Children's fairy tales for younger students. Psychotherapeutic fairy tales for adaptation


Correctional fairy tales for younger students


During the period of adaptation to school, children have difficulties with completing lessons and homework. For some students, grades are a powerful stimulus for good studies, while for others they are a serious obstacle to revealing their abilities, the cause of school fears. An adequate attitude of students to learning outcomes allows children to understand the logic of the learning process, the direct dependence of the assessment on the labor expended or the assimilation of the material. If students already in primary school can realize the conditionality of grades, as well as the possibility of improving and correcting them if they wish, then solving educational problems will become a common thing for children. Self-confidence, striving for success, optimism will be faithful companions of students throughout their lives. This section contains the following tales: "Homework",
"School marks",


After Squirrel's birthday, it was difficult for Wolf Cub to concentrate on his homework. He remembered games, music and laughter, but not school and lessons. However, he still remembered the words of the teacher about checking the solution of problems. And Wolf Cub reluctantly took out a textbook and reread the condition of the problem several times.
- I don't understand anything! he shouted in despair and closed the book.
- What's happened? - asked his dad, looking up from reading the "Forest Newspaper".
- Such difficult puzzles were invented that no one will understand them! - continued to be indignant Wolf cub.
- Well, show me what's your problem? - Dad Wolf got interested.
- Here look! - answered the delighted Wolf cub, quickly getting rid of the boring task.
- So, so, so ... - the father thought a little and quickly wrote the solution to the problem.
- Wow! - exclaimed the son. - You, daddy, solve problems so quickly ?!
The father solemnly and proudly gave the textbook and the solved problem to Wolf Cub, while he himself continued reading the newspaper.
The cub began to do his next homework. But he could not concentrate in any way, his thoughts constantly ran away somewhere, his head seemed empty, like a drum.
- Oh, what should I do? - the student suffered. - I'm going back to my dad.
- What, it doesn't work again? - asked the father, looking at his son.
"Uh-huh," Wolf muttered.
- All right, let's take a look. - And the task was solved by him again.
- Daddy, thank you, you helped me out so much! - the happy Wolf cub jumped around his father. - Can I go play?
- Pack your briefcase for tomorrow and you're good to go.
- Fine! I'll pick it up in no time! - And after a few minutes, the Wolf Cub flew out of the house as if on wings.
The next day, before the lesson, the guys compared the answers in the puzzles. The wolf cub proudly showed everyone his homework.
Teacher Hedgehog checked the solution of home problems and praised the Wolf cub for quick wits.
The wolf cub was pleased and for some reason a little ashamed.
- And now we will solve such problems together, and the Wolf cub will help us, - the teacher said, inviting the Wolf cub to the board.
The wolf cub felt fear, because he alone knew that he could not cope with these tasks, he did not even remember his father's decision.
- I don't know how to decide... - Wolf Cub whispered.
“But you did your homework, so you can do it now,” Hedgehog encouraged the student.
“Dad helped me, he decided everything for me,” Wolf cub admitted.
- So your father did all the homework? the teacher was surprised.
- Yes... - Wolf cub answered almost silently.
- Tell your dad that he's great at math problems. But if he decides them for you, then his son will remain illiterate. Guys, who is given homework?
- Pupils, to learn to think independently and consolidate knowledge, - Bear cub confidently said.
- Right! And such help from parents interferes with the development of their child, the teacher continued.
“I wanted to be praised,” Wolf cub explained sadly.
- Did you enjoy such praise? After all, it was not you who worked, but your dad.
- Yes, I was a little pleased, but ashamed, - Wolf cub recalled his feelings. - And when I was invited to the board, it became very scary.
- It could happen to any of our students. And your mistake helped us all understand that we get a sense of joy and satisfaction from our own work, from our victories. They study at school, sometimes it is difficult, but it is important that each student can cope with his own difficulties.
- And if we can't do our homework, then we can come to school with unlearned lessons? Belochka asked.
- If you thought for a long time, but could not solve the problem, then before the lesson it is advisable to tell me about it, - the teacher suggested. - And together we will try to understand and fix everything.
- What if I can never learn how to solve problems, I will always come with unlearned lessons? Wolf was worried.
- Then at the lesson or after the lessons, the guys and I will try to explain to you how to solve problems. When a student tries, he needs help. And if he is lazy, does not want to work, then hardly anyone will want to help him. The cub lowered his eyes and said firmly:
- I'll try!
- That's wonderful! Let's continue the lesson, the Bear cub helps us solve the problem. If you do it, Little Bear, you'll get an A. This is the best mark in the school. But we will talk about grades and grades in the next lesson.

School marks

The teacher handed out the diaries to the students during the break. Little Bear had an "A" in math. All the students looked at her in surprise.
- A number is like a number, what's so special about it? - the Fox did not understand.
- There is some attractive force in it. Watch and admire! - admired the Bear cub.
- This was given to you for a good answer, so you rejoice! - the Hare argued.
Belochka added:
Now everyone will know how smart you are. Your mom will be happy! I'd like to get an A as well.
- Definitely get it! - the teacher Ezh said with confidence. - Now let's play the game "Good and Bad".
- Will we talk about behavior again? asked Wolf.
- No, not about behavior, or rather not only about behavior, - continued the teacher. - In the game, each of you will show your attitude to what I will name. We will show facial expressions, that is, facial expressions. If you feel good about it, then smile joyfully. And if it's bad, then frowningly move your eyebrows.
- What if I don't care? - asked Fox.
“Then your face will be without expression, indifferent,” the teacher explained. - Ready?
The hedgehog took turns calling classes, food, hobbies, toys, and the students showed their attitude to this with their facial expressions.
- Guys, you noticed how different we are all, and we have a different attitude to the same subjects, but sometimes the same. What you did now in the game can be called an assessment. You judged everything I mentioned using your personal experience.
- Yes, I really like to eat carrots and apples, so I showed my positive attitude to this with facial expressions, - Hare recalled smiling.
- And at first I wanted to show my good attitude to such an occupation as screaming, but then I remembered that my mother scolded me for this, and changed my mind, - Wolf cub shared his thoughts.
- And I think that our parents, with the help of their assessments, help us understand what is good and what is bad, - the Hare concluded.
- Yes, when I look at my mother, I immediately understand from her facial expressions whether I am doing the right thing or not, - said the Little Bear.
- And I, when I was little, - recalled the Fox, - sometimes indulged, and dad showed me with gestures that I should stop. So, you can evaluate with gestures.
- Oh, and my mother, - Belochka continued the conversation, - she expresses her attitude to my actions with her voice, that is, with her intonation. She will call me by my first name, and I immediately understand whether my mother is angry or happy.
- It really is. Your parents express their attitude towards you with facial expressions, gestures, intonation and more words, - the teacher confirmed. - That's how we understand each other. And when they learn something new, in order to go the right way, they observe the assessments of others. But what about at school? What are the grades in school?
- When I answer, I look at the teacher and ... at my neighbor, Wolf Cub, - Belochka admitted. - If everything is correct, then they shake their heads in the affirmative.
- But the Little Wolf is sometimes mistaken, because he also studies, so you better look at the teacher, - advised the Little Bear. - And as soon as I hear such words as "good", "well done", from the teacher, I understand that I coped with the task, - Wolf cub said about himself.
- For the whole lesson, the teacher needs to show his attitude to the successes and failures of each student. The mark confirms this attitude, - explained Ezh. - A grade is often referred to as a performance appraisal because it helps the student, teacher, and parent evaluate school performance. It's like special school signals.
- Like the sailors or the military? - the Hare became interested.
- Probably, there is something in common, - the teacher agreed. - If the "five" - ​​everything is fine, keep it up. If the "four" - good, but you can do even better. "Troika" - it's time to urgently get down to business, study, try to understand. And the "deuce" is a distress signal, work yourself and ask for help.
- A unit? Belochka asked.
- Sitting aground, the ship needs a tug! - Fox joked.
The students laughed in unison.
And the teacher, smiling, continued:
- You perfectly understood what a mark is! I hope each of you will strive to get "fours" and "five"!
- And in case of failures, you can turn to the teacher and comrades for help? - asked the Hare.
- Of course, and even in case of failures, you need to remember that we are learning, where the main thing is diligence, and everything will definitely work out!


At the Forest School, all students conscientiously treated their classes. The little bear also tried at first, but began to get tired, sometimes he appeared indifferent and lazy. Increasingly, relatives found him basking on a soft sofa. Mother Bear cub was very worried:
- Before hibernation is still far away, and you, son, already look sleepy and lethargic, - she did not understand.
- I decided not to waste my energy! - Bear cub answered her.
- Learning, learning new things is very useful for everyone, and you know it, son! - the Bear said affectionately.
- I don't want to study anymore! Tired of me! - muttered Little Bear. - I thought that being a schoolboy is easy, that everything will turn out by itself, but it turns out you have to work. Don't want!
“Of course, sometimes you want quick results,” Mom sighed. “But it doesn’t get good quickly!”
- Well, let! Then I'll lie down all day! - exclaimed the Little Bear and turned to the wall so as not to see the upset Bear.
- Any child or adult feels tired sometimes, but good outdoor recreation and sleep help to cope with this problem and return to work. And if you lie down all day, you will turn into a sloth.
- What it is? - asked the Little Bear.
- Not what, but who.
And the mother told her son this story.
This animal is probably a relative of the monkey. Or maybe he was once a monkey a long time ago, until a story happened to him. Just like you, he once felt very tired from studying and announced to the whole forest that he refused to study, but only wanted to be lazy. For days on end, the sloth hung upside down on the tree, because he was too lazy to get up or roll over. Insects settled in his fur, and he did not even move when they bit him. "Laziness!" he thought. Of course, the sloth did not wash, did not comb his fur and did not brush his teeth. Because of this, he looked shaggy and dirty, he had dark teeth, and an unpleasant smell came from him. "Who needs to be clean and tidy? Laziness!" - the sloth continued to think. Monkeys jumped around, enjoying sweet bananas and delicious coconut milk. "Hey, sloth, play with us!" they shouted at him. But the sloth silently watched his former girlfriends and slowly chewed the leaves from the tree on which he hung. "Even there is laziness!" - the sloth was surprised to himself.
Life passed by. A lot of interesting things happened nearby. However, the sloth continued to hang motionless on the tree, he was too lazy to think.
And now there is such a sloth in the distant forests of America.
- Well, son, would you like to be like such a sloth? - Bear finished her story.
- No I do not want to! - firmly said Bear cub. But can I at least rest a little?
- Of course you can! Take a break and then get back to work!
- OK, Mom! I will do so! - answered the Little Bear.


The teddy bear came to school in a good mood, ready for new challenges.
At the lesson, the teacher gave the students the task to come up with a story about their forest adventures. The students got to work. The bear cub remembered how he met wild bees and decided to describe it in his story.
The little fox described a forest lake with wonderful flowers and his feelings from a cool swim in it.
The wolf cub recalled how he gathered berries for compote, and on the way he ate everything himself.
The squirrel giggled softly, remembering her first trip for mushrooms: she collected only fly agarics.
And the Hare could not remember and think of anything, although he tried his best. All the students were already finishing their work, only Bunny had a clean notebook.
- I also want to get a good mark for the story, but today I don’t think at all. You can, Little Bear, I'll write off your story, as if we went for honey together, - the Hare turned to his neighbor.
- Okay, write off, - Bear cub allowed. - And in another lesson, I'll copy from you.
- Agreed! - the Hare was delighted. - And quickly rewrote the whole story of the bear cub in his notebook.
“I ask everyone to hand over their notebooks,” the teacher asked.
The students began to hand over notebooks to the attendants.
“Relax at recess, while I check your essays,” suggested the Hedgehog.
The children left the classroom in a cheerful crowd, telling each other their story.
After the call to the lesson, the students eagerly awaited the results.
- Your writings have shown me that you have learned a lot. Each of you clearly and competently expresses his thoughts, there are almost no mistakes. Therefore, everyone has good grades - "fours" and "fives". Well done boys! the teacher said proudly.
The guys, joyful, examined their notebooks, studied the grades.
- And we have some strange mark with the Bear cub, and we don’t know what it means, - the Hare turned to the Hedgehog.
- Yes, some kind of fraction turns out: four second or four divided by two. What is this? Two of us with the Hare? Yes? - the Little Bear was surprised.
“Not really,” the teacher replied. - You got one mark for one work, and since it is the same in two notebooks, it means "four" for two.
- But that doesn't happen, does it? There are no such marks! - the Hare was indignant.
- Of course, as there are no identical compositions. Even if you went for honey together, the same event would be described in different ways, - explained the Hedgehog.
- And what do we do now? - asked the frustrated Hare and Bear cub.
- Some of you tried, and someone took advantage of the work of a friend. Therefore, I suggest that the quitter work really hard in order to get a well-deserved assessment, - the teacher calmly suggested.
- I'm not a quitter, - the Hare was offended. - It’s just that today it’s hard for me to think, so I asked the Bear cub to help.
- Is it help? the students were outraged.
- It's a disservice! Belochka exclaimed. - You, Hare, from such a service there will be only one harm, because you will never learn how to write essays.
“But I feel sorry for the Bear cub,” the Fox cub said quietly. - He tried, composed, but he got it.
- It was not necessary for the Hare to provide such a service! shouted Wolf.
- Let's stop arguing now and give the culprits the opportunity to correct the situation, - the teacher suggested. - If the Hare brings a new composition tomorrow, then the Bear cub will receive his rightful "four".
- I understood everything, - the Hare agreed.
- And I understood ... - said the Bear cub.
- I think many of you today realized that cheating does more harm than good! - summed up the teacher. - Yes, it turns out, what a disservice can be ... - Wolf cub whispered.
- Well, now, will you remember me like that? - asked the offended Little Bear. - I wanted better! - Bear cub, we love you very much! You really know how to help! Belochka soothed. - But we will call unsuccessful help "a disservice", okay, no offense?
- Okay ... - Bear cub grumbled, scratching the back of his head with his paw.


