Andrey Chuev's girls at home 2. Has Andrey Chuev already cheated on his young wife? Sudden illness after leaving the TV project


19-12-2017, 22:09 // 6 768

Andrey Chuev married nineteen-year-old Victoria Morozova less than a month ago, and then Elina Kovalskaya, an ex-girlfriend of Ilya Yabbarov, suddenly appears with stories that Andrei is expecting a child. Of course, Andrei Chuev could not deal with Elina quietly. To sort things out, he needed Channel One and the show "Actually".

Despite the eternal complaints about being busy, Andrei Chuev manages to go out with friends, get married, and publicly sort things out. Recently, Chuev and his young wife Victoria visited the show "Actually", where they found out if he had a connection with Elina Kowalski, the site reports.

The show, despite the fact that Dmitry Shepelev is its host, was completely scripted by Andrey Chuev. There was also an impudent girl in the person of Ilya Yabbarov's ex-passion Elina Kowalski, a frightened and innocent Victoria Morozova, and Chuev's defender Alexandra Gozias. And in the center is Andrey himself, solemnly sitting in a chair and proving his case, splashing with saliva.

According to Elina, Chuev met with her for several months, took her to her grandmother, promised to marry, and then exchanged for a younger girl. Everything would be nothing. Elina, wiping her tears, was ready to move on, but then she found out that she was pregnant. Now she wants to bring Andrei to justice. However, the show ended with the shameful exposure of Elina's lies.

Recall that Elina Kowalski was a member of the TV show for some time, but she gained real popularity after she tried to prove that Gleb Zhemchugov was the father of her child. When the situation escalated to the limit and almost destroyed Gleb's family, the girl admitted that she had been lying all this time. Then she apparently forgot about the earlier public recognition and again began the talk show tour. Zhemchugov managed to get rid of the annoying Kowalski only after a DNA test.

" became the star of the 38-year-old and his 20-year-old wife. The girl appeared in the studio with a black eye and said that her husband raised his hand to her. Moreover, Chuev's wife claims that her husband is cheating on her. Victoria suffered during a quarrel, which was caused by a compromising video. In the video, Andrei hugs and kisses his alleged mistress - a former member of Doma-2 Karina Pronina. According to Morozova, she recently got a job as an administrator in her husband's cafe. At the new workplace, she was not only told about Chuev's betrayals, but also showed video from surveillance cameras.

Victoria Morozova in the show "Actually"

That same evening, Vika tried to talk to her husband. According to her, he shouted and insulted her, and then hit her in the face. The man himself denies that Vika was injured during that quarrel. “There was a quarrel, then I kicked her out of the house. And I will expel everyone and everyone who will allow themselves to yell at me and raise their hand in my house, ”Chuev said.

Later, Karina herself appeared in the studio, who said that she met Chuev three months ago. She noted that she met with him every week. According to the girl, the showman even knows her parents. Andrey Chuev, in turn, denied the fact of treason and claimed that he did not raise his hand to Victoria. Moreover, the ex-participant of "House-2" accused his ex-lover of what happened. The businessman claims that it was she who set up this situation.

Karina Pronina in the show "Actually"

At the end of the program, after a polygraph test, Andrei admitted: he slapped his wife when he found out that Vika was talking to young guys.“I didn't hit her. I agree, I have a heavy hand. But Vika realized that she was not interested in me, she needed young people. So I gave a slap in the face, ”said the ex-member of Doma-2.

Andrey Chuev and ex-lover Elina Kovalskaya in the show "Actually"

Recall that the former darling of Andrei Chuev has already tried to interfere with the family happiness of the couple. . The veracity of Kovalskaya's words was not confirmed on the air of the TV show "Actually", after which the girl admitted that she wanted to return Chuev in a similar way.

Andrey Chuev with his wife Victoria

The young wife of Andrey Chuev showed traces of beatings on the air of “Actually”

Model Elina Kovalskaya said she was expecting a child from the star of "House-2" Andrei Chuev, who recently legalized relations with 19-year-old Victoria Morozova. Young people became the heroes of the "Actually" program. Chuev denies Kovalskaya's accusations. A former participant in the TV show believes that Elina slandered him.

“She is not pregnant. How can she be trusted? She came to one person, then switched to another, ”Chuev is perplexed.

