Daniel Radcliffe marital status. Daniel Radcliffe - biography, career, personal life, interesting facts, news

Who hasn't heard the name of Daniel Radcliffe, the young British actor who played Harry Potter in the legendary wizarding film series? And although the last part of the franchise has long been released, his popularity is growing every year thanks to the innate talent and true English intelligence that makes each image of Daniel Radcliffe unique.

Childhood of Daniel Radcliffe. First roles

Daniel Jacob Radcliffe was born in London in 1989 to Alan Radcliffe and Marcy Gresham. The boy's parents were closely associated with the art world: his father was a literary agent in a major London publishing house, and his mother worked as a casting director on television; in their youth, both tried their hand at acting roles.

Little Daniel dreamed of becoming an actor from the age of five, and when he was placed in a private school, where six-year-old Radcliffe made his brilliant debut in an amateur production as a monkey, he began to persistently ask to be taken to a television casting. Parents were against it, because in childhood Daniel suffered from dyspraxia (impaired coordination), as a result of which he was very clumsy and studied extremely poorly. Yet, when the boy turned nine, Marcy gave in and brought him to the casting of "David Copperfield" based on the novel by Charles Dickens.

The film was sponsored by the BBC, but in 1999, shortly after the premiere on British screens, it was also seen by American viewers, who highly appreciated the performance of little Daniel: “An actor who looks so natural in the frame is a rarity, especially such a young one! He looked like a real orphan from the 19th century.”

The heyday of Daniel Radcliffe's career. Harry Potter and others

In 2000, Radcliffe received a cameo role in the film The Tailor from Panama: he played the son of the heroes Jamie Lee Curtis and Geoffrey Rush. At the same time, a search began in the UK for actors to film the first Harry Potter novel, which was released in 1997 and has already become a cult work for children around the world.

The author of the novel, Joanne Rowling, set a firm condition: all the actors involved in the film must be British. The director of a large-scale project, Chris Columbus, puzzled for a long time in search of a young actor who, firstly, would be a native of Great Britain, and secondly, would be liked by a demanding writer. By that time, the casting had already lasted 9 months, more than 16 thousand applicants tried for the role of Harry Potter, and all of them were rejected. "We'll have to make a movie without Harry Potter," the members of the film crew joked.

By chance, Chris stumbled upon a videotape with Copperfield, and after watching it, he immediately called an assistant with a demand to find the young actor. Radcliffe was invited to audition, but his parents were against it - they wanted their son to be an ordinary child: he studied, attended circles, played with friends, and did not spend his entire childhood on the set. The case helped: it turned out that the producer of the film, David Heyman, was closely acquainted with Radcliffe's father, who, after much persuasion, nevertheless gave his son to be "torn apart" by the directors. And most importantly, JK Rowling was delighted with Daniel, and the boy was approved for the role of Harry Potter.

“I had two reactions when I found out about the role,” said Daniel, “at first I cried because I was very happy! And then, a few hours later, I woke up in the middle of the night, ran to my parents in the bedroom to ask if I had a dream.

Daniel Radcliffe auditions for the role of Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone began filming in September 2000. Daniel was to play alongside Rupert Grint and Emma Watson, who were also approved by Rowling. During the work, everyone was amazed by Daniel's physical preparation: he did all the stunts himself, and only in the most dangerous scenes he was duplicated by stuntmen. For example, for the Quidditch game scene, the actor hung in the air on a broomstick at a height of several meters, and this did not frighten him at all.

To say that "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" was a great success is to say nothing - worldwide rental fees approached the figure of a billion dollars. The emotional adventure of an orphan boy, who found out about his magical origin on the day of his 11th birthday, gathered full houses even a few months after the premiere.

The audience admired the play of young actors, separately noting the "deep intelligence with a slight sadness in the eyes of Harry Potter." They fell in love with the icy look of Draco Malfoy performed by Tom Felton, and the insidious potions teacher Severus Snape, masterfully embodied by Alan Rickman, and the wise director of Hogwarts, played by Richard Harris.

A year later, in November 2002, the premiere of the second part - "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" took place. The audience was amazed: the kind fairy tale about the wizard boy acquired dramatic shades, the characters matured, and the plot twists sometimes made us think about the expediency of the 12+ rental rating. This trend has been exacerbated with each new Harry Potter film: for example, the fourth part of the film was not recommended for viewing by people under 13 years old.

In 2004, the third part, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, premiered. The film crew has undergone significant changes: firstly, the director has changed - Columbus was replaced by a little-known at that time Alfonso Cuaron, secondly, Richard Harris, who passed away on the eve of filming, was replaced by Michael Gambon, and, finally, the legendary Gary appeared among the actors Oldman, who took on the role of Uncle Sirius.

