Distance education at TSU. Tula State University (TulGU)

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Coordinates : 54°10′00.63″ N sh. 37°35′13.8″ E d. /  54.166843° N sh. 37.587168° E d.(G) (O) (I)54.166843 , 37.587168

Tula State University(TulGU) - the largest state university in Central Russia. Since May 2006 the university staff has been working under the leadership of Rector Mikhail Vasilyevich Gryazev, professor, doctor of technical sciences. Today, over 20,000 students, 680 graduate and doctoral students study at the university. There are more than 1200 citizens from 40 countries among foreign students. The structure of TulGU includes 8 faculties, a medical institute, an institute of high-precision systems, a polytechnic institute, a center for pre-university education, a regional center for advanced training and 73 departments.

Educational process

TulGU includes a regional center for advanced training and retraining of managers and specialists with more than 2,400 students. Training is conducted according to the programs of basic and additional professional education, which allows us to follow the principle of the modern educational process: lifelong learning.

The first building of TulSU

International activity

The university in academic and scientific areas is associated with organizations in more than 20 states, including universities in the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Hungary, the Czech Republic, China, and Poland.

Social sphere

One of the priority activities of TulSU is the social sphere: the university has the largest network of hostels in the region, sports buildings, a polyclinic, the only university kindergarten in Russia, a sanatorium, a canteen, country recreation centers. Assistance to students and graduates in orientation in the labor market is provided by the Employment Assistance Center. Public organizations, student and sports clubs of the university, the museum of the university, museums of weapons, tools, geological museums are actively working, a high-circulation newspaper of the university is published. In recent years, as part of the student club, there were 19 creative teams, interest clubs, courses, in which more than 600 students were engaged on a permanent basis. The student club has two auditoriums for 1226 and 200 seats, rehearsal rooms with an area of ​​more than 500 square meters.


Over the past five years, students and staff of TulSU have won two silver and one bronze medals at the Olympic Games, 25 prizes at world championships and championships, 19 prizes at European and world championships, 364 prizes at Russian championships and championships. Three athletes were awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports, 11 masters of sports of international class, 49 masters of sports of Russia were trained. Annual student competitions are held.


Among the graduates of TulSU are heads of ministries and departments, government bodies, Heroes of Socialist Labor and Heroes of Russia, deputies of the Supreme Soviets of the USSR and Russia, the State Duma of Russia, members of the Federation Council, laureates of Lenin, State Prizes, holders of honorary titles of Russia, academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, hundreds of doctors sciences, heads of industrial, scientific and design teams, educational institutions, law enforcement agencies, military leaders and famous designers, scientists, culture and art. In general, more than 100 thousand specialists graduated from TulGU.


  • High-precision systems, which includes faculties:
    • Automatic control systems
    • Engineering
  • Polytechnic Institute (since March 15, 2010):
    • Faculty of Mechanics and Technology
    • Faculty of Transport and Technological Systems
  • Medical, which includes faculties:
    • Therapeutic
    • Physical culture, sports and tourism
  • Internet Institute of TulGU
  • International education of TulSU (since February 01, 2010)
  • Continuous professional education of TulSU, which includes:
    • Faculty of Evening and Correspondence Education
    • Regional Center for Advanced Training and Retraining of Personnel


  • Cybernetics
  • Mining and construction
  • natural science
  • Mechanics and Mathematics
  • Economics and management
  • Humanitarian
  • Legal
  • Pre-university training

see also




Installation, adjustment and operation of electrical equipment of industrial and civil buildings how much does training cost (for 1 course)

Acting answers the question. head of the department for admission and pre-university training A.V. Ivanov / 09.01.2019

Hello Aaron!

The cost of education in all areas of training / specialties of the university in the 2019/2020 academic year will be known in May. Currently, the site published the cost of education in the current academic year (information at the bottom of the page) - http://tsu.tula.ru/sveden/document/edu-paid/


Good afternoon. Please tell me the cost of part-time education, the direction of preparation is Jurisprudence.

Acting answers the question. head of the department for admission and pre-university training A.V. Ivanov / 18.07.2018

Hello Julia!

Starting from this year, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, only persons with higher education can study in correspondence form in the direction of undergraduate education. The cost of part-time (evening) and part-time (bachelor's) education is given on our website - http://tsu.tula.ru/download/upidp/745_pril2-5.pdf
If you are interested in studying in a correspondence magistracy, then you can find the necessary information on the page - http://tsu.tula.ru/download/upidp/771_pril2-3.pdf


How much will the 5th year Architecture course cost?

