Diets and therapeutic nutrition. Types of diets in nutrition


How does the body affect? Few people care about the answer to this question. To have a beautiful figure, many people use any goal, just to achieve a visible result. It has been scientifically proven that they are not only ineffective, but can also be very harmful to health.

You can look at more popular diets to clearly see their pros and cons.

The basis of the protein diet is low-fat protein foods. This includes meat products as well as low-content dairy products. You can eat vegetables, but in small quantities. It is necessary to exclude carbohydrates and...

It is possible that you eat a fairly large amount of food and you will not feel hungry. The excess weight lost will not return for a very long time.

Weight loss is slow, and there is also a lack of balance of nutrients in the foods consumed, so a lack of vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the proper functioning of the body is inevitable, which can subsequently affect the overall physical and psychological condition of a person. The duration of the diet should be no more than two weeks. There are contraindications for people whose kidneys and liver are not functioning well.

The diet of a fatty diet consists of products of animal origin, as well as by-products, which contain a high content of vitamins needed by the body, and dairy products with a high fat content. Carbohydrates and fiber are excluded from the diet during the period of the fat diet. Consumption should be in large quantities, but vice versa for vegetables.

The advantage of the diet is that the absorption of animal proteins and fats occurs at a high level, which supplies the body with a large amount of energy. Therefore, with a fat diet, you can eat only two times a day.

If there is a lack of vitamins during a diet, the kidneys must work harder. Also, high cholesterol levels in food increase the likelihood of plaque formation in the blood.

To achieve maximum weight loss, carbohydrates are limited in almost any diet, even carbohydrate ones. Here they do not form the basis of the diet, but on the contrary, their consumption is limited. Fast carbohydrates, which immediately enter the bloodstream, are excluded, and slow ones remain.

If you create a balanced diet, you can lose excess weight and stay in great shape.

But life without sweets in the modern world, where there are so few joys, is morally difficult.

If you really want to lose weight quickly, then a short diet is just for this. This is the only advantage of a short diet. A short diet or fasting day, in which the diet during the day consists of one product. Cucumber, apple and others, the product is selected according to taste. But excess weight is not lost, excess fluid is simply removed from the body. You cannot stay on such a diet for more than 2-3 days.

Another method to combat excess weight is separate meals. This means that you should eat proteins and carbohydrates separately, since different foods require different environments to digest. With this diet, excess weight goes away. But mixed food is useful because the necessary juices and enzymes are released for digestion, and if separated, the produced substances may be “out of work” and harm the body. For example, the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. Therefore, when eating separately, you need to carefully listen to your body; if you feel some kind of disorder, then it is better to change your diet.

So, any diet has its drawbacks, but after the diet you want the results to last longer, and at the same time the harm to the body is minimal. Therefore, everything should be in moderation. You need to choose a style of nutrition that will combine all types of nutrients, and you also need to remember about physical activity, which will not only help in the fight against excess weight, but will also give you a good mood.

There are a great variety of different diets. We have compiled a list of the most popular and effective diets for weight loss. We hope the list will help you choose the right one.

Classification of diets for weight loss:

  1. Low calorie. The most diverse and numerous group of diets, the principle of which is to seriously limit the calories of food consumed, but at the same time you can consume a wide variety of foods.
  2. Low fat. Only fat consumption is limited.
  3. Low carb. Carbohydrate intake is limited. Main principle: “Sugar is white death.”
  4. Mono-diet. Involves eating only one food product. Today, the most popular mono-diets are apple, rice, watermelon, potato, and kefir. These are “strict” diets, so “sitting” on them strictly limited.
  5. Protein. The diet consists exclusively of animal proteins - fish and meat. It is allowed to eat fruits and carbohydrates in small quantities.

The most popular diets for weight loss

Protein diet

It will appeal to those people who cannot live without meat. It involves eating a lot of fish and meat, but you will have to give up baked goods and sweets. In two weeks, the diet promises to lose 3 to 8 kilograms and build muscle, which is why it is so popular among bodybuilders and athletes. It is also allowed to eat seafood, dairy products and eggs, but the consumption of cereals, bread, fruits, vegetables, pasta and anything that contains a lot of carbohydrates is limited.

Kremlin diet

The good thing is that in one week you can lose up to five kilograms of weight. By sitting on it you can also gain some weight or maintain your body weight at the desired level. The Kremlin diet is loyal. You can eat anything, but limit yourself to carbohydrates.

