Children's drawing about the army. How to draw war with a pencil step by step


One of the most exciting pages in the history of the Great Patriotic War was and remains the theme of military childhood. Children and adolescents worked on an equal footing with adults at enterprises and collective farms, volunteered for the front and became children of regiments, gave their savings to the USSR Defense Fund 1 and joined partisan detachments. And on the pages of newspapers, children tried to keep up with adults: for example, to the editorial office of the Pionerskaya Pravda newspaper, as well as a number of other publications for children and youth that continued their work during the war years, children sent drawings, poems about the war, and even cartoons in German soldier. Among the letters and drawings there are both childishly naive (see doc. N 2), and letters from schoolchildren who tried to write and draw "in an adult way." In particular, the guys mastered caricatures of the enemy - a satirical genre, characteristic primarily of "adult" Soviet newspapers.

One of the most popular newspapers among schoolchildren was Pionerskaya Pravda, the printed organ of the Central and Moscow Committees of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League. With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the structure of the newspaper was rebuilt to take into account wartime. Since June 1941, several special wartime headings appeared on the pages of Pionerskaya Pravda: “From the Soviet Information Bureau”, “Pioneer piggy bank of scrap metal”, etc. Stories, feuilletons, poems, cartoons as employees of the newspaper were published in the satirical heading “On the Bayonet” and famous writers and poets, and readers. We publish several children's cartoons and letters to them below.

Drawings are children's weapons

Schoolchildren, to the best of their ability, tried to participate in the activities of the pioneer newspaper. Among the drawings you can find not too skillful, and quite professional. From the "adult" genre of caricatures to children's caricatures, also different in execution technique, one of the main principles passed - the image of an enemy with bestial features, more like an animal than a person. Soviet fighters and nurses in children's drawings were examples of heroism and selfless service to the motherland.

In addition, schoolchildren responded vividly to stories about the exploits of Komsomol war heroes. So, in the drawing by V. Arkhipovsky "Death of "Tanya"", obviously, the execution of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, who was captured by the Germans while performing a combat mission in the village of Petrishchevo, is depicted. During interrogation, she called herself Tanya, and for the first time they learned about her feat from Peter Lidov's article "Tanya", published in the Pravda newspaper on January 27, 1942.

Children's cartoons and drawings about the war, published below, are part of a set of documents collected in wartime for display at the exhibition "Komsomol in the Patriotic War" at the State Historical Museum (SMM).

Exhibitions about heroism

At a meeting of the secretariat of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League on May 2, 1942, an official decision was made to organize an exhibition 2 that would highlight the heroism of Komsomol members and youth in the fight against the enemy at the front and in the rear. Initially, the opening of the exposition was scheduled for the anniversary of the start of the Great Patriotic War - June 22, 1942. In reality, the first exposition was deployed in 1943 in the State Historical Museum. About 40 artists and sculptors took part in the design of the exhibition. In 1944, the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League decided that the exhibition should exhibit materials not only about the Komsomol, but also about Soviet youth in general, in connection with this, the exhibition became known as "Komsomol and Youth in the Patriotic War."

In January 1949, the exposition "Komsomol and Youth in the Patriotic War" was included in the exhibition prepared for the 30th anniversary of the Komsomol (November 1948). In September 1949, this exhibition was called "Lenin-Stalin Komsomol". In July 1953 the exhibition was closed. The material exhibits of the exhibition were mainly transferred to Moscow museums - Historical, Revolution, Soviet Army. Documents and some material relics were transferred to the archive of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League. Later, the archival and museum collection of the Central Committee of the Komsomol was replenished with materials received from the participants in the events and their relatives. At present, the set of exhibition documents is fund M-7 "Documents of the Exhibition of the Central Committee of the Komsomol" Lenin-Stalin Komsomol "(1942-1953)" RGASPI. Separate materials of the exhibition are also included in fund N M-14 "Museum materials on the history of the youth movement in the USSR and Russia".

Published documents are stored in the fund M-7 RGASPI and reproduced with the preservation of spelling, punctuation and stylistic features of the texts.

