Wooden house with a pencil step by step. How to draw a house with a pencil step by step


Hello! Today we present you a new step-by-step drawing lesson, in which we distance ourselves a little from drawing living beings and pay attention to architecture. As you have seen in the title, the topic of today's lesson is how to draw a house, let's get started and start drawing!

Step 1

Our house today will look like a hugely popular townhouse in the West - a neat, compact house that is designed for a large family. Therefore, it will look more complicated than the traditional hut, which comes to mind as an association with the phrase how to draw a house.

Draw houses like in our example, starting from the bottom. To make it more convenient for you, we decided to highlight the part that should be drawn very first:

If there are no highlight lines, the first step should look like this:

Step 2

There are a lot of steps here, however, we will use the same markup as in the previous step so you don't get confused. In red, we marked the places that should be drawn first. The number 1 marked the columns, the number 2 - the cornice. The lines may not be very straight right now, the main thing is that you have a clear idea of ​​​​their location.

Without this markup, the drawing for this step looks like this:

Step 3

Now the time has come for strict, even lines, and here you need to draw very carefully. Our artist loves to detail the drawings from top to bottom. So, let's draw the roof with several even, symmetrical lines. Keep the three-dimensional effect in drawing the cornice, paying attention to the lower part, and also correctly outline the corner on the right.

In this part of our lesson, we will draw the shutters and the window. Please note that it has a pair of transverse lines, and not one, as is found in stereotypical drawings of houses.

Step 4

Quite a short step. Here we will draw the part of the upper floor to the left of us, do not forget the semicircle in the center of this part, carefully shade it. Moreover, the shading should be intense in the lower part - well, you can see it for yourself. Then we will work on the windows, draw and carefully shade the shutters.

Step 5

Let's draw the porch of our house - the roof, columns, cornice and door - everything except the handle door should be absolutely symmetrical. Naturally, we mean symmetry with respect to the porch, and not the whole house.

Step 6

To the right of the porch is a veranda, draw it. Here we can see a window, cornices and columns. Symmetry and clarity of lines should be preserved everywhere.

Step 7

Now it's the turn of the part of the house, which is located to the left of the porch. Wavy lines outline the contours of the bushes that grow in front of the house.

Step 8

In the end, we outline and draw a part of the house, which is located to the right of all the others.

A phased drawing of a house with colored pencils should have each element even and beautiful, so we will certainly use a ruler in the image. By hand, you can draw bushes around the house and a small window in the attic.

Necessary materials:

  • a set of colored pencils;
  • regular pencil;
  • black marker;
  • eraser;
  • ruler;
  • paper.

Drawing steps:

1. First you need to draw a vertical line on a piece of paper. It will be the center of the drawing. Then we draw the roof of the house. Outwardly, it will resemble a trapezoid. The top horizontal line will be shorter than the bottom. For convenience and simplicity, you can use a ruler.

2. In the middle of the picture, add the top of the triangle. In the future, it will be an attic room with a small window.

3. Draw on the sides of the roof in one line. Then connect to the main contour of the roof by drawing another short line at the bottom.

4. Then, you can draw an attic room with a window. To do this, first draw a part of the square and then add another layer to our small roof.

5. In the middle of the square, draw a small and pretty window. It can be of any shape. We chose a round window. It is unusual in shape and it is probably interesting to sit behind it and look out from the attic room.

6. Add another horizontal line at the bottom of the roof and connect it to the main outline. Let's finish the main part of the house - the walls. They will hold the roof. Draw this part of the house in the form of a square.

7. A necessary element in every home is the front door. Before her image, we will draw a small rise in the form of a step to make it easier to enter the house.

8. Draw a large window on the right side. You definitely need to draw a frame. Let's add window partitions.

9. Draw another step under the door step. Let's draw green bushes around the house.

10. We remove all unnecessary lines with an eraser and start tracing our drawing. It is better to do it under the ruler.

11. First of all, we will decorate the roof of the house. Take a yellow pencil for this purpose.

12. For realism in the windows, you can draw highlights with blue and cyan pencils.

13. Decorate the walls of the house in the lower part and in the attic with a brown pencil. The steps under the door will be the same color.

14. Add color to the window frame and front door with a red pencil.

15. With green pencils of two shades, we will decorate the greenery near the house.

That's it! See you soon!

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Many children dream of learning how to draw a house, for example, a fairy tale hut. There is nothing difficult in drawing such a structure, therefore even a preschooler can cope with such a task, especially if his parents help him with this. Thanks to this master class, everyone will be able to understand how to draw a house with a pencil in stages, and then color it using a set of colored pencils.
Before you start drawing a hut, you need to prepare everything you need:

1). Colour pencils;
2). Mechanical pencil (or a simple sharpened one);
3). Eraser;
4). Paper.

