Home magic: do-it-yourself shadow theater. Master Class


Early development has recently become especially popular among modern parents. This is due to a significant increase in the level of training that a first grader should have. "Pea" is website, child development which will be a fun activity for the whole family.

We have tried to fill our portal with the most interesting materials that are designed to help parents in their daily work on the upbringing and education of preschoolers. Website early childhood development"Goroshenko" offers all the variety of games and interesting tasks for children aimed at acquiring certain skills and improving their own skills. All materials posted on the portal have one goal - to prepare the child for school as much as possible.

Presentations for children as one of the best ways to teach a child

Information technology has come a long way in recent years. Modern children easily master computer technology, and as a result, child development presentations. This is a special kind of material that helps kids learn all the information more easily.

When preparation of children to school, presentation is often of key importance. Bright and colorful pictures allow the baby to visually see the world around him, to imagine in his imagination plants and animals that he has not yet met. Children's presentations for children are freely available, which allows all parents to use them in independent studies with the child.

Electronic presentations for children download - it is so simple

Modern sites present a wide variety of materials that parents can use in classes with their child. We tried to make our free presentations for kids slightly different from everyone else.

First of all, our materials are quite informative. They will be of interest not only to preschoolers. Such presentations for elementary school children fit just as well. A logical question arises - can a first-grader and a three-year-old child really learn the same amount of information that will be interesting for the first and understandable for the second.

Definitely not. Our materials work on a slightly different principle. Mainly presentations for children of the preparatory group. They cover all the points that the child needs to know by school. However, it is still necessary to start teaching the baby earlier - for example, at 3-4 years old, the child is already ready to see presentations for kindergarten children.

At this age, the baby is tormented by a wide variety of questions that adults, at times, cannot answer. But successful child development is possible only when he gets free access to all things interesting in his understanding. He may not understand some of the materials that are not yet so interesting to him due to his age, but if you repeat the lesson in six months, the baby will learn more points.

Preschool development of children using unique materials

The uniqueness of our materials lies in several important points. First, as mentioned above, is the availability and completeness of information, which makes development of preschool children successful. The second point is the bright and colorful pictures. Thus, preschool child development website trying to make it interesting, that is, the baby will definitely be interested in high-quality photographs and pictures that are in each presentation.

And, finally, one more point, in our opinion, one of the most important. Presentation for children free of charge implies the presence of certain tasks at the end, aimed at consolidating the materials and developing certain skills of the baby. These can be games for logic, thinking, speech development, fine motor skills development and others. Thus, the child easily absorbs all the information received and has a pleasant time next to his parents. Perhaps these are the best parameters for successful learning.

Do-it-yourself shadow theater in kindergarten

Do-it-yourself shadow theater. Master class with step by step photos

Master Class. Making a manual with your own hands

Topic of the lesson: Master Class. shadow theater
Author: Sukhovetskaya Oksana Alexandrovna, teacher of the speech therapy group of the Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 300 "Ryabinushka", Novosibirsk.

Material Description: In this master class you will learn how to make a shadow theater. Shadow theater - will help children get acquainted with the theater in a fun way, show their imagination, develop speech activity. This manual will be useful for children of younger and older preschool age, as well as for school children, teachers and parents. The manual can be used both in individual work and in group work. A master class will help prepare this manual.

Material: to create a theater we need:
- the screen is ready (or you can make it yourself, I won’t dwell on this in detail);
- fabric: white (you can use tracing paper), colored backstage;
- threads to match the fabric;
- velcro tape (linden)
- tubes for a cocktail;
- barbecue sticks (large);
- holnitens (rivets);
- fasteners for electrical wires;
- sewing hooks.

Tools for the job
- hammer;
- nails;
- clerical knife (cutter);
- a hole punch for a belt;
- scissors;
- press for eyelets;
- awl;
- glue gun;
- ruler;
- pencil pen;
- super-glue "Moment";
- sewing machine.
The result of the master class helps:
Stimulate children and their initiative in theatrical activities.
Develop imagination, creative abilities to develop the articulatory apparatus. To form in children a persistent interest in theatrical activities, a desire to participate in a common action, encourage children to actively interact, communicate, teaches them to be able to communicate with peers and adults in various situations, develop speech and the ability to actively build a dialogue. Develop game behavior, aesthetic feelings, the ability to be creative in any business.

