Standard contract for transportation. Documentation of transport services


Many business entities that do not have their own fleet regularly use the services of transport companies or individual entrepreneurs. Some of them conclude, after which they introduce a new employee to their staff. Regardless of which mode of cooperation they have chosen, freight transportation services must be documented.

When transporting goods for various purposes, there are always problems that the parties often have to resolve in court. They can minimize the risk of disagreements if they provide for all possible nuances when drawing up the contract. Such agreements differ from standard documents, for example, from either a contract for the supply of goods. That is why, before drawing up such a document, it is necessary to get advice from a lawyer who knows all the "pitfalls" of such transactions.

When do you need to document the services for the transportation of goods?

Currently, such a line of business as business has become very popular among business entities. Many individuals, instead of starting to provide services to the public and various companies related to the delivery of goods. It should be noted that the procedure for moving goods through the territory of the Russian Federation and beyond is regulated by relevant laws. They must be documented without fail, and contracts are concluded between the parties to the transaction.

Agreements of the established form must be drawn up when moving goods by the following modes of transport:

  • automobile;
  • railway;
  • air;
  • maritime.

Advice: Today, many companies and individual entrepreneurs work with clients under independently developed contracts. That is why customers need to be extremely careful, since the performers in such agreements primarily observe their own interests.

What are the benefits of using the services of transport companies?

Many business entities deliberately use the services of carrier companies. This is primarily due to the fact that they do not want to face a lot of problems associated with maintaining their own fleet. For its formation, huge amounts of money are needed, which some organizations simply do not have. With the maintenance and service of cars, there are always various problems. Cars must be constantly repaired, their technical condition should be diagnosed, refueled, etc. At the same time, to drive one truck, the company must create at least two staff positions (employees will have to pay wages on a regular basis).

Advice: it is worth noting that in order to form its own fleet, a company must have a territory that is fenced and protected. That is why many legal entities and individuals prefer to use the services of third-party organizations specializing in the transportation of goods.

What is a contract for the provision of services for the carriage of goods?

The contract for the transportation of goods is a document that confirms all the agreements reached between the parties, and also regulates all the nuances of the transaction. The transportation of goods can be carried out in various ways, which is why the relevant regulatory legal acts must be used when compiling the accompanying documentation.

When registering services for the transportation of goods, business entities must use the standards, laws and codes of the Russian Federation:

  1. Civil Code.
  2. Air Code.
  3. Labor Code.
  4. Code of Inland Water Transport, etc.

Advice: when drawing up contracts, the parties must necessarily take into account departmental and local regulations and orders that can cancel or supplement the norms existing in laws.

The contract, which is concluded by the parties for the provision of services for the transportation of goods, must take into account the obligations of the customer and the contractor. The document also stipulates their rights and liability for violation of the terms of the agreement. Regardless of whether a standard contract will be used or individually developed by the carrier, the document must fully comply with the regulations of the Federal Legislation of Russia.

Advice: in most cases, such contracts provide for liability for the party that violated the terms of the transaction. To prevent possible problems, it is recommended to transfer the text of the document to a lawyer for study.

What should a contract for the carriage of goods contain?

When drawing up a contract for the provision of cargo transportation services (a sample can be taken from a lawyer), the parties must include the following points in it:

  1. Item. This paragraph should contain comprehensive information about the cargo (quantity, type of packaging, type of cargo, etc.). The parties indicate the exact details of the point of delivery and the terms that are set for transportation.
  2. General provisions. General information is usually described here, various terms, main provisions and the duration of the contract are entered.
  3. Calculations. This paragraph describes the cost of services, the procedure for making payments, payment terms, etc. The parties must indicate how the customer will settle with the contractor (prepayment, full payment, settlement after delivery of the goods).
  4. Planning and implementation of transportation. This part of the contract is the most basic, since it is here that all the nuances of the upcoming transaction are described. The parties stipulate all possible nuances, describe the process of receiving the cargo and its storage, insurance details. If transportation will be carried out outside the Russian Federation, then there should be information about the need for customs clearance.
  5. Rules and obligations (provided for each of the parties).
  6. Responsibility. This part of the contract describes in detail the responsibility of each party for violation of its obligations. If material compensation for damage or penalties is provided, then the parties must describe everything in detail, up to the indication of interest rates and amounts of compensation payments.
  7. Force Majeure. All possible situations that may cause a violation or non-fulfillment of the terms of the contract are described in detail.
  8. Details of both parties. The full name, legal address, payment details and codes necessary for the preparation of documentation, etc. are indicated.
  9. Signatures and seals.