The publication was prepared by Natalia Volkhonskaya, chief specialist of the department of scientific and information work and the scientific reference apparatus of the RGASPI.

Document No. 1.

Letter and cartoons by Oleg Tikhonov sent to the editorial office of the Pionerskaya Pravda newspaper

Dear editor!

I send you two of my cartoons, and ask you to write what is wrong in them (in the text). I live next to S. Sofronov, who sent you the cartoons. He is my friend. Before that, I lived in Moscow and was with you at the editorial office of Pionerskaya Pravda, I don’t remember what year, but I only remember that I was there when the play Gorky’s Childhood was being read. There were guys from the class in which I studied, namely: Yulia Rogova, Lenya Novobytov, Galya Osokina and me.

I would love to stay in Moscow, but circumstances developed in such a way that I had to go with my dad to the city of Kirov, where I am now.

I am 16 years old, I live on Karl Marx Street, house 8 sq. 9. Oleg Tikhonov. I'll send another cartoon soon.

With regards - Oleg.

RGASPI. F. M-7. Op. 1. D. 3545. L. 1-3.

Document no. 2.

Letter from Valya Razbezhkina to an artillery soldier with congratulations on the 25th anniversary of the Red Army, sent to the editors of the Pionerskaya Pravda newspaper

[February 1943]

Dear fighter!

I congratulate you on the 25th anniversary of the Red Army and wish you to defeat these reptiles as soon as possible and so that no ashes remain of them. I wish you to shoot down more Nazi planes and destroy all the tanks that are moving towards us to our beloved homeland with the fire of your cannons. Gram and grim the German invaders. I am a student of energy school No. 9. I ask you to defeat the enemy as soon as possible and come to our school. I firmly shake hands and wish you a speedy victory. From Razbezhkina Valya.

Dear Fighter

I congratulate you on the 25th anniversary of the Red Army. To the best gunner in your unit, please accept my modest gift.

Ufa, st. Volodarsky N 2

RUE N 9 1 [account] 30 groups

Razbezhkina Vali.

RGASPI. F. M-7. Op. 1. D. 3545. L. 7-7v.

1. "Defence Fund" - a special fund that received voluntary donations from citizens and organizations of the USSR for the needs of the front during the Great Patriotic War. Materials on donations by Soviet and foreign citizens and institutions to the USSR Defense Fund (1942-1946) are stored in the RGASPI (F. 628).
2. RGASPI. F. M-1. Op. 18. D. 1558. Personal file of Ezersky Isaac-Alexander Moiseevich. L. 14.
3. MYUD - International Youth Day - international holiday of youth (1915-1945). Established by the decision of the Berne International Socialist Youth Conference in 1915 in order to mobilize young people to fight for peace. In 1916-1931. was celebrated on the first Sunday of September, and since 1932 - on September 1.

Military drawings with a pencil can be created in stages, even for small children. There are a lot of lessons and instructions on the network, pictures for sketching, which allow you to independently transfer various types of military equipment to paper.

Boys will like to draw a drawing on a military theme with a pencil, but girls can also create such pictures, for example, on the eve of a big holiday on May 9 or February 23. On Victory Day, the drawing will be a great gift for veterans or relatives who served in the army.

Military aircraft pencil drawing

A military aircraft can look interesting in the form of a simple pencil drawing without coloring it with paints or colored pencils. To begin with, it is worth checking the availability of the tools necessary to create an art project:

  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • blank sheet of paper;
  • eraser.

If possible, choose hard and soft pencils, which are convenient for making auxiliary lines or directing the main ones. The following simple instructions will allow young artists to create their own beautiful military aircraft on paper.

