The director of the Ural dumplings was found dead. Director of "Ural dumplings" Alexey Lyutikov: creative path, causes of death


Pathologists have established the cause of death of the 42-year-old director of the Ural dumplings. It turned out that he died of cardiac arrest and suffered from dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). In recent years, Lyutikov was diagnosed with a type of myocardial disease characterized by distension of the heart cavity, and then he developed progressive heart failure and heart rhythm disturbance.

The result was thromboembolism (acute blockage of a blood vessel by a blood clot), which ultimately led to death.

The body of the director of the "Ural dumplings" the day before, on August 10, was discovered by a maid in the room of the Angelo hotel. It is known that the man lived in the hotel since August 2 and practically did not leave the room, he had a “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door. Bottles of alcohol and various medicines were found at the scene. The official representative for the Sverdlovsk region Alexander reported "URA.Ru" that the initial task of forensic scientists was to find out whether the death had a criminal character. “The final results of histological examinations, on the basis of which it will be possible to put an end to the pre-investigation check, will be only in 1.5 months. Polls are ongoing," Shulga added.

Lyutikov's death has become an occasion for discussion on social networks. “Alexey went through a difficult but interesting life path. He was both a successful captain of the KVN team, and a top manager of large productions, and a talented leader in the television industry. message, published in the official Pelmeni public on VKontakte, Alexey did a lot for the Ural Pelmeni project.

He put all his skills and accumulated experience into the show, brought it to a new level, and thanks to his efforts, the project had the opportunity to develop freely and independently, got a second wind, a second life.”

As noted in the statement, huge emotional stress, flights, various problems and disputes, as in any business, and an almost round-the-clock work schedule - all this could not but affect Alexei's health. The post ends with words of condolences: “A talented person, a good friend, a loving and beloved father and husband, has passed away. The Ural dumplings team expresses its sincere condolences to the family and close relatives of Alexei Lyutikov. Alexey, we will always remember you and continue all your undertakings!

It is known from open sources that Lyutikov graduated from the Kursk Pedagogical Institute with a degree in social psychology. In the early 90s, he became the captain of the Service Entrance KVN team, in which he reached the semifinals of the game. In 2006-2011, Lyutikov also held one of the leading positions in the Comedy Club Production, and since 2013 he has been the director of his own production at Novy Kanal.

According to the Kartoteka.Ru database, Lyutikov was the general director of Ural Pelmeni Production LLC (registered as a micro-enterprise), a similar position is indicated on the Pelmeni official website. The founders of the company are, in fact, the whole team - Maxim Yaritsa and other stars with the exception of Sergei Netievsky. At the same time, there is another LLC "Creative Association" Ural Pelmeni ", the founders of which are also the entire creative team. Now, litigation is underway against this company - the fact is that Netievsky was previously its director, but subsequently the meeting of the founders deprived him of this position, and he headed the company.

Now Netievsky is protesting this decision, in July his claim was satisfied by the court.

The aggravation of relations in the "Ural dumplings" was allegedly due to Lyutikov: according to the Ural media, he allegedly found some documents confirming the big difference in the fees of the team members. One of Netievsky's friends, who was dismissed from the leadership with a scandal, said that the conflict with Lyutikov was largely the reason for his departure. In addition, after the departure of Netievsky, Lyutikov stated that he appropriated the exclusive rights to the verbal trademark “Ural dumplings”. According to the deceased ex-director of Pelmeni, the brand should belong to all members of the team. The court session in this case with the participation of Lyutikov was to be held in October 2016.

Former kaveenshchik, director of the "Ural dumplings" Alexei Lyutikov was found dead today in the Angelo hotel in Yekaterinburg. As a source told Life, the director of the "Ural dumplings" drove into the room on August 2 and since then he has practically not left the hotel building. At the same time, dozens of bottles of alcohol were found in the room.

According to Life's source, no traces of violent death were found on the man's body. At the same time, the investigation will check all possible versions of Lyutikov's death. Including those that may be associated with the results of a protracted neurosis. The fact is that for almost half a year the man was a plaintiff in a lawsuit for the right to use the Ural dumplings trademark.