Dear Valentina!

Tuition for the 5th year of full-time Architecture in the 2018/2019 academic year will be 135 thousand rubles per year. The order on the cost of paid educational services can be found on our website.


Hello. Does the tuition fee for those who entered in 2017 increase or remain the same as specified in the contract?

The question is answered by the head of the educational and methodological department A.V. Morzhov / 16.07.2018

Dear Marina!

In accordance with the agreement on the provision of paid educational services, the cost of education is annually adjusted for the inflation rate provided for by the main characteristics of the federal budget for the next financial year and planning period (clause 5.1).

Orders on the cost of education for the 2018/19 academic year are available for review in the section "Education on a paid basis". Direct link to the order on the cost of education for 2-6 courses in educational programs of undergraduate and specialist degrees: http://tsu.tula.ru/download/upidp/961.pdf


How much does full-time education cost in the direction of training Design and technological support of machine-building industries in the 2018-2019 academic year

Acting answers the question. head of the department for admission and pre-university training A.V. Ivanov / 10.07.2018

Hello Vladimir!

The cost of training in the direction of training 15.03.05 Design and technological support of machine-building industries (full-time form) for applicants for the 1st course - 110,000 rubles / year - http://tsu.tula.ru/download/upidp/957.pdf


When will the tuition fees for senior courses be known?

The question is answered by the head of the educational and methodological department A.V. Morzhov / 06/28/2018

Dear Tamara!

The order on the cost of tuition for senior courses is available for review on the university website in the "Education on a paid basis" section. Direct link to the document: http://tsu.tula.ru/download/upidp/961.pdf


How much will it cost to study at the Faculty of Civil Engineering?

Acting answers the question. head of the department for admission and pre-university training A.V. Ivanov / 06/20/2018

Hello Oleg!

Orders on the cost of education in all areas of training / specialties are published on the university website (at the bottom of the page) - http://tsu.tula.ru/sveden/document/edu-paid/


Hello! Can you tell me when the tuition fees for courses other than the first one will be set? Either it hasn't been published yet, or I can't find it...

Acting answers the question. head of the department for admission and pre-university training A.V. Ivanov / 06/01/2018

Hello, Elena!

Tuition fees for bachelor's, specialist's, master's programs in the first year are published on the university website http://tsu.tula.ru/sveden/document/edu-paid/
On the same page, the cost of training for the second and subsequent courses will be published in the near future.

And then a diploma in a specialty that you like, you can at any age. And for this you do not have to return to the student bench, go to another city and live in a hostel. All problems are solved by distance education. It is this way of gaining knowledge that TulGU offers.

TulGU is one of the best universities

Tula State University is the most popular institution of higher education in all of Tula. It was from the walls of this university that many well-known Tula residents came out, who currently occupy good positions not only in their native city, but also outside it. Specialists with knowledge gained in one of the best universities are valued throughout the country.

150 directions are represented at the university. These are not only humanitarian areas, but also technical ones. Specialists educated at TulGU become translators, teachers, chemists, physicists, mathematicians, psychologists, mechanics, lawyers, doctors, economists, historians, theologians, etc. Everyone who wants to get an education will be able to find among those represented by a higher educational institution the direction he likes.

Bachelors, masters, graduate students and even doctoral students come out of the walls of TulGU. The best teachers of the city transfer their knowledge to them.

Internet Institute of TulGU

Tula State University offers its students and in absentia. But this list will not be complete without mentioning distance education. TulSU does not stop in its development. As computers take an increasing place in people's daily lives, technology could not bypass the field of education.

Now TulSU not only offers its students to get acquainted with reference materials, look through textbooks and remember classes online, but also get an education on the Internet. To do this is extremely simple.

Who chooses distance learning

Distance education is primarily a way to gain knowledge for those who have already taken place in their field of activity, but for some reason want to get a second or third higher education. Since the remote method does not require a break from work, you can continue to conquer new career heights, but at the same time discover new opportunities for yourself.

For children who have just finished school, distance education is also a great opportunity. Firstly, in order to enter the desired faculty, you do not need to have the results of the Unified State Examination. Secondly, if the nearest university is located very far away, and for some reason you don’t want to leave your native village or city, you can get an education remotely. In this case, it is only important to have a working modem and the ability to use the Internet.

Advantages of distance education

The Internet Institute of TulSU is the best solution for people who cannot find time to systematically attend classes in the university building. Only those who do not try to combine study with work that they don’t want to lose can come to the first pair and stay to gnaw at the granite of science for several hours.

