Dima Bilan: biography, personal life, wife, children, photo. Personal life of the "night bully": Dima Bilan and his family secrets Dmitry Bilan biography personal life wife


Dima Bilan was born on December 24, 1981 in a working-class family. The real name of the artist is Victor Belan. The boy was born in the Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Okrug. Later, his family moved to Kabardino-Balkaria.

He graduated from a music school, having learned how to masterfully play the accordion. The boy quite often participated in various music competitions, winning prizes.

In 2000-2003, Vitya studied vocals at Gnesinka. In 2003, he changed his name to the name of his beloved grandfather Dmitry.

Later, the songs of Dmitry Bilan quite often appear on music channels and fashion radio stations, steadily becoming hits. The singer participates in the New Wave and Eurovision music contests, where he takes first place the second time.

Currently, the guy is an experienced mentor for the adult and children's musical show "Voice". Also, Dmitry Bilan tries himself as an actor.

If almost every fan knows about the singer's creative life, then Dmitry Bilan's personal life remains a mystery with seven seals. This handsome and undoubtedly talented guy does not like to talk about her. Because of this kind of mystery, very conflicting rumors and speculations circulate in Russia regarding the amorous affairs of the singer.

One of these gossip is Dima Bilan's romance with Yana Rudkovskaya, who, after the death of Aizenshpis, became the guy's producer. However, neither the singer nor his charming producer refute the fact of a love relationship. Moreover, Yana has been happily married to figure skater Evgeni Plushenko for many years now. She claims that she considers Dima exclusively as a world famous brand that brings good profits.

The yellow press quite often ascribes relationships with various girls to the singer. After he began to deny a love relationship with them, Dmitry was suspected of non-traditional sexual orientation. Even his "fiance" was found, a certain Rovens Pritula, but the rumors remained rumors.

Does Dmitry Bilan have a wife? Young woman?

For quite a long period of time, it was believed that the famous model Lena Kuletskaya could well become the wife of Dmitry Bilan. This relationship continued for quite a long time, and the fact that the ring was presented at Eurovision indicated an imminent wedding. However, the miracle never happened. A little later, the couple announced that they had never had a close relationship, and everything that happened was called a public game for the sake of PR.

After parting with Kuletskaya, Dima Bilan was suspected of having an affair with another beautiful fashion model, Yulianna Krylova. The girl even starred in several videos of the singer, which amaze with their frankness. However, Dmitry Bilan himself claims that there is only strong friendship between them.

He spoke the same about possible love relationships with Natalia Samoletova, Yulia Sarkisova, Anna Moshkovich and even Mel Gibson's ex-wife Oksana Grigorieva. In the role of Dmitry Bilan's lover, even the infamous "tattoo" girl Yulia Volkova visited.

Despite the abundance of women around him, Dima quite often calls a certain Lyalya the love of his life. But she also doesn’t have a ring on her finger, like the rest of the contenders for the singer’s heart.

Recently, the singer Pelageya, who is Dmitry's colleague on the music show "Voice" on Channel One, has been called his last hobby. However, the stars only quietly laugh at these suspicions, without refuting or confirming this fact.

Whether Dmitry Bilan has a common-law wife is not known for certain, but his sister hints that his brother has a sweet girlfriend. Also, there is evidence that this girl is very far from the world of show business and the modeling industry.

Son of Dmitry Bilan photo

Oddly enough, but the son of Dima Bilan still exists. Which is true, not at all blood and born by one of his many women. This blond boy is the godson of the famous singer Sashenka. He is the son of Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko.

Dmitry Bilan adores his godson and quite often posts photos and videos with him on social networks.

The singer is not yet thinking about his own children at this time, preferring fuss with dogs to the company of children.

Dima Bilan's family: who, where and when

You can talk a lot about Dmitry's girls and make various assumptions about his personal life, but the closest people to him will always be members of his family.

Dima Bilan's family consists of parents and two sisters. The guy simply idolizes his mother and father and tries to spend time with them as often as possible. The family is filled with love, understanding and support.