  1. We create the main lines that serve as the base for placing the plane on the leaf. Using a ruler, draw a long line, which we tilt down a little. The second will cross the first, you need to lead it from the lower left corner of the leaf to the upper right, this is the basis for the wings and tail. To make the tail of the plane realistic, let's add a small short line on the first main line, it should be perpendicular.
  2. If the lines are not a good enough guide to draw the correct shape of the plane, we create additional points that serve as the edges of the nose, tail and wings of the object. It is recommended to start from the extreme right point, where the nose will be located.
  3. Smooth lines draw the cockpit of the aircraft. The movements should be smooth, do not press on the paper with a pencil. The lines of the cockpit should narrow slightly as you approach the leftmost point, where the aircraft's tail is located.
  4. From the main lines of the cockpit, focusing on the second auxiliary with the same soft and smooth movements, we draw the wings of the aircraft.
  5. An important final step is drawing the tail. For military aircraft, the tail can be of different shapes, with additional elements, so it is advisable to look at the drawing for an example and ask the child to copy the finished shape.
  6. The last step is adding important elements to bring the plane to life. A child can add various emblems to the body of the aircraft, and one cannot do without drawing the front glass and side windows.
  7. After the lines are drawn, with the help of an eraser, auxiliary lines and points are removed, extra strokes that were the base of the sketch.

All drawings of military equipment with a pencil are created on such a base: auxiliary lines intersecting in the right places, as a guideline for creating basic contours.

warship pencil drawing

Military drawings with a pencil allow the child not only to understand the basics of creating complex drawings, but also to study the structure of various vehicles. Many children like to create a warship and a pencil drawing that requires instructions.

Unlike the previous drawing, the children begin the art project by drawing the waves of the sea, which are located at the bottom of the leaflet. Waves are curved lines that young artists can draw.

On the waves you need to place one horizontal line without tilt. The ruler will come to the rescue in this. The length of the main horizontal line should be of medium length, taking into account the fact that additional lines will diverge into the sides, continuing the base of the ship's hull, they are made using a ruler. To do this, the ruler is placed slightly at an angle to the outer sides of the leaf. You can connect these two lines with one solid line. The base of the ship is ready.

Next, you should focus on an example-picture from which the cabin compartments and deck details are copied. Cannons are drawn without fail, and the flag of the ship will be the main "highlight" of such a creation. An important detail of the drawing. At the end, some curved wave lines are added around the ship to give the illusion of a military vehicle moving.

Such military pencil drawings for children may seem simple at first glance, but with the help of shading they decorate the picture, and if desired, they add a little color with the help of paints.

Soldier drawing

Drawing a military soldier with a pencil can be done by young children. The main thing is to pre-train to repeat the basic geometric shapes and learn how to make neat lines.
As in the case of a drawing of a military aircraft with a pencil for children, it is worth creating several auxiliary lines with which the proportions of the soldier's body will be correct.

  1. First, let's work on the markup. The frame of the picture is the basis of the soldier's body. Draw an oval on the top of the vertical line, which serves as the base for the head. A little lower draws two trapeziums - the base of the body. From the trapezoid we make lines for the arms and lines below for the legs. An important point is that the drawing is made larger in order to display all the details well.
  2. In the oval zone, for accuracy, auxiliary lines can be created with thin strokes: one horizontally just above the center of the oval, the second vertical clearly in the center, crossing the zone of the future soldier’s face. From the oval on the sides, draw the ears with neat curved lines. On the auxiliary horizontal line, we add eyes and exactly above them are two souls of eyebrows. In the lower part, it will be located, and between the created details of the face, the nose. On top of the oval, you can add a bang.
  3. We draw a pilot. If it is difficult to repeat its shape, you can stop at a small triangle that "sits" exactly on top of the oval.
  4. From the oval down to the trapezium with smooth lines.
  5. From the neck we move on to drawing the shape of the body, making the trapezoid not so angular. At this stage, you can immediately deal with such details as the collar, other elements of clothing in the form of a belt and pagons.
  6. Do not forget about pockets, buttons and an asterisk on the strap.
  7. The lower part is trousers. Kids should help with them, because not all little artists will be able to repeat the lines of the folds of trousers. We finish this part with boots.
  8. Step by step, slowly draw the hands, the sleeves of the form, from which the hands of a soldier can be seen. It is not necessary to draw the hands in detail. Kids can stop at a schematic image.

