What are recreational lands for? Recreational lands - Land law (Medentsov A.S.)


lands recreational purpose lands intended and used for organizing recreation, tourism, physical culture and recreation and sports activities, as well as lands of suburban green areas are recognized.

The legal regime of recreational lands is characterized by a certain kind of prohibitions and restrictions on economic and other activities. Activities that do not correspond to their intended purpose are prohibited on recreational lands. Recreational lands are allocated by decision of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Recreational lands include lands intended and used for organizing recreation, tourism, physical culture and recreation and sports activities of citizens.

Recreational lands include land plots on which there are rest houses, boarding houses, campsites, physical culture and sports facilities, tourist camps, stationary and tented tourist and health camps, fishermen's and hunter's houses, children's tourist stations, tourist parks, forest parks, educational and tourist trails, tracks, children's and sports camps, other similar objects. The use of educational and tourist trails and trails established by agreement with the owners of land plots, land users, land owners and tenants of land plots can be carried out on the basis of. At the same time, land plots from recreational lands are not withdrawn from use.

Recreational zones may include zones within the boundaries of territories occupied by urban forests, squares, parks, city gardens, ponds, lakes, reservoirs, beaches, as well as within the boundaries of other territories used and intended for recreation, tourism, physical culture and sports.

As part of suburban areas, green areas can be distinguished that perform sanitary, sanitary and hygienic and recreational functions and within the boundaries of which economic and other activities that have a negative (harmful) impact on the environment are prohibited.

Recreational lands also include lands of suburban green areas. Suburban green areas are lands outside the city limits, occupied by forests, forest parks and other green spaces that perform sanitary, sanitary and recreational functions. Suburban green areas are a type of recreational land. Features of the legal regime of suburban green areas are due to their close proximity to the city.

In suburban green areas, economic activities that adversely affect their performance of environmental, sanitary and hygienic and recreational functions are prohibited. The size of green zones depends on the size of the cities for which they are created.

Lands within the suburban green zones of cities are not withdrawn, and the restriction of the mode of use is reduced to a ban on economic activities that adversely affect the performance of environmental, sanitary-hygienic and recreational functions.

In general, activities that do not correspond to their intended purpose are also prohibited on recreational lands.

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The recreational purpose of a land plot (PL) is the specifics of the use of land that is allocated for an organization:

  • places of mass recreation of citizens;
  • tourism;
  • physical culture and recreation activities;
  • sports activities.

They belong to specially protected areas. Land is allocated for the intended use in accordance with the established procedure. The placement of objects in such territories, the rules and norms for their operation are regulated by articles and 98 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation and other legislative acts.

They can act as picturesque, environmentally friendly recreation areas that attract the local population and visiting tourists for the weekend. And also - to become the location of various complexes and buildings, where visiting tourists can stay on a long vacation, receiving additional services related to the immediate purpose of arriving at a specified place.

Currently, some suburban green areas, as well as parks and squares, are excluded from recreational purposes and included in.

Which areas are classified as specially protected areas?

  1. environmental purpose;
  2. historical and cultural purpose;
  3. especially valuable, unique arrays.

Lease of forest fund territories for recreation

Lands of forest zones are subject to the norms of the "Forest Code of the Russian Federation" (LC RF), adopted on December 4, 2006 under No. 200-FZ. of this document claims that they can be used for recreational activities and serve as a place of rest for citizens.

Ownership of forest lands belongs to the state, they can be transferred for permanent (unlimited) use to regional authorities.

If forest areas are transferred to the jurisdiction of municipalities, then the lease of such by individual entrepreneurs or legal entities can be carried out only by registering lease rights with the municipality. For this it is required to apply to the land committee of the settlement with an application and a list of services that are planned to be provided on such lands.

The submitted application is considered at a public hearing, after which a decision is made to participate in the auction based on the provisions of Chapter 8 of the RF LC. After winning the lot, the participant is provided with an extract from the protocol.

What can be built?

If the right to lease is granted, the development of a tourism business or the organization of a recreation area is allowed. Here you can build:

That is, the buildings are focused on the construction of recreational, sports and recreational, intended for recreation and sports, and sports and technical facilities. Act as forest infrastructure.

What is needed?