According to the model, Andrei introduced her to his grandmother. “I even gave her drips,” Kovalskaya recalls, to which Chueva reacted very emotionally. "It's a gon!" the man commented. He described his relationship with Elina as a casual and fleeting relationship. However, Kowalska does not think so. Andrey's wedding, which the young woman learned about on social networks, was a real surprise for her. Elina also expressed doubts about the sincerity of the TV star's feelings towards her young wife.

“The girl is 19 years old. I don't believe in this feeling and I can't look at them. I am sure that she bewitched him, ”the model believes.

Previously, Kovalskaya claimed that Gleb Zhemchugov could be the father of her child. In addition, Elina turned to TV people for help in order to return the money that another TV star, Ilya Yabbarov, borrowed from her. Chuev's girlfriend Alexandra Gozias attacked Kovalskaya with accusations.

Gleb Zhemchugov was dragged into a scandal with an illegitimate child

“You are a girl of easy virtue. To you is the attitude that you allowed. When you say that Vika is for money, then I think about the reasons for your behavior. (...) You decided to settle down with Andrei, because he is promising, and live like a queen, ”she said.

Polygraph examiner Sabina Pantus noted that both heroes - Andrey and Elina - have their own shortcomings. The expert stressed that Chuev recognizes his shortcomings, while his ex-lover, on the contrary, tries to seem better than she really is.

The wife of Andrey Chuev, Victoria Morozova, also appeared in the transfer studio. According to the girl, Elina threatens her. “He writes nasty things, says he wants to destroy our family. I have already changed my phone number. To be honest, it's scary to walk down the street alone. I would like to understand what she wants, and bring to light. I deleted her messages, ”the chosen one of the TV star shared. Elina, in turn, accused Victoria of lying.

“This is a lie. She wrote that she would pour acid on Vika. I also tried to contact her,” Chuev confirmed his wife’s words.

At some point, Kovalska could not stand the pressure of the experts and the intensity of the passions that reigned in the studio, and went backstage. The model again joined the discussion only in the company of Marina Ryltsova's mother. She stated that she considers Andrei an unworthy person. “My daughter is pregnant. I feel sorry for Victoria. The same is waiting for her. Chuev is a scoundrel and a scoundrel. I was sure that they had a serious relationship with Elina, ”said Ryltsova.

At the end of the program, Kovalskaya burst into tears. She stated that she deceived the public. "I'm not pregnant. I really love this person. I'm just a fool. Once again I was mistaken, ”said Elina, promising that she would leave Andrei alone. In turn, Chuev asked Kovalskaya for forgiveness. The angry model left the shooting of the program, having previously poured water on the ex-lover.

Andrey Chuev, a businessman and ex-participant of DOM-2, is used to having women obey him in everything. In turn, he tries to work hard so that his current wife, 20-year-old Victoria Morozova, does not need anything. However, recently there was a serious conflict between them. According to Chuev's wife, he cheated on her with Karina Pronina. The girl also previously took part in the reality show "DOM-2".

Victoria Morozova appeared in the studio with a black eye. She accused her husband of being unfaithful to her, and beat her during a domestic quarrel. In a cafe owned by Chuev, the camera filmed him with Pronina. Allegedly, he molested her and touched the girl.

“A couple of weeks ago, I got a job working for Andrei in a cafe as an administrator. Immediately the cafe waitresses started telling me that he was cheating on me. One day he brought a girl to a cafe. After that, I went to security and asked to watch the video from CCTV cameras. There he hugged and kissed a girl, ”said Chuev’s wife.

That same evening, Vika tried to talk to her husband. According to her, he shouted and insulted her, and then hit her in the face. The man himself denies that Vika was injured during that quarrel. There is a bruise under the girl's right eye.

“There was a quarrel, then I kicked her out of the house. And I will expel everyone and everyone who will allow themselves to yell at me and raise their hand in my house, ”Chuev said.

Victoria walked half the night and cried, but then her husband allowed her to return to one of the houses that belong to them. Andrey stressed that he is satisfied that his wife performs all the duties of a housekeeper. According to experts, it is normal for an ex-member of the TV show to raise a hand against a woman: once he beat his ex-wife.

But Andrei Chuev also had complaints about his wife: in his absence, she corresponded with young guys. The 38-year-old businessman is worried about this. “If you want to hang out with young people, I told you before the wedding: “Go hang out!” Andrey said.

According to the ex-participant of DOMA-2, Vika and her mother owe him a lot, since he helped her with finances. He recalls that before meeting him, the girl worked almost 10 hours on her feet.

