Didactic activity games for preschoolers. Card file of didactic games for artistic and aesthetic development


Didactic games

"Pick by color"

Purpose: fixing and clarifying the names of colors. Inclusion of elements of self-control in the process of color perception.

Game material:a box of colored pencils (at least 12).

Progress. The teacher shows the children one of the colors, asks him to name and find an object of the same color in the classroom.

"Little Artists"

Purpose: Improvement of color perception and color discrimination.

Game material: A set of pictures "Vegetables and Fruits" and a set of colored circles (you can use a set of gouache paints in jars of at least 12 colors).

Progress. The teacher distributes pictures with vegetables to the children and offers to pick up a colored circle (paint) for your vegetable or fruit. Then circle the drawn vegetables and fruits with your finger along the contour, clarify the shape and name the color.

"Cinderella games".

Goal: Development of fine motor skills, improving the perception of form.

Game material: Pictures with silhouette images of mushrooms, buttons or beans.

Progress. The teacher suggests laying out buttons along the contour of the mushroom.

"What tree is the leaf from?"

Purpose: Consolidation of knowledge about the names of trees. Improving the perception of the shape of the leaves.

Game material: a set of pictures "Trees and leaves".

Game progress: The teacher shows a picture with a tree. The kids call him. One of the children is invited to go to the table and find a picture with a leaf from this tree. Think and say what this leaf looks like in shape. Other children can help with this as well.

"Autumn leaves".

Purpose: To exercise in choosing leaves for a certain color, improving the perception of color and shape. Develop the ability to compare quickly

respond to verbal cues.

Game material: two sets of cardboard tree leaves in different colors.

Progress. One set is distributed to the children, the other to the teacher. He shows a leaf and says: "One, two, three such a leaf fly."

"Lay out the hedgehog sticks."

Purpose: Development of imagination, learning to create a schematic image.

Game material: sets with counting sticks according to the number of children.

Progress. The teacher invites the children to think and lay out the image of a hedgehog from counting sticks.

"Tactile boards".

Purpose: development of figurative thinking, creative imagination.

Game material: board No. 1 - a piece of fluffy natural fur; board No. 2 - a piece of faux fur; plate No. 3 - fabric such as flannel or baize; board number 4 - sandpaper.

Progress. The teacher offers to close your eyes and imagine that the children are in the forest. There is a tower in the forest, and they live in the tower ... stroke the board and name who you are stroking. The teacher himself can invite the children to stroke the bunny, fox, hedgehog, etc.


Purpose: Development of visual attention, improvement of the perception of the shape of the body of the fish.

Game material: a picture of an aquarium, silhouettes: Goldfish, swordtail, guppy, snail.

Progress. Consider a picture of an aquarium and fish. Clarify the shape of the body, the structure of the fish.

Then the teacher offers to close your eyes and swaps the inhabitants of the aquarium. Children should name “who changed places?”.

"Geometric Mosaic. Bunny.

Purpose: Development of imagination. Learn how to sketch an animal.

Game material: Two sets of geometric shapes (ovals of different sizes) for flannelgraph.

Progress. The teacher invites one of the children to lay out a figurine of a sitting bunny on a flannelograph. If necessary, other children are also involved in helping. From the second set, children are invited to lay out a figurine of a bunny, which "stood up like a column under a pine tree."

"Collect a snowflake."

Purpose: development of the ability to analyze, the formation of intelligence, concentration.

Game material: split pictures of 3-4 parts depicting snowflakes.

Progress. The teacher offers to consider parts of the picture and make a picture of a snowflake. For difficult children, offer a sample.

"Geometric Mosaic. Chick".

Goal: Development of imagination, the ability to create a schematic image. Formation of the ability to abstract from secondary details, highlighting the main form. Fostering collaboration skills.

Game material: a set of counting sticks and geometric shapes, one for a couple of children.

Progress. The teacher offers to lay out the silhouette of a chicken from geometric shapes and counting sticks.

"Gather your family."

