Dmitry Borisov personal page. Dmitry Borisov


Dmitry Borisov - Russian journalist and TV presenter was born on August 15, 1985 in the city of Chernivtsi, Ukrainian SSR.


When the boy was just born, his parents showed great and irreconcilable differences regarding the name of the baby. Dad really wanted his son to be named the same as he was - Dmitry. Mom strongly objected. In the end, they came to a compromise. The surname of the newborn will be like that of the mother, and the name of the father. So Dmitry Dmitrievich Borisov appeared.

Dima's parents are teachers of philology at the university. Father - Dmitry Bak, besides, he is also the director of the State Literary Museum named after V.I. Dahl, a world-famous scientist. If a well-known journalist pronounces a word or phrase incorrectly, dad always corrects him.

Two more young sisters are growing up in the family. The eldest graduates from the first grade, the youngest does not go to school yet. Both girls go in for sports, go swimming in the pool.

Little Dima did not live long in Ukraine, only six months. Then he was taken to Podlipki near Moscow, renamed the city of Korolev. The boy went to kindergarten in the Lithuanian city of Panevezys, where his maternal grandparents lived and, interestingly, spoke Lithuanian.

The family constantly moved from place to place - Kemerovo, Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow. In the first grade, Dima went to the capital's school. He received his higher education at the Russian State University for the Humanities at the Faculty of History and Philology, where his father and mother worked.

Dmitry studied Italian and Latin, knows Ukrainian. But Lithuanian eventually forgot and remembers only a few words.


Borisov could follow in the footsteps of his parents. He entered graduate school and wrote his Ph.D. thesis. However, he did not go to defend his scientific work. Dmitry claims that someday he will do it. But will there be at least some need for this, because he has reached such heights and fame that he needs to become a candidate of sciences.

Starting from the age of 15, Dmitry Borisov already independently made decisions and was absolutely independent. From his youth, his dream was television, but at first he had to work at the Echo radio station, where Dima came with the idea of ​​​​a new program. He proved himself well, the guy was approved as a news anchor.

He even had complexes because he was younger than his colleagues. However, age was a definite plus in terms of acquiring the necessary professional experience.

At the age of 20, Borisov was already working on Channel One, which is positioned as the country's main TV channel. Dmitry was entrusted to conduct news releases during the day. Two years later, he was awarded the "Best Host" award and ranked among the "first on the First". Undoubted luck!

He commented live on the parade on Red Square on May 9, 2008. It was simply impossible to imagine such a thing a couple of years before this bright event. Dmitry always agreed to all proposals and challenges, as he believed that new things are always good.

Since 2011, the journalist has become a permanent host of the Vremya news program and the big Evening News. Borisov is a recognizable face for the whole country. What can I say, he is the darling of fate. Dmitry was never afraid of his publicity, and like many stars he did not get pleasure from this.

A TV presenter spends so much time at work in his studio that it’s time to think about where to put a cot there. Borisov claims that when you have to do the same type of activity for a long time, you begin to feel some kind of tightness in the frame. And then I want to try myself in a new role.

New turn

And since the fall of 2015, Dmitry has become the general producer of a company called Channel One. World Wide Web". He is proud that he has the opportunity for professional growth and self-development. The TV presenter believes that the worst thing that can happen to a person working in the field of television is a loss of interest.

But Borisov is, fortunately, a very curious person. For him, work is a pleasure, he lives it, receiving all the most important emotions. The main task is to hook the viewer, not to leave him indifferent. You need to know how people live and always keep abreast of life.

There was an opinion that nothing can piss Dmitry Borisov off when he broadcasts live. According to the journalist himself, this is not entirely true. He is not alien to all human emotions, and in the year of the Georgian conflict he even cried on the TV screen when the correspondent Olga Kiriy disappeared.

Working, as they say, with an “open ear”, he had to hear everything that was said in the control room of the film crew. And there are 20 people and all with a great sense of humor. And it was very difficult to keep from laughing, and the presenter laughed, but only in those moments when it was appropriate. So the audience didn't suspect anything.

Dmitry Borisov received the greatest fame at the moment when he agreed to become the host of the popular talk show “Let them talk”, which his friend had been hosting for 16 years. The first issue of the program on August 14, 2017 was announced by all the media, even those that covered finance and government. It was a PR campaign of unprecedented scope, which will be included in textbooks. The press published dozens of versions invented from scratch, inflating a non-existent conflict.

When asked why, after the launch of the new “Let them talk” format, you called Malakhov a friend, and he called you a good friend, Dmitry replied that he did not know how employers on the Russia 1 channel looked at Andrey’s communication with him. "Mine do not attach any importance to this, so I communicate with anyone and without looking back at anyone." Borisov has acquaintances on all the competing channels of the First, and there is nothing reprehensible in this.

