How long does the surname change in VK. How to change the name on VKontakte and bypass the moderators


Change username in VK it will not be difficult for you, but only if you want to use your real, not fictitious name. If you have some kind of rare or non-standard name, but real, then changing the name of VKontakte will take time, because. the application is sent personally to the administrators of the social network.

Why do we need such a name authentication? - so that people do not deceive other users of the social network and to weed out advertising accounts that have tags or the name of the company / organization instead of the first and last names, due to which such pages easily fall into the search on VKontakte people and other users saw pages not of real people, but of bots.

Conspiracy theorists believe that this was done in order to collect reliable personal information about the population. Most likely, Vkontakte is simply trying to move to a new level, where quality comes first.

If you use Instagram, then you probably noticed that 80% of the accounts there are advertising. Yeah. There would be a contact leadership and only living people would remain. It is very difficult to filter out tons of information from various kinds of spam and intrusive advertising.

How to change first and last name

Next to the "My Page" button, find the line "edit." and click on it. Or, if you are already on your personal page, then click the "edit personal information" button under your profile picture.

That's all. You have changed your first and last name. New data will appear immediately, or after checking those. support.

What to do if the name and surname were not approved by VKontakte? - if you use only reliable data, then write those. support through the "help" button and specify for what reasons they rejected the application. We recommend that you immediately send a photo of any document that will prove that your name is real. And then all of a sudden you called yourself "Vladimir Putin", but in fact you are Vasya Pupkin. By the way, now it is impossible to change the name to Vasily Pupkin. The contact management believes that this name is fictitious and its use is possible only as a joke.

By the way, now it will not be possible to pretend to be a star after another innovation in VK. The fact is that now there is a check mark above the real pages, which means that the page of this person is real (issued only to very popular people whose information is often faked).

How to change the name in VK without checking:

Without verification, you can change the name in a contact only if you have a common name or if you previously had this name and have already checked it. There is also a great way to change the last name, but not the first name, without checking by the administrator.

You need to find a person with the same last name you want and put him in marital status. If he approves your application, then you can change your last name to his without verification.

How to change the name in VK to any:

Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to change the name in VK to any that comes to mind. This refers to the ban on the use of tags in your first and last name. You can still change the name to any popular name.

How to change the name in VK to English:

This means how to change the name to translit. It's not clear what the benefit of this is. The first and last name are automatically changed to English, i.e. written in transliteration, if you put the place of birth in the USA, Europe or other countries.

Previously, you could write your name in transliteration and they couldn’t find you, because they wrote your first and last name in the Russian layout, but now you can even write the name in Russian to find a person with the same name in transliteration.

Therefore, the benefit of changing the name to English will be only for the foreigners themselves, so that people can read their names in transliteration.

How to quickly change the first or last name in a contact

In order to quickly change them in contact, and even without checking, you need to choose a name that many users of the social network already have and is already considered normal or to the name that you had before.

Otherwise, your changes in the name and surname will be checked by those. support.

As you can see change first and last name Vkontakte is not a problem. Difficulties will be only if you want to change the name to non-existent and implausible. For example: Sock Thief or a parody of Caucasian names and surnames Roll of Wallpaper, Ushat Slops, Pogrom of Foundations and so on. Such names will not pass moderation in VK.

To change the name and surname to any, in VK you need to try. Previously, about two years ago, when there was no system for checking names, you could write absolutely any name and any surname that only comes to mind. Now you need to either find a person with the same first and last name that you want, or fake documents in Photoshop that will contain the data you want (horror, don't do it!).

Of course, it is better if your documents are real. Then you will not have problems with changing the name of VKontakte.

Just in case, we have prepared small guides for you to change your personal data.

Change of name and surname:

Change of name and surname to English:

When registering on the VKontakte social network, each user must indicate their first and last name. Someone initially indicates unreliable data, someone eventually decides to change them. And there can be many reasons for changing the name. Some, perhaps, would like to change personal data, but do not know how much the administrator checks the name in VK. Let's look at how to change the name in VKontakte, and how much the administrator checks the name in VK today.

Officially, all users are warned when performing an action to use their real names in full.

