Good evening! Explain how you understand the meaning of the last sentence of the text: "They will accept," I replied decisively. (USE in Russian)


15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian linguist Henrietta Grigorievna Granik: "Punctuation marks, like words, speak."
Justify your answer by giving two examples from the text you read.
You can write a work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic on linguistic material. You can start the essay with the words of G.G. Granik.
A work written without relying on the text read (not on this text) is not evaluated.

Punctuation marks are not in vain called the music of the language: they help us pronounce phrases with the right intonation, make the right pauses. But this is not enough. In many cases, it is punctuation that helps us understand the meaning of the phrase and the text as a whole. For example, the ellipsis makes us stop and think, while the dash makes the thought dynamic.

End-of-sentence signs are also important for understanding. For example, in the text of Kaverin in sentence 17, there is an exclamation mark at the end. This sentence is very expressive, emotional, thanks to the sign, we understand that the boy really had to work hard to understand the scientific book.
Of great importance is such a punctuation mark as quotation marks. They allow you to highlight the phrase as someone else's, perhaps the narrator does not even agree with it. For example, quotation marks perform such a function in sentence 27. The hero of the novel does not agree that aviation is just his “new hobby” - he believes that this is his life's work.
This means that punctuation is also important for understanding the meaning of the text.

15.2 Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the last sentence of the text: "They will accept," I answered decisively.
Give in your essay two arguments from the read text that confirm your reasoning.
When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.
The essay must be at least 70 words.
If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.
Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

The boy firmly told himself that he would be accepted into the flight school. It would seem, why is he so sure of this? And the reason is that the hero feels that aviation is his life's work.
The boy takes his dream seriously, so he hides it from others. He says he kept everything under wraps because he didn't want to be thought of as having a "new hobby". It seemed to him that the decision was made by him many years ago, when he once saw an airplane in the sky.
The hero of the work does everything to make his dream come true: he does special gymnastics, hardens, takes care of his health, studies the necessary literature. The text says that he thoroughly studied the engine of the aircraft, and yet it was not easy.

I think the boy is not in vain sure that he will go to flight school: his will and determination will help him.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word SELF-EDUCATION? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: “What is self-education?”, Taking the definition you gave as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.
The essay must be at least 70 words.
If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.
Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Self-education is the desire of a person to make himself better, to instill in himself useful character traits and skills.
It is very important that a person learns to educate himself, because when he grows up, teachers or parents will no longer make comments to him - he must improve himself.
In the text of Kaverin, we read about the boy Sanka, who dreamed of becoming a pilot. No one forced him, he made his own decision and steadily walked towards his dream. Sanka did special gymnastics, tempered himself, studied special literature. I read the novel "Two Captains", so I know that the hero managed to fulfill his dream.
I remember another pilot - Alexey Meresyev, the hero of B. Polevoy's book "The Tale of a Real Man", based on real events. The hero of this book lost his legs, but was able to get him allowed to fly again, and again went to the front. It was also very hard for him, but he survived.
Self-education is very important for every person.

An essay on the topic “I was sent from Leningrad to Balashov, and having just graduated from one flight school, I began to study at another ...” ... (OPTION 2)

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian psychologist Vladimir Petrovich Morozov: "Exclamatory sentences always carry an emotional load."

“Exclamatory sentences always carry an emotional load,” wrote V.P. Morozov, and it is impossible to argue with this statement. Indeed, we use exclamatory sentences when we want to convey some strong feeling. Let's say admiration. In the proposed passage from V. Kaverin's novel "Two Captains", an exclamation mark is used in this capacity in sentence 11. The author seeks to convey the delight that embraces his hero when a sparkling city suddenly appears in the dark depths.
It is interesting that the hero expresses his beliefs in sentence 24, but it is not an exclamation point, although a deep feeling is noticeable behind it. However, the author does not put an exclamation point, but a period, as if trying to show that in this sentence there are no more emotions, but will and striving for one's goal.

15.2 Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the text sentence: “I aspired to the North, to the profession of a polar pilot, because it was a profession that required patience, courage and love for my country and my work from me.”

The hero of V. Kaverin's novel "Two Captains" greatly admired polar exploration, and he also dreamed of finding traces of the expedition led by the father of his beloved girlfriend. This prompted him to take an interest in the profession of a polar pilot. But one interest in some business, it seems to me, is not enough to make it the meaning of all life.
The hero of the novel, becoming an adult, understands that the main thing is to choose a profession not just to your liking - you need to find a business that will become your destiny, and then it will be possible to talk about the business of a lifetime. For Sanka, polar aviation became such a thing, because it allowed the young man to become stronger and better: “You need to choose the profession in which you are able to show all the strength of the soul.”

Sanka talks about the difficulties and dangers that lie in wait for the polar explorer. However, they do not frighten the young man, on the contrary, they give him strength and energy. This can be seen from sentences 18-21.
The hero is fascinated by his chosen profession, because it gives him the opportunity to realize his abilities.

Self-education is the desire to make yourself better, work on yourself. A small child is raised by parents, and an adult must educate himself. For example, the hero of this passage cultivates the strength of the spirit. If he becomes frightened at the thought of the dangers that lie in wait for the polar explorer, he reminds himself of the heroes who, in spite of everything, managed to conquer the pole. And the hero of Kaverin's work does a lot and studies in order to be able to achieve his goal.
It is easy to see that only those people who work on themselves achieve success. For example, M.V. Lomonosov wanted to become a scientist and became one. He almost walked from Arkhangelsk to the Academy, where he began to study science, and no one forced him.
You can achieve something only if you yourself want it and strive for your goal.

An essay on the topic: “One summer I sat up in the park with a book, and when it got dark and I was about to leave, I suddenly hear: someone is crying behind the bushes” ... (OPTION 3)

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian linguist Alexander Alexandrovich Reformatsky: “What in the language allows it to fulfill its main role - the function of communication? It's the syntax."

Indeed, when it comes to communication, syntax is very important. After all, it is precisely a well-formed speech that allows the interlocutor to understand our thought, which in other cases can be misunderstood. It is very important to observe syntactic norms, connect words correctly, use appropriate punctuation marks.
For example, in the first conversation between the narrator and the boy, a variety of punctuation marks and syntactic constructions are striking. The boy's story about the game uses different types of sentences, direct speech, interjections, introductory constructions. All this gives the boy's words liveliness, allows us to hear conversational intonations.

In the text, we meet several uncommon sentences with the pronoun "I" in the position of the subject and the predicate expressed by the noun in the nominative case. In such sentences, a dash is usually not needed, but if the sentence is pronounced with a special accent, then a dash is appropriate. It is this construction that we meet in sentences 8, 39, 40. They allow us to imagine the feelings of the boy, to understand to what extent it was important for him not to violate this word.

15.2 Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of sentence 53 of the text: “A boy who has such a strong will and such a strong word will not be afraid of the dark, will not be afraid of hooligans, and will not be afraid of even more terrible things.”

The author, starting from the boy's ordinary, neutral phrase, makes a far-reaching assumption about his fate. He means that if a small child already knows how to overcome himself so as not to drop his honor, then he will continue to do the same.
For example, according to sentences 1 and 2, we can conclude that the boy is scared and offended, he wants to go home. However, when the narrator invites him to leave, the child does not agree, since he cannot break the given word.

Even when the narrator offers the interlocutor a way out (“I will stand here for you for now”), the boy does not agree, because the man is not a participant in the game and is not a military man. This proves that the boy has a very strong will. He knows how to forget about his fears for the sake of honor. This means that he will not retreat in the face of any danger, he will not be afraid not only of the darkness, but also of death in battle, if he really becomes a military man.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word SELF-EDUCATION? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: “What is self-education?”, Taking the definition you gave as a thesis.