The activities of the popular talk show are managed by two companies: Ural Pelmeni Production and the Ural Pelmeni Creative Association. The actors of the show are co-owners in both companies - Andrey Rozhkov, Dmitry Sokolov, Sergey Isaev, Dmitry Brekotkin, Vyacheslav Myasnikov, Maxim Yaritsa and others Lyutikov worked as the general director of the company "Ural dumplings production." Until the fall of 2015, the "Creative Association" was led by Sergei Netievsky, also a former "dumpling".

Netievsky was removed from his post in 2015 as a result of a meeting of participants (according to the founding documents, all members of the team who own a stake in the company to one degree or another have the right to vote). At the same time, Netievsky continued to perform in numbers as an artist. Officially, Lyutikov then stated that the removal of Netievsky was a simple managerial move in order to increase the efficiency of the show.

Netievsky, however, did not give up and in June 2016 challenged his own dismissal in court. The court invalidated the protocol of the meeting, as a result of which Netievsky was removed. As a result, Netievsky was reinstated as director.

"Dumplings" were sued not only for positions, but also for trademarks. In March 2016, Lyutikov, together with the actors, filed a lawsuit in the capital's arbitration against Netievsky's company Fest Hand Media. At one time, "pelmeni" entered into an agreement with her on granting exclusive rights to the trademark "Ural dumplings". However, in their lawsuit, the actors and Lyutikov asked that the contract be declared invalid.

Lyutikov, after Netievsky left, stated that he had appropriated the exclusive rights to the verbal trademark "Ural dumplings": the brand, he pointed out, should belong to the team.

In July, the parties almost reconciled. Netievsky's lawyer said that his client was ready to agree to a settlement agreement. However, the final decision was not made: Lyutikov's lawyer said that he should consult with the client. As a result, the court adjourned the case until October 2016. At the meeting in the fall, Lyutikov's opinion as a plaintiff regarding the settlement agreement was to be presented.

YEKATERINBURG, August 10. /TASS/. The director of the "Ural dumplings" Alexey Lyutikov was found dead in the Angelo hotel in Yekaterinburg. This was reported to a TASS correspondent on Wednesday at the hotel and the police.

"Citizen Lyutikov was found dead in his room," the source said.

This information was confirmed to a TASS correspondent by the head of the press service of the Sverdlovsk police, Valery Gorelykh.

"Lyutikov's body was found in one of the hotel rooms. An operational-investigative group of the territorial police department and the regional department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation is working at the scene. Criminal signs of Lyutikov's death have not yet been found. The exact cause of death will be known after a forensic medical examination," Gorelykh said. .

Criminal detectives have already established that Lyutikov has been living at the hotel since August 2. "The police also interviewed the man's widow, who said that her husband complained of pain in the heart. There are indirect signs that the room was not without alcohol," the police spokesman said, adding that a procedural decision would be made based on the results of the inspection that had begun.

SC started checking

In turn, Alexander Shulga, senior assistant to the head of the investigative department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk region, said that the investigation department for the Oktyabrsky district of Yekaterinburg had begun an investigation in connection with the death of the director of the Ural dumplings, Alexei Lyutikov, in one of the rooms of the Angelo hotel.

"A pre-investigation check has been launched on the fact of Lyutikov's death. So far, no criminal traces have been found on the body of the deceased man. In the near future, investigators will begin interviewing eyewitnesses, a forensic medical examination has been scheduled to establish the exact cause of death," Shulga said.

Lyutikov in 1993 became the captain of the KVN team "Service Entrance", in which he reached the semi-finals in the 1997 season of the Major League of KVN. From 2006 to 2011 - development director, member of the board of directors, personal adviser to the general producer of Comedy Club Production. Since 2013, he has been director of his own production at Novy Kanal.

"Ural dumplings" is a creative association from Yekaterinburg, which was founded in 1993 as a KVN team. Since 2009, "Ural dumplings" have been presenting a humorous show of the same name on the STS channel.

On the eve of the general director of the show "Ural dumplings" Alexei Lyutikov was found dead in a hotel room in Yekaterinburg. The news shocked the entire team of the project. The man lived in the hotel from the second of August. Lyutikov's body was discovered by a maid. For a long time, none of the Ural dumplings commented on this tragic news, and the publications only quoted the hotel worker who found the corpse. The investigation is currently investigating the death.