Time has passed quickly, our students have matured. They learned to write and count, to correct their school mistakes and mistakes in behavior.
Outside the window, the wind tore off the last foliage, the first fluffy snowflakes circled over the bare forest. The classroom was warm and quiet. The students examined the herbarium of dry leaves of shrubs, repeated their names. Wolf Cub's gaze rested on a huge snowflake that stuck to the glass, resisting the gusty wind. But the snowflake did not want to fly away, on the contrary, her girlfriends stuck to her, gathering into a real snowball on the glass. This sight fascinated Wolf Cub with its magic, and, of course, he did not immediately hear the teacher's question: he felt that Squirrel was pushing him in the side. Rising, he was confused, not knowing what to do.
- We have just got acquainted with a new type of shrub: you will not find it in our forest, but it is often planted in parks as a "hedge", - the teacher turned to Wolf Cub. - I would like you, Wolf Cub, to say its name to all of us again.
For some reason, the wolf cub became very hot, he tried to remember the names of bushes known to him, but he had not yet met the “hedge”.
There was a pause in the class, it seemed to the Wolf cub an eternity. He turned a pleading look to his neighbor. The squirrel said in a low whisper: "Barberry."
- Boris! - Wolf cub answered loudly and confidently.
All the students laughed out loud.
- Quiet, quiet, guys, now he will remember! - Ezh calmed down.
The wolf cub strained all his auditory abilities to make out the name and again looked at Squirrel with a pleading look in his eyes. She quietly repeated, "Barberry."
"Barbara," said Wolf Cub, less confidently.
A roar of laughter was heard after the words of the Wolf Cub. Some students even wiped away tears from laughter.
Wolf Cub also began to cry, but not for joy.
- Boris and Barbara are names. And the name of the bush is "barberry," the teacher began his speech seriously to help the Wolf Cub in a difficult situation and calm the class. - Fruits grow on this shrub, from which you can make jam. What kind of jam do you like, Wolf cub?
- Strawberry ... - Wolf cub said with difficulty.
- I love cherry jam! Belochka exclaimed.
- Why didn't you, Wolf Cub, ask Squirrel for clues now? - Smiling, asked Hedgehog.
“I know my favorite jam myself,” Wolf Cub replied sadly.
- If someone forgot something, was distracted, did not hear, let him speak directly about it. With a hint, there are the most funny and unpleasant stories for students, - the teacher turned to the whole class. - Tell me, Wolf cub, how did you feel in this situation?
“It’s so bad that I don’t even want to remember it, it seemed to me that I was falling through the floor or cracking like a kettle from overheating,” Wolf Cub shared his experiences.
- What did you think that you did not hear the explanation and the name? - asked Ezh.
- I looked at a snowflake on the glass and composed a fairy tale about it. How a bold snowflake traveled and looked into the windows. She was curious about what was going on in the houses. When she found something interesting, she called her friends. Together with their girlfriends, they talked, shared their impressions, and rested before the new road.
The wolf cub noticed that all his comrades listened to the fairy tale with great attention, dreamily staring at the snowflake. "That's what I was thinking about," Wolf replied.
- And now, when you told me, how did you feel? - continued to ask the teacher.
- I was pleased that I freely talk about my thoughts and that the whole class understands and listens to me attentively, - said the cheerful Wolf cub.
- You once again confirmed that you can do without a hint, - said the Hedgehog. - A fairy tale you have turned out very romantic. And we need to think about rest not only for snowflakes, but also for us. Vacation time is coming. They are not as long as summer ones, but still almost two weeks.
“Of course, summer holidays last for three whole months,” Squirrel confirmed.
- And there are also winter and spring ones, but they are also short, - the Little Fox recalled the words of dad.
- It is not the length of the holidays that is important, but how we spend them: we need to have a good rest, - Bear cub expressed his opinion. - During the holidays, you can play, sleep, meet guests and much more. And then - back to school, to new roads and to new knowledge.
With these words of the teacher, the first quarter of our first graders ended.

“Once upon a time...” Every child hears these words with pleasure, warmth and hope for something new, interesting. Tales are told by mothers, grandmothers, kindergarten teachers. Children choose a comfortable position, cling to their favorite adults or soft, fluffy toys and listen to fairy tales, stories, stories...

For schoolchildren, such pleasant evenings often become a memory of a carefree childhood. Parents are less likely to read aloud to their children. Schoolchildren read themselves, and most likely not fairy tales, but program works. But there are moments when you want to return to the world of childhood, to feel the warmth and unity of the family again.



Creation of the Forest School

There lived a Hedgehog. He was small, round, gray in color, with a pointed nose and black button eyes. On the back of the Hedgehog were real thorns. But he was very kind and gentle. And the Hedgehog lived at school.

Yes, in the most ordinary school, where there were many children who were taught by wise teachers. How he got here, the Hedgehog himself did not know: maybe some schoolboy brought him for a "living corner" still tiny, or maybe he was born at school. As long as the Hedgehog could remember, he always heard school calls, felt the warm hands of children, received delicious treats from them ...

Hedgehog really liked how the lessons went. Together with the children, the Hedgehog learned to write, count, studied various subjects. Of course, it was invisible to people. Well, the Hedgehog runs, enjoys life. And the hedgehog dreamed...

And he dreamed that when he grows up, he will become a teacher and be able to teach all his forest friends everything he can and what he himself learned from people at school.

Now the Hedgehog has become an adult, and the time has come for his dream to come true. Forest dwellers have built a real school for hares, foxes, wolf cubs, mice and other animals.

The hedgehog teacher was preparing the class for the reception of first-graders. There were tables and chairs in the bright room. There was a blackboard on the wall that you could write on with chalk. The hedgehog brought textbooks with pictures to help the animals learn to write and count.

A magpie brought a brilliant ringing bell to the Forest School.

Why did you bring a toy to school? - the watchman Mole asked the Magpie. - After all, they don’t play at school, but study!

Magpie answered importantly:

Hedgehog asked me. I will answer the calls.

Why call us? The school is not a fire truck! - the Mole was surprised.

Oh, you don't know anything about school! If the bell rings, then it's time for class. And if the bell rings during the lesson, then it's time to relax, my friend! - Magpie crackled.

Wait, Magpie, explain it to me one more time. If the guys come to school, then, having heard the bell, will they run to the lesson?

Yes, but they won’t run, but they will come to the tables, waiting for the teacher, - Magpie answered.

It's right! - picked up Hedgehog. That's what real students do.

So our animal guys may not know these rules? Mole was excited.

Come to school and find out! - Magpie crackled again.

Yes, - confirmed the Hedgehog, - they will learn how to become a schoolboy, how to write, count and much more.

Hedgehog, Mole and Magpie quieted down. The Forest School was quiet and fresh. In anticipation of the first graders, the trees in the school yard dressed up and rustled with yellow and red foliage. They seemed to be talking too.

It's time, it's time! - the maple announces to the whole forest.

To school, to school! - birch whispers.


Bouquet for the teacher

In the forest, vanity, commotion. The hare runs all day looking for a bag for his son. The hare is going to school tomorrow, but there is no portfolio. How can he carry books and notebooks? Belka promised to help. She made a real briefcase for her daughter, with compartments, with straps and pockets.

And the Bear is working on a suit for the Bear. “After all, you need to go to school dressed up, like on a holiday,” she affectionately sentenced, ironing the white collar of her shirt.

The fox is worried: “We need to wash the fox, comb it, lay the tail nicely and neatly, but it’s still not there, everyone is playing with the Wolf cub somewhere!”

But the Little Fox, the Little Wolf, the Little Bear, together with the Squirrel and the Hare, were engaged in an important and necessary business. Our future first-graders were picking a bouquet in the forest for their teacher. They gathered and talked.

Oh, Squirrel, how will you study at school? Are you all jumping and jumping? - Worried about the girlfriend Fox.

I don't know, - Squirrel answered, - I really can't sit still.

Nothing, - the Hare reassured her, - there, they say, there will be changes, so you can jump on them.

Change? Wolf was surprised. - And my dad told me that there will be lessons at school where we will study, learn something new.

This is right! - the Bear cub supported his friend. That's why we go to school.

Yes, but we can study all the time, we won’t be able to sit at the tables for a long time, we’ll get tired, ”the Hare explained,“ so we came up with changes where you can relax and play.

We'll wait and see, - Bear cub grumbled, - and now let's choose the most beautiful flowers so that the teacher Hedgehog will like it.

What kind of teacher is he? Belochka asked. - Is he good or evil?

I don't know... - Wolf cub thought. - The most important thing, it seems to me, is that he be smart, that he knows and can do a lot.

And I want him to be kind, - Squirrel continued, - to allow everything.

Imagine what the lessons will be like then! - Fox was surprised. - One was allowed to scream, another to jump, and the third to play with toys!

All the guys-animals laughed together.

I would like the teacher to be kind, but strict and fair, so that he can understand and forgive, help in difficult times and make it interesting in the lesson, - Squirrel finished her reasoning.

Yes, that would be good... - confirmed the Little Bear.

And it seems to me that each of us dreams of his teacher, - the Hare said quietly.

You made something sad, Bunny. Are you afraid? Wolf was surprised. - Be bolder! Let the teacher be what he is, and not invented!

And my mother told me that only those who love children and want to teach them a lot go to teachers! Belochka exclaimed.

Oh, guys, look what a big and beautiful bouquet we have! - the Fox was delighted.

Perhaps our teacher will be very pleased! - thought tomorrow's first graders.


Games at school

Yes, there is nowhere to jump here! Belochka said.

Why? - objected Wolf. What about the chairs and tables in the classroom? Just right for jumping.

The squirrel was delighted with the resourcefulness of the Wolf cub. Together they staged a real race with obstacles throughout the class. When the bell rang for class, the game was in full swing. The excited and disheveled Wolf cub did not immediately notice the teacher. And when he stopped, he looked around in surprise at his comrades. The squirrel also could not understand what was the matter.

The rest of the students stood near their tables and looked at the mess in the classroom in confusion.

Yes, we had fun ... - the Hedgehog said calmly. - And the bell for the lesson has already rung!

I did not hear! - said the out of breath Wolf cub.

And I didn’t hear ... - Squirrel whispered.

Squirrel and Wolf cub, please put the tables and chairs straight, - the teacher asked.

When order was restored in the classroom, the teacher announced a math lesson.

The hedgehog suggested that the children get acquainted with the textbook, with a notebook in a box. In the notebook it was necessary to complete the first task: to count and draw the figures. Everyone coped quickly, only Wolf Cub and Squirrel did not understand the task.

And when Squirrel got completely bored, she took nuts out of her briefcase and began to examine them, play.

What did you get, Belochka? - turned to the student Hedgehog.

But I couldn’t do anything, - Squirrel said, hiding the nuts in her desk.

But now the Hare once again explained the task in detail! Didn't you hear?

No! Belochka admitted. - Did not hear...

What were you doing? - asked Ezh.

I played with nuts, - Squirrel honestly admitted.

Well, it's time to talk about school games - Hedgehog turned to the whole class.

You can play at school but let's think together. When to play, where, how and what games? - continued the teacher.

You can jump and run! - happily offered the Wolf cub, who was still under the pleasant impression of the game with Squirrel.

You can, - agreed the Hedgehog, - but only on the sports ground or in the gym. And in the classroom or in the hallway, such games can cause trouble. What guys?

Tables or chairs get dirty, break! - answered the Little Fox, gently stroking his desk with his paw.

Hurt hurt or hit someone by accident! - the Hare was worried.

Yes, it is true! What else? After such games it is difficult to immediately calm down and in the lesson the student becomes absent-minded, it is difficult for him to understand, listen! - helped the guys Ezh.

That's for sure, - agreed Wolf and Squirrel. - But what should we play during the break at recess?

Everyone thought. And Hedgehog thought with the guys.

Can I play board games, checkers, chess? - asked Little Bear.

Of course you can! But if you sit in class for a long time, and then sit at recess, your back will get tired. Yes, and moving is good for the body, - the teacher explained.

Or maybe we should make a tennis table in the corridor and arrange competitions in turn? - suggested the Hare.

And we will also hang a colored circle on the wall and we will throw small Velcro balls at the target! - the Fox was dreaming.

Well done boys! Good idea! - praised the teacher, - So we'll do it. And there are other interesting and quiet games: "Brook", "You drive more quietly - you will continue", "Putanka" and others. I will definitely introduce you to them. What can you play in class?