Self-education is the ability of a person to work on himself, on his character, improving it. Each person should be able to educate himself, because parents and teachers will not be around all the time. In the end, a person grows up and must take care of himself. But you need to learn how to work on yourself even in childhood.
For example, in the text of L. Panteleev, the boy tries to accustom himself to always keep his word. He does not leave his post, although this is just a game and it is already dark and scary. He cultivates in himself honesty and loyalty to the word, because these are very useful qualities that will surely come in handy in his life. The boy is working on himself, because no one is watching him and does not force him to keep his word: most likely his careless playmates will not even remember him. But he himself cannot afford to deviate from his rules.
It seems to me that this is very important: to do the right thing when no one sees you and can neither praise you for the right behavior, nor scold you for the wrong one. It doesn’t always work out that way for me, but I also work on myself. For example, for several months I have been studying English on my own: I want to learn a hundred new words by the end of the year. I confess that victory is often very difficult for me, but I am sure that I will achieve my goal, because this is a task that I have set for myself.

An essay on the topic “I lived in a fog of stupefying melancholy and, in order to overcome it, I tried to work as much as possible” ... (OPTION 4)

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian linguist Valentina Danilovna Chernyak: "A complex sentence reflects the relationship that the speaker sees between two or more situations."

“A complex sentence reflects the relationship that the speaker sees between two or more situations,” wrote V. D. Chernyak. And it really is. After all, if the author did not see the need to somehow emphasize these relations, he would use two simple sentences, and would not begin to link them into one complex one.
Relations between parts of a complex can be expressed with the help of a union or union-free. In the second case, the relationship is expressed using a punctuation mark. M. Gorky uses both allied and non-union ties. For example, in the first sentence, the writer uses the union "to", placing the subordinate clause inside the main one. This union usually attaches subordinate goals. So in this case: the author points to the goal that makes the boy work hard - this is longing.
In the second sentence, M. Gorky uses several punctuation marks, which express the relationship between the parts of a long non-union sentence. There is a comma, a colon, and a dash. They express different semantic connections. Let's say the relations of consequence. The boy went to rinse clothes, so the washerwomen ridiculed him.
A complex sentence usually has more meaning than two simple ones, because the writer not only communicates two “informations”, but also indicates the connection between them.

15.2 Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the last sentences of the text: “Now that I could compare her with what I knew from books, she seemed to me even more poor and ugly. I don’t want to live such a life… It’s clear to me – I don’t want to.”

Reading took the hero of the work to another, unknown life, gave him an idea of ​​​​people and events that were not similar to those that surrounded the boy in reality. This is stated in sentence 24. The boy involuntarily compares fiction with the reality around him, and he wants some events to happen around him, something interesting. Therefore, he listens with enthusiasm to the gossip that the washerwomen retold on the stream. The hero is bored, he dreams of a life filled with events and feelings.
But what surrounds the boy is not at all like a fascinating novel: “I saw that the people around me are not capable of exploits and crimes, they live somewhere away from everything that books are written about ...” From this sentence it is clear that the hero of Gorky's trilogy does not even care what happens next to him: a feat or a crime. All the same, it will be more life than the sleepy existence that its owners lead.
In addition, the boy felt that in the book there was a special truth about a person, the truth that he had not met in life. This is stated in sentences 17 and 18. It was this kind of life - understandable, bright, rich - that the hero liked, so he decided that he would not live the way the people around him live.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word SELF-EDUCATION? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: “What is self-education?”, Taking the definition you gave as a thesis.

Self-education is the ability of a person to independently make himself better, learn something or improve his cultural level.
The above passage speaks of how an orphan who lived "in people" became interested in reading and this greatly influenced his character and his views.
The author tells how Alyosha was struck by the first book he read. The boy was shocked by the fact that he worries about the heroes, forgetting "that all this unexpectedly opened life is paper through and through." These people seemed to him more alive and real than those who surrounded him. This happened because the heroes of the book had feelings and passions, these characters did something, tried to change their fate. But in reality, the boy was surrounded by some kind of sleepy kingdom, where people even swear out of boredom, and they do everything out of boredom, and nothing in their existence has changed for many years. The boy's owners did not even have any feelings, and their interests did not extend beyond dinner, sleep and the traditional trip to church.Reading became the method of self-education that the boy began to use. He began to read a lot to get an idea of ​​another world and other people who have a meaningful purpose in life, have feelings and energy. Soon, the boy himself found some kind of goal for himself: “I don’t want to live such a life ...” And if a person has a goal, then he finds the strength in himself to change something.

Compositions on the topic “Alyosha Khomutov grew up as a friendly, diligent, caring and hardworking boy” ... (OPTION 5)

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko: "The word is given to a person to embody and convey that feeling, that share of truth and inspiration that he possesses."

With the help of a word, a person expresses his thoughts and feelings, convinces an interlocutor or reader of something, and seeks to express what he considers to be true. This is how I understand the words of the Russian writer V. G. Korolenko, who himself created many expressive and kind works that teach people to be more merciful and honest, to fight and never surrender to the mercy of fate.
Each writer chooses words that help him convince the reader of something important. For example, in an excerpt from the work of E. A. Permyak, we see what a wise upbringing the grandfather gave to his grandson Alyosha. Alyosha not only repaired the gate and the bench of his own free will, he also did not want to admit that it was his business. But the grandfather gave Alyosha a little hint. This can be seen from sentence 9: speaking of his gate and opposing it to "no one's", grandfather uses words with diminutive suffixes: paint, loops, salsa. As if by chance, he gave an assessment to someone who cares not only about himself, but also about all people: “some good person made her (bench) ...”
The respectful word “master” in the grandfather’s speech (in sentence 28) is also important; with its help, the writer wants to convey the grandfather’s respect for the grandson’s responsible, adult act. Words help the author convey his intention to us.

15.2 Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of sentence 28 of the text: “If I knew this master, I would bow to him in the belt and shake his hand.”

In these words, the author wants to show that good, high-quality work for the common good deserves honor and respect from others.
Alyosha always listened to the opinion of his grandfather, who, in turn, tried to instill in his grandson diligence and attention to the needs of other people, to teach him to be a real master. It was no coincidence that grandfather drew the boy's attention to the unoiled and non-closing gate of the nursery, to the good deed of an unknown craftsman who made a bench for any tired passerby. The boy absorbed everything and pondered: “Alyosha thought about his grandfather’s words, all the way they were silent at home at the table, too.”
It is easy to imagine the grandfather's joyful surprise when he realized that his words had sunk into his grandson's soul, and he repaired and painted both the gate and the bench. And he did not brag about it, he did not even want to answer a direct question. Of course, such a person, although he is still a boy, deserves deep gratitude and respect even from an elderly person. And the fact that the grandfather wanted to shake his hand means that he accepted the master as an equal, because he himself is also a master and master.
A person who thinks about others and helps them is always a worthy person.

Kindness is everything that we feel and do good, it is helping people and caring for them, it is joy and mercy, love and hope.
In the above passage, a lot deserves the name “good”: this is the grandfather’s concern for his grandson, the desire to educate a moral and caring person, and Alyosha’s kind, attentive attitude towards people around him, his habit of doing something good not only for himself, but for everyone, who might need it. The boy picks up grandfather’s good idea on the fly and secretly repairs the gate (grandfather even listed all the work that needs to be done to make the gate strong, beautiful and well-groomed) and does not expect praise for this, because he is not indifferent.
In life we ​​meet examples of such caring people who do a lot of good. I have seen more than once how people feed stray cats, help an old woman who has fallen on the street, call an ambulance if someone becomes ill. Of course, I heard from different people that people have become angrier, do not want to help. But I myself often meet a different attitude. Just a couple of days ago, I witnessed how two young guys rebuffed a drunk who became attached to a woman, swearing and demanding money from her. She was very frightened, and the guys came up and (albeit not very politely) suggested that the drunkard go on his way.

If we all help each other without expecting gratitude, there will be much more good in our lives.