“The theater is a magical world.
He gives lessons in beauty, morality
and morality.
And the richer they are, the more successful
the development of the spiritual world
(B.M. Teplov)

"Magic Land!" - so the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin once called the theater. The feelings of the great poet are shared by both adults and children who have come into contact with this amazing art form.

A special role belongs to the theater in solving problems related to the upbringing and development of a preschool child. Through theatrical and gaming creativity, we can develop emotional responsiveness, intelligence in children, we develop children's communication skills, artistry, and speech activity.

In the daily life of the kindergarten, teachers use various types of theaters: bibabo, finger, table, planar (flanelegraph or magnetic board), puppet, book theater, mask theater, etc.

I want to tell and show how to make a complex and at the same time very interesting shadow theater.

Shadow theater is an ancient theatre. From time immemorial shadow paintings have been shown in India, China, Java and Turkey on the street at night by the light of an oil lamp.

Props required for this theatre: light source (e.g. headlamp, table lamp, filmoscope), screen with white screen, silhouette puppets on sticks.

At the first stage of work, for the manufacture of silhouettes, we need the following: a clerical knife (cutter), scissors, a hole punch for a belt, a press for eyelets, holnitens (rivets)

Silhouettes can be prepared on a computer or drawn by yourself. I found the ideas of silhouettes on the Internet, printed on a printer on regular A4 sheets

Then we paste the printed silhouettes on black paper. I immediately prepared the silhouettes of the characters and scenery.

Now these silhouettes need to be cut out. We cut out small internal details with a clerical knife, cut out the silhouettes themselves with scissors.

To prevent the silhouettes from bending, I laminated them. If this is not possible, you can use thick cardboard to stiffen the figures.

The next step is to cut out the already laminated double-sided silhouettes.

Since I really wanted the characters (silhouettes) to have moving elements (for example, they could walk), I made separate elements for the silhouettes: arms, paws, legs.
To set them in motion, the parts must be fastened in a certain way. Both wire and threads with knots at the ends are suitable for fastening. But I wanted some elegance, or something. Therefore, I connected the parts using a belt hole punch and holnitens (rivets).

With a hole punch for a belt, I punched even holes at the fastening points, choosing a diameter such that the rivets did not fly out and had free play. Previously, in the places of fastening with an awl, I marked points, aligning the paws so that in the future they would not warp. Then I connected the rivets with a press for eyelets (this press came up in size to the rivets).

Now you need to fix the sticks on the figures, for which the puppeteers will hold them. It is important for me that the theater is compact. Therefore, my sticks will be removable. The sticks for which the silhouettes will drive are barbecue sticks. Wooden, rounded shape.. We select the tubes for a cocktail with corrugation according to the size of these sticks. It is very important that the sticks in the tubes do not hang out, but sit very tightly. And we need to fix = - glue gun.

With scissors we cut off a part with a corrugation (accordion) at the tube, leaving non-corrugated tips of 1.5 cm each

Using a glue gun, I will fix the tubes on the silhouettes. There are two mounting options: horizontal (with corrugation), see on the wolf; vertical (just a piece of a tube 2 cm) see on the piglet.

To understand in the future which fasteners will be convenient for you, insert the sticks into the tubes.

Try to move the silhouettes, play with them. Basically, I liked both mounts. At the same time, I realized for which silhouettes I would use only a vertical mount, and for which I would use a horizontal mount.

Silhouette figures are ready. Now let's get to the decorations. We have already prepared the base when we glued the silhouettes of the scenery onto black paper, cut it out, laminated it and cut it out again. Now we need to strengthen the silhouettes and at the same time make a system for attaching to the screen. Glue barbecue sticks to the silhouettes on the glue gun with the pointed end down.

In order to make full use of our prepared silhouettes, we will prepare the screen. Fortunately for me, we had such a screen in our group.

We will make the main structural changes inside the screen

We need some simple tools:

On the bottom bar of the window, mark the places for plastic fasteners.

