Dmitry Komarov and Andretan created a life-saving triangular globe. “The situation is critical”: Dmitry Komarov turned to fans for help Dmitry Komarov world inside out personal life


Dmitry Konstantinovich Komarov became popular in Russia after the release of the program about travel "The World Inside Out" on the Friday channel. After the resounding success of the travel show "The World Inside Out", the biography and personal life of Dmitry Komarov began to interest fans. The TV program won the title of "Favorite TV Press-2013". Dmitry is a journalist and photographer. The Cup of Coffee charitable project, within which Dmitri calls for abandoning petty expenses (a cup of coffee on the way to work is chosen as a symbol), but giving money to help those in need, helped pay for expensive surgeries for sick children.

Popular presenter's childhood

Fans who are interested in the biography and personal life of Dmitry Komarov, the host of The World Inside Out, know that he comes from Ukraine. Dmitry was born in 1983 in Kyiv. Little Dima showed curiosity, a passion for travel and adventure from early childhood. Since childhood, a simple life seemed boring and gray to a television star.

Komarov has a brother and a sister. Ukrainian customs implied frequent family gatherings, accompanied by songs and noisy conversations. The family is musical, Dima showed talents of this nature early. First of all, the parents decided that the boy needed to study at a music school in piano. Dima did not go further than secondary education in the musical field, and did not begin to connect his life with music.

Dima, the first-born, like many older children in the family, really wanted a brother or sister. When the boy was 6 years old, his mother became pregnant. Ultrasound studies showed that there would be another son in the family, but during childbirth it turned out that it was twins. Komarov had a brother and a sister at the same time.

Dima felt a craving for journalism at the age of 12. The first pen attempts were successful. The first articles were published in serious publications along with professional journalists. The future TV star was fond of photography. Dima decided to build his career on the basis of children's hobbies.

The growth of Dmitry Komarov is 180.

Where did Dmitry Komarov study?

After leaving school, young Dmitry was faced with the question of choosing a profession. After much deliberation, the young man enters NTU - the National Transport University. The technical specialty did not become an obstacle to the development of journalistic abilities. Dmitry continues to write articles and publish in various publications.

Successful articles became a ticket to work as a special correspondent for Komsomolskaya Pravda and Izvestia in Ukraine. The specialty of an engineer was not Dmitry's vocation, in the third year NTU decides to simultaneously receive additional education at the University of Culture and Arts.

After completing his studies, Dmitry received two diplomas: an engineer and a public relations specialist.

He spent his free time actively and traveled a lot. I preferred to visit areas where there were few tourists. Original culture, unexplored routes attracted the presenter. He preferred to travel alone, considering this fact the main success of self-development. Thus, he could focus on his feelings of new experiences and analyze the feelings without interference. On trips, he always took the flag of Ukraine.

Career development as a journalist and presenter

The character of Dmitry Makarov does not tolerate tedious and monotonous work. He was attracted by irregular working hours. A career as a host in a travel program is perfect for Dmitry's temperament.

During his travels, he took many photographs, improving his skills and craftsmanship. He organized exhibitions and photo reports from his works. Having visited Kenya and Tanzania, in 2005 Dmitry organized the Africa exposition. Two years later he presented to the public the exhibition “Nepal. Year 2064. And two years later - the exposition "Indosutra", after a trip to India.

A trip was entered into the book of records of Ukraine, which lasted 90 days. During this time, the leader made a 20 thousand km walk. One of the significant events was obtaining permission to film a mourning ceremony on the banks of the Ganges. The cremation process was visited for the first time by a foreign photojournalist.

A new round of career - "The World Inside Out"

Photography fascinated the young man, but he had no less passion for travel. During his trips, he got real pleasure from knowing the world, from the opportunity to see new countries, places and nature, as well as to feel new cultures. The movement did not always go smoothly, because the guy did not even know where he would spend the night in a particular city. The problems of finding food and lodging for the night did not lessen Komarov's ardor and his interest in the world. Dmitry's hobby developed rapidly and gradually passed it on to relatives and friends. As a result, he did not travel alone.

All the adventures of Komarov with friends were recorded in photographs, but they did not convey the beauty and fullness of the impressions. As a result, the idea was born to take a video camera with you on trips. The first video filming prompted Dmitry to create a television program. The travel project was called "The World Inside Out". Being the creator of the Komarov project, he acted as a host.