Time passes, years, centuries, events and experiences of terrible war days go further and further. But they are not forgotten, so each new generation draws their fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers on sheets of paper, trying to capture the feat that they accomplished. How to draw a war so that it does not look like a heartless drawing that will be forgotten over time, but so that it is remembered, deposited in the soul and heart of every person?

Drawing on a military theme

Before going on the topic of "war", you should decide on several parameters. In your thoughts, you need to imagine how the drawing will look like, what will be depicted on it.
Will it be a separate character or part of a military action? Maybe it will be an image of some military equipment in the ruins of a city, or an airplane in a blazing sky, or a nurse in a hospital, or an old woman looking out the window with the hope of the return of her son or husband. The main thing is that it comes from the heart. Then the image will come out with a soul. Not a single person can remain indifferent, thinking about the past and drawing a war. A sheet of paper conveys the state of war, the hostile attitude towards it and the devastating consequences that it leaves behind.

Color and paint of military drawing

Each person who undertakes to draw on a military theme sees his future drawing in his own color. The palette of war is multifaceted. It can also be in black colors - a sign of mourning, horror and loss. Maybe in red colors - a symbol of spilled blood, rage and cruelty. Also, the drawing can be “colorless gray”, the war was seen by desperate people who lived in those years in such a color. The image may be bright, lively (in the color of hope). How to draw a war, what color or many shades? This everyone decides for himself.

An example of an image of a drawing about the war in stages with a pencil

In order to complete the drawing, we need: paper, pencil and thoughts about what will be depicted. So, how to draw a war with a pencil in stages, if you decide to depict some kind of battle scene, with a crowd of people, equipment, and so on? First, mark all the main lines of the drawing with very light strokes, so that if necessary, you can correct it without harm to the picture. When drawing a building, draw the main part of it (roof, walls), then mark the details, for example, a hole in the wall where a bomb fell, or part of a collapsed staircase. What if you decide to draw several soldiers on the battlefield? In this case, you should start from the farthest. In the figure, it should be the smallest in size, and all the rest should gradually increase.

When displaying various vehicles, be it an aircraft, a tank or a ship, you need to start in the same way as with various buildings, first drawing the base, and then gradually adding realities, colors or historical nuances to them. Also, in order to make your characters, vehicles and buildings look the most realistic, you should turn to literary sources. View photographs of those years, find out, for example, what uniform the soldiers had, what tanks and aircraft they were, how they differed from each other, and pay attention to this in the picture. With the help of books and various illustrations, you can easily understand how to draw a war or various military actions.

Great Patriotic War on a sheet of paper

How to draw the Patriotic War on a sheet of paper? The Great Patriotic War is often called the "war of engines". Indeed, at that time, motorized equipment began to operate in the arsenal of the Soviet troops. In particular, the appearance of tanks can be noted. In this regard, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat war looks like has also changed. The drawings began to appear tanks on various backgrounds. It could be a tank in an abandoned city or on a battlefield, or a separate element of a whole drawing. Enemy tanks are drawn separately, they certainly have various elements of national identity (for example, a swastika).

In films about the Great Patriotic War, you can also see Soviet soldiers with machine guns, Shpagin pistols (PPSh), and fascists with angular MPs. Also, heavy and super-powerful installations of the Baltic Fleet took part in the Great Patriotic War. They are also often seen in the drawings. Given all this, the Great Patriotic War on a piece of paper is often depicted with drawings of various kinds of equipment and weapons.

Life without war, but with the memory of its heroes

How to draw a war with light colors? It is possible to display this event without using dark and terrifying colors. The image of a soldier who returned home, or an already gray-haired veteran and his family - can also be attributed to the military theme of the drawing. The task of the picture about the war is, first of all, the memory of those terrible events and one of the ways of warning for the future. Therefore, all drawings about the war are of tremendous importance, and the younger generation learns the history of their country from these stories.

Today we will tell you what war drawings you can draw for the holiday "Victory Day". This great holiday informs us that in 1945 we won a victory over fascist Germany. The war of 1941 was the most terrible and claimed many lives. Now, celebrating this holiday, we pay tribute to our grandfathers and great-grandfathers for the fact that they won!