An essay on the topic “Grandma told me to go to the hill for strawberries” ... (OPTION 6)

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian linguist Irina Borisovna Golub: “In artistic speech, dialectisms perform important stylistic functions: they help to convey local flavor, the features of the characters’ speech, and finally, dialect vocabulary can be a source of speech expression.” Dialectisms are words that are used only in one locality. Now you don’t often see them, because even in the most remote village people listen to the radio and watch TV and thus get used to the literary language. But at the time of Astafyev, they spoke differently in different places, so in his story “The Horse with a Pink Mane” there are many dialect words.
As I. B. Golub noted, these words are used to give the story a rustic flavor and expressively convey the speech of grandparents.
For example, in sentence 32, the grandmother calls her grandson “the miserable orphan,” which conveys her pity for the boy left without a mother and father; here, in addition to color, it seems to me, there is also expression. The same can be said about the word "crack", that is.
In sentences 35 and 49 we find the usual commonly used words “forgiveness” and “deceive”, but in an unusual spelling that conveys the peculiar pronunciation of these words in the Siberian village where the hero of the story comes from. It seems that you hear the soft and sincere talk of the boy's grandparents. So dialectisms help to understand the story.

15.2 Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the last sentence of the text: “Grandfather is no longer alive, and there is no grandmother, and my life is declining, but I still can’t forget my grandmother’s gingerbread - that marvelous horse with a pink mane.” The hero of the story is a little boy who has committed a bad deed, but still received a gift. It would seem that the grandmother acted illogically and even non-pedagogically when she bought a gingerbread for her delinquent grandson. But the author convinces us otherwise.
The boy deceived his grandmother and an unfamiliar buyer of berries: he pushed grass into the tuesok, only sprinkling berries on top of it. He did not think about the consequences of his action, but he understood that he was not doing well. The passage says that he wept with shame, burrowing into an old sheepskin coat. This suggests that the boy was ashamed.
Then his grandmother scolded him for a long time, and the boy was completely frightened. He was no longer only ashamed, but also scared because he had committed a terrible act (sentence 42).
And only after that, making sure that the grandson realized the inadmissibility of deception, the grandmother gave him a gingerbread. And it was he who became the most important lesson, because the boy was shocked by the thought: he did something terrible, but his relatives love him and believe in him. This became the main lesson in his life, which is why the narrator writes that he could not forget this gingerbread. After all, the gingerbread has become a symbol of remorse for a new, honest life with loved ones and loving people.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word GOOD? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: “What is good?”, Taking the definition you gave as a thesis. Good is everything good and bright in life, what makes us better, and the world happier.
The above story tells about how the grandmother punished her grandson for deceit, but then she regretted it and gave him the gingerbread that he so dreamed of. In this way, the grandmother gave the boy two lessons at once: a lesson in honesty (one must not lie) and a lesson in kindness (one must forgive people for their mistakes). And indeed it is. If we remember all our lives some petty insult inflicted in childhood, then our life will soon be filled with only gloomy and painful memories.I read an interesting parable on this subject. It speaks of one person who was very touchy and wanted to get rid of this character trait. He asked the priest for advice.The priest told him, when someone offends him, write the name of the offender on a potato, put it in a bag and always carry it with him. And the next time someone else offends him, write the name on another potato and put it together with the first one too.And so this man began to act. At first he was offended very often and scribbled a lot of potatoes, but they became hard to wear, they began to deteriorate and smell unpleasant. The man again went to the priest and asked if he could no longer carry a heavy and smelly burden with him. And the priest answered him: “This is how you carry your grievances in yourself, and they poison your soul in the same way.”
Kindness is also the ability to forgive and not keep evil in your soul against some people who, perhaps, are even guilty before you. You must forgive with all your heart, then good will live in your soul, not evil.

An essay on the topic “Bim was now walking ahead, looking back at Dasha and waiting: he knew the word “home” very well and led her exactly home” ... (OPTION 7)

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian linguist Irina Borisovna Golub: “Incomplete sentences that have a bright expressive color successfully compete with complete sentences”

We use sentences of different composition in our speech: simple and complex, common and non-common. Among them, a special place is occupied by incomplete sentences, about which I. B. Golub said that they have a “bright expressive coloring”. Of course, such sentences are more often found in colloquial speech, but they are also characteristic of artistic and journalistic styles.

In an excerpt from the story of G. N. Troepolsky "White Bim Black Ear" we meet incomplete sentences several times. So, for example, in sentences 20, 71 (these are complex sentences), incomplete parts convey conversational intonation. But in sentences 51 - 53, incomplete sentences convey expression: Bim's impatience and his attempt to force himself to be calmer.

The use of incomplete sentences in the inscription on the collar is interesting. On the one hand, this has a practical explanation: there is little space on the collar for detailed explanations. On the other hand, the inscription turned out to be very energetic and excited.

Incomplete sentences decorate our speech.

15.2 Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the sentence of the text: “I was left alone, but you see, you understand who is with you with a soul.”

Bim was left alone after his owner Ivan Ivanovich was hospitalized. He was terribly upset and scared, but still trusted Dasha, because he felt in her a kind person who loves dogs.

And, as the neighbor Stepanovna correctly noted, he correctly sensed who treated him "with a soul", that is, in a kind, human way.

Dasha not only understood the longing of the dog left alone and helped her get home, but also brought a collar on which was engraved: “His name is Bim. He is waiting for the owner. Knows his home well. Lives in an apartment. Don't hurt him people." Dasha tried not only to help Bim herself, but also asked all kind people not to offend the animal. She addresses everyone with the word "people", as if reminding that a person should behave as a person should.

Dasha managed to feed Bim, although he could not eat anything from longing: she simply put food in his mouth. There is no doubt that he is a kind and sincere person. No wonder Ivan Ivanovich's neighbor immediately treated her with sympathy and respect.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word GOOD? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: “What is good?”, Taking the definition you gave as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

It seems to me that kindness is all the best that is in the human soul: kindness, compassion, willingness to help, the inability to pass by someone who needs your help, even if it is just an animal.

An excerpt from the story of Gavriil Troepolsky tells about the girl Dasha, who could not get past the unfortunate dog. She brought Bim home, fed him, ordered an engraved collar for him so that other people would treat Bim with pity and attention. Dasha is a truly kind person who will certainly not leave anyone in trouble.

In my life I have met many such people, so I do not believe that in our time people have become callous and indifferent. I have often seen how many passers-by come running to help a fallen person, I once watched a man help an unfamiliar old woman to remove a cat from a tree. In the entrance where I live, all the residents feed the stray cat, made him a warm house on the landing, brought a blanket so that the animal would not freeze. If we could, we would certainly take this cat home, but I already have pets.

I'm sure there are more good people than bad people.

An essay on the topic “Karl Petrovich was playing something sad and melodic on the piano when grandfather’s disheveled beard appeared in the window” ... (OPTION 8)

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian linguist Ilya Romanovich Galperin: “The use of colloquial vocabulary often belongs to the expressive means of the language”

Colloquial vocabulary really makes the story more lively and realistic. In addition, it helps to give a three-dimensional characterization of the characters.

For example, in an excerpt from the story of K. G. Paustovsky, the grandfather uses a lot of colloquial and colloquial words. For example, in sentence 7: "Show mercy." Or in sentence 55: "Come out, look."

Sometimes the use of colloquial and colloquial words helps to convey the emotional state of the character, because they are very expressive. For example, sentence 46 talks about how the grandfather “wept with fear” and asked the hare not to run “so fast.” This allows us to imagine the hero's fear.

The use of colloquial words in a work of artistic style gives it expressiveness.

15.2 Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the last sentence of the text: "Then I understood everything."

I understand these words in this way. The narrator, seeing the hare's torn ear, realized that this was exactly the animal that his grandfather had almost shot before the fire. Sentences 25-27 describe this episode of the memorable day for the hero.

Then there was a fire. And the inevitable death would come to the grandfather (the hurricane drove the fire at a speed of thirty kilometers per hour), if he did not run after the hare, which brought him out of the fire. The grandfather picked up the hare and persuaded the doctor to cure the animal. The hero felt ardent gratitude for the hare, but in addition he also felt guilty that he almost killed the animal.

The narrator realized that the grandfather repented of his intention to shoot the animal. After all, if the shot had been successful, the grandfather would also have died in the fire.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word GOOD? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: “What is good?”, Taking the definition you gave as a thesis.