The first releases were shown only on Ukrainian television on the 1 + 1 channel. The style and atmosphere of the program have not changed, but now Komarov was traveling not alone, but together with the film crew.

Issues were not only colorful, but also informative. Before each transmission, the presenter carefully prepared and studied the traditions and customs of the place he was visiting. The popularity of the show began to grow after each release. Each release brought not only fans, but also a good income. In Ukraine, Makarov became very popular, soon his fame was transferred to Russia. In the issues, most often the film crew worked in exotic and little-visited countries.

Dmitry Komarov, thanks to his sociability and good disposition, attracts local residents who are happy to be frank with him, reveal some secrets of culture and life. His programs are interesting and exciting, as an experienced presenter finds an approach to the authorities and easily obtains permission to shoot. While traveling, the leader has to learn languages ​​for communication.


A heavy schedule and employment in many projects does not prevent the TV presenter from engaging in charitable projects. One of these projects is "Coffee Cup". The idea came to the leader spontaneously, empathizing with sick children, he decided not to sit idly by, but to come to the rescue.

Using the Internet, Dmitry urged those around him to give up their daily cup of coffee, and send the saved money to help those in need. At first, the idea was not approved, since it seemed ridiculous to many to transfer an amount equal to the cost of a mug of coffee, but after a while more and more people were inspired by the idea. A simple idea has grown into a big charitable movement.

Personal life of the "Most handsome man"

The biography and personal life of Dmitry Komarov, the host of The World Inside Out, are filled with work. Employment on the project does not leave time for family and loved ones. Not married. Creating his own family for Dmitry is a serious step, for which there is not enough time yet.

In one of the interviews, the presenter noted that he has an amorous temperament, but takes any relationship seriously. Short-term relationships are not for him, long-term strong romances are preferable. In people, he is especially attracted by sincerity. And as a true patriot of the country, he believes that there are no more beautiful Ukrainian girls in the world.

While traveling, he meets girls from different countries and cultures, but he believes that it will not work to create a strong marriage with a foreigner. In his opinion, it is very difficult to find something in common with a woman from another culture. In addition, language becomes a serious obstacle in mutual understanding. The specifics of work and constant employment can be a test for young people, so Dmitry needs a special understanding girl. Personal life is still in second place.

Dmitry Konstantinovich Komarov is a popular journalist and photographer, author and TV presenter of the extreme travel show "The World Inside Out" on the Ukrainian channel "1 + 1" and the all-Russian "Friday!" ), winner of the Viva! The most beautiful-2017”.

He is also known for the creation of the Cup of Coffee charity project, in which he campaigns to abandon daily small expenses like buying a glass of coffee on the way to work and transfer this money to the treatment of children. For a year and a half, with the help of subscribers, he managed to pay for expensive operations abroad for five children.


The future traveler and journalist was born on June 17, 1983 in the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv, and became the firstborn in an ordinary Soviet family. His parents are very modest and not public people. In addition to Dmitry, they raised and raised two more children: a son and a daughter. According to Dmitry, despite the difficult financial situation in the 1990s, they managed to create a friendly, strong family and give a happy childhood to all three.

The makings of a future profession and the ability for literary creativity in Dmitry manifested itself very early. By his own admission, he began writing articles for periodicals in elementary school. And at the age of 17, he was already seriously engaged in journalism, getting a job at the editorial office of Telenedelya, where he enthusiastically edited the exclusive materials of the popular Ukrainian-Russian weekly.

Career Development

After school, the young man became a student at the National Transport University. Simultaneously with his studies at a technical university, he continued to write articles for a number of print publications, including the men's glossy magazines EGO and Playboy. Later he worked as a special correspondent for Komsomolskaya Pravda and Izvestia in Ukraine.

On the 3rd year of study at NTU, he finally realized that journalism interests him most of all, so he continued to study at the University of Culture and Arts in parallel. As a result, the young man received two diplomas: an engineer and a public relations specialist.

While still a student, Dmitry traveled a lot, visiting places, small towns and villages that stood apart from well-worn tourist trails, getting to know the locals and their original culture. Interestingly, he preferred to make his trips alone, considering loneliness a useful and important factor. In his opinion, this state allowed him to understand a foreign country, to concentrate as much as possible on his feelings and thoughts. As a talisman, he took the flag of Ukraine with him on all his travels.