Judging by the various strange names that exist, including those written in Latin letters, such restrictions did not exist before. And when changing the name now, the user will forever lose the previous unusual name.

In what cases it may be necessary to change the name in VK

In life, completely different situations can arise that entail the need to change the name on VKontakte, among them are:

  • a valid change of name or surname in the passport. For the administrator, this version will look implausible, so if this is true, you will have to provide a scan of the document;
  • change of surname after marriage - a suitable reason for girls;
  • a person needs to change the degree of anonymity, hide his real name or surname. Relevant for people who entered the civil service, doing business and others. This reason for changing the name for the inhabitants of Ukraine is also relevant in connection with the latest trends and laws.

To change the name of VKontakte, we indicate real and good reasons. We present arguments.

To convince the administration to accept the application, you can use this option: tell that a fictitious name is currently being used, but you, as a private user, have decided to reveal the real initials to the world. In any case, the original and unique reason for changing the name will only benefit the user, since the administration will not have to wait long for a decision, and the probability of a positive outcome will be very high. The main thing is to write the truth.

How long is the new name checked by the VK administrator

Every time something new happens on VKontakte, other rules and laws appear. If earlier it was possible to change the name and surname at least 100 times a day. At the same time, using various options for which there was only enough imagination. Now the site administration restricts such actions.

VK moderators

After changing the data, an application is created, which can be checked by moderators. We have to wait for her approval. This will take time. It depends on how busy the moderators are with applications. If the moderators are free, they will quickly consider your application. But, as a rule, everyone is busy, so the check takes several days.

On average, the process takes several minutes, but due to the creation of a large number of fake accounts, the verification process has become tougher.

Therefore, the process of changing the name and surname can take up to several days.

On average, technical support responds to such requests within 10-15 hours, but there is no clear timeframe for making a decision.

How to change the name in VK: step by step instructions

The very procedure for changing the name on VKontakte is quite simple, it includes the following steps:

To perform a similar operation from the VK application on Android, you need to perform the following steps:

Similarly, actions are performed for the VK application on iOS:

  • you need to open a personal profile;
  • click on "..." in the upper right corner;
  • a drop-down menu will appear;
  • select "edit page" from the list;
  • write the necessary information in the first two lines;
  • click the "done" button in the upper right corner.

Possible problems when changing the name in VK

  • Rejected the application to change the name - wait for a certain time transfer, send the application again or contact the site administration personally.
  • The name does not change to English or written in transliteration - for foreign-language users, the name is transliterated into Latin automatically, it is enough to specify the US or any European country in the field settings;
  • the response to the application does not come after a few days - you need to delete the existing one and repeat the request.


Changing the VK name is quite easy, but the procedure requires verification by the site administration. How long this will last, one might say, depends on luck and how the card falls. You can use special tricks of programmers to bypass verification by the administration or create the appearance of a fictitious marriage in the vastness of the network. If you really need to change your name in VK, then the administration will definitely meet you. Because it will prevent the process of creating fake accounts.

Today, the social network Vkontakte is at the peak of its popularity and recently there have been a large number of questions about how to change the name in VK (Vkontakte). There are already millions of registered users who like to chat with friends and make new acquaintances. Many spend online communication with friends all day long. Although it is really very interesting and exciting, sometimes it is difficult to figure out the various settings without help. Reasons for the problem?

Of course, beginners have the most questions, and one of them is about: “ How to change the name in VK (Vkontakte) without checking the administrator?". Why does such a question arise? It happens that a user has registered on a social network under a fictitious name, for example, to look at the pages of his friends. However, over time, a new member of the Vkontakte community realized that it was very exciting here and you can spend time with real people. At this moment, the thought arises: “How to change the name in the contact to the real one?”. This is necessary so that you can be "identified" and found by your friends and acquaintances.

in VK (Vkontakte)

The social network "VKontakte" allows the possibility of replacing a first or last name in your own account without the need for verification by the administrator. You can choose to write in Cyrillic or transliteration. If you plan to replace it with another version of your own name, and not with a fictitious one, then there are usually no problems. Questions from the administration begin if your parents have chosen a rare, little-known name for you, then it will take some time to replace, because the administrator will personally consider such an application.

