April Fool's Day: ideas for jokes and pranks. April Fool's pranks and jokes for friends, parents, colleagues What can I write to a friend on April 1


We lull vigilance

Every Friday, despite the imminent arrival of the weekend, begins with an epic struggle with sleep. And if the hated alarm clock does get you out of bed, you're the perfect target for an April Fool's joke. Sleep dulls vigilance even on such a day. Therefore, early morning is the perfect time to draw on April 1st.

This is how little inquisitive peanuts play their relatives. After such a joke-fright, you will need valerian, not coffee. A great start to the day, at least for a joker.

And here is a selection of jokes a la "Russian humor" for April 1 for relatives and friends. You can choose from both harmless and bold pranks. Who is at risk...

  • Take a shampoo bottle and secure a piece of clear plastic to the inside of the opening. The poor fellow will not even understand why this same shampoo does not pour from a full bottle.
  • Cover dry soap with colorless varnish. The soap will not lather, and the victim of the prank will finally lose his temper.
  • Pour the sugar into the salt shaker, and the salt, on the contrary, into the sugar bowl. What will be the disappointment of the victim who has not washed himself when, instead of fragrant coffee, she sips a salty tart drink.
  • Pre-freeze water in molds with the addition of menthol sweets. As soon as someone wants to drink Coke with ice on April 1st, get the camera ready. Since this amazed and confused face must be captured.
  • Replace the milk cream between Oreos with mint toothpaste or any other hot, spicy filling.

See more drawings for April 1 in this video (channel " show facts "):

Youth jokes

They say that the reformer Peter I instilled jokes on April 1 in Russia. With his light filing, the boyars and ordinary peasants began to make fun of each other on the first day of April. Today, on April Fool's Day, it is customary to joke not only with family and friends, but also at school. Consider the funniest pranks for school, college, university.

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It is a mistake to believe that the teaching staff and the administration of the educational institution do not like to joke. And how! Let's list the jokes that took place in real life.

school flood

In the administration of one of the schools, at the pedagogical council, they overtasted cognac and decided to play a trick on the students. They hung a note on the door of the school that said:

“There will be no school on April 1 for students in grades 8-9 due to a burst pipe in the first span. All students must arrive at the backyard with rags and buckets at 10:00. Attendance is required!

Do you think the students figured out the prank of the mentors? No matter how it was, everyone appeared, rattling buckets at the appointed time at the appointed place, where the inscription on the asphalt was waiting for them Happy April 1st!».

naked student

Another story worth repeating happened at the university. At the height of the lecture, a student from a parallel stream entered the auditorium in a bathrobe. He apologized and turned to the student girl with the words: “ I didn't find my clothes. Didn't you take it?". To which the girl, rummaging through her backpack, calmly handed him things.

The lecturer stood as if spellbound, and the students giggled, barely holding back their laughter. As soon as everyone calmed down and the lecture continued, another unclothed man entered the auditorium. Laughter in the hall! A curtain!

Payment for absenteeism

If you have a classmate who can be called an avid truant, you can play a tough joke on him. As a rule, the dean's office requires certificates from such characters explaining the indecent number of N/B. You can give the dean's secretary a fake certificate from a friend who is supposedly unable to attend due to...pregnancy. Pray that the dean has a sense of humor, otherwise your friend after such a joke may face a summons to the draft board.

By the way, another hot topic for jokes on April 1st. Everyone knows that truant students walking on the edge of the abyss are terribly afraid of men and uniforms and even sentence the mantra “ mind not me - mind not me”, passing by the building of the military registration and enlistment office. You can play a prank on a friend by sending him a notice of expulsion from the university and, right there, an “officer” with a fake summons.

What will be his relief when the joke comes out. Perhaps a friend will even take up his head and go to study sociology.

Knock-knock - "Busy!"

A case from one's life. Our faculty had the only toilet on the floor. Tired of the constant visitors leaving the bull-calves, somehow on April 1 we hung the “Toilet” sign from the restroom on the door of the office “Ivanich’s Beast” (that’s how we called the extremely demanding and expressive vyshmat teacher Ivan Ivanovich). He really didn't like it when people burst into his office without knocking. By the way, we didn’t see any more “guest-smokers”.