Today, this diet is very popular, as it allows you to eat what other diets prohibit and even drink alcohol. Its main disadvantage is that during a meal you will need to count all the carbohydrates you eat, but not exceed the amount required by the diet.

Japanese diet

It is considered the most effective diet for weight loss, as it allows you to get rid of seven to eight kilograms in two weeks. It is not recommended to sit on it more than once every two to three years and not to use it for more than 2 weeks in a row. The total duration of this diet is two weeks, during which time its creators promise that a metabolic restructuring will occur in your body, and the effect of use will last for at least two years without any additional effort.

English diet

The technique was developed by nutritionists in England and is designed for twenty days. During this period you will be able to lose seven kilograms. The diet consists of “vegetable” and “protein” days, which alternate 2 after 2 days. Vegetables and proteins quickly saturate the human body, while frequent meals help avoid sudden feelings of hunger. This diet is also good because it is easy to use and consists of inexpensive and accessible food products.

Apple diet

This is an excellent diet for weight loss. It helps to correct and normalize metabolic disorders in the human body, thus getting rid of excess weight. Its essence lies in the fact that once or twice a week it is necessary to arrange one fasting day exclusively “on apples”. effective for those people who suffer from diseases of the stomach and intestines, cardiovascular diseases, and can also be used to prevent atherosclerosis.

Oat diet

It helps not only to get rid of unnecessary pounds, but also has a beneficial effect on the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. This is explained by the fact that oatmeal contains a lot of starch, which envelops the walls of the stomach and intestines and restores their normal functioning. Oats also contain fiber, which attracts metabolic products and various toxins and removes them from the human body. Oatmeal is also an excellent source of vitamins, trace elements and minerals.

Ducan's diet

The duration of the diet is from 2 to 3 months. It allows you to cleanse the human body of toxins and waste products and normalize its metabolism. There are several mandatory rules:

  • eat oat bran daily;
  • drink at least one and a half liters of purified water;
  • spend more time in the fresh air (at least 25 minutes a day during the 1st phase and half an hour in subsequent phases of the diet);

The diet is very effective in the fight against excess weight; it allows you to lose from 3 to 5 kilograms in one week. But this is only possible if all 4 phases of the technique are strictly followed.

Drinking diet

It involves not only getting rid of extra pounds, but also cleansing the entire body. It is designed for one month and completely excludes any chewing of food, so if you decide to take it, you must understand that you will not eat anything for a month. But this does not mean at all that you will have to starve at this time, you will just have to replace all your usual foods with liquid foods.

Cabbage diet

Lasts up to one week. The point is that by filling the stomach, cabbage perfectly satisfies hunger. In addition, it is believed that cabbage itself helps burn excess fat. The peculiarity of the diet is that cabbage dishes cannot be salted, and you need to drink up to two liters of liquid per day.

Buckwheat diet

Belongs to the category of strict diets. Helps you lose up to 5 kilograms in one week. Its essence is that for 7 days you will have to eat only buckwheat porridge, prepared in a special way, and only whole buckwheat is suitable for the diet.

Grapefruit diet

Its duration is one week, during which you will be able to get rid of four to six kilograms. well balanced, contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins. Due to the fact that citrus fruits contain a large amount of vitamin C, your body can not only get rid of excess weight, but also actively resist viral diseases. If you regularly consume grapefruits, it will help your body receive the required daily dose of vitamin C.

Carbohydrate diet

It is based on the ability of carbohydrates to be well absorbed by the stomach, quickly satisfy hunger and speed up metabolism. It is allowed to eat grains, cereals, legumes (beans, lentils, peas), fruits (bananas, pineapples, oranges, apples, grapefruits) and vegetables (asparagus, spinach, cabbage, carrots, celery). Prohibited: bread, sugar, potatoes. can continue until tYou won't get the desired result.

Kefir diet

This is a fairly strict, but very popular diet. Before you get hooked on it, you should consult a nutritionist. It is undesirable for long-term use. In addition to the fact that you will be able to lose unnecessary weight (up to 5 kilograms in one week), you will also be able to cleanse your body of waste products, toxins and improve the intestinal microflora, as a result benefiting your entire body.

Ginger diet

It is ideal for those people who really want to lose excess weight, but cannot stay on other diets for a long time. But it is worth noting that the ginger diet does not promise quick results, since its main feature is the absence of any strict restrictions, which makes it the safest and most leisurely.

