"Radar girl" from Tajikistan impressed the jury of the show "Amazing People". "Amazing People": what happens behind the scenes of the new season of the show Judges of the project amazing people


Participants of the show "Amazing People" on the TV channel "Russia" amaze the audience with the unusual abilities of their brain. The jury members of the project - TV presenter Olga Shelest, choreographer Yevgeny Papunaishvili and Honored Master of Sports in boxing Natalya Ragozina - do not know how to multiply six-digit numbers in their heads or hit a target blindfolded, but each of them is able to surprise others in their own way.

The amazing fearlessness of Olga Shelest

Surprised my husband. Olga has been together with clip maker Alexei Tishkin for almost 20 years. They met when Olga Shelest, a third-year student at the Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting, was hired as a host on the BIZ-TV channel, where Alexey worked as a producer. “At the first meeting, he seemed rude to me,” Olga admits. - He said with such an impact: “Tomorrow morning you will have a shooting on the street, don’t be late!” He himself was late for two hours, and we were all waiting for him in the terrible cold - it was the end of November. And then in the frame he made me eat ice cream and commanded take after take: “Eat, eat more! More fun, more joyful! I was swallowing chunks of this ice cream, my lips were blue, my fingers were numb, but I thought to myself: “Let me get sick and die, but I will never complain to this pompous monster.” And after filming, Alexei suddenly showed touching concern: he put me in a company car, took my hands in his and began to warm them with his breath. “I, accustomed to the fact that the girls are terrible capricious, Olina’s endurance struck on the spot,” says Alexei himself. “A few days later, I gave her an even tougher test of strength. We were filming a story in which Shelest had to master an ATV. And although she jumped on it over bumps up to three meters high, I did not hear a single squeak from her. How fascinated I watched how this girl fearlessly rushes on a rather dangerous thing, and ... fell in love! True, when Olga decided to train a tiger in the Circus with Stars project, Alexei was less happy about her courage.

Surprised colleagues. If Olga struck Alexei with her fearlessness, then other colleagues - with its consequences. Once her passion for extreme sports led to a disastrous result. The waves threw Olga off the surfboard, hit the surfboard in the face and threw her ashore. “I touch my nose with my hand - and I realize that it is not there. He moved to the right and there he became of immense size, ”recalls Shelest. And in a few days she was to star in the film "Bride at any cost"! “I mentally said goodbye to the role and called the director,” Olga recalls. - He said that he would not have time to find a replacement and we would think of something: “In the end, we will shoot you from afar.” When I came to the set, everyone fainted ... Even if you shoot me from afar, nothing will work. Bruises under the eyes, and instead of a nose, a huge dove-colored potato. But then the make-up artist came, calmed everyone down, and in half an hour made me the former beauty of me. Fortunately, everything has healed, my septum has been corrected - my nose is now the same.” Having given birth to two daughters, Olga left surfing. But she put her eldest daughter Muza on a snowboard when she was a little over a year old, which once again surprised everyone.

Surprised myself. In Amazing People, Olga was most struck by a girl who is only a year and a half older than her daughter and is already fluent in seven languages. “Our Muse goes to kindergarten, where children are taught English. And then we realized that the third language - French - would not be superfluous. I am in favor of developing superpowers, ”says the TV presenter.