They don't play in class, they learn! - importantly said the Bear cub. - And then you'll miss the whole lesson! How then to learn new things?

That's right, Little Bear! - Hedgehog agreed, - But there are games that help to learn better, to consolidate the lesson. And I will also introduce you to them. And toys in the lesson distract the student and his comrades. Got it, White?

Yes, she said quietly. - I won't do it again, please excuse me.

Of course, we forgive you, and today everyone has learned how to play and relax at school from your mistakes.

The bell rang from class. The guys-animals together began to organize a tennis table in the corridor. And the Hedgehog taught everyone new games.

So passed the first day at the Forest School.


School rules

The next day, our first graders hurried to school. They boldly walked up the school steps, remembering the events of the previous day. When the bell rang, Hedgehog saw the readiness of all the students for the lesson. All the children stood near their tables and smiled at their teacher.

Hello, please sit down! - said Ezh. Today we're going to talk about rules. What is a rule, who can tell us?

My mother told me, - Squirrel said, - that there are rules in nutrition. For example, when we eat, we cannot talk so that excess air does not get into the tummy.

And my dad told me, - the Wolf cub continued the conversation, - that there are many rules in the whole world. There are rules in nutrition, there are rules in games, in behavior: in the forest, on the road, at a party and in other places.

“Rule” means doing the right thing! - summed up the Little Bear.

Well done! - the teacher praised everyone, - Why are these rules needed, maybe you can live without them?

Probably, you can, but then you will always learn from your mistakes, - Wolf cub said smiling. - As we yesterday with Squirrel.

And there will be many troubles, - Belochka agreed with her friend. - I don't like trouble.

Nobody likes trouble, - the teacher confirmed. - Therefore, rules appeared in the world in order to know how to live better and be friends with everyone.

How do you get such interesting poetry? - the Hare was surprised.

And now we will compose poems about school rules together. Do you guys agree?

Of course we agree! the students answered in unison.

I will name the rule, and you will invent a poem for it. Rule One : at school, all students greet, smiling at adults and at each other.

- Ready! - the Fox was delighted.

Hello at school

And with a smile they give a look!

Excellent, fox! Second rule more difficult: before calling for the lesson, you need to prepare everything you need for study. And when the bell rings, each student is waiting for the teacher's invitation near his desk.

May I try? - suggested the Hare.

Before the call you come

And put things in order!

On call, all together in a row,

The teachers are waiting!

Well done, Bunny! Third rule : in order to learn new things and learn a lot in the lesson, students listen carefully to the requirements of the teacher and fulfill them. A friend is rarely approached with a request and only in a whisper, while a teacher is addressed with a raised hand.

It's complicated! I don’t know if what I came up with will work, - Bear cub grumbled.

Don't bother your friend.

Keep him calm.

Silence in class.

Raise your hand then

When you want to answer

Or something important.

Very good, Little Bear!Rule Four: when the student answers, hints are prohibited, let him calmly remember the answer, he learns to think.

It's easy! - exclaimed Wolf

Waiting for an answer in class.

Some people know, some don't.

Only the one who answers

Who will the teacher call?

Perfect! Yes, you compose like real poets! Let's try again? Rule Five , it is already familiar to you: we play quiet games at recess so that everyone can relax and not disturb their comrades. Yes, remember about preparing for the next lesson and about the order on the desk, in the classroom.

Now it's my turn! Belochka said.

Here's a call for change

Get ready to rest:

You can take a walk with a friend

You can play quietly

Prepare everything for the lesson

To make learning easy for us!

Yes, great! I think that it will be easy and interesting for you to study, since you coped so well with this difficult task, - Ezh was happy for his students. - We will remember these five rules, but there are other rules that you will learn later. Now for the first homework. Yes, at school they give homework so that you can better learn the educational material. Homework to be done on one's own , no teacher, no parents. So, the task is this: come up with poems on the rules of behavior at the table, on the road, in transport, at a party or in other places. Good luck guys!


Belochkin dream

The squirrel spent the whole evening cleaning. She sorted through the school items and distributed them in the portfolio to the departments. When she managed to get toys or something funny out of the briefcase, Squirrel forgot about her serious business and was fond of the game. Then she again returned to a boring occupation, but soon she got tired of it, she threw down her briefcase with irritation and exclaimed:

That's it, I don't want this order anymore! Let everything be as it was! I like it so much!

Cheered up by the decision, Squirrel played a little more, leafed through a book with bright pictures and went to bed.

And our Squirrel has a dream...

Quietly and carefully, a pencil comes out of the briefcase and sneezes:

Chi, chi, chi! Well, it was necessary to shove me so far that I almost suffocated! Hidden to the very bottom!

What else is this? I have one leaflet in my math textbook, and the other one is in Russian! - the notebook complained.

Ha, surprised! - exclaimed the eraser, - Look at me! I'm all sticky and dirty, they washed candy from my dress!

After all, a portfolio is a home for school subjects, grumbled the textbooks.

I did not expect that I would be next to such neighbors as mushrooms and other trinkets! moaned the ballpoint pen.

Nothing! Be patient! Also my school subjects! - answered a large dried mushroom.

We are prettier and more fun than you, even though we are “knick-knacks,” the bows squeaked with resentment.

Our hostess loves us! - continued nuts.

So, maybe we'll go look for another schoolgirl or schoolboy who will take care of us? offered a briefcase.

This is probably the right decision! We are going on the road, - textbooks were offered.

Stop! Take me with you too! the dress pleaded. - When they just bought me, Squirrel liked me, but now ...

And take us, please! - asked for toys. - She does not like us either, we are broken and scattered.

Let's hit the road!!! - commanded briefcase. - If Squirrel doesn't need us...

Need! Need! Squirrel screamed, jumping out of bed. - Please, stay! I will take care of you, love you! Please forgive me!

The room was quiet. All things were scattered in the corners, the briefcase lay on its side, notebooks and textbooks fell out of it.

Did I dream it? Belochka thought. Or did it really happen?

The squirrel looked at her things in confusion, and then carefully, gently began to put them back in their places, whispering and saying:

My dear, good ones, stay, I will clean you up, take care of you. I would be very, very bad without you...

Having finished cleaning, Squirrel returned to bed.

In the morning, when Squirrel's mother entered the children's room, she was very surprised:

What happened? I have never seen such an order with you, my daughter!

Mommy! I realized that things must also be loved! - Smiling, said Belochka.

And it seemed to her that a briefcase with school subjects smiled with her


How to build a portfolio

After school, all students conscientiously did their homework, composed poems-rules. The squirrel decided to draw her nutrition rules in an album. The drawing turned out to be successful: a neat first grader at the table was depicted in colored pencils: he correctly held a spoon, did not put his elbows on the table, used a napkin, his mouth looked closed. The squirrel admired her work a little. Then, satisfied, she put the album into her briefcase and ran to play with friends in the forest...

At school the teacher checked the homework. The children delighted the teacher with their answers. Only Squirrel didn't show her drawing. She couldn't find the album in her briefcase.

Maybe you can tell me your rule, Squirrel? - suggested Ezh.

But without a picture it will be difficult for me to remember the rhyme! I'll find now! I definitely put the album in my briefcase! - Squirrel almost cried.

Okay, let's help Belochka! the teacher turned to the children.

The Hare and the Wolf cub began to help her pull out the entire contents of the portfolio to the desk in order to quickly find the loss. What just wasn’t in Squirrel’s briefcase. In addition to school items, there were nuts, twigs, bows, flowers, candy wrappers and even dried mushrooms on the desk. The hedgehog and the students looked with interest at all these differences.

Oh, here it is, my album! - Squirrel was delighted with the find.

Well, show everyone, Squirrel, your drawing, - the teacher said smiling.

The squirrel boasted of her work, read a poem, but instead of the expected delight, for some reason, she saw surprised friends. They continued to consider "excavations".

What are you looking at? Belochka turned to her comrades.

How did you fit all this in your school bag? - asked Little Bear.

And my mother sewed a lot of pockets to my briefcase, that's why everything fit! Belochka continued to brag.

Yes, your mother did her best to make it convenient for her daughter to lay out school items by department, by purpose: pens in one pocket, notebooks in another, books in the third ... - Ezh tried to explain to the student.

Why lay them out like that? You can, after all, in a different way: school things in one pocket, nuts in another, sweets in the third ... - Squirrel continued to insist on her point.

Of course, you can lay it out like that, but how much time did we spend searching for your album?! - convinced the teacher.

The squirrel thought for a bit. And the Hedgehog addressed the whole class:

Guys, how do you pack your portfolio so that it is convenient to prepare for lessons?

I put away notebooks and textbooks together, - Wolf cub shared his experience.

And when you put them in your briefcase or take them out, do the notebooks probably crumple? the teacher suggested.

Yes, they are crushed, - confirmed the Wolf cub.

And I put everything in order, in pockets, so that the notebooks lie separately, textbooks separately, pencils and pens in another pocket, - said the Hare.

That's right, - praised his teacher. - After all, school items will be useful to us for a long time, therefore, in order to keep them as beautiful as they are, we have to take care of them.

How to take care of it? That they are alive, or what? - Squirrel asked.

Correctly lay out, put covers on them, repair, treat in time. It is necessary to take care, take care of things in the same way as for living beings, then they will faithfully serve us. And if we are indifferent to them, then they will get lost or run away, as in the fairy tale "Fedorino's grief."

The guys laughed, but then looked sadly into their briefcases.

I don't want my briefcase to run away! - said the Fox.

And I do not want to! everyone whispered.

Then we will look after, take care, not burden them with unnecessary things, - the teacher completed the conversation.

During the break, each student checked his things in his briefcase, smoothed out the crumpled leaves in notebooks, sharpened pencils, and distributed everything into sections.


Mrs Neatness

At school, Squirrel told her friends about her dream. The first-graders walked all day under the impression of this story.

And I think, - suggested the Hare, - that Squirrel didn’t dream about it, but everything was real.

Probably, when she shouted, then all things stopped, pretended to be inanimate, not speaking, ”Little Fox reasoned.

Just in case, I will be more attentive to my things, - Bear cub said with concern.

It’s better to clean it up once again than to be left without a portfolio and school items later, - Wolf cub confirmed.

On this day, the teacher praised all the students for accuracy :

Well done boys! And in notebooks, and on the desk, and in the portfolio you have complete order! It's time to play Mrs Neatness.

And who is she? Belochka asked.

Listen to the story of Mrs Neatness.

A long time ago, in an old castle, there lived the neatest woman in the world. From different places, parents hurried to her with their boys and girls. Only this mistress managed to teach them accuracy in everything. School objects, clothes, toys, hairstyles, and so on and so forth shone with cleanliness and order. They called her Mrs. Neatness, it was assumed that she was a sorceress and knew how to turn everyone into a neat one.

One day, the evil sorceress Len turned to Mrs. Neatness with a request to reveal her secret to her. The sorceress wanted to interfere with a good deed: “Let all people become dirty, they will please only me!” Lena argued. But Mrs Neatness smiled and answered: “I have already told all my secrets to boys and girls, they remember and keep them, pass them on to their children.” Then the sorceress Len decided to enchant all people so that they would forget the secrets of neatness. And people started to get lazy. But still, every boy or girl remembered one of the lady's secrets and could teach their friends and acquaintances. Since then, people have been playing the game of Mistress Neatness, and I will now tell you how to play it.

The hedgehog continued:

Inside the box are small slips of paper with security questions. You will take turns answering questions, and we will be able to find helpers of Mrs. Accuracy among you. You are ready?

Of course we are ready! - answered the students.

The first secret of the "Clean Body". Who knows how to wash your face, wash your hands and brush your teeth? The teacher read the note.

I know and can teach others! - Squirrel exclaimed and told how to do it.

You will be our assistant, - the Hedgehog announced to the whole class. - And here is another question from the box: who knows the secret of "Pure things"?

This is my secret! - the Bear cub was delighted. - I helped my mother many times to clean, wash, iron and put things in the locker. I can do it myself and teach others.

All right, and you will be our assistant, Little Bear! And here are other assistants, keepers of the secrets of the "Clean Notebook", "Clean Desk" and "Clean Portfolio", let me announce. And I propose to admire the Hare's notebook, the Fox's briefcase and the Teen Wolf's desk. Do you agree to become our assistants?

We will be glad! the students agreed.

Then listen and remember! All assistants in the school are called attendants. They help the teacher and students, try to be attentive and polite. And most importantly, remarks to their comrades and advice are pronounced in a whisper.

Of course, so that the sorceress Len does not hear! - Foxy guessed.

The teacher smiled and continued:

Our assistants on duty work all week, share their secrets with others. And at the end of the week, on Friday, new attendants are appointed, new keepers of the secrets of Madam Accuracy.

But how can we find out who became the new assistant? - asked Fox.

That's right, Little Fox, so helpers will have badges. And now I will take them out of the box and pin them to the clothes of each duty officer.

All schoolchildren prepared for this solemn moment. Music began to play in the classroom, and the teacher attached badges to the assistants.

Proud, joyful schoolchildren looked at the drawings on the badges throughout the break. It turned out that they were all different. One badge showed a brush with a jacket; on the other - soap with a towel; on the third - a notebook; on the fourth - a desk; on the fifth - portfolio. The animal guys, of course, guessed what secrets were hidden behind these drawings, what assistant they belonged to.