Diet of Osama Hamdiy

The egg diet, the principle of which is based on chemical reactions occurring in the human body. This is a strict diet, so its requirements must be followed very strictly. If you have a lot of weight, then you can lose about 25 kilograms in a month, while the weight loss system is suitable for absolutely all ages and does not require taking additional vitamin and mineral complexes. The course lasts one month, and the menu of each week has its own characteristics.

At all times, representatives of the fair sex go to different lengths for the sake of an ideal figure. Sports, massage, expensive treatments in beauty salons. But if all this does not bring results, then what methods do they use?

What are the diets for weight loss in 2019?

Most often this is a diet or a series of diets, because choosing one that will suit all parameters is quite difficult. Here are just a few of them:

From the name it is clear that this diet comes down to a series. The interesting thing is that no matter what product is chosen, the result will still be under certain conditions.

For some (for example, an apple) this is 1.5 kilograms per day, and for others 1 (for example, chocolate) is 100 grams per day. Everyone makes their own choice: to carry out this diet with taste or benefit.

This type of diet has found its followers all over the world and in different fields of activity: from models and artists to the average housewife. Entire works were compiled on this basis by many nutritionists, which brought them considerable popularity.

And their essence is that for a certain time you need to eat as much protein food as possible, low in fat and carbohydrates. As a result, the body does not receive a certain type of nutrients and takes them from its own reserves, which provokes the scale arrow to move to the left.

The diet may include fresh vegetables, which will tidy up the body’s metabolic system and saturate it with minerals.

They are based on fruits, herbs, berries. Sometimes, in a more strict version, it can be juice and water. Such a nutrition system will not only allow you to lose unnecessary weight, but will also cleanse the entire body as a whole, which will bring a fresh appearance and a reduction in volume.

One of the most favorite diets in the cold seasons. The body receives a portion of vitamins from the constituent ingredients and, at the same time, does not gain weight. The result is excellent functioning of all internal organs, lost pounds and no feeling of hunger.

Fruit and vegetable juices

Not so much a diet as an addition to a balanced diet, which will allow you to enrich your diet with vitamins and cleanse your body. To do this, you need to drink a portion of freshly squeezed juice before each meal. It should be noted that vegetable juices are lower in calories than fruit juices, which gives them a clear advantage.

Other types of diets

Most modern diets are based on the technique of limited consumption, complete control of the glycemic nutritional unit and the preparation of the necessary diet with a low calorie composition.

What are some weight loss diets based on the glycemic index?

Attention: it is important to take into account the rate of processing of consumed products and their conversion into glucose, which is the main energy supplier for humans.

The lower the speed, the fewer fat cells are formed and, accordingly, vice versa. Therefore, it is important to control this process, especially for those who are prone to excess weight and diabetics.

A low glycemic index diet allows you to replace fast-burning foods with complex carbohydrates, which will prevent false hunger and the consumption of excess food.

Several stages of the diet according to the glycemic index.

1. Distribute for yourself a list of foods that will be healthy and correct for a certain glycemic indicator.
2. In the first two weeks you need to eat moderately and in small portions.
3. The duration of the first stage is 2 weeks, up to 10 kg of excess weight is lost.
4. The second stage is considered to be the stabilization of the result obtained.
5. It also lasts 2 weeks, the kilograms disappear slowly and almost imperceptibly. Up to 2 kg per week. We eat foods with an average GI value.
6. Slow return to previous nutrition, the main thing is not to oversaturate
body and eat right. Less fatty, sweet, salty, fried and floury. Drink plenty of fluids and low-fat fermented milk products.

New type of diet 2019 - nutrition by calories

A diet based on the calorie counting method. Many people dream of losing weight, constantly think about it and experiment with the most effective and popular weight loss systems all the time.

It is no secret that any diet gives a short-term effect and is harmful to the body, causing stress and leaving an imprint on the digestive system. Only rethinking your eating habits will help you get long-term and positive results.

Attention: one of the first steps on the path to proper nutrition can be the method of counting calories.

An idea of ​​the composition of a dish and the calorie content of its components can be obtained thanks to special calorie counting tables for each person. The individuality of the result will depend on the age of the person who wants to lose weight, and the initial parameters of his figure.

