Children's voice when. Looking for young talents: recruitment is open for the fifth season of the show "Voice


On Channel One, the second season of the project “Voice. Children". In this competition, the best children's voices of the country compete for the championship. The competition is for children, but the interest of participants, organizers and viewers in it is enormous. Many parents of talented children are interested in the question of how to get on the Voice. Children". The path to the stage can be passed in several conditional steps.

The step that starts it all

No matter how it sounds, but in order to get on the project “Voice. Children”, the child must love music and be able to sing. It is practically impossible to succeed not only at this competition, but also in any other significant project, if the kid is fond of singing only at home, delighting his relatives who do not have any musical education with his talent. This is a note to those parents who cannot find the time, energy or money to put their child in the hands of a professional music teacher. Only time, work, the desire of the child and the professionalism of teachers are the first and most important step on the way to a successful musical future. If talent is not developed, which is extremely difficult to do on your own at home, over time it will fade away or fade into the background, into the category of a hobby or unfulfilled desires.

Therefore, before looking for an answer to questions about how to get to the “Voice. Children ”and how to become the winner of the project, really assess the capabilities of your child so as not to injure the child’s psyche. If your teacher is confident in the strength of his student, then have patience and faith, parents will need them most of all, and together with your child, persevere towards your goal.

Step 2. Make yourself known

Follow the official information about when work begins on preparations for the show “Voice. Children”, how to get into the show, and what are the requirements for the participants. Already in the summer of 2015, the organizers promise to start accepting applications for the third season of the project.

Requirements for those wishing to participate

Musically talented children from 7 to 15 years old are allowed to participate in the TV project, who sent their questionnaires and works to the organizers of the show.


The first thing to do is to fill out the form and submit your work. It is with the help of questionnaires that the organizers learn about the children who want to take part in the competition, and the files with the recording of songs will help to select the most promising ones.

The questionnaire must contain real data, it is recommended to check everything several times before sending. You should talk about the hobbies and achievements of the child, especially in the musical field. It is desirable that the characteristic is interesting, lively, bright, but without boasting and exaggeration. It is important that it evokes and is remembered. It is very difficult to convey on paper the mood and desire of the child to participate in the project, but you need to try to stand out from the thousands of similar questionnaires.

Three photographs must be attached to the application form. Please note that the photo of the child should be visible well and clearly. Choose a few shots in which the young musician is smiling. The size of the photos attached to the questionnaire must be 100 Kb. If the selected pictures are larger, they should be cropped or compressed.

Works, extramural demonstration of talent

Audio recordings of two songs must be attached to the questionnaire. There are no restrictions in the recording transfer format, but the recording size should not exceed 2 MB. You can even record on a mobile phone or webcam, but it's better, of course, to contact a recording studio. Professionals will pick up a high-quality backing track, help you record and bring the material to the required size. You can choose any track for recording - both a well-known composition and a song of your own composition.

Of course, this is the most important and decisive factor on the way to audition and selection of future project participants. Therefore, when preparing, it is necessary to invest all the talent so that the organizers want to invite the child and work with him.

You can send an application (questionnaire and works) via the Internet or by regular mail. Address for submitting applications for participation: 127427, Russia, Moscow, st. 12, the program “Voice. Children".

Questionnaire and correspondence demonstration of skills, abilities or natural gift are the first stages of any talent competition. If your kid has all the data to stay at the top of the charts, but you didn’t know how to get to the top of Olympus, the Voice. Children" is an excellent launching pad for talented young artists.

Step 3. Where to go next, or the first fork in the path

If you did not receive an invitation to the qualifying casting after sending the questionnaire and works for audition, then the child is not allowed to participate in the project. Parents need to support the child and, if possible, try another time.

If you received an invitation to the qualifying casting, pack your bags and go to Moscow. It is recommended to come to the qualifying round in advance in order to participate in all the shootings.

From thousands of questionnaires and works, the best ones are selected for a meeting in Ostankino. Pre-casting takes place without the participation of mentors, they will first get to know the participants during the show. Mentors in the first and second seasons of the program were: Pelageya, Maxim Fadeev and Dima Bilan.

No less qualified musicians and organizers of the show sit on the jury of the qualifying audition, but the guys from the stage do not see them. For listening, you need to prepare one song in Russian, one in English. The results of the qualifying round are not announced immediately. Upon completion of the casting, the list of participants in the Blind Auditions is published on the Channel One website. The organizers also contact by phone or e-mail, so it is important to provide accurate information. The participants will be explained everything in detail: how the program "Voice. Children" will be filmed, how to get to the shooting, when to arrive, what financial expenses to expect, etc.