For the filming of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Daniel had to train a lot in scuba diving and stunts, for example, he once made a vertical fall from a height of 15 meters. The fourth part of the saga was attended by aspiring actor Robert Pattinson, who played Cedric Diggory, a gifted senior student from the Hufflepuff faculty, as well as unrecognizably made-up Ralph Fiennes, who personified the main villain of the novel, the dark magician Voldemort. The director also changed again - Mike Newell took over the post of Cuaron.

In 2006, Daniel Radcliffe finally expanded his portfolio with a new image, starring in the December Boys melodrama.

In the same year, filming of the fifth part of Harry Potter began. The actors had to leave Scotland, where they worked on previous films, and go to Scandinavia - only there the directors found snow-covered landscapes suitable for the scenery. The director of the new picture was David Yates, who "led" the franchise right up to the finale.

In 2007, Radcliffe performed in theaters in the West End, and then on Broadway, where he appeared in the play Equus based on the play by Peter Schaeffer. According to the plot of the work, the stable boy goes crazy because of his love for horses. In one of the scenes, Daniel was to play completely naked, and when photos from the performance got into the press, many parents came out to ban Radcliffe from the production: “He is playing in the most popular children's film, and such obscene behavior corrupts his audience!” . Adding fuel to the fire was the fact that the actor transferred most of the fee to a fund to help suicidal LGBT teenagers.

Unfortunately, with the start of work on Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Daniel did not have time for the theater, although before the start of filming he managed to light up in the film by British director Brian Kirk "My Boy Jack", which told about the tragic pages from the life of Rudhyar Kipling. Here Daniel, who by that time had celebrated his 18th birthday, appeared before the audience in the form of a military man with a youthful mustache. The character was as different from Harry Potter as possible, and this tape showed that Daniel Radcliffe is not a one-man actor at all.

The gloomy "Half-Blood Prince" was presented to the public in July 2009, and a year and a half later, the first part of the finale of the saga, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", was released. Radcliffe was extremely impressed with the collaboration with Helena Bonham Carter, who played Voldemort's assistant Bellatrix Lestrange: "Helena is one of those actors who, as soon as they hear the command "Motor!", Just change, not only in terms of character but also physically.

In the same year, Daniel Radcliffe was declared the highest paid actor of the last decade. His fees for "Harry Potter" really grew exponentially. If he received “only” a million dollars for participating in the first part, then his salary for the first “Deathly Hallows” increased 20 times, and for the next episode he was already rewarded with 33 million.

The scale of the filming of the final part was amazing, for example, for the scene of the last battle between the forces of good and evil, 400 actors were involved who played the Death Eaters and their minions, on the one hand, and 400 actors who played the role of students and teachers of Hogwarts, on the other. The worldwide collections of the final part of "Harry Potter" amounted to almost one and a half billion dollars. At the exit from the cinemas, many spectators cried, longingly parting with the heroes who fell in love with their hearts.

Further career of Daniel Radcliffe

Harry Potter was over. The first months Radcliffe simply did not know what to do with himself, and eventually became addicted to drinking. “I felt absolutely inconsolable,” he shared during an interview.

He was saved from alcoholic anguish by an invitation received at the end of 2011 from director James Watkins, who saw Daniel in the lead role of his new project, the mystical thriller The Woman in Black. This time, Radcliffe has reincarnated as a young lawyer and single father from the Victorian era.

In 2012, Radcliffe played in the film adaptation of the story by Mikhail Bulgakov, called "Notes of a Young Doctor". Daniel appeared in the form of a young rural doctor, Vladimir, who faced numerous unforeseen difficulties during his practice. This experience left the actor only warm memories, especially since his favorite work is the novel The Master and Margarita.

A year later, a new film starring Daniel Radcliffe was released, a mystical drama with elements of the absurd called "Horns". The actor played an ordinary American guy who discovered in the morning that horns were growing from his head, giving him the ability to read the innermost thoughts of others.

Another project that Radcliffe was working on at that time was the drama Kill Your Darlings, where he played the beatnik Allen Ginsberg.

The next couple of years, Daniel Radcliffe again devoted himself to theatrical activities, participating in the productions of How to Become a Successful Businessman and Do Nothing for It and The Cripple of Inishmaan. In addition, he starred in the comedy Friendship and No Sex? in a pair of Zoe Kazan, the melodrama "Girl without complexes" with Amy Schumer and Brie Larson, as well as in the biopic "Tipping Point" about the confrontation between lawyer Mike Thompson and the creators of the game "Grand Thief Auto".