Advice: the contract for the carriage of goods must indicate the license number of the carrier company, on the basis of which it carries out this type of activity. If the contractor does not have such a permit, then by providing transport services, he automatically violates the regulations of the Federal legislation, for which he will be brought to administrative and, possibly, criminal liability.

What features of the contract for the provision of transport services do you need to know?

The Federal legislation of Russia does not provide for the requirement for mandatory state or notary registration of contracts for the carriage of goods. Such an agreement will be considered officially concluded after the customer and the contractor put their signatures and seals on it. The interests of the parties can be represented by managers or their proxies (employees of enterprises that have such powers in accordance with accounting policies or are endowed with a special power of attorney).

In accordance with the regulations of the Federal legislation, in the event of disputes or any disagreements, the parties to the contract can resolve everything out of court. If in the process of negotiations they failed to find a compromise, the solution of the problem is transferred to the legal plane. It is worth noting that representatives of Themis will not consider the claim of the injured party until the pre-trial settlement procedure is carried out.

Legal aspects of such contracts

A contract for the carriage of goods is an agreement that the parties voluntarily concluded and executed on paper (Article 161 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Despite the fact that Federal legislation does not require special certification of such contracts, if necessary, the parties can apply to a notary's office to obtain an appropriate mark. The document is drawn up in two copies, one for each party to the transaction.

The contractor is obliged to accept the goods from the customer for further transportation to the destination specified in the contract. Confirmation of the fact of acceptance of goods may be a bill of lading. This document indicates not only complete information about the carrier, customer and recipient, but also signs data on the transported cargo.

The contract for the carriage of goods is concluded on a reimbursable basis. If the customer of the service for some reason did not transfer money to the contractor, which violated the terms of the agreement, then it can be terminated by the carrier unilaterally. In this case, these actions will not have any legal consequences for the performer.

To avoid problems in the future, when drawing up a contract (a sample can be obtained from a notary's office), the parties must take into account the following points (they must be indicated in the document):

  • who will carry out loading and unloading operations;
  • registration of insurance;
  • who will deliver and receive the cargo;
  • cargo assessment;
  • who is responsible for the theft or loss of cargo;
  • package of accompanying documents;
  • whether the cargo will have an escort, etc.

What nuances of a transport transaction should be taken into account in order not to have problems with the tax authorities?

Legal entities that use the services of carriers, in accordance with the regulations of the Federal legislation, may attribute all expenses incurred to the costs of the reporting period. Due to this, they reduce the tax base for income tax and VAT (if the carrier is a payer of this tax). Business entities can cooperate with both legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

If a transaction with a carrier is planned, the customer must take into account the following point regarding its documentation:

  1. An appropriate contract must be concluded with the contractor. Before signing it, the customer must check that he has a license (it is advisable to ask for a copy to attach it to the contract).
  2. When making a transaction for the carriage of goods, a consignment note (in 4 copies) must be drawn up, a copy of this form is attached to the customer's account documents.
  3. After the completion of the transport service, the contractor must submit the act to the customer for signing (in 2 copies, one for each party). If there are no claims under the transaction, the parties sign this document and certify it with seals.
  4. The contract for the carriage of goods may be concluded on the basis of an order or application of the consignor. All created applications can be in paper or electronic form.

Advice: when documenting a transport service, a correctly drawn up consignment note is of great importance. In judicial practice, there are many cases when representatives of Themis consider such an invoice as the only document that can confirm the fact of a transaction.

A waybill can prove the fact of a transport service. This form is issued by the carrier company for each vehicle leaving the garage. With the help of the waybill, the company controls not only the vehicle, but also the driver, and writes off fuel on it. It can be issued by both legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. On the basis of waybills, the carrier company calculates wages for its drivers, calculates depreciation deductions, writes off fuel and lubricants, etc.