Kindness is all that is good in our life. This is mutual assistance, sympathy, love and attention to our neighbor, to our smaller brothers - you can’t list everything.
Good always comes back to a person with good. For example, in the story of Paustovsky, the hare saved the life of his grandfather, and the grandfather, in gratitude, saved him himself, because a burnt hare in the forest would inevitably die.

As an argument, I would like to cite an episode from the novel The Captain's Daughter. The tulupchik, presented by Petrusha Grinev to the peasant, who helped him get to his house during a snowstorm, later saved the young man's life. The peasant turned out to be Pugachev, who led the uprising of the peasants and executed the officers. Emelyan recognized a good fellow traveler and let him go, and in the future he helped him more than once, seeing in Peter a kind and pure soul.

When a person does good, he makes the whole world better and cleaner.

An essay on the topic “The son of a brave test pilot Andryusha Rudakov was sitting on the first desk in the first class” ... (OPTION 9)

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of Vera Arsenyevna Beloshpakova: “It is the unions in compound sentences that determine the nature of the relationship between the phenomena that are mentioned in the parts of this complex sentence.”

In a compound sentence, different relationships between parts can be expressed. For example, the union and may indicate the simultaneity of any events. This is the role he plays in Proposition 8.

And in sentence 13, the first and second parts are also connected by the union and, the third is joined by the union a, this creates a special relationship between the parts. The third part is opposed to the second, and both of them describe what happened as a result of the events from the first part.

The opposition is expressed more sharply in sentence 41 with the help of the union but. The author emphasizes that the grandmother reacted to the boy's proposal in a completely different way than her granddaughter.

15.2 Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of sentence 19 of the text: “Who knows how, he helps his comrades to grow ...” Give in your essay two arguments from the read text that confirm your reasoning.

Indeed, even with the best of intentions, you can do something useful, but you can do harm. But still, I think intentions in this matter are very important.
The boy Vova from the teacher's story really wanted to help his classmate. He was ready for the guys to laugh at him. This is stated in sentence 28. Such perseverance in their goals allowed the boy to become a test pilot in the future.

As for Andryusha, he does not so much seek to help Asya as he feels hurt because of her fearfulness. Therefore, at first he cannot help the girl cope with the problem, but only aggravates it. And only when he realized that Asya really needed help, he was able to wean her from being afraid.
Trying to help a friend, you must first think about how best to do it.

Humanity is a property of people that allows them to treat others with respect and mercy.

In the story of Permyak, the boy Vova showed humanity. He took his classmate Anya to school on a sled, because she was badly injured and could not walk for a long time. Vova did not care that some stupid schoolchildren laughed at him. Soon these guys realized that there was nothing funny in the boy's act. And they started to help too. Vova was required not only to have a friendly attitude towards Anya, but also to disregard the opinions of some of the guys.

I would like to give an example from V. Zheleznikov's book Scarecrow. It talks about the real persecution of one girl by her classmates. And although not everyone agrees with the opinion of the Iron Button, almost no one dares to go against its decisions. This proves that if you want to act like a human, often the hardest thing to deal with is your fear of public opinion.

An essay on the topic “Once, after freezing, the news spread around the village that geese were swimming in the polynya and did not fly away” ... (OPTION 10)

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian linguist Irina Borisovna Golub: "In artistic speech, the use of homogeneous members is a means of enhancing its expressiveness."

We often use various enumerations in speech. For example, telling what lessons tomorrow or what to buy in the store. But in a literary text, homogeneous members play a very special role: they can make the narrative more expressive and the description more detailed.

For example, in sentence 5, the author reports on the changes that have occurred with the polynya. In both parts of the complex sentence, he uses homogeneous predicates, which gives us the opportunity to clearly imagine how the process of the appearance of ice took place. In addition, the first part also uses homogeneous circumstances to make it easier for us to imagine exactly how freezing occurs.

Numerous homogeneous predicates that Viktor Astafiev uses in sentence 38 allow us to understand the state of mind of a boy who is very scared, but he cannot leave the birds without help. Thus, homogeneous members figuratively paint a picture of what is happening.

15.2 Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the last sentence of the text: “Already on strong ice, I grabbed a heavy goose in my arms and buried my nose in its tight cold feather.”

I understand these words as a description of the emotional state of the boy. He was very afraid to crawl alone along the gorge. The boy understood that the ice was still very thin, it could crack at any moment, then, together with the board, the boy would fall into the icy water and inevitably die, like a gosling before that. Therefore, the narrator hoped very much that he would be able to lure the geese and make them understand that they needed to climb the gorge and go along it to stronger ice. The boy was scared, he even cried (this is mentioned in sentence 38), but the guys realized that if the geese were not lured out of the hole, the birds would die to the last. Therefore, when the goose finally climbed out onto the gorge and led the rest of the geese behind him, the boy felt delighted and relieved, because everything ended well: he was alive, and the geese were saved. The boy praised the goose (sentences 46 and 47), and then grabbed it in his arms.

The boy was happy that he was able to help the birds in trouble.

Humanity is such a quality of character; humane people strive to show mercy, kindness, to help everyone who is in trouble. In the text of Viktor Astafiev, boys showed humanity. When a gosling died in front of their eyes, they realized that the birds needed to be saved, and began to think of a way to do it. They succeeded: the youngest of them crawled across the ice of the hole to help the geese get out. It was a selfless act, because the ice could not stand it and then the boy would have died. However, the guys could not leave the helpless birds.

Many people seek to help animals in trouble. For example, caring men and women organize shelters for homeless animals. They are trying to help cats and dogs that have been thrown out into the street by their irresponsible former owners. I read about such shelters on the Internet; there you can bring food for animals, you can transfer money, and many people do just that.

It is always possible to show humanity, because there are many people around who need help.

Composition on the topic “The first long campaign of “Captain Grant” began well (OPTION 11)

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian linguist Henrietta Grigorievna Granik: "Punctuation marks make it possible to say much more than can be written in letters."

Punctuation is called the notes of the language for a reason. They show us with what intonation we need to pronounce this or that phrase. Sometimes they actually say things that would otherwise be difficult to express.

For example, Krapivin's text uses many unusual punctuation marks. They convey the emotional coloring of the narrator's train of thought. For example, sentence 25 ends with a question mark and an exclamation mark. In this way, the author makes it clear that the thought of the tent shocked the boys.

Numerous dots are also very expressive. For example, in sentences 49 and 50, the ellipses indicate Grandfather's uncertainty. On the one hand, he understood that it was necessary to try to help people in trouble, but on the other hand, he had no right to go swimming with teenagers in bad weather

Punctuation gives us a clearer idea of ​​the author's intent.

15.2. Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of sentence 38 of the text: “And there was one thing for sure: there was fire and people on the other side, and on this sailboat “Captain Grant”.

The guys and their leader were worried about the family with the kids, which they saw on the opposite bank. A fire started in the forest, and the fire could reach the place where the tent was. Of course, there was a significant chance that these people would be rescued by rescuers (this is stated in sentences 34). The guys knew that these people could not get out on their own, they were supposed to come for them only the next day.

At the same time, teenagers realized that the rescuers might simply not know about this family. They believed that, despite the danger, they should try to help these people. They were scared, but this is how they understood their duty (proposals 46,47,52).

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word HUMANITY? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: “What is humanity?”, Taking the definition you gave as a thesis.

Humanity is the ability to think not only about yourself, take care of others, risk your life to save some people, sometimes completely unknown to you, or even animals.

An excerpt from a book by the famous Soviet children's writer V. Krapivin tells how humanity was shown by teenagers who set sail on a sailboat. They decided, despite the danger, to go to the aid of a family with children, which they saw on the opposite bank. The guys believed that people could be in danger, because a fire broke out in the forest.

There was a good chance that it was not really dangerous for the family to stay there, because the fire would be quickly extinguished and it would not reach them; and this family could be taken away by rescuers. But after all, all this could not have happened, and then mom, dad and their three babies would have died a terrible death in a fire. And the guys decided, at the risk of drowning or burning, to go to their aid.