Not only cinema

Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter)

The role of Harry could really seriously harm Radcliffe's career, making him not just a hostage of the image, but even an actor of one role. Nevertheless, immediately after the end of the ten-year series in 2011, the guy began to actively act in other films - unlike his colleagues from the Golden Trio. Trying to choose only interesting roles, Radcliffe managed to play both a morphine doctor in the film adaptation of Bulgakov ("Notes of a Young Doctor"), and Allen Ginsberg ("Kill Your Darlings"), and even the devil himself ("Horns"). Now in cinemas you can still catch the marvelous film "Swiss Army Man", in which our beloved Harry becomes a corpse with "superpowers". In addition, "Empire" will soon be released, where he will play a young FBI agent who needs to infiltrate a neo-Nazi organization.

Radcliffe is also a frequent guest on the theater stages of Britain and Broadway. In a series of questions and answers for Reddit, he admitted that he dreams of working with Jennifer Lawrence, George Clooney, the Coen brothers, Wes Anderson and Christopher Nolan. In addition to acting, Radcliffe is involved in charity work - he actively supports children's hospices and organizations that are fighting for the rights of the LGBT community.

Emma Watson (Hermione Granger)

Even before the end of the Potteriana, Watson decides that education is as important as a career, and does not take an active part in the filming, but (in two approaches) receives a bachelor's degree from Brown University. Five years after "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2" she managed to play in the film adaptation of Stephen Chbosky's novel "It's good to be quiet" and work with directors such as Sofia Coppola ("Elite Society"), Darren Aronofsky ("Noah") and Seth Rogen ("End of the World - 2013: Apocalypse in Hollywood"). In 2015, two interesting projects are released - "Colony Dignidad" tells about the Chilean military coup, and in "Eclipse" the girl played a victim of satanic rituals. Already in 2017, Hermione will appear as Belle in the film adaptation of Disney's Beauty and the Beast.

Watson is also in demand in the fashion industry: she was the face of Burberry, Lancôme, appeared on the covers of Elle, Vogue, Marie Claire, Vanity Fair and Harper's Bazaar. She is a UN Goodwill Ambassador (and even visited Uruguay) and one of the key figures of the movement HeForShe, which is designed to fight gender inequality and involve men in the feminist movement.

Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley)

At one time, Grint was called the most promising of the "golden trio", but the fate of the guy was a little different. There are not so many roles in his filmography yet, of which the most interesting are the guy who dreams of a porn star career in "Dangerous Illusion" and the unsuccessful manager of a rock band in the comedy "Moon Scam".

Like Radcliffe and Watson, Grint is a philanthropist. For example, along with Leona Lewis and other celebrities, he supports Cancer Research UK, which researches ways to treat cancer.

Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy)

Felton first decided to break into Hollywood: having starred in "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" and the horror film "The Phenomenon", Tom still returns to Britain. This was followed by a number of commercially unsuccessful projects, such as the adaptation of the novel by Emile Zola "Thérèse Raquin" or the TV series "Labyrinth". Now the actor has joined the cast of the TV series The Flash, and in the fall we will be able to watch his performance in the film United Kingdom, which will open the London Film Festival.

In addition to acting, Felton is a real fan of fishing and even wanted to go to university for "fishing". Tom also made attempts to find himself in music and even released two albums - Time Well Spent and All I Need - in 2008.

Matthew Lewis (Neville Longbottom)

Now in Lewis it is difficult to recognize that same chubby boy from the Potteriana. As the actor himself admitted to Fault magazine, he specifically chose the roles of rude and strong men in order to get rid of the image of the comely Neville. Mostly Lewis starred in TV shows, the most interesting of which is "Happy Valley", where Matt plays an alcoholic suspect in the murders. At the moment, the actor's performance can be seen in the drama Me Before You with Emilia Clarke and Sam Claflin.

Prepared by Katerina Yatel

In this material, we will talk about a British film and theater actor named Daniel Radcliffe. "David Copperfield" is the name of the film that launched this man's career. However, he is best known for his role as Harry Potter in a series of films based on the works of JK Rowling.

In 2009, the young man entered the Guinness Book of Records as a decade. He is the owner of a nominal star in California on the Walk of Fame. Thus, his contribution to cinematic art was noted.


Daniel Radcliffe was born in Fulham. It happened in 1989, on July 23. He became the only child in the family. His mother Marcia Janine Gresham Jacobson is a South African native of Jewish descent. She is a casting agent. Actor's father Alan George Radcliffe was born in Northern Ireland - Banbridge. He is a Protestant. Works as a literary agent. The future actor was brought up outside of religion. He began to show interest in the acting profession at the age of five. It was then that he took part in a school production, where he played the role of a monkey.