Purpose: development of attention, improvement of the perception of form and structure.

Game material: Color images of poultry (chicken family, duck family).

Progress. The teacher lays out pictures of adult birds in front of the children, asks them to look at them, remember their names, find similarities and differences. Find out if the children know which of these birds can swim. Then the teacher shows the children images of a chicken, chickens, a caterpillar, goslings, distributes the images to the children and offers to gather a family.

"On the feeder"

Purpose: Improving the perception of the shape, structure and appearance of birds. Development of the ability to navigate in space.

Game material: pictures with birds, a picture with a feeder.

Progress. The teacher offers to consider the birds that flew to the feeder. Name their distinguishing features. Then the teacher offers to name where the birds are (above the feeder, on the feeder, to the left of the feeder, etc.). Asks the children to remember how to feed the birds.

"Decorate the mitten with geometric shapes."

Game material: silhouette images of mittens on the right and left hands, a set of geometric shapes, one for a couple of children.

Progress. The teacher suggests decorating the mittens with a pattern of geometric shapes. (You could invite each pair of children to decorate their mittens with the same pattern.)

"Name your fingers."

Purpose: development of motor skills, fixing the names of the fingers.

Progress. The teacher reads the poem:

My little finger, where have you been?

With this brother I went to the forest

I cooked cabbage soup with this brother.

I sang songs with this brother.

Well, I met this one and treated him to candy.

Children show fingers, then call them.

"Lay out the pattern."

Goal: Development of the ability to build a pattern, taking into account the spatial relationships between its elements, observing symmetry. Fostering collaboration skills.

Game material: silhouette images of clothing items, a set of geometric shapes, one for a couple of children.

Progress. The teacher offers to decorate clothes for dolls. Specifies that the pattern should be located in the center and along the edges.

When it's fun, when it's sad.

Purpose: to develop the ability to determine the mood of a picture by its color scheme.

Game material: illustrations from books.

Progress. The teacher shows the illustration and invites the children to determine what mood it evokes, to explain their choice.

"When it happens."

Purpose: Consolidation of knowledge about the seasons, development of coherent speech, attention, endurance.

Progress. The teacher calls a sign or shows a schematic picture with a sign of the season and asks the children to name when it happens.

"cut pictures".

Purpose: development of the ability to compare, generalize, correctly name the subject; the formation of intelligence, concentration

Game material: split pictures of 5-6 parts depicting vegetables and fruits.

Progress. The teacher offers to consider the parts and make a picture without a sample.

"Where does the fish go?"

Purpose: Development of visual attention and orientation in space.

Game material: a picture of an aquarium, silhouettes of fish.

Progress. Consider a picture of an aquarium and fish. Specify the shape of the body, structure, location of the fish.

Then the teacher offers to close your eyes and swaps the inhabitants of the aquarium. Children should name what has changed?

"Whose children."

Purpose: Consolidation of knowledge about the names of trees, their structure and distinctive features. Fostering collaboration skills.

Game material: a set of pictures: trees, leaves and fruits.

Game progress: The teacher shows pictures of trees and says that each tree has its own leaves and fruits. Then pictures with trees, leaves and fruits are distributed to children. Children are invited to find a tree. from which the "children" fell.

"Find by silhouette"

Purpose: development of visual thinking, attention, figurative memory. Game material: paper figures of fairy-tale heroes.

Progress. The teacher with the children examines the figures of fairy-tale characters from all sides, explains what a silhouette is (puts a template figure on a blank sheet of paper and circles it with a pencil). Then, he turns several figures upside down and asks to find the heroes of the fairy tale.

"Drawing Designer".

Purpose: development of imagination, development of the ability to create images based on a schematic image.

Game material: sheets of paper with a contour image of a geometric figure, pencils.

Progress. The teacher with the children examines the drawn geometric shapes. Then he distributes one figurine to the children and offers to finish it to get an image of the object.

"Let's dress the dolls for a walk."