A whole month has passed since the appointment of assistants on duty. And our first graders tried their best to learn the secrets of Mrs Neatness. Many have done great! Schoolchildren have become very careful about their belongings! For some students, frugality began to manifest itself even too strongly.

Don't take my pencil, you'll break it! - the Fox cub shouted at the Hare.

And I won't give you my line! - answered the Hare.

I don't like that you sit on my chair, you'll get dirty! - Squirrel grumbled at the Wolf cub.

Don't touch my suit! - Bear cub drove away his friends from himself during the game.

Teacher Hedgehog observed this phenomenon, shaking his head in displeasure.

Guys, it's time for you to heal! he turned to the students.

But we're all healthy! the students were surprised.

A virus of greed has arrived at our school. Sorceress Greed - Leni's cousin, probably sent him to us to quarrel everyone.

But what to do now? How to be treated? - the guys got excited.

There is one remedy that the Fairy Kindness told me about, - answered the Hedgehog. - These are good deeds, but not everyone knows what it is.

This is when you do something nice to your friend, - suggested the Hare.

Or to your mother,” Squirrel continued.

Or the teacher, - Wolf cub said quietly.

Or to yourself, - the Bear cub put in importantly.

All the students laughed.

Each of you is right about something! But not completely, but partially! After all, good deeds are pleasing to everyone around. But if we help a friend offend someone, then this is no longer a good deed, but an evil one. If we give the only pen to a friend who forgot everything at home, and we ourselves cannot write in the lesson, then this is also not a good deed. Therefore, good deeds are difficult to do. But the very first step towards a good deed is to hear a request for help.

And the second step? the guys asked.

The second step is the desire to help, but after thinking about how it can be done quickly and conveniently for everyone, the teacher answered.

But what about the only pen? If a friend needs it, but I don’t have another, should he be refused help? Wolf was worried.

Offer him a pencil, - Squirrel answered after thinking.

Or turn to other students with him, probably, someone has a spare pen, - Fox said about his version.

And I would give my only pen to a friend, otherwise they will consider me a greedy one, - the Hare said sadly.

Do you guys think a friend would be happy if the Hare got into trouble because of him? - Asked the teacher.

If he is a true friend, then he himself would have refused such a sacrifice, - answered the Little Bear.

All the students thought.

But what about greed? - asked the Hare.

If each of you thinks about good deeds and strives to do them, then greed will quickly disappear and you will be healthy again, - Ezh convinced the students.

But I am very worried about my things: what if someone breaks them or loses them, - Squirrel continued to worry.

And if they don’t do it, they will break, for example, the handle by accident, - Squirrel was worried.

Then let us remember our rule: “He who breaks, he repairs. Whoever loses, he buys, ”the Wolf cub reminded everyone.

Yes, I almost forgot, to cure greed, try to do at least three good deeds every day! So the Fairy told me, - the teacher remembered.

Is sharing treats also a good deed? asked Wolf.

Certainly! And we will continue our conversation about good deeds, and now it's time for us to have breakfast! - answered the teacher.


Magic apple (theft)

At the Forest School, delicious, juicy, red apples were given for breakfast. All the animal guys ate the apples, and the Wolf Cub put his in the briefcase. “My mother is very fond of sweet fruits. I’ll treat my mommy, ”thought the Wolf cub.

When the lessons ended, the students began to put books and notebooks in the portfolio. The wolf cub, having put down the books, decided to admire the gift for his mother. But where is the apple? He began to look for it in the briefcase, in the desk, near the desk ... Nowhere! With tears in his eyes, Little Wolf asked his friends: “Have you seen my apple?”

No! No! No! Did not see! - answered the students.

The wolf cub cried.

This was noticed by the teacher Ezh.

What's happened? - he asked.

The apple is gone, the guys answered.

I... wanted to... give it to my mother... She loves it very much, - Wolf cub sobbed.

The hedgehog understood what was the matter:

Yes, it's bad that someone took an apple and ate it. But even worse, the apple was not simple, but magical. Yes Yes! After all, it was prepared for my mother as a gift from the bottom of my heart. And the one who eats such an apple will go blind, deaf and his tail will fall off.

The animals looked with fear first at the teacher, then at each other.

What? What? - asked Fox. - Come closer, I can't see! Has my tail fallen off yet? I ate the apple.

All the guys-animals understood that the Little Fox did it. They were glad he confessed.

And the fox was crying. He was very ashamed.

Forgive me, Wolf! I really love these sweet fruits. I could not resist, - said the Fox.

The wolf cub forgave his friend.

The next day at the Forest School, red, delicious-smelling oranges were served for breakfast. The fox was very fond of oranges. He sniffed his orange, touched the elastic skin, and handed it to Wolf Cub:

This is for your mom!

And you? asked Wolf.

I'll be patient, - Fox whispered.

The little wolf put an orange in his mother's briefcase. He shared his breakfast equally. I took one half of the orange for myself, and gave the other to a friend.

Friends! You are in Wonderland. Here you will find the most interesting works - literary tales. Do you know what a fairy tale is? .. That's right, miracles always happen in a fairy tale, amazing creatures live in it. Literary tales are written by extraordinary writers. They know how to invent extraordinary stories and extraordinary characters. Can you now recall the names of the most famous storytellers?

In this section, you will meet with the works of writers, many of which you have not yet been familiar with. In the fairy tales of Gennady Tsyferov, Donald Bisset, Sergei Kozlov, Natalia Abramtseva, Rudyard Kipling, you will meet funny and funny characters, with unexpected situations and unusual words. All these tales are very different, but they are united by a remarkable property - they teach us to see miracles in the most ordinary things.

To get into Wonderland, you will need your imagination and fiction, your humor and kindness. And you will also need paints and pencils to draw a multi-colored Wonderland, to which we will be led by dreamers and dreamers.

Gennady Tsyferov "About the chicken, the sun and the bear cub"

When I was little, I knew very little and was surprised at everything, and loved to compose. Flies, for example, snow. People will say rainfall. And I'll think: probably somewhere in the blue meadows white dandelions have faded. Or maybe at night on the green roof cheerful clouds sat down to rest and hung their white legs. And if the cloud is pulled by the leg, it will sigh and fly. It will fly far away.

Why am I telling you all this? And here's what. Yesterday an amazing thing happened in our chicken coop: a yellow chicken hatched from a white chicken egg. Yesterday he hatched, and then all day, all week he was surprised at everything. After all, he was small and saw everything for the first time. That's how he was small and saw everything for the first time, I decided to write a book.

It's good to be small. And even better - to see everything for the first time.

Surprise first

Why was the chicken surprised at first? Well, of course, the sun. He looked at him and said:

- And what's that? If this is a ball, then where is the thread? And if it's a flower, where is its stem?

“Stupid,” the mother chicken laughed. - It's the sun.

- Sunshine, sunshine! sang the chicken. - Need to remember.

Then he saw another sun, in a small droplet.

“Little sun,” he whispered into his yellow ear, “do you want me to take you to our little house, to the chicken coop?” It's dark and cold in there.

But the sun did not want to shine there. Again the chicken took the sun out into the street and stamped its paw:

- Stupid sun! Where it is light, it shines, and where it is dark, it does not want to shine. Why?

But no one, even the biggest and most grown-ups, could explain it to him.

second surprise

And why was the chicken surprised then? Again the sun.

What is it? Of course, yellow. This is how the chicken saw it for the first time and decided that it would always be like this.

But one day a mischievous wind unwound the golden ball. On the path where the sun went, from the green hills to the blue river, a multi-colored rainbow stretched.

The chicken looked at the rainbow and smiled: but the sun is not yellow at all. It is multicolored. Like a matryoshka. Open the blue one - it's green in it. Open the green - it's blue. And in blue, red, orange ...

So is the sun. If you roll it out, unwind its ball, there will be seven stripes. And if each of these strips is wound separately, there will be seven colored suns. Yellow sun, blue, blue, green - all sorts of suns.

And how many days in a week? Also seven. So every day, one sun will rise. For example, Monday is blue, Tuesday is green, Wednesday is blue, and Sunday is yellow. Sunday is a fun day.

How the chicken first wrote a fairy tale

Yes, it’s very simple: I took it and composed it. They told him once a fairy tale about a house on chicken legs. He thought and immediately came up with another: a fairy tale about a house on veal legs. Then about the house on elephant legs. Then about the house on hare legs.

Horns grew on veal legs near the house.

Ears grew on hare legs at the house.

A trumpet-proboscis hung by the house on elephant legs.

And near the house on chicken legs, a scallop was red.

The house on hare legs squeaked: “I want to jump!”

The house on veal legs bellowed: “I want to butt!”

The house on elephant legs chuffed, “Pfft! I want to blow the pipe!”

And the house on chicken legs sang: “Ku-ka-reku! Isn't it time for you to go to bed?"

The lights went out in all the houses. And everyone fell asleep.

About friends

The chicken had few friends. Only one. This is because he was looking for friends by color. If it's yellow, then it's a friend. If it's grey, no. If it's brown, then no. Somehow a chicken was walking along a green path, saw a yellow thread and went, and went along it. I walked and walked and saw a yellow caterpillar.

“Hello, yellow,” said the chicken, “are you probably my yellow friend?”

“Yes,” grumbled the caterpillar, “perhaps.

- What are you doing here? the chicken asked with interest.

- Can't you see? I pull a yellow phone.

- What for?

- Don't you guess? The bluebell that lives in the forest and the bluebell that lives in the meadow decided to call each other today.

- What for? the chicken asked.

Probably to check the weather. After all, they close when it rains.

“Me too,” said the chicken, and hid its head. And that very surprised the caterpillar.

For a very long time she could not understand who it was - a flower or a bird?

“Probably a flower,” the caterpillar decided and made friends with the chicken. After all, caterpillars are afraid of birds.

What did two yellow friends do

What do all the little ones do? Were playing. They danced. They blew bubbles. Slapped into a puddle. And also sad. And sometimes they cried.

Why were they sad

Monday is why. On this day they deceived their mothers. They told them, "We'll go to the meadow." And they themselves went to the river to catch carp.

Of course, if it was a boy, he would blush. If it's a girl, too.

But they were a yellow chick and a yellow caterpillar. And they turned yellow all day, turned yellow, turned yellow. And by the evening they became so yellow that no one could look at them without blue glasses. And who looked without blue glasses, he sighed and cried: “How sad it all is! How sad it all is! They fooled their moms! And now they are so, so yellow on such a blue evening!”

Why did they laugh

On Wednesday they decided to play hide and seek. In the morning they decided, in the afternoon they counted:

- One two three four five! Who plays - he runs!

The chicken ran away and hid under the porch. The caterpillar crawled away and hid under a leaf. Are waiting,

who will find who. We waited for an hour - no one found anyone. Two waited - no one found anyone ...

Finally, in the evening, their mothers found them and scolded:

- Is it hide and seek? Hide and seek is when someone is hiding from someone. Someone is looking for someone. And when everyone is hiding, it's not hide and seek! It's something else.

At this time, thunder rumbled. And everyone hid.

Gennady Tsyferov "How frogs drank tea"

The tomato turned red on one side. Now - like a small traffic light: where the sun rises, the side is red; where the moon is green.

A shaggy fog sleeps in the meadows. He smokes a pipe. Lets smoke under the bushes.

In the evening, green frogs drank tea from white-white water lilies by the blue-blue river.

The birch asked the pine where she was going.

- To the sky.

- I want to put a cloud-sail on top.

- For what?

- For the blue river, for the white hill to fly away.

- For what?

- See where the sun sets, where it, yellow, lives.

A donkey went out for a walk on a starry night. I saw a moon in the sky. He was surprised: “Where is the other half?” Went looking. He looked into the bushes, rummaged under the burdocks. Found it in the garden in a small puddle. I looked and touched with my foot - alive.

It was raining, not making out the road, over meadows, over fields, over flowering gardens. He walked, walked, stumbled, stretched out his long legs, fell ... and drowned in the last puddle. Only the bubbles went up: bul-bul.

Spring is here and the nights are cold. Frost is chilling. Willow showed her buds and fingers and put fur mittens on them.

The boy drew the sun. And all around the rays - golden eyelashes. Showed dad.

- Fine?

“Okay,” said dad and drew a stalk.

—- Wu! the boy was surprised. Yes, it's a sunflower!

Victor Khmelnitsky "Spider"

The spider hung on a cobweb. Suddenly it broke off, and the spider began to fall.

"Wow! .." - thought the spider.

Having fallen to the ground, he immediately got up, rubbed his bruised side and ran to the tree.

Having climbed onto a branch, the spider now released two cobwebs at once - and began to swing on a swing.

Victor Khmelnitsky "Galchonok and Stars"

“When you fall asleep, hide your head under the wing,” his mother taught the black-and-black jackdaw.

“My neck hurts,” answered the naughty little jackdaw.

And then one frosty night, when huge stars sparkled in the sky, and snow was silvering on the ground, the little jackdaw accidentally woke up.

I woke up and decided that everything around me was a dream.

And the cold wind seemed not so cold. And deep snow is soft and friendly.

Huge stars seemed even brighter to the trough, and the black sky turned blue.