For the construction of buildings, the tenant must:

  • draw up a project for the development of forests (part 1 of article 88 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • to carry out the use of memory in accordance with the project;
  • comply with the terms of the lease agreement for the storage facility (forest plot);
  • use the territory only in ways that prevent the occurrence of soil erosion, exclude (limit) damage to the subsequent reproduction of forests;
  • comply with fire safety rules, sanitary safety rules;
  • submit annually a forest declaration (part 2 of article 26 of the RF LC);
  • submit a report on the use of forests (part 1 of article 49 of the RF LC);
  • submit a report on the protection and protection of forests (part 1 of article 60 of the LCRF);
  • comply with other provisions of the law.

What can't be built?

You can not build anything that is not included in the intended purpose, or that could damage the landscape of forests or their ecology.

In particular, you cannot build:

  • facilities for farming;
  • industrial enterprises for the processing of wood, meat and animal skins;
  • residential houses and cottages.

Unauthorized deforestation and hunting are unacceptable. The tenant is obliged to recultivate the lands used for construction, reconstruction of the operation of facilities (part 6 of article 21 of the RF LC), if their construction was not associated with the development of forest infrastructure.

Cost and terms

Only lands with a fixed cadastral value can be leased, since on its basis the cost of the first stage of the auction is assigned. Sometimes special calculations based on the income approach are used. In general, the assessment is guided by the norms of Articles 73 and 76 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The auction step cannot exceed 5% of the initially set price.

As a result, the winning bidder receives the right to rent. If it is the only one, the redemption of the lease rights is allowed without bidding. The lease term cannot be less than 10 years. The maximum term is 49 years.

Buyout option

Such a procedure is impossible, since they cannot be transferred to private ownership. But sometimes exceptions are allowed when it comes to lands that can be transferred to another category. For example, suburban forest areas, which can be converted into settlement lands. Or arrays after fires and deforestation, if they do not provide for forest restoration.

It is required to act in accordance with the following step-by-step algorithm:

The application must contain information that can provide the applicant with permission to buy out the property, after.

The following information is included in the document:

  • reasons for ownerless memory;
  • calculations of the cost of restoring the array;
  • a project for the restoration of the memory by the applicant;
  • arguments for the effectiveness of such a translation.

On the basis of this document, a bill should be issued that allows the removal of land from this category, after which it is possible to proceed with the design of the array.

Disputes and the procedure for their resolution

Since the regulation of the use of such lands is provided by special provisions, situations may arise that cause disputes about the norms of use and rules of operation. First of all, they may be related to the issue of misuse of leased land.

Control over the implementation of the norms of intended use is assigned to:

  • to state land control;
  • on public control according to the norms of land legislation.

Representatives of these bodies have the right to conduct inspections on the use of land massifs of recreational significance, to supervise the implementation of the established regulations.

The State Land Control is authorized to:

  • request relevant documents;
  • issue instructions;
  • apply to the court for consideration of detected violations;
  • collect a fine (through the court) and make other penalties.

If we are talking about a violation of the environment, pollution of lakes and damage to the forest, then a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor, the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, etc. is allowed. In case of violation of fire safety standards, a complaint is submitted to the regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

All issues related to violation of the property rights of legal entities are considered in the arbitration court. Issues of termination of the right to rent, compensation for material damage, etc. can also be resolved here. You should apply to the arbitration court at the location of the forest area.

Recreational lands are part of specially protected zones. They are used for recreation of citizens, sports, tourism and health-improving purposes. State-owned, can be leased. Sometimes registration in the property is allowed, by decision of the Government.

2. Recreational lands include land plots where rest houses, boarding houses, campsites, physical culture and sports facilities, tourist camps, stationary and tented tourist and health camps, children's tourist stations, tourist parks, educational and tourist trails, tracks, children's and sports camps, other similar facilities.

3. The use of educational and tourist trails and trails established by agreement with land owners, land users, land owners and tenants of land plots may be carried out on the basis of easements; at the same time, these land plots are not withdrawn from use. Recreational areas also have recreational purposes as part of the lands of settlements, including land plots occupied by urban forests, squares, parks, city gardens, ponds, lakes, reservoirs used for recreation of citizens and tourism (p.

9 st. 85 ZK RF)

Recreational use of the territory as a geographical problem

Determination of specific indicators of the cadastral value of recreational land. Thus, recreational comfort is an indicator that determines the possible state of a person in the implementation of recreation and the quality of possible recreational services. 5. Tourism geography as a section of recreational geography. Tourism geography is a discipline that studies countries and regions of interest to tourism. Tourism geography is a section of recreational geography that studies the patterns and factors of the territorial organization of tourism as one of the types of recreation and the corresponding industry.