Dmitry's older sister Elena has been working as a fashion designer for quite a long time and is happily married. The younger Anya lives in the States, is going to become an opera singer.

By the way, the paparazzi quite often attributed to Anna the role of either the daughter or the young wife of Dmitry Bilan. This is partly true, since the older brother had to deal with the upbringing of the little fidget.

The girl occasionally appears in her brother's video clips, sings a duet with him and even recorded a song. However, brother and sister do not see each other very often. This is due to Dmitry's busy tour schedule and the fact that his sister lives abroad.

Singer Dima Bilan (real name - Viktor Nikolaevich Belan) was born at midnight on December 24, 1981 in the village of Moscow, Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Region of the RSFSR.

The artist officially changed his name to a pseudonym in 2008. The new name was not chosen by chance. Dmitry was the name of Bilan's grandfather, whom he loved very much. From childhood, Vitya says that he would like to be called Dima.

Dima's family is a worker. Father Nikolai Mikhailovich worked as a mechanic and design engineer, and mother first worked in greenhouses, and then devoted herself to the social sphere. The singer has two sisters. The elder Elena worked as a waitress, and now a fashion designer, and the younger Anna (1994).

Dima Bilan's childhood

When Vita was only one year old, the family moved to Naberezhnye Chelny. And five years later, the Belan couple moved to the city of Maisky, Kabardino-Balkaria. Here the future singer went to school. In the fifth grade, Dima enters a music school and finishes it in the accordion class. At the same time, the boy participates in various competitions and festivals. In 1999, the young musician comes to Moscow and participates in the Chunga-Changa festival, which was dedicated to children's creativity and the 30th anniversary of the joint work of Yuri Entin and David Tukhmanov. Diploma Bilan receives personally from the hands of Joseph Kobzon.

Musical education of Dima Bilan

In 2000, Vitya Belan entered the Gnesins State Musical College. His singer graduated in 2003, having received a diploma in the specialty of a vocal performer.

After that, it was decided to continue his studies, the artist entered GITIS. There he was enrolled in the acting department immediately for the second year.

Enchanting career of Dima Bilan

In 2000, the first video of Dima Bilan got on the air of MTV Russia. Helena Kan, the first producer of the singer, shot it with her own money. It was the song "Autumn", the video for which was filmed on the shores of the Gulf of Finland.

While still a student, Dima Bilan met his future producer Yuri Aizenshpis. The latter immediately saw the talent in the Kabardian boy and began to work with him. He made his debut on the Bilan stage in 2002. He performed at the New Wave festival in Jurmala. There he presented the song "Boom" and took fourth place. And after the competition, they began to shoot a video for this composition, and then for the songs "I'm a night hooligan", "I made a mistake, I got" and "You, only you." By the way, the daughter of Igor Krutoy starred in the video “I love you so much”. It is worth noting that while working with Aizenshpis, Dmitry Bilan imitated the singer Danko.

Bilan's debut album "I am a night hooligan" was released at the end of 2003. A year later, a reissue appeared, which included four new songs ("Heartless", "Stop the Music", "Last Time", "Dark Night"). The studio album "On the Shore of the Sky" was released in 2004. At the same time, the singer began to record the first English-language disc. Diane and Shaun Escoffery helped him in this. In 2005, an official collection of clips called "You, Only You" was released. In a fruitful year, the single "New Year from a New Line" was also released. It contained three tracks: New Year with a new line and its remix, as well as Between the sky and heaven.

Life without Yuri Aizenshpis

On September 20, 2005, Yuri Aizenshpis died. And immediately after the death of the producer, Dima was nominated for the World Music Awards as the best Russian artist. After the departure of Aizenshpis, Bilan was offered by many to sign contracts. In 2006, the contract with the Aizenshpis company, which was led by his wife Elena Kovrigina, was terminated. The company demanded that Bilan change his pseudonym, since it did not belong to him. However, Yana Rudkovskaya was already at the head of the team. Therefore, Bilan's conflict was resolved and in 2008 the pseudonym became the official name of the singer.