- Hello! shouted the little jackdaw to the whole blue light.

"Hi," the stars said.

“Hello,” the round moon smiled. - Why are not you sleeping?

- What? shouted the little jackdaw. "Isn't this a dream?"

“Of course, a dream,” the stars twinkled. - Dream! Dream! They were bored and wanted to play. In addition, the eyes of the galchonka sparkled like real stars.

"And Luna asks why I'm not sleeping?"

- She was joking!

- Ur-r-ra! shouted the little jackdaw. - So-o-he!!!

But then the whole forest woke up from his cry. And his mother gave him such a thrashing that since then the jackdaw, like all birds, when falling asleep, hides his head under his wing - so that, even waking up at night, the deceiver stars do not see!

Victor Khmelnitsky "Food of Imagination"

- It's very interesting, - began the frog, - to come up with something like that! .. And then to see it.

“The fruit of the imagination,” the grasshopper supported, jumping up.

All the color of the field and the forest gathered in the clearing. There were blue cornflowers, scarlet poppies, white butterflies, red ladybugs with white dots, and so on and so on incomparable ...

The grasshopper decided to invent an elephant.

Big big elephant!

“I have probably the biggest figment of my imagination!” he thought, not without secret pride.

But the grasshopper was in vain secretly proud. White chamomile came up with a cloud. And the cloud is very often larger than the elephant.

Camomile came up with a cloud as white as herself.

“If you think of something,” the frog decided, “it’s very pleasant ...”

And the frog came up with rain and puddles.

Ladybug invented the sun. At first glance, this is very simple. But only - on the first ... And if on the second or on the third? Surely your eyes will hurt!

Well, who came up with what? asked the frog.

- I came up with a big, big elephant! the grasshopper announced louder than usual.

“And I am a white-white cloud,” said the camomile. - And I saw a white-white cloud in a blue transparent sky.

- There's a cloud! Daisy exclaimed. - Just the way I thought it would be!

Everyone looked up and began to envy the camomile.

But the closer the cloud swam, the more it resembled a big, big elephant.

- Here it is, my elephant! This is what I came up with! the grasshopper rejoiced.

And when it suddenly began to rain over the clearing from the elephant cloud and puddles appeared, the frog smiled. Who really has a smile from ear to ear!

And of course, of course, then the sun came out. So, it's time to triumph and ... ladybug.

Sergey Kozlov "Hedgehog's Violin"

Hedgehog has long wanted to learn how to play the violin.

- Well, - he said, - birds sing, dragonflies ring, and I only know how to hiss?

And he cut pine planks, dried them and began to make a violin. The violin came out light, melodious, with a cheerful bow.

Having finished the work, the Hedgehog sat on a stump, pressed the violin to his muzzle and pulled the bow from top to bottom.

“Pi-i-i…” the violin squeaked. And the Hedgehog smiled.

"Pee-pee-pee-pee! .." - flew out from under the bow, and the Hedgehog began to invent a melody.

“We need to think of something like this,” he thought, “so that the pine tree rustles, the cones fall and the wind blows. Then, so that the wind subsides, and one cone sways for a long, long time, and then, finally, flops - bang! And then mosquitoes should squeal and evening will come.

He sat more comfortably on the stump, pressed the violin tighter and waved the bow.

"Uuuu! .." - the violin hummed.

“No,” thought the Hedgehog, “so, perhaps, a bee is buzzing ... Then let it be noon. Let the bees buzz, the sun shine brightly and ants run along the paths.

And he, smiling, began to play: “Uuu! Uuuu!.."

"It turns out!" - the Hedgehog was delighted. And the whole day until the evening played "Noon".

“Uuuu! Uuu!.. ”- rushed through the forest.

And thirty Ants, two Grasshoppers and one Mosquito gathered to look at the Hedgehog.

“You are a little fake,” the Gnat said politely when the Hedgehog was tired. - The fourth "y" should be taken a little thinner. Like this...

And he squeaked: "Pi-i-i!.,"

“No,” said the Hedgehog. - You play "Evening", and I play "Noon". Can't you hear?

The mosquito took a step back with its thin leg, tilted its head to one side and raised its shoulders.

“Yes, yes,” he said, listening. - Noon! At this time, I really like to sleep in the grass.

“And we,” said the Grasshoppers, “are working in the forge at noon. In just half an hour, a Dragonfly will fly to us and ask us to forge a new wing! ..

- And we have, - said the Ants, - lunch at noon.

And one Ant stepped forward and said:

- Play a little more, please: I really like to dine!

The hedgehog pressed the violin and started the bow.

- Delicious! Ant said. - I will come every evening to listen to your Noon.

The dew has fallen.

The hedgehog, like a real musician, bowed from the stump to the Ants, Grasshoppers and Mosquitoes and took the violin into the house so that it would not become damp.

Instead of strings on the violin, blades of grass were strung, and, falling asleep, the Hedgehog thought how tomorrow he would string fresh strings and still make the violin rustle with pine, breathe in the wind and stomp with falling cones ...

Sergey Kozlov "Hedgehog-Yolka"

A blizzard raged in the fields all the week before New Year's Eve. There was so much snow in the forest that neither the Hedgehog, nor the Donkey, nor the Bear cub could leave the house all week.

Before the New Year, the blizzard subsided, and friends gathered at the Hedgehog's house.

- That's what, - said the Bear cub, - we don't have a Christmas tree.

“No,” agreed Donkey.

“I don’t see that we had it,” said the Hedgehog. He liked to express himself intricately, especially on holidays.

“We should go look for it,” suggested Little Bear.

“Where can we find her now?” Donkey was surprised. It's dark in the forest...

- And what snowdrifts! .. - the Hedgehog sighed.

“Still, you need to go for the Christmas tree,” said the Bear cub.

And all three left the house.

The blizzard subsided, but the clouds had not yet dispersed, and not a single star could be seen in the sky.

And there is no moon! Donkey said. - What kind of tree is here ?!

- And to the touch? - said Little Bear. And crawled through the snowdrifts.

But he couldn't find anything either. Only large Christmas trees came across, but they still would not fit into the Hedgehog's house, and the small ones were covered with snow.

Returning to the Hedgehog, the Donkey and the Bear Cub were sad.

- Well, what a New Year it is! .. - Bear cub sighed.

“If it were some kind of autumn holiday, then the Christmas tree might not be obligatory,” thought Donkey. “And in winter it’s impossible without a Christmas tree.”

Meanwhile, the hedgehog boiled the samovar and poured tea into saucers. He gave the little bear a barrel of honey, and the Donkey a plate of burdocks.

The Hedgehog did not think about the Christmas tree, but he was sad that for half a month now, as his clock-clock broke, and the watchmaker Woodpecker promised, but did not arrive.

How do we know when it's twelve o'clock? he asked Bear.

We will feel! Donkey said.

- How are we going to feel? - Bear was surprised.

"Very simple," said the Donkey. “At twelve o’clock we will have been wanting to sleep for exactly three hours!”

- Right! - the Hedgehog was delighted.

- Don't worry about the tree. We will put a stool in the corner, and I will stand on it, and you will hang toys on me.

- Why not a Christmas tree! shouted Little Bear.

And so they did.

A stool was placed in the corner, the Hedgehog stood on the stool and fluffed the needles.

“The toys are under the bed,” he said.

The donkey and the Bear cub took out toys and hung a large dried dandelion on the upper paws of the Hedgehog, and a small spruce cone on each needle.

- Don't forget the light bulbs! - said the Hedgehog.

And chanterelle mushrooms were hung on his chest, and they lit up cheerfully - they were so red.

- Aren't you tired, Yolka? asked Little Bear, sitting down and taking a sip of tea from a saucer.

The hedgehog stood on a stool and smiled.

“No,” said the Hedgehog. — What time is it now?

The donkey was dozing.

- Five minutes to twelve! - said Little Bear. - As soon as the Donkey falls asleep, it will be exactly the New Year.

“Then pour me and yourself some cranberry juice,” said the Hedgehog.

— Do you want cranberry juice? asked the Little Bear to the Donkey.

The donkey fell asleep.

“Now the clock should strike,” he muttered.

The hedgehog carefully took a cup in his right paw

with cranberry juice, and the bottom, stomping, began to beat the time.

- Bam, bam, bam! he said.

“Three already,” said Little Bear. - Now let me!

He tapped his paw on the floor three times and also said:

- Bam, bam, bam! .. Now it's your turn, Donkey!

The donkey hit the floor three times with his hoof, but said nothing.

Now it's me again! shouted the Hedgehog.

And everyone listened with bated breath to the last “bam! bam! bam!

- Hooray! shouted the Little Bear, and the Donkey fell asleep. Soon the Little Bear fell asleep.

Only the Hedgehog stood in a corner on a stool and did not know what to do. And he began to sing songs and sang them until the morning, so as not to fall asleep and not break the toys.

Sergey Kozlov "Hedgehog in the Fog"

Thirty mosquitoes ran out into the clearing and played their squeaky violins. The moon came out from behind the clouds and, smiling, floated across the sky.

"Mmm-u! .." - sighed the cow across the river. The dog howled, and forty moon hares ran up the path.

Fog rose over the river, and the sad white horse drowned in it up to its chest, and now it seemed that a large white duck was swimming in the fog and, snorting, lowered its head into it.

The hedgehog sat on a hill under a pine tree and looked at the moonlit valley flooded with fog.

It was so beautiful that he shuddered from time to time: was he not dreaming of all this? And the mosquitoes did not get tired of playing their violins, the moon hares danced, and the dog howled.

"I'll tell you - they won't believe!" - thought the Hedgehog, and began to look even more carefully in order to remember all the beauty to the last blade of grass.

“So the star fell,” he remarked, “and the grass leaned to the left, and only one peak remained from the Christmas tree, and now it swims next to the horse ... And it’s interesting,” thought the Hedgehog, “if the horse goes to sleep, it will choke in the fog ?

And he began to slowly descend the mountain in order to also get into the fog and see how it was inside.

“Here,” said the Hedgehog. - I can not see anything. And even paws are not visible. Horse! he called.

But the horse said nothing.

"Where is the horse?" thought the Hedgehog. And crawled straight. All around it was deaf, dark and wet, only high above the twilight glowed faintly.

He crawled for a long, long time and suddenly felt that there was no ground under him, and he was flying somewhere. Bultykh!..

"I'm in the river!" thought the Hedgehog, going cold with fear. And he began to beat with his paws in all directions.

When he surfaced, it was still dark, and the Hedgehog did not even know where the shore was.

“Let the river itself carry me!” he decided. As he could, he took a deep breath, and he was carried downstream.

The river rustled with reeds, seethed on the rifts, and the Hedgehog felt that he was completely wet and would soon drown.

Suddenly, someone touched his back paw.

“Excuse me,” someone said silently, who are you and how did you get here?

“I am a Hedgehog,” the Hedgehog also silently answered. - I fell into the river.

“Then sit on my back,” someone said soundlessly. - I'll take you to the beach.

The hedgehog sat down on someone's narrow slippery back and in a minute was on the shore.

- Thank you! he said aloud.

- My pleasure! - someone who the Hedgehog did not even see silently uttered, and disappeared in the waves.

“That's the story ... - thought the Hedgehog, brushing himself off. “Who will believe?!” And hobbled through the fog.

Sergey Kozlov "How to catch a cloud"

When the time came for the birds to fly south and the grass had withered and the trees had long since fallen, the Hedgehog said to the Bear Cub:

- Winter is coming soon. Let's go and fish one last fish for you. You do love fish!

And they took their fishing rods and went to the river.

It was so quiet on the river, so calm that all the trees bowed their sad heads towards it, and in the middle the clouds floated slowly. The clouds were grey, shaggy, and the Bear Cub was scared.

“What if we catch a cloud? he thought. “What are we going to do with him then?”

- Hedgehog! - said Little Bear. What will we do if we catch a cloud?

“We won’t catch,” said the Hedgehog. - Clouds are not caught on dry peas. Now, if they caught on a dandelion ...

- Can you catch a cloud on a dandelion?

- Certainly! - said the Hedgehog. - Dandelions only catch clouds!

It began to get dark.

They sat on a narrow birch bridge and looked into the water. The little bear looked at the float of the Hedgehog, and the Hedgehog looked at the float of the Bear. It was quiet, quiet, and the floats were still reflected in the water ...

Why doesn't she peck? asked Little Bear.

She listens to our conversations. - said the Hedgehog. - Fish are very curious by autumn! ..

"Then let's be quiet."

And they sat in silence for an hour.

Suddenly the Bear cub's float danced and dived deep.

- Peck! shouted the Hedgehog.

- Oh! - exclaimed Little Bear. - Pulling!

- Hold on, hold on! - said the Hedgehog.

“Something very heavy,” Little Bear whispered. “Last year, an old cloud sank here. Maybe this is it?

- Hold on, hold on! repeated the Hedgehog.

But then Bear Cub's fishing rod bent into an arc, then straightened with a whistle - and a huge red moon flew high into the sky.

And the moon swayed and floated quietly over the river.

And then the Hedgehog's float disappeared.

- Pull! - Bear cub whispered.

The hedgehog waved his fishing rod - and high into the sky, above the moon, a small star flew up.