When calculating the cost of transport services, the carrier company must act in accordance with the established tariffs fixed in the accounting policy. In this case, the waybill will also act as a document confirming the fact and economic feasibility of payments for the performed transport service.

If a company ordered several transport services from one contractor in one month, then at the end of the month the parties can draw up an act of reconciliation of settlements. In this document, each of the parties reflects the following data:

  • date of performance of the service;
  • sum;
  • date of payment;
  • payment amount;
  • account numbers.

If the parties agreed on the final figures, they sign the act. The signed act, in which the parties agreed to the existing balance at the end of the reporting period, can act as an evidence base if the injured party decides to file a claim for debt collection.

Advice: individual entrepreneurs who independently switched to the patent taxation regime, when providing transport services, may not have a license to carry out this type of activity. When concluding an agreement, the customer should ask

Contract for the carriage of goods - a document confirming the agreements reached by the parties on the carriage of a certain cargo.

Given the various modes of transportation that currently exist, as well as the specifics of the goods being moved, these relationships are regulated by various legislative acts.

These normative-legal acts may relate to various branches of law. The most important laws of our country pay special attention to the contract of carriage, they include such sets of norms as codes: the Air Code of the Russian Federation, the Code of Merchant Shipping of the Russian Federation, the Code of Inland Water Transport of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, etc. Federal laws, by-laws, local and departmental orders and regulations may contain rules governing this area of ​​activity.

Legal rules for drawing up a contract

So, what do you need to know about the contract of carriage of goods? What are the main criteria that a contract must meet?

The contract in question is a voluntary written agreement of the parties, which can be drawn up both in a simple written form and have a notarized transaction. It is compiled in the form of one document, the number of copies equal to the number of persons involved in the transaction.

Confirmation of acceptance by the carrier of cargo for transportation may also be a bill of lading or another document that essentially replaces the contract for the supply of goods and confirms the existing obligations of the parties, their rights and obligations.

In some cases, the receipt of payment and the cash receipt will be documents that will indicate the conclusion of the contract, such cases include mail forwarding and other similar transactions.

Modern development of cargo transportation services

At present, with the development of the Internet, the transportation of goods has entered a new stage of development, since numerous online stores, including those located outside the Russian Federation, deliver the goods ordered by customers by transporting them over various distances. In this case, payment for the selected product in full will be a confirmation of not only the purchase of the product (cargo), but also the emergence of a relationship for its transportation.

This agreement has a reimbursable character. In case of non-payment for the ordered services, the contract may be recognized as terminated / not concluded and not have any legal consequences.

Various methods and features of cargo transportation over distances leave their mark on the legal regulation of the transaction.

In this document, it is advisable to reflect the following features

    Who will load and unload the transported cargo.

    Will this cargo be insured?

    Who will hand over the goods to the carrier.

    Who will receive the goods from the carrier.

    Delivery times.

    The value of the cargo.

    Liability for loss of cargo.

    Features of transportation of certain types of cargo.

    Documents drawn up and transferred to the parties upon the execution of the transaction.

    Payment method, etc.

A feature of the contract for the carriage of goods is, as a rule, the mandatory pre-trial settlement of the dispute that has arisen. If this is not done, then the statement of claim may not be accepted in court, and the accepted statement is subject to return to the plaintiff without consideration.

There are various contract options available on our Site. You can see them in the section "Sample Documents".

Contract for the carriage of goods

Transportation Technologies OJSC, hereinafter referred to as the Carrier, represented by the representative of Irakliy Stepanovich Gemniy, acting in accordance with the power of attorney No. 496119695-449683 / GIS dated December 02, 2013 and Right Target LLC, hereinafter referred to as the "Sender", represented by the representative of Katsny Stanislav Minovich, acting under power of attorney No. PRA-559683 / 44968-22386 dated December 02, 2013, hereinafter referred to as the "Parties", agreed and signed this contract of carriage (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") as follows:

1.1. For the execution of this JSC "Technologies of Transportation" guarantees the delivery of the cargo entrusted to it by LLC "Right Target": literature and periodicals, according to the list, in the amount of 2487 (two thousand four hundred and eighty seven) copies, hereinafter referred to as the "cargo", to the following destination: Khabarovsk Territory, Izdinsky district, Dalniy settlement, st. Samoshkina, d. 131, Library, to issue the goods to the Recipient, and Right Target LLC assumes the functions of paying for the carriage of goods, in accordance with the agreements reached and this contract of carriage.
1.2. The fee for the services rendered is 67,895.56 (sixty-seven thousand eight hundred ninety-five) rubles 56 kopecks, including 18% VAT.
1.3. Payment for the specified services is carried out by one hundred percent advance payment.