Step 4: Blind Auditions

If the child is already preparing to go on stage and conquer the mentors with his voice, then the question is how to get on the “Voice. Children”, is no longer relevant for you - you are in the show. Participants and parents will have an unforgettable adventure with excitement, joy, victories and sorrows. New acquaintances, a sea of ​​positive and invaluable experience. Participants may bring relatives or friends with them as a support group. They will be backstage with the child and will be able to see the contest “from the inside”, feel its atmosphere, and communicate with the host Dmitry Nagiyev.

Those who have passed "Blind auditions" are waiting for several more stages of the competition - "Fights" and "Final". The tension will only grow with each one.

Good luck and the will to win can be wished to the young participants. There will be several finalists, but only one will win. In any case, participation in the project builds character and pushes the child to move towards the dream in the future. Even if your child did not win the project, you already know how to get on the Voice. Children”, what opportunities open up for participants and what level of Channel One competitions. Therefore, in the future you will understand what to strive for!

Project "Voice. Children "became very popular in our country. Thousands of viewers, regardless of age, are looking forward to new releases. People from all over the country sincerely experience and admire young talents. Many communities have been created on the network, where teachers and parents of participants talk about the organization of the show “Voice. Children”, how to get there, what kind of atmosphere reigns there, already from personal experience.

- This is a near-Earth object with a diameter of about 30 meters. It was discovered on August 29, 2006, when it was at a distance of 4.5 million km. from our planet. Scientists observed the celestial body for 10 days, after which the asteroid ceased to be visible in telescopes.

Based on such a short observation period, it is impossible to accurately determine the distance at which the asteroid 2006 QV89 will approach the Earth on 09/09/2019, since the asteroid has not been observed since then (since 2006). Moreover, according to various estimates, the object may approach our planet not at all on the 9th, but on a different date in September 2019.

As for whether 2006 QV89 will hit Earth on September 9, 2019 or not - the chance of a collision is extremely low.

Thus, the Sentry System (developed by the JPL Center for NEO Studies) shows that the probability of a body colliding with the Earth is 1:9100 (those. about one ten thousandth of a percent).

The European Space Agency (ESA) estimates the chance of an asteroid orbit crossing our planet as 1 to 7300 (0,00014 % ). The ESA ranked 2006 QV89 as the 4th celestial body of potential danger to Earth. According to the agency, the exact time of the "flight" of the body on September 9, 2019 is 10:03 Moscow time.

In both Orthodoxy and Catholicism, Easter always falls on a Sunday.

Easter 2020 is preceded by Great Lent, which begins 48 days before the Bright Holiday. And after 50 days celebrate the Trinity.

Popular pre-Christian customs that have survived to this day include dyeing eggs, making Easter cakes and curd cakes.

Easter treats are consecrated in the church on Saturday, on the eve of Easter 2020, or after the service on the very day of the Feast.

To greet each other on Easter should be the words "Christ is Risen", and to answer - "Truly Risen."

For the Russian team, this will be the fourth game in this qualifying tournament. Recall that in the previous three meetings, Russia "at the start" lost to Belgium with a score of 1:3, and then won two dry victories - over Kazakhstan (4:0) and over San Marino (9:0). The last victory was the largest ever for the existence of the Russian national football team.

As for the upcoming meeting, according to the bookmakers, the Russian team is the favorite in it. The Cypriots are objectively weaker than the Russians, and nothing good can be expected from the upcoming match for the islanders. However, we must take into account that the teams have never met before, and therefore we can expect unpleasant surprises.

The Russia-Cyprus meeting will take place on June 11, 2019 In Nizhniy Novgorod at the stadium of the same name built for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Start of the match - 21:45 Moscow time.

Where and what time do the national teams of Russia and Cyprus play:
* Location of the match - Russia, Nizhny Novgorod.
* Game start time - 21:45 Moscow time.

This project won the hearts of Russians literally from the first issues. Five seasons of the program have already passed, but the interest of the public has not decreased, but on the contrary, it is breaking new records in popularity. Viewers of the main channel of the country are looking forward to “Voice. Children" 2019. Already, many Russians are interested in who will be the mentors in the new show and when the casting of performers will begin.

A bit of history

This project was born on Russian television relatively recently. The first release of the program took place in February 2014. The well-known singer, composer and producer M. Fadeev was at the origins of the project. It should be noted that before that, a similar project already existed on our television, but adult performers participated in it. The program was to the taste of the domestic audience, and therefore the organizers decided to try an adapted version of the program for children. As time has shown, they were not mistaken.

The Voice Kids franchise is owned by the Netherlands. It was in this country that this project appeared in 2010. Over the past few years, this idea has been supported by more than fifty countries, including Russia.