We fix plastic fasteners with nails (these fasteners are usually used in electricians, for fixing wires to walls), at the same time we will try on how the decoration sticks will enter. The mounts must be fixed firmly, not loose, otherwise all of our decorations will not be positioned correctly.

We fix the sewing hooks on the top bar of the window with the Moment super-glue. We need them to place on them such scenery as clouds, the sun, the moon, birds. We fasten the velcro tape (linden) under the hooks. It is better to fix it on a furniture stapler so that it does not come off.

On the lower bar above the mounts for decorations, we will also fix the velcro tape.

From the outside, it all looks interesting. The versatility of the manipulations carried out is that all these fastenings can be used not only for the shadow theater, but also for playing any other puppet show.

We will attach a white screen to the velcro tape. We will make the screen from a piece of white calico. Using a tape measure, measure the width and height of the window. (tracing paper can be used instead of fabric, unfortunately, it is less reliable)

Cut out a piece of a rectangular shape, carefully process the edges. On the top and bottom we sew a velcro tape - its second half.

Now the screen can be placed on the screen. It will be held tight by the velcro tape.

Outwardly, the screen seemed boring to me now. So I decided to transform it. Curtain-blinds will decorate our theater.

Sew a pelmet from a narrow rectangular strip of fabric. The lambrequin will cover the top bar of the window.

From the rectangles with finished edges, you will get a curtain in two parts. Both sides can be assembled. You can make a removable fibula so that the curtain can completely close the window or be open unhindered.
With a self-adhesive film to match our curtain, I glued the bottom of the screen.

For comparison: what was and what has become

Our theater is almost ready to show the performance. It remains to install the necessary light and invite the actors with the audience.

In order for the audience to see the performance, we need two light sources. As a light source, ordinary headlamps will act. They are safe and easy to use.

Good day to all! Today I want to tell you about one very exciting and simple activity that will not only amuse you and your children, but also help develop hand plasticity. Also, do not forget that the New Year is ahead))) You can prepare a whole scenario or just a short number and, together with your child, please relatives and friends!

As you may have guessed from the name, we will talk about the shadow theater for children. Shadows can be created both with the help of cardboard figures on sticks, and simply with your hands, without any special devices. It's easy to organize!

There are several options:

1. First of all, we make a screen that can be installed on the table.

2. Another version of the shadow theater for children looks like this:

Use hands instead of stick figures.

The main thing is that the light source is behind you.

The screen here can serve as an ordinary wall, and a large-format drawing paper, and even an ordinary sheet in the doorway. The number of actors is not limited!)))
Check out this mesmerizing video for inspiration, it's really impressive!

Or here's another option:

How to portray such wonderful characters for the shadow theater yourself?

Here I will help you! I throw up a couple of ideas. Train yourself, teach this to the kids and I'm sure they will be delighted!!!

To get started, take a look at the illustrations for the wonderfully cute book "Shadows" from 1942.

The authors of the book give the following recommendations: “On a sunny day or in the evening, with a lamp, clear shadows appear on a brightly lit wall. Fold your hands, as shown in one of the drawings, stand against the wall so that the shadow from your head and shoulders does not block the shadow from your hands, and the shadow of a goat, a dog, a hare will appear on the wall.

If you move one or the other finger, and the shadow of the animal opens its mouth, the dog will bark, the hare will wave its paws. You can put a paper cap on your finger to make the ears longer (donkey), a beak cut out of paper, and pinch the tail between your fingers.

If two shadows show, you can play whole scenes: the dog barks, and the goat threatens to gore her, etc. In order for the shadows to be clear, the light should fall directly, and not from the side, and the lamp should not be close, but two or three meters from the wall.

We only give 18 shadow pictures. But everyone can come up with just as much, if not more. Showing shadows is a lot of fun and kids love watching them so much.”

Shadow theater is a whole art that attracts crowds of spectators around the world! Chinese pictures:

And some more interesting ideas:

3. For the smallest, you can use an ordinary children's tent, which is covered with a white sheet. The sheet, so as not to fall off, can be attached with clothespins. A lamp is placed inside the tent and a child climbs in. Remember that it is best to use lamps that do not heat up - energy-saving ones so that the child does not get burned !!!

Finger shadow theater is not only a fun and exciting activity, but also a game that helps your child develop imaginative thinking and fine motor skills!