The entire standard form and sample contract for the provision of services for the carriage of goods is available for free download as an attached document.

Free samples of claims, complaints, contracts, etc. site


for the transportation of goods by road on the territory of the Russian Federation in a person acting on the basis of , hereinafter referred to as " Carrier”, on the one hand, and in the person acting on the basis of , hereinafter referred to as “ Customer”, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”, have concluded this agreement, hereinafter “ Treaty" about the following:


1.1. The carrier ensures the movement of the Customer's cargo from the loading point to the unloading point on time and in full safety, and also undertakes to organize the performance of additional services agreed with the Customer and related to the transportation of goods across the territory of the Russian Federation, and the Customer undertakes to pay for the above services.


2.1. The relationship between the Carrier and the Customer is governed by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Charter of Road Transport.

2.2. For each individual load, an application (transport order) is issued containing a description of the conditions and features of a particular transportation.

2.3. Confirmation of the fact of the provision of services is the act of services rendered, the original consignment note of the established form with the marks of the consignor, Carrier and consignee.

2.4. The carrier is obliged to provide the Customer with the originals of the bill of lading with the mark of the consignee no later than the date of signing the act of services performed and before issuing an invoice for the delivery of goods under these waybills.


3.1. The Customer informs the Carrier about the timing and volume of upcoming transportation, the number and type of rolling stock required. The information is transmitted by the Customer by facsimile in the form of an application (transport order), no later than the hours of the day preceding the day of loading the cargo, and additionally containing the following information:

  • exact addresses of places of loading and unloading of cargo;
  • date and time when the vehicle was loaded;
  • weight and type of cargo, its quantity;
  • addresses of the sender and recipient of the cargo, indicating contact numbers;
  • other features of the transportation of a particular cargo.

3.2. The carrier confirms in writing the acceptance of the order for execution, indicating the numbers of the tractor and semi-trailer in the form of an e-mail during the day.

3.3. The conditions stipulated in a specific transport order have a priority right in relation to the conditions of this Agreement.


4.1. The customer is obliged to provide in his application all the necessary information about the transportation in the form specified in clause 3.1 of this Agreement, and guarantee the accuracy of the information provided.

4.2. The customer is obliged to ensure that the procedure for loading / unloading vehicles is carried out within hours, provided that the car arrives before 00:00 in the morning.

4.3. The customer is obliged to ensure the packaging and fastening of the cargo according to the standards that guarantee the safety of the cargo during transportation.

4.4. During the loading process, the Customer is obliged to contribute to the fulfillment of the Carrier's requirements for the rational placement of cargo in the cargo space of the vehicle in order to avoid violating the norms of weight parameters. In cases where the actual weight of the cargo exceeds that agreed in the transport order, the Customer pays the Carrier for reloading the total mass of the road train according to the receipts provided by the Carrier.

4.5. The Customer is obliged to immediately inform the Carrier about the need to re-address the vehicle, if any.

4.6. The Customer is obliged to pay for the services of the Carrier on the terms specified in this Agreement.


5.1. The carrier transports goods by road across the territory of the Russian Federation on behalf and at the request of the Customer, strictly observing the conditions of the order received, providing the required, technically sound rolling stock, provided with the necessary set of documents and drivers, in all respects, prepared for transportation.

5.2. The carrier is obliged to control by the driver the process of loading/unloading the vehicle, including piece counting of packages, if possible, checking the external condition of the package. If it is not possible to recalculate the places, and also if there are discrepancies between the actual data and those specified in the accompanying documents, or if other shortcomings are detected during loading that may lead to damage to the cargo during transportation, the Carrier is obliged, without leaving the place of loading, to immediately notify about this of the Customer and make the necessary reasonable notes in all copies of the bill of lading.