The amazing energy of Evgeny Papunaishvili

Surprised by the book. Evgeny Papunaishvili, thanks to his gift, got into the Russian Book of Records - he held the most massive dance lesson in the country. “There were about two thousand people there. Of course, it was very difficult emotionally, because everything was based on incredible energy, but very cool!” says the choreographer. He has this incredible energy since childhood. “If I didn’t do dancing, something like this would have to be invented so that I could splash out my energy. As a child, I was engaged from morning to evening and dancing, and football, and I missed it. I was torn to pieces, and my coaches did not know how to curb me, ”admits Eugene. However, he soon found a way out himself: at the age of 12 he began to teach other children to dance, and at 14 he recruited a group of first-graders at school and began to officially teach. “Dancing is quite an expensive sport, and somehow I wanted to protect my parents from expenses, because they did not have much financial resources,” explains Evgeny. “I wanted to earn money myself in order to pay for my classes, performances, trips to championships.” Now Papunaishvili has two dance schools. And he also has enough energy to participate in the show of the NTV channel “You are super! Dancing” for children left without parental care, and to give free dance lessons to everyone in one of the Moscow parks. The plans are to get into the Guinness Book of Records by arranging the most massive dance lesson in the world, which will gather more than 10 thousand people. “If they announced a competition for the person who works the most, I would definitely participate,” says Evgeny. - Sometimes I spend about 12 hours in training, but I do not lose optimism and do not fall dead. I guess it's all about the incredible love of life."

Surprised brides and grooms. Energetic Eugene dreamed of an equally temperamental wife, and fate brought him to top stylist Salima, an Italian who was invited to work in Moscow. “You have no idea what is sometimes going on with us - just a hurricane! But I like it, - Evgeny admits. - I am very glad that my wife is like this: it is not boring with her. I couldn't live with an amoeba." This couple never ceases to amaze the audience. Eugene made a marriage proposal to his beloved, kneeling in front of a whole football stadium. Marriage registration also turned out to be unusual. “We took a sports convertible and the two of us arrived at the registry office,” says Evgeny. - And near the registry office all these limousines, pigeons, rice flies ... And here we are - absolutely not in the subject of weddings. I was actually wearing sneakers. People looked at us and did not understand: “Are these also getting married?” It looked funny. We signed and went to my parents' dacha. There were brothers, nephews, we had a great time, fried barbecue.”

Surprised myself. “In Amazing People, I am most surprised by the mnemonics that have an amazing memory,” Evgeny admits. - For example, there was a hero who phenomenally counted in his mind. I would press these numbers on the calculator longer than he thinks!

Amazing look of Natalia Ragozina

Surprise athletes. Natalia Ragozina is listed in the Guinness Book of Records for her sporting achievements. Russian Kuvalda, as she was nicknamed for her habit of winning fights by knockout, is a nine-time world boxing champion among professionals, the first woman in Russia to be awarded the title of Honored Master of Kickboxing. Natasha started with running, but at the Nizhny Tagil Sports College, a kickboxing coach drew attention to her and offered to try herself in the ring. “I decided that he was joking with me,” Ragozina admits. - But out of curiosity, I went to training. I was paired with some boy who broke my lip a minute later. I immediately ran to the locker room, crying and thinking: “Well, fuck you with your boxing.” And then suddenly anger boiled in me, I wanted to take revenge on the offender. The very next day I came back to the ring and started training. Soon I got even with that boy. And somehow I fell in love with boxing very quickly, I began to succeed. Many guys looked at me like I was crazy: “Here's a fool, where does she climb? Does she want her nose to be broken, her teeth knocked out? After all, in Nizhny Tagil there were no female boxers, except for me. Already at the age of 17, Ragozina became the European champion in kickboxing, and at 18 she won the world championship. Then she was invited to train in Moscow. The victories followed one after another. And not only in boxing. “Once I was asked at the club: “Natasha, speak at the Russian Taekwondo Championship. It’s like kickboxing, but you have to fight mostly with your feet.” “Okay,” I agreed. I didn’t know Taekwondo tactics,” she recalls. - But one boxer taught me to look at the opponent before the start of the fight in such a way that it will not seem small. He said: “Words are carried away by the wind, and a look inspires fear. You go out and look at your opponent as an enemy of the people. If she looks away, it means she got scared and lost the fight before it started. I used this trick. And she beat the champion from St. Petersburg. Natalya won one of her biggest victories over herself when she returned to the sport after the birth of her son. To get in shape, she needed to lose 13 kilograms. “I pulled on warm ski pants, a down jacket, took a stroller with Vanya and ran around sweating,” she recalls. - Once a police car stopped nearby: “Girl, come on! Where are you in such a hurry? Have you stolen a child? - "No, I'm a European boxing champion, I'm losing weight after giving birth." The law enforcement officer was so stunned that he did not even check the documents. Lost 17 kilos in a month. Those who saw my photos after giving birth simply gasped.”