Hardcore pranks

We present the draws for April 1st for desperate people with strong mental substance.

For the first joke, you need to print a person’s face on photographic paper (it can be at least, for example) and place this art in a bottle with yellow filler.

If the victim is a girl who is terribly afraid of bugs and spiders, the next prank should be deleted from the insidious plan. For everyone else, it fits perfectly. Stock up on rubber bugs and put them on your pizza, sandwich, or phone. You can use a mechanical mouse. The effect will be amazing!

At the end of the evening, you can scare neighbors and passers-by in this way. This is provided that there are no elderly grannies and faint-hearted mothers among them.

Folk wisdom says that the most brilliant puns are those that are the least subject to comprehension. Voltaire was right, however, when he said that a joke explained ceases to be a joke. Cheer up, friends!

April 1 is known to many as the day of humor, laughter and jokes. During the year, this day has the highest number of draws. Those who like to play a trick on someone are especially interested in how to prank friends? After all, sometimes even the most inventive minds need a hint.

But, in such a delicate matter as humor, the main thing to remember is that jokes and jokes must be kind, so that after the draw everyone can laugh and no one would hold a grudge, overshadowing such a positive day.

Draw options

There are several options for harmless pranks that are suitable for pranking friends on April 1 (video).

Prank "False Rafaelo Candies"

This prank will require a bit of effort on the part of whoever is about to prank a friend. The essence of the prank is to present a treat to a friend in the form of Rafaelo sweets, which in fact are not. How to do it? You need to take one processed cheese, grate it, add garlic passed through a garlic crusher to the mass, and for those who like hot jokes, add red pepper, then roll balls from the mass and roll them in coconut flakes. False Rafaelo sweets are ready, you can safely offer sweets to friends who don’t even know that sweets are a trick. It is very interesting to watch during the draw the reaction of a friend and how his facial expression changes! But, it is worth remembering that after such a draw, all friends will then treat what you offer with caution and caution.

The same joke can be advised to those who are looking for ways to prank friends on April 1 at school. To do this, false sweets must be prepared in advance and taken with you to school. And during lunch, offer classmates a “delicious” treat.

Toothpaste prank

Such a prank can only be realized if the friends are also roommates. In order to have time to play a rug, you need to prepare the props the night before, or get up early in the morning. The essence of the draw is very simple: sour cream should be pumped into a tube of pasta, for example. Since the tube of pasta has a narrow neck, in order for the sour cream to get inside without external damage to the tube, you should use a syringe and low-fat sour cream, since the kona is more liquid. A sleepy friend will not immediately understand what the matter is, and his slow reaction and bewilderment will cause laughter. However, it is worth remembering that if a friend is allergic to lactose, then such a joke may not turn out very well. Other options, .

Draw with cutlery

Another option is how to play a friend on April 1, which is suitable for roommates. Place a couple of magnets under the tablecloth in the places where cutlery is usually placed. When a friend sits down to eat, he simply cannot understand why the fork or knife rises so hard. Watching his bewilderment is priceless! The main thing is not to give yourself away too quickly with your giggles in order to prolong the pleasure of the joke.

phone prank

Phone jokes are another popular type of jokes on April 1st. For example, when a friend is at work, you should call him from an unfamiliar number on a work phone or personal one, and in a very serious voice introduce yourself as a telephone line worker. In order for a friend to believe in it for sure and not immediately figure it out, you can ask a friend or colleague to call so that a friend cannot recognize the notes of a familiar voice. The false telephone line worker should explain that in order to clean the telephone lines and channels, hot steam will now come out of the tube under high pressure, and in order to avoid injury, the tube should be wrapped in a napkin and put on the floor. The main thing here is to be persuasive, and the effect of sudden pressure and lack of time to think will do its job. It's okay if a friend sees through the prank, in any case, you can laugh together with an unsuccessful attempt and listen to a story about what a friend was thinking at that moment, maybe he was almost bought?