The young man was educated at once in two private schools for boys: the City of London School and Sussex House School.

However, later he began to experience difficulties with learning. The fact is that because of the role in the film about Harry Potter, classmates began to show a hostile attitude towards him. As a result, I had to leave school.


Daniel Radcliffe first appeared on screen in the TV movie David Copperfield. This project was created by the BBC and was published in 1999. In that year, the young man passed a screen test for a film called Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. He got the main role.

Filming started in 2000. The release took place in 2001. The film was a huge success. in the world exceeded the mark of 970 million dollars. It should be mentioned that a little earlier the actor played a small role in the film "The Tailor from Panama".

Then work began on the continuation of the Harry Potter film story. The commercial success of subsequent parts was no less impressive. In 2012, a new tape with the participation of the actor, The Woman in Black, was released. This film grossed just under $5 million in Russia. In an episode of the series "Extras" a young man played himself.


In 2004, Daniel Radcliffe played a role in a musical comedy called The Play What I Wrote. From 2007 to 2009, he participated in the theatrical production of Equus. This work is based on a play by Peter Schaeffer. Directed by Thea Sherrock. The production first appeared in the West End, and later on Broadway. In 2011, he played window cleaner Jay Pyrepont Finch in a musical called How to Succeed in Business Without Doing Nothing. In 2017, he was involved in the play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead by Tom Stoppard.

The production took place on the stage of the theater "Old Vic". This work received four-star reviews in The Telegraph, The Independent and The Guardian. The presence of the actor provided a full house throughout the entire period of the show.

As a result, the performance was extended. The work was soon broadcast worldwide and to UK cinemas as part of a project called National Theater Live.

Other works

Daniel Radcliffe also took up literary activities. In 2007 his poems were published in a magazine called Rubbish. The pseudonym Jacob Gershon was used for publications. This is the original Hebrew version of the mother's surname. The actor also participated in the video of the British indie band Slow Club, filmed for the song Beginners.


We have already talked about who Daniel Radcliffe is. Films with his participation will be given below. So, the actor got the lead role in the Harry Potter movie. He also participated in the following films: "David Copperfield", "The Tailor from Panama", "Children's Party at the Palace", "The Woman in Black", "Notes of a Young Doctor", "Kill Your Darlings", "Horns", "The Girl Without complexes”, “Victor Frankenstein”, “Tipping Point”, “Illusion of Deception”, “Swiss Army Man”, “Absolute Power”, “Young Americans”, “Jungle”.

Curious information

Now we will give some interesting facts about a man named Daniel Radcliffe. is 165 cm. He is a fan of punk rock. Loves cricket. He often attends England matches together with Tom Felton.

He celebrated his birthday at the age of 21 in St. Petersburg. The young man's favorite work is the novel The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov. Interested in anime culture. In 2008, the young man admitted that he was suffering from dyspraxia. The actor cannot tie his shoelaces.

He stated that he was an atheist. According to the actor, he is proud to be a Jew. In 2009, he announced that he supported the Liberal Democrats. In 2010, he admitted that he had problems with alcohol. Soon, however, he stopped drinking. In 2012, he announced that he was in a relationship with Rosie Cocker, an assistant director. Soon it became known about the breakup of the couple. Since 2012, she has been dating - an American actress. They met while filming Kill Your Darlings. In 2014, there were rumors about their engagement. However, the girl's father denied them.

Daniel contributes to the cause of gay rights. Opposes homophobia. In 2009, he began to participate in a social program within the framework of the Trevor project. This organization provides various educational materials on homosexuality, as well as the prevention of suicide among adolescents belonging to the LGBT community. The actor learned about this project in 2008 while working on the production of Equus. He made a significant financial donation to this organization. Now you know who Daniel Radcliffe is. Photos of the actor are attached to this material.

Personal life of Daniel Radcliffe, despite his young age, has already managed to acquire scandals and rumors, and this was largely due to the wild popularity that hit the young actor after the filming of Harry Potter. By his own admission, the actor, imagining himself a star, he could come to the shooting drunk, and outside the set, Daniel often abused alcohol. Fortunately, he quickly realized that this would not lead to anything good, and coped with addiction. Not much is known about Daniel Radcliffe's personal life - the actor prefers to keep its details secret. His relationship with girls can only be judged by the occasionally appearing in the press photos in which the paparazzi managed to capture him with some girlfriend.