Surprised the fans. Natalia pleased the fans not only with victories, but also with outfits. “It so happened that it was I who introduced the fashion to enter the ring in skirts and tops instead of unladylike boxer shorts,” she says. - For the first time it happened in 2004 - during one of my first professional fights. I bought satin material in advance and took it to the atelier - I asked to sew a short skirt with fringe (she put on shorts under it) and a topic. In the ring, it made a splash - everyone then made compliments. Since then, I have always sewed ring suits for myself, and I am pleased that many female colleagues supported me. After all, when we watch tennis, where the athletes are in skirts, everyone likes it. Why can't something like this happen in boxing? It's so beautiful!”

Surprised myself. “Many things that the members of Amazing People do seem absolutely incredible,” says Natalya. - But these are not tricks, but real abilities. I return from the shooting satisfied and sometimes even try to repeat something. After filming the first season, I became interested in mental arithmetic and mnemonics. Now I am also engaged in self-development.

The candidate of biological sciences told interesting details

29.11.2016, 06:39

The project "Amazing People" of the TV channel "Russia" (VGTRK) overtook its competitors in its ratings, and the participants of the show were able to amaze even the most demanding viewers. Eight contestants took part in each edition. Candidates for victory had to pass a test that would allow them to demonstrate the uniqueness of their abilities. The participants were given a professional assessment by the chief expert of the program, leading researcher at the Center for Neuroeconomics and Cognitive Research, Ph.D. in Biology, professor at the Higher School of Economics Vasily Klyucharev. Journalists of the news agency Stolitsa met with Vasily Andreevich. They asked in detail about the truly fantastic abilities of the participants in the show and found out how all this can be explained from a scientific point of view. Well, and most importantly, how much what the audience sees differs from what it really is.

30 seconds per comment

- Vasily Andreevich, tell me: why did you, a serious scientist, a person far enough from any such shows, agreed to take part in the Amazing People project?

- Indeed, my experience with television was limited to various scientific interviews or popular science programs. But this project provides an opportunity to reach a mass audience and tell what modern psychology knows about the brain. The idea of ​​interpreting the participants' speeches in terms of how their brains work seemed interesting to me. After all, many unusual abilities of a particular person can be explained by the peculiarities of the work of his brain. Almost everything that happens in our project has a natural science explanation. On the other hand, I was also interested because it was such a personal challenge: to explain everything that happens on stage online. For me, of course, it is very unusual and curious. I was worried, thinking about what would come out of all this. And I'm still afraid to look at myself on the screen.

What was the hardest part about this show?

- To be honest, keep the line between scientific and popular when explaining this or that phenomenon. The organizers asked to speak briefly and clearly. But not all scientific terms can be known to a wide audience. And at the same time, you run into some internal framework, because not every phenomenon can be explained in simple terms. Sometimes Alexander Gurevich and I ( host of the program "Amazing People". — Approx. ed.) talked after recording the numbers, during the technical rearrangements. I told him more than I said during the recording. And in response I heard: “Why didn’t you tell this on the air? It's pretty interesting!" But I was given a rigid short comment format. There was a good example. The man tried to reconstruct and identify people's faces from a computer image of the skull. In principle, this is possible. We had such a classic - the Soviet anthropologist Mikhail Gerasimov, who at one time reconstructed the appearance of Ivan the Terrible. Of course, it is impossible to do this with 100 percent accuracy, but you can determine the basic things. Such reconstructions have many interesting examples and applications in real life! But since I had only 30 seconds to comment, it was not possible to tell in detail, in all details, but I would like to.

Unique abilities

— Were there people who possess abilities that cannot be explained from the point of view of modern science?