Two Golden Gramophone awards immediately ended up in Dima Bilan's pocket in 2005. He received the award in St. Petersburg and Alma-Ata for the song "You must be near." And on the project "New songs about the main thing" the artist got the prize of the First Channel from a professional jury.

In 2006, Dima Bilan participated in the "Golden Barrel" and also in Kyiv in the "International Music Awards". There he became "Singer of the Year". And just there the song "Never Let You Go" was first performed.

The year 2007 was very eventful for the performer. Dima took three awards at once at the Muz-TV ceremony: “Best Composition”, “Best Album” and “Best Performer of the Year”. In the summer, he came as an honored guest to the New Wave and became a jury member of the STS Lights a Star project. And in the fall, three nominations were in the hands of the singer at the MTV Russia Music Awards. Bilan received nesting dolls for "Best Composition" (Impossible-Maybe), "Best Performer" and "Artist of the Year".

In addition, at the RMA MTV ceremony, the singer performed the song along with Sebastian (Timbaland's brother). The latter flew to Moscow specifically for this. By the way, according to the results of 2007, VTsIOM provided data that "Favorite Citizen of Russia" in the "Singer of the Year" rating was none other than Dima Bilan. In the same year, the artist entered the top three most expensive and popular Russians, according to Forbes.

“I am proud to be the Sochi 2014 Ambassador. I appeal to all my fans - guys, get on your skis, get involved in the Sochi 2014 mega-project. We know how to surprise the world. Eurovision in Moscow proved it once again. We are heading for Sochi!” - then said the artist.

In 2009, Dima Bilan released the international album "Believe".

Bilan's victory at Eurovision

In 2005, Dima Bilan decided to try his hand at the Eurovision Song Contest for the first time. However, according to the results of the audience voting, he took only second place with the song "Not that simple". Natalia Podolskaya and her "Nobody hurt no one" won. Dima repeated the attempt in 2006. And he was chosen by Channel One as a representative from Russia.

Among the 37 participating countries, Bilan took second place with the song "Never Let You Go". Such a high position was occupied only once by the singer Alsou in 2000. In Dima Bilan's room, European viewers were not even captivated by originality. Two ballerinas took part there, one of which crawls out of a piano strewn with rose petals.

Dima Bilan - Never Let You Go (Russia) 2006

In 2008, Vitya Belan again goes to Eurovision. With the song Believe, the artist was allowed to represent the country at a prestigious competition. At the same time, among Dima's competitors were such stars as Sergey Lazarev, Zhenya Otradnaya and Alexander Panayotov.

The singer took the stage at the final of the competition along with Hungarian violinist Edwin Marton and Russian figure skater Evgeny Plushenko. Everyone without exception liked the song and performance, Bilan took first place and became the first singer from Russia to win the Eurovision Song Contest. After that, in the native village of the performer, the music school was named after him.

Dima Bilan's personal life

Dima Bilan has always been a favorite of women and one of the most enviable suitors in Russia. The personal life of a celebrity does not allow almost anyone to live in peace

Name: Dima Bilan

Age: 36 years

Place of Birth: Ust-Dzhegut, Karachay-Cherkessia

Height: 182 cm

Weight: 75 kg

Activity: Russian singer

Family status: not married

Dima Bilan - biography

You can go and go to your goal for years, as a result of getting momentary fame, and then - into history. And our hero is like a chosen one. Whether it's talent or luck, the fact remains: Dima Bilan pleases us more and more.

Dima Bilan - Little Kabardian

The future singer was born exactly at midnight on December 24 in the town of Ust-Dzheguta, in Karachay-Cherkessia. My father worked as a mechanic and design engineer, my mother worked in greenhouses and social services. Their daughter Lena grew up, and then the long-awaited son appeared - he was named Victor. Soon the family moved to Kabardino-Balkaria. There Vitya went to school, and at the age of 11 he began to study music. Parents did not attach much importance to the emerging talent and did not immediately send their son to a music school. But literally from the very beginning of classes, success hit him!

