Dmitry Gorovenko: "First money, and then food - we need to change that." Dmitry Gorovenko became a bachelor: exclusive interview Who are the judges master chef children 2


A little less than a year ago, the MasterChef judge on the STB channel Dmitry Gorovenko introduced everyone to his girlfriend. Christina accompanied the chef on the set, the couple traveled together and attended all social events in Kyiv. And this spring, Dmitry even took Christina to Georgia, to introduce his girlfriend to his daughter Elya and his ex-wife - they have been living there for many years.

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But recently there was information that Dima and Christina broke up. This was confirmed by Gorovenko himself.

“Yes, we broke up with Christina. It was a tough decision for me. I can’t even say that today, by the present conversation, I have completely cooled down, my feelings have not yet faded away. We broke up because Christina's desires are different from her actions. It's one thing to want a family, and another thing to do something for it. She is still very young (she is 24 years old), she wants to go out, she is really interested in a lot of things. It's all about the age difference. But I know for sure that I'm moving on. And this is a new page in my life. I am open to new acquaintances. And I know that I want a family. I will even say that I want more children. Everything has its time..

Earlier, in an interview with the STB website, Dmitry mentioned that the reason for their separation from his beloved was money:

“Unfortunately, the girl now, at her 24-year-old age, cannot understand that relationships are not built on her beauty and not on money. First, a person in a relationship is guided by the following things: I am beautiful, love me, because I just exist. And secondly, the girl is interested in money and everything connected with it. That is, she is dependent on them, and if they are not enough, then she draws her own conclusions. A person wants to rest, do nothing, not work. I want partnerships, not one in which one person works to meet the needs of another.”

The answer to the ex-lover was not long in coming. On her blog, Christina wrote the following:

“Here is a brief description of the financial situation in our house: Dima did not support me, did not give me “pocket money”, I personally provided for all my needs, because, oh news (!) I earn. Dima paid for the rented apartment in which we lived, yes, and for everyday moments, by type of food or at the expense of a cafe, when we got out somewhere ... And that, my dears, is all. These are all the mountains of gold that I took advantage of so immorally, so you will certainly forgive me, but if this, and only this, is called commercialism, then so be it. And you at the same time write to me and explain to the stupid, if not difficult, how then the financial side of a man looks right, because apparently my parents and I were brought up somehow wrong. What else... am I beautiful? Sorry, genetic question. Oh yes, I don’t do anything in my mortal existence, I sit on the couch and haven’t struck a finger in my whole life ... Ummm, well guys, I’m a bachelor of philological sciences, I graduated from the culinary academy, I have a musical education, I am fluent in 4 languages, worked as a vocalist, teacher, model, cook, lived in Germany and traveled to 24 countries, and now (which Dima doesn’t know about, of course) I’m applying to a European university, I’m going to move and start something that scares me a little, because it’s at least not to go for bread ... I can be accused of a difficult character or that I demand a lot of attention, but I certainly cannot be called an inactive stool hunter. So what was wrong? I didn't go to the office every day? Or did I look too good? Traveled a lot, rested and enjoyed life at 24? Am I living the way I want to? I think the problem was that I fell in love too much with a man who, unfortunately, decided even after parting to hurt me.

Activity: chef, TV presenter
Date of Birth: June 26, 1983
SignhOdiaca: Cancer
Place of Birth: Sevastopol (Ukraine)
Height: 182 cm
Tags: ,
Family status: divorced

Dmitry Gorovenko- culinary reality show judge MasterChef on STB channel

Gorovenko joined the project in 2017 and became a MasterChef judge along with the show's old-timers Hector Jimenez-Bravo and Tatyana Litvinova.

Dmitry Gorovenko is a chef with 20 years of experience.

Dmitry Gorovenko was born on June 26, 1983, originally from Sevastopol. He wanted to become a chef after, at the age of 7, he was impressed by the spectacular slicing of cucumbers by his neighbor in the country. He graduated from 9 classes, after which he studied culinary art at a culinary school, and then went to conquer the capital.

The young chef first worked on the sidelines in the famous Kyiv restaurants "Egoist", "Concorde" and "Marrokana", then went to study in Moscow, from where he returned as a ready-made chef. Gorovenko's first solo success was the City-cafe "7 Fridays" restaurant. Gorovenko's work was highly appreciated by experts and he was included in the list of the top 25 best chefs in Ukraine according to the Focus magazine. At that time, he was the youngest participant in the rating, he was 26 years old.