More raffle options

There are tons of simple ideas on how to prank a friend on April 1st. For the most part, these are simple, harmless and even cute jokes that will bring a smile to your face and remind you that April 1 is a day of laughter and positive.

Fun with shoes

For example, if a friend is a roommate, or a work colleague, or you just went to visit the arc, then you can secretly pour some cereal into his shoes and wait for the finest hour.

Another joke with shoes can be done at work, for example, sticking a colleague's replacement shoes with double-sided tape to the floor. It is unlikely that he will immediately understand what the matter is. For more fun, you can calm down somewhere and take a picture of a friend on camera, so that later you can watch the video with his reaction and laugh together again.

Other fun

Prank "Smoky"

The condition of this draw is that the person being played must be a smoker. It is necessary to invite a friend to try new cigarettes, which allegedly someone brought from abroad, and this is a rarity. After the person being acted out smokes an “overseas” cigarette, you should ask someone to start creating some kind of false special effects. For example, start turning on some quiet music, or the sounds of strange voices, flash in the costume of some animal. In this case, you must play your part so that the friend believes that everything he sees or hears seems only to him. He must believe that the smoked cigarette really has "magical" properties and calls for auditory and visual hallucinations. What can be.

Lost mobile

You can play a trick on a friend by "stealing" his mobile phone. The joke will bring even more laughter if the phone is very important for a friend, and he cannot imagine his life without his device. You need to secretly pick up a friend's phone and hide it, putting it on silent mode, so as not to accidentally declassify yourself. The friend must believe that he lost the phone. But, it is worth considering that if a friend is too worried and nervous, then you should not bring him to delirium tremens, and return the phone to him quickly with kind words that all this is not worth such great worries.

joke with an alarm clock

On the eve of April 1, you need to ask a friend to give his phone on business, for example, to call, and, taking advantage of the opportunity, set him an alarm clock for 4 in the morning, or 5 in the morning. And in the afternoon, call and ask how a friend liked such an early surprise and rise.

Prank with a saucepan

Also suitable for those friends who live together. Pour water into the pan, cover with a paper sheet and turn upside down. The pan should be placed so that it interferes, and you just want to remove or rearrange it. A friend who does not suspect anything will certainly take up a pot that is in the way, and, lifting it, will make a mini-flood.

Of course, there are plenty of other options on how to prank a friend on April 1st. The main thing is that any chosen method should not be cruel and correspond to the friend's sense of humor. After all, in response to the draw, you also want to receive laughter and a smile, and not bright emotional statements, insults and claims. If only one person can laugh at a joke, that's fine, of course, but it's better to laugh together!

This fun holiday is about to come. Therefore, the question of how to play relatives on April 1 is more acute.
The first of April is the day when no one should believe remarks about torn tights, soiled clothes, unfamiliar cell phone numbers, and no one at all. April Fool's Day is celebrated all over the world. In some European countries, the first of April is celebrated only until lunchtime, and if an eccentric decides to play a joke on someone, they call him the “April Fool”.
If you want to prank your family and friends, you need to choose harmless jokes or ones that will not lead to a heart attack (suddenly you will scare your grandmother). You need to come up with jokes so that a person believes in them at least for a day, and at the end of the day you need to admit the joke and say with an innocent look: “S!”
There are several ways to make fun of family and friends:

Option 1. By phone (write a funny SMS and just call and play a prank). You can also use voice greetings. There, many jokes have already been invented for you - you just need to indicate the number and time when the draw should come. Such draws are suitable for everyone on April 1st. You can also find how to play brother and sister, they will especially like this.

Option 2. On the Internet (send a prank by e-mail) or prank loved ones on social networks.
Option 3. Make a joke about the weather (for example: “Grandma, look how much snow has fallen” or vice versa, you can take off your jacket before entering the house and say: “Well, it’s hot outside!”).
Option 4. Come home from work or school, and with a dead look say: “I was kicked out!”.
Option 5. Make a joke about the poor little animal (“Mom, what is Murka doing in the refrigerator?”).
Option 6. Joking about programs or news from TV (for example: “Mom, did you hear that Tarzan chose a gorilla as a surrogate mother for his child!”). In all these ways, you can play mom and dad. In addition, many are also suitable for playing a grandmother on April 1.