The first success of Dima Bilan

He participated in all local competitions and festivals, and if he did not win, then he was different and remembered. After graduating from the music school in the accordion class, Victor went to Moscow. There, in 1999, at the festival of children's creativity "Chunga-Changa" at the beginning of his creative biography, the first success happened: Vitya Belan received a diploma from the hands of Joseph Kobzon himself! The boy was not going to stop there, so he stayed in the capital and entered the Gnessin School. Three years of study - and here it is, the long-awaited crust in the specialty "vocal performer"!

In the third year of Gnesinka, Vitya met his future producer Yuri Aizenshpis. Yuri saw a star in the guy and decided to check what happens if you take him seriously. He ordered Vita to take a pseudonym - they decided to call the project "Dima Bilan". Dmitry is the name of Vita's grandfather, the boy liked it all his life. Under it, he began to perform. To begin with, he took 4th place at the New Wave contest in 2002, and then, as if from under a factory machine, songs, clips, projects began to appear ...

Popularity in the biography of Dima Bilan grew exponentially. In the fall of 2005, he was nominated for an MTV award as the best Russian performer. And then, at the very peak of the glory of his ward, Yuri Aizenshpis died. Dima received an award, and later another and another, but the producer was no longer next to him.

The contract with the company owned by Aizenshpis was terminated and they demanded not to act under this name. The country of that and look could be left without Dima Bilan, whom everyone loved so much. But then it appeared. Taking Bilan under her wing, she helped solve the problem with the name. In order not to change the promoted brand "Dima Bilan", she advised me to register this name in the registry office as a real one, according to my passport. Now the singer could easily perform under him further - both in Russia and, according to the idea of ​​the new producer Yana Rudkovskaya, abroad.

Dima Bilan is the first at Eurovision

In 2006, Dima Bilan went to conquer Eurovision. His famous number for the song Never let you go was not remembered except by babies. Then, at Eurovision 2006 in Athens, Bilan performed his trademark jump from the piano, which later became his hallmark. But the victory was still not given: the Europeans liked the Finnish band Lordi more. As a result - the second place. But Dima is not one of those who give up easily! After waiting another year, he again goes to the most prestigious song contest in Europe.

At that time, the popularity of figure skating was growing with might and main. After the success of Russian athletes at the Olympics in Turin, a real boom began in our country! The creative Rudkovskaya played on this. For her performance at Eurovision 2008, she decided to attract the brightest among the skaters -. A win-win option, because the Olympic champion was well known and loved in Europe. And as a musical addition, Yana invited the Hungarian violinist Edwin Marton. Such a company and decided to conquer capricious Europe. No one this time could stand in the way of a glorious team! Bilan was recognized as the winner, putting the Ukrainian Ani Lorak a step lower.

Biography of Dima Bilan's personal life: I'm getting married, oh, I'm getting married!

Europe has been taken. The coveted microphone flaunted in Dima's hands, he literally became a national hero, because none of the domestic performers had won this competition before him! The ladies staged a real hunt for the enviable groom. But Dima promised reporters that he would marry his girlfriend. According to rumors, his chosen one, model Lena Kuletskaya, has been waiting for a marriage proposal for a long time, and it was promised to her if she won Eurovision. But time passed, and the proposals never came.

Their common path ran into different paths, more and more often at secular parties Lena was noticed in the company of other men. Soon Dima and Lena announced their breakup. And then it turned out that the novel was not real: the couple only portrayed the relationship and everything that happened was nothing more than a PR move. After that, Dima began to carefully hide his personal life. This did not stop the journalists: they wrote with might and main about his wedding and even put photos of the couple in the dress of the bride and groom. It turned out that it was a duck again: in this form, the pseudo-wife Yulia Sarkisova starred in Bilan's video "Clock". In fact, she has a billionaire husband and children.

There are a lot of beauties spinning nearby who work with him, star in his videos, and with almost every one of them, Dima is credited with an affair. And he even allegedly has a wife - Anna Moshkovich. But he brushes it off and insists that his heart is free. It seems that he likes the role of the favorite of women.