On trips, he began to get involved in photography, then making photo reports and exhibitions of the most interesting works. So, in 2005, he presented the exposition "Africa", including photographs from Kenya and Tanzania. In 2007, he organized an exhibition of photographs “Nepal. Year 2064", in 2009 - the exhibition "Indosutra", where he presented successful shots taken in India. He was the first foreign photojournalist to receive permission from the authorities to film a cremation on the banks of the Ganges. The trip itself, during which he managed to travel 20 thousand km in 90 days, was included in the Book of Records of Ukraine.

world inside out

Soon Dmitry began to take a video camera on his travels. At this stage, the idea of ​​creating an entertaining and educational program was born, where he could show viewers not the traditional tourist corners of different countries, but exclusive materials about hard-to-reach and mysterious places, wild tribes, amazing animals, strange customs and shocking rituals. This is how his show "The World Inside Out" was born.

The premiere release of the program, which he became the host of, was released in 2010 on the 1 + 1 channel, was dedicated to Cambodia and was a resounding success. Viewers were impressed by footage of local residents eating poisonous tarantulas, a story about the life of a tribe of former cannibals, pnongs, and the view of brothels.

A year later, Komarov prepared a series of programs about India. Then, together with the cameraman, he visited Ethiopia, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Kenya in Africa, introducing the audience to the corners of these countries untouched by civilization, with rare professions of local residents, and vibrant culture.

The fourth season of the program was devoted to Vietnam, the next - to Indonesia, where their main impression was the tree houses.

In 2015, Dmitry and his partner traveled around Mexico for several months, visited the house where Ernest Hemigway lived and worked, the bar where he wrote his most amazing lines. They also visited Cuba and Bolivia.

Filming of absolutely all episodes of the project was carried out with the participation of only two people - the author and the cameraman. By 2015, their number reached 100 programs. This circumstance allowed him to get into the Book of Records of Ukraine in the nomination "the largest number of tourist programs filmed by a minimal film crew."

Dmitry Komarov conquered Everest

In 2016, Dmitry went to Nepal, the highest mountainous country on Earth, where he happened to be in the epicenter of a 5.5 magnitude earthquake. His main goal was the highest peak of the planet - Everest. He spoke about her conquest and other fascinating and even mystical moments. For example, about how he unexpectedly chose to move to one of the places in the country not the proposed plane, but a car. They were later told that the plane had crashed in a plane crash.

Personal life of Dmitry Komarov

The host of "The World Inside Out" is not married. He is completely devoted to his project. Excessive employment, a passion for knowing the underside of exotic countries, frequent and long business trips prevent him from starting his own family.

He admitted in an interview that he is very emotional and amorous, but he takes romantic relationships very seriously. He is disgusted by the thought of short affairs, he prefers long-term romances. In communication, he values ​​sincerity most of all. In exotic countries, he met many beauties, but he considers Ukrainian women to be the most beautiful girls in the world.

The young man is skeptical about alliances with foreign women. In his opinion, after a period of euphoria and falling in love, only common interests and joint pastime can maintain relationships. But for people who grew up on different fairy tales, cartoons and books, who absorbed completely different concepts and values, it is almost impossible to understand each other's interests. In addition, no matter how well a person learns the language of another country, communication with a foreigner cannot be as deep as with a compatriot.

The girl to whom I propose to marry me, and who agrees, must understand the peculiarities of my work. Yes, she will have to wait for me from expeditions for several months.

Dmitry Komarov now

The adventures of the presenter in the "Land of the Rising Sun", which he and the cameraman visited in 2017, were interesting. In particular, he managed to get into the secret world of sumo wrestlers, who strictly guard their secrets, to reveal the reason for the high suicide rate in a highly developed country and the secret of the longevity of the people of Okinawa, which lies in the diet, namely, in the daily use of a rare algae called mazuko.

Dmitry Komarov in Japan

In 2018, Dmitry announced the release of his new book. According to the extreme traveler, it will contain many photos, tips for tourists, recipes for exotic dishes and exclusive information about the most unusual facts and places on the planet. He believes that his book will be of interest to readers of all ages, and will also be useful for schoolchildren as an alternative textbook.

Photo 1 of 8: © press service "1+1"

One of the main Ukrainian travelers Dmitry Komarov opens the world to us with all its charms and oddities. Indeed, it simply turns the "world inside out" to show all its beauty, danger and unpredictability.

Our editorial managed to talk with Dmitry Komarov about his work, plans and new possible projects, and also touched upon the topic of gossip, criticism and personal life... About the most expensive season of "The World Inside Out", the most ridiculous rumor and about the people who played an important role in its life, Komarov said in an interview.