- So ... - the Hedgehog whispered, taking out two new peas. “Now if only there was enough bait!”

And they, forgetting about the fish, caught the stars all night long and threw them all over the sky.

And before dawn, when the peas ran out, Little Bear hung from the bridge and pulled two orange maple leaves out of the water.

- Nothing better than catching on a maple leaf! - he said.

And he was about to doze off, when suddenly someone grabbed the hook tightly.

“Help!” whispered the Little Bear to the Hedgehog.

And they, tired, sleepy, together barely pulled the sun out of the water.

It shook itself, walked along the narrow footbridge and rolled into the field.

All around it was quiet, good, and the last leaves, like small boats, slowly floated along the river ...

Sergey Kozlov "Beauty"

When everyone huddled in their minks and began to wait for winter, a warm wind suddenly flew in. He embraced the whole forest with his wide wings, and everything came to life - it sang, chirped, rang.

Spiders crawled out to bask in the sun, dozing frogs woke up. The hare sat down in the middle of the clearing on a stump and raised his ears. And the Hedgehog and the Bear cub simply did not know what to do.

“Let’s go swimming in the river,” said Little Bear.

- The water is ice cold.

"Let's go get some golden leaves!"

- The leaves have fallen off.

"Let's go pick some mushrooms for you!"

- What kind of mushrooms? - said the Hedgehog. - Where?

"Then... Then... Let's go to bed, let's lie in the sun!"

- The ground is cold.

- The water is icy, the ground is cold, there are no mushrooms, the leaves have fallen, but why is it warm?

- That's it! - said the Hedgehog.

- That's it! - mimicked Little Bear. — But what to do?

Let's go cut some wood for you!

“No,” said Little Bear. It is good to cut firewood in winter. Whack whack! - and golden filings in the snow! The sky is blue, the sun, frost. Whack whack! - Fine!

- Let's go to! Let's drink!

- What you! And in winter? Bang! - and steam from the mouth. Bang! You poke, you sing, and you smoke yourself. It is such a joy to chop wood on a sonorous sunny day!

“Then I don’t know,” said the Hedgehog. - Think yourself.

“Let’s go pick some twigs,” said Little Bear. - Bare branches. Some have only one leaf. You know how beautiful!

— And what to do with them?

- Let's put it in the house. Just a little, you know? - said Little Bear. - If there is a lot, there will be just bushes, but if a little ...

And they went, broke beautiful branches and, with branches in their paws, went to the Bear's house.

- Hey! Why do you need brooms? shouted the Hare.

“These are not brooms,” said the Hedgehog. - This is beauty! Don't you see?

- Beauty! There is so much of this beauty! said the Hare. “Beauty is when it’s not enough. And here - how much!

"It's here," said Little Bear. - And we will have beauty at home in winter.

- And you will drag these brooms home?

“Well, yes,” said the Hedgehog. - And you dial yourself too, Hare.

— Why did I move? - the Hare was surprised. - I live in the forest and bare branches ...

- Yes, you understand, - said the Bear cub, - you will take two or three branches and put them in a jug at home.

“Better rowan,” said the Hare.

- Rowan - of course. And the branches are very beautiful!

- Where are you going to put them? the Hare asked the Hedgehog.

“To the window,” said the Hedgehog. “They will be right up against the winter sky.

- And you? the Hare asked the Bear cub.

And I'm at the window. Whoever comes will be happy.

“Well, then,” said the Hare. “So Raven is right. She said in the morning: “If warmth comes to the forest in autumn, many go crazy.” You are crazy, right?

The Hedgehog and the Bear cub looked at each other, then at the Hare, and then the Bear cub said:

“You are stupid, Rabbit. And your Crow is stupid. Is it crazy to make beauty for everyone out of three branches?

Author: Bulygina Diana, student of the 8th "B" class, MBOU "Sarsinskaya secondary school", pos. Sars, Oktyabrsky district, Perm region.
Head: Merkuryeva Natalya Gennadievna, social teacher of the MBOU "Sarsinskaya secondary school"

Purpose: the fairy tale is author's, Written for children 7-10 years old. Therefore, it will be of interest to primary school teachers and parents. This story can be used in class discussions.
Target: to instill interest and desire for reading fairy tales. To give children an example of correct behavior and reveal the importance of harmony in the coexistence of man and nature.
- to instill love for nature, the ability to take care of people and animals;
- cultivate a sense of responsibility, responsiveness, value kindness and friendship;
- to teach children to think about their actions and analyze their consequences;

Develop children's imagination, imaginative thinking and fantasy.

Arthur and the birds

Far, far away, among the lush greenery of gardens and parks, stood a marvelous white-stone city. All houses and palaces were skillfully made of snow-white marble, which shone dazzlingly and sparkled in the rays of the bright sun. In lush gardens and parks, restless birds sang loudly. Everywhere the city was decorated with magnificent flower beds with fragrant flowers, and amazing tender butterflies fluttered above them. It was the Marble Kingdom.
The ruler of this glorious kingdom was a wise and kind king who loved his people very much, and all people lived happily in his domain. Only one thing saddened the king, he had no children. For many years the queen could not give birth to a child, she was deeply unhappy ...
And then one day a miracle happened, one fine day, the queen gave birth to a long-awaited son. All the inhabitants of the kingdom sincerely rejoiced and congratulated the king on the appearance of an heir. And the happy king arranged a magnificent feast in honor of the birth of his son.
The little prince was named Arthur. The king and queen could not stop looking at their child, they surrounded him with love and care and did not refuse him anything. By the age of ten, Arthur had grown into a handsome, slender boy, his blond curls falling softly over his shoulders, and his blue eyes shone like precious sapphires. However, Arthur was a capricious and cruel boy. He was used to being pleased with everything and always. The prince had no pity, neither for people nor for animals. He did not make friends with other children, offended the servants, often threw stones at dogs and cats. Arthur especially did not like birds, he was annoyed by ringing bird songs in the morning, which prevented him from sleeping. With loud cries, he drove the birds out of the royal garden and ruthlessly destroyed their nests.
Once, walking along the shady alleys of the palace garden, among the branches of an old chestnut tree, Arthur noticed a bird's nest in which a white dove was hatching eggs. The boy immediately began to climb the tree to destroy the nest and have fun over the grief of the poor bird. The dove became agitated, began to scream in alarm, but did not leave the nest. A dove flew to the cries of his girlfriend and, fearlessly rushing at the offender, began to drive the boy away, but Arthur easily brushed off the annoying defender. And now the prince was at the very nest, the poor dove froze with fear and closed her eyes in horror, in anticipation of reprisal. Suddenly, out of nowhere, birds flew at Arthur from all sides: blackbirds, crows, starlings, sparrows, tits ... They pecked the boy painfully, beat him with their wings, scratched his face with sharp claws and clung to his hair. Arthur howled in pain and, breaking branches, clumsily flew down. Jumping to his feet, he immediately rushed to run, but the birds did not lag behind and, with loud cries, drove him to the very palace. All disheveled, in tattered clothes, with a scratched face, Arthur ran into the throne room and, choking with rage, began to shout loudly:
- Birds! Ugly birds, they attacked me! I hate them! Father, order to expel all birds from our kingdom immediately!
The queen was horrified when she heard the prince's words:
- Son, come to your senses, this can not be done! Birds are our friends! You must have offended them very much if they dared to attack you.
But the boy shouted, stamped his feet and demanded that this very minute punish the impudent birds. And then the angry king issued a decree: "Drive all the birds out of the white stone city!"
By order of the king, all the inhabitants of the kingdom diligently drove the birds out of the city for several days. The unfortunate birds rushed in fear from garden to garden, from park to park, but found no peace anywhere... And finally, not a single bird remained in the city, and bird voices did not ring anywhere else.
Time has passed. Voracious beetles began to fly into gardens and parks, they had nothing to be afraid of, because there were no birds here. And every day there were more and more insects. But people didn't notice it.
And then one day, trouble struck. Everywhere: on trees, bushes, flowers - huge beetles and fat caterpillars, almost hanging in clusters on poor plants. Now it was impossible not to notice them. They devoured everything in their path: foliage, grass and flowers. Huge hordes of insects crawled along the streets of the city, flew into the windows of houses, attacked people and bit painfully. People were in despair, they could no longer cope with the invasion of voracious beetles.
My God, what has the white-stone city turned into! The gardens and parks withered away, the trees stood bare. The succulent grass disappeared, fragrant flowers no longer bloomed in the flowerbeds, and wondrous butterflies did not flutter over them. The streets of the city were deserted, people were afraid to leave their homes, and clouds of insatiable bugs were everywhere. The city was dull and gloomy.
And then Arthur realized what he had done. How did he punish himself for his bad deeds. The prince went to the king and said:
- Father, it's all my fault! I offended the birds and must ask their forgiveness. Only birds can help our city. I'll go to the ends of the earth and beg them to come back! I'll tell them we need them!
“That is a wise decision, son,” said the king. We are all to blame for the birds. But you need to be able to correct your bad deeds. Far in the north of our kingdom, there is a majestic forest, the birds must have flown there. You will go to this forest.
The king gave Arthur the fastest horse from the royal stable, and the prince immediately rushed straight north. Only a few days later the long-awaited forest appeared. Leaving the horse at the edge, the boy went to the forest. But as soon as the prince entered deep into the forest, the magpies began to chirp in alarm, and all the birds began to scatter in different directions. Arthur called the birds, asked their forgiveness, begged them to return, but they did not listen to him. Until evening, he wandered through the silent forest in search of birds, when suddenly a squeak was heard in the thickets of grass, near a tall pine. Looking into the thickets, the prince saw a helpless little chick that had fallen out of its nest. An evil viper crawled towards the chick, and frightened parents - red-breasted robins - flew over it. The boy immediately grabbed a long stick and threw it at the viper, the snake hissed angrily and quickly crawled away. Arthur carefully put the chick in his bosom and, deftly climbing a tree, put the chick in the nest. And the happy parents happily chirped over their baby, gently hugged him with their wings and thanked the prince for a long time.
The news of the rescue of the robin chick quickly spread throughout the forest. Birds flew from all sides to the pine tree, they circled over the boy's head and sang ringing songs in his honor in all voices. And then, bowing his head to the birds, Arthur asked their forgiveness and told them about the terrible misfortune that had befallen the Kingdom of Marble. The wise birds forgave the prince. They gathered in huge flocks and hurried to the white stone city. And behind them on a fast horse raced Arthur.
Early in the morning, the inhabitants of the city woke up from the loud cries of birds. The whole sky was covered with a hundred dots, these were: capercaillie, falcons, blackbirds, woodpeckers, starlings ... Huge flocks of birds circled over houses, parks and gardens, they swiftly attacked voracious insects, pecked them, trampled them with their clawed paws, and the beetles could not hide anywhere from keen bird eyes. The birds worked tirelessly until sunset, and finally the beetles were done away with. All people took to the streets of the city, they rejoiced, joyfully embraced and enthusiastically greeted the birds.

Correctional fairy tales for younger students


These fairy tales can be used in correctional work with aggressive children. Unlike the previous blocks of fairy tales, there is no rigid plot connection here, that is, "conflict" fairy tales are autonomous. Therefore, they can be used separately from each other.
This section contains the following tales: "Snake",
"Invisible hat",
"Task for the Fox",
"Rude words",
"Friendly Country"