If you decide to lose weight, then it will not be a discovery for you that you should give up high-calorie foods, replacing them with lower ones. Rational calorie counting will give you the opportunity to occasionally indulge yourself and eat something sweet without harm to your health. Accordingly, the chance of not falling off the diet will become significantly lower.

Where to start mastering the calorie counting method, what steps need to be taken?

Basic principles of the calorie counting method:

  1. The most important step a person must take is to decide for himself why he decided to lose weight. Counting calories does not give instant results, but it is not harmful to health and the effect lasts longer. The diet is less painful and provides the basis for the transition to proper nutrition.
  2. The most important rule of this method is to write down everything you eat, regardless of portions or pieces. Everything. People always tend to downplay their snacking. And they are the main source of excess calories.
  3. Take food at least four to five times a day. The food should be as varied as possible. It is necessary to take into account the net weight of the product; if the chicken is on the bone, then we record the amount of meat in the diary.
  4. At the first stage, all products need to be weighed and the weight accurately recorded, then you will learn to determine by eye the weight of the portion you eat. The last meal is three hours before bedtime, preferably a glass of low-fat kefir.
  5. Try not to eat while watching TV or reading an exciting detective story. You can get carried away and not notice what portion you have eaten.

At first it will be difficult to navigate all the intricacies, but soon it will become a habit. What’s better than a healthy, nutritious breakfast, a delicious hearty lunch, or a light snack and a nutritious dinner. Everything in moderation, and there will be no extra pounds.

The most acceptable calorie diet plan:

  1. Monday and Saturday – 500 Kcal.
  2. Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday – 900 Kcal.
  3. Wednesday and Friday – plant foods without restrictions.

On days when you should eat plant foods, you are allowed to include any heat-treated vegetables and fruits in your diet. When preparing salads, try to exclude salt and fats and use lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. Bananas, avocados, potatoes - in limited quantities.

The calorie diet is very effective, but also has several limitations: if you have chronic diseases, especially the digestive tract, kidney failure, or cardiovascular disease, you should refrain from such a diet. The same applies to pregnant and breastfeeding women.


The list of weight loss diets, nutrition systems, fasting days can be continued endlessly. It is very important, after completing a certain type of restriction, to smoothly return to a balanced diet and pay attention to the body’s reaction. A plus to all victories will be sports, quality rest and a good mood!

The World Health Organization has declared obesity a pandemic of our time.

Today there are 500 million overweight people.

World leaders in “mass obesity” among adults: Mexico (32.8%), USA (31.8%), Syria (31.6%), Venezuela, Libya (30.8%). Excess weight indicates a metabolic disorder in the body and is aggravated by the development of concomitant diseases.

Today there are many diets aimed at accelerated or systematic weight loss. Among the variety of weight loss methods, choosing the most effective one is extremely difficult, since its effectiveness depends on the individual characteristics of the body (the amount of excess weight, health status, hormonal levels, metabolic rate).

Let's consider the causes and consequences of obesity, 12 effective diets for the fight for health and a slim body, what changes occur in the body after losing weight.

Where does excess weight come from and what does it lead to?

Causes of obesity.

  1. A constant discrepancy between the amounts of energy expended and received, as a result of consuming high-calorie foods in large portions with a sedentary lifestyle.
  2. Genetic predisposition.
  3. Age and gender factors. Interestingly, women gain weight faster due to the hormonal characteristics of the body and less muscle mass relative to the physique of men. In addition, with age, metabolism slows down, the need for energy decreases, which leads to the gradual accumulation of adipose tissue and weight gain.
  4. Primary pathology of the endocrine glands or dysfunction of the hypothalamic functions.
  5. Tumor development.

Complications of obesity:

  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • pancreatitis;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • diseases of the gallbladder, liver;
  • type 2 diabetes mellitus;
  • coronary heart disease, stroke;
  • amenorrhea, infertility, menstrual irregularities in women, impotence in men;
  • diseases of the respiratory, musculoskeletal systems (hypoventilation syndrome, gout, osteoarthritis);
  • vascular diseases of the lower extremities.

In addition to deteriorating health, obesity disrupts the psycho-emotional balance: it increases the level of anxiety, leads to frequent depression, suppression of sexual function, causes difficulties in finding a job, and reduces self-esteem.

Excess weight in advanced stages causes endocrine dysfunction, which leads to death. In the world rankings, mortality from obesity ranks sixth, and from hunger – eighth.

