Disk for learning to work on the computer. How to learn to work on a computer for pensioners? Benefits of PC Skills for the Elderly



Can an ordinary person master a computer in two hours? Most likely the majority will answer this question in the negative. I am of a different opinion. If children begin to play with the computer as soon as they learn to walk, then why do many middle-aged and older people find it difficult to master this complex household tool? I believe that the reason for this is the lack of a professional approach to the computer training system.

Ordinary people from the post-Soviet powers, whose knowledge base was laid back in Soviet times, are simply used to thinking in other categories. A different terminology is embedded in their consciousness, they are used to thinking by other criteria (more precisely, by other patterns). And what happens when they pick up any book on computers? The first thing they encounter is obscure terms that mean even less understandable categories. Interface, modem, processor, controller, etc. - all this scares and discourages any desire to take up the development of a computer. And sometimes these terms even have an ambiguous meaning (for example, the word "processor" as such, and the same word in the phrase "word processor" already have a different meaning). Are children really mastering the computer with the help of these boring technical books and memorizing these incomprehensible terms? Yes, of course not. For them, a computer is a toy with which you need to play according to certain rules (the word algorithm is not yet clear for many of them).

To begin with, I needed to teach my father, who is 87 years old, how to play chess with a computer on his own. To do this, I wrote the instructions that formed the basis of this article. In addition, I have a friend who is afraid of the computer like fire, and any offer to use the computer triggers a defensive reaction in him, and he immediately declares “But I don’t need this.” Therefore, I decided to post on the site the instructions that I wrote for my 87-year-old father, and according to which he could easily use my computer.

The purpose of this article is to help middle-aged and older people, and perhaps even children, master this incomprehensible thing - a computer in a few hours. I say again, if you have reached my site, then you do not need this article. But on the other hand, your younger brother, father or friend may need it, for whose training you naturally do not have time.

To learn how to use a computer (as they say now, to master a computer at the level of a novice user), you need to learn how to do four things:

1. Turn on the computer.

2. Run the program you need (it's best to start with some simple game). In most cases, application programs installed on your computer are indicated by a small image (icon or icon) that is reflected (highlighted, you can call it whatever you like) on the computer desktop (you will find the concept of this term a little lower, but for now do not get hung up) .

3. Turn off the program you are running. This operation is called - "close the program".

4. Turn off the computer.

First, let's look at a few concepts. Apparently, I can’t do without theory either, probably, that’s how we, people of the older generation, are arranged. But I assure you, the theory will not take more than five minutes and may help some to master the computer faster. What is a computer? This is such a thing, which usually consists of a small box (it is called a system unit) and a screen (it is called a monitor). It happens that both the system unit and the monitor are combined with each other. Then such a computer, depending on the size, can be called a laptop, netbook, tablet, smartphone, communicator, or something else. The image that appears on the monitor screen after turning on the computer and after the completion of all transient processes is called the desktop (see Fig. 1). everything that is shown in Fig. 1 is the desktop. Of course, desktop images may differ for each computer.

Elements of Fig. 1, which are necessary for the first lesson: 1 - pictograms (icons) of programs; 2 - Solitaire game icon; 3 - start button.

Any computer can only work with programs. Roughly speaking, programs are the rules by which a computer operates. If there are no rules, the computer will not work. Programs, in general, can be divided into two types. The first type is the operating system - this is the main program that is "invested" in the computer so that it can work. The task of the operating system is to control all other programs. The second type is application programs (roughly they can be called auxiliary), with the help of these programs specific tasks are performed on the computer (watching movies, photos, listening to music, playing various games, etc.). Well, perhaps that's all, the theory is over for today. Let's move on to practice.

In order to use your computer, you must first turn it on. To do this, on any computer, as well as on any household appliance or in any electronic toy, there is a special power button. Usually this button is located on the system unit. For your particular computer, you can find the location of this button in its operating instructions (description), or ask a more experienced friend, but be sure to remember where it is located, otherwise you will not be able to turn your computer back on.