There are many options, you just need to spread your brains a little and dream up.
But do not joke on April 1 like this:
1) Your personal life - you can jinx your personal happiness, you can inadvertently offend your husband (for example: “Oh, Van, our neighbor is such a darling! He helped me fix the kettle!” Your husband can be jealous and sulk for a long time for no reason. But you can make your husband a little jealous if he then fully understands that this is a joke.If you want to prank your husband on April 1, scatter men's and women's clothes on the floor.When he comes home from work, do not open the door.On the TV, turn on a movie where a couple makes love. When the husband comes in, he will immediately run into the room. And there you yourself are waiting for him in a beautiful negligee on the bed;

2) The personal life of a brother, sister, mother, father (if they have problems, then a grandiose scandal or eternal resentment against you can also grow out of a harmless joke);
3) Regarding the health of loved ones (this is already sarcasm, not a joke, you have to be an idiot to joke so cruelly);
4) You should never joke about your health either (for example, an unsuccessful joke: “Oh, I feel bad, call an ambulance as soon as possible” can greatly scare your loved ones and cause a health disorder on their part. Then everyone will no longer be joking).
It is necessary to joke skillfully so that the joke is new, interesting, funny, harmless, light. Joking so that everyone laughs with happiness and shines with positive. After all, this is such a wonderful fun day - April 1!

On April 1, it breaks all records in terms of the number of draws. Children play pranks on their parents and vice versa, subordinates play tricks on their boss, schoolchildren on teachers and classmates. And even sharp humor is perceived without offense, because that's what April Fool's Day is for. You can joke with friends and strangers, at home, at work, in a minibus, and not only is it possible, but you must definitely charge everyone with positive! The main thing is not to forget: the sense of humor of your "victim" should be adequate to your pranks, because everyone should be funny (including the victim of the joke). What pranks can you come up with on April 1 for colleagues, friends and relatives, so that the mood is at the level, and the holiday is remembered for a long time?

World famous pranks on April 1

  • the fall of the Leaning Tower of Pisa;
  • the appearance of a UFO in London;
  • photo essay "Flying Penguins"
  • transition to a new, decimal system of time measurement;
  • changing the mathematical constant Pi from 3.14 to 3.0.

Pranks at work and beyond

At work, we spend a significant part of the time, and surely colleagues will not miss the opportunity to play you. So be the first.

box without a bottom

It's best to set the stage for the inquisitive, poking nose anytime, anywhere. At a height (for example, on a cabinet), a box without a bottom is installed, but the top must be opened. The box may have a bright sticker that arouses interest, and an inscription like “Do not touch with your hands!”. We fill the box with confetti or similar stuffing. When the chosen one for fun appears in the room, it is better to go out to give him the opportunity to satisfy his curiosity. Come back with a broom for the especially inquisitive.

secretary prank

From another office, a gullible colleague or secretary calls and, in all seriousness, informs that they are calling from a telephone exchange, where hot steam will be supplied under pressure through the cable to clean the telephone network. In this connection, you need to wrap the tubes in polyethylene or simply lower them to the floor. It is important not to show yourself until the naive victim brings the office to a safe state.

A joke on the user

An option for a colleague with strong nerves and a sense of humor.

Action plan

  • You occupy a colleague's computer while he is not in place.
  • Take a screenshot with the PrintSrceen key.
  • Go to Paint (graphic editor).
  • Press the ShiftInsert key and paste the photo.
  • Now you need to save it (windows address FUN. bmp) and close the editor.
  • Go to the "display properties" section.
  • Install FUN. bmpbackground.
  • Select all the labels on the monitor and drag them off the screen.
  • You can also remove the "Taskbar" for the full effect.

When the teapot user starts rebooting the computer and running around the office screaming, the main thing is to clarify the situation before calling the IT service or complaining to the boss. Help him "arrange icons by" and restore the screen background.

The mouse ran away

To submit you will need:

  • the same mouse as on a colleague's computer, but not a working one: its fate is difficult to predict;
  • mouse tail (cord) - long and reliable;
  • mobile chair on wheels;
  • ideally, the processor should be under the table;
  • the ingenious distraction of a colleague is welcome!