Gorovenko worked closely with the Kyiv-based Russian restaurateur Dima Borisov and was involved in the development of cuisine in many of his establishments. The author's style of Dmitry Gorovenko marks the cuisine of such establishments as "Badger", "Sheep Hunting", "L'opera", "Daily fish cafe" and others.

The latest brainchild of the chef is the pan-Asian restaurant Mai Satai, which opened in the summer of 2018 in Kyiv on Vozdvizhenka. Now it is one of the most popular establishments in Kyiv.

Gorovenko joined the MasterChef team in 2017 and was a judge of the MasterChef project. Children, replacing the restaurateur Nikolai Tishchenko.

On August 28, 2018, Dmitry Gorovenko returned to the duties of a MasterChef project judge. The 8th season of the culinary reality show starts on the STB channel. You can also watch MasterChef online at No Taboo.

Dmitry Gorovenko, the brand chef of the Dima Borisov restaurant group, is now one of the most sought-after professionals in the industry. met with him, talking about the gastronomic situation in Ukraine, edible flowers and impressions of Asian haute cuisine.

Tell me, when will the generation of Ukrainian chefs form, how, for example, did the generation of Scandinavian chefs form recently? And does our society really need it?

This is a process of some kind of globalization. I think that this will happen in the best case in 15 years.

Optimistic forecast!

Yes, I was just recently in the countries of the first world, where subway cars travel without drivers and air conditioners work even in underground passages. But we all adopt recipes from all over the world, probably because the nation is poor.

They think that their own is worse than someone else's.

Yes, the bottom line is: our business owner who opens a new place, first of all, thinks about how to make money, and not about the image of his restaurant. If these two points are interchanged, then everything will immediately fall into place. Then the chefs will start to develop. Then the owner of the restaurant will think about what this chef can do, what he knows.

Once we stop thinking about making money...

Then we will start thinking about the cult of food, about perception, remember how it was, what it was, about some authentic things, the cult of visiting restaurants. This should be done with my children. Now children need to start instilling the habit of going to restaurants, choosing the right products. This is a process that comes from above. We have a person with an average income, who can afford to drink beer once a week, comes to such an institution and thinks: why beer costs 25 hryvnia, and across the street - 10.

I don't think our people are that...

So... It's only in Kyiv that people understand why such a price. And if you take the periphery, then there is so much. I was recently in Lugansk, where I constantly encountered this. Although it seemed the city is rather big and there are financial resources there. But there are two strata of society: the poor and the rich, there are no middle strata at all. Our chefs may be ready to give some product, but there is no one to give it to. The rich do not need it and it is incomprehensible, and the middle class, which we want to teach, is not yet ready for this.

So this is a social problem!

This is a social problem for sure. This is not a problem of a particular restaurant or a particular owner. Next moment. Six months ago, I caught a student who came to work with us. I needed to urgently find out what program they have now and I asked him three questions. He did not answer three questions. Then I asked him three questions from a program I had plus or minus 13 years ago. He answered them for me. Nothing changed. Thirteen years have passed. The program has remained the same. Where are we heading? It turns out that some people are moving forward, doing something, and the training program remains the same. There is an organization Association of Chefs once in Kyiv, and now in Ukraine. She does nothing. In my opinion, the organization should be engaged in the selection of personnel. What is the difficulty on such a fertile land as ours, to grow lettuce, basil, dill, parsley. Well, dill-parsley is, well, cherry tomatoes are familiar and understandable to everyone. There are no complications. It just needs to be done. No one does this in our country and all such products are imported from abroad. From Israel, Holland - it's stupid! Once, with my partner Valery Pasechnik, I talked with the head of the Association about the possibility of raising personnel and obtaining accreditation. And we are told openly: "We will not earn money on this." It all happens from above, not at our level. At the level of those people who are business owners, who can, but do not want to do it.

But you and your fellow culinary enthusiasts can create such a gastronomically friendly space.

By the way, we are now thinking about creating some kind of non-profit structure for training personnel.

How is the El Bulli Foundation with Ferran Adria?

Yes Yes Yes! You can't find a good boss these days. We are all in pursuit of money. A man comes and says: "I want to earn three thousand hryvnias." The question arises: "What can you do?" "Nothing." Conditionally. Of course, he won’t say that, but you begin to understand that a person is not worth this money, but he already says that he will earn it. Well, you can understand it. 3 thousand hryvnias is not money, you can’t actually live on them, but he doesn’t know anything. And there is nothing to blame a person for!