12 effective diets

Let's look at popular weight loss techniques. Regardless of the chosen type, any diet requires compliance with the water regime: drinking 1.5 - 3 liters of clean water per day. At the same time, daily physical activity accelerates weight loss.

The best diets to combat extra pounds.

  1. . A distinctive feature of this technique is the high speed of weight loss: in 13–14 days you will become 7–10 kilograms lighter. The effectiveness of the Japanese diet is achieved through a complete restructuring of metabolism. At the same time, the obtained result lasts for at least two years. When following a dietary diet, it is prohibited to consume alcoholic beverages, sugar, salt, baked goods, and sweets. The Japanese weight loss program is considered low-calorie; its diet focuses on foods low in carbohydrates, due to which the body must burn accumulated fat to produce energy. While following the technique, the stomach decreases in size, which facilitates the process of exiting it.
  2. . This is a protein nutrition program. The duration of the diet depends on the amount of excess weight and reaches 3–4 months. The Dukan method is divided into four stages: “Attack”, “Alternation”, “Fixation” and “Stabilization”, each of which has its own diet, duration, permitted and prohibited foods for consumption. General diet requirements: do morning exercises every day, add oat bran to your meals, walk outside for at least half an hour. The Dukan weight loss regimen does not limit the amount of “allowed” foods consumed, excludes the use of chemical additives and drugs, and is considered safe to follow.
  3. . It belongs to the category of strict mono-diets, designed for rapid weight loss. The main ingredient of the method is buckwheat, which must be prepared using a special technology. It is forbidden to cook the cereal; pour boiling water over it and leave for eight hours. At the same time, seasonings and salt cannot be added to it. After this time, buckwheat porridge can be eaten in unlimited quantities.
    In the classic version, the diet is designed for a week (over this period, weight loss is 4 - 5 kilograms), if necessary, the period of adherence can be increased to 14 days (minus 6 - 10 kilograms). When losing weight, in addition to buckwheat, you are allowed to drink one and a half liters of alkaline mineral water, green tea and a liter of kefir with a fat content of 1%.
    If, while following the technique, you feel a deterioration in your health, it is recommended to introduce non-calorie fruits (apples, oranges, grapefruit) into your daily diet.

  4. . The basic rule of the method is that 85% of the weight loss menu should consist of protein products: lean meat, fish, eggs, lactic acid products, seafood. This is an effective diet for 2 weeks, which will help you get rid of 4 - 8 extra pounds over this period.
    The principle of the protein day: eat small portions every three hours. It is allowed to introduce carbohydrate foods with a low glycemic index (up to 40) into the daily diet: soy, cucumbers, nuts, chickpea puree, citrus fruits.
    To quickly lose weight and increase muscle mass, it is recommended to perform strength exercises.
  5. . The most important component of the menu is protein. Doctor of Medical Sciences and TV presenter of the “Health” program recommends getting it with low-fat dairy products, meats, and fish. The main condition is not to combine doses at one time. Eating meat and cereals at the same time is strictly prohibited; it is better to combine them with herbs and vegetables separately.
    The duration of Malysheva’s diet is one month, then everything depends on the result. At the initial stage, food consumed per day should be 1200 kilocalories, gradually reduce this figure to 1000 kilocalories per day. In addition, Elena Vasilyevna argues about the importance of a positive attitude, you need to eat in a good mood and a calm environment, mentally prepare yourself that food is a holiday for every cell of the body.
    Before swallowing food, Malysheva advises making eighteen chewing movements. This will reduce the load on the digestive organs and prolong dental health. The technique allows you to get rid of up to 25 kilograms in 2 months.
  6. . Designed to eliminate 10 to 20 kilograms in four weeks. The Maggi method includes the following most effective diets: cottage cheese and egg. Which option to choose depends on your personal eating habits and health status. Both options are effective. The Maggi diet is not a mono-diet; its diet includes vegetables, fruits, and meat. The products are selected in such a way as to activate the burning of accumulated fat and remove toxins from the body.
  7. . A modern way to quickly lose weight with a minimum of effort. Energy Diet is a complex of special cocktails that are designed to supply the human body with the maximum amount of nutrients with a minimum of calories. ED line products contain vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and fiber. This is an effective diet designed for 4–6 months, which will help you lose 10–30 kilograms over this period.
  8. . The main principle of the method is to count the amount of carbohydrates consumed daily (the maximum you are allowed to eat is 40 units per day), exclude flour products and sweets from the menu, and eat plenty of protein foods. In the first week of following the Kremlin nutrition system, weight loss is 4–5 kilograms, in 30 days – 10 kilograms, in two to three months – 20 kilograms.
  9. . The essence of the method is daily alternation of the following mono-diets: fish, vegetable, chicken, cereal, cottage cheese and fruit. Constantly changing the main product prevents the body from getting used to the component and “stagnating” weight.
    The effect of the diet for weight loss is impressive: the average daily weight varies from 0.5 to 0.8 kilograms per day. As a result, in two weeks of following the “6 petals” you can lose up to 15 extra pounds.
  10. . In its classic form, this is a mono-diet on water, which does not require financial investments, time and effort to prepare permitted dishes. The main rule of the method is to drink 250 milliliters of clean water before each meal, including snacks. Reduce the amount of food you eat by half. Eliminate quickly digestible carbohydrates, high-fat foods, pickles, canned food, and smoked foods from the menu. The preferred method of cooking is baking or boiling. Depending on their goals, girls can lose up to 10 kilograms in 14 days.
  11. . It is a low-calorie weight loss program. The average daily menu of the method provides the body with 1200 – 1500 kilocalories of energy. The diet consists of protein products (boiled eggs, lactic acid products, lean meat), non-starchy vegetables and allowed fruits (orange, grapefruit, apple).
    Conventionally, Protasov’s diet is divided into three stages: vegetarian, with the addition of meat, and consolidating. The duration of the method is 5 weeks. During this period, up to 10 kilograms of excess weight are lost.

