The daughter of fame was accompanied by her own father to graduation. Singer Slava: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo Alexander Morozov husband of glory

June 27, 2017

The girl came home in the company of her mother, grandmothers and her own father - the ex-husband of the singer Slava Konstantin Morozov.

Alexandra Morozova graduated from the Lomonosov School with a gold medal this year and plans to enter the theater institute. At her graduation party, the girl appeared in the company of relatives, among whom was her own father, whom Sasha hid from the public for a long time. She often published joint pictures with her mother on the microblog and never with her father. This time, after graduation, the girl did not appear on Instagram with her father either, but the paparazzi made the family look happy.

For the prom, Slava's daughter chose a bright red floor-length dress and open-toed shoes. The singer herself appeared at the event in a white trouser suit. The girl's father appeared in trousers and a sweater.

Recall that Slava met her first common-law spouse when she was still a schoolgirl. Upon learning of the pregnancy, she decided to have an abortion, but could not. Together with her husband and daughter, they lived in cramped circumstances. When the baby was six months old, the couple decided to leave. Konstantin helped the mother of his daughter: spent time with the child, supported financially.

Slanevskaya Anastasia Vladimirovna, or simply Slava, is not only an incredibly beautiful woman, wife and mother, but also a talented singer. She not only sings great, but also acts in clips and films, dubs and invariably takes part in various talent shows.

Anastasia could become a model or a professional athlete, however, she began to study music and constantly win prizes in all music competitions.

Slanevskaya is a successful, extraordinary, bright and insanely talented woman who gives her fans a positive and bright mood.

Height, weight, age. How old is Slava (singer)

Currently, Nastya Slanevskaya occupies the top places in music ratings, while fans want to know her physical parameters, including height, weight, age. How old is Slava (the singer) is also not difficult to find out, since there is data on the Internet about the date of birth of the beauty.

Glory was born back in 1980, so she was already thirty-seven years old. At the same time, such a zodiac sign as Taurus gives the famous actress and singer such character traits as hard work, patience, independence, nobility, artistry, willpower, attractiveness.

According to the eastern horoscope, Anastasia belongs to the contact, sociable, bright, open, perky, eccentric Monkeys.

Her height was perfectly suitable for walking on the catwalk and was one meter and seventy-seven centimeters, and her weight reached the level of fifty-eight kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Glory (singer)

The biography and personal life of Slava (singer) is closely connected with creativity and is always interesting for fans. Little Nastenka was born in the capital of our Motherland, so this opened up endless opportunities for her to develop and improve.

Nastya went in for music and sports, she skillfully played volleyball. The girl adored such a trend of progress as karaoke and sang for hours. She studied rather poorly at school, constantly inciting her classmates to skip classes, but she constantly participated in amateur performances. Nastya was a mobile, active, but very adventurous girl. Problems with academic performance were attributed to a disorder called dyslexia and is due to the fact that the child cannot write and read, count and express his thoughts correctly.

At the same time, Anastasia knew that she was growing up as a beauty, so at nineteen she went to conquer the modeling business. The girl had success, and she was able to get into the video of Vladimir Presnyakov, she was predicted to have a great future. However, Nastya quickly realized that she could not constantly diet and spend money on trips to failed auditions.

The girl sang with her sister in a karaoke bar, the talented youth was noticed by the famous director Sergei Kalvarsky and offered to cooperate. This meeting became significant for Nastya, who quickly became popular. At the same time, her first video immediately became famous and popular, and a girl with an unusual name Slava won the hearts of an entire army of fans.

For two years, the girl has already shot several dozen videos, released her debut album, performed at hundreds of concert programs and festivals. She could not get to Eurovision 2005, lost to Natalia Podolskaya.

At the same time, Anastasia was not at all upset, but began to work with tripled efforts. The girl released four more albums, about twenty clips. She became a real star of the television shows "Battle of the Choirs", "Wife for Rent", "Three Chords", "Dancing with the Stars".

Glory constantly became the winner of the Golden Gramophone, MUZ-TV, Chanson of the Year, Song of the Year awards as part of the NeAngely group. Then this was not enough for her, and Anastasia found herself in the world of cinema, making her debut in the movie "Club" in the role of herself. After this picture, the filmography was filled with such works as "Paragraph 78", "Diamond Hand-2", she voiced the Penguin in the cartoon "Happy Feet-2".

