Children's drawings based on Marshak's work Baggage. Book illustration


The lady was checking in luggage
Travel bag,
And a little dog.

Gave it to the lady at the station
Four green receipts
About baggage received:
Travel bag,
And a little dog.

Things are being transported to the platform.
They are thrown into an open carriage.
Ready. Luggage stowed:
Travel bag,
And a little dog.

But the bell just rang
A puppy escaped from the carriage.
We grabbed it at Dno station:
One place lost.
In fright they count their luggage:
Travel bag,
- Comrades! Where's the little dog?

Suddenly they see: standing by the wheels
A huge disheveled dog.

They caught him - and in the luggage,
To where the bag lay,
Where was the little dog before?

We arrived in the city of Zhitomir.
Porter number fifteen
Carrying luggage on a trolley:
Travel bag,
And they lead a dog behind.

The dog starts to growl,
And the lady will scream:
- Robbers! The thieves! Freaks!
The dog is the wrong breed!

She threw the suitcase
She pushed the sofa with her foot,
- Give me back my little dog!

Excuse me, mom! At the station
According to the baggage receipt,
We received luggage from you:
Travel bag,
And a little dog.
During the journey
I could have grown up!

(Illustration by V. Lebedev)

Published by: Mishka 25.03.2018 17:52 27.06.2019

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The site widely presents the topic of book
illustrations (original works of book graphics).
These are original illustrations (ink, watercolor, gouache),
as well-known illustrators
children's books, such as A. Eliseev., V. Panov,
G.A.V. Traugot, G. Valk, M. Miturich, M. Skobelev,
S. Ostrov, F. Lemkul, and many others
book artists who contributed significantly
contribution to the art of book graphics.
The design of the book in Soviet times was given
serious attention. A large number of art educational
institutions had departments of book graphics, where teachers
were the most famous artists of that time.
The most outstanding Soviet artists often turned to the theme
book illustrations in his work, but true masterpieces
created only by those masters who were inextricably linked with the book and its
characters throughout their lives.
The skill of book illustration amazes and delights the reader
person. Drawings for books are memorized from childhood and
remain in it forever. Collecting book graphics -
a fascinating process that allows you to plunge into the world of art,
remember the books you read as a child and understand how
a drawing made by a master’s hand differs from an illustration
in a book often damaged by the printing press.
On our website you can buy to create a collection,
decoration of a children's room or as a gift original drawings
to children's books. Collecting children's books -
one of the most popular types of hobbies.
In the column "sales archive - read books" you can look through and read
children's books by favorite authors with drawings by outstanding
masters of book illustration. This section is with children's books
will be gradually replenished.
Anyone who is interested in the art of books, book graphics, views of old Moscow, we recommend visiting our website -
"Book Graphics"

Drawings for children's books by famous artists
from the gallery "Book Illustration"

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Mixed media
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Ink, watercolor
Illustration for
Norwegian fairy tales.

The lady was checking in luggage
Travel bag,
And a little dog.

Gave it to the lady at the station
Four green receipts
About baggage received:
Travel bag,
And a little dog.

Things are being transported to the platform.
They are thrown into an open carriage.
Ready. Luggage stowed:
Travel bag,
And a little dog.

But the bell just rang
A puppy escaped from the carriage.
We grabbed it at Dno station:
One place lost.
In fright they count their luggage:
Travel bag,
- Comrades! Where's the little dog?

Suddenly they see: standing by the wheels
A huge disheveled dog.
They caught him and put him in the luggage,
To where the bag lay,
Where was the little dog before?

We arrived in the city of Zhitomir.
Porter number fifteen
Carrying luggage on a trolley:
Travel bag,
And they lead a dog behind.

The dog starts to growl,
And the lady will scream:
- Robbers! The thieves! Freaks!
The dog is the wrong breed!
She threw the suitcase
She pushed the sofa with her foot,
- Give me back my dog!

- Excuse me, mother! At the station
According to the baggage receipt,
We received luggage from you:
Travel bag,
And a little dog.
During the journey
I could have grown up!