  12. . This is a strict weight loss technique that is popular nowadays. The following lightweight modifications of the fermented milk diet are distinguished: kefir-curd, kefir-apple, kefir-egg, kefir-buckwheat, kefir-cucumber, striped.
    Subject to strict procedures, the only permitted product for consumption is low-fat kefir or 1%. A day you need to drink a liter of fermented milk drink in five doses. During breaks, drink water at least 1.5 liters per day. After three “kefir” days you will become 1.5 kilograms lighter, in a week – by 3, in 14 days – up to 8.
    To avoid increased secretion of gastric juice, the development of gastritis, and exacerbation of ulcers, it is not recommended to practice a strict fermented milk diet for more than two weeks.

As you can see, there are many ways to effectively lose weight. To achieve the desired result, unquestioning adherence to diet, water regime and daily physical activity is required.
While losing weight, it is recommended to do swimming, yoga, and gymnastics. It is useful to do mesotherapy, wraps, ultrasonic peeling, anti-cellulite, tightening massage. These procedures will help prevent sagging skin.

Losing 5-10% of body weight if you are overweight reduces the risk of exacerbation of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and improves overall health.

Let's look at 14 changes that occur in a person's life after getting rid of unnecessary pounds.

  1. A burst of energy. After losing weight, you will become more mobile, catching up with a departing bus or climbing stairs will become easier.
  2. Memory improvement. Brain activity will increase, the amount of information remembered will increase.
  3. Increased sex drive, you will feel sexier. In the course of research, American scientists came to the conclusion that the loss of 30 kilograms of one of the partners improves family relationships.
  4. Reducing the dangerous risk of developing cancer. Excess weight causes inflammatory reactions in the body, changes in the cells of the body. Losing weight by at least 5% reduces the risk of cancer.
  5. Restoring psycho-emotional balance.
  6. Changes in taste buds.
  7. Strengthening bones and joints by reducing the load on them.
  8. Reducing the cost of maintaining health by an average of 42%. This is due to the fact that obese people are more likely to have chronic diseases that require ongoing treatment.
  9. Career growth. According to statistics, slim people are 5 times easier to find a new job and increase their income than overweight people. This pattern especially applies to women.
  10. Reduced need for medications. Losing weight lowers blood cholesterol levels. As a result, the need for taking medications for high blood pressure will decrease. Maintaining a normal weight prevents the development of diseases of the heart, blood vessels, digestive tract, and thyroid gland. Interestingly, after losing weight, heartburn and asthma are less bothersome.
  11. Flabbiness of the skin. If, while losing weight, you limit yourself to just following a diet, ignoring sports, massage, the result of losing weight can be very disappointing. Sagging skin on problem areas (abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms) is an unpleasant, painful sight for every woman. To eliminate it, you need to resort to tightening procedures or start regularly visiting the pool, massage therapist, or cosmetologist.
  12. Improved sleep. Losing extra pounds “frees” a person’s upper respiratory tract from the soft tissue that has been blocking it. As a result, sleep becomes better and 22 minutes longer.
  13. Increased chance of getting pregnant. Remember, obesity can cause polycystic ovary syndrome and infertility. These effective diets will help you lose unwanted weight, restore the functioning of your internal organs, and increase the likelihood of conceiving and bearing a healthy child.
  14. Improved vision. Don't forget that being overweight increases your risk of developing diabetes, which can adversely affect your eyes. According to research from the University of Georgia, obesity reduces the amount of lutein and zeaxanthin in the retina, which causes degenerative age-related changes.