Preparation (in the absence of the main character, of course) takes a couple of minutes. Replace the mouse and tie a rope to the tail. Stretch the cord with a rope at the table, fix the other end on a chair so that in the extended version of the chair the mouse is in its usual place, but with a stretched “tail”. Pushing the chair back, the victim pulls on the rope and the mouse runs away. Trying to catch, a colleague grabs a running mouse, the chair drives off with a blow under the knees. The view of the unfortunate colleague in these races is very funny.

fatal call

Call your secretary or other employee and pretend to be a telephone company technician fixing a line fault. Ask ten minutes not to use the phone, as this can provoke an electric shock to the fitter. After the deadline, you call back to the same number and, when the receiver is picked up, you emit a heartbreaking cry.


A cruel, albeit hilarious prank for a firm with numerous clients. Attach a sign (or just a piece of paper) with the text “Toilet” on the door of the selected office. That's basically the whole point. But can you imagine the faces of employees and visitors constantly bursting in with the same question: “Toilet? And where…?"

April fool's day and friends

April 1 pranks for friends are the most fun, because you know exactly who and how to prank, and you can anticipate the reaction to your jokes. Of course, we don’t stand on ceremony with friends, but still know when to stop.

phone joke

Calling a friend late in the evening, you ask in a serious voice if he has hot water. After an affirmative answer, you give advice: “Quickly wash and sleep!”


You drink tea with a friend and chat, then you suddenly fall silent, change your face and scream: “Cockroach, Lucy (Masha, Sveta ...) you have a cockroach on your head!” .Do not use for the faint of heart.

winter diesel fuel

If you accidentally met a friend (or a beautiful stranger) at the gas station, you can play them by glancing at the gas station with the question: “I hope you fill up with WINTER diesel fuel?” Before a friend sees through the joke, he will have time to get scared. And for the girl there will be an occasion for acquaintance.


You can play the most gloomy member of the company, the main condition is that he be a smoker. Invite him to try a new brand of cigarettes, supposedly a present from a distant mutual friend. After smoking a cigarette, having agreed with friends, quietly turn on the music, quietly apply paint on yourself, let the chickens in - the main thing is that everyone should behave as usual, and only the smoker should notice the changes.

Secret admirer

You give your friend a bouquet with a note indicating the place and time of the date, and a request to take the bouquet with you. When meeting, an unfamiliar guy takes the bouquet, thanks and immediately gives it to his girlfriend. So that the victim is not too upset, a familiar company immediately appears and hands her their own bouquet.

Divination with matches

Invite a friend or friend to tell fortunes about their future fate. Give a box of matches with a request to carefully break off the heads. Meticulously examine the result of the work, ask to redo it. Then you insert matches with the victim into the nose, ears, hair, teeth, meticulously examine the result and, finally, show the victim your reflection in the mirror with the question: “Well, who needs you so terrible?”

How to joke at home

April 1 pranks for parents bring a lot of fun, no matter who is joking with whom.

Hello bums!

If you have been planning to change the lock in your apartment for a long time, do it on April 1, when your parents will not be at home. When you try to open the door, they should be met by an unfamiliar man in shorts with a replica: "What do you want?". To the question: “What are you doing in my apartment?” explains that he bought it in some real estate office. The duration of the negotiations is proportional to the strength of the nervous system of the parents, but do not overdo it.


If the door in the kitchen opens from the outside, you can tie a strong thread to it and fasten as many unbreakable objects on it as possible: spoons, towels ... The end of the thread must be fastened from the inside very carefully so as not to move the bunch. When you open the doors, all the objects scatter, and mom will instantly arrange a real rout. True, they can arrange a brainwash for you.

Good morning!

In the evening, when everyone is asleep, move all the clocks in the house forward by an hour. In the morning, when sleepy households gather for school and work, congratulate them on April 1 or silently follow how they, when they get to work, will rejoice in a surprise.

One size up

In the evening, put cotton or paper in boots and boots for everyone, stuffing socks and making shoes a size smaller. When homeworkers are struggling with shoes, do not forget to congratulate them on April 1st.