After you turn on your computer, a cursor will appear on its screen (usually it is a small slanted arrow, but there may be something else - a cross or a vertical line of risk). Owners of tablets or smartphones do not have a cursor; your finger or stylus (a special plastic stick) performs its task. The cursor is controlled using the so-called mouse, the movement of which on a flat surface leads to the movement of the cursor on the desktop. The program you need is launched by hovering the cursor over the icon of this program and double-clicking (clicking or clicking) the left mouse button (LMB) while holding the cursor on the icon of the program you have selected. The image that appears on the monitor after the completion of transients when starting the program is called the program window. In our case, I launched the Solitaire game using its corresponding icon (see 2 Fig. 1), selecting it from a variety of other icons (see 1 Fig. 1) and got the Solitaire program window Fig. 2. How to work with a particular program is another question, and perhaps in my other tutorials for beginners, I will try to describe this process for the most popular programs. In order to launch the program, owners of tablets (smartphones, etc.) need to touch the stylus (or finger) to the icon of the required program.

So, in the screenshot of Fig. 2 (by the way, the screenshot is taken using a special program designed specifically for this purpose), the popular solitaire game is presented, which you can learn to play by consulting with a computer user of any level, at least with a neighbor boy. Why do I recommend starting with a computer game? Yes, because it will not be so tiring, you will quickly learn how to control the mouse and be able to master the first basics of the process of communicating with a computer.

To turn off the computer, just move the cursor over the Start button on the desktop and click the left mouse button once while holding the cursor on this button. The "Start" button is a small drawing in the lower left corner, (see 3 Fig. 1), it can be in the shape of a circle, like mine, or a rectangle. It depends on the operating system that is on your computer. After you press the start button (left-click with the cursor on the "Start" button), depending on your computer, you will see a small window Fig. 3, in which you must select the item "Shut down" (or “Turn off the computer”) (see 1 Fig. 3). If you move the cursor over it (on this inscription), and press the left mouse button, the computer will turn off after a while. I draw your attention to the fact that on your computer the image in Fig. 3 may differ from mine, but you still need to look for the inscription "Shut down" or "Turn off the computer." I also want to draw attention to the fact that the "Start" button is not the button with which you turned on the computer, that button is real and is called the power button, and this drawn one is called the "Start" button. It would probably be more correct to call this button the Shutdown button (although it has other purposes).

If you did it all yourself, congratulations, you can already be classified as a novice user.

I intentionally missed one point in this manual. This is the shutdown of the program you are running. For most programs, this is not necessary, but there are programs in which it is necessary to save the current settings so as not to start the work (game) from the beginning. But the order in which parameters are stored is individual for each program, and the order in which this operation is performed must be considered when studying a particular program. And in order to turn off (end) the program, it is usually enough (this applies to most, but still not all programs) to point to the white cross in the red rectangle, which is located in the upper right corner of the program window (see 1 Fig. 2) and press the left mouse button. And it would be nice if the user made it a habit to close all the programs they are running, although, I repeat, this is not necessary.

Itsenko Alexander Ivanovich

This article belongs to the series of articles " Computer training " or " Master the computer in two hours ". Other articles from this series:

Jan 19

How to master a computer quickly and easily?! In fact, everything is quite simple!

Greetings, dear blog visitors. As always, Dmitry Smirnov is in touch with you, and in this article I would like to address, as it were, our Dear old people, grandparents, parents who cannot understand how to master a computer on their own! Tfu, how much extra literature our bookstores can provide you, but all this is not necessary, you just have to follow some tips that will help you master the computer for free!

In a previous article, I wrote that maybe this information will also be extremely useful for you! In fact, the information on the topic “mastering a computer for free” is very popular, and now I will talk about the main failures of those who are trying to master a computer!

  1. Afraid of breaking something!
  2. Reluctance, it's like toys!
  3. It makes no sense to master the computer, because why do you need it ?!