The personal life of Anastasia Slanevskaya was stormy and vibrant, because the representatives of the male part of humanity simply adored the stylish and beautiful woman. Parents did not have enough time to talk heart to heart with the girl, so she began to lead a sexual life early, trying to find love and understanding there.

Back in her school years, she played with the boys as best she could, generously giving them her love, so she was known as a relaxed and authoritative girl in these matters. She encourages girls not to imitate such experienced friends as she herself was. Anastasia said that she realized late that she should not exchange for trifles, but look for her true love.

The first love came to her at school, and Kostya was much older than her.

Family and children of Slava (singer)

The family and children of Slava (singer) are very creative, bright, unexpected, because they suddenly appeared in life and brought a lot of joy. The girl was born in a family where everyone was creative.

At the same time, her father, Vladimir Slanevsky, worked as a simple driver, although his relatives were famous artists. Mom worked as an economist, while she loved to sing and often performed with her twin sister in various show programs with the songs of the Liverpool Four.

At the same time, almost all of Slanevskaya's relatives were somehow connected with creativity, for example, her grandmother sang in the Pyatnitsky choir. Nastya has a sister who also sings wonderfully.

Slava gave birth to her eldest daughter when she herself was still young and foolish, therefore she considers her her sister, girlfriend, assistant, companion. She simply adores her daughter, although she reproaches herself for having deprived her father and her attention, since the girl was raised by her grandmother.

The second child of Anastasia made her understand that motherhood is designed to give all of herself to her baby, often sacrificing her personal life and career.

Daughter of Glory (singer) - Alexandra Morozova

Slava's daughter (singer) - Alexandra Morozova - was born in 1999, when her famous mother was barely seventeen years old. The baby's father was a casual acquaintance and Nastya's first love, Konstantin Morozov.

The girl might not have been born, because Slava was going to have an abortion, because she was too young for motherhood. After the first ultrasound, the girl realized that the baby was already living, so she decided to give birth.

Little Sashenka could not hold the family together, her parents separated when the baby was only six months old. Her father took full responsibility for her provision, so Alexandra graduated with a gold medal from the prestigious Moscow Lomonosov School.

The girl lives separately from her parents with a young man Dima and studies at a theatrical higher educational institution. She hates social events and goes in for sports, and she also gets along well with her younger sister.

Daughter of Glory (singer) - Antonina Slanevskaya

Slava's daughter (singer) - Antonina Slanevskaya - was born in 2011, her father was Nastya's common-law husband Anatoly Danilitsky. Little Tonechka is a very smiling and bright child, she is a welcome baby, who is raised by her mother and grandmother herself.

The girl attends a private kindergarten, she draws beautifully, dances, and does vocals. It is worth noting that parents spare no time and money to ensure that the baby develops and grows healthy.

Antonina loves her older sister, who affectionately calls her Toshka and trusts her with all her secrets.

Former husband of Glory (singer) - Konstantin Morozov

The ex-husband of Slava (singer) - Konstantin Morozov - was the girl's first love. The twenty-five-year-old guy lived not far from the apartment of Nastya's best school friend.

The guy was not opposed to meeting a young beauty and even making love to her, but he was simply horrified to find out that she was barely fifteen. The most interesting thing is that the seventeen-year-old Nastya managed to return the guy who ran away from her, and to her misfortune, she realized that she was expecting a baby.

Parents insisted that the young people get married, but constant quarrels and problems completely destroyed the family.

Civil husband of Glory (singer) - Anatoly Danilitsky

Slava's civil husband (singer) - Anatoly Danilitsky - was about twenty-eight years older than his wife. The couple met when both sides were not free, while Anatoly had two children growing up, and Slava had a daughter.

Anatoly at that time headed the National Reserve Corporation, so he was quite rich, powerful and famous. He managed to get a divorce, while paying child support.

Photo of the singer Slava in Maxim magazine

Photos of the singer Slava in the Maxim magazine, as well as in numerous men's magazines, appear with enviable constancy. At the same time, Slava claims that she has never been shy about showing her magnificent body. The fact is that she worked as a fashion model and starred in rather extravagant clips designed to arouse interest among the male part of her fans.

At the same time, naked Slava feels like a fish in water. However, it is worth remembering that most of the nude photographs of the singer are nothing more than high-quality photoshop.