Young hairdresser

A prank for a blonde mom or a dad with gray hair. Instead of shampoo, pour a solution of potassium permanganate into an opaque bottle. Don't forget to take a picture of the pink hair of your dreams.

Focus on the kitchen

Pour water into a saucepan or a three-liter glass jar. Cover it with a sheet of paper, turn it over and place it on a flat tabletop. The paper can be safely pulled out - the water will remain in place until someone tries to remove the vessel.

school jokes

In any country and at all times, pranks on April 1 at school were a test for teachers and a pleasure for young pranksters: at every step, some kind of catch awaited everyone. But even if the teacher himself is a joker, he is unlikely to be happy with your attempt to disrupt the lesson. Will there be peace at school this time?

Mop on the ceiling

A simple and witty joke is arranged right in the lesson by writing a note with the text “mop on the ceiling” and asking them to pass it on to a neighbor after reading it. The next time you look at the ceiling of the student, the teacher will certainly look there too! And if you rub the board with soap or a candle, then no one will be able to write on it, you will have to switch to an oral survey. Whether this is good is up to you.

Algebra will not

Such a joke can upset the educational process. Come to the lesson first and tell everyone who comes in that the teacher is sick and there will be another lesson. Teachers to warn that the schedule has been moved. When everyone is completely confused, do not forget to remind about April 1st.

New diary

Drawings for April 1 for a classmate can be organized like this. Buy a new diary with a cover exactly like a friend's (we hope it's common enough) and change it discreetly. The surprise of both the teacher and the classmate when called to the board is guaranteed. I hope they appreciate the joke.


Attach an announcement to the school door with strong glue stating that there will be no lessons today due to a break in the water supply network. High school students should arrive by 11:00 in work clothes with buckets and rags.

Heavy bag

A heavy (preferably metal) object is placed in a classmate's bag, accidentally left unattended. Observing the efforts of a classmate, the main thing is to keep a serious straight face. It is important to stop in time so that the girl does not leave in tears.

Who - where, and I'm skiing

Ask a friend to stretch their hands forward and insert matches between the first and second fingers, slip two more under his shoes and innocently ask the question: “what month is it now?”. To the obvious answer that it's already April, specify: "Why is he on skis." The delight of classmates is guaranteed.


This prank is for a teapot classmate in computer technology. Tell him about the email and suddenly remember that you are waiting for a money order. And calmly take out a bill hidden somewhere in the drive.

By the way, April 1 is a holiday of humor and smiles, but not tantrums, so play nice with everyone. We also advise you to read What contests to hold on March 8, read in

To find the perfect way to prank friends on April 1, you will have to review many options. But such a search for the perfect prank is worth it if, in the end, both you and the person to whom the prank was directed will laugh heartily and be in a good mood all day on April 1st. When choosing a specific draw, you need to pay attention to exactly where it is held.

Great if you work, study or live with a friend. In other situations, you will have to try to organize everything in the way it should be. But, in general, in this article we have collected excellent and not very complicated prank options, which in any case help to laugh heartily. What can be done.

Interesting! April 1 is April Fool's Day celebrated in many countries of the world, however, its names may be different. Although, the fact remains that this is a day for holding various kinds of pranks and jokes.

If you watch a video on how to prank friends on April 1, then the funniest options will be pranks within the work team. So, if you are lucky and you work with friends, then there will definitely be where to turn around. But, in this selection there are a variety of drawing options, including not only within one workplace.

For the curious

For the curious friends you work with, this prank is perfect. In principle, this version of the joke can be carried out at home, and even in a bar or cafe. You should take a large cardboard box and remove the bottom. After that, you need to put this box somewhere high, but in a prominent place. Write on the box not to touch it with your hands. It is important here that the inscription itself attracts attention, or you can simply tell a friend that you cannot get the box, and there are some important documents in it.

Only first you will need to pour confetti or even sweets into the box when it is already on the closet. When a person reaches out to remove the box, a cheerful and bright rain will pour on him. As practice shows, this way of drawing causes a lot of positive emotions. If there are sweets inside, then you can eat them and enjoy a pleasant day and a great holiday.