5.3. The Carrier is obliged to inform the Customer about the curb weight of the vehicle and control the distribution of cargo along the axles. If the weight parameters are exceeded, the Carrier is obliged to immediately inform the Customer about this and agree on the form of payment for possible costs (fines).

5.4. The carrier is obliged to deliver the cargo entrusted to him by the Customer in accordance with the accompanying documents received by him at the place of loading, and hand it over to the authorized person at the unloading point in the amount specified in the bill of lading.

5.5. The Carrier is obliged to observe the commercial secret of the Customer, not to disclose or transfer commercial information to third parties.

5.6. The Carrier is obliged to immediately inform the Customer about all emergency situations that arise in the process of loading, transporting, unloading, including the facts of overloading the vehicle by weight, replacing the vehicle with another one, redirecting the vehicle, etc.

5.7. The carrier is obliged to immediately inform the Customer about the facts of excessive downtime of the vehicle during loading and unloading operations, forced delays of vehicles along the way, road accidents, accidents and other incidents that prevent the timely delivery of cargo or threaten its safety.

5.8. Upon arrival at the consignee at the unloading point, the driver (representative of the Carrier) checks the authority of the consignee's representative accepting the cargo (service certificate, passport, if necessary, also a power of attorney to receive the cargo with the consignee's original seal).

5.9. In case of any discrepancy between the data specified in the Customer's application and the data of the representative of the consignee, as well as in the event that the Customer changes the place of unloading during transportation, the driver (representative of the Carrier) immediately informs the Carrier about this in order to receive further instructions from him, remaining in place and not starting movement and unloading of the vehicle.

5.10. Provide advice to the Customer on improving the quality of transportation by choosing rational routes, reducing the cost of packaging, loading and unloading and other operations.

5.11. Inform all participants in the transportation of the conditions and procedure for the transportation and maintenance of the Customer's goods.


6.1. For failure to provide cargo for transportation (failure to load the car within 24 hours) under the transferred transport order, the Customer pays the Carrier a fine in the amount of % of the cost of the trip specified in the application.

6.2. For non-delivery (delay for more than 24 hours) of the vehicle for loading, the Carrier pays the Customer a fine in the amount of % of the cost of the trip specified in the application.

6.3. For excess downtime of the vehicle during the loading/unloading procedure, the Customer shall pay the Carrier a fine in the amount of rubles for each day of downtime of the vehicle.

6.4. In case of delay in payments, the guilty party pays the creditor a penalty in the amount of % of the overdue amount for each full day of delay. Starting from the 31st day of delay, penalties are % of the overdue amount for each full day of delay.


7.1. Payment for services according to the prices specified in the appendix on the carriage of goods and other services related to the carriage of goods provided by the Carrier are made by the Customer on the basis of the original invoice, invoice and waybill with the note of the consignee on the acceptance of the goods to the account of the Carrier. The invoice must contain the TTN number.

7.2 The Carrier shall provide an act of completed work no later than days after the provision of the service.

7.3. The customer is obliged to pay for the completed transportation within banking days from the date of receipt of the originals of the bill of lading, unless other terms are specified in the application.


8.1. In the event of disputes or disagreements that may arise from this Agreement or in connection with it, the parties will seek to resolve them through negotiations. If the parties do not come to an agreement, then all disputes are subject to resolution in the Arbitration Court in accordance with the Rules of the said court.


9.1. The Parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under this Agreement if it was the result of force majeure circumstances (force majeure), namely: natural disasters, floods, fires, earthquakes, strikes, armed conflicts, wars.

9.2. The Party for which it has become impossible to fulfill obligations under this Agreement due to the above circumstances is obliged to notify the other Party in writing no later than days from the moment of their occurrence and termination.

9.3. Information about the occurrence of force majeure circumstances must be confirmed by the competent authority of the region where such circumstances occurred.


10.1. This Agreement shall enter into force upon its signing and shall be valid for one calendar year.

10.2. The Agreement is automatically extended for each subsequent calendar year, if neither party declares its termination days before the expiration date, subject to the fulfillment of all previously accepted obligations under this Agreement.