Recently, photographs of Nastya and her daughter Sasha in a bikini-type swimsuit appeared on the Internet, which they took in one of the hot countries. At the same time, very beautiful and modest photographs were called spicy and shameful. Slava, on the contrary, indicates that every fifth Russian family brings such photographs from vacation.

Instagram and Wikipedia Glory (singer)

Instagram and Wikipedia of Glory (singer) have been with the star singer for quite a long time. At the same time, on the page dedicated to Anastasia Slanevskaya on Wikipedia, it is possible to find data related to her creative family and children, personal and family life, husbands and career growth. It should be noted that all information is reliable and available in open sources.

More than 700,000 fans have subscribed to the singer's Instagram profile, who will be the first to know where and when the Slava-related event will take place. It is there that there are photographs and video materials that are taken from the personal archive of the singer.

In the life of the singer Slava, it seems that chance decided everything. She was accidentally noticed in a karaoke cafe, where she loved to spend time and sing. There she was noticed by a producer and offered her a job. This was only the first step towards fame and recognition.

The collaboration between the singer and the producer was quite fruitful. Hits and clips of Glory occupied the first lines of the charts, and she herself received various music awards more than once.

After some time, the singer admitted that she is grateful to her producer for all the efforts and efforts that he put into her promotion. But she also has something to thank her husband for, who supported her financially and believed in her as a singer.

First love

In addition to a career as a singer since childhood, the girl dreamed that she would become the wife of a rich and wealthy man. I must say that her dream came true, albeit not the first time. Having a bright appearance, Slava already at school was liked by many boys. Realizing this, she manipulated them to her advantage.

Since the parents devoted little time to the upbringing of the girl, including sexual education, she very early began to be interested in boys and behaved with them quite relaxedly. Now, several years later, the singer urges young people not to follow her example and choose a partner for relationships more carefully.

As a high school student, Slava fell in love with a man who was somewhat older than her. Konstantin Morozov was a novice restaurateur. But this business did not bring him the expected profit. In addition, the girl was unhappy with her partner. For her, it was not enough for her husband's ability to earn money to support the family, she believed that he was not developing as a person.

As it were, when the girl was only 19 years old, she gave birth to a daughter from Konstantin Morozov, who was named Alexandra. But this event did not help strengthen the family. The couple broke up when the child was not yet a year old. As Slava explained, they simply did not agree with her husband in character.

Despite the fact that the couple broke up, they still maintain friendly relations. Konstantin takes part in raising his daughter, and she loves to visit her father.

Marry a millionaire

After parting with her first husband, and left with a small child in her arms, Slava had to think about how to feed herself and the child. To feed her family, the girl got a job in a casino. But everything changed after meeting a man who became not only her husband, but also a sponsor. They became Anatoly Danilitsky.

Danilitsky is a rather influential figure and businessman. For some time, after graduating from MGIMO, he held posts in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. After working at the Ministry, he held the post of General Director of CJSC National Reserve Corporation. At the time of his acquaintance with Slava, he had already become a co-owner of the Aeroflot company.

Anatoly met the singer rather banally. After a busy day, he went to a restaurant for dinner. There was an attractive girl sitting at one of the tables. The man wanted to get to know her and to start dating, he treated her to wine. They started talking and exchanged phone numbers.

A few days after the first meeting, Anatoly called Slava and they met again. Their meetings were not hindered by the fact that the businessman was married and raised two children, as well as the fact that Anatoly was 56 years old, and Slava was exactly twice as young.

Their relationship developed very quickly. Soon the businessman realized that he was in love with a girl. To be with her, he even decided on a divorce.

Interesting Notes:

After the divorce, Slava and Anatoly began to live together. The future husband of Slava contributed in every possible way to the development of his wife's singing career and invested a lot of money in development. But Slava is not at all embarrassed by this circumstance. She is very grateful to her husband that with his support she was able to achieve success and become popular.

I want to get married

Anatoly and Slava have lived together for about 10 years. But during this time they officially did not become husband and wife. At first, they did not think about formalizing their relationship., but after it became known that the couple would have a child, Anatoly proposed to the girl. Glory refused to become his wife.

But Anatoly was persistent. He repeated his offer several times, but each time he was refused. Slava explained that it was not that she did not love Anatoly, she simply did not consider it necessary to put a stamp in her passport, since it would not change the relationship between the spouses. But some time passed and the woman changed her mind about marriage.