In Krapivin's books, one can often find similar episodes, because this author likes to put the hero in a situation where he must make a serious, fateful decision. I am reminded of an episode from the book "Crane and Lightning". At the end of the novel, Zhurka runs home during a thunderstorm and suddenly sees that the water has washed away the road. The boy understands that the drivers of the cars will not be able to see the ravine and people will die or be maimed. And he, having sent a friend for help, remains to signal to the drivers that there is no passage, realizing that he can be killed by lightning.

Humanity is what helps to perform selfless and even heroic deeds.

Composition on the topic “Bim jumped out into the yard” ... (OPTION 12)

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian linguist Nina Sergeevna Valgina: "The dash is multifunctional: it performs structural, semantic, and expressive functions."

The dash is probably the most functional punctuation mark. In terms of expressiveness and expressiveness, only ellipsis can be compared with it. However, the ellipsis does not perform as many structural and semantic functions.

For example, in this text from G. Troepolsky's story, the dash occurs several times. In sentences 10, 12, etc. a dash is used to frame a dialogue, and in sentence 40 it stands in place of a predicate in an incomplete sentence.

An important semantic function is performed by a dash in sentences 46 and 48. In the first of them, it indicates the unexpectedness of the action: Bim, as it were, accidentally swallowed a piece of sausage. In sentence 48, a dash is used in a complex non-union sentence in place of a union to express the relationship of parts of a complex one.

The dash plays an expressive role in sentence 9: “And what kind of person are you?”. Here the punctuation mark seems to express Bim's thoughtfulness, uncertainty, his desire to understand with whom fate brought him together.

The use of such a punctuation mark as a dash gives the artistic text a special expressiveness.

15.2 Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the last sentences of the text: “He has such gentle hands and such a soft, even slightly sad look, and he is so sorry for Bim that he could not resist the warmth of his soul. Of course, Bim felt much better with these little people.”

The last sentence of the text shows to what extent Bim yearned for communication with people, how he needed pity and attention.

He found all this from the boys, especially from Tolik: he tried to help the dog more than others. It was Tolik who read what was written on the plate attached to Bim's collar, sent his friends for food and figured out how to make the dog eat. This speaks of Tolik as a caring and kind person.

But the boy understood that any creature, be it an animal or a person, needs not only food, but also a good attitude. Therefore, he talks to Beam (sentence 36-37), pities him and deserves respect from the dog, which is what the proposed passage says.

It is impossible to deceive a dog: Bim immediately felt the kindness of Tolik and his desire to help.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word HUMANITY? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: “What is humanity?”, Taking the definition you gave as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

Humanity is kindness, attention to one's neighbor, decency, indifferent attitude towards everyone who needs help.

In an excerpt from G. Troepolsky's story "White Bim Black Ear", boys who noticed and fed the unfortunate dog show humanity. They even ran home for food. And even more humanity was shown by Tolik, who not only fed Bim, but also talked with him, regretted it, and the poor dog really needed it.

Any of us, showing humanity, makes ourselves better. Something similar happened to the narrator in James Bowen's "A Street Cat Named Bob." This man was a drug addict and a tramp, but, having shown pity for the abandoned cat, he began to take care of the animal and completely changed his life: he stopped taking drugs, recovered and found a job. I think this became possible because, having shown concern for those who are even worse, the hero of the book felt like a man and began to behave more responsibly.

Humanity makes us better; thanks to her we can help those who need our help.

An essay on the topic “Uncle Mityai and Sanya crossed the river and stood in front of the berry picker” ... (OPTION 13)

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous French writer Prosper Merimee: "The Russian language is unusually rich and remarkable mainly for the subtlety of shades"

In an effort to express his thought, the author selects such words and expressions that make it the most understandable. The Russian language gives a huge scope for verbal creativity. A lot of synonyms, differing in shades, allows the writer to create for us a complete picture of what is depicted.

For example, V. G. Rasputin uses various epithets that help the word play with new colors. Along with the word "warm" in relation to berries, writing uses the word "steam room". This definition evokes in the reader a feeling of something soft, tasty, homemade, very fresh, like fresh milk.

Interestingly, the author uses cognate words, giving each of them additional shades of meaning. For example, in sentence 14, he collides the verb "hurried" in the sense of "hurried, hurriedly went" and the verb "hurried", that is, forced to move faster. As a result, they become almost contextual antonyms.

Thus, the shades of the meaning of words help us understand the author's intention.

15.2. Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the last sentence of the text: "They boiled tea again and, climbing into the hut, they drank it by the firelight for a long time and sweetly, as you can enjoy it only in the taiga after a difficult and successful day."

V. Rasputin is a Siberian writer. Who else, if not him, should know the taiga, understand its strength and power. She is also a helper to people, if they live according to her laws, and a rival to those who do not want to work and fight.

I see the meaning of this sentence and the text as a whole in the fact that Uncle Mityai and Sanka are people with a strong will and perseverance. No matter how hard it is, they do their job. Sanka can hardly resist eating berries, allowing himself to eat only a few berries. This is stated in sentences 12 and 13.

Both Uncle Mityai and Sanka, not afraid of the rain, continued their work, which had already become completely difficult, until dark. They even postponed the harvesting of firewood until late in the evening, so as not to lose a single minute from the bright pore, suitable for picking berries. This characterizes both of them as people who are accustomed not to feel sorry for themselves, to work from the heart and conscience.

Therefore, ordinary tea was so tasty for them: after a hard day's work, any, even the simplest, food seems delicious.

Mental strength is what allows a person to show perseverance and determination in any, even difficult, situation.

In the text from the work of V. Rasputin, mental strength is exactly what helps the heroes to collect the dove, no matter what. It is difficult for them to resist and not eat tender, fragrant berries, but collect them in a can and pour them into a bucket, allowing themselves only a few lower, flattened berries to be thrown into their mouths. It is difficult for them to collect the dove in the beginning of the rain: "she choked, wrinkled, leaves stuck to her hands." And yet, Uncle Mityai and Sanka do not give up work until the evening, which has already become unreliable, still allows you to see the berries, and only then they take up the preparation of firewood and the preparation of tea.

Perseverance in work is a sure sign of the spiritual strength of a person. I have often seen my grandfather repairing watches. In his youth, this work was easy and familiar to him. But now his fingers hurt from arthritis, grandfather often cannot hold the instrument, and some spring slips off, and everything has to be started all over again. But Grandpa never gets angry or swears. And if I cry out at that moment, grandfather gently comforts me. And we all start from the very beginning, and so on until the clock is fixed. That's what the perseverance and mental strength of my grandfather means!

Composition on the topic "It was Sanya's first night in the taiga" (OPTION 14)

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian writer Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin: "The richer the language with expressions and turns, the better for a skilled writer."

“The richer the language with expressions and turns, the better for a skilled writer,” A.S. Pushkin argued. And it would be foolish to argue with him: who knows, if not the great writer, the founder of our literature!

If we consider an excerpt from the work of V. Rasputin, given in this version, we will be convinced that the outstanding prose writer really masterfully uses the pictorial means of language in order to make us feel everything that Sanka felt.

We experience fear when a bear roams nearby with Sanka. Repetitions of words, one-part and incomplete sentences, exclamations help us to imagine the emotional state of the boy. We see this in sentences 11 to 20.

And V. Rasputin depicts the happy and joyful awakening of Sanka with the help of epithets (“furious grace”), metaphors (“radiance of the world”), expressive rows of homogeneous members, colloquial vocabulary (“bursting”). The writer skillfully uses all this linguistic richness to make us experience, at least in our imagination, the same unforgettable feelings that stunned Sanka on his first night in the taiga.

15.2. Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the final text: "Sanya was bursting with this feeling, he was ready to jump out of himself and take off, succumbing to it, he was ready for anything."

These words of V. Rasputin let us understand the joy of a boy who went to the taiga for the first time as an adult. He worked hard the night before, so he fell asleep quickly at night, but woke up in fear when a bear roamed nearby and rain roared around.

But all fears and sorrows were forgotten by the boy when he realized that morning had come, that the weather was excellent (“The first thing Sanya saw when he opened his eyes was the sun ...”), that everything around rejoiced after a rainy night, that the boy spent the first night in taiga! The morning seems to him incredibly beautiful: “so light and calm both in himself and in this world ...”