  • You have been working as a host for more than one year, traveling the world, learning a lot of interesting things about other peoples, countries and amazing places. Satisfied with your life? Are there times when you want to quit?

Of course, I'm happy. This is my lifestyle, and this is the business that I chose myself. "The World Inside Out" is my child, whom I continue to raise and develop. But despite the fact that this is a bright and interesting life, on the other hand, it is very difficult. There is a downside to "The World Inside Out". Night editing, shooting for 120 days without days off, life in constant moving and often without comfort. Moments when you want to quit everything happen regularly. But in the end, when I finish the program, I see the reaction of the audience and good ratings, I understand that it’s not time to quit yet, because people are waiting for the continuation. We look at the globe and understand that there are still a lot of bright seasons ahead and everything that we have not yet had time to show.

Host of "The World Inside Out" Dmitry Komarov © press service "1+1"

  • You have such a colossal experience in creating your author's program. Have you thought about making a short film, a documentary about Ukraine, for example?

Of course, I thought that over time I could change the genre and try my hand at shooting a full-fledged documentary. Many of our series are essentially documentaries, specials, and not just entertaining episodes. Take, for example, our Fukushima programs. This is investigative journalism. There was a series about Hiroshima and Nagasaki - also not quite the classic "World Inside Out", but a kind of documentary release. Someday we will come to both a short film and a film. About Ukraine, including, of course.

  • You said that in Africa, when you filmed the program, you had to pay at every turn. What is the most expensive country in the history of the World Inside Out program?

Despite the fact that you have to pay for everything in Africa, the most expensive country is Japan. A train ticket alone costs more than a hundred dollars there. And we traveled by train almost every day. In Tokyo, in just a few days, one hundred dollars flies away just for travel. In Africa, you have to pay for every step. This is not the case in Japan, but if money is already taken there, then impressive amounts, especially when it comes to the fees of famous people. As an example, I want to give a samurai who is able to cut a bullet on the fly with his katana sword. Experiments are being conducted in which a rubber bullet is fired from a pistol, and the samurai manages to get his sword and cut it in half. This is filmed on a slow motion camera. Of course, we wanted to conduct such an experiment during the expedition to Japan. We found the contacts of the samurai, wrote to him and received an answer that the cost is 10 thousand dollars plus 8% tax for 1 shot. We explained that we were not ready to pay such an amount for 1 frame, to which we received an answer that there was no bargaining. True, he offered us to cut a tennis ball instead of a bullet, which is spit out by a special machine. One tennis ball - $2,000 plus 8% tax. So this shooting did not take place :)

In Japan, the average salary is $3,000 or more, and pensions are $1,500. People do not need it there, so they often ask for really too high fees. Therefore, Japan is our most expensive season.

Host of "The World Inside Out" Dmitry Komarov © press service "1+1"

  • We can't help but ask about another show you've been on. Has your life changed in any way since Dancing with the Stars? Do you continue to communicate with Alexandra Kucherenko? Did you know at all that you were credited with an affair with Miss Ukraine 2016? Did it flatter you?) There are a lot of questions, but let's start with the first one, and then all the rest :)

My life hasn't changed much. Participation in the show "Dances with stars" I evaluate as a positive experience. It was a very interesting and challenging test. Indeed, he himself would never have taken up dancing so tightly in his life. Even though my choreographic performance is not outstanding, I really trained very hard. Spent at least 6 hours a day in the gym. It was hard for me, but I still gladly agreed to take part in the project, because for me this is a kind of plot of "The World Inside Out", in which I tried a new profession - the profession of a dancer. During the participation, I nevertheless mastered some basic elements, and when shooting somewhere in the same African countries, this will definitely come in handy for me. If I get to a tribal festival, then together we will dance some kind of samba there. Therefore, "Dancing ..." was a very cool experience.

We continue to communicate with Sasha. We have good friendly relations. We can call at any time to discuss any issue. We don't see each other very often, but already after "Dancing ..." we crossed paths, talked. Sasha is an erudite, intelligent, interesting person with whom you can talk on any topic.

I'm used to the fact that I am credited with novels with every girl with whom I took a picture somewhere. I think that any public person, and especially a bachelor, should be ready for this. I keep my personal life a secret, separate it from the public one, and I think everyone is also used to this.