Each new season of the Voice. Children” begins with the selection of mentors and the development of a general concept for the program. The general director K. Ernst and the musical editorial staff of Channel One set the task for the jury to show the talent of small talents in the best possible light.

The difference between the children's transmission format

The children's competition, on the advice of psychologists, was somewhat modified compared to the adult project. In the children's version, there are also three mentors who, by blind voting, choose their wards. True, the duration of the competitive process itself is reduced. In the competition for children, in addition to blind listening, there is also:

  • fights;
  • performance of songs "on departure";
  • final speech.

Another distinctive feature of the children's competition is the performance of one composition during the duel not by two participants, but by three contenders. Thus, as a result of the duel, two performers leave the project at once. This turn of events is easier for the child's body to perceive. There is no such psychological blow if one participant leaves.

In the children's version of the competition, also mentors cannot save the wards. This was also done on the advice of psychologists in order to eliminate the envy of children. Also, only one team participates in each match. At the end of all competitions, the remaining performers sing the song that was in the blind auditions. According to the song “for the flight”, the mentors leave only two participants.

Starting from the second season, the organizers of the Russian contest made another change. Now, by telephone voting of the audience, mentors can leave one more performer in their team. He must be one of those who left the project, performing a "song to take off."

Who will be the mentor and leader

Children's "Voice" provides for two presenters. The main one leads the program itself on stage, and his assistant helps the young contestants, supporting them as much as possible. All seasons the main host is D. Nagiyev. The second hosts change every season. Over the past five years they have been:

  • 2014 - N. Vodianova;
  • 2015 - A. Chevazhevskaya;
  • 2016 - V. Lanskaya;
  • 2017 - S. Zeynalova;
  • 2018 - A. Muceniece.

Mentors have also changed over the years:

D. Bilan 2014 - 2017
Pelagia 2014 – 2016, 2018
M. Fadeev 2014 - 2015
L. Agutin 2016
Nyusha 2017
V. Meladze 2017 - 2018
Basta 2018

The mentors of the project have always been well-known people in Russian show business.

It is enough to remember that:

  • M. Fadeev is a wonderful performer of his songs, who is also a great composer, arranger and producer.
  • Pelageya is known to Russian viewers for her unique voice. She is also the creator of the Pelageya group.
  • D. Bilan is known to everyone without exception in our country. He twice took part in the Eurovision Song Contest and took second place in 2006, and first place in 2008.
  • Russians fell in love with L. Agutin for the peculiar performance of his songs and unique voice.
  • V. Meladze is the idol of millions in our country. A whole generation of fans has already grown up on his songs.
  • Nyusha became famous recently. Despite this, she managed to become the owner of many prestigious awards.
  • Basta belongs to a new generation of Russian performers. His fans are mostly young people who are optimistic about the future.

Who will be the second presenter and mentors of the sixth season remains unknown. Usually live broadcasts and auditions begin in February. There is still time before the start of the new season. Let's hope that the new season will open on time, and we will once again enjoy the new voices of young performers.

At what stage is the "Voice. Children" 2019 now

The start of accepting applications for the sixth season of Channel One promises in August 2018. Approximately in November 2018, face-to-face castings of applicants will be held. At the same time, the names of 123 performers who will be admitted to blind auditions will be announced. According to Y. Aksyuta, the producer of the project, blind auditions will start recording in January 2019. They will be attended not only by those who passed the casting this year, but also by the applicants of the last year who did not have time to speak due to the recruitment of teams. Thus, the competition will be incredible. After all, thousands of young talents take part in filing applications. Applications come from all corners of our vast Motherland. The guys who come to the competition are really gifted. Some of them have a difficult fate and their own unique character. All this we have repeatedly observed on the screens of our TVs.

As soon as Channel One announces the launch of the sixth season of Voice. Children ”will earn the official website of the project, where you can find out all the current information about the performers, hosts and mentors, as well as the progress of the competition. The sixth season will tentatively run from February to April 2019.

For especially impatient viewers, we recommend watching the similar project “Voice. Children" Ukraine. In the brotherly country, this project will start in November 2018. As you know, Ukraine has always been famous for its unforgettable voices. Suffice it to recall the idols of millions of Russians:

  • S. Rotaru;
  • V. Meladze;
  • Lolita;
  • T. Povaliy;
  • V. Brezhnev;
  • T. Karol;
  • S. Loboda;
  • Potap and Nastya;
  • Monatica;
  • "Time and Glass" and others.

All of them come from Ukraine and are well known in Russia. Some of them are mentors of the Voice. Children" Ukraine. The project is broadcast on channel 1 + 1 on Sundays.