Forensic experts managed to find out the cause of Lyutikov's death. According to some information, the man died due to dilated cardiomyopathy, the version of violent death is excluded. For a long time he suffered from a myocardial disease that caused the cavities of the heart to expand. Also, Alexei developed heart failure and heart rhythm disturbance, which caused thromboembolism, which led to the death of the former KVN participant.

Representatives of the Sverdlovsk police found a huge number of empty bottles of alcohol next to the body of Lyutikov. The general director of "Ural dumplings" did not leave the room for more than a week, and a sign "Do not disturb" hung on the door.

In addition, drugs to reduce pressure were found in Lyutikov's room. The investigation is checking all the drugs found in the hotel room.

As it became known, it was alcohol that caused an exacerbation of heart problems. In the last minutes of his life, according to, the man was next to the table, on which there was a glass cup. Due to cardiomyopathy, he lost consciousness and fell on the table, injuring himself on the glass. It was these wounds that initially suggested that the man died as a result of a violent death.

In the official group of the show "Ural dumplings" on the social network, a post appeared today in which the team honored the memory of Alexei. Fans of the KVN team leave their condolences to the relatives of the deceased Lyutikov.

“We regret to inform you that the General Director of the company producing the Ural Pelmeni show, Alexei Lyutikov, has passed away. Alexey went through a difficult but interesting life path. He was both a successful captain of the KVN team, and a top manager of large productions, and a talented leader in the television industry. Alexey did a lot for the Ural Pelmeni project. He put all his skills and accumulated experience into the show, brought it to a new level, and, thanks to his efforts, the project had the opportunity to develop freely and independently, got a second wind, a second life…”, the message says.

Recently, Alexei had problems with the previous director of the Ural dumplings. According to Lyutikov, Sergei Netievsky earned much more than artists. Alexey himself was responsible for the activities of the team in Moscow. Reportedly, Netievsky sued and won the case. According to some reports, the ex-captain of KVN was even prosecuted for debts.

Lyutikov is survived by his wife and two children. According to the wife of the former KVN participant, he really suffered from heart problems. The Ural dumplings team also notes that the busy schedule of life undermined the director's health and caused his sudden death.

General Director of the show "Ural dumplings" Alexey Lyutikov. He was found dead in a hotel in Yekaterinburg. The press service of "dumplings" reported that Lyutikov had health problems.

Huge emotional stress, flights, various problems and disputes, as in any business, and an almost round-the-clock work schedule - all this could not but affect Alexei's health, the message says.

StarHit, citing forensic experts, reported that Lyutikov died due to dilated cardiomyopathy, a myocardial disease that caused stretching of the heart cavities. Alexei also developed heart failure and heart rhythm disturbances.

Representatives of the Sverdlovsk police found a lot of empty bottles of alcohol next to the body of Lyutikov. The general director of "Ural dumplings" did not leave the room for more than a week, and there was a sign "Do not disturb" on the door.

Lyutikov, like most comedians, began his career in KVN. In the early 90s, he became the captain of the KVN team "Service Entrance", in which he reached the semifinals of the game. In 2006-2011, Lyutikov was one of the leaders of Comedy Club Production.

He became the director of the Ural dumplings in 2015 after the scandalous dismissal of Sergei Natievsky, writes Vector News. Allegedly, "Ural dumplings" brought in much more money than the team members thought, and Natievsky hid this. However, after the arrival of Lyutikov, disagreements continued in the team, which mainly concerned the fees of the participants in the show.

Lyutikov greatly stirred up the water, - a friend of Sergei Netievsky, who wished to remain anonymous, explained to KP. Alexei was the catalyst for what happened. Dumplings have been together for a million years. And over the years, the team always accumulates a lot of old grievances. For me personally, it was not surprising that the director of the team Netievsky earned a little more than other participants. Lyutikov competently sharpened the already sharp corners. He pointed to the difference in fees. Found some documents.

However, the band's statement says that Lyutikov has done a lot for the Ural Pelmeni project.

He put all his skills and accumulated experience into the show, brought it to a new level, and thanks to his efforts, the project had the opportunity to develop freely and independently, got a second wind, a second life, the message says.

Natievsky is currently challenging his dismissal in court. In addition, Lyutikov, after Netievsky left, stated that he had appropriated the exclusive rights to the verbal trademark "Ural dumplings". And the brand should belong to all members of the team. The court session with the participation of Lyutikov was to be held in October 2016.

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