10.3. This Agreement on four pages is drawn up in two copies in Russian. Both copies have the same legal force.

10.4. The parties agreed that the signature and seal on the contract received by fax is equal to the original.



Customer Jur. address: Postal address: TIN: KPP: Bank: Settlement/account: Corr./account: BIC:


Carrier _________________

Customer _________________

Today, all business relationships must be legally certified. Any area of ​​business requires a serious approach, especially when it comes to the sale of goods. Not every manufacturer can supply goods to the market using their own transport, so they use the services of carriers. In order to avoid disputes, a contract for the carriage of goods must be drawn up.

This document guarantees the carrier and the employer the protection of their interests. There are many companies on the market that provide transportation services for various goods, both domestically and abroad. So what should be considered when drawing up a contract for the carriage of goods? What nuances should be discussed by both parties?

Why do you need to legalize the relationship?

Not every organization has transport to deliver the goods to the points of sale. Keeping your own transport is quite expensive, and sometimes it is more profitable to turn to transport companies for services. For these purposes, a special application for transportation is initially issued.

Such a primary document allows you to resolve all emerging issues before concluding a formal contract between the employer and the carrier.

The contract protects the rights of the employer and guarantees that the goods will be delivered on time, in full safety to the destination. Of course, it also takes into account the interests of the carrier. Thanks to the introduction of new rules and requirements in the law on transportation, the quality control of such services has increased, which has made it possible to bring them closer to international standards.

Preliminary application for a contract for transportation

The essential terms of the contract for the carriage of goods must be considered before concluding a final agreement between the parties. For these purposes, the legislation provides for the preparation of a preliminary document, which is known as an application for the carriage of goods.

Forming an application and drawing up a contract is an important stage in organizing the transportation of goods

An application for a contract for the carriage of goods by road will allow the carrier to receive all the necessary information and determine the final price for their services. What items should be indicated in the application:

  • Necessary information about the transported goods. Its quantity, specific weight, equipment, quality characteristics. Even the price is indicated. Such information affects the final decision on the conclusion of the contract. After all, there are orders that require special conditions and transportation by a specific type of vehicle.
  • specific delivery times. The carrier is guided by them when making a decision. Whether he has the ability to deliver a certain product to the selected destination just in time. For many goods, the shelf life is limited, and they are subject to rapid sale, for example, food.
  • The application also indicates the form of responsibility for the transported goods. After all, the employer trusts his product, counting on its timely delivery. Therefore, specific recovery figures are also determined if the cargo was damaged or arrived late.
  • If it is necessary to transport special goods that have explosive properties that require certain conditions for transportation, special clauses are drawn up in the agreement, which stipulates all the properties of the goods and the conditions necessary for transportation. Most special cargoes require special permits, which not every carrier has.
  • The distance over which the goods are transported in kilometers, as well as the possible route.

All information provided affects the final decision when concluding the contract. All disputes are resolved within a month after sending the application to the shipping company.


There is a specific sample application, which indicates all the additional information. Later, the application is attached to the accompanying documents required for.

An example of a shipping request

There are two ways to apply for transportation:

  • In the office of a company providing transportation services;
  • Electronic version of the application. For those companies who can not drive to the office. This method is much more convenient and does not require additional costs, providing the opportunity to resolve all disputes electronically.

After all the nuances are settled between the employer and the transport company, a formal contract is concluded. The application is also drawn up and signed by the parties in two copies and is attached in addition to the contract.

If, after filling out the application form for the carriage of goods by road, the parties could not reach a mutually beneficial agreement, then after the expiration of the one-month validity period of the application, an official refusal of the services of the transport company is issued and the application loses its legal force.

Essential terms of the contract for the carriage of goods

Essential terms of the contract for the carriage of goods:

  • The official name of both organizations concluding the contract of carriage.
  • Details of persons responsible for the company, listing of documents authorizing a specific person to conclude such an agreement.
  • The next item is the subject of the contract, in this case transportation.
  • Responsibility and obligations of both parties. The company is responsible for the fact that the cargo is transported safe and sound within the terms specified in the contract. And the firm-employer undertakes to pay the cost of transportation prescribed in the contract.