Losing weight has a beneficial effect on the human body: hormonal levels are normalized, immunity increases, performance increases, erection problems disappear, and the load on joints/veins/vessels/heart decreases. As a result, life brings more joy.


The benefits of losing weight are beauty, self-confidence, increased life expectancy, healthy body, emotional stability.

To lose 1 – 3 kilograms, effective diets for 7 days (buckwheat, kefir) are suitable; to lose 4 – 10 kilograms, pay attention to methods lasting from 2 weeks to a month (Japanese, protein, “6 petals”, “lazy”) . If excess weight has reached 20 kilograms or more, it is recommended to use the “protein” programs of Dukan, Malysheva, Maggi, Protasov or “Kremlevka”. They are designed for systematic weight loss over 2 to 6 months.

To prevent excess weight from returning after finishing the diet, monitor the condition of your figure by volume. They should not increase. Take to avoid gastrointestinal problems that arise due to a diet that is low in triglycerides. Watch your sleep; a sleep-deprived person is prone to overeating. Move more, drink a lot of water, eat protein foods, increase your self-esteem.

Remember, you can lose from 70 to 150 grams of fat per day. Food is not the main pleasure in life. Much more interesting than a hearty meal is communication, walks and hobbies. This installation will help you tune in to a positive mood and stick to proper nutrition will become easier. Lose weight wisely and enjoy life!

We are waiting for your feedback on which diet helped you cope with excess weight and gain health!

A diet is a special diet that determines the quantity, chemical composition and norms of food intake.

There are therapeutic diets for weight loss. Considering the types of diets for weight loss, we can distinguish between express systems, long-term diets and one-day diets. What principles underlie weight loss systems? Which systems are most effective? How to choose a diet to suit your lifestyle and goals?

Calculation of calorie content of foods

Products in alphabetical order

Principles of dietary classification

As we have already said, diets are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Medicinal.
  2. To reduce or increase body weight.

Therapeutic diets (tables) are prescribed by the doctor, and the menu is adjusted depending on the pathological disorders in the body. The medical type of nutrition promotes a speedy recovery, better action of drugs and a decrease in pain during exacerbations.

Diets for weight loss and weight gain in cases of anorexia or underweight can be prescribed by a nutritionist or used independently without prescription.

The types of such diets are divided into:

  1. Fast, the period of which does not exceed 5 days.
  2. Long-term, which last more than 2 weeks.

Today we will look at all types of weight loss in more detail.

Low calorie diet

The essence of low-calorie systems is simple - reducing the caloric content of the diet.

For girls, the daily norm during a low-calorie diet is reduced to 1500 kcal, for men - to 2000 kcal. With such a noticeable restriction, weight loss occurs at an accelerated pace, and you can actually lose up to 8 kg of excess weight in 2 weeks.

Active weight loss occurs precisely in the first 2 weeks, after which the body gets used to the established caloric intake and, accordingly, stops burning what it has accumulated.

Diet according to body type

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How to choose nutrition based on your body type

Types of diets. Why don't many diets work?


Kefir diet for 7 days. Minus 10 kg. Kefir diet menu

Diet according to the type of body fat - Everything will be fine - Issue 628 - 07/02/15



THE EASIEST DIETS for weight loss - 5 TYPES


Proper NUTRITION for WEIGHT LOSS - for a day, a week, a month

Day No. 29. How fat is burned and where excess weight goes when losing weight

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Types of diets

Consequences of losing weight and dieting.

After finishing the diet, the achieved result will have to be consolidated with physical activity. You also need to monitor the caloric content, which after the diet increases by 700 kcal for women and men.