Analysis of the poem “The Lady Checked in a Sofa, a Suitcase, a Travel Bag as Luggage…” by Marshak

Written almost a century ago, the poem “Baggage” by S. Ya. Marshak is still read with pleasure by both adults and children. There are rarely people who are unable to quote a work by heart - vivid images, a lively but laconic narrative are easily etched in the memory.

In his quest to achieve the ideal rhythm, the author did not shy away from changing the plot of the work - before the lady went to Tver, and not to Zhitomir at all:

“We arrived in the city of Zhitomir.
Porter number fifteen...", and
“As soon as we arrived in Tver,
The trunk door was opened...”

According to the memoirs of Samuil Yakovlevich, he started work without a specific idea, he was only concerned with rhythm and playing with words. And the rhythmic organization of the verse is such that the first lines include from 3 to 6 words, and they are followed by one-word lines. Every time the stanza ends with a phrase about a little dog.

A well-chosen stylistic figure became the key to the success of the work - children easily learn musical phrases, and use the embossed ladder words in games as counting rhymes. This was the purpose of the patter repetition of traveling objects, connected in one chain by rhyme and a repeating refrain.

As for imagery, a child’s imagination easily imagines a picture of a frail lady checking in a huge sofa as luggage. What about everything else? - just think! - a suitcase, a travel bag, a painting, a basket, a cardboard box (full, by the way, of fluffy hats) and some tiny terrier.

The situation is, without a doubt, funny. In the final lines, there is a climactic confrontation between the orphaned lady and the railway workers, and the image of a shaggy mongrel, replacing a small dog, became a hilarious denouement of the story (“However, during the journey the dog could grow up!”). The author noted that these lines were born to him spontaneously.

Adult readers will also smile at the sarcastic allusions to bureaucratic formalities (“They gave the lady at the station four green receipts”), disdainful attitude towards other people’s things (“Things are taken to the platform, thrown into an open carriage”), or see the irony in the name of the station - “Bottom "

The cheerful verse was negatively received by Soviet critics. But having survived time, it continues to delight readers today.

The poem “Luggage” by Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak has not lost its relevance even today, when carriers are more than negligent in transporting luggage... Well, oh well. The poem is for children, although adults read and re-read it with pleasure. We read and look at the illustrations for the poem. Illustrated by V. Ginukov.

S.Ya. Marshak


The lady checked in her luggage:
Travel bag,
And a little dog.

Gave it to the lady at the station
Four green receipts
About baggage received:
Travel bag,
And a little dog.

Things are being transported to the platform.
They are thrown into an open carriage.
Ready. Luggage stowed:
Travel bag,
And a little dog.

But the bell just rang
A puppy escaped from the carriage.
We grabbed it at Dno station:
One place lost.
In fright they count their luggage:
Travel bag,
- Comrades!
Where's the little dog?

Suddenly they see: standing by the wheels
A huge disheveled dog.
They caught him - and in the luggage,
To where the bag lay,
Where was the little dog before?

We arrived in the city of Zhitomir.
Porter number fifteen
Carrying luggage on a trolley:
Travel bag,
And they lead a dog behind.

The dog starts to growl.
And the lady will scream:
- Robbers! The thieves! Freaks!
The dog is the wrong breed!

She threw the suitcase
She pushed the sofa with her foot,
- Give me back my little dog!

Excuse me, mom! At the station
According to the baggage receipt,
We received luggage from you:
Travel bag,
And a little dog.
During the journey
I could have grown up!

Despite the apparent simplicity and ease of reading, Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak wrote and rewrote his poem “Luggage” several times. It was published in the collection “Soviet Guys” in 1926, and in the book “Rainbow” in the same year. Then instead of: “We arrived in the city of Zhitomir...” it was:

As soon as we arrived in Tver,
Opened the trunk door
And they began to carry it into the carriage
The arriving lady's luggage...

The address to the lady sounded a little different:

Excuse me, citizen, at the station,
According to the baggage receipt,
Baggage has been received from you...

Samuel Marshak himself wrote that only at the very end of work on the poem “Baggage” did the last quatrain occur to him:

During the journey
I could have grown up!

And now this phrase is familiar to everyone and has become a Russian proverb!

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