Irina Khakamada's daughter is getting married in the program. Irina Khakamada's "special" daughter is getting married


Suffering from Down syndrome, the daughter of Irina Khakamada Maria Sirotinskaya and her boyfriend Vlad Sitdikov decided to get married.

The daughter of a famous Russian politician - Maria Sirotinskaya - marries her heart friend Vlad Sitdikov.

The bride and groom themselves spoke about this in the program "Male / Female" on Channel One.

Both Masha and Vlad were born with a diagnosis of Down syndrome. But this does not prevent them from living a full life, studying, playing sports and making plans for the future. And the plans of young people, as it turned out, are serious: Maria and Vlad are going to start a family. They have already introduced each other to their loved ones.

“I have plans to make a good family, marry my beloved and always be with him and have my children. I want to open my own company, I will also earn money, provide for my family and even my husband,” said Maria Sirotinskaya.

But the lovers are still not going to rush into the wedding. But the potential son-in-law of Irina Khakamada turned to him right in the studio with a request to become his matchmaker, because the TV presenter is well acquainted with the mother of his beloved.

“I promise you that since I know Ira, I will definitely talk to her. I’ll tell you what impression you made on me, how happy Masha is with you. I think it will grow together,” Gordon answered.

As you know, Masha is the late child of Irina Khakamada. She became a mother for the second time after 40. Irina hid the "special" girl from the public for a long time, but when she grew up, she began to actively take her with her to social events.

Irina has repeatedly said that she considers Masha a completely normal person and communicates with her accordingly. True, raising children with Down syndrome is still a special story, Khakamada notes.

For many years, Irina Khakamada hid that her daughter had Down syndrome since birth. But recently the veil of secrecy was lifted, a well-known politician posted pictures of Mary on the network. In addition, the woman declares that the wedding of her daughter with a candidate for master of sports in bench press Vlad Sitdikov is not far off.

"Special" people have the right to personal happiness

Not so long ago, the next series of the program “Male and Female” was aired on Channel One. The hosts raised the thorny issue of people living with Down syndrome. The shooting was attended by the daughter of Irina Khakamada with her lover.

The guys held hands throughout the program, talked about their love and dating history. Maria and Vlad first saw each other at a rehearsal in the theater, where both went to realize their creative abilities. At first sight, there was sympathy between them.

Vlad, who was also born with Down syndrome, spoke tenderly and reverently about his beloved. According to him, Maria is a very cheerful, active girl, her sonorous laughter makes others rejoice and enjoy life.

Family, business and wealthy husband

Khakamada's daughter said that her life is planned and thought out to the smallest detail. Masha sees her main goal as creating a family and having children. The girl wants a big, strong family, in which the laughter of children would sound. Also, the girl does not hide that she would like to have her own business. At the same time, Maria insists that she does not need her mother's help in this. The girl mentioned that she was even ready to provide for her future husband.

Vlad is also serious. When asked about the wedding by the hosts, he made it clear that the event had already been discussed with Irina Khakamada. But the guy before a responsible step wants to create a strong foundation for the family.

By the way, despite the existing illness, Vlad Sitdikov is a candidate for master of sports in bench press. His dream is to get in and win a medal at the Olympics. Judging by the perseverance and diligence of the guy, he will soon succeed.

How does Irina Khakamada react to her daughter's statements about the wedding? According to her, she has known Vlad for a long time. Approves the choice of his daughter and wishes her happiness. But still, there are notes of doubt about the celebration.

“People with Down syndrome are a bit magical. They do not always understand where the game is and where the reality is. Their whole life is a dream! But if the daughter consciously talks about marriage - this is her choice, I will undoubtedly support her in this! – this is how a well-known politician put it.

Our article will tell about an unusual girl, whose story today inspires many people and gives hope for the best. Her mother is a Russian politician and deputy chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Irina Khakamada. Maria Sirotinskaya was born with Down syndrome, but her family loves her for who she is. The support of her relatives helped her gain confidence in herself, find many favorite hobbies, and gave her hope for happiness in the future.