The following concepts are also described in detail:

  • The exact date and time of loading the goods, the signature of the parties that the goods were loaded on time.
  • The address where loading is carried out, the name of the organization and specific persons responsible for the timely placement of the cargo.
  • The address where the goods are unloaded, with the exact name and surnames of authorized persons.
  • The route of transportation specified at the conclusion of the agreement.
  • A complete description of the product, indicating all forms and characteristics: weight, quantity, form of packaging, etc.
  • Characteristics of the vehicle by which the cargo is delivered.
  • The total cost of the service upon completion of delivery is indicated.
  • All terms of payment after delivery are described: in cash or by bank transfer, as well as the option of installment payment, if considered.
  • specific delivery times.
  • A full description of the provided transport for the transportation of goods, including the indication of the driver's data with all the necessary documentation.
  • Additional conditions for transportation by road, specifying certain conditions from the contract.

The contract for the transportation of goods combines a standard version with a specific specification specific to this type of activity. It is worth noting that for some vehicles involved in the transportation of goods, there are special rules and regulations, so you need to take this into account when concluding an agreement.

What does a contract for the carriage of goods by road look like?

The contract for the carriage of goods by road is concluded after discussing all the nuances that are included in the final version of the document. The volume of such a document contains an accurate description of the goods being transported and the vehicle on which it is delivered to the final destination.

The contract form of the application for the carriage of goods must contain complete information about the goods being transported, otherwise the carrier may have problems with delivery. The application form for the carriage of goods necessarily provides for the addition of certain documents and certificates. The contract for the carriage of goods by road should be drawn up very carefully, especially with regard to delivery times. After all, unforeseen circumstances may arise, including technical breakdowns. Therefore, before sending the goods, the vehicle should be subjected to a thorough technical inspection.

Before proceeding with the conclusion of the contract, it is necessary to carefully consider all the conditions included in the final version of the document so that there are no disputes afterward. That the firm-employer, that the carrier must necessarily stipulate specific dates of loading, delivery, and responsibility for non-compliance with contractual terms.

Contract for the carriage of goods by road (click on the image to enlarge)

(Click on the picture to enlarge)

for the carriage of goods by road (without the provision of forwarding services by the carrier) in a person acting on the basis of , hereinafter referred to as " Carrier”, on the one hand, and in the person acting on the basis of , hereinafter referred to as “ Customer”, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”, have concluded this agreement, hereinafter “ Treaty" about the following:


1.1. In accordance with the terms of this agreement, the Carrier undertakes to carry out the transportation of the Customer's goods on the basis of his application, and the Customer undertakes to pay for the services rendered by the Carrier in a timely manner in accordance with the Carrier's tariffs in force on the date of the services provided.

1.2. The Carrier has the right to provide the Customer with additional services related to the organization of cargo transportation in urban and intercity traffic.

1.3. Transportation of goods is carried out by the Carrier with cargo escort by the Customer's forwarder.


2.1. The Carrier carries out the transportation of the Customer's goods on the basis of the Customer's written application submitted to the Carrier in any convenient way.

2.2. The application is submitted no later than one hour before the vehicle is submitted for loading.

2.3. If the application contains insufficient information related to the performance of services under this contract, the Carrier must inform the Customer about the suspension of the application until the missing information is received. After the Customer provides the necessary information at the request of the Carrier, the action of the application is resumed.

2.4. If it is impossible to fulfill the application, the Carrier, within an hour (s) after its receipt, is obliged to notify the Customer about the impossibility of fulfilling it. Otherwise, the application is considered accepted for execution.

2.5. The carrier is obliged:

2.5.1 Within an hour(s) from the receipt of the application, determine the number and type of vehicles for transportation, depending on the volume and nature of the cargo.

2.5.2. Ensure timely delivery of vehicles to the loading point specified by the Customer.

2.5.3. Submit for loading serviceable vehicles suitable for the safe transportation of the cargo specified in the application and meeting sanitary requirements for the transportation of food products.

2.5.4. Within the period agreed by the Parties, deliver the cargo entrusted to him by the Customer to the point of destination and issue it to the person (consignee) authorized to receive the cargo.