Name authentication and why it was invented at all? It is needed so that those registered in VK cannot mislead other people. Some unscrupulous Internet users, under the guise of communication, promote their accounts, where instead of real data they enter: the name of the company, store or tags. Thus, they manage to infiltrate the social network and get on the pages of ordinary VK users. Social networks from the beginning of their appearance set the goal - the communication of living people, not artificial bots.
Some fans of detective films believe that VK and similar networks are needed to collect personal data about living people for secret or overt intelligence agencies. The Vkontakte network, by checking the authenticity of the name, just wants to protect users from unscrupulous marketers. For those who, apart from VK, communicate on Instagram, it is known that most of the accounts there have an advertising purpose. If VK took over this network, it would quickly put things in order there. It is difficult to communicate when you are constantly and annoyingly knocking on ads or spam.

Name and surname replacement in VK (in contact):

  • In the upper right corner of the VK page, click on the name of the page owner or you can use the direct link.

  • You need to enter new information in the fields and click " Save».

The update of the VK software device left no chance for pranksters who are going to register accounts under the names of popular people of art, politics or business. Many of them are protected from forgery by having a special label, which is issued after a thorough check by VK technical support.

How to change the name in VK (VKontakte) without admin verification (2016-2017)

This possibility is available if the name belongs to the most common and known technical support. The probability of a quick replacement also exists for the option already previously verified by the VK administration.
There is a more sophisticated way to replace the last name. To do this, you need to invite a person with the desired last name as a friend and register him as a family member. If another user does not mind and approves the application, then you can easily change your last name to his.

How to quickly change the name without administrator verification: To do this, you should use a simple tip: do not choose complex and unusual names. For replacement without verification, the most common and familiar options or your own verified previous name are suitable, otherwise you will have to wait for the administrator's decision.

Change to any name: The creators of the social network excluded this possibility after the last update. Rather, it is forbidden to use tags in your data. If you just need a different name, then there are no such problems.

How to change the name in VK to English without checking the administrator: The question is to replace the usual writing in Cyrillic with an analogue in Latin. The user will not receive any special benefit. If you replace the place of birth in the column with the USA, EU or other countries, then the name will automatically change to the Latin equivalent. Previous versions made it possible to independently choose the Latin spelling, and when searching for it in Cyrillic, it was not found. Now the search engine goes through all the possible options and finds the right name. Replacing the Cyrillic alphabet with the spelling familiar to many foreigners improves communication comprehension.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated or problematic. To resolve the issue: How to change the name in VK (Vkontakte) without checking the administrator? there are several solutions and you can completely do without the tedious name verification by the support of the social network. You can also write new personal data in Latin letters.
You yourself have replaced your personal data with new ones. They may appear immediately after saving or after some time if the administration decides to check them.

How to change the name in VK (contact) if the application is rejected?

Above on the page there is an instruction on how to change the name in VK in accordance with

Hello dear friends! Today we will talk about changing your data on the social network Vkontakte. In our particular case, we will talk about the name and surname.

Why might this be needed? Well, basically, a change of surname may be needed if the girl got married and took her husband's surname. Why change the name, this was always not very clear to me. There is an assumption that people want to change it so that no one declassifies them) In some cases, there is simple pampering when the guys just want to insert some of their nicknames instead of a name, etc. Why not just start a separate page for this whole pampering is not clear. Oh well, it's none of my business. My task is to explain to you how this all changes, and in what cases you can avoid moderation. Yes, yes, just changing the first and last name in VK may not work. Because in most cases, such replacements are checked by the moderator, and he is a living person, you never know what can hit him in the head.

Change the first and last name in the full version

And so, we go to our Vkontakte account and under the avatar click on the link "Edit page":

We open a window where in the "Basic" tab we can immediately observe the fields for entering the first and last names, and here we can erase the old first name or last name and enter new data:

We change and read the hint, in which we are told that the name and surname must be real and written in Russian letters:

In my case, it turned out to change the name without checking the administrator. This happened due to the fact that I made minor adjustments, and changed Anya to Anna. It is possible that if you change names in a similar style, for example, Ira to Irina, then you will also avoid checking the administration.