We are all used to doing everything with the prefix under.

Yes! And one moment. High cuisine restaurants. All establishments that declare themselves as such with us are pseudo-restaurants. After a trip to Asia, I can say this with 100% certainty.

Where exactly have you been in Asia?

In Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia. We open a restaurant: first they make a platform, such an "outdoor candy", and then they start to make a kitchen. Abroad, everything is completely different. I know why a restaurant can afford to be closed on Monday, pre-booking and so on. Were in a restaurant in Singapore called the Tippling Club. Its chef and co-owner is one of the top 100 chefs in the world. There is no outer shell at all...

Just a chair and table?

Chair and table! And the kitchen is where the magic happens. The restaurant is full of people, you need to sign up there. They have a day off on Monday, etc., etc. Now the question is why: here everything is aimed at making money, they have it too, but of secondary importance. There, first they offer the guest a product, explain why this is so, and then they take money from him for this service. First they take money from us, and then they provide a service. A restaurant of this level cannot afford to invite a guest just from the street. After all, the dishes that are prepared there, they are prepared within two to three hours. It takes three hours to feed a group of ten people. Therefore, you need to sign up and come at a certain time. Hence the understanding of molecular cuisine. The product takes so long to cook to be correct and tasty that in order to cook it you need a) time, b) everything is reversed. Here in the hall put a chair and a table, and where the magic happens, create a laboratory.

Does a chef need to learn or is it enough to be an amateur chef and an enthusiast?

Both one option and the second option are possible. At the moment, I would create some kind of school of cooks to get accreditation.

Do you mean work license?

Yes, and also an analogue of a diploma, which says that he graduated from such and such an enterprise and it is accredited, has the right to issue some kind of document and this document has some weight in society. We don't have anything like that right now. There is or was the School of Nikolai Tishchenko. But she doesn't give anything. You can just say that you graduated from such and such a school. But abroad it has no weight. Returning to the question, I would mix knowledge. The knowledge that chefs now receive, they are needed by 30%.

Do you mean Ukrainian universities?

Yes, yes, we don’t even have culinary institutions. There is no higher school of culinary arts. There is no institution that would produce chefs, not cooks. This is a controversial issue, because the chef can get his knowledge only by working with people, with the product. You can release a cook with the knowledge of cutting leaves. And you can release a cook with knowledge of deeper matters. Chemistry, for example. This is very necessary. For molecular gastronomy, for example.

Especially with your approach using molecular gastronomy to decorate dishes.

Yes! Now, for example, the chemistry that is taught in vocational schools is not taught at the level at which a cook needs it. This is the first, and the second - the cook does not yet understand why he needs chemistry in the kitchen.

That's why he studies it badly!

Speaking of theory and practice, do you read books about gastronomy, the same Herve This?

I do not read, I rather perceive food by taste and smell, even visually. I am interested in reading only if it is something short and capacious. By the way, now I am looking for a person with knowledge who would cross his knowledge of chemistry and my knowledge of this science. After all, I am one of those people who, while studying, did not understand why I needed chemistry. This is not even a teacher, it should be a person who will be interested in it just like me.

Would you like to get a diploma from some prestigious culinary university?

Yes, I can say that I continue to study, read, watch, try.

What is your favorite culinary technique right now?

There is such a position - edible flowers. I am currently studying this topic. This is what is interesting to me now. I study the beneficial properties of such flowers and their combination with food.

To what extent can flowers in our country be edible?

Quite. You can also grow them. These are flowers of products that are very clear to us: flowers of zucchini, cucumbers. Consider these two options: first there is a flower, and then it blooms, blooms and a small zucchini appears, which then grows, and the flower fades. It turns out that you need to interrupt the process: you do not receive a product, but you receive a flower.

Oh yes, these wonderful recipes with stuffed zucchini flowers!

And stuffed with nasturtium flowers. Not all flowers have the same situation as with zucchini. He needs that product, and that one. Probably, in most cases, our people need a zucchini, rather than a flower.

But with decorative flowers you need to be careful. I know that violets are all edible.

Yes, that is right. More pansies, clover, nasturtiums. Cucumber flower.


Yes, but you have to be careful there. You can eat flowers of a certain variety and only petals. More gladioli. Cornflowers.

But flowers can only be an accent, right?

Yes and no. There will never be a violet salad, but you can take lettuce leaves and try to mix them with flowers.

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