Ukraine)

(At least the guest does not stay for a long time, but he notices everything.)

Like a tree, like a wedge, like a father, like a son. (Belarus)

(The apple does not fall far from the apple tree.)

Bez ochoty niespore roboty. (Poland)

(You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without labor.)

Zabit dvě mouchy jednou ranou. (Czech Republic)

(Seven with one blow.)

Koito is not risky - do not worry. (Bulgaria)

(He who does not take risks does not drink champagne.)

Presenter: We will live in peace

And cherish our friendship!

May friendship be strong and inseparable.

Problems, crises, she will survive.

There will be no wars, but only our friendship,

And in our countries, harmony, peace, income.

Let's take hands, stand in a circle,

Every person is a friend!

Children and teachers go out in a circle, perform a round dance song "Children of the whole Earth are friends."

Today is a day of friendship and unity,
And I hasten to congratulate you,
After all, friendship is not a law,
And we don't pay anyone for unity.

And on this day, I still strive,
You harmony, idyll, goodness,
So that nothing upsets you
Happy friendship day, unity of the Slavs!

All Slavic peoples, I congratulate you today,
Because we are from the same breed, so we are one family!
And it doesn’t matter, in fact, you are a Belarusian or a Pole,
You are a Slav, this is important, everything else is nothing!
Unity is our strength, brothers we need to be friends,
To live in peace and quiet, live long and not grieve!

Congratulations on the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs. I wish you a bright, cheerful, interesting and varied life, because with our Slavic customs, songs, dances and traditions, it cannot be otherwise. Health and peace to our friendly people, happiness, love and blessings to our every home.

All Slavs are brothers and sisters. So it goes on for many years.
We love the earth and the sun, we respect darkness and light.
I congratulate you today on a wonderful and great Day.
Happy Day, when the Slavic people are very friendly and united.
Let it not be able to destroy us, divide and crush
Disturbed lady, our tricky life.
On this Day, I send my huge greetings to all the Slavs,
And I wish you to live happily, amicably, peacefully for many years.
Have fun and live brightly, sunnyly, easily.
So that the dream, like a bird, rises high.

In the steppe, burned in the sun,
Lives among dense forests
born of the same mother,
Slavic, proud, our people.

Pole and Russian, Ukrainian,
Croat and Serb, as well as Czech -
Slavs, today we will embrace,
In honor of our unity of all.

Slovak and Belarusian, Bulgarian,
They will always understand each other's speech
The blood flows in their veins,
They all live side by side.

Yes, even though we are sometimes far away
And between us is a fragile bridge,
Let's throw a feast on a mountain today,
Let's make a toast in honor of our friendship.

Happy Friendship Day!
We are brothers for centuries.
And we need communication
It was so that the connection is strong.

Slavs, let them be successful
From now on, our days will be
Filled with tasks
They are solved!

Slavs are glorious peoples,
One river of mighty water.
And the unity of our countries
Not shared by the ocean.

There is a beautiful choir by that river.
For quite some time now
We have a common concern
And the hearts of the general decrees.

Slavs, brothers! This festival,
Shows who we are.
On the whole planet we are kinder,
And the exploits of the Slavs can not be counted.

Even after many centuries
Our unity will not leave.
Let our children remember
How glorious their people were.

May health be with us
Do good deeds.
I congratulate everyone on the holiday,
Success, joy, kindness.

In our veins - the power of the holy,
Spirit of boundless faith.
We are like a cloud, like a flock:
Everyone is a brother and everyone is a friend.

Sons of the earth one
Born to do good
With a generous heart, with a lion's grip -
Better to live in peace with us.

Wise ancestors honor the covenants.
We are all brothers - one blood.
If in battle, then until victory,
If you drink, then to the bottom!

Everyone is strong and hardy -
Harness, go yell!
We beat first, questions - after,
For wife, honor and mother.

Today we congratulate the Slavic brothers,
We wish them only good
Peace and friendship, without quarrels and conflicts,
It's time for us all to reconcile!

Common roots, our history -
All this is very important for us,
Let's be united, because there is strength in this,
And the enemy will not break us or you.

Let's live in peace together
Without losing dignity and honor.
We are brothers in strength, spirit and blood,
We will always be happy and healthy.

The friendship of the Slavs is strong for centuries,
Let life be hard sometimes.
We stand by strength and faith for our brother,
Such friendship cannot be destroyed by others!

The holiday is designed to unite the Slavs and remind the whole world of the rich traditions inherent in Slavic culture. Our article will tell about the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs.


There are about 350 million Slavs in the world. Slavic peoples are divided into three groups:


  • Russians (Russia);
  • Ukrainians (Ukraine);
  • Belarusians (Belarus);
  • Rusyns (Transcarpathia, Slovakia, Poland).


  • Czechs (Czech Republic);
  • Slovaks (Slovakia);
  • Poles (Poland);
  • Kashubians (Kashubia - Polish Pomerania);
  • Lusatian Serbs (Lausitz, Germany).


  • Bulgarians (Bulgaria);
  • Serbs (Serbia);
  • Croats (Croatia);
  • Slovenes (Slovenia);
  • Macedonians (Macedonia);
  • Montenegrins (Montenegro);
  • Bosniaks (Bosnia and Herzegovina);
  • Herzegovina (Herzegovina).

In order to convey the peculiarities and uniqueness of national traditions to emigrants of the second and third generations, diasporas and national organizations holding cultural events are being created in many settlements anywhere in the world.

History of the Slavs

There are many theories about the origin and settlement of the Slavs. The first mention of the Slavic peoples date back to the 6th-8th centuries.

Until the beginning of the last century, the Slavs did not live in sovereign states. Slavic peoples, with the exception of Montenegrins in Montenegro and Lusatians in the Slavic enclave of Germany, partly inhabited:

  • Ottoman Empire;
  • Austria-Hungary;
  • Russian empire.