Pictured: Daniel and Laura O'Toole

A few years ago, the actor met with his stage partner, young actress Laura O'Toole. The intimate scenes they had to act out in the play Equus pushed them to intimacy in real life as well. They discovered many common interests, such as punk music. After Laura in the personal life of Daniel Radcliffe, there was a close relationship with Olive Anyak, the stepdaughter of the producer of the Harry Potter films. They met at the very beginning of filming and dated for several years. Then their relationship was interrupted for a while, in order to resume after some time.

Pictured: Radcliffe and Olive Anyak

They tried not to part for a long time, but due to busy work schedules, they did not see each other very often. In addition, Olive is a spoiled girl, she loved noisy parties in nightclubs, expensive drinks and preferred bad boys, and Daniel, in her opinion, is somewhat old-fashioned. After several years of relationship, they broke up. Then, in the personal life of Daniel Radcliffe, an affair broke out with Roseanne Cocker, assistant director in the film "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", but it turned out to be not very long.

Pictured: Daniel Radcliffe and Rosie Cocker

The actor, thinking about the future, plans that by the age of thirty he should have a family and a child. Now Daniel is twenty-five and he still has enough time to meet a worthy girl with whom he can truly fall in love. In 2012, Radcliffe became the richest young Briton, earning £50 million, so now he is one of the most eligible suitors, whom millions of girls are not averse to meeting. And if at the moment the main time of the actor is busy with work, from which he gets great pleasure, then in the future, the meaning of Daniel Radcliffe's personal life, by his own admission, should be the family.

Emma Watson: "Why didn't he call back?"

Despite the fact that the actress Emma Watson gives herself without a trace to her career, she never relegated her personal life to the background. At various times, she was credited with stormy love affairs with rugby player Tom Ducker, Spanish musician Rafael Sebriani and heartthrob singer Johnny Borrell. But, alas, not a single relationship led Emma to anything serious.

In addition, gossips said that Watson was madly in love with Harry Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe. Young people were often seen together in bars and on walks, but the girl continued to insist that she knew how to be friends with the boys and she and Daniel were just good friends.


“I, like any girl, always worry about relationships,” Watson admits. - And I often ask my friends: “Well, why didn’t he call back? Why didn't he invite me to dinner?" They answer: “He must be afraid of you.”
Yes, Emma's huge popularity sometimes plays a cruel joke with her - shy gentlemen simply do not dare to approach her.

Rupert Grint: "No time for courtship"

Rupert Grint prefers to spend his free time at the stadium, rooting for the Tottenham football team, and not in the company of his girlfriend. The reason is the absence of the latter.

“I’ve never been really serious about it,” the actor sighs sadly. “I have absolutely no time for courtship, and yet every girl requires enough attention.”

Even a kiss with Emma Watson, according to the script of the last book, did not melt Grint's heart: "Emma is like a sister to me, I can't fall in love with her."

But good-natured Rupert is a real pillow for Hollywood tears. It was he who consoled Lily Allen, who lost her second child, and helped recover from drug addiction the former girlfriend of the English musician Pete Doherty, Katie Lewis.
Despite the absence of a serious relationship, Rupert knows exactly what features in the appearance and character of the opposite sex really attract him. Firstly, the red-haired actor does not prefer beauties, but eccentric girls with non-standard facial features. Secondly, Rupert loves girls who are cheerful, active and with an amazing sense of humor.
Well, I would like to hope that now that the shooting of the last series of the story about wizards has ended, Rupert will be freer and will finally take care of his personal life.

Daniel Radcliffe: "Yes, I'm Dating a Fat Girl"

For the first time, the performer of the role of Harry Potter, Daniel Radcliffe, fell in love when he was only 8 years old, with the girl Lucy. One day, he made a postcard for her on Valentine's Day, in which he spoke about the strong feelings that overwhelmed him. But the impudent girl, having received the message, only laughed out loud in response. Of course, Daniel experienced a love accident, but since then he has become more careful in expressing his feelings.

A couple of years ago, Radcliffe dated a young theater actress, Laura O'Toole (pictured), who was his partner in the play Equus. According to rumors, they were brought together with Daniel not only by the intimate scenes that they had to play in the play, but also by common hobbies: the girl, like Daniel, adored punk music and was delighted with cartoons about the Simpsons.

Now Daniel is dating the stepdaughter of the multimillionaire and producer of the Potter series Oliva Uniak. Known weaknesses of the girl are noisy parties until the morning in elite nightclubs and expensive champagne (Moet prefers). Daniel and Oliva's romance has been going on for several years now. Neither the large figure of the girl, nor her height (she is half a head taller than Daniel) does not bother the actor.

By the way, if you ever decide to send a letter to Daniel in the hope of recapturing it from the heiress, never type text on the computer: only a handwritten letter can “hook” Radcliffe.

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