I think that the morning really was beautiful, sunny and fragrant, but it would have seemed excellent to Sanka in any case, because joy lived not in the taiga, but in his heart. The boy was happy because he felt unity with nature.

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word SOUL FORCE? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: “What are mental forces?”, Taking the definition you gave as a thesis.

Mental forces are joy and energy in the soul of a person, something that helps him to be cheerful and happy.

Often we meet people who are always dissatisfied with everything: the weather is too hot or too cold, the sun is too bright or, conversely, dim, food is too salty or undersalted, clothes and shoes are uncomfortable, the holiday is boring, and the gift is uninteresting. These unfortunate people are doomed to complain and be upset all the time. But who condemned them to this? They chose their own share.

Sanya, the hero of the text, behaves quite differently. He spent the night in the taiga, bears were walking around; morning came - you need to get up and get down to business. But he feels happy. Sanya is pleased with the sun, the sky, the trees around. Everything seems beautiful to him, filled with light and warmth. This is because the boy has a lot of spiritual strength, the will to live and happiness. He wants to rejoice - and rejoices at the new day and everything that surrounds Sanya. I think that joy is the very spiritual strength that helps to live and be happy.

Composition on the topic “After a few days, my grandfather told me ...” ... (OPTION 15)

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian scientist Fyodor Ivanovich Buslaev: “All the power of judgment is contained in the predicate. Without a predicate there can be no judgment."

Indeed, a sentence cannot exist without a predicate, because even in denominative one-component sentences it is, as it were, assumed: it means that the action takes place in reality in the present tense. It is in the predicate that information is contained about the reality or unreality of what is said in the sentence, and about the time in which this happens.

The predicate conveys basic information about the subject; without it, there would be no dynamics and beauty in the statement.

In the text of M. Gorky, we find predicates expressed by verbs of different tenses and moods, as well as adjectives, nouns, and so on.

For example, in sentence 4, the predicate is expressed by the verb of the past tense, since this statement contains the memory of the narrator. The past is also mentioned in sentence 6, but the author chose the present tense verb so that we can visualize what the author describes. In sentence 20, we meet the predicate, expressed by the verb in the imperative mood, it partly takes on the functions of the subject, since by the form of the verb we understand that the grandmother refers to the one who is in front of her (to the wolf). We can conclude that the grandmother saw in the wolf to some extent a rational being worthy of being talked to.

The nominal predicates in this passage are very expressive. For example, in sentence 15: "mistress" and "dear". These words characterize a grandmother in a special way, who feels at home in the forest.

The writer can convey all shades of meaning with the help of a dynamic and expressive predicate.

15.2. Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the narrator's statement about the grandmother presented in sentence 15: “She is like a mistress in the forest and dear to everything around ...”.

The narrator's grandmother felt at home in the forest because she loved plants and animals.

We see this in such lines, for example: “I don’t want to interfere with her conversation with herbs, birds, frogs ...” Grandmother understands very well that they will not answer her. It's just that she also realizes that there is a huge living world around her. This helps the old wise woman to truly understand and love nature.

Grandmother knows where mushrooms and herbs grow, what plant can be used for, how it should be collected in order to preserve its healing properties. A woman is not afraid of any animal in the forest, not even a wolf that has approached her. Grandmother speaks to him calmly and kindly, because she knows that at this time of the year the wolf is unlikely to attack.

The grandmother also taught the narrator, her grandson, to be equally attentive to nature. He recalls how she gave him a kind of exam, asking where to look for some mushrooms, how to distinguish them, and the like.

The heroine of Gorky's work seems to him the mistress of the forest, because she knows everything there and is not afraid of anything, and most importantly, because she loves the forest with all her heart.

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the phrase SOUL FORCE? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: “What are mental forces?”, Taking the definition you gave as a thesis.

It seems to me that everyone puts a different meaning into the phrase “spiritual forces”. It can be, for example, the ability to stand up for oneself, self-confidence and endurance. Or maybe - kindness and sincere generosity.

It seems to me that spiritual forces can be called everything that helps a person to be good, because often serious efforts are required for goodness. And the most mentally strong person is the one who does not notice these efforts at all.

For example, the grandmother of the narrator from the passage, which is given in the version, loved the forest and was like a hostess for him. She was affectionate even with frogs and plants, she loved and knew them. Grandmother was not even afraid of a wolf, because she felt moral superiority over him, moreover, she knew that in summer wolves are usually not dangerous to people. The woman managed to instill in her grandson a love for nature. Her main spiritual strength is kindness and love for all living things.

It seems to me that the great Russian poet Sergei Yesenin possessed the same power. He also loved nature very much and dedicated many heartfelt lines to animals and plants. About a dog that has lost puppies or a fallen maple, the poet writes in such a way that one wants to cry, as if it were not an animal or a tree, but unfortunate people.

Kindness and the ability to understand nature are, of course, very powerful spiritual forces, they help to do good and make a person cleaner.

What is the meaning of G.G.Granik’s statement: “Punctuation marks, like words, speak”? Punctuation marks can convey many shades of meaning. Each punctuation mark in a sentence has its own meaning. We give examples from the text.

First, at the end of sentence 17 we see an exclamation mark: “Oh, what a torment it was!” This punctuation mark expresses the determination and strength of character of the protagonist. It was difficult for the boy to understand the theory of aircraft construction, but he showed patience and endurance.

Secondly, in sentence 33, the introductory word “so” is separated by a comma. The punctuation marks a word indicating a logical conclusion from the boy's previous reflections.

Thus, the given examples prove the indisputability of the statement of the Russian linguist G.G. Granik.

Read others on the OGE in Russian

Original text(option 1 from the collection edited by I.P. Tsybulko) :*

(1) Even in those years when I became interested in Amundsen, a simple thought occurred to me. (2) Here it is: by plane, Amundsen would have reached the South Pole seven times faster. (3) With what difficulty he advanced day after day across the endless snowy desert! (4) He walked for two months after the dogs, which, in the end, ate each other. (5) And by plane, he would fly to the South Pole in a day. (6) He would not have had enough friends and acquaintances to name all the mountain peaks, glaciers and plateaus that he would discover in this flight.
(7) Every day I made huge extracts from polar travels. (8) I cut out notes from newspapers about the first flights to the north and pasted them into an old account book. (9) On the first page of this book it was written: "Forward" is the name of his ship. (10) “Forward,” he says and really strives forward. (11) Nansen on Amundsen. (12) This was my motto. (13) I mentally flew, and on the plane after Scott, after Shackleton, after Robert Peary. (14) All routes. (15) And since I had an airplane at my disposal, I had to deal with its device.
(16) According to the third paragraph of my rules: “What is decided - do it,” I read the “Theory of Aircraft Engineering”. (17) Oh, what kind of flour it was! (18) But everything that I did not understand, I just in case learned by heart.
(19) Every day I took apart my imaginary plane. (20) I studied his motor and propeller. (21) I equipped it with the latest appliances. (22) I knew him like the back of my hand. (23) Only one thing I didn’t know yet: how to fly on it. (24) But this is exactly what I wanted to learn.
(25) My decision was a secret to everyone. (26) At school, they thought that I was scattered, but I didn’t want them to say about my aviation: “(27) A new hobby.” (28) It was not a hobby. (29) It seemed to me that I decided a long time ago to become a pilot, back in Ensk, on the day when Petka and I lay in the cathedral garden, arms outstretched in a cross, and tried to see the moon and stars during the day, when a gray plane resembling a winged fish easily bypassed the clouds and disappeared on the other side of the grain of sand. (30) Of course, it only seemed to me. (31) But still, it’s not for nothing that I remember this plane so much. (32) It must be, and in fact then I first thought about what now occupied all my thoughts.
(32) So, I hid my secret from everyone.
(34) Every morning I did gymnastics according to the Anokhin system and cold sponging according to the Muller system. (35) I felt my muscles and thought: “(36) What if they don’t accept it?” (37) I checked my eyes, ears, heart. (38) The school doctor said I was healthy. (39) But health is different - after all, he did not know that I was going to flight school. (40) What if I'm nervous? (41) What if something else? (42) Growth! (43) Damned growth! (44) Over the past year, I have grown only one and a half centimeters.
- (45) They will accept, - I answered decisively.