These are the three most terrible misconceptions of all, especially the elderly, but the answers to these questions can be found in the following lines, namely:

  1. Don't be afraid to break something! Computers have long been of high quality and powerful enough that stationary PCs, laptops or tablets! It was earlier in the 2000s, back in our days of the groups Ruki Vvverkh, Shark, Sveta, Kraski and everything else, when computers were really like machines, they constantly broke down, and repairs were very, very expensive! Everyone dissuaded the children from buying a computer with phrases, namely: “Why do you need it, you’ll break something and that’s it!”. Now computers are of very high quality, and the maximum that you can break is to remove any shortcut or program, you simply won’t be able to do anything serious!
  2. If you have no desire to study a computer, then no one can force you to study a computer! Remember, the computer is no longer a toy, but since 2010 it has become a real source of income! Many, even schoolchildren, have ways to earn hundreds of thousands of rubles and millions on a computer without leaving home! I have examples when children at the age of 13 already earn 300,000 rubles a month! Even a pensioner will be able to master the computer, and from this you will benefit!
  3. No need to be mistaken and think that you will not need a computer! Tell me, how many times have you wanted to talk to a close relative? How many times do you want to mail or spend money on calls to relatives? Having a computer and even simple access to the network for 200 rubles, you get unlimited communication, and you can even see your relative who lives 10,000 kilometers away from you live through a webcam, and all this is completely free!
  1. Just sit down and break! You need to learn from mistakes! Everyone makes mistakes, even advanced programmers! Just learn how to work with the mouse, understand why the keyboard, where are any buttons!
  2. Learn to type with the Keyboard Trainer! No need to buy anything, it's just a program that will teach you how to type quickly and easily! You can start typing easily and simply using just the keyboard!
  3. Love to read? Then the book “computer for dummies” is for you, or start taking courses using the same Youtube

These are the only ways to learn how to work at a computer! There are no special courses and everything else! Of course, the best option for you will be paid courses, and live! It is in these courses that you will be taught how to work with a computer, but even if you do not want to pay money to charlottes, you can buy a book on learning a computer, or just go to youtube, where you can find many detailed videos!

Greetings, dear blog visitors. In touch with you, as always, Dmitry Smirnov, the author of this blog. In this article I want to tell you about how to learn a computer, actually how to learn how to work on a computer and what you need for this!

Since the beginning of the 21st century, people have become much more active in using various kinds of technology. Most devices are extremely easy for a person to master, but as for computers, this is another more difficult issue. Children are the fastest to master new computers and gadgets, and this happens because they do not fool themselves for a long time by reading various literature. Toddlers want to practically touch and press everything, and in the course of such studies they learn what and how to do. Adults take this issue more seriously, they are afraid to experiment in order to avoid equipment breakdowns and other unpleasant moments. Every adult, and especially an elderly person, wants to know how to learn how to work on a computer quickly and, most importantly, without financial investments. By the way, in my last article I wrote about

The process of learning computer literacy at first glance seems very difficult, older people consider this an unattainable goal for themselves. Opening the manual for this technical device, everyone immediately begins to be afraid of complex and incomprehensible terminology, but it turns out that it is not so terrible.

If we consider in detail the supporting literature in the form of an application guide, we can realize that names and terms that are incomprehensible to a person denote a part of a computer or software. If a term is not clear in the instructions, you can always find a step-by-step guide with detailed explanations in the form of pictures.

When a person has figured out the instructions, turned on the computer, he needs to learn how to work on it - print texts, run various programs, work on the Internet and deal with both creating and storing multimedia files.

The beginner will be able to see the first hints directly on the monitor. Many icons and pictograms, due to their appearance, give a person a specific hint, an exact indication of what is hidden behind them. For example, if an image of a note is viewed in a small picture, a person will guess that he is dealing with a music player, and not with the settings menu. The same settings can be displayed on a wrench icon. This story is repeated with almost all programs on the desktop.

When a person starting to work with a computer figured out intuitively what image hides behind it, it's time to check it in practice. Here the question arises of how to do this, because with so many buttons it is not always clear which one to press.

The keyboard is a good thing, but in this case it is necessary to do without its participation. That's what a computer mouse is for. To direct the cursor - an arrow to the desired object, you need to scroll the small wheel located on the mouse between the two buttons. Bringing the cursor to the object that you want to open immediately on the monitor, you can see the name of the object or text indicating its purpose.