The sensational confession of the sister of a popular singer

The sensational confession of the sister of a popular singer

One of the mentors of the popular TV show "Voice" Dima BILAN recently found himself in the center of a very ugly scandal. It all started with his concert in Nizhny Novgorod, during which he complained to the public that he was not feeling well and could not sing. This seemingly insignificant incident, which had no consequences, suddenly alarmed his show business colleague Timur YUNUSOV, better known as TIMATI or Mr. Blackstar.

Yanochka, aren't you ashamed of your artist yourself? - the rapper wrote on Instagram, referring to the producer Bilan Yana Rudkovskaya(author's spelling and punctuation preserved). - The fact that he is "rear-wheel drive" is not so bad (and, in principle, his own business in general), but the fact that he does not hesitate to go on stage, sniffed in the trash to a young audience at evening concerts, where there are a lot of children in the hall, in my opinion, disgusting!!! If suddenly there is a problem with money, I can help to identify Dima in any, the best rehabilitation center in the country.

Bilan and Rudkovskaya were terribly offended, in response they accused Timati in envy of Dima's successes and threatened with court. Although Bilan's sexual orientation and his addiction to intoxicating drugs have previously been publicly expressed by many, starting with his former sponsor Viktor Baturin and ending with a shocking showman Nikita Dzhigurda. So, the organizer of the tour from Khabarovsk Anna Pavlova a few years ago she told us about exactly the same problems at Dima's concert as in Nizhny Novgorod, and also urged Rudkovskaya to take care of the health of her ward (No. 49, 2009). One thing surprised in the current story: why did Timati get involved in these showdowns?

I remember Bilan very young, when the now deceased producer Yura Aizenshpis at the beginning of the 2000s, he brought it to Anapa, - said the leader of the Bad Balance group Vlad Valov (Cheff). - He performed in the evening on the big stage. And we had a nighttime rap scene right on the coast. And Dima at night through the balcony made his way to us to hang out and sing. It wasn't drug related. I can't say that he was stoned.

Nevertheless, he hid his nightly adventures from Aizenshpis. In the morning I said to Yura: “It turns out that your boyfriend sings great.” And almost gave it away. "Where did he sing?" - Aizenshpis tensed. I had to lie that I heard Dima at the evening concert.

And Timati and I once lived next door. He was just a party animal. I brought him up with Declom, which we then promoted. But then he himself advised him to drive him away: Tim offered Decl too many drugs. I always told the guys: "Don't get carried away with this rubbish!" Working a whole concert under drugs is very hard. In addition, in our provincial cities they often sell low-quality ones. To be in shape, you need sports, jogging and moderation in everything - especially in the use of various dope.

Inna ANDREEVA from Anapa... Photo: Instagram.com

Big Requests

It is clear that Timati was trying to attract attention due to this scandal, - the former assistant of Yuri Aizenshpis agreed Alexey Kasatkin, who promoted Bilan and other artists with him. - But why did Dima answer him? It turns out that Bilan also needs this scandal ... Can't PR people come up with something more interesting?! Well, at least they stopped writing who has what kind of girls. And then it seemed that in show business everyone had already slept with each other. Although it was clear to everyone in the material that in fact no one had slept with anyone.

And Timati, by the way, has repeatedly spoken out sharply against Bilan. Even before the "Star Factory" he starred in Dima's video "Night Hooligan". But they didn't even know each other then. Tim was recommended for filming by a modeling agency, through which we recruited extras. And then there was no special friendship. And after the conflict in 2008 due to Nelly Furtado... Then I also quarreled with Rudkovskaya. She promised an exclusive for Dima's duet with Furtado and the MTV channel, where I worked at that time, and our competitors from Muz-TV. She sent some song recorded by Dima. “You sent what Furtado wrote down,” I asked. “Oh, you know, there are copyrights,” Yana shivered. “I can’t distribute it yet.” And as far as I know, there was no duet. They just didn't agree on the money. Furtado asked too much. And Timati then managed to hang out with a foreign star right at the concert and almost went out to perform with her. Yana tore and threw. As a result, at her request, the organizers did not let Timati on stage and, with the help of security, kicked him out of the concert venue.