Essay-reasoning (task 15.1) on a linguistic topic based on a quote from Granik: “Punctuation marks, like words, speak” based on the text by V.A. Kaverina

I fully agree with the opinion of G.G. Granik: "Punctuation marks, like words, speak." Each punctuation mark has its own semantic load, therefore it is necessary for the reader to fully understand what is written. Moreover, commas, exclamation and question marks, dots and other symbols help to understand not only the essence, but also the mood conveyed by the author in the text, his feelings and emotions. To argue my point of view, I will give examples from an excerpt from Kaverin's story "Pilot".

In sentence number 17, the author does not put an exclamation mark in vain: “Oh, what kind of flour it was!”. This symbol reflects the phenomenal tension of will that the hero experienced while achieving his goal. He expressed how hard it was for him to master technical science alone, without outside help.

In sentence 33, the introductory word "so" is framed by a comma. This symbol shows the reader the logic of the boy's narrative, the purpose of his logical reasoning, which led him to realize his life goal.

Thus, the truth of the statement of G.G. Granik is beyond doubt: each punctuation mark conveys information to the reader, sometimes even more important than words.

Original text(option 1 from the collection edited by I.P. Tsybulko) :

(1) Even in those years when I became interested in Amundsen, a simple thought occurred to me. (2) Here it is: by plane, Amundsen would have reached the South Pole seven times faster. (3) With what difficulty he advanced day after day across the endless snowy desert! (4) He walked for two months after the dogs, which, in the end, ate each other. (5) And by plane, he would fly to the South Pole in a day. (6) He would not have had enough friends and acquaintances to name all the mountain peaks, glaciers and plateaus that he would discover in this flight.
(7) Every day I made huge extracts from polar travels. (8) I cut out notes from newspapers about the first flights to the north and pasted them into an old account book. (9) On the first page of this book it was written: "Forward" is the name of his ship. (10) “Forward,” he says and really strives forward. (11) Nansen on Amundsen. (12) This was my motto. (13) I mentally flew, and on the plane after Scott, after Shackleton, after Robert Peary. (14) All routes. (15) And since I had an airplane at my disposal, I had to deal with its device.
(16) According to the third paragraph of my rules: “What is decided - do it,” I read the “Theory of Aircraft Engineering”. (17) Oh, what kind of flour it was! (18) But everything that I did not understand, I just in case learned by heart.
(19) Every day I took apart my imaginary plane. (20) I studied his motor and propeller. (21) I equipped it with the latest appliances. (22) I knew him like the back of my hand. (23) Only one thing I didn’t know yet: how to fly on it. (24) But this is exactly what I wanted to learn.
(25) My decision was a secret to everyone. (26) At school, they thought that I was scattered, but I didn’t want them to say about my aviation: “(27) A new hobby.” (28) It was not a hobby. (29) It seemed to me that I decided a long time ago to become a pilot, back in Ensk, on the day when Petka and I lay in the cathedral garden, arms outstretched in a cross, and tried to see the moon and stars during the day, when a gray plane resembling a winged fish easily bypassed the clouds and disappeared on the other side of the grain of sand. (30) Of course, it only seemed to me. (31) But still, it’s not for nothing that I remember this plane so much. (32) It must be, and in fact then I first thought about what now occupied all my thoughts.
(32) So, I hid my secret from everyone.
(34) Every morning I did gymnastics according to the Anokhin system and cold sponging according to the Muller system. (35) I felt my muscles and thought: “(36) What if they don’t accept it?” (37) I checked my eyes, ears, heart. (38) The school doctor said I was healthy. (39) But health is different - after all, he did not know that I was going to flight school. (40) What if I'm nervous? (41) What if something else? (42) Growth! (43) Damned growth! (44) Over the past year, I have grown only one and a half centimeters.
- (45) They will accept, - I answered decisively.

(According to V.A. Kaverin)

*OGE. Russian language: typical examination options: 36 options / ed. I.P. Tsybulko. - M .: Publishing house "National education", 2017.

Interesting? Save it on your wall!

So I kept my secret from everyone. And suddenly - opened it. To whom? Kate.

On this day, in the morning we agreed to go to the skating rink, and something interfered with everything. Either Katya put it off, then I. Finally gathered, went, skating began unsuccessfully. Firstly, we had to wait in the cold for half an hour: the skating rink was covered with snow, closed, and the snow was removed. Secondly, Katya's heel broke on the first lap, and I had to grab the skate with a strap, which I took with me just in case. That would be half the trouble. But my strap kept coming loose. I had to go back to the locker room and give it to an angry, red-cheeked locksmith, who sharpened his skates with a terrible gnashing on a dirty round grindstone. He had just fixed the buckle, when the strap itself broke, and he was a pig, I try to tie the strap twisted by a candle in the cold! Finally everything was in order. It began to snow again, and we rode for a long time, holding hands, in large semicircles, now to the right, then to the left. This figure is called the Dutch step.

Snow gets in the way of good skaters, but how nice it is when it suddenly starts to snow on the rink! Never on a skating rink do snowflakes fall flat on the ice. They begin to spin - because people spinning on the ice pick up the wind - and take off for a long time up and down until they lie down on the light ice. It is very beautiful, and I felt that everything in the world is good. I knew that Katya felt this too, despite the iron-hard pork strap that had already rubbed her leg, and she was also glad that it was snowing and that we were riding with her with a spacious - Dutch step.

Then I stood at the rope, which was fenced off the figure area, and watched Katya make a double eight. At first nothing came out of her, she got angry and said that the heel was to blame for everything, then suddenly it came out, and it was so great that some fat man, diligently writing out circles, even grunted and shouted to her:

And I heard her complain to him about the broken heel.

Yes OK. I froze like a dog, and, waving my hand to Katya, made two large circles - to warm up.

Then we again rode with a Dutch step, and then sat down right under the orchestra, and Katya suddenly brought her flushed, flushed face with black, lively eyes closer to me. I thought that she wanted to say something in my ear, and asked loudly:

She laughed.

Nothing, never mind. Hot.

Katka, I said. - You know what?.. You won't tell anyone?

I'm going to flight school.

She closed her eyes, then silently stared at me.


I nodded my head.

The orchestra suddenly broke out, and I did not hear what she said, shaking the snow from her jacket and dress.

I can not hear!

She grabbed my hand and we drove to the other side of the rink, to the playground. It was dark and quiet here, the ground covered with snow. Fir trees were planted along the roller coaster and small fir trees around the platform - as if we were somewhere outside the city, in the forest.

Will they accept?

To school?

It was a terrible question. Every morning I did gymnastics according to the Anokhin system and cold rubdown according to the Muller system. I felt my muscles and thought: “What if they don’t accept me?” I checked eyes, ears, heart. The school doctor said I was healthy. But health is different, because he did not know that I was going to flight school. What if I'm nervous? How about something else? Height! Damn growth! Over the past year, I have grown only one and a half centimeters.

Accept, - I answered decisively.

Katya looked at me, it seems, with respect ...

We left the rink when the lights were already out and the watchman in felt boots, some strange one on the ice, surprisingly slow, although he walked at an ordinary pace, whistled piercingly and moved towards us with a broom.

In an empty dressing room, we took off our skates. The buffet was already closed, but Katya drove up to the barmaid, called her "nanny", and she was touched and gave us a bun and a glass of iced tea. We drank and talked.

How happy you are that you have already decided, - Katya said with a sigh, - but I don’t know yet.

After I said that I was going to flight school, we talked only about serious things, mainly about literature. She really liked Gladkov's Cement, and she scolded me for not reading it yet. In general, Katya read much more than me, especially fiction.

Then we started talking about love and agreed that this is nonsense. At first I doubted, but Katya said very decisively: “Of course, it’s nonsense” - and gave some example from Gladkov. And I agreed.