2.6. The customer is obliged:

2.6.1. To carry out unloading of vehicles at their destinations using their own forces and means, preventing vehicles from being idle during loading and unloading in excess of the established time limits.

2.6.2. Preliminarily prepare the cargo for transportation, prepare accompanying documents, as well as, if necessary, a pass for the right to travel to the destination and unload the cargo.

2.6.4. Ensure timely and proper execution in the prescribed manner of waybills and bills of lading.


3.1. Payment under this agreement is made by the Customer in advance by transferring funds to the account of the Carrier. The date of receipt of funds shall be confirmed by the Carrier in writing.

3.2. The amount payable for the transport services provided by the Carrier is determined by agreement of the Parties in accordance with the Carrier's tariffs and amounts to rubles (including VAT).

3.3. Expenses necessary for the transportation of goods through toll bridges, roads, entrances, ecological posts, customs, etc., are paid by the Customer upon presentation of supporting documents (receipts, checks).

3.4. If the Customer, accompanying the cargo, pays part of the expenses with his own funds, then the payment for the flight is agreed by the Parties when submitting the application in writing with a detailed statement in the Application of the conditions not provided for by this agreement.

3.5. If the Customer refuses to execute the application before the hours of the day preceding the day of its execution, the Carrier returns the paid funds with a deduction of % of the amount paid.

3.6. The amount payable for additional services provided by the Carrier is determined as follows:

3.6.1. Loading and unloading works are paid according to the tariff on the basis of acts of performed works (services).

3.6.2. Additional services related to the involvement of third-party vehicles in accordance with clause 1.2 of this agreement are determined in the amount of% of the amount specified in clause 3.2 of this agreement.

3.6.3. Sanitation of a vehicle for the transport of food products is paid according to the tariff.

3.7. Documents confirming the performance of services are waybills signed by the Customer, receipts for the performance of work (services), acts of additional work, services, agreed applications.

3.8. Tariffs for the transportation of goods and other services may change due to an increase in the cost of transportation, as well as other circumstances that determine the price level. The Carrier reserves the right to change the current tariffs by notifying the Customer in writing.

3.9. If the Customer, due to its omission, did not indicate the actual time of arrival or departure of the car in the waybill, the Carrier, when calculating the payment for transport services, takes as a basis the time the car leaves the parking lot and the time the car returns to the parking lot.

3.10. For violation of the payment deadline, the Customer shall pay penalties in the amount of % of the payment amount for each day of delay.


4.1. When accepting cargo for transportation, the Carrier's driver presents, and the Customer checks the identity documents of the Carrier, and the waybill certified by the Carrier's seal.

4.2. Acceptance of cargo for transportation is carried out on the basis of the consignment note of the established form issued by the Customer in 4 copies, which is the main transportation document. Cargo that is not issued by waybill is not accepted by the Carrier for transportation.

4.3. If the cargo is not accompanied by a representative of the consignee or the owner of the cargo, the liability for the safety of the cargo during its transportation lies with the Carrier.

4.4. If there is a shortage or damage to the goods that occurred during transportation, the Customer draws up an act upon acceptance of the goods, on the basis of which the Carrier compensates for the losses.


5.1. The Agreement shall enter into force upon signing by the Parties.

5.2. During the validity of this agreement, the Parties have the right to make changes and additions. Changes and additions to this agreement, drawn up in writing and signed by the Parties, are its integral part.


6.1. This Agreement may be terminated at the initiative of any of the Parties. In this case, it is necessary to notify the other Party in writing no later than days in advance.

6.2. Disputes and disagreements that have arisen in the implementation of the Agreement are resolved, if possible, through negotiations between the Parties. If the dispute or disagreement cannot be resolved through negotiations, either Party has the right to refer such dispute or disagreement to the court, whose jurisdiction and cognizance include disputes from this Agreement.

6.3. For damage caused in connection with the execution of this agreement, the Parties shall be liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.4. The Agreement is made in two copies, one for each of the Parties, both copies have the same legal force.



Customer Jur. address: Postal address: TIN: KPP: Bank: Settlement/account: Corr./account: BIC:


Carrier _________________

Customer _________________

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