Thanks to this opportunity, which is provided by the Internet Institute of TulSU, it will be possible to gain knowledge in any convenient mode. Maybe it will be in the morning. Maybe in the evening. And someone can allocate time for training closer to midnight. At any time, when it is only convenient, a student who has chosen a distance education method will be able to study. And at the same time, a remotely educated person will not lag behind full-time students in terms of the available amount of knowledge.


Those who have chosen a distance learning method for themselves can become a specialist in the field that they like best. TulGu offers a wide choice. Faculties are listed below:

  • Hotel business.
  • Jurisprudence.
  • Finance. Economy.
  • Power industry and electrical engineering.
  • Construction. Architecture.
  • Psychological and pedagogical.
  • Safety.
  • Management.
  • Engineering. Transport.
  • Design.

A graduate of any of these faculties will receive a state diploma and will have the same chances for employment as those people who have chosen for themselves

Future students should not worry, and TulSU provides an opportunity to receive education remotely, not only to those who received high scores on the exam results, but also to those who are slightly above the critical mark. Knowledge is available to everyone.

Having chosen a faculty, you can call TulGU. The exams that you need to take for admission are different for each faculty. You can find out the exact information about what you need to take at the university itself.

The TulSU Internet Institute is a good way to get higher education in a convenient way. You can learn and try something new at any age.

On June 1, the acceptance of documents for correspondence courses in Tula universities began. In this regard, we decided to talk about what you need to enter Tula universities. In particular - TulGU and TPGU named after. L.N. Tolstoy.

TulSU has begun accepting applications from applicants entering the evening (part-time) and part-time forms of education.

The most massive stage of the admission campaign at TulSU and TSPU - the acceptance of documents for budgetary places of full-time education - starts on June 20 and will last until July 26, with the exception of several categories of applicants.

Photo tsu.tula.ru

Statistics of budget places in TulSU:

  • Bachelors - 1093.
  • Specialty - 280.
  • Master's degree - 540.
  • Correspondence department - 45.
  • Evening department - 10.

Until July 11 those applicants who enter areas with additional tests of a creative or professional orientation (“Architecture”, “Physical Education”, “Journalism”, “Design”, “Customs”) must submit applications, bring a passport and a certificate or a college / technical school diploma .

Until July 13 applications are submitted by graduates of technical schools or colleges who enter TulSU without the Unified State Examination, based on the results of internal tests.

July 27 A full ranked list of applicants will appear on the TulGU website. The list will allow applicants to evaluate the overall competitive situation and their chances of admission.

Tula State University is a major Russian university that keeps pace with the times and is actively developing, observing the traditions of classical education. It trains qualified workers of various specialties: engineers, mathematicians, linguists, political scientists, lawyers, doctors and many others. Among 16,000 students of Tula State University there are more than 450 graduate and doctoral students, over 200 interns. Foreign students from 50 countries of the world study here.

Faculties of Tula State University

TulSU includes 11 institutes, including: medical, humanitarian, polytechnic, natural science and construction. The university also includes the Technical College. S.I. Mosin, centers for promoting employment and advanced training.

For applicants, preparatory courses for TulGU for passing the Unified State Examination and the OGE are organized, seminars and trainings, meetings for applicants are held.

Educational process

The educational institution graduates specialists in 150 areas. Together with traditional full-time, part-time and part-time forms of education, TulSU also uses innovative technologies for distance education. The modern form of learning online has many advantages:

  • training is conducted from any convenient place;
  • exams can be taken online;
  • the student himself chooses the intensity of the load and the pace of classes;
  • the course is mobile, you can cut or supplement it as you wish;
  • the cost of education is relatively low.

The Internet Institute accepts applicants' documents all year round. Among his areas are economics, law, design, hotel business, software engineering and many others.

Distance learning is offered according to an individual curriculum. Graduates receive a state diploma in a short time. Students have at their disposal a large online library and other useful Internet resources. The official website of the Internet Institute i-institute.org.

TulGU is a prestigious state university

The educational institution is the scientific center of the region and is one of the twenty classical universities in the country. It has a strong teaching staff and a friendly student community. Every student has opportunities for self-realization.

Graduates of the institution are glad to see many organizations in Russia as their employees. Sometimes enterprises enter into agreements with the university and take over the payment for the training of their future personnel. The student can also combine work with study at the correspondence department according to an individual schedule.

A separate conversation about distance learning - this way of getting an education is becoming increasingly popular, the percentage of young people who prefer to study on a flexible schedule without leaving home is increasing.

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