In order to open the desired object, you must double-click on the mouse button located on the right side. After opening the program, many stop there, not knowing how to work with it. But it's actually not that hard. Almost every program or game has a step-by-step explanation of how to use it.

The main condition for quickly mastering the nuances of computer literacy is to perform all actions independently without outside help. Having learned to work with the software, many people cannot master the skills of printing for a very long time. At the beginning, it is difficult to even find a letter on the keyboard. To learn this quickly, you do not need to read any literature or ask someone.

In order to learn how to type, there are online simulators that stimulate a person’s observation and are able to concentrate his attention on a specific object or symbol. This is done very quickly and a person, without noticing it, very quickly gets used to the keyboard layout, even though he knows where everything is. Thus, you can already safely print with two hands.

Now, there are many online training courses, but in most cases they are all paid. In order not to spend money on learning from the Internet, you can download special applications absolutely free. Thanks to such small, simple programs, you can learn how to quickly work with the appropriate software, presentations, text documents and discover other fascinating possibilities of the computer mechanism.

Thinking about how to learn how to work on a computer, you can come to the conclusion that this is quickly done with the help of screenshots - screenshots of the same computer, which shows what and how to do. A person sees a screenshot of the actions performed on it, thanks to this he focuses on his computer and eats to do the same. If there is reason to be afraid that your own actions will not be remembered, you can take a screenshot yourself - this is done by pressing a special button on the keyboard.

Working on a computer only at first glance seems complicated and incomprehensible, but in fact everything is extremely simple and you can get used to it very quickly. The main thing in the learning process is the presence of daily practical exercises, because without them even the most understandable courses and programs will not be able to help anyone.

The younger generation masters computer technology very quickly due to their courage and willingness to experiment - this is exactly what older people lack and becomes a mechanism that slows them down.

Drawing conclusions on the topic of how to learn to work on a computer, we can say the following - fast learning depends on the assertiveness of a person and his readiness for new experiments. In life, everything almost always seems complicated and unattainable, but when you soberly assess the situation and get closer to the problem, it will turn out to be a funny trifle. So it is with a computer - do not be afraid of complex terms and a large number of unfamiliar programs, if you open them all in turn and try to work in a couple of days, you can become a computer pro.

Now you know about how to learn a computer!

On this page, all the lessons of the site are ordered exactly in the order in which we advise you to take them. Unfortunately, at the moment there are gaps in the list of lessons that will be filled without fail. Topics that already have articles on them are links (highlighted in blue with an underline) - follow them and learn! The list does not include news and some articles (for example, on solving computer problems). they do not make sense for learning, however, you will receive them if you subscribe to the newsletter.

You can freely write your wishes in the comments, this is highly welcome. Suggested topics are included in the plan of articles.

Let's create the best free step by step learning system together!

Target: create a list of articles on the site, studying which in a certain order, you will feel free to work at the computer.

Important! If you can write an expert article on any of these topics, write to us, articles are paid.