“So far we haven't come across anything that can't be scientifically explained in one way or another. True, there was one controversial number. I stood up and said it was impossible. My colleagues and I agreed that something was wrong there. The number was really provocative.

Memory can be trained and strongly developed by special exercises. This is especially recommended for older people, when after 50 it begins to deteriorate.

- What is this number?

— A man with a black tight bag on his head was driving a car.

So he didn't see anything at all?

- Yes. He had previously seen a map of the area. But in terms of the nuances - how he behaved, how carefully the car stopped in the right places - I don’t believe that everything went there without some kind of trick. But it made a huge impression! One of the jury members rode next to him and did not notice any catch ...

Who else surprised you?

- There were people, of course, with phenomenal abilities. For example, Boris Golik. We agreed that we would meet with him and even examine him in our laboratory. He has a phenomenal working memory, and we are studying it in our research center. There are actually very few people who can play music backwards or pronounce words and phrases in familiar and unfamiliar languages. Because most of us have very limited working memory. We can remember a lot, but we can operate at a given second with a relatively small amount of information. And Boris simultaneously retains a large amount of information, can manipulate it: memorize texts and immediately turn them around. An ordinary person cannot do this. I looked for research on this topic. An interesting scientific article was published a few months ago: a father and daughter with such abilities were discovered in Serbia. And the authors claim that these are genetically unique properties.

Human capabilities

Who else impressed?

- A wonderful girl Bella Devyatkina, who at the age of four perfectly knows seven languages: Russian, English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese and Arabic. She also reads on them. In principle, anyone can master a fairly large number of languages, there are records up to 40, but not at such a young age. We have not yet contacted her on the topic of research, and it’s a pity to drag the baby to the laboratory. As I said, the vast majority of this or that ability can be explained scientifically. But when you read about similar properties of a person in a scientific book, this is one thing, and when a living person stands in front of you, capable of remembering seven thousand digits, you experience some shock. Yes, I know it's possible. But it looks fantastic: thousands of digits after the decimal point of pi are running on the screen - and a person can name any one of tens of thousands in this volume! At the first moment, I even got confused. And then he explained that it was really possible, that it was possible to achieve such results with certain trainings.

To the question: “Is it true that what is shown to us is happening there?” - I answer: everything is really honest.

- That is, everyone, using certain techniques, can repeat this?

Well, not every ability can be developed, of course. But if you do not have memory problems, then it is really possible. My favorite example: when one journalist Joshua Foer wrote a book about people with hyper-developed memory, he interviewed them, and they all claimed that they had the most ordinary ordinary memory. He thought they were hiding something from him. How is it so: people memorize 10,000 digits and at the same time claim that their memory is no different from ordinary. The journalist decided to take part in their competition, to see from the inside what methods they use. He began to train for 20 minutes a day - he claims - and eventually won this championship, setting a world record. So this is a clear example of the fact that everyone can develop their abilities.

What was the easiest ability for you to explain?

- The ability of a project participant who, knowing the date of your birth, easily calculates what day of the week you were born. Any day - whenever it was: in the last millennium, or two weeks ago - unmistakably calls. It made an indelible impression on everyone. But since I had researched this issue a little before, I understood that this was not very difficult to do. This seems impossible if you just imagine a fat calendar. But there is a certain system according to which it is necessary to do from six to eight mathematical operations with the date of birth. Even I would figure it out on a piece of paper pretty quickly, and if you practice well, you can do this incredible trick on stage. It shocked everyone in the audience, the audience was practically hysterical, and my modest remarks that it can be done, and it is not as difficult as it seems, did not make any impression.

Major discovery

- There is a common phrase that a talented person is talented in everything. How fair is she?

- Yes, there is such an opinion, but it seems to me that there is no clear evidence for this. Of course, there are also multilateral people. We know geniuses who wrote poetry, and drew, and composed music. And there are people who are talented in only one thing.

But is it worth developing some of your abilities, nevertheless?