Best Girl

Former director of t.A.T.u., Smash!! And Kirkorova Leonid Dzyunik Reminds me of another episode:

When in 2012 Dima recorded with the ex-tattoo for the selection for Eurovision Yulia Volkova song "Bitch Love", Rudkovskaya joyfully repeated that their duet would plug Timati into the belt. And he participated in the same selection paired with an opera singer from Kazan Aida Garifullina, which, according to rumors, was promoted by wealthy sponsors. “Why are you so worried about Timati and this girl? I asked. - Are they serious competitors to Dima and Yulia? And Yana then told me that initially Aida agreed to sing a duet with Dima, and then somehow it turned out that Timati suddenly began to work with her. After all that I heard, I suggested that Timati's hostile relations developed not so much with Bilan as with Rudkovskaya, whom the enterprising rapper prevented from carrying out her business projects. But it was not possible to discuss this version with her, although we have been communicating very pleasantly for many years. - I no longer comment on this story, - said Yana Alexandrovna, without listening to the question. - I already wrote everything on Instagram. I don’t want to be like Timati and discuss his “driveability”. He acted very rudely. It will remain on his conscience. I don't follow Dima's personal life. I know he has a girlfriend. True, what her name is and what she does, I do not know. Dima hasn't introduced us yet. Honestly, I'm not up to his girls now. I'm busy preparing the show Evgenia Plushenko"Snow King" and Dima's solo concert in Moscow.

Bilan's fans turned out to be more knowledgeable. They reported that Dima's conspiratorial girl's name is Inna Andreeva, and advised to ask the sister of the singer - clothing designer about her Alena Belan(by husband - Zimina). Like, they are close friends.

Brother and Inna do not advertise the relationship, because Andreeva is not from show business, Alena noted. “There was a rumor about her for a while. And immediately they began to write nasty things on the social network, insulting in every possible way. You know, it's not very pleasant. Inna and I have been in contact for over 10 years. She is from Anapa. I met Dima when he was there on tour with Aizenshpis. (It turns out that then he had fun not only with rappers at night. - M.F. ) Then she came to visit him in Moscow. This is where I was introduced to her.

Of course, their relationship with Dima is strange. They diverged and converged a hundred times. The first time Inna came with a friend. Lived for two months. Then she quarreled with my brother because of a friend and returned to her place in Anapa. For a year and a half or two they did not communicate. Then I had a wedding. I invited Inna, and their communication resumed again. In Anapa, Inna worked as a therapeutic gymnastics instructor. Now she is studying to be a makeup artist. From time to time he goes on tour with Dima. It's hard, of course. When Dima works, he gets very nervous, and everyone gets away from him. Therefore, Inna prefers to stay in Moscow. Seeing off and meeting Dima from the tour, cooking for him, washing and ironing, cleaning the house. Recently, she traveled with him only to Nizhnevartovsk and the Black Sea coast. Unfortunately, she was not with him in Nizhny Novgorod. And that Rudkovskaya allegedly does not know Inna ... You see, Rudkovskaya does not like Inna, because she is not a celebrity. Yana believes that Dima needs some kind of model or actress. And, in my opinion, a girl who will wait for him at home is better for a man than going to parties with him. Probably, I will get it from Dima that I blabbed all this to you. But already tired of reading all sorts of nonsense about him!

When the number was made

On the evening of November 13, Timati and Bilan unexpectedly announced on social networks that they no longer had claims against each other. What led them to reconciliation, they refused to explain.

The publishers of modern glossy publications and the "yellow press" are happy to tell readers about the details of the personal life of pop singers and actors. Dima Bilan and his wife became one of the most talked about people after the news of their wedding.

Those who follow the life of a popular artist were very happy with the changes that took place on his personal front, but, unfortunately, Bilan's wife turned out to be not real.

When fans saw bright headlines in newspapers and magazines, they wanted to know who Dima Bilan's wife was, how long they had known each other, where they got married.