Charming fluffy Kitty appeared in the classroom early in the morning. Her large green eyes fascinated those around her and struck with depth and purity. Special accuracy was visible in the whole appearance of the new student. Each of the guys wanted to sit next to her, touch her beautiful bow. But only the dismissive voice of the newcomer stopped them:
- Get away, Wolf cub, you remember my dress! And you, Bunny, don't look at me with your slanting eyes, I don't like that! And there’s nothing to breathe on me, Little Fox, otherwise it will become completely stuffy for me!
- I see that you have already met? - asked the teacher Hedgehog, entering the classroom.
- Yes, we met, - the guys said puzzled.
I hope you didn't offend her. - asked the teacher, seeing the displeased expression on the face of the Kitty.
“Who else offended whom,” whispered the Hare.
“Of course they offended me,” Kitty suddenly burst out, “they touched my clean bow with dirty hands.
- I think that our guys will no longer do this, - the teacher stopped the outburst of indignation from the Wolf Cub with his own words and look.
The cub realized that it was better not to mess with Kitty now, but for a long time he could not set himself up for study.
During the lesson, Kitty's neighbors discussed in a whisper the solution to the problem. She said out loud:
- Hare and Raccoon disturb me with their conversations.
“But we talked about the case,” her neighbors justified themselves.
"Especially so," Kitty said sternly.
A murmur of indignation went through the class:
- Such a pest has never happened in our school! Belochka burst out.
“I ask everyone to be more restrained,” the teacher asked. - We have a very serious topic, we need to understand it.
The students obediently continued to work. At the break, Kitty was left alone, no one wanted to approach her anymore, talk to her and play. The teacher approached the new girl and asked:
- How do you like us?
“It’s bad,” Kitty answered with tears in her eyes, “I don’t like anyone here.
- I understand that it is very difficult to come alone to the established team, but we have good guys, - the teacher reassured her. - I didn't notice that they are kind! - sobbed Kitty.
- Live and see! the teacher promised.
In the meantime, all the students discussed the act of the newcomer, calling her no longer the affectionate name "Kitty", but the unpleasant word "sneak".
The culprit herself heard this nickname and burst into tears even more.
- That's what she needs! - grumbled the offended Hare. - Let it not be asked.
- But she does not ask, - the teacher intervened in the conversation. - She feels bad with us, because she is not used to our rules of communication. So she defends her rules with the help of this method.
- Ha, me too, a good way! We treat her with care and affection. And this sneak? .. - the Wolf cub continued to be indignant. “Wait to judge her, try to better understand that some people don’t like too much attention,” the teacher explained. - And probably Kitty is brought up in a strict family.
- Why? Belochka asked.
- Well, for example, speaking of talkative neighbors, she expected me to punish them. After all, it’s really impossible to talk, interfere in the lesson. Remember the rule? the teacher asked.
The boys nodded, waiting for further explanations.
- And since instead of praise, Kitty heard only my request for restraint, she had a feeling of confusion. The cat doesn't understand what's going on. Let's help her find the right way to communicate with us, - suggested the teacher. - I wonder what we need to do? - the guys clarified.
- When the Kitty, out of habit, teaches or talks, your task is to thank her in a calm voice, with an affectionate smile, for noticing this. And offer to find a way or a means to fix it, - teacher Ezh completed his thought.
- So she will be delighted and will continue to teach everyone? Belochka didn't understand.
- Let's try! Wolf cub fired up.
- I just don't know about the smile! I may not succeed, - the Hare hesitated.
- And you try! Everyone knows the good power of a smile! - clarified the little Raccoon.
The wolf cub hastened to test the new method. Approaching the weeping Kitty, he invited her to play with a gentle smile. In response, he heard:
- I don't play with such shaggy ones!
“Help me to become as neat as you,” Wolf continued the experiment.
- Well, I'll try, - Kitty answered uncertainly. - And you, Wolf cub, have a comb?
- Certainly! - Wolf Cub was delighted, taking out a comb from his pocket and winking at his friends.
- Why are you friends with Belochka? - Kitty asked, carefully combing her new friend.
- She's funny! - without hesitation, the Wolf cub answered.
“Yes, but she seems rude and frivolous to me,” Kitty remembered her remark.
- And you tell her yourself that you did not like the way she called you. It’s only better to do this when you are alone with Squirrel, ”Wolf Cub advised her. - Yes... don't forget about one secret.
- What is this secret? - Kitty was surprised.
- A gentle smile, - Wolf cub answered, kindly, smiling broadly at the newcomer.
And in response, the Kitty smiled at him too.
- A Wolf cub coped with this new method of communication! Belochka whispered.

Invisible hat

Another new student appeared in the Forest School - Mouse. The mouse was a very capable child. Mom and dad talked about it all the time. And grandparents always admired him: "The smartest, most resourceful, most cheerful ..." The Mouse squeaks piercingly, and grandfather rejoices: "You are just a nightingale with us!" The Mouse will turn somersaults through the tail, and the grandmother rejoices: "Oh, acrobat!" Yes, and his parents said that he would definitely be an excellent student. And the Mouse actually began to feel that he was exceptional. It remains only to wait for the day when it will be possible to finally prove this to all the inhabitants of the forest.
For some reason, the Forest School accepted him without enthusiasm and admiration. Teacher Ezh asked all the students. If the Mouse shouted out the answer, interrupting his classmates, the teacher was upset and still waited for the other students to answer.
The mouse, of course, also answered, but it seemed to him that not often enough. And if the answer was correct, then the Mouse turned in all directions to enjoy the attention of the neighbors. But the expectations were not justified: neither the students nor the teacher noticed the genius of the Mouse.
Then the Mouse decided to surprise everyone with his "nightingale" squeak. And he succeeded! The teacher carefully and sternly looked at the Mouse, and the students laughed out loud.
- Here, at last, - thought the Mouse, - everyone noticed me!
He, forgetting about the lesson, began to painfully think about how else to amaze his classmates. The Mouse especially liked it when the Squirrel laughed at his jump through the ponytail during the lesson. Only the teacher did not smile. The hedgehog came up and quietly asked the prankster:
- Why are you bothering us?
But instead of an answer, he heard the piercing squeak of the Mouse. The animal guys laughed, and the Mouse was happy.
When the parents came for the first graders, the new student felt like a hero. Teacher Hedgehog asked Mom and Dad Mouse what his actions could mean. But, seeing admiration for his son in the eyes of his parents, he thought: “What to do? How to help Mouse become a real student of the Forest School? After all, while he acts like a small child, and not like a student! How to teach him to be patient and follow the school rules? How to teach the Mouse to amuse everyone at recess, and not at the lesson? How to teach him to help, and not interfere with his comrades? How to teach him to rejoice at the success of his new friends?"
The next day, teacher Ezh began the lesson with the story of the cap of invisibility, which is kept in the most secret place in the headmaster's office. This hat is invisible, and it makes everyone invisible.
The hedgehog held a hat in his hands and was preparing to put it on the head of any student. The little mouse wanted a hat to be put on him: in it he would amaze those around him even more. The hedgehog sadly approached the Mouse's desk and touched his head. It seemed that nothing special happened, only the guys-animals stopped paying attention to the antics of the Mouse, and to the sounds too.
The little mouse played pranks with all his might, but then he got tired of it (after all, no one laughed and paid no attention to him). After some time, he began to listen to the tasks of the teacher, tried to fulfill them. The little mouse even wanted to come up with the answer to the board. But no one noticed him. The little mouse was offended and puffed out his cheeks: "Well, let them still regret it!"
Finally, the bell rang, the change began! When the students went to play in the corridor, the teacher again touched Mouse's head and took off his hat.
- Is it really sad to feel lonely? - Ezh said quietly. - Please the guys at recess, play, relax with them, and when the bell rings, the invisibility hat will return to you again. This will be until you learn to help your friends in their studies, and not interfere with them.
The mouse sat silently and did not go to the guys to play. He thought...
Thus the change took place. The lesson passed imperceptibly, in which the students learned new things. Before the math lesson, the Mouse again stayed in the classroom, did not play with the guys and felt the most miserable. But suddenly he noticed Squirrel, who could not solve her homework problem in any way.
- What, jumped at home, and now you are trying to solve the problem? - out of habit, the Mouse was mischievous.
- No, I spent the whole evening solving it, but nothing happens! - Belochka answered offendedly.
The little mouse went up to Squirrel and looked at her decision:
- Do you want me to help you?
The squirrel nodded silently. Together they coped with the task, and the Mouse again heard Squirrel's sonorous, joyful laughter and saw a grateful gleam in her eyes! Little Mouse has never felt so needed and even grown up! He was very pleased!
At the lesson of mathematics, the Hare answered at the blackboard, and the teacher Hedgehog invited the Mouse to help him. And again the Mouse felt himself needed and saw gratitude in the eyes of the Hare! After all, he was not responsible for his comrade, did not interrupt him, but helped him quickly remember what he needed. After the teacher thanked the Hare and the Mouse for the good work and invited them to sit down, the Mouse suddenly remembered the invisibility cap.
- What happened to her? Where did she disappear to? - the Mouse was surprised.
And the teacher Hedgehog and the guys-animals smiled good-naturedly ...

Task for Fox

Conflicts began to occur frequently in the family of the old Fox. Their reason was the upbringing of the little Fox. In fact, the Fox cub was already old enough, but Fox's father and Fox's grandfather called him small. Probably because adults sometimes do not notice how their children grow up. So, grandfather believed that it was very difficult to raise a real Fox. The fox must know three rules of cunning:
- be able to find their own benefit in everything;
- be able to cleverly deceive even your neighbor;
- be able to always avoid trouble: get out of the water dry.
Papa Fox was opposed to such tricks. He insisted that these were rules for singles. And now is another time when it is difficult for one to live, when the help of friends and relatives is needed.
Therefore, the Fox must use not cunning, but fantasy to delight friends with new games and stories. The little fox listened to these disputes and reflected:
- Who is right, grandfather or father?
Grandfather was considered the most cunning Fox in the whole district. He had no friends, because who would like to be fooled all the time. Grandpa said he didn't need anyone. But the Little Fox understood that it was either from pride or from despair, and sometimes he noticed in the old Fox a sad, dreary look into the void.
Dad was different. To deceive, as grandfather says, dad does not know how at all. Dad himself explained that he simply did not want to do this, since a lie always becomes obvious, that is, it is discovered by others. And for dad it is very important that his friends and relatives trust him. And many people love dad for this, and most of all, of course, Fox.
But sometimes the Little Fox is overcome by doubts, and he uses the rules of the cunning of the old Fox. But also fantastic stories, like dad, also likes to tell his friends.
- Maybe combine cunning and fantasy? - the Little Fox once expressed his position aloud.
- And you will be a Lone Fox! - Forty rattled in response.
- But how can I be? the Fox asked her. - I've already learned to lie, to cheat, so there is no way back? - Little Fox, - Magpie laughed. - The choice is yours, your decision will be the new road. But hurry up, the glory of a liar can forever stick to you.
- I'll think about it tomorrow! - Decided the Fox.
And it became easy for him because he outwitted his problem. Little Fox moved it to another day...
But that day has come. He remembered his problem.
- How to be, what to choose? - the Fox asked himself again.
At school, Little Fox was very absent-minded because he kept thinking about it. When solving problems in the lesson, he made many mistakes. Fox had no difficulties with mathematics before, so the children and the teacher were very surprised.
- What happened to you, did you get sick? - asked the teacher Ezh.
- I? No! Didn't get sick! But my grandfather is a little alive, - for some reason escaped from the Fox.
- Is your grandfather sick? the guys asked.
- Yes very! I took care of him all night! He was very weak, - the Fox cub continued to invent.
And the more he composed, the more he got carried away and drowned in a quagmire of lies.
But all the students believed and sympathized with Fox.
“You know what, Little Fox, go home now,” the teacher suggested. - Your grandfather needs you. Patient love and care help to recover.
The fox collected his things in a briefcase and left the classroom.
On the way home, Little Fox had already forgotten about his fictional story, he made snowballs and threw them at the target. The snow crunched underfoot.
Fox came home cheerful and carefree.
- Why did you come so early? - Grandpa Lis asked his grandson.
At that time he was making something and was surprised to see Fox.
Our teacher is sick! he whispered.
- How did you get sick? Something serious? - the old Fox was worried.
- Yes, probably! - continued the Little Fox, surprised at his quick wit and resourcefulness.
“It’s bad, very bad,” grandfather grumbled, “I’m sorry for teacher Hedgehog, let him get well soon!”
The little fox hovered around his grandfather for a bit, watching the chair being repaired, and then went about his business, pleased with his invention.
In the meantime, the school ended the lessons, and the teacher decided to visit the sick old Fox. Having collected some gifts, he hurried to the fox's house. Coming closer, the Hedgehog heard that someone was whistling a song cheerfully. The teacher was a little surprised, thought that it seemed to him: how can you have fun if your loved one is sick? However, the song continued to sound, and the bewildered teacher saw in the open door the old Fox, who had finished his work and was proudly evaluating the result, practicing his artistic whistle.
The hedgehog remained standing still as if rooted to the spot.
The fox noticed the guest and also hardly understood what was happening.
- I'm glad you're feeling better! Finally, the teacher said.
- And you? asked the surprised grandfather.
At that moment Fox Cub heard voices and looked out into the yard. But, realizing what had happened, he decided not to show his nose, quickly darted into his room, jumped onto the bed.
“Now something will happen,” the Fox cub whispered. - Oh, let it be a dream! I just want this to happen to me! Yes, I'll wake up now - and everything will be as before.
But it wasn't a dream. The little fox understood this, just in case he even pinched himself, but felt nothing but pain.
Tears themselves rolled down the fluffy cheeks of the Fox. He was both embarrassed and scared.
- What's going on there? What are they talking about? What are they going to do with me? - the Fox asked himself.
The teacher and grandfather were already sitting in the kitchen and talking quietly. The little fox heard only the words that the old fox repeated several times:
Yes, what you sow is what you reap!
What the Hedgehog answered to this, the frightened Fox could not make out. He could only guess. The fox cub sobbed bitterly again and covered its head with a pillow so as not to hear anything.
Suddenly, he felt someone touch him. The little fox raised his head and saw the teacher.
“A lie is like a spider, which, having sneaked in, begins to weave a sticky web,” the teacher said quietly. - At first it may seem like a funny game, but then the liar begins to realize that he is confused. And the longer the lies continue, the stronger the web. If you want to grow up free and happy, drive away the spider, break the web! The fox cub could not answer the teacher, because a lump in his throat prevented him from pronouncing the words. But he realized that lying harms first of all the liar himself. And the Fox made his choice...
- I'll try to be honest! he promised the teacher.
- I believe in you! - answered Ezh.
At school, Little Fox confessed to his deceit, and the students forgave him. Since then, Fox Cub, if he wants to tell a lie, imagines a huge spider and stops his lie.