We were returning along the dark night alleys, so mysterious and quiet, as if these were not Tablecloth and Knife alleys, but unusual moonlit streets, on the Moon.

Chapter 4

We Katya did not talk about her household chores. I only asked how Marya Vasilievna was, and she answered:

Thanks, nothing.

And Nina Kapitonovna?

Thanks, nothing.

Maybe "nothing", but I thought it was bad. Otherwise, Katya would not have had to, for example, choose between a skating rink and a tram. But it wasn't just about money. I remembered very well how in Ensk I did not want to return home when Gaer Kuliy became our full owner and my sister and I had to call him “dad”. In my opinion, Katya also felt something of the kind. She grimaced when she had to go home. They were in trouble at home. Soon I met with Marya Vasilievna and was finally convinced of this.

We met at the theater at the Princess Turandot. Katya got three tickets - the third for Nina Kapitonovna. But for some reason Nina Kapitonovna didn't go, and I got the ticket.

I often went to the theatre. But one thing is a cultural trip, and another is Marya Vasilievna and Katya. I took a shirt with a turn-down collar from Valka, and a tie from Romashka. This scoundrel demanded bail.

Every day I made huge extracts from polar travels. I cut out notes from newspapers about the first flights to the north and pasted them into an old account book. On the first page of this book it was written:

"Forward" is the name of his ship. “Forward,” he says, and really pushes forward. Nansen on Amundsen. This was my motto. I mentally flew on the plane after Scott, after Shackleton, after Robert Peary. All routes. And since I had an airplane at my disposal, it was necessary to take care of its device.

According to the third paragraph of my rules: "what is decided - do it", I read the "Theory of Aircraft Engineering". Oh what a mess it was! But everything that I did not understand, I learned by heart just in case.

Every day I took apart my imaginary plane. I studied its motor and propeller. I equipped it with the latest appliances. I knew him like the back of my hand. There was only one thing I did not know yet: how to fly it. But that's exactly what I wanted to learn.

My decision was a mystery to everyone, even to Korablev. At school, they thought that I was scattered, but I didn’t want them to say about my aviation: “A new hobby.” It wasn't a hobby. It seemed to me that I had long ago decided to become a pilot, back in Ensk, on the day when Petka and I were lying in the Cathedral Garden, arms outstretched in a cross, and trying to see the moon and stars during the day, when a gray plane resembling a winged fish easily went around the clouds and disappeared on the other side of the Sand grain. Of course, it just seemed to me. But still - it’s not for nothing that I remember this plane so much. It must have been, and indeed then I first thought of what now occupied all my thoughts.

So I kept my secret from everyone. And suddenly - opened it. To whom? Kate.

On this day, in the morning we agreed to go to the skating rink, and something kept us in the way. Either Katya put it off, then I. Finally, we got ready, went, and the skating began unsuccessfully. Firstly, we had to wait in the cold for half an hour: the skating rink was covered with snow, closed, and the snow was removed. Secondly, Katya's heel broke on the first lap, and I had to grab the skate with a strap, which I took with me just in case. That would be half the trouble. But my strap kept coming loose. I had to go back to the locker room and give it to an angry, red-cheeked locksmith, who sharpened his skates with a terrible gnashing on a dirty round grindstone. He had just repaired the buckle, when the strap itself broke - and it was a pig, but try to tie a twisted pig strap in the cold! Finally everything was in order. It began to snow again, and we rode for a long time, holding hands, in large semicircles, now to the right, then to the left. This figure is called the Dutch step.

Snow gets in the way of good skaters. But how nice it is when it suddenly starts to snow on the rink! Never on a skating rink do snowflakes fall flat on the ice. They begin to spin - because people circling on the ice pick up the wind - and fly up and down for a long time until they lie down on light ice. It is very beautiful, and I felt that everything in the world is good. I knew that Katya felt this too, despite the iron-hard pork strap that had already rubbed her leg, and she was also glad that it was snowing and that we were riding with her with a spacious Dutch step.

Then I stood at the rope, which was fenced off the figure area, and watched Katya make a double eight. At first, nothing came out of her, she got angry and said that the heel was to blame for everything, then suddenly it came out, and it was so great that some fat man, diligently writing out circles, even grunted and shouted to her:

And I heard her complain to him about the broken heel.

Yes OK. I froze like a dog, and, waving my hand to Katya, made two big circles - to warm up.

Then we again skated with a Dutch step, and then sat down right under the orchestra, and Katya suddenly brought her flushed, flushed face with black lively eyes closer to me. I thought that she wanted to say something in my ear, and asked loudly:

She laughed.

Nothing, never mind. Hot.

Katka, - I said, - you know what? .. You won't tell anyone?

I'm going to flight school.

She closed her eyes, then silently stared at me.


I nodded my head.

The orchestra suddenly broke out, and I did not hear what she said, shaking the snow from her jacket and dress.

I can not hear!

She grabbed my hand and we drove to the other side of the rink, to the playground. It was dark and quiet here, the ground covered with snow. Fir trees were planted along the roller coaster, and small fir trees around the platform - as if we were somewhere outside the city in the forest.

Will they accept?

To school?

It was a terrible question. Every morning I did gymnastics according to the Anokhin system and cold rubdown according to the Muller system. I felt my muscles and thought: “What if they don’t accept me?” I checked eyes, ears, heart. The school doctor said I was healthy. But health is different, because he did not know that I was going to flight school. What if I'm nervous? What if something else? Height! Damn growth! Over the past year, I have grown only one and a half centimeters.

Accept, - I answered decisively.

Katya looked at me, it seems, with respect ...

We left the rink when the lights were already out and the watchman in felt boots, some strange one on the ice, surprisingly slow, although he walked at an ordinary pace, whistled piercingly and moved towards us with a broom.

In an empty dressing room, we took off our skates. The buffet was already closed, but Katya drove up to the barmaid, called her "nanny", and she was touched, gave us a bun and a glass of iced tea. We drank and talked...

How happy you are that you have already decided! Katya said with a sigh. - I don't know yet...

After I said that I was going to flight school, we only talked about serious things, mostly literature. She really liked Gladkov's Cement, and she scolded me for not reading it yet. In general, Katya read much more than me, especially fiction.

Then we started talking about love and agreed that this is nonsense. At first I doubted, but Katya said very decisively: “Of course, it’s nonsense” - and gave some example from Gladkov. And I agreed.

We returned along the dark, night alleys, so mysterious and quiet, as if these were not Tablecloth and Knife alleys, but unusual moonlit streets, on the Moon.

Chapter Four


Katya and I did not talk about her household chores. I only asked how Marya Vasilievna was, and she answered:

Thanks, nothing.

And Nina Kapitonovna?

Thanks, nothing.

Maybe "nothing", but I thought it was bad. Otherwise, Katya would not have had to, for example, choose between a skating rink and a tram. But it wasn't just about money. I remembered very well how in Ensk I did not want to return home when Gaer Kuliy became our full owner and my sister and I had to call him “dad”. In my opinion, Katya also felt something of the kind. She grimaced when she had to go home. They were in trouble at home. Soon I met with Marya Vasilievna and was finally convinced of this.

We met at the theater at the Princess Turandot. Katya got three tickets - the third for Nina Kapitonovna. But for some reason Nina Kapitonovna didn't go, and I got the ticket.

I often went to the theatre. But one thing is a cultural trip, and another is Marya Vasilievna and Katya. I took a shirt with a turn-down collar from Valka, and a tie from Romashka. This scoundrel demanded bail:

What if you lose?

I had to leave a deposit of the ruble.

We came from different places, and Katya was almost late. She rushed in when the ticket attendant was already locking the doors.

Mom was in the auditorium. She called out to us when, stepping on someone's feet in the dark, we were looking for our places ...

In our school, they talked a lot about "Princess Turandot" and even tried to stage it. Grishka Faber claimed that in this play all the male roles were written for him as if on purpose. Therefore, in the first act, I had no time to look at Marya Vasilievna. I just noticed that she is still very beautiful, maybe even more beautiful. She had changed her hair, and her entire high white forehead was visible. She sat upright and stared at the stage without looking up.

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