But it turned out that Yulia Sarkisova, whom the singer invited to shoot his own video "Clock", is his wife. Dima Bilan appeared in photographs hugging this girl. In the photo they were in wedding attire. This gave his fans a reason for their own speculation.

But it seems that this has become another PR campaign from Dima and his producer. It turns out that the wedding was not real, but staged. Yana Rudkovskaya invited her friend, socialite Yulia Sarkisova, to shoot the video. According to the plot of the clip, they are playing a wedding with Dima. Photos from the shooting and were printed in newspapers and magazines.

Julia Sarkisova is a very beautiful woman. She looks good next to Dima, but in no way can she be his wife, since she is already officially married. It is known that her husband is billionaire businessman Nikolai Sarkisov. Very little is known about a woman's life before marriage. The journalists managed to find out that she was a model, but after she married a rich man, she left the modeling business.

Julia gave birth to her husband three children. Currently, she is engaged in their education, and also follows fashion, attends shows, goes to social events and lives for her own pleasure. She has long-standing friendly relations with Yana Rudkovskaya. It was Yana who invited her to appear in the video of her ward. Information appeared in the press that Nikolai Sarkisov pays for the shooting of the video. At the same time, his main condition was the participation of his wife in the filming.

It seems that Yana Rudkovskaya decided to stir up public interest in Bilan's work. That is why she made sure that his photo with a beautiful model in a wedding dress appeared on the web and on the pages of fashion magazines.

In addition, Dima has already managed to attend several social events with Yulia. Seeing them together, many fans thought that this beautiful woman was the singer's lover, but this turned out to be just a provocation on their part.

Dima Bilan is the only Russian performer who managed to win the prestigious Eurovision Song Contest. He owes this success, among other things, to his producer. It was Yana Rudkovskaya who invited the famous violinist to perform in tandem with Dima.

Dima Bilan has already surprised fans with his behavior. Very little is known about his relationship with girls. However, some of them were more like PR.

Before performing at Eurovision, Dima promised his fans that he would certainly marry his fiancee Lena Kuletskaya if he won the contest. Then he won Eurovision, but he did not keep his word. After that, he met Lena for some time, and then they broke up.

Elena Kuletskaya is a famous model. It was with her that Bilan had the longest relationship. They appeared together in public, and their romance also began with the filming of the video. Unfortunately, the couple broke up.

After the affair with Kuletskaya, Bilan did not tell anything about his personal life for a long time and no one knew whether his heart was free or busy.

Currently, nothing is heard about his relationship with the opposite sex. The long absence of novels allowed journalists to even suspect him of non-traditional sexual orientation. Many facts speak in favor of this version, however, Dima himself refutes this information.

After the story of the fake marriage of the singer to Yulia Sarkisova, his producer Yana Rudkovskaya expressed the hope that in the near future they would have to take a walk at a real wedding. Naturally, she meant her ward, since Julia is already happy with her husband.

Sarkisova is the owner of a fashion brand and regularly appears in public with her husband and children.

It is known that Julia has done several plastic surgeries. Despite the natural beauty, the girl strives to improve her appearance. After all the births, she began to experience embarrassment, exposing her kneecaps. To correct the defect, she turned to one of the capital's surgeons, but the operation was not entirely successful. Yulia is now suing the clinic she once turned to for help.

Dima Bilan in his interviews speaks very warmly about his partner in the clip. It turns out that Julia is not the first time taking part in the filming. It's just that earlier her roles were not so bright. The singer assures that Sarkisov's wife is the ideal of beauty for him and he would be happy to see such a girl next to him. His fans note that she looks a bit like his former passion - Lena Kuletskaya.

Dima Bilan's wife tried herself as a designer and even demonstrated clothes of her own production in Courchevel. Unfortunately, the collection was not to the liking of fashionistas. Critics felt that it lacked the main idea and character.

One of the brightest stars of domestic show business is Dima Bilan. The singer's wife is socialite Yulia Sarkisova, but their wedding turned out to be staged. Julia and Dima played this performance for the sake of filming a new video of the famous artist.

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