Purpose: To exercise in finding shades darker or lighter than a given color.

Game material: 4 coats of red, green, blue, brown. 8 hats and 8 pairs of boots. Half of the hats and boots are lighter shades than the coat, the rest are darker shades.

Progress. The teacher calls the child and offers to pick up clothes for the doll for a walk: pick up lighter boots and a darker hat for a red coat, etc. You can call three children at once and invite them to pick up darker hats and boots than a coat.

"Make a pattern on the circle."

Goal: Development of the ability to build a pattern, taking into account the spatial relationships between its elements, observing symmetry. Fostering collaboration skills.

Game material: paper circles, a set of geometric shapes, one for a couple of children.

Progress. The teacher offers to decorate a plate for dolls. Indicates that the pattern should be located in the center of the plate and along the edges.

"Colored paints".

Target: To form an idea of ​​​​cold and warm colors.

Game material: illustrations of the seasons, colored paper squares of cold and warm colors.

Progress. The teacher invites the children to consider winter illustrations and pay attention to the color of the paints used by the artist. Invites children to pick up colored squares that would correspond to these colors. Clarifies the concept of warm colors, cold colors.

Branch of MADOU "Kindergarten No. 12 of the combined type" - "Kindergarten No. 45"

Card file

didactic games on activity

for the middle group

Developed by: educator

Chernogubova E.V.



Didactic game "Magic colors"

Target : during the game, develop children's attention and interest in various colors and shades, a sense of joy when perceiving the beauty of nature.
Material: cards with different colors.
Game progress : Give the children cards with squares of different colors. Then the teacher says a word, for example, birch. Those of the children who have black, white and green squares raise them up.
Then the teacher says the next word, for example, rainbow, and those children whose colors correspond to the colors of the rainbow raise the squares. The task of children is to respond as quickly as possible to the words uttered by the teacher.

Didactic game "Funny colors"

Target: introduce children to primary and secondary colors, the principles of mixing colors.

Material: cards with the image of paint girls, signs "+", "-", "=", paints, brushes, paper, palette.

Game progress : Children are invited to solve examples by mixing colors, for example, "red + yellow \u003d orange", "green + yellow \u003d blue."

Didactic game "Caterpillars"

Target. Exercise children in determining warm or cold colors, in the ability to arrange colors in shades from light to dark, and vice versa.

Material: colored circles of warm and cold colors, the image of a caterpillar's head.

Game progress . Children are invited from the proposed circles to make a caterpillar of cold colors (warm) or a caterpillar with a light muzzle and a dark tail (dark muzzle and light tail).

Didactic game "Clubs"

Target: to develop in children the ability to perform circular movements when drawing a ball in a closed circle based on visual control and with eyes closed.

Game progress . The teacher invites the children to look at the panel on which the kitten plays with balls of thread that he unwound. Then he invites the children to collect the threads into a ball and shows how the threads are collected into a ball, imitating the winding of threads into a ball with the movements of a pencil.

Periodically, the teacher invites the children to close their eyes and perform movements with their eyes closed.

In order for children to show interest in work, you can give them the opportunity to draw a lot of balls, arrange a competition: who will draw more balls.

Didactic game "Matryoshkin sundress"

Purpose of the game : to develop compositional skills, to consolidate children's knowledge about the main elements of painting Russian nesting dolls, to consolidate knowledge of Russian national clothes.
Game progress : There are silhouettes of three nesting dolls drawn on the board, the teacher calls three children in turn, they each choose their own nesting doll.

Didactic exercise "Let's draw how the plates are located on the table"

Target: exercise children in drawing round and oval shapes, develop the ability to distinguish objects in size from large to small.

To perform the exercise, children are given stencils with slots of three circles of different sizes and slots of three ovals located between the circles. The ovals are also of different sizes, handles are attached to them.

Game progress : The teacher says: “Children, three bears came to visit us. Let's feed them. For this we need utensils: plates and spoons.” The teacher shows the children stencils and offers to trace circles and ovals, and then draw pens to the ovals to make a spoon.