When everything is ready, you can get to work:
1). Draw a horizon line and outline the shape of the house;

2). Draw a triangular roof;

3). Draw windows;

4). Draw the roof and chimney;

5). Draw logs;

6). Draw details such as window frames, their decor and patterns;

7). Draw the smoke that comes from the chimney, as well as the cat that climbs on the roof. Draw a fence on both sides of the house. At this stage, you can finish the work if you wanted to learn how to draw a house with a pencil. But the painted drawing looks complete and more interesting;

8). Outline the sketch with a pen. Draw clouds and grass with a pen;

9). Remove the preliminary sketch with an eraser;

10). Color the frames with a light brown pencil, and windows with yellow;

eleven). Use brown and dark brown pencils to paint over the logs;

12). Light brown color the top of the pipe and the round elements of the logs. Paint over the chimney and patterns on the house in red, and red-brown on the decor of the windows and the roof;

13). Color the fence with an emerald-colored pencil, and a cat with an orange one;

14). Shade the grass in green, and shade the sky and clouds in blue.

Now you know how to draw a house step by step and then color it with colored pencils. Of course, you can make a house drawing bright not only with a set of colored pencils, but also using watercolor or gouache. This is one of the easy options.

Complexity:(2 out of 5).

Age: from three years old.

Materials: a sheet of thick paper, wax crayons, a simple pencil (just in case), an eraser, watercolor, a palette with indentations for water, a large brush.

Purpose of the lesson: we go through and consolidate knowledge about the shape of a square (house, window), triangle (roof), definition (horizon line).

Progress: the child draws a large square (future house), then a small square (window), then a triangle (roof), decorate.

We arrange the sheet vertically, which means the short side towards us. Always pay attention to this to your baby, because he must know such concepts as vertically and horizontally. The more often you mention it in class, the faster the child will remember it.
Now for the walls of the house he chooses any color of wax crayon that he wants and tries to draw a square. If the kid is not confident in himself, let him draw a square with a simple pencil until he succeeds. All sketches with a simple pencil are made with light movements without pressing on it, so that the eraser can easily remove misses.

We draw the roof of the house in the form of a triangle. And paint over the resulting parts. Our house is ready! Let's start coloring with wax crayons.

Let's draw a horizon line. Another definition that your child should know. Repeat it more often and the baby will remember it. The horizon line is the line connecting heaven and earth. Draw it with a simple pencil.

We proceed to one of the most interesting stages. We take a thick brush and dilute 2 colors of paint in the palette (blue and green), with plenty of water. We dip the brush into the diluted paint and apply blue color from the top (sky), from left to right and move from top to bottom to the horizon line. But then we have to wait for the paint to dry, otherwise when we paint in green (the earth) it may turn out ugly. We check the sky for drawings, if it is dry, then we proceed to the final part - we draw the earth. We draw it in the same way as the sky - from left to right and from top to bottom.

How to draw a house with a pencil in stages? In this article, we will learn how to do this. It may seem that drawing a house is very difficult, but it is not at all the case.

We are drawing a house, not a house :) Therefore, we will draw with a side view without drawing three-dimensional figures. This will greatly simplify the drawing process, of course, if you feel strong in yourself, you can finish the three-dimensional elements of the house, that is, the second wall and draw the roof.

On paper, we will depict the most ordinary village house, which can be found in almost every city in the world. So let's get started!

Step by step drawing example

We will draw with pencils, so stock up on a regular pencil, colored pencils, an eraser and a sharpener. And, of course, paper.

Stage 1
The house will consist of two parts (you can see the finished drawing), draw a rectangle and divide it into two parts. Please note that the rectangle needs to be divided not in the middle, but slightly offset to the left.

Stage 2
In the second step, we outline the roof and doorway. We plan the doorway so wide for a reason. The doorway is so wide because it will not have one door, but two.

Stage 3
Now we detail the roof with a pencil and insert windows into our house. Windows do not have to be square, very often rectangular windows are installed in buildings.

However, the windows must be at the same height, otherwise your building will look very unrealistic. You can even use a ruler for precise marking. And if you have a diamond eye, then you don’t have to use a ruler :)

Also, along the entire bottom of the building you need to draw a decorative strip.

Stage 4
We circle the windows and the door with another line, this will give a little effect of volume, despite the fact that our goal is not to draw a three-dimensional house.

On the roof, you must definitely depict a chimney, otherwise where will Santa bring gifts for Christmas?

Stage 5
The fifth step is a very important step because it's time to detail the whole building. We insert the doors, under them we paint on the stairs. We insert glass into the windows, we also detail the roof and the lower, decorative strip of the building.

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