Dmitry Komarov with Miss Ukraine 2016 © Press service "1+1"

  • Many people praised you a lot and were even proud of your perseverance in dancing, but there was also criticism against you. How do you feel about criticism?

I treat criticism adequately, self-ironically. I think that a person who knows how to laugh at himself, life is much easier. About my participation in "Dancing ..." there was even a number in the "League of Laughter", where, according to the script, my fan took me prisoner. Then I gladly agreed to this number. In "Dances..." I didn't take criticism deeply, but I treat it normally, without resentment, since I myself am not a dancer. At the same time, in my main activity, I try to do everything perfectly.

  • Curious to know how you feel about rumors about yourself? What's the craziest thing you've heard?

Any public person should get used to the fact that there will be rumors and gossip about him. Any small fact, passed from mouth to mouth, is necessarily overgrown with non-existent details. That's why I'm used to gossip.

We have already touched on the issue that it is worth taking a picture with someone - you must have an affair with her. I remember many years ago, when Solomiya Vitvitskaya became the host of "1 + 1", she admitted that her mother is my fan and keeps my reports from the Izvestia newspaper. Later, we somehow crossed paths at an event in the cinema - me, Solomiya and her mother. I met my mother, and the photographer took a picture of the three of us and posted the photo on the Internet. And then there were rumors that since I was in the photo with Solomiya and her mother, then we definitely meet. Sole and I laughed then. I tell her: "Look what they write in the comments - we are dating!". And she told me: "What, maybe we'll post one more photo so that everyone is sure?"

  • Who has played a significant role in your life? Or did you come to everything in your life on your own, without instructions and help?

The project "The World Inside Out" I created myself, based on my ideas about what kind of travel program I would like to see.

If we talk about what kind of people played an important role in my life, then I believe that the origins always come from my parents. Personality is formed from childhood. For example, my love for photography comes from my father. We had a collection of 13 or 17 cameras at home, because my father was actively involved in photography in his youth. At the age of 12, I was so carried away by this business that for the next five years I devoted all my time only to photography. Through her, I got into journalism. I took photos of the stars under the concert halls, brought them to the editorial offices, and so I entered this circle.

Love for extreme sports, probably, I have from my grandfather. He was the head of an anti-hail and anti-avalanche expedition in the North Caucasus. They shot at the clouds when hail clouds approached. I often came to the Caucasus for summer holidays, the stories of my grandfather sunk into my soul.

  • We know that you do a lot for your program yourself. What is the most difficult thing in your work and do you think about "replenishment" in your team? Maybe decide on another third person in the "World Inside Out" team, or are you already comfortable?

We don’t need a third person, because in such a small team as we have, there is an undeniable bonus: Sasha Dmitriev and I can always sit on the same motorcycle together and get anywhere. Even if we have a guide and a driver, the four of us can go anywhere in one car. We look inconspicuous, do not attract attention. Locals quickly accept us and open up to us, show their real life. This is the uniqueness of our program. Traveling together, we manage to literally "dissolve" in the local population and see its real life. There are no staged shootings in our project.

Watch new episodes of "The World Inside Out" with Dmitry Komarov every Thursday on the "1 + 1" channel:

By today's standards, Dmitry grew up in a large family. He has a brother Nikolai and a sister Angelina, while he is the eldest. The biography of Dmitry Komarov began in Kyiv (1983). Despite the crisis of the nineties, the family was friendly, and childhood was happy, and this is entirely the merit of the parents, Dmitry is sure. His parents got married late by Soviet standards. The groom was well over thirty, and the bride was 27. In addition, they actively “searched for themselves”, tried many professions.

My father was fond of photography in his youth. Perhaps this influenced Dmitry's hobby, at twelve he was already taking high-quality pictures, which eventually led him to journalism. The love of travel also arose thanks to my father, or rather, his stories about his travels and hiking in the mountains. Dmitry is sure that thanks to his rich youth, his parents were able to create a happy family, coming to this already consciously in adulthood.

In one of the interviews, the journalist said that in his free time he travels around the country with the “little ones”. He also likes family gatherings around the fire in the country. The sister works as a stylist in a prestigious beauty salon, the brother is engaged in the creation of computer games. Dmitry jokes that he became a "dad" at the age of six, when twins were born, which made him more responsible and more mature than his peers. At first it was difficult, since the parents worked, and there were no grandmothers, the upbringing fell on his shoulders. But when the twins grew up, the whole trinity became best friends.