Borisov even has his own little filmography. He made cameo appearances in two films. Practically himself, that is, a news presenter, he played in the fantastic action movie "Black Lightning" and she also got a cameo role in the crime drama "Escape".

Dmitry also maintains a popular blog on LiveJournal and has a Twitter account. Borisov is in demand, successful, he is a multiple finalist and laureate of the TEFI award, he was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st degree.

Personal life

A handsome young man with excellent parameters (180 cm tall, 77 kg weight) is very popular with girls. In the photo on Instagram, seven beauties surround the journalist, probably dreaming of becoming his soulmate, but, alas, Borisov's heart is still free.

The producer and TV presenter does not talk about his “off-screen” life, which means that he gives a lot of reasons for rumors and gossip. And they are enough. On Ostozhenka, Dmitry was seen in the company of guys with streaked hair in tight blouses and earrings in their ears.

Here he is, in full view of everyone during the celebration of his birthday, gently hugging an illusionist, and Borisov also left the restaurant with some actor. The journalist himself denies such insinuations.

With Yulia Savicheva

And it's true, he had a stormy romance with the singer. Dmitry was so in love with the girl that he dedicated a song to her and sang live. However, for some reason, young people broke up. Julia immediately married the composer Arshinov and soon gave birth to her husband's daughter Anna.

But what about Borisov? He is still unmarried and has no children. The restless press on the pages of numerous publications again suggested that the popular presenter was gay. In the photos on Instagram, Dmitry involuntarily confirms such rumors, posting pictures with a Russian toy terrier dog named Baileys, either in a car or in a boat. And then he also reports that his dog, which he took for mating, had six puppies, and our hero took one of them for himself, since it was impossible to break away.

On condition of anonymity, one of the permanent experts who constantly hang out in the “Let them talk” studio (“Dmitry pays well, so I don’t want to quarrel”) said that Borisov’s relationship with Savicheva was just PR, as often happens in show business . Remember the public hugs and sighs of Lazarev and Kudryavtseva, and even better Baskov and Lopyreva. How did it all end? So here.

With Anfisa Chekhova

In his free time, Dmitry likes to listen to good pop music, as well as songs by Lyudmila Zykina. In order to relax, he knows a good recipe - the main thing is to switch the picture. To do this, you need to buy a ticket and fly somewhere.

The journalist tried to live in Paris and New York, among his favorite cities he names Kyiv, but in the first place, of course, Moscow. It concentrates everything that Borisov likes in other cities.

Dmitry Borisov is a Russian journalist with Ukrainian roots, a popular TV presenter, producer, a handsome man, the idol of many Russian girls.

Travel childhood

Borisov was born in Western Ukraine in a small town. He was brought up in a cultural, educated family. The boy's father works at the Museum of Literature, his mother is a teacher.

The day after the terrible tragedy of 1986 at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the Borisov family moves to Moscow. Having lived there for a short time, they moved to the Lithuanian Panevezys. The family's journey didn't end there. Dmitry's father was transferred to work in distant Siberia, where he received an academic title.

Borisov Jr. went to school in Moscow. He mastered the curriculum quickly, did not experience difficulties. He received his higher education at the Russian State University for the Humanities at the Department of History and Philology.

Achievements of the young journalist

Dmitry began his professional career early, when he was barely 16 years old. He got a job as a decorator at the Moscow radio station "Echo". The executive, flexible, non-conflict guy has proven himself well. Therefore, management offered him the position of news anchor. Additionally, the novice journalist worked on the night air of the Silver music program in a duet with Plushev.

Dmitry Borisov - presenter of Channel One

For a long time, Dmitry was complex because of his young age, because all his colleagues were much older. Parents who support a talented son were able to convince the guy of the opposite. Citing the example of classmates who were just trying to take the first step in career development.

At 21, Borisov became a television presenter for a popular Russian channel. Conducted a news block 3 times a day. In 2007, Dmitry received a diploma from the Russian State Humanitarian University in the field of culture and history. The successful guy began to increase the level of knowledge in graduate school at the same university.

Dmitry Borisov winner of the "Nika" award

The young journalist has a prestigious award - "Best Presenter". Borisov also played himself twice in films: "Black Lightning" and "Escape". In addition to fruitful work on radio and TV, Dmitry maintains his own blog on LiveJournal. The stylish guy has more than fifty thousand subscribers on social networks. In 2011, he was recognized as the best journalist for the active maintenance of a live journal. In the same year, he was accepted for a permanent job in the Vremya news program.