Karina Pronina, Chuev's alleged mistress, told the details of their relationship. According to her, they met three months ago, and the man even visited her at home.

“She came to us in a cafe. She sold the insulation, ”Chuev said.

Karina has her own version: Andrei's wife tolerates his behavior and beatings, because she is not from Moscow and she needed to somehow "catch" in the capital.

The transfer experts found out that Karina and Andrey really know each other, but they do not have any romantic and intimate relationships. Presumably, Chuev's intrigues were built by his ex-girlfriend Elina. However, it turned out that she was not involved in this.

At the end of the program, Andrei confessed: he slapped his wife when he found out that Vika was talking to young guys. Probably the bruise could have come from that blow.

“I didn't hit her. I agree, I have a heavy hand. But Vika realized that she was not interested in me, she needed young people. So I gave a slap in the face, ”said the ex-participant of the TV show.

19-year-old Victoria Morozova and Andrey Chuev got married, having learned what sincere and reverent feelings are. The girl is much better than all his passions and will be able to give odds to each. Fans claim that Victoria looks much older than her years.

Andrei Chuev achieved not only the heart of a young girl, but also began to take care of himself more. Fighting excess weight, improving material well-being and even discovering a new talent, writing romantic poems, and all thanks to a young girl. Despite criticism and condemnation, Andrei continues to delight and surprise the girl of his dreams.

Andrey Chuev photo with his young wife: a stormy life before meeting a young lover

The personal life of Andrei Chuev is so stormy that sometimes it is very difficult to keep track of it. The first chosen one of Chuev was a participant in the show "Dom-2" Valeria Shevtsova, it even came to marriage, but the bride ran away from the crown.

The new novel did not keep fans waiting, Yana Zemit became the new contender for Andrei's wife. And again it came to the marriage, but it had to be canceled because the guy became a participant in the fight on the project and could not meet the parents of his future wife after the couple's cruise in Europe. Their feelings cooled as soon as the couple left the project.

In 2009, Andrei returned to the show, but not alone with Tanya Kiosya, the couple did not participate in the project for a long time, as they planned to get married. And finally, the long-awaited marriage, no one ran away from the post of the crown. After living a little time in America, his wife had a daughter.

In 2015, Chuev returns to the show again in search of love, the marriage was not eternal, and Andrei is back at the start to build strong feelings, but with another person. Having officially published on his page on social networks about the divorce, the guy plunged into a new romantic relationship.

Relations with Ekaterina Kolomeichuk and Anastasia Lisova, who were on the project, ended in a fiasco.

Marina Afrikantova brought bright colors to Andrei's life, the couple began to travel and the first place they went was the United Arab Emirates. Chuev became an entrepreneur as he became the winner of the "Person of the Year" contest by winning an apartment. Having sold the won apartment, Chuev began to build houses for the project participants and sell them. “Wedding for a Million” is a new winter project in which a couple participates, without becoming a winner, Andrei decided to leave the show, but his chosen one wished to stay. Frequent quarrels and scandals separated the couple and they broke up.

Andrey Chuev photo with his young wife: outbursts of passion and intrigue

Andrei is already dedicating poetry to his young wife Chueva, who has just turned nineteen, public declarations of love by the former participant in the Dom-2 project have become not uncommon. Although his new passion suits him as a daughter, however, in verse, he presents himself as a lyrical hero who is ready for anything for his beloved. Comparing Victoria with the angelic light, Andrei thus wants to show that it was this person who helped him get out of the darkness in which he arrived. His beauty is that immaculate, gentle and with a charming smile girl who was given to him as a gift from heaven and he could not even foresee a better gift.

Although Andrei was severely depressed after his relationship with Marina Afrikantova, who, according to him, betrayed him because she refused to leave the project. He still managed to find the girl who gives him happiness and inspires him. He no longer intends to build relationships under the guns of cameras, he wants to soar in the ocean of love and do romantic things that his beloved would admire every time.

Victoria has never been abroad, and in order to create a fairy tale, it was decided to spend a honeymoon in Dubai. The couple also visited the Maldives and Goa.

It was Victoria, a girl who is smart beyond her years, who was able to sincerely love Andrei and make him happy. After all, according to him, it's not about age, but about the inner world of a person. Victoria Morozova moved to Ukraine at the age of 14. And Andrey is proud that his wife worked in the store as a salesman seven days a week. Her life was difficult and therefore she does not require any particular wedding, she understands that feelings are above pathos.

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