Career Development

Many are interested not only in the latest news about Dmitry Komarov, but also in his past. Komarov's craving for journalism manifested itself early, he collaborated with the press at twelve, and at seventeen he was already employed at Telenedel. However, post-secondary education had nothing to do with journalism (National Transport University). He combined his studies with work, collaborating with several publications, among which was gloss (EGO, Playboy).

Then there was the experience of a special correspondent in Komsomolskaya Pravda and Izvestia in Ukraine. By the third year of study, he decided that he was still not ready to say goodbye to journalism, so he entered the University of Culture and Arts.

As a journalist and photographer, he collaborated with dozens of publications, and at the same time managed to travel. He has always been interested in unconventional unpopular unexplored places where there are no crowds of tourists, but there is the originality of local residents and local flavor. He traveled alone, which, according to him, allowed him to better understand an unfamiliar country, to fully immerse himself in new experiences. On trips, he photographed a lot, which later resulted in several photo exhibitions.

Once he realized that publications and photo reports cannot convey the volume of what he saw, which prompted him to take amateur photography. Later, the idea came up to transfer an entertaining and educational format, where there would be no already boring “traditional” tourist places, but an exclusive “without cuts”, not a glossy presentation of hard-to-reach places, people living there, animals, curious customs and features. By the time the “World Inside Out” program appeared, Dmitry had visited twenty countries. According to the presenter, since the beginning of his author's project, he has never been on vacation. At the end of 2010, the first issue was released on one of the Ukrainian channels. The debut season became popular, the bet on originality turned out to be successful. This made Dmitry Komarov's career growth rapid. In five years, more than a hundred issues were published, which became a local record.

world inside out

Previously, Komarov traveled with a camera and a voice recorder. And this was enough for reporting and photo exhibitions, but the desire to convey the three-dimensionality of what he saw, and not just stop the moment, he began to shoot amateur videos, which he also published periodically. Then he clearly decided for himself that he wanted to create a program. He developed a detailed plan concerning its various aspects, theoretical preparation was carried out until the sponsors became interested.

After that, funds were found for the first trip, intended specifically for the "World Inside Out", and a pilot release was made, which the audience saw. It was the first television experience. The cost of travel can be called modest, as the group does not live in expensive hotels. Most of the expenses relate to flights, transport, payment of guides, various "thanks" for shooting (especially in Africa).

Few people are involved in the project. In addition to Dmitry and the cameraman, there are two editing directors, one editor, one or more local guides are connected at the destination. The harmonious combination of music and plots rests on the shoulders of the chief editing director, sometimes after a joint critical review, something changes. Most of the music used is licensed, the rest is pure exclusive, brought from expeditions. Its authors do not collect large venues, but their original music is talented and therefore valuable.

A small team has disadvantages, but there are more advantages, Dmitry believes. This is an opportunity to show life “as it is” imperceptibly, which is impossible if this is done by a film crew, to which others pay attention in one way or another, which changes their behavior towards less naturalness. This is mobility, when you can climb into real wilds or dangerous areas. Two guys with cameras and a guide are perceived in a completely different way.

The distribution of roles is such that the main responsibility for filming lies on the shoulders of the operator (Sasha Dmitriev), and Dmitry decides on organizational and administrative issues. You have to take the necessary things with you, the number of which, at the same time, the language does not dare to call a minimum. This is dictated by the task to go through the country from beginning to end, often requires special equipment.

The decision to shoot with cameras is a deliberate one, and while it comes with its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to dynamics, there are other benefits outside of shooting. For example, in some countries you will have to pay a lot of money for legality (sometimes it is two hundred dollars a day, and it takes two months to shoot). Another disadvantage of legal filming is the mandatory accompaniment of a representative of official structures, who controls that what cannot be shown is not filmed. Each trip gives a lot of photos, they can be seen in reports, at photo exhibitions that will be held in the future.

Before any trip, Dmitry studies all kinds of sources of information about the places where he is going. So there are two lists, in one of which it is necessary to go, and in the other - on the contrary, and outlines of what needs to be told. If these are tourist places, then they are shown from an angle that is unusual for the viewer, and much appears impromptu. At least half of the unscheduled plots are already directly in the country.