It always goes well in the office: then there will be something to tell at home. It will be necessary in the office, where a lot of people gather, to hang the inscription: “Toilet”. Everyone who will look for this room will come to this office. It is clear that people inside the premises will not understand what caused such popularity. Of course, until they ask and the hoax is not revealed.

You can also change the signs on the toilet doors in advance. Then employees will be confused throughout the day. Here, the main thing is to act in such a way that in the end you can understand that this is just a rally by April 1 and deal with all your affairs before it's too late.

The most difficult joke is considered the next version of the draw. You will need to wrap the top of the toilet with a transparent film or just tape. To make it not noticeable, you can additionally unscrew the light bulb. What the consequences of this joke may be, one can only guess.

With a computer

How to play friends on April 1 at school or at work, if there is a computer class? We know exactly what needs to be done! You should arrive at work or class before everyone else and swap the cables from the screens and the main part of the machine in places. Half an hour of panic and misunderstanding in the cockpit is guaranteed. But do not drag out the joke so that everyone can appreciate it, understand and laugh.

And you can also pour a little PVA glue on the paper and wait until the stain hardens. Then carefully remove the glue from the paper and put it on the computer keyboard. When a person enters the cockpit and sees this, he will think that something has just been poured onto his computer!

"Endless Thread"

You need to put on a black suit, take a white spool of thread. Pull part of the thread out of the sleeve, and put the spool in your pocket. When a friend notices the thread, then ask him to tear it off. What a surprise it will be when a person pulls a thread, and it turns out to be endless.

Chalk and hands

Everything is simple and clear here: you will need to smear your hands with chalk, and then hug a friend and pat on the shoulder. Then comes the funniest moment: you say that a friend has a white back. He, of course, does not believe you, because he knows that today is April 1st. But what a friend really has a white back.

Not enough salt

Invite a friend to visit on April Fool's Day, you can have lunch or dinner. Instead of salt, pour fine sugar into the vessel. Now serve a plate with a dish and say that they completely forgot to salt the dish, give a salt shaker. A joke, of course, is suitable for having a good laugh. But keep in mind that the food will be spoiled and the friend will have to impose another serving.

Boots with problems

To make this joke work, you will need to prepare a sheet of paper and a piece of cotton wool. While a friend is doing his business, put it all in the shoe, moreover, it is important that the paper does not protrude from there: it should be well tucked into the sock itself. When a friend is about to put on shoes, it will seem uncomfortable to him. Here, already, it is necessary to see how the situation will develop. Perhaps a friend will want to understand what is wrong. Perhaps he will pretend that everything is in order and will diligently endure the torment.

"Smoked a lot"

You can conduct this draw in the company of friends who smoke. Moreover, it will be necessary to persuade everyone in advance, except for the person to whom the draw is directed. At one point, you need to let the parrot out of the cage, let the cat into the room and let the chicken run around the floor. It is important that everyone pretend that nothing is happening. Everything should look in such a way that only one person notices the outrages that are happening. This can be explained simply: he smoked heavily and should be tied up with this bad habit.


Another draw for April 1, which requires talent and calmness. Everyone who takes part in the drawing must portray an elk. He folds his fingers like a fan, brings them to his head and shouts: "I am an elk, let the elk go." This is done where there are a lot of people so that everyone notices. This man is followed by another who, with a frightened look, asks everyone if they have seen the elk that escaped from the zoo.

With phone

You can borrow a friend's phone to call. Step back a bit and pretend that the conversation is going on. But at this point, hide the device in your pocket and replace the normal panel with an old and shabby one. Then throw the phone with force to hit it on the asphalt.


An option on how to play friends on April 1 via SMS. You will just need to send an SMS to a friend with the following content: “When you open the door for me with an intercom. I'm cold, agreed! I do not have much time".

These are the options on how to play friends on April 1, you can safely use in your ordinary life. Of course, one should weigh the pros and cons a hundred times over whether this or that joke should be applied to a particular person. Only when the risks of the joke being misunderstood are reduced to zero can you start organizing a great prank.

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