Research shows it's not useless. For example, studies of bilinguals - people who speak two languages ​​equally - show that they are better able to control various processes in life and in themselves. This is due to the fact that they have to constantly switch from one language to another, and this requires internal control. They are considered to be more successful. But you need to understand that training affects exactly the function that you train.

- What would you advise everyone to train in the first place?

- Memory. The great discovery of psychology and neuroscience of the last decade is that it can be trained and greatly developed by special classes. After 50 years, memory deterioration begins, and such training can stop this process. And it is recommended for many older people.

- That is, it is not too late to learn, for example, English at the age of 50?

Yes, it's definitely not too late. And this idea - that only in childhood you can learn a foreign language - is not true. Can be taught at any age. It's just that there are periods when all this is easier. By the way, at one time in scientific circles, the discovery that it was possible to stop age-related changes by training, not very strenuous, caused a shock.

- Have you discovered any new abilities in yourself during your participation in the Amazing People project?

- Colleagues who sat next to me discovered such abilities in themselves. Someone, for example, found that he very easily remembers faces, names - no worse than some participants. And I made a very good discovery for myself: that everything is fair in this project. In fact, often people who come across me ask me: “Is it true that what they show us is happening there?” There is always some doubt. But I authoritatively declare: everything is really honest. And some of the participants were really wrong, and I was very sorry, because I understood that they were very talented people, but something just went wrong - maybe they didn’t have enough luck ...

original name:

"Amazing People-2"

Player quality: high HD
Transfer production: VGTRK "Russia" and WeiT Media
Producer: Yulia Sumacheva, CEO of White Media
Presenter: Alexander Gurevich
Project jury: expert Vasily Klyucharev, choreographer Yevgeny Papunaishvili, athlete Natalya Ragozina, actress and journalist Olga Shelest
How many episodes in the program "Amazing People": September 3, 2017 started season 2
Genre: transmissions, talent shows,
The final "Amazing People" of the unique talent search show 2 season 9 edition: November 5, 2017 on Russia-1 channel
Released: 2016 - 2017
Members: phenomenal, amazing and extraordinary personalities from around the world who will demonstrate their unique memory and intuition ...

Information about the show: - who are these amazing people? The heroes of the new unique project on the TV channel "Russia-1" will amaze your imagination. These people are capable of a lot: their unique talent is beyond our understanding and ordinary human capabilities. The incredible abilities of the people who took part in this show make the audience understand that there is no limit to the human mind.
Someone has the ability to look at the highway to calculate the speed of all moving cars. Someone can do mental arithmetic at the speed of a computer. Someone memorizes the contents of hundreds of books in one viewing, collects a Rubik's cube with his eyes closed, breaks glasses with his voice, recognizes the outlines of any states on our planet...
People will demonstrate their phenomenal gift, miracles of intuition and memory in the new show "Amazing People". Thousands of people with unique abilities received an invitation to take part in this show. In 2017, the project reached a new level after its resounding success in Russia in 2016. Now not only people from Russia and the CIS countries, but also foreign guests of any age and with different abilities can take part...

48 finalists are waiting for open uncompromising and difficult competitions, because this show is not just another demonstration of their skills - this is the battle of the X-men! This is an amazing competition among unique people, but only one will rise to the winner's podium!
The invited spectators in the studio will vote for the best of the best, and famous guests will help them make their choice, with their comments and reviews: Natalya Ragozina - the absolute world champion among boxing professionals; Yevgeny Papunaishvili - a wonderful choreographer, a famous dancer, and a participant in the "Dancing with the Stars" project; Olga Shelest - journalist, actress, popular TV presenter. In the new second season, the contestants will have to overcome new challenges that will be harder and more interesting. Seven contestants will take part in each new release, they can be called the magnificent seven. At the end of each episode, viewers vote to whom to give the victory. Star guests have the right to intervene once in the course of the audience voting and give one of the participants a chance to go to the final of the show.
Professor Vasily Klyucharev, an expert from the Center for Neuroeconomics and Cognitive Research, also has his influence on the choice of the project finalists. The winners of all previous editions go to the final, where they will have to fight among themselves for the main prize of 1 million rubles and worldwide recognition!