The situation changed radically by the end of the last century. Now every nationality belonging to the Slavic group, excluding the Ruthenians and Lusatian Serbs, has its own separate state territory.

The Slavs are not concentrated in any particular place on the globe, but scattered throughout Europe, northern and central Asia.

Celebration concept

The idea to unite the peoples of the Slavic group dates back to the era of Cyril and Methodius, the creators of the Old Slavonic alphabet, which united the Slavic peoples in those distant times.

The Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs was invented with the aim of rallying peoples, strengthening the bond between fathers and children, and recalling spiritual values, customs and heritage.

Every year, the presidents hold public speeches, where they recall the most significant historical events and convey congratulations on this international holiday to the inhabitants of their state and other countries with a Slavic population. Diasporas and Slavic cultural associations organize celebrations and events.


The Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs is celebrated every summer. Traditionally, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine are responsible in turn for the celebration. Unfortunately, in 2016, the celebration had to be canceled, as Ukraine, which is responsible for organizing the festival, ignored the event.

The holiday is held on the Slavic field near the monument "Three Sisters". The event attracts thousands of people from different cities and countries. Among the participants you can see:

  • guests from abroad;
  • administration representatives;
  • the youth;
  • children;
  • singers and musicians;
  • public figures;
  • athletes;
  • painters and sculptors;
  • historians;
  • admirers of the traditions and history of their country.

The celebration takes place in the Slavic spirit: people sing songs, dress in national costumes, treat each other with dishes from the cuisines of the Slavic peoples. Fairs, expositions are organized, souvenirs are sold.

Young athletes and the smallest participants can compete in various sports, and there are intellectual games and question contests for the winners of school olympiads.

The festival tries to combine the traditions and culture of three eras: Kievan Rus, the Russian Empire and the USSR. Games of the times of paganism peacefully side by side with the liturgy and an exhibition dedicated to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

History is an integral part of the festival. Lectures and quizzes are held, organizers and participants talk about historical facts from the life of the Slavs, about their way of life today, in the recent and distant past.


The forerunner to the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs was a tripartite youth festival. The first celebration of "Slavic Unity" dates back to 1969. Klimovsky district of the Bryansk region is located in the place where the border between Russia, Belarus and Ukraine passes. The celebration inspired the Soviet youth, and the event began to be celebrated every summer.

Six years later, on the thirtieth anniversary of the Victory of the USSR over the fascist invaders, a monument of friendship between peoples was erected at the venue of the celebration, called the "Three Sisters" in honor of the three close-knit Slavic powers.

Holidays of recent years

The Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs in the current format is a rather young holiday. It began to be celebrated in the early 1990s. After the collapse of the USSR, there was an urgent need to maintain friendly, partnership and business relations in a new format. A little later, in 1999, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus signed an agreement.

In 2005, on the thirtieth anniversary of the Friendship Monument, the organizers of the celebration focused on the post-war period. Songs of the post-war years and a real camp kitchen contributed to the creation of the atmosphere.

In 2006, the celebration was centered around Slavic cuisine. Anyone could taste traditional dishes, see giant culinary products.

The celebration in 2007 transformed the celebration into a kind of book fair.

2008 was dedicated to the family and the event focused on family holidays.

In 2009, the celebration was held under the auspices of the youth, so the organizers pleased the young participants with interesting leisure activities.

Celebration (script)

The Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs in 2017 was held under the auspices of childhood.

For participants from distant corners of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus and visitors from neighboring countries, a unique youth camp was organized at the edge of the forest.

Traditionally, the participants of the celebration honored the memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

Musical accompaniment was provided by Alexander Dobronravov and other popular Russian and Belarusian performers.

Especially for the little guests, the organizers have come up with a lot of interesting events. Children could see and participate in exhibitions, demonstrations, demonstration performances, intellectual quizzes, and compete in various sports.

The following photo of the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs, taken in 2017, perfectly demonstrates the auspices of the celebration.

Congratulations on the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs

The Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs is an occasion to remember relatives, friends and acquaintances who are far from you. Congratulate those who moved to live in another city or country. If it is not possible to call, send them congratulations by SMS, e-mail, send postcards on social networks. Moving is not a reason to forget about your roots, traditions and culture.

The Slavs are the largest group of peoples. These people combine common traditions, outlook on life, similar languages. The number of representatives of this nation, according to various estimates, ranges from 300 to 350 million people. They are divided into 3 categories - eastern, western and southern. The first group includes Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians and Rusyns, the second - Poles, Slovaks, Czechs, Lusatians and Kashubians, the third - residents of Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Bosnia, Macedonia. All of them celebrate Friendship and Unity Day annually. The date of celebration is June 25th.

history of the holiday

The Slavic people are great and one of the most ancient. There are no exact historical facts about where and when he appeared. There are only probable assumptions and curious hypotheses. Previously, representatives of this beautiful nation lived on the territory of 15 republics united by one state. In the first half of the 90s. In the 20th century, it collapsed. Then most of the republics then became independent. To rally people, a holiday was established to preserve the unity of fraternal nations.

The purpose of this event is to strengthen ties and preserve the spiritual community. It is celebrated in many countries that were previously part of the USSR. The first to take serious steps towards unity were the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. These countries have concluded a number of agreements aimed at mutual cooperation, which implies equality.

In the second half of the 19th century, almost all Slavic peoples lived in 3 empires: Russian, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman. However, the Montenegrins lived in the small independent state of Montenegro, and the Lusatians lived in Germany. At the end of the 20th century, these peoples, in addition to the Russians (who are considered a state-forming ethnic group) and the Lusatians, gained state independence.

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