After completing the task, the bears, together with the children, watch how all the work is done, compare it with the real serving on the table, where the plates and spoons are located. Here you can specify on which side of the plate the spoon is located.

Didactic game "Collect and count nesting dolls"

Purpose of the game : to consolidate knowledge about the Russian nesting doll, develop the ability to distinguish this type of creativity from others, develop ordinal counting skills, eye, reaction speed.
Game progress: Leaflets with drawn silhouettes of nesting dolls hang on the board, three children are called and they must quickly decompose nesting dolls into cells and count them.

Didactic game "Who will draw more oval-shaped objects?"

Target: to consolidate the ability of children to quickly find the similarity of ovals, located horizontally, vertically or diagonally, with whole objects of the plant world or their parts, complete the images.
Game progress: draw at least 5 images of plants in ovals, color them in the appropriate color, while combining various pictorial material to complete the resemblance to the original.

Didactic game "Who plays hide and seek with us"

Target: to teach children to compare the color, the background of the picture with the coloring of animals, which allows these animals to be invisible against this background.
Game progress: take two cards of different colors, name animals with a similar color; Having received a figure, circle it on the desired background. The winner is the one who receives more figures, and also draws suitable animals that the teacher did not have.

Didactic game "Draw a warm picture"

Target: clarify with children the concepts of "warm and cold colors"; continue to learn how to draw a picture from memory, using a warm range when coloring.
Material: 4 pictures depicting simple plots, geometric shapes found in these pictures, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, sheets of white paper.

Game progress: after carefully examining an unpainted sample picture, at the signal of the teacher, turn it over, depict the plot seen on your sheet, color it, adhering to a warm range.
Game actions: depicting a plot from memory, drawing small details, using non-traditional drawing methods to give individuality to your work.
Creative tasks:
A) draw a "warm" still life;
B) tell me what is orange (pink, red, yellow);
b) Paint the clothes in warm colors. What vegetables and fruits are the same color?

Didactic game "Painted horses"

Target : consolidation of knowledge of the main motives of Russian folk paintings ("Gzhel", "Gorodets", "Filimonovo", "Dymka"), to consolidate the ability to distinguish them from others, to name them correctly, to develop a sense of color.
Game progress: the child needs to determine in which clearing each of the horses will graze, and name the type of applied art, based on which they are painted.

Didactic game "Portraits"

Target: teach children to draw a head using templates.
Materials: a sheet of paper with a traced oval face; cardboard templates for eyebrows, eyes, nose, lips, ears, hairstyles.
Game progress: lay out the head on the sheet with templates, circle, paint the resulting portrait

Didactic game "Make a hedgehog out of sticks"

Target : to teach to schematically convey the image, to be distracted from minor features, conveying the main ones.
Material: counting sticks, or colored paper strips, or felt-tip pens.
Game progress: lay out the image with chopsticks or draw shelves with a felt-tip pen, or paste an image from strips.

Didactic game "Seabed"

Purpose of the game: development of artistic composition skills, development of speech, logical thinking, memory.
Game progress : A very common game that can be used not only in art, but also in other educational areas. The seabed (empty) is shown to the children, and it must be said that all the sea inhabitants wanted to play Hide and Seek with us, and in order to find them, you need to guess riddles about them. The one who guessed correctly hangs the inhabitant in the background. It turns out the finished composition. The teacher motivates children to visual activity. (Good to use with middle and older groups). In the same way, other topics of plot compositions can be studied with children: “Summer Meadow”, “Forest People”, “Autumn Harvest”, “Still Life with Tea”, etc. You can invite several children to the board and ask them to make different compositions from the same objects. This game develops intelligence, reaction, compositional vision.