Talent Show "Amazing People" Season 2 Episode 7 aired October 22, 2017

Talent Show "Amazing People" Season 2 Episode 8 aired October 29, 2017

The show gives the participants the opportunity to show their unique abilities, which are hard for an ordinary person to believe in! This is a project about the limitless possibilities of our brain, which are still little understood!
The project raises geniuses and clearly confirms that it is very important to develop your abilities. The winner of the first season, Eduard Nekhaev, thanks to his participation in the project, has got many students around the world. He teaches visually impaired people his method of orientation in space - echolocation.

Show Amazing people 2017 season 2 issue 8 (29 10 2017)

In the new season, amazing people will have to go through new complex and interesting tests. Seven contestants take part in each issue - a magnificent seven. At the end of the program, the auditorium selects by voting one winner who made the strongest impression. In the final, the winners of all previous editions will meet to compete for the main prize - one million rubles!
Star guests in the hall help the audience choose the best participant: choreographer and TV presenter Yevgeny Papunaishvili, TV presenter Olga Shelest and Russian athlete, Honored Master of Sports in boxing Natalya Ragozina. The professional assessment of the unique abilities of the contestants is given by the expert of the program, leading researcher of the Center for Neuroeconomics and Cognitive Research, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professor Vasily Klyucharev.

It's time to find out - who is the strongest participant in this season of a unique intellectual show? Who is the most amazing person? Who will receive the main prize of one million rubles? A mnemonist who can remember a person by drawing an iris, a polyglot who speaks 19 languages, unique chess players, a young mathematician or other heroes?

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Watch online Amazing People 2017 season 2 all episodes on any mobile device (tablet, smartphone or phone). Regardless of the installed OS, be it Android or iOS on iPad or iPhone. Open the series on your phone or tablet and immediately watch online in high quality HD 720 and absolutely free.

"TV program" visited the filming of the program.

A participant from Mongolia named Niyamgerel Gang, blindfolded, shoots her legs with a bow. And it's not tricks! Photo: Alexey LADYGIN / Channel "Russia"

Filming of the latest releases of the project is going on at Mosfilm. We enter the pavilion and immediately see a huge number of aquariums on the stage. All of them are of the same shape, size, and one goldfish swims in each. The shooting props are ready, the audience and star guests are in their places, the director is about to command: “Motor!”.

My dream fish

"Amazing People" is not a circus show, not a contest of psychics or clairvoyants. There is no competition in dancing or vocals. This is a project about the possibilities of the human brain, which were still little known. The unusual abilities that the participants of the show demonstrate are not magic tricks. All of them have their own scientific explanation. To assess them, the program has an expert, a leading researcher at the Center for Neuroeconomics and Cognitive Research, Professor Vasily Klyucharev.

“I thought that after the first season it would be difficult to surprise me with something,” he says. “But it isn't! I see many things here for the first time in my life. Theoretically, everything can be explained, but looking at it is still amazing.

The host of the program, Alexander Gurevich, picks up a microphone and introduces the first participant - this is Alexander Goryachev from Voronezh. The man is one of the most powerful mnemonics in Russia - his talent is that he can memorize large amounts of information. According to the script, the star guests of the program - choreographer Yevgeny Papunaishvili, TV presenter Olga Shelest and world boxing champion Natalya Ragozina - must choose three aquariums out of 48 standing on the stage. Shelest and Ragozina do everything quickly, but Papunaishvili hesitates for a long time. In the end, he also chooses his fish and touchingly calls her Zhenya. Next, the participant is shown the aquariums that marked the stars, and then return them to their places. Now the task of the participant is to go around the entire stage in five minutes and find the "star" fish from memory!

“If these were static pictures, I would remember five times more,” the participant of the show admitted to us when we talked with him after the performance. But when things move, it's much more difficult. Plus, there is a detail that is not obvious to the audience - the height of the pedestals and aquariums. The fish were not at eye level. And I had to bend down to see them. And some fish even rushed back and forth.