There is nothing better than admiring your child, who sings talentedly from the big stage. Our time provides a unique opportunity for young talents to become participants in a grandiose project. And getting a few lessons in singing and artistic skills from a pop star is fantastic. All this is provided in the exciting program “Voice. Children".

About the transfer

Song TV show “Voice. Children" has been on the "First Channel" of Russian television since February 28, 2014. This project is not copyright, it is adopted from a similar Dutch format. Children from 7 to 14 years old participate in the program. The show repeats the variant that was previously for adults. Each issue has mentors (there are three of them): these are the leading pop stars or producers. The task of the mentors is to recruit a group of 15 children.

First there are blind auditions, sometimes it is impossible even to determine the gender of the child by the voice. Then come the duels, the elimination song, the final match. The Russian show is a little different from the international format: from the second season, an "Additional stage" was added. TV viewers participate in it: they can help three dropped out children to return to the arena of the program. The hosts of the show are famous artists, showmen:

  • Svetlana Zeynalova.
  • Dmitry Nagiev.
  • Valeria Lanskaya.
  • Natalya Vodyanova.
  • Nastya Chevazhevskaya.

Mentors of young talents are eminent stars: Alexander Borisovich Gradsky, Leonid Agutin, Pelageya and Dima Bilan.

The opinion of psychologists

Participation in such a competition greatly affects the psyche of the child. Yes, and physically it is not easy - to withstand many hours of filming, queues, moving and living in hotels. It is very difficult to survive the time when the casting begins. But the child feels even worse at the time of the verdict of the judges. After all, to leave such a show is a huge psychological tragedy. Therefore, it was decided that during the duel with the star, not one child, but two, participates. After all, being alone is not as scary as being alone. Even for a strong boy or girl, this is stressful.

Do you want to participate?

Any child and his parents dream of a stellar career as a singer. Show "Voice. Children ”is one of the ways to get on the big screen, to light up in the musical sky. But this is not easy to do, there are thousands who want it. And only one child out of several hundred gets on the air. It is a difficult, painful process. Season 6 starts in February 2018. But it’s too late to apply, the official website of Channel One informs about this. There are plenty of people who want to: television people will have enough work with the already recruited number of children. After all, the Russian people have always been talented and creative. Winning the competition does not guarantee employment in the future, career growth and good income. And failure can lead to mental trauma, because at this age the psyche is still very fragile. You can find your happiness in life without exhausting rehearsals, solfeggio and experiments on voice and diaphragm.


If the casting has already passed, then the continuation of the show will definitely be. Wait for February and cheer for young talents. The New Year holidays will already be behind us, and the February cold will keep people watching TV screens, in a warm family circle. Many schoolchildren do not study on Saturday - they will be able to watch the show, because it does not go early. There are no prerequisites for the cancellation of such an exciting and heartbreaking show. Some impressionable people do not want to see children's tears and change the channel at the moment of a strict jury trial. Song Festival to be and flourish. This musical battle pays off perfectly, has a high rating and a wide audience of viewers. And the broadcast time is the most convenient, because the weekend is ahead!

There is always the opportunity to review the best performances:

For the epigraph:

The creators of the show "Voice. Children "did not torment the fans of the television superproject with uncertainty for a long time and revealed the hottest details of the fourth season. The producers of the children's "Voice" have already determined the mentors, the release date of the show "Voice. Children -4" and told who will become the host of the new season of one of the most popular projects on Russian television.

"Voice. Children-4": mentors and presenter

Mentors of the show "Voice. Children-4" - Dima Bilan, Nyusha and Valery Meladze

In the fourth season of the show "Voice. Children", the organizers decided to renew the jury of the project, which was a big surprise for the audience. Among the "old-timers" of the project, only . The new mentors of "Voice. Children-4" were - and. Thus, Nyusha replaced, which for the previous three seasons revealed new children's talents in a vocal competition, and Valery Meladze took a place, two of whose wards in the show "Voice. Children - 3" reached the final.

The host of the show "Voice. Children-4" - Dmitry Nagiyev |

The host of "Voice. Children-4" will be the same. In the new season, the organizers decided not to give him a "couple", so he will be the main and only presenter, representing and supporting young participants on the stage of the country's main vocal competition.

"Voice. Children-4": release date

The new season of the children's "Voice" will be released on February 17. It is known that the mentors have already started filming the first blind auditions. Recall that the format and time of the show "Voice. Children" differs from the adult show - at the stages of fights, vocalists sing one song not together, but three together, while there is no chance for participants to escape from a mentor.

Also, only one team participates in each match of the show "Voice. Children". Immediately after the end of the fights, the "Song for the Elimination" stage begins, in which the five remaining participants in the project sing the songs that they performed in the blind auditions. According to the results of the stage, the mentor selects two finalists.

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