Didactic game "Collect the landscape

“On the example of the landscape, it is convenient to develop a sense of composition, knowledge of the phenomena of the surrounding nature. For this, it is convenient to use this didactic game.
Purpose of the game : to form the skills of compositional thinking, to consolidate knowledge of seasonal changes in nature, to consolidate knowledge of the concept of "landscape", to develop observation, memory.
Game progress: the child is invited to compose a landscape of a certain season from a set of printed pictures (winter, spring, autumn or winter), the child must select objects that correspond to this particular season, and, using their knowledge, build the correct composition


picked up by an art teacher

MBDOU "CRR - Kindergarten No. 166"


Tsitsilina M.G.

D/I “Guess what happens?”

Target: Develop imagination, fantasy, creativity.

Material: Sheet of paper, pencils.

Exercise: The teacher invites one of the first children to start portraying

subject (line), but not completely. The next one says that it may be and draws another line. The next one should come up with something else and finish it in accordance with his plan. This continues until one of the players can no longer change the picture in their own way. Whoever made the last change wins.

D / I "Magic Palette"

Target: Develop a sense of color.

Material: Gouache. Palette.

Exercise: The teacher invites the children to play with the palette and paints. By mixing paints, you can get different shades of colors. You can suggest depicting how the sky brightens at dawn, using blue and white colors. You need to whiten the blue paint on the palette, gradually adding white and successively applying strokes to a sheet of paper. The main thing is to ensure that the shades change as evenly as possible. Invite the children to draw how the sun sets (from orange to red), how the leaves turn yellow in autumn (from green to yellow).

D / I “What in the world does not happen?”


Material: Colour pencils. Paper.

Exercise: The teacher offers the child to draw something that does not exist in the world. Then he asks to tell what he drew and discuss the drawing: is it really that what is depicted on it does not occur in life.

Y/N "What could it be?"

Target: Develop the imagination.

Material: Gouache. Palettes.

Exercise: The teacher invites children to draw sweet, round, fragrant, fresh, fragrant, salty, green, etc. The game can be repeated many times, using new material each time.

D / I "Tell me about their mood"

Target: Develop perception, attention, imagination.

Material: Illustrations depicting people's faces expressing various emotional states. Paper. Colour pencils.

Exercise: The teacher offers to look at a picture depicting a person's face and talk about his mood. Invite children to draw a face - a riddle. The game can be repeated with different material.

D / I "Let's help the artist"

Target: Develop creative imagination.

Material: Colour pencils. Paper.

Target: The teacher invites the children to draw an unusual car on which you can get into a magical land. Draw and describe your car.

D / I "Think up yourself"

Target: Develop imagination, fantasy.

Material: Paper. Paints. Palettes. Markers.

Exercise: The teacher invites the child to imagine that he flew to another planet and draw what he could see there. When the drawing is ready, you can invite the child to come up with a story.

D / I "Magic Pictures"

Target: To teach children to create images based on a schematic representation of an object.

Material: A sheet of paper with an unfinished image. Colour pencils.

Exercise: Draw a picture. Mark the most interesting pictures when the guys come up with something of their own, unlike other pictures.

D / I "Cheerful palette"

Target: Develop a sense of color.

Material: Item cards. Palettes with shades of colors.

Exercise: Name each picture and show its color on the palette. Match all the pairs: lemon - lemon ... (etc.) And now try to guess what other colors can be called. Find a carrot among the pictures and a suitable one on the palette. What is the name of this color? (Orange.) But you can say it in another way - carrot. Show beet color on the palette. Lilac. Olive. If it is difficult, compare with images of fruits, flowers. What would you call plum color? (Purple, or otherwise - plum.) How is yellow different from lemon? (Lemon is a shade of yellow with a touch of green.)

D / I "Klubochki"

Target: To develop in children the ability to perform circular movements when drawing a ball in a closed circle based on visual control and with eyes closed.

Material: Picture "Kitten with a ball". Sheets of paper. Pencils.

Exercise: The teacher invites the children to look at the picture in which the kitten plays with a ball of thread. Then he invites the children to collect the threads into a ball and shows how the threads are collected into a ball, imitating the winding of threads into a ball with the movements of a pencil. Periodically, the teacher invites the children to close their eyes and perform movements with their eyes closed.