Immediately I try to change Anna to Annette, and I am immediately sent for moderation.

If your application is rejected by the administrator, then try to provide your photo next to your identity document to prove that this name is really yours.

How to change the name to English

Here it means that it should be written in Latin letters. Since the requirements of the social network say that the names must be written in Russian letters, there may be problems with changing the name. However, you try to explain to the moderator why you need it. For example, write that you got a job in a foreign company and want to correspond with colleagues, and your name is written there in Latin letters.

We change in a mobile application for Android

We launch the application and immediately look for the gear icon in the left menu, which means "Settings":

We change the full name in the window that opens to us at the very top and click on the bird in the upper right corner:

That's it, you get exactly the same notification about the passage of moderation, and wait for a positive response.

Reaching a conscious age, a person seeks to expand his social circle, and often, in pursuit of this goal, he creates a profile on a social network. As he grows older, life priorities change, he gets married (gets married), it becomes necessary to change his first and last name in his profile, for example, Vkontakte.

The site administration is jealous of such changes, sending each application to the moderators for verification. This is due to the site's user agreement, which clearly states - the profile must contain only real data. The application will be approved in the following cases:

  • Surname change upon marriage;
  • Change of initials in the passport;
  • Errors when registering an account.

Don't be alarmed if the moderators ask for an extended ID photo to verify your identity.

The official way to change the First and Last name

Vkontakte provides one way to change initials, through the settings of the user profile. After saving the new data, an application is automatically generated and sent to the administrators for consideration, which can be approved or rejected.

With frequent changes in settings, the administration may block this feature for an indefinite period.

The solution depends on:

  • Popularity Surname (Name). The rarer they are, the greater the chance of rejection;
  • Mistakes made while writing
  • Data reality. If you want to change the name to your school "drive", forget it.

All the nuances of the procedure, I contradicted, let's move on to practice. Repeat after me.

1. Open your Vkontakte profile. Click on the location shown in the screenshot. Click Edit.

2. In the indicated fields, enter the new First Name and Last Name. Save your changes.

3. As you can see, the change happened automatically, due to the popularity of the specified data.

You may receive an informational message that the application has been sent to the administrators for consideration, there is only one way out - to wait.

What should I do if the application for a shift is rejected?

The decision of the moderators comes within 24 hours from the moment the changes are saved. You can find it by opening private messages. If the application was rejected, while you indicated your real name - send a written .

2. In the marked fields, describe the essence of the problem in as much detail as possible. Take a photo of a passport spread, after covering the series and number, use for this. Attach a photo and click Submit.

In no more than a day, you will receive a positive response, and the Name and Surname will be changed.

How to change the name to English (written in Latin)

Vkontakte is a multilingual site that supports more than 80 languages ​​and dialects, but the rules directly prohibit the use of full name characters other than the language set in the account when writing.

To use the Latin alphabet, when writing a surname, we will use a trick.

1. Install an extension in your browser that allows you to change the IP address. You can use our instructions for or.

3. Enter a new nickname using the English keyboard layout.

After saving the edits, go to the main profile page and check the spelling.

Change of surname without verification by the administrator

The creators of the site have provided for the possibility of a quick change of pseudonym, without bureaucratic delays. A common reason for changing a surname, especially for girls, is getting married, this is the whole trick. Find among friends or strangers, a person with suitable data and "legitimize" your relationship in the site settings.

1. Add the selected person as a friend.

2. Edit personal information in the profile by selecting in the column "Marital status" - married. Below, select a specific user from your friends list.

3. Wait for confirmation from the other side and calmly change your last name to the one indicated in another profile.

As absurd as this may seem, but it works flawlessly. If it was not possible to obtain consent for the "fraud" - with fictitious data and do the same algorithm of actions.

How to change on the phone?

The techniques described above work both in the version of the site for desktop computers and mobile phones (regardless of the operating system of the device - Android or Iphone).

If you do not find the functionality described above in the mobile application, go to the mobile version at

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