Communication with guides, of which there may be dozens, allows you to correct the original route on the spot and find topics that are not widely available. About three hundred hours of video material is brought from one trip. Shooting duration per day can reach two tens of hours per day. In hot countries, you have to get up early, at about five in the morning, and from ten it’s already hard to be on the street, a forced break is made until four in the evening, and from that time on, shooting gives a brighter picture.

Before the appearance of the project on television, Dmitry had a lot of experience, and already knew exactly which of the countries to return to. Today's programs are often filmed based on past developments and findings. He is interested in “following his own footsteps”, and even visiting the heroes of past stories again. Half of the topics on India and Africa were researched while working as a special correspondent. The author and host of the program are interested in its ratings. He periodically orders details in order to know what the viewer liked more and what prompted him to stop watching.

From everything that was in the programs, the viewers were especially impressed by the tribes. According to Dmitry, it was so dangerous to stay in some of them that even local guides refused, leaving travelers face to face with an unfamiliar hostile reality. But since a lot depends on the person himself, on his perception of people, the ability to find a common language with anyone, the team always "got out of the water."

Komarov believes that constant travel trains intuition, which accurately tells where you can work and where it is better not to go. Vietnamese ethnic settlements, unlike African countries, are much more modern, they know how to make money on tourists, but the team still found the place most unspoiled by civilization, where he was almost married, having put forward a number of conditions.

Personal life

The journalist and TV presenter is still not married, children, respectively, are only in the plans. And although there were novels in his life, rarely anyone is ready to put up with Dmitry's excessive employment. And he is not ready to give up his passion for exploring the other side of exotic countries, constant long trips. According to him, he is amorous, but he takes relationships seriously, and short affairs are not for him.

He met many foreign beauties, but he is skeptical about marriage with them, because when the love subsides, the relationship is based on common interests, mutual understanding, and this is facilitated by a common mentality, similar values ​​absorbed from childhood. Even a high level of knowledge of a foreign language, communication with a foreigner will not be as deep as with a girl from her native country. Dmitry's wife should be sympathetic to his way of life, the specifics of work, be able to wait a long time from expeditions.

The charitable tandem of a traveler and a designer shows that doing good is easy!

On June 13, in one of the capital's restaurants, the famous Ukrainian designer Andre Tan and TV presenter, author of the "World Inside Out" project Dmitry Komarov presented a joint charitable initiative.

First, we note that Dmitry Komarov has been supervising his project "A Cup of Coffee" for a long time, offering all caring people a little, to the best of their ability to help seriously ill children. The philosophy of the project is simple - it is not necessary to spend huge amounts of money on charity, sometimes it is enough to refuse to buy coffee in the morning and direct the money saved to the needs of others. And if everyone does this from time to time, then it will be easier to collect the necessary amounts for treatment.

It was within the framework of the Cup of Coffee project that Andre Tan and Dmitry Komarov created an original soft toy in the form of a triangular globe.

Dmitry Komarov and Andre Tan during the presentation of a common charitable initiative

A symbolic soft toy costs only 99 UAH

This symbolic gift will be sold in Andre Tan's "a.Tan by Andre Tan" chain of stores for only 99 hryvnias, and all the proceeds from sales of the toy will be transferred to the treatment of kids who are helped by the "Cup of Coffee" project.

"We have been creating toys for many years, the money from the sales of which goes to charity. All of them have a triangular shape, and this time we also decided not to leave our concept by developing a triangular globe. A toy that projects the world inside out, breaking patterns, an unconventional approach to everything that surrounds us and raises to the surface what is so inconvenient to discuss and advertise," Andre Tan commented on the jointly developed toy.

Andre and Dmitry said that they do not always advertise the fact that they have been doing charity work for many years and are trying to help those who really need it. It was on the basis of this experience that Dmitry Komarov's project "A Cup of Coffee" was created.

“Every day we receive dozens of letters asking for help, and it is very difficult to realize that, unfortunately, we cannot help everyone. During the entire existence of the Cup of Coffee project, we managed to raise about 25 million hryvnias and save more than one life. I am happy that in our country there are so many caring people who realize that it is enough just to give up something insignificant and save even one, but a life," said Dima Komarov.

Presentation of the charitable initiative of Andre Tan and Dmitry Komarov

It is thanks to such projects that one wants to believe in miracles and see sincere kindness, which actually exists and everyone can become a part of it. Doing good is easy!

Recall (Zhytomyr region). The girl was brought to Kyiv, and it turned out that everything was very bad: chronic kidney disease of the 5th degree, chronic renal failure of the 4th degree. (terminal).

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