Disadvantages of low-calorie systems:

  1. Depressive state.
  2. Hunger.
  3. Weakness from lack of calories.
  4. Frequent breakdowns, stopping the diet in the middle.
  5. When returning to a normal diet, the body regains its previous weight, sometimes even with an increase of 2-3 kg.

In any case, during a low-calorie diet, the menu should include vitamins, microelements and acceptable amounts of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Low fat diets

The group of low-fat diets suggests limiting the amount of fat in the daily diet to 20% of all food.

There are no restrictions on the amount of other foods, including their calorie content, which is undoubtedly an advantage of the low-fat diet group. It is also worth mentioning that with such weight loss systems, fat is burned slowly, but the results obtained are maintained for a long time.

A low-fat diet also has a drawback: for some people, a lack of fat in the diet can cause constant fatigue and slower mental and physical activity. Known types of such power systems: Ornish, Ginzburg.

Low carbohydrate nutrition systems

Low-carbohydrate diets are one of the most popular dietary nutrition systems. During them, the old rule comes into play: sweet and fatty foods are high in calories and inevitably lead to weight gain.

Low-carbohydrate diets limit the consumption of flour, sugar and sweets, and fresh bread. In a word, all those products that contain easily digestible carbohydrates.

Complex carbohydrates - cereals, vegetables, unsweetened fruits - can be eaten.

The duration of compliance with such a system can be from 1 to 3 weeks, and the result is from minus 5 to minus 10 kg, depending on the duration. Weight loss occurs slowly, but the extra pounds do not return. It is recommended to follow a low-carbohydrate system for 5-10 days, because light carbohydrates are necessary for the activity of the body, normal thinking and the physical condition of the body.

Well-known types of low-carb diets for weight loss: Kremlin, Montignac, Atkins.


Mono-diets are a strict type of weight loss, during which you can eat 1 specific type of food.

So, for example, it could be apples, fermented milk products (kefir, cottage cheese), porridge, mainly buckwheat or rice, or all this food alternates throughout the day. The advantage of such a system is that a person independently chooses his favorite product and loses as much weight as his body can bear. Note that mono-diets are followed for no more than 7 days. During such weight loss, the body does not receive all the nutrients, which is fraught with gastritis and other gastrointestinal problems.

At the end of mono nutrition, if you do not adhere to a limited menu, the weight easily returns. Therefore, mono-diets are practiced for quick weight loss depending on the occasion and timing.

Protein weight loss systems

Protein systems are called diets for athletes. The fact is that their menu is based on animal proteins: fish, meat, eggs, cottage cheese, additional protein. It is allowed to eat small amounts of fruits and vegetables, but on the condition that the carbohydrates they contain do not exceed the amount of proteins.

Such diets are used to gain muscle mass or cut, to break down subcutaneous fat.

Protein systems are tough and even dangerous; practicing them without additional physical activity is pointless. During protein nutrition, fat is broken down, and along with it muscle mass, and it needs to be restored.

You can stick to the protein system for no more than 2 weeks. During weight loss, potassium is washed out of the body, kidney function is disrupted and cholesterol levels increase.

Weight loss systems for increasing fat

The system for losing weight on fat is one of the most absurd and strange. During such weight loss, we are offered to lose weight... on lard. Yes, yes, it is fatty foods that rule the roost in our diet, and you can eat them without restrictions, even before bed. This is meat, lard, fish, which, according to the authors of diets, are quickly digested and provide a lot of energy for full life.

But the consumption of carbohydrates and essential fiber is prohibited, and the duration of weight loss is from 5 to 7 days. The number of kilograms lost depends on the characteristics of the body.

Everything seems fine, but unlimited consumption of fatty foods leads to the following health consequences:

  1. Increased cholesterol.
  2. Imbalance of all organs in the body due to the lack of carbohydrates and fiber in the menu.
  3. Stomach dysfunction due to lack of fiber.
  4. Diarrhea or constipation.

An alternative to this type of diet is the sports keto diet, which allows you to consume about 100 grams of carbohydrates per day, nuts, a small amount of vegetables and milk. There are many types of diets for weight loss, and choosing the best one is a matter of taste and habits. The speed and quality of weight loss increases if dietary nutrition is combined with physical activity.

Whatever weight loss system you choose, the main thing is not to harm your health!

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