Dmitry Borisov host of the program "Evening News"

Dmitry leads a healthy lifestyle, goes in for sports. In 2013, he took part in the Olympic torch relay. The guy bought this trophy and keeps it for his future children and grandchildren. The following year, Borisov performed in the same program only as part of the Channel One team. For participation in the development of the Olympic Games in Sochi, he was awarded a distinction.

Dmitry Borisov will replace the host Andrey Malakhov in the program "Let them talk"

In 2015, Dmitry's professional activity reached a new level. He was appointed general director of Channel One. World Wide Web”, a structural unit of the parent company. Dmitry was nominated 3 times for the Teffi TV award, but won the long-awaited statuette only in 2016. Success, popularity, money could not spoil the educated intellectual.

Friendly relations

For a long time, Borisov was credited with a romantic relationship with the Russian singer Yulia Savicheva. Restless journalists tried to catch ambiguous gestures and hugs of young people on camera lenses. But there was no reaction or comments from any of the parties to these attacks. Rumors were debunked after the wedding of the singer and the chosen one, which was not Dmitry.

Dmitry Borisov and Yulia Savicheva

Borisov continues to maintain friendly relations with Yulia and her husband. He prefers to remain silent about his personal life. It is only known that Dmitry is not in official relations, and he has no children.

Read about the life of public figures

Dmitry Borisov is a professional TV journalist and host of the evening news on the First Federal Channel. He became widely known after he took the place of Andrei Malakhov in the program "Let them talk."

Childhood and youth

Dmitry was born on August 15, 1985 in Ukrainian Chernivtsi, in a family of philologists. Parents often changed their place of residence, so in early childhood the boy had a chance to travel around the world. He managed to live in the Lithuanian Panevezys, then spent several years in Siberia, and went to the first class already in Moscow.

While still a schoolboy, Dmitry became interested in journalism. He read a lot, was the editor of the school newspaper, and already in high school he managed to get a job at the Ekho Moskvy radio station. A 16-year-old boy wrote a letter to the management in which he proposed the idea of ​​a new program. Of course, they did not immediately trust him to make the transfer, but they took him to the information department.

Soon, Borisov was assigned to host a daily news program, and in the evenings his voice could be heard on the Sunday music program Silver (later Argentum, Fellow Travelers).


In 2006, Dmitry was invited to Channel One as a news anchor. By that time, he had gained considerable experience on the air, so his new colleagues were extremely surprised by such high professionalism at such a young age.

In parallel, Borisov graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of the Russian University for the Humanities, where his father still teaches, and entered graduate school. Studying did not prevent him from becoming the best TV presenter of the season in 2008, and in 2009 - the finalist of the TEFI award. Two years later, he was entrusted with hosting the Vremya program.

Before the 2014 Olympics, the presenter took part in the torchbearer relay race in Moscow, during the Olympics, together with Kirill Nabutov, Andrei Malakhov and Ivan Urgant, he joined the Channel One team, which covered the main events of the games.

In 2015, Dmitry headed the "daughter" of the channel - "Channel One. World Wide Web”, which broadcasts Russian programs to other countries.

But wide popularity came to Borisov in August 2017, when he replaced Andrey Malakhov in the super-popular talk show Let Them Talk. Skeptics predicted Dmitry "creative suicide" in this situation, but, as the broadcasts of the first updated programs showed, Borisov managed to keep the program "afloat". Moreover, Andrey himself, who is a good friend of Dmitry and has long been looking for a worthy replacement, “betrothed” him to this position. Malakhov himself went to the channel "Russia", which gave him great freedom for creativity, multiplied by a high salary.

Personal life of Dmitry Borisov

Little is known about the off-screen life of a slender, handsome presenter. In 2009, he had a high-profile romantic story with singer Yulia Savicheva. Dmitry was so in love that he even dedicated a song to the artist and performed it publicly on the air.

However, the matter never came to a wedding, and in 2014 Yulia became the wife of Alexander Arshinov, to whom she later gave birth to a child. Since then, Dmitry was no longer seen in any serious relationship with girls, often appears in the company of a small decorative dog.

Dmitry Borisov: pajama party on Love Radio

In 2015, rumors spread on the Web about the unconventional orientation of Dmitry Borisov. He was suspected of homosexuality after celebrating his birthday - the hero of the occasion gently hugged the illusionist Daniil Radaev, and then left the restaurant with actor Vasily Raksha. However, the presenter does not confirm these accusations.

Dmitry Borisov blogs on LiveJournal under the pseudonym ddb and has a Twitter account ddb1.