In order for children to show interest in work, you can give them the opportunity to draw a lot of balls, arrange a competition: who will draw more balls.

D / I "Symmetrical objects"

Target: To consolidate with children the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bsymmetric objects, acquaintance with the profession of a potter.

Materials: Templates for jugs, vases and pots, cut along the axis of symmetry.

Exercise: The potter broke all the pots and vases he had made to sell at the fair. All fragments are mixed. It is necessary to help the potter to collect and "glue" all his products.

D / I "Merry Dwarf"

Target: To teach children to create images based on the perception of a schematic representation of an object.

Material: A picture depicting a gnome with a bag in his hands and several bags of various shapes cut out of paper, which can be superimposed on the drawing and changed in the hands of the gnome.

Exercise: The teacher shows the children a picture and says that a gnome has come to visit the children; he brought gifts, but what children should guess and draw.

D / I "Wonderful Forest"

Target: To teach children to create situations in their imagination based on their schematic representation.

Material: Sheets of paper on which several trees are drawn and unfinished, unformed images are located in different places.

Colour pencils.

Exercise: The teacher distributes sheets of paper to the children and offers to draw a forest,

full of wonders, and then invent and tell a story about it.

D / I "Changeling"

Target: To teach children to create images of objects in their imagination based on the perception of schematic images of individual details of these objects.
Material: Pencils. Sheets of paper with the image of a half of an object.

Exercise: The teacher invites the children to add anything to the figure, but in such a way that a picture is obtained. Then you need to take another card with the same figure, put it upside down or sideways and turn the figure into another picture. When the children complete the task, take cards with another figure.

D / I "Make a portrait"

Target: To consolidate knowledge about the genre of portraiture. Develop a sense of proportion.
Material: Various modifications of parts of the face. Paper. Colour pencils.

Exercise: The teacher invites children to make a portrait from different parts of the face.

Determine the mood and draw a portrait.

D / I "Underwater World"

Purpose of the game: To consolidate children's knowledge about the inhabitants of the underwater world. To teach children to carefully consider the shape, color, structural features of underwater inhabitants. Learn to create a multifaceted composition on the underpainting. Develop fine motor skills. Activate children's vocabulary.

Material: Illustrations depicting the inhabitants of the underwater world. Paper. Watercolor.

Exercise: Together with the teacher, children remember who lives in the seas and oceans, clarify the structure of the body and color. Then, on the underpaintings, the children create a picture of the underwater world, arranging the objects in many ways. The chip gets the child who got a more interesting picture, the one who used a lot of details to create a picture of the underwater world.

D / I "Draw a warm picture"

Target: Clarify with children the concepts of "warm and cold colors"; continue to learn how to draw a picture from memory, using a warm range when coloring.
Material: 4 pictures depicting simple plots, geometric shapes found in these pictures, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, sheets of white paper.

Exercise: Having carefully examined the unpainted sample picture, at the signal of the teacher, turn it over, depict the plot seen on your sheet, color it, adhering to a warm range.

D/N "Who will draw more oval objects?"

Target: To consolidate the ability of children to quickly find the similarity of ovals, located horizontally, vertically or diagonally, with whole objects of the plant world or their parts, draw images.
Material: Cards with images of ovals in different positions, colored and simple pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons.

Exercise: The teacher invites the children to draw at least 5 images of plants with ovals, color them in the appropriate color, while combining different visual material to complete the resemblance to the original.

D / I "Stained Glass"

Target: Develop imagination, sense of color and form.

Material: Paper. Markers. Colour pencils. Gouache.

Exercise: The teacher invites children with their eyes closed to draw an image with lines on a piece of paper. Then consider the resulting image, think of what it looks like and color it with paints.

Didactic games for art lessons.


1. What does the landscape consist of? (picture game)

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the landscape genre, its distinctive and integral features and parts. Select only those pictures that depict elements inherent in the landscape genre, justify your choice.