Course: Computer User - Basic

  1. What is a netbook
  2. What is an ultrabook
  3. What is a tablet
  4. What is a tablet phone
  5. USB port: what is it and what can be connected through it
  6. How to turn on the computer, what is happening at this moment
  7. What is a driver. What is the graphical shell of the operating system
  8. Computer desktop.
  9. Mouse, cursor, how to work with the mouse.
  10. What is a shortcut, file, program, folder.
  11. Basic file types. What is an extension
  12. What is a hard drive and how does it work On publication)
  13. Computer hard disk partitions.
  14. Keyboard. How to work with her. We create a text file.
  15. What's in the start menu
  16. Turning off the computer. ( In work)
  17. What is sleep mode and when to use it
  18. What is standby mode and when to use it
  19. We install the program. The main stages of installing any program. Where it will appear, how to find where it is installed, how to find it in the Start menu.
  20. We are working with the program. Standard elements of the program: settings, drop-down menu, quick access toolbar.
  21. We create a label. All ways.
  22. How to view the characteristics of your computer.
  23. Computer screen. Resolution, settings, change the theme of the desktop.
  24. How to install device driver. Where to download the driver if it is not installed automatically. ( In work)
  25. Computer startup. How to disable the program from startup. How to disable autoload in the program itself. ( In work)
  26. What is an archive. Working with the archiving program
  27. How to open video on computer
  28. How to open e-book (.pdf .djvu .pdf) ( In work)
  29. How to open a presentation
  30. How to open a document (.doc, .docx, .fb2)
  31. How to find out what video card I have
  32. Blue screen of death - what is it
  33. What is a BIOS and what is it for?
  34. How to open.pdf
  35. How to open .mkv
  36. How to open .djvu
  37. On-screen keyboard - what is it and what is it for
  38. How to change the language on a computer
  39. Windows 7.8 hotkeys
  40. How to increase the font on the computer

Course: Computer Security

  1. How to put a password on Windows
  2. How to come up with a complex password
  3. How to secure your google account
  4. What is an antivirus
  5. What is a firewall
  6. How to block pop-ups
  7. How to make file extensions visible in Windows
  8. How to protect yourself on the Internet using the WOT extension
  9. Overview of Kaspersky Anti-Virus

Course: Computer programs

  1. Punto Switcher
  2. Alarm clock for computer
  3. Program for creating video from photos

Course: Google Services

Course: Computer User: Intermediate

  1. How to create a virtual machine (virtual computer)
  2. How to transfer old photos to computer
  3. How to put a password on a folder
  4. How to clean the Windows registry
  5. How to enter the BIOS
  6. How to format a hard drive
  7. How to defragment a hard drive.

Course: Laptop and Netbook User

  1. Features of working with a laptop and netbook
  2. Laptop, netbook device
  3. Laptop and netbook keyboard - features of work
  4. How to extend battery life
  5. What to do if the laptop (netbook) is heated
  6. Stands for the computer: cooling and not.
  7. How to turn on WiFi on a laptop

Course: Computer and "near-computer" devices

  • Body exercises
  • Programs-trainers to control the time of work at the computer
  • How to set up your workplace
  • What to do when overtired
  • Procrastination and how the computer is involved
  • How to save your hands so that they do not get sick if you have to type a lot (tunnel syndrome).
  • Working at a computer while standing: the benefits, pros and cons
  • Height-adjustable standing desks - an overview.
  • Standing laptop stands - an overview.
  • Course: Computer and child

    1. Is it necessary to limit the time at the computer for children and how to do it right?
    2. What can a child learn from a computer
    3. How to protect your child from adult sites