Dmitry Borisov now

Assuming the post of host of "Let them talk", Dmitry Borisov promised the audience to refresh the format of the program.

Dmitry Borisov kicked out a political scientist from "Let them talk"

In one of the first episodes, he kicked Ukrainian political scientist Dmitry Suvorov out of the studio, who spoke approvingly about the death of Givi, Motorola and Rada deputy Irina Berezhnaya. Borisov asked him to leave the studio for disrespect, and he left to the cries of "Shame."

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Dmitry Borisov - journalist and TV presenter of Channel One, documentary film producer. His television career took a new turn after being appointed to the position of the host of the country's popular talk show, which he previously hosted. Borisov withstood the comparison with the popular favorite, retaining his own style of communication on the air. Today he is one of the most popular Russian TV newsmakers.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry was born on August 15, 1985 in the Ukrainian city of Chernivtsi in a family of philologists. Mother Elena Borisova taught Russian language and culture, and father Dmitry Bak still manages the State Museum of the History of Russian Literature named after.

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Dmitry Borisov in childhood

When Dima was less than a year old, the family moved to Moscow, fleeing the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster. Later they lived in Lithuania, Siberia, after which they again returned to the capital of Russia. The future TV presenter attended school, after which he followed in the footsteps of his parents and entered the Russian State University for the Humanities, the Faculty of History and Philology.

Journalism and television

The professional biography of the journalist began early. At the age of 16, Borisov began working at the Echo radio station. At first, the young man became an editor, and when he showed the results, he was promoted to news anchor. Also, the young man worked together with journalist Alexander Plushev. On the night air, they together hosted the Silver music program.

In March 2006, Dmitry began working on Channel One. Borisov hosted morning, afternoon and evening newscasts. Already in 2008, the young man was ranked among the "first on the First": the announcer was awarded the "Best TV presenter of the season" award. Dmitry's Internet activity also deserves recognition. In 2011, he won the Runet award for the best blog of a journalist. Since that time, Borisov has constantly led the Vremya program.

Dmitry tries to be active not only at the main place of work. He became a participant in filming, appearing in the films "Black Lightning" and "Escape", and in 2014 he showed himself during the Olympic torch relay.

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Dmitry Borisov, Elena Malysheva and Andrey Malakhov

In 2015, Borisov became the general producer of Channel One. World Wide Web”, a subsidiary branch of the channel, created 20 years earlier to broadcast on different continents.

Producing activity did not prevent the TV journalist from staying on the air and continuing to broadcast Evening News in his usual schedule. His skill was noted in 2016 with the TEFI award in the nomination "News Program Host".

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Borisov continues to work on the Echo radio, from which his career began. In the studio, the journalist is responsible for Sunday broadcasts, where he is distracted from news work and has interesting conversations with celebrities.

In 2017, Dmitry replaced Andrey Malakhov in place of the TV presenter of the Let Them Talk project. The first issue of the rating program was held in August. The air discussed the period of time when the talk show was hosted by the country's most popular newsmaker. The intrigue of Borisov's appointment continued until the end of the program, during which other possible candidates for the position of the TV presenter of the brightest TV project on Channel One were discussed.

Personal life

The relationship of a tall, intelligent brunette (Dmitry's height is 180 cm, weight - 77 kg) with representatives of the opposite sex has repeatedly become the subject of research by reporters. But the TV journalist himself always kept this side of private life closed from prying eyes.

However, one alleged novel by a journalist still came to the attention of his colleagues. We are talking about the relationship between Dmitry Borisov and. Young people met on the Ekho Moskvy radio in 2009, after which they often went out together. The paparazzi took a lot of photos of the couple.

According to press reports, young people were almost going to marry. But after Savicheva became a wife in 2014, whom she met for 10 years, everything fell into place - Yulia and Dmitry always maintained only friendly relations.

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Dmitry Borisov and Yulia Savicheva

After the public stopped considering Yulia to be Dmitry's girlfriend, Borisov's personal life became less and less interesting to the press, but a number of publications continued to make various assumptions about the unconventional orientation of the TV presenter. The journalist himself does not talk about private life and does not comment on the publications of the yellow press. It is only known that today Borisov is not married and has no children.

In 2018, the TV presenter intrigued subscribers "Instagram" joint pictures with a girl unknown to the public. Dmitry's fans noted the similarity of the beauty with the actress. Later, a version appeared that this is the Belarusian model Olga Sherer, who works abroad.

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Dmitry Borisov with a girl

Soon Borisov became a member of the gay scandal. On the air of the release of the program “Let them talk”, where the untimely departure was discussed

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