Material: pictures depicting elements of animate and inanimate nature, subject. You can use postcards.

2. Collect the landscape.

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the constituent elements of the landscape, about the signs of the seasons.

According to your own plan, compose a composition according to the intended plot (autumn, summer, spring, winter)

Material: color images of trees, flowers, grasses, mountains, lakes, etc. e, reflecting seasonal changes in nature.

1. a cloud, a cloud with which it rains, flowers, mushrooms, shrubs, birch, Christmas tree, mountain ash, grasshopper, butterfly.

2. green grass, a cloud from which it snows, a maple leaf (yellow) rowan, yellow grass, snowdrifts, a swamp, the sun, an ice-covered river, a rainbow.

3. Genre of painting.

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the image of the landscape, its features. Find it among other genres and justify your choice, compose a descriptive story that characterizes the chosen landscape.

Material: reproductions of paintings in different genres (portrait, still life, landscape).

Find a genre of painting.

landscape still life portrait

4. Seasons.

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about the seasonal changes in nature, about the colors inherent in a particular season. Choose color cards inherent in autumn, summer, spring, winter.

To consolidate knowledge of the classification of colors: warm and cold, light and heavy.

Material: a variety of cards with all sorts of shades of warm and cold colors. Use fictional texts about the seasons in the game.

four artists,

So many pictures

Painted with white paint

All in a row one.

Forest and field are white,

White meadows.

At snow-covered aspens

Branches like horns…. (winter)

The second one is blue

Sky and streams.

splashing in blue puddles

A flock of sparrows.

transparent in the snow


The first thawed patches

The first grass ... (spring)

In the picture of the third

Colors and do not count:

yellow, green,

Blue is…

Green forest and field

blue river,

White, fluffy

Clouds in the sky (summer)

And the fourth gold

Painted the gardens

fields are fruitful,

Ripe fruits...

Berries everywhere

Ripens in the forests.

Who are those artists?

Guess yourself! (autumn)

Pictures (seasons) are drawn in the first row, colors are in the wrong order in the second row.

Arrange with arrows, to which pictures the colors correspond. Draw any colors.





5. Parts of the day.

Purpose: to determine which part of the day (morning, afternoon, evening, night) the proposed landscapes belong to. Justify your choice with a short descriptive story. Choose a color card. With which one or another part of the day is associated.

Material: reproductions with landscapes that vividly express the parts of the day. Color cards (pink, yellow, blue, lilac, blue shades)

Use artistic texts about parts of the day in the game.


The spring forest keeps a secret

What did he see at dawn

How lily of the valley keeps on weight

Dew in glass cups.


Day worked all day

Did a lot of things;

And regretted in the evening

That there is nothing to do.


A train rumbles in the distance

The fish splashed in the pink river,

The sun has set behind the hushed forest...

The day faded a little and disappeared.


There are plenty of stars both in the sky and in the water.

On earth, not a light anywhere.

Animals and insects went to bed.

Silence from heaven to earth.





6. Perspective

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about perspective, horizon line, remoteness and approach of objects. Foreground and background paintings.

Material: a picture plane with the image of the sky and the earth and a clear horizon line. Silhouettes of trees, houses, clouds, mountains of different sizes (small, medium, large)

7. Landscape genre.

Application. "Over the mountains, over the valleys, over the dense forests"

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge of the landscape genre, image features, pay attention to perspective, background and foreground. Consider a number of reproductions depicting mountains, valleys, pay attention to distant and close objects, to the color scheme of the paintings.

Offer to cut out hills of three sizes from colored paper: large, medium, small. Large to lay out the foreground, medium-middle, small-background. In the foreground, cut out large trees, flowers, in the background, small silhouettes.

Material: colored paper in different shades.

Artistic word for the genre of landscape.


If you see in the picture

The river is drawn

picturesque valleys

And dense forests

Blond birches

Or old strong oak,

Or a blizzard, or a downpour,

Or a sunny day.