In general, I can remember a lot of things. I love geography. If I'm going on a trip, I never take a guidebook. I study the maps, the terrain in advance, and when I arrive, I clearly know where to go. For fun, I tried to learn Spanish from scratch. It took me a month to do this. Now I know the language at an intermediate level, I can communicate.

Language will bring to a million?

Near the filming pavilion, we notice Bella Devyatkina, the 5-year-old star of the first season of the Amazing People show. The baby has become famous throughout the country because she already knows 7 languages! Bella is invited to the stage - the girl came to support the participants of the new season.

Following her, a new contestant is invited to the stage - Vladimir Shkulteti from Slovakia. He is also a polyglot. By the way, the difference of the new season is that foreigners will also take part in it. On stage, Vladimir demonstrates knowledge of 10 languages, but in general he knows much more!

Olga Shelest, Evgeny Papunaishvili, Natalya Ragozina and Vasily Klyucharev never cease to be surprised on the set. Photo: Alexey LADYGIN / Channel "Russia"

“I was born in Czechoslovakia, where they spoke Slovak, Hungarian and Czech,” he told us his story. - When I was 8 years old, I spent some time in the USA, learned English. Then he mastered German in Austria. As a result, at the age of 13 I spoke five languages. It was a good base. Now I also know Italian, Russian, Spanish, French, Chinese, Polish, Serbian, Dutch, Romanian, Portuguese, Japanese and Cantonese. The most important thing in learning languages ​​is motivation. There is still a lot to listen and read. By the way, I also saw your Bella Devyatkina on the Internet. Her pronunciation is great!

Many things that our members do seem incredible and inexplicable

Each episode of the show will feature seven contestants. At the end of the program, the auditorium will choose one winner - the one who made the greatest impression.

- Thank God, in this program I don’t have to put marks, otherwise I would just be torn from doubt! – Yevgeny Papunaishvili laughs.

This project is really cool! Natalya Ragozina echoes him. - Many things that our members do seem absolutely incredible and inexplicable. But these are not tricks, but the real abilities of real people. I return home from filming satisfied, happy, and sometimes I even try to repeat something, for example, solve a Rubik's cube. After filming the first season, I became interested in mental arithmetic and mnemonics. So now I am also engaged in self-development.

In total, eight episodes of the show "Amazing People" will be filmed. In the final, all the best participants will meet together to compete for the main prize - 1 million rubles.

Meanwhile: Zavorotnyuk, Druzhinin and Papunaishvili will become judges in the show “You are super! Dancing"

On September 2, a long-awaited TV project begins on NTV, in which young talents from orphanages and foster families will compete.

The success of the first season of the show "You are super!" on the NTV channel inspired the creators to continue the project - now children will demonstrate their talents not in singing, but in dancing. On the evening of September 2, the international competition “You are super! Dancing". As before, pupils from orphanages, boarding schools, as well as children from foster and guardian families will participate in the show.

The project will be hosted by Alexander Oleshko, and the chairs of the judges will be taken by choreographer Yegor Druzhinin, soloist of the Bolshoi Theater Kristina Kretova, dancer Yevgeny Papunaishvili and actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk.

“With excitement, anxiety and even fear, I enter this project,” Druzhinin admitted. - Although such a program is the right thing, a good thing. I myself work with several charitable foundations and I know that if a child has the opportunity to somehow express himself, the adoption process after that is faster. I really hope that our program will help someone find parents.

“When NTV called me with an offer to participate in the project, I was in America,” said Kristina Kretova. - It was night. In the morning I saw 8 missed calls and SMS. When I read it, I thought: wow, this is a step! I myself spent eight years in a boarding school for children from other cities at the choreography school and I know how important it is for a child to be noticed. When I watched the first season of the program, I just sobbed. If at least one participant of the competition finds parents after participating in the project, this will already be a victory!

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