The Mouse has a habit of arguing about everything. He spent all the changes in heated arguments with his friends. - Mouse, why are you arguing with everyone? - the Hare asked him.
- I'm not arguing, but leading a discussion, - the Mouse answered importantly.
- The discussion is a little different, - the teacher Ezh explained with a smile. - Firstly, each participant in the discussion respects the interlocutor, gives him the opportunity to speak.
“And you, Little Mouse, constantly interrupt us,” Wolf Cub intervened.
- Secondly, - continued the teacher, - in the discussion it is necessary to bring facts that confirm your point of view.
- Why do I need these facts, if I already know that I am right, and I deny the opinion of others! - confidently declared the Mouse.
- Our Mouse reminds me of a familiar forest gnome, - the Hare remembered.
- What else dwarf? - the Mouse asked discontentedly.
The hare told a story.
Near my house, in the hollow of an old oak tree, there live two twin gnomes. One gnome is called Surprise. He is very funny, with brilliant round eyes, with a friendly face and always parted mouth.
The whole world pleases and surprises him. Trees, mushrooms and flowers love to tell him their secrets.
- Wow! It happens! - the gnome is surprised.
His brother does not look like him at all: he has a small mouth and squinted eyes. He is a big fan of arguing and denying everything. That's what they call him - Negative. He believes that he knows everything in the world: there are hardly any mysteries in the world. When Surprise shared his impressions with his brother, he heard in response:
- You think I knew all this for a long time!
The inhabitants of the forest bypass the Negative, it is very difficult to communicate with him. He does not know how to listen, and he does not say much himself. And if someone comes to him for advice, then the Denial says to him:
- Why don't you know such nonsense, or what?
Shame, but will not help, will not advise anything.
Surprise lives easily and freely. He is already an adult dwarf, but he looks as young as a child. He has many friends and hobbies.
Life is hard for his twin brother. From constant grumbling, his face quickly wrinkled and aged, and he has no friends at all.
- And I met him in the forest! Belochka exclaimed. - It looks like a shriveled dried mushroom!
"Yes," the teacher confirmed. - These gnomes live in our forest, only now no one calls them brothers, they have become very different. And for you, Mouse, this is a good example.
- How can I learn to taste, oh no, to discuss? - the Mouse was confused.
- Fine! Let's all practice together! the teacher promised.

Commentary for the teacher
After this fairy tale, you need to have some kind of discussion with schoolchildren, for example: "Which games are better?", "What books are more interesting to read?" and so on. Children need to be reminded of the rules of the discussion (see the text of the fairy tale) and introduce an "adapter ball" for self-control (you can use any object to convey the word to a friend). You can record the discussion on video, then analyze it in a positive way, with individual recommendations.


The cat made friends with all the guys in the class. Most of all she liked to play with the Hare and the Squirrel. True, Kitty continued to be offended by Squirrel. There was no serious reason for disagreement, it was just difficult for Kitty to understand squirrel jokes. Squirrel will say something funny and mocking, and it seems to Kitty that these are jokes about her. She puffs out her cheeks, turns away from her friends and is silent.
- What's happened? Why are you silent, kitty? - friends are interested.
But the Kitty is silent, does not answer anything. So she can remain silent for a day, another, until she gets tired of herself. And when he speaks, he doesn’t really explain anything, he doesn’t reveal the reasons.
- Guess what offended me! - the Kitty will say quietly.
The Hare and the Squirrel think, they guess, they apologize to the Kitty, but they don’t understand why they offend her. They got tired of persuading Kitty endlessly, they decided to play without her, to discuss events. And Kitty puffed up even more, fluffed up from resentment and sits silently, all alone.
They approached the Kitty Wolf with the Fox, they ask:
- Who offended you, kitty?
- A squirrel with a hare, - she answers. They don't play with me.
- How to play with her when she is not clear what is offended and is silent, - Squirrel is indignant.
“I would say that she doesn’t like it, we would try not to do it,” suggested the Hare.
But the Kitty turned away, did not answer.
A little Raccoon came up to her and told such a tale.
Once upon a time there was a merchant in a city, in a southern country, where the sun is hot, the desert is far away. The merchant often traveled, sold his goods, bought curiosities. He once bought a stallion - slender and fast - for himself, and a donkey - cheerful, mischievous - for his beloved daughter. He arrived home, put a stallion and a donkey in the stable, gave tasty grain. And the donkey and the stallion began a conversation between themselves.
- What kind of animal are you? Not a horse, not a hare ... The owner bought you out of pity, and the whole city will admire me! - said the stallion to the donkey.
“No, he bought me for my daughter, because I am cheerful and kind, and my height is comfortable and safe for her,” answered the donkey, and the stallion himself became sad from the words of the stallion, various sad thoughts came to mind.
The next morning the merchant brought the stallion out of the stable, and everyone gasped:
- Oh, handsome, slender, fast, young!
The merchant's daughter brought the donkey out, the guests laughed:
- What is this horse eared? Haven't seen such a funny one yet!
And the girl strokes his back:
- If someone laughs, it means that he is having fun, rejoice, donkey, for him. But I know that you are my kindest, most cheerful donkey in the world. Show me please!
But the donkey was offended and stood rooted to the spot. The girl began to persuade the donkey, stroking it, saying kind words, but he still stands, offended.
Then the people saw the stubborn donkey and began to laugh again. The girl got upset and went to her friends. And the merchant began to think what he should do with the donkey. And then he thought: since he does not want to roll his daughter, he will carry water. To this day, because of their grievances, donkeys carry water in that country. Since that time, they say: "They carry water on the offended!" “And it could have been different,” thought the Kitty. - The girl would be rolled, fun to play. And then he lost his girlfriend, and punished himself.
- I'm glad you understood everything, Kitty! - finished the tale Raccoon.
- Of course, I'll go to my friends, otherwise they have been waiting for me for a long time! - Kitty smiled.


Different animals study at the Forest School: Squirrel, Hare, Wolf cub, Fox cub, Bear cub, Mouse, Raccoon, Kitty. The animals help each other, because each one does something better than the other: the Teddy bear is the strongest, so when you need to lift or move something, then he is called to help. The fox cub is the best at solving logic puzzles, and he helps others cope with mathematics. Squirrel wipes the board best of all.
All the animals were friendly, and although they sometimes had disputes, a truce quickly came. Each student tried to understand and accept the other as he is. By winter, some animals changed their coats. The squirrel also changed her outfit and could not stop admiring them, and especially the fluffy tail. At recess, the animals were playing leapfrog, and the Hare accidentally stepped on Squirrel's tail. There was a loud scream. The squirrel began to cry, and the Hare apologized in a trembling voice: - I accidentally, please forgive me.
“No, I won’t forgive you,” Squirrel answered with resentment.
- But why? - the Hare was frightened.
Because you did it on purpose! Yes Yes. You... envy me. After all, you don’t have such a beautiful fluffy ponytail! - It is not true! - shouted the Hare, - I do not envy, and I really like my tail.
- But Squirrel and I have a better tail than you, Hare. Admit it! Fox intervened.
- The hare does not need a long tail, - the Bear cub tried to convince everyone.
- And you, Little Bear, also failed in the tail, - Squirrel and Fox shouted in one voice.
A real controversy ensued.
All animals protected their tails. They shouted, trying to convince each other. But the bell rang for the lesson ... And the teacher Hedgehog entered.
- What's happened? the teacher asked. - What are you angry about and why did you move to other people's places?
- I will not sit with the Hare, because he has a small tail, - said Squirrel.
- And I will not sit with the Wolf cub, because he offends my tail, - said the Bear cub.
- So you quarreled tails? - Ezh was surprised.
- We are not friends with the tailless! - shouted the Fox.
- And, so, from today, "tailed" and "tailless" study in the class? - slowly continued Hedgehog. - But only you wrong shared.
- Why? - the animals were surprised.
- You had to be divided into large and small, into predators and herbivores. Do not forget also about the color of the coat, eyes and other differences.
The hedgehog carefully looked into each student's eyes. He saw there both shame, and resentment, and sadness.
- And how many friends will you have? You will be alone.
All the animals were silent.
The school day continued. There were lessons, changes. But the Squirrel was no longer playing with the Hare, and the Bear cub was no longer helping the “tailed ones”.
The class continued to hear ridicule and offensive nicknames. Home "tailed" and "tailless" students went different ways.
The wolf cub was the last to leave school. He walked slowly, enjoying the sun, the warm wind, the smell of plants, flowers... Halfway through the road, he heard a strange sound, similar to the barking of dogs. The wolf cub saw angry dogs. With all his might, he took off running. The dogs were rapidly approaching him. You could already feel their hot breath and the clang of their teeth. But the house is very close! The cub made the final push. He's saved!
The wolf cub sat with his eyes closed and heard how uninvited guests were moving away from his house. “Am I really alive?” thought Wolf Cub. “The head and paws are intact. And the tail? Where is the tail? How can I be tailless?” Sobbing, Wolf Cub was horrified to imagine how friends at school would laugh at him. "What should I do? With whom should I be friends now? And with whom will I sit at my desk tomorrow?" - with these thoughts, the Wolf cub fell asleep ...
(At this point, interrupt the metaphor fairy tale. Let the children guess how it could end. No comments or ratings. And after the students have expressed their opinion, continue the fairy tale.)
Morning has come. The wolf cub was slowly approaching the school.
- Come to us! - Called a friend Fox.
Lowering his eyes, Wolf cub sat down to the "tailless" beasts. There was silence in the class. "What's wrong with the Wolf Cub? Why is he behaving so strangely?" the students thought. "Is there really a problem with him?"
In complete silence, the Wolf cub told about everything that had happened to him. "Tailed" and "tailless" animals rushed to hug their friend.
- Are you alive! Alive! And you are with us! And everything else doesn't matter.
“Is it really only such a misfortune that can prove to you that it is more important than anything in the world?” the teacher asked the students.
“We want all the students to play together at the Forest School again, study together, helping each other and supporting each other in difficult times,” Fox answered.
And the guys completely agreed with him.
- I think that it is in your power to fulfill this desire! the teacher smiled.
"It's good that we are all so different. We have a lot to learn from each other," the animals thought. They played, told each other stories and accepted everyone for who they are.


How many troubles I had to go through, - thinks the Wolf cub. - He quarreled with his younger brother, dad punished, mom scolded. For what? All he did was spank his brother so he wouldn't touch my things.
- Hey, Wolf Cub, let's go play football, - the Fox Cub called his friend.
- Well, maybe I'll get distracted, forget my troubles, - Wolf decided.
Friends began to play football. The wolf lost. He got angry with his friend and let's treat him with cuffs. The little fox defended himself: with his fists he also heavily decorated the Wolf cub.
Teacher Hedgehog saw the fighters and how he shouted:
- What are these roosters?
They heard the voice of the teacher Fox Cub and Wolf Cub, they stopped fighting, they stand, they look. Dirty, crying and angry at each other. And the teacher says:
- Who started the fight, I will not find out, I know that everyone will tell their own truth. But what to do in order to drive away anger, I’ll tell you, and even teach others.
The teacher of the fighters took them to school, helped them to wash themselves, smeared bruises and scratches with ointment. It seems that Little Wolf and Little Fox have calmed down a little, but all the same, they look angrily at each other, clench their fists.
- I have an "angry pillow", it has been in the closet for a long time, waiting in the wings. Leshy gave it to me a year ago. He no longer needed her: apparently, the old man had become kinder. So, whoever has sparks and stubbornness appear will beat them into this pillow.
- Like this? - the guys asked incredulously.
- I will show you now! Who is the first to want to get rid of their spawns? - asked Ezh.
- Well, let me try, - Wolf cub cautiously approached the pillow.
- What did you fight with fists? So you will be knocking out the pillow with all your might with your fists, and laughing, with each blow "ha!" shout out. Then the sparkles will all pop out! - convinced the teacher. - And you, Little Fox, help a friend, say the words-spells: "Stronger, stronger, stronger!" Are the tasks clear to everyone?
“It seems to be clear,” the guys answered.
- As soon as I give the signal, my animal toy will squeak, then we will begin. And she squeaks twice, which means it's time to stop, - continued his instruction Hedgehog.
Wolf Cub and Fox Cub were waiting. The signal squeaked, and Wolf Cub began to kick the pillow with his fists and the sound "ha!" shout out. And the Little Fox helps him, shouting: "Stronger, stronger, stronger!" - and dances. There was a noise throughout the forest, the students came running, they stand, they look, they wonder. What is happening is not understood. A double beep sounded. Everyone froze. - And now, listen, Wolf cub, how are your eggs in the pillow. What are they doing? the teacher asked. - Quietly sit! - barely catching his breath, answered Wolf.
- Then change places, it's time for you, Little Fox, to knock out your glares! Started! - commanded the Hedgehog, helping with a signal. Then all the students joined in, began to shout spell words together, and even clap their hands. A double signal stopped Fox. And he listens to the pillow, laughs:
- And my eyes are sitting and talking!
- Have all the glans run away or are there still? the teacher asked.
- Everyone ran away! - happily answered the Little Fox with the Wolf cub.
- Can we try it too? - the Hare asked timidly.
- Of course, you can, but in turn! - Ezh allowed.
Each student tried to drive away his glare, stubbornness. Then the Hedgehog called everyone closer to him and said:
- For various reasons, the glans come running to us, accumulate, and now we know how to drive them away. This "angry pillow" will help you at school, collect your sparks and stubbornness.

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