Article 50

The geography of tourism explores the territorial distribution of natural and anthropogenic resources (climate, beaches, landscape, mineral water reserves, history, culture, etc.), studies the nature and structure of the use of free time and related leisure, as well as the direction of tourist flows.

Definition of recreational lands. Recreational lands include lands used for public recreation, tourism and sporting events. Article 51 sports, tourist bases, campsites, yacht clubs, stationary and tent tourist and health camps, houses of fishermen and hunters, children's tourist stations, children's and sports camps, other similar facilities, as well as land plots provided for summer cottage construction and construction of other facilities stationary recreation.

Article 52

Recreational activities: types, essence and features

  1. the process of recreating human forces (both physical and psychological), which people spend in the course of their labor activity;
  2. rest after working days or studies and between them, etc.
  3. pastime during the allotted annual leave;
  4. improving health and working capacity;

In other words, this is the set of actions that helps a person to stay in an active working condition throughout the year.

From this it becomes clear that recreational activities directly depend on the availability of time free from the performance of their work (or other) duties. The concept of recreation, in fact, was born back in antiquity (V-I centuries BC), when the first resort towns began to appear on the shores of Greece and Rome.

Recreational use is

Or here's another: In 1957, the Moscow Canal created two garden partnerships for its employees: Rechnik in Krylatskoye and Vodnik in Khimki.

Both were located on the banks of the Moskva River, both received land under an agreement for unlimited use with the right to build houses. Now "Rechnik" is being demolished, not recognizing for its inhabitants the right to either houses or land. "Vodnik" successfully passed the "dacha amnesty", its residents registered their houses and plots according to the same documents from 1957. — There is a lull in Rechnik, but they decided not to demolish the elite Fantasy Island — FSSP: Abramov’s house in the village of Rechnik was demolished by court order — Attack on Sokol continues — artists accused of illegal rental income More than 20 million Russian summer cottages have not been registered anywhere for a long time.

Recreational lands: category, use, restrictions

Once upon a time, vacations, a school break or a room where you could relax were called recreation.

Later, recreation began to be called various activities that are designed to help tired people restore their health. The term "recreational" expanded even more when it became one of the definitions of the Land Code of our country.

Articles of "land" laws clearly classify all territories according to their existing and / or potential purpose, use.

Some areas are classified as specially protected.

This is the subject of chapter 18. The lands we are considering are referred to in Article 98. Recreational lands are intended and used to create opportunities for tourism, sports, as well as recreation and health improvement for everyone (needy). Also, Article 98 stipulates the composition of recreational lands, as well as everything that can be built there. There is an interesting feature: recreational zones can be identified in cities, towns, and so on.

Recreational use is

One of the important functions performed by national parks is their use for recreational purposes (recreation, tourism, aesthetic human needs).

To date, in most countries of the world there is a "Recreational explosion". This is due to demographic reasons (the emergence of free time, transport opportunities) and an increase in environmental pollution in industrial centers and urban agglomerations.

Thus, the attendance of protected areas in the United States increases annually by 10-12%.

In many countries, the recreational use of landscapes has acquired national importance. The use of this or that territory for recreational purposes brings more income than could be obtained from any other exploitation of its resources.

recreational purposes

Gone are the days when the word "vacation" came to mind mainly trips to Egypt or Turkey on the all-inclusive system.

For example, tourists visiting national and local parks in California bring the state more than 300 million dollars.

I want something else: fresh, clean, without noise and fuss, interesting and at the same time health improving.

All this can give recreational rest. This name is not yet very common, and even scares someone, but a few years will pass, and this word will be on the lips of everyone who is going on vacation. The name "recreational resources" means special natural areas that combine uniqueness, the opportunity to improve health and at the same time see something interesting.

In general, this can be called an ideal pastime when you take a break from the bustle of the city, do sports that you enjoy, whether it is leisurely walks or rock climbing, sightseeing, gaining impressions and health for the year ahead.

What is recreational activity

Recreation (recreatio) in Latin means "recovery" and includes those types of life activities that are aimed at improving and maintaining the normal performance of a person tired of work or study. It is carried out in free time, and its purpose cannot be to obtain material benefits.

This is primarily spa treatment, tourist trips, as well as sports, entertainment and other events that take place outside the home.

Recreational activities are focused not only on recreation and physical recovery, but also on personal development, the disclosure of a person’s creative potential, the satisfaction of his spiritual and cultural needs, the formation and development of communication skills, perception of nature.

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