Could be drawn

Either north or south.

And any time of the year

We will see in the picture.

Let's say without hesitation:

called landscape!


1. He flies in a white flock

And sparkles in flight.

He melts like a cool star

On the palm and in the mouth.

He is ruddy in the sun

Blue under the moon.

He is behind the collar and in his pockets

Flies to us with you.

He is both white and furry,

And fluffy like a bear.

Scatter it with a shovel

Name it now! (snow)

2. winter glass

Spring flowed (ice)

3. Not snow and not ice

And he will remove the trees with silver. (frost)

4. Scattered Lukerya

silver feathers,

Twisted, swirled.

The street became white ... (blizzard)

5. The edge is visible

Yes, you won’t reach ... (horizon)

6. From whom, my friends,

Can't run away?

Relentlessly on a clear day

Wandering around in dreams…. (shadow)

7. You walk - lies ahead,

You look back, running home. (road)

8. Runs through the grove

Washes and rinses

Ran along the meadow

Redeemed the shepherdess. (river)

9. In a blue shirt

Runs along the bottom of the ravine. (Creek)

10. Two brothers

Looking into the water

Century will not converge. (shores)

11. Young mountain ash look at him,

Colored their trying on scarves.

Young birch trees look at him,

Straightening my hair in front of him,

And the moon and the stars

Everything is reflected in it.

What is this mirror called? (pond, lake)

12. Painted rocker

It hung over the river. (rainbow)

13. It is not known where he lives.

It will fly - the trees are oppressed.

Whistling - trembling along the river.

Mischievous, but you won't get away. (wind)

14. Fluffy cotton

Float somewhere.

The cotton is lower

The closer the rain is. (clouds)

15. Look, look-

Threads were pulled from the sky!

What a thin thread

Does he want to sew the earth with the sky? (rain)

16. Big sunflower in the sky

It blooms for many years

Blooms in winter and summer

And there are no seeds. (Sun)

17. At the grandmother's hut

Hanging loaf of bread.

The dogs bark, they can't get it. (month)

18. What is this ceiling?

He's low, he's high

Now he is gray, then whitish,

It's a little bit blue

And sometimes so beautiful

Lace and blue-blue! (sky)

19. The house is open on all sides.

It is covered with a carved roof.

Come into the green house

You will see miracles in it. (forest)

Elena Girdzijauskas

I think no one will argue with me that the fine arts have a beneficial effect on all people, especially children. To acquaint children with art, we, of course, select reproductions, photographs, but this is not enough for the child to understand the topic and be interested in it. Therefore, in my work, both in educational activities and in individual work with children, I use GAMES to familiarize children with art. I want to bring them to your attention.


"Genres of painting"

Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge about the image of a landscape (portrait, still life, fairy-tale genre) and its features. Find this genre among others and justify your choice.

"Assemble the Landscape"

Purpose: To consolidate knowledge about the constituent elements of the landscape, about

signs of the season. According to your own plan, compose a composition according to a given plot (autumn, summer, spring,

"Seasons and Colors"

Purpose: To consolidate knowledge about the seasonal changes in nature, about the colors inherent in a particular season. Choose color cards that suit autumn, winter, spring, summer.

"Parts of the day and colors"

Purpose: Determine which part of the day the proposed landscapes belong to. Choose colored cards with which this or that part of the day is associated.

"Make a Still Life"

Purpose: To consolidate knowledge about the genre of still life. Compose a composition according to your own plan, according to a given plot (festive, with fruits and flowers, with dishes and vegetables, with mushrooms, etc.)

"Family portrait"

Purpose: To name the distinguishing features of a male and female face, young and old. Pick up parts of the face and make portraits of mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother, brother and sister.

"Think up and assemble a portrait"

Purpose: To compose a portrait from individual parts of the face of your own choice and imagination.

"Portrait of a fairy-tale hero"

Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge about the constituent parts of the face, their spatial location. Make portraits of fairy-tale heroes from cut parts.

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