One fine day, she decided to take a brave step and herself made an offer to Anatoly. But, this time, the man refused such an offer. Therefore, the couple still lives in a civil marriage.

But this does not bother the couple. They appreciate and love each other and their children. Slava admits that thanks to her husband, she got into a fairy tale, which she dreamed of for so long, and which became a reality.

It would seem that only recently we have read essays about the personal life and creative career of the singer Slava, but life is so fleeting that now the name is increasingly appearing on the front pages Alexandra Morozova, daughter singers. This is not surprising, because the young beauty is already 17 years old, and therefore she begins to take her first steps in her emerging career in show business.

Alexandra Morozova is the daughter of the singer Slava from her first civil marriage with businessman Konstantin Morozov. Unfortunately, the couple's family life did not work out. Nevertheless, as far as can be understood from the singer's interview, the parents of Alexandra Morozova still communicate normally, and they try to solve important issues related to their daughter together. The singer Slava became a mother at the age of 18. Perhaps someone will condemn her for such haste, and for a long time she herself admitted in an interview that she was not ready for motherhood. But now, when the singer is only 35, she can boast of a friendly and trusting relationship with her 17-year-old daughter. Mother and daughter go on vacation together and often appear at social events.

Of course, her mother rejoices at the achievements of Alexandra Morozova much more than her own. This applies both to school success and to the creative ideas of her daughter. Alexandra Morozova recently graduated from high school. By her own admission, the girl planned to enter GITIS, but it is difficult to say whether she fulfilled her intention. At the same time, Alexandra Morozova has a great voice and for a long time even she herself was thinking about a career on the stage. And it’s not worth talking about appearance, it’s better to just see! The girl is like a mother, like two drops of water, and has an equally beautiful and graceful figure.

With all her external virtues and a star mother, Alexandra Morozova is quite independent. As you know, she even worked for some time as a waitress in a cafe with her father, businessman Konstantin Morozov. And more recently - in mid-June - a girl girl published pictures from her professional photo shoot on social networks, which allows us to think that she is ready to try her hand as a model. Many were shocked by such courage, because of the clothes on the young talent there was only paint for body painting.

The personal life of the beauty does not stand still. At the beginning of last year, magazines wrote about the romance of a young beauty with a guy named Nikita Shatokhin, and already this year her mother approves of a completely different boyfriend, Dmitry, and is proud of the huge bouquet that her daughter received upon returning from Thailand, where she rested with her mother.

The biography of the singer Slava clearly demonstrates how a hobby can completely change a person's future, and a career does not necessarily prevent you from getting happiness in your personal life. Thanks to chance and love of singing, the girl got her chance to become a star and did not miss it. But Slava never acquired a legal husband, despite the presence of children, because freedom is more expensive than a meaningless stamp in the passport. Such a belief does not at all prevent the 37-year-old artist from living happily with her daughter and common-law husband.

Carier start

Anastasia Slanevskaya was born on May 15, 1980 in the capital of Russia in an ordinary family. Mom worked all her life as an economist, and father Vladimir as a driver. From early childhood, Stasya showed love for music, which called and fascinated the young singer. With the advent of the opportunity to sing under "karaoke" in the technical world, the girl began to actively develop her voice and perform songs in clubs and bars, on the streets and in cafes. The girl inherited her talent for vocals from her grandmother, who performed in the Pyatnitsky choir.

In the spring of 2002, having become a regular client of the Moscow karaoke club, Stasya performed her favorite compositions, not paying attention to the assembled audience. On this day, the director Sergey Kalvarsky, who worked with such famous people as Kirkorov and Pugacheva, came to the club quite by accident.

Singer Slava in childhood

Delighted by the girl's vocal abilities, the man offered her a contract and promised to bring her to the big stage of show business.

The first creation of the famous director was the composition “I Love or I Hate”, which was released to the world along with a video that was shown on all music channels of the Russian Federation and in 2004 received an RMA award. The song soared to the top positions on radio air orders and became a hit, giving the singer instant fame and recognition.

Sergei Kalvarsky decided not to stop there. Having raised all his connections, from 2002 to 2003 he organized the performances of the singer Slava at famous music festivals, where the girl performed songs from her unreleased album. The artist, who gained fame due to the song “I Love and I Hate”, began to flicker on the covers of the popular glossy magazine with the release of the collection “Fellow Traveler”. After loud advertising, this album, released in 2004, became one of the most anticipated and sold out throughout the CIS.