If you want to draw drawing on the theme of the Great Patriotic War, then we will help you with this! Here are options for drawing war themes:

1. Battlefield (tanks, planes, military);

2. In a trench (a military man shoots from a trench, a doctor bandages a wound in a trench);

3. Portrait of a military man or in full growth;

4. The return of a soldier from the war.

Theme: Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) drawings

Here is a lesson on this topic we have prepared for you. It shows a fight between two soldiers on the battlefield. This drawing is quite simple in execution, you can color it with pencils, paints or in any other way.

We have also prepared pictures for you to draw. There is children's drawing on the theme of war and a few examples of pictures on the same topic. You can just sit in front of the computer and draw any of these pictures with a pencil.

And also here are such options for drawings on the theme of war, drawn with a pencil or pen.

Children's drawing on the theme of war

Especially for beginners, we have developed several step-by-step lessons. How to learn how to draw a tank, a military aircraft or a rocket with a pencil - that's what you can learn, and if you come up with a drawing theme and combine several of our lessons into one, you will get a complete drawing on the theme of the Great Patriotic War!

2 variants of St. George ribbons

And here are 2 options for tanks for your drawing. It is difficult to draw them, but really with the help of our lessons.

We draw various military equipment: an airplane, a helicopter, a rocket. All the lessons below will help even a novice artist to draw a picture on the theme of the Great Patriotic War.

Drawing on the theme of Victory

If you need to draw a greeting card, then here are the lessons on drawing a card with a pencil (everything is sorted out step by step). The postcards depict symbols of victory, and the inscriptions “Happy Victory Day!” are beautifully executed.

On the card you will draw a beautiful number 9, congratulatory inscriptions, stars and ribbons.

And here is a drawing of a military order, a St. George ribbon and an inscription for Victory Day.

Step-by-step instructions for practical drawing of tanks, planes and helicopters in the process of mastering the art of black and white and halftone graphics.

We suggest you learn how to draw domestic, mainly Russian, samples of military equipment in their modern form in a phased method.

Remember! Any mistake made at the very beginning of the drawing process can hopelessly ruin the final result. At first, you may find it difficult to draw curvilinear contours (round, egg-shaped or similar to a sausage) or even stick a pencil across the paper to the intended point. Do not despair! Stay enthusiastic, keep drawing with perseverance and patience. The more practice, the higher the skill. If you wish, you can use a compass - professional artists do not consider it shameful for themselves.

Items needed for work: a clean white sheet of good quality paper, a pencil with medium hard or soft lead, an eraser. Compasses, ink, feather, brush, ballpoint pen, felt-tip pen - optional.

Choose a sample of military equipment that you want to draw. With light touches of the pencil, without pressure, very carefully and carefully apply strokes to the paper that make up the initial (first) "step" - usually it is located in the upper left corner on the pattern you have chosen. Then take the second "step" - also without pressure and just as carefully. Follow not only the direction and curvature of the lines, but also the distance between them, that is, their relative position. The size of the drawing should match the size of your sheet of paper - neither too small nor too large. The first "steps" seem to be the least difficult, but they must be carried out with particular precision, because any mistake made at the beginning of the process can ruin the final result.

It is also very useful to look at the reflection of your work in the mirror from time to time - it can reveal distortions that you would otherwise not be able to notice.

The new lines for each "step" are shown in bolder in the diagram so that it is easier for you to recognize what exactly should be added to your drawing at the next stage. Continue working as before with light, thin strokes. If some line turned out to be too thick or dark - lighten it with an eraser: draw it along the line without much pressure, without trying to erase it completely.

And a few more tips. Remember that for all the apparent complexity of some objects, they can always be reduced to simple geometric shapes: a ball, a cone, a pyramid, a cube, a parallelepiped, a cylinder.

Try to draw the technique not from the front, but from more advantageous angles, taking into account the perspective, so that they look not flat, but voluminous.

You can also "cheat" a little when depicting complex details: in order not to be distracted from the integrity of the image and not to waste too much time, you can draw them approximately, as a complex of expressive strokes, dots, underlines, wavy lines.