    Course: Internet User - Basic

    • Hello Eugene! Yours faithfully, Oleg, one of the many who have purchased a video course, which in essence, step by step, turns the student from a mouse-driver to, as you put it, an advanced user without five minutes. At my age, many are no longer able to master it due to a number of reasons, but since, thanks to you, I am burning with desire, I am slowly, little by little doing it. Thanks for the school. I have done my homework and will move on. As they say, the quieter you go, the further you go. P.S: please write off possible grammatical errors, because just a driver Oleg Isaikin from St. Petersburg
    • Eugene, good afternoon! I briefly looked at the beginning of the video course, I have already found a lot of new things for myself. Now the work is connected with business trips, so there is no way to delve into it yet. I want to tell you that you are young! These are very useful discs. In our provinces, qualified assistance is not available everywhere. With best wishes, good luck and good luck to you. Galina Anatolyevna, the village of Khor, Khabarovsk Territory
    • Forgive me, please, Eugene, but I thought I told you. I received the video course before the holiday. Thank you very much! The video course turned out to be a salvation for me, it helps to master the laptop very well. I am very grateful to you. Wishing you a Happy New Year and also Merry Christmas! Lyudmila Nikolaevna Naumova Malaga, Spain
    • Hello Eugene! This letter came to me automatically. You probably remember that just before the holidays, they sent a parcel to Tashkent. The parcel arrived in perfect condition. Thank you very much for the discount and fast shipping. I'm already working on your CDs. I really like the way you present the material and the detailed explanation of even the smallest things. Once again, thank you very much for your hard work. You have succeeded in this work. All the best, with respect, Vladimir Alexandrovich Subbotin from Tashkent
    • Hello Evgeny Alexandrovich! Thank you, I like everything, I don’t understand everything as quickly as I would like, but I will definitely master everything. I am 61 years old, I have never approached a laptop and now I decided. Lots of unfamiliar words. I watch the course several times. I will definitely learn. Thank you for such literate and simple people to help us, you are a very good mentor. Lyubov Alekseevna Mironova from Moscow
    • I am a beginner PC user. I bought the CD "ABC of Computer and Laptop" and was not mistaken, I made the right choice. The disc came within a week despite the fact that there were holidays. At the moment I am still studying and have not mastered the entire course. But there are already advances. Previously, if I wanted to do something on a PC, I did it using the “poke” method, and now, after several classes, I already work more confidently with a computer. Friends saw that I was no longer afraid to work with a computer as before, and were very surprised by my knowledge. Showed the disc, they really liked it. They also wanted this CD, so I ordered another set. P.S. Thank you very much! Your lessons are clear and not difficult for novice users like me. I advise everyone to start acquaintance with the computer with these classes! Julia Denisova from Tula
    • Hello, dear Evgeny Alexandrovich! I enjoyed watching your video course and would like to respond to your request in the "Feedback" section. I have just become related to your voice, and you have become almost a member of our family! My husband jokes when he sees me at the computer, but it became obvious to me that in some matters I can already give him advice, he comprehends everything by the "poke" method. Of course, I am not very delusional about myself, but the main thing is that there is no fear: if I have questions, I can also look for information on the Internet. It is very noticeable that your popularity on the Internet has grown a lot since in November 2011 I first accidentally stumbled upon the link of your video course there. I am very glad to this acquaintance. In a couple of months, I learned a lot and learned a lot. I am slowly progressing, but I feel more and more confident thanks to your lessons. I wish you every success and worthy appreciation of your work! Molokina Lidia Filippovna, Moscow
    • Eugene. I am very grateful to you. It was this knowledge gained with the help of the VIDEO AID and YOUR letters that I lacked. Now I do not ask ANYONE questions about using the computer and do not hear such expressions like: GRANDMA WOULD REMEMBER LONG AGO. Nikolai Dmitrievich Medvedev from Sterlitamak, Republic of Bashkortostan
    • The video course "The ABC of a computer and laptop" is a useful cycle of video tutorials, both for beginners to get acquainted with a PC, and for more advanced users. I want to note: I used the first two points for my relatives who stayed with us and always asked for something to explain. I sat them down at the computer, included video lessons - a basic course and 2 hours are free! By profession, I am a teacher at the Perm Medical College. For all novice students and my colleagues to learn how to work in Word - you can’t imagine better - it’s accessible, visual and very understandable. And, please, at least you write an abstract, at least tests - you are already advanced users. Thanks Eugene. Looking forward to your new tutorials! Svetlana Agafonova from Perm
    • Eugene, hello! My name is Tatyana Vasilievna. I am two months away from 60. Pensioner. Former teacher. Life goes on and you want to live, to live interestingly, keeping up with the times. I have been interested in computers for a long time. There was no financial opportunity to purchase this item. But I still went to computer courses. Free for pensioners. We got basic knowledge of working in "Word 2003", we didn't even touch the Internet. And knowledge was very necessary, because. a computer appeared, and I wanted to communicate with my daughter via Skype in order to save money and be able to see each other. I climbed the Internet, searched, hoped for good luck. And then luck smiled on me. I saw a message that you can quickly learn computer literacy! Cool!!! I read it. Decided to order CDs. Came in the mail quickly, without any delay. And now I'm happy to study everything that is there. Everything is very clear and clearly stated. New knowledge of what seemed to be known appeared. Everything has become easier, more accessible. Thank you. Tatyana Vasilievna, Penza

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