The fruit of great love

Talking about her unusual child, Irina skillfully controls emotions. She does not betray any excitement, she speaks of her daughter with love and tenderness.

The girl's father is Khakamada's fourth husband, Vladimir Sirotinsky, who is in the business of financial consulting. According to the politician, Maria was a hard-won and very desirable child.

Irina Mutsuovna already had a son, Daniel, had an unsuccessful experience of family life when she met her future husband. Next to him, she regained female happiness, felt loved and desired. Irina dreamed of giving her beloved man a child, and Vladimir himself believed that a common child should be born in their small family.

The couple were afraid of the risks, because Irina was over forty when she found out about the long-awaited pregnancy. The fears were confirmed. Immediately after birth (in 1997), the girl was diagnosed with Down syndrome.

Misfortune never comes alone

As Irina Khakamada told the press, Maria grew up as a healthy child. But in 2003, she was diagnosed with a terrible disease - leukemia. Fortunately, the disease was diagnosed at an early stage, and therefore the chances of success were great.

Masha was treated in Russia. Talking about this difficult period, Irina Mutsuovna speaks with great gratitude about the doctors who did everything possible for her baby. In difficult times, family and friends helped a lot.

The disease has receded. Although Masha has to undergo regular examinations, nothing threatens her health.

special girl

Maria Sirotinskaya, daughter of Khakamada, like other people with the same diagnosis, loves creativity and does not know how to be offended. According to her mother, Masha is very kind and never sad for a long time. She does not really like the exact sciences, but she loves everything related to dance, theater and art.

The girl was not only able to get a secondary education. She went to college to be a ceramist.

Talking about her daughter, Irina says that she taught everyone around her a lot. Maria treats people sincerely and loves them only because she has them. Her disinterestedness and frankness are disarming, in her big heart there is a kind ray for everyone.

The right to be happy

At the age of 18, Masha met Vlad Sitdikov, with whom they not only quickly found a common language, but also fell in love with each other. Today it is known that the daughter of Irina Khakamada Maria received a marriage proposal from her lover, and the couple is planning a wedding.

The announcement of the decision to marry was made live on the program “Let them talk”, where the couple was invited to film. Vlad and Masha talked about the lives of people with Down syndrome, shared their dreams, boasted about their achievements. When they announced their intention, it came as a surprise to many.

Everyone has the right to happiness. Khakamada's daughter Maria decided to marry unexpectedly for her family, but her relatives supported her desire.

Irina says that people with Down syndrome do not like to draw a line between the real world and the world of dreams, so sometimes it can be difficult to understand when they are serious and when they are joking. But, apparently, Masha and Vlad are firm in their decision.

The future son-in-law of the famous mother-in-law

Who is he, the chosen one of Mary? Vlad is a couple of years older than his beloved, he has the same diagnosis as hers. He is the same sociable, active and kind person. The guy loves sports, and he has already achieved considerable success: Vlad Sitdikov is the world champion in bench press in his weight category. In addition, the young man is fond of sports journalism.

About myself and about the "children of the Sun"

Since Irina Khakamada began posting photos of Maria on the web, public interest in the girl has only been growing. Masha is not afraid of attention, she is calm in front of the cameras, behaves confidently and sincerely when she gives an interview.

The support of relatives and her lover helps the girl to believe in herself. Like most "sunny children", Maria had to deal with misunderstanding, but today she has learned to laugh at old stereotypes.

At the beginning of 2017, Maria and Vlad took part in the Love Syndrome Foundation project. They starred in a video about special people in which they and their friends were invited to comment on the most common misconceptions about people with Down syndrome. Masha talked about the fact that they know how to study and be creative, Vlad shared the story of his sporting successes.

But it is very difficult for such people to do things that are familiar to many! But not at all because of health problems, but because of the cautious and unfair attitude of society.

Maria and Vlad believe that by participating in such projects, they help the same people find themselves, gain confidence, believe in a dream. The guys who performed in the video convince us that sports, science, travel, art, love are for everyone, and not for the elite.

Masha shares photos with subscribers of social networks. When looking at her smiling face in sunny shots, it becomes clear that her life is actually full of joys and adventures. So, everyone can live the way they dream.