The solo career of the singer began with the Moscow karaoke club

creative development

In 2005, the singer Slava took part in the Eurovision Song Contest, where she effectively performed the song "I wanna be the one". A bright and memorable girl attracted the attention of director Mikhail Khleborodov, who invited her to shoot in the feature film "Paragraph 78" for the main role of Lisa, the only girl in the special forces detachment. To get used to the image, Slava had to sacrifice her long black hair and cut her hair bald. After the release of the film, which received high ratings and received positive reviews from critics, the singer and actress Slava took off to a new step in her career ladder. Her face became recognizable, and her popularity began to grow exponentially.

In 2006, a new album "Classy" was released, created on the basis of its own recording center "Slava Music". The presentation of the long-awaited disc became a bright and memorable sight for journalists and critics. Slava invited the popular British trip-hop group "Kosheen" and the world-famous Parisian club show "LA REX". Slava worked on songs with the best musicians in Russia and Europe. Therefore, it is not surprising that almost all of them became singles, taking first positions in the radio listening rating. Along with the songs, unusual and professionally designed clips were released.

Frame from the film "Paragraph 78"

In the fall of 2007, the singer Slava, whose biography and personal life was of great interest to the public, surprised her fans with the release of an album called "The Best", collecting her most popular songs in it.


In parallel with performances with new hits, the artist began to actively engage in charity work, paying special attention to children and people with HIV. She also recorded the second album of the year "Eclipse" in London in English.

In 2010 Slava released a new single "Loneliness". And she began to actively participate in popular shows and programs. Fans saw the famous artist in the show "Wife for Hire" and as an actress in the sequel to the film "Diamond Hand 2" in the role of Anna Sergeevna. But the artist postponed the new album to 2013, temporarily taking a break in her work due to motherhood and the decree. In subsequent years, Slava was awarded prizes and nominations as a singer, performer of the best duet, and was repeatedly noted at the Golden Gramophone festival. Now the young mother began to develop not only as an artist, but also as a charming TV presenter.

Glory not only sings, but also tries to act in films

Since 2013, Slava has become a mentor of the Rostov choir, taking part in the show "Battle of the Choirs". In 2015 she appeared in the show "Dancing with the Stars" as a jury. In 2016, she took part in the program “So far, everyone is at home” on the Russia-1 TV channel.

Family and Children

Singer Slava is a person whose biography is continuously connected with her career, and her personal life surprises with her principles. Indeed, despite the fact that the girl is already a mother twice, she has never been officially married.

The first common-law husband, from whom Slava had a daughter, Alexander, on January 4, 1990, was businessman Konstantin Morozov. At one fine moment, the couple realized that they had few common interests, and therefore, when feelings began to cool, young people often began to quarrel over everyday moments. Ultimately, Slava and Konstantin decided to end their relationship.

Singer Slava with her husband Anatoly Danilitsky

The second common-law husband of the singer was the famous businessman Anatoly Danilitsky. They met in 2002 in a chic Moscow restaurant where Slava came to dine. At first, the lovers tried to hide their relationship due to the fact that Anatoly was married and raised three children.

The ensuing romance was for him a "fleeting affair" for which it is not necessary to divorce his wife.

The result of a long-term relationship was that Anatoly filed for divorce and began to live with Slava under the same roof. December 24, 2011 they had a daughter named after her father Antonina. Even during Slava's pregnancy, a respectable businessman called the girl to marry, but she refused to tie herself to a legal marriage. And only in 2016, the lovers made an announcement in the press about the preparations for the wedding.

The singer devotes all her free time to her family

But a year later, when magazines published amazing interviews with the artist about preparing for the wedding, she announced that the celebration would not take place. Slava herself decided to cancel the wedding, believing that going to the registry office would deprive her and Anatoly of everything that had happened over the 15 years of their civil marriage. According to the singer, it is better to remain free, because this will make it possible to pack your bags and leave at any time, without fear of a difficult divorce process with the division of property.

Glory with your daughter

In connection with this announcement, journalists expressed their suspicion that the singer Slava broke up with her husband. But in fact, everything is different. The couple is still together. In January 2018, they, along with their daughter, who turned 6 years old, rested in the Maldives. Happy parents regularly post their photos on social networks, where they smile and enjoy fishing on warm islands.

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