Well, of course, say, ships do not exist on their own, but, as a rule, organically fit into the surrounding landscape. Therefore, the elements of the landscape - the sea, the river, the rocks, even if only slightly outlined - will greatly enliven and enrich the drawing.

When you have finished applying light strokes, that is, having completed the entire eight "steps" shown in the selected diagram, and making sure that all the elements of your drawing correspond to the desired image, outline them with confident pencil movements with the necessary pressure. After this final finishing, the drawing can be considered ready. If desired, you can increase the contrast of the lines using ink (using a thin brush or steel feather), a ballpoint pen, or a felt-tip pen. When the ink, paste, or ink is dry, use an eraser to remove any unnecessary pencil marks.

Remember: if the first attempts to draw do not lead to the desired result - keep trying. It is very important not to lose perseverance, patience, enthusiasm. In the end, your efforts will be crowned with complete success - at that moment you may not immediately believe yourself, but you will still be pleasantly surprised by what you have achieved.

We sincerely hope that your drawing skills will improve and the long time spent on recreating the images of all these formidable and in their own way beautiful examples of technology will not be wasted.

We draw the Medium tank T-34 (USSR)

How to Draw the T-VIB "Royal Tiger" Tank (Germany)

Draw Tank T-V "Panther" (Germany)

Draw the T-72 Tank (USSR)

We draw the Tank "Leopard-1" (Germany)

We draw the Heavy tank KV-85 "Klim Voroshilov" (USSR)

We draw the Heavy tank IS-3 "Joseph Stalin" (USSR)

How to Draw a Tank "Challenger" (Great Britain)

How to Draw a Tank STRV-103 (Sweden)

How to Draw a Centurion Tank (Great Britain)

Anti-aircraft missile system "Strela-1" (Russia)

Anti-aircraft self-propelled gun ZSU-23-4 (Russia)

We draw the BRT-80 armored personnel carrier (USSR)

We draw Combat reconnaissance and sabotage vehicle BRDM-2 (USSR)

Infantry fighting vehicle BMP-3 (USSR)

Launcher of strategic missiles "Topol M" (Russia)

We draw the Katyusha multiple launch rocket system (USSR)

We draw an anti-aircraft missile system (Türkiye)

How to Draw Steyr Armored Personnel Carrier (Austria)

We draw the Self-propelled artillery installation M 110 A2 (USA)

How to draw Grad multiple launch rocket system (40-barreled mortar) (Russia)

We draw the S-300V anti-aircraft missile system (Russia)

How to draw the multiple launch rocket system "Smerch" (Russia)

We draw the Aircraft IL-2 (USSR)

We draw the Fighter ME-109 "Messerschmitt" (Germany)

How to Draw a PE-2 Bomber

We draw the JU-87B "Junkers" bomber (Germany)

How to Draw an F15-C Airplane (USA)

Draw Fighter MiG-21 (Russia)

How to draw a SU-27 Fighter (Russia)

How to Draw an Airplane SU-24 (Russia)

We draw the Attack aircraft OV-10A "BRONCO" (USA)

Draw Fighter MIG-23 (Russia)

Draw Fighter MiG-29 (Russia)

How to draw an A-10A attack aircraft (USA)

How to Draw an F-111 Fighter-Bomber (USA)

We draw the Fighter-bomber "Mirage" 2000-5 (France)

How to Draw the Invisible Aircraft B-2 Spirit (USA)

Drawing the "Flying Fortress" B-52G (USA)

We draw the MI-14 Helicopter (USSR)

How to Draw a MI-24 Helicopter (Russia)

We draw the Helicopter AN-64A "APACH" (USA)

We draw the CH-47A Chinook transport and landing helicopter (USA)

We draw the Helicopter S-55 "Sikorsky" (USA)

We draw the KA-50 "Black Shark" Helicopter (Russia)

We draw the Nuclear submarine "Kursk" (Russia)

How to Draw a Rocket Ship (Russia)

How to Draw a Torpedo Boat (Russia)

We draw the Cruiser "Kirov" (USSR)

How to Draw a Submarine (Türkiye)

Draw "Tank"

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