With hope for the best

Irina Khakamada's daughter Maria is not the only person with Down syndrome who leads a normal and interesting life.

Today, educational work is carried out by many teachers, psychologists, speech pathologists and doctors. Caring people tend to tell more about those who were born with an unusual set of chromosomes. Parents of "sunny children" do not stand aside either. For example, she found out about her son's diagnosis even before his birth. The artist talks about the life of little Semyon, shares his photographs, strives to convey to people that Down syndrome is not a disease, but a feature with which you can lead a full life.

According to psychologists, teachers and social educators, such children are teachable, but require a different approach. They are kind and incapable of knowingly causing harm. It is more difficult for them to acquire social skills, but patience and love can work wonders.

August 18, 2017

Maria Sirotinskaya and her chosen one Vlad Sitdikov became the heroes of the "Male and Female" program.

Photo: GlobalLook

The so-called "solar people" were discussed on the air of the program today. Among the guests was Evelina Bledans, who is raising her son Semyon with Down syndrome. Also in the show appeared the daughter of Irina Khakamada Maria Sirotinskaya and her lover Vlad Sitdikov. Note that both young people are “special”, but this status did not prevent them from building relationships and living happily.

Evelina Bledans in her microblog urged fans to watch today's episode of the show "Male and Female" and said that Maria and Vlad were planning to get married.

“I beg you to watch “Male and Female” today at 4 pm on Channel One! An important topic is the socialization and achievements of people with Down syndrome. About our Olympic champions, about the village "Svetlana" near St. Petersburg, where people with disabilities live, and which, of course, needs help. The score will be posted on the screen. And also about the upcoming wedding of Irina Khakamada's daughter Masha Sirotinskaya and a guy with Down syndrome Vlad Sitdikov. And thanks to Channel One for raising such topics, ”Bledans addressed the fans.

In the program itself, Maria and Vlad told the viewers their love story and what plans they make for the future. They have already introduced each other to relatives who fully approve of their union. Vlad also turned to Alexander Gordon with a request to be his matchmaker, as the presenter knows Maria's mother Irina Khakamada well. Alexander agreed and wished the couple happiness.

The other day, Channel One aired a new episode of the program "Male and Female", dedicated to an important topic - the socialization and achievements of people with Down syndrome. One of the invited guests was the daughter of Irina Khakamada, 20-year-old actress Maria Sirotinskaya, and her boyfriend, 22-year-old world champion in bench press Vlad Sitdikov. The couple told viewers about their lives, hobbies, a recent romantic trip to Greece, and also shared plans for the wedding.

Maria and Vlad met at the theater and, according to Masha, it was love at first sight.

I went to the theater, and there I saw Vlad, he rehearsed in the play ... After that, we had mutual love. I immediately realized that I needed this person and he would be my support. I love him very much and will always be faithful to him.<...>I have plans to create a good family, marry my beloved, always be with him and have children.

When we met her, I found something in her that I could not find before. This is loyalty, love, happiness. And, of course, she is a kind, affectionate, beautiful girl. I found the one with which I would like to connect my life, once and for all, - said Vlad.

Maria Sirotinskaya and Vlad Sitdikov with Alexander Gordon and Evelina Bledans

Also, Vlad, who not only loves to read poetry, but also writes it himself, read a fragment of one of his works dedicated to Mary:

Years passed, I grew up despite the bad weather.
The road led to Moscow, in the theater I stand at the threshold.
And there is euphoria in my head, I suddenly hear: "And I am Maria!"
Hit me like a tsunami...

Vlad and Maria have already introduced each other to their parents, and both parties have approved the choice of their children. At the end of the conversation with the couple, presenter Alexander Gordon asked Mary a direct question: "When is the wedding?" Maria, smiling, modestly answered "Not soon", then Vlad entered the conversation.

Alexander, you are an experienced person. I would like you to become my matchmaker, since you know Masha's mother well.

Alexander promised to talk to Irina Khakamada, because, according to him, Vlad made a very good impression on him.

We offer you to watch the full episode of the program, in which Evelina Bledans and her son also took part:

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