For older children, in the puppet theater of shadows, you can make complex performances based on fairy tales, fables, small plays. This requires quite a long preparation (especially a lot of time is spent on making dolls), but the result can be more than spectacular.

Here is an example of such a performance staged by adults:

And this is a performance staged by students in grade 4:

If you are interested in the idea of ​​shadow theater for children, then it's time to get the kids interested too!!! A cartoon about how cool and fun you can play with shadows!

All the best to you and success in your work!

shadow theater- a fascinating and interesting art that will not leave indifferent neither adults nor children. By using shadow theater You can act out a variety of fairy tales using various character templates, scenery.

I bring to your attention production of a screen and templates for a shadow theater.

For manufacturing will need the following materials:


Roulette, pencil;


White paint, brush;

Sheds (small);

Screws, screwdriver;

Fabric white (dense);


Flashlights 4 pcs.

Loops for wiring.

Black gouache

1. First of all, before you do do-it-yourself screen, it is necessary to draw a sheet of chipboard.

2. Difficulties can arise with windows, but this can be easily fixed with a drill, we drill holes in the corners of our future window and we can cut our window with a jigsaw.

3. The ends of the parts are lightly sanded, and then we attach the canopies.

4. All details are painted white, even those places that will be covered with fabric, since it tends to shine through.

5. Now you can start sewing the screen for screens. It is better to make it removable so that you can take it off and wash it. To do this, I sewed a screen with Velcro around the perimeter.

6. Respectively from the reverse side screens Glue Velcro around the perimeter of the window with super glue and nail loops (for wiring, we will insert decorations into them, and paint the front side as whatever: But do not focus too much on this, so as not to distract the attention of the audience.

Our the screen is ready!

9. Then templates were laminated.

10. Cut and to all patterns pieces of cocktail tubes were glued with super glue (sticks will be inserted into them to fix them on screen scenery and holding characters).

Our the theater is ready!

Thank you for your attention!

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The principle of operation is very simple, for this you will need: - Moment glue; - ruler; - pencil (simple); - stationery knife; - scissors;.

Among the various forms of education and upbringing of children at preschool age, theater and theatrical games occupy a special place, since the game.

I suggest that you make with your own hands a simple, accessible to all desktop screen for theatrical performances for preschool children.

Shadow theater is magic that can live in your home. You can create it for a child with your own hands.

What we need:

Thick cardboard
White paper
PVA glue
brushes for glue and paint
steel wire 2 mm
wire cutters and round nose pliers
wooden slats approx. 1.5 x 1 cm
Fiberboard approx. 14 X 30 X 40 cm
wallpaper nails
white fabric (cotton) without pattern
tube for cocktail
insulating tape
overhead projector (lantern, table lamp)
templates (you can take ready-made, or you can draw it yourself)

Draw or print templates for puppets and decorations.

Puppets for shadow theater can be small in size - about 5-10 cm, and during the performance, the height of the characters can be changed by bringing the figure closer to the screen or, conversely, moving it away.

Glue the template sheets onto cardboard. Try to lubricate the template with glue without gaps, but not too abundantly - the part should sit tight and not warp the cardboard base.

Dry the dolls under pressure and cover them with a layer of PVA glue - for strength. The brush should be semi-dry so that the figures do not warp.

Cardboard dolls are not easy to cut, especially in places where there are inside or outside corners. Instead of scissors, it is convenient to use a clerical knife.

If you have golden hands and a lot of patience, you can cut out the kennels of the face, eyes and small details inside the dolls with a clerical knife. If you glue transparent tracing paper on the figures, they will sparkle with different shades of black and gray. You can also use transparent color film to add color.

To make movable dolls, you need to separately draw and cut out the arms, legs and other details that can move. Dynamic parts rotate on screws or wire, each of which is attached to a wire holder for control.

If the dolls are still warped, put them under pressure for a few days.

Holders for dolls and decorations can be made removable - for convenience. Glue paper pockets on the back of the dolls. They should be slightly curved outward so that the holder's loop slides in easily.

The most suitable material is wire. On both sides of the piece of wire, make rings - one for the pocket on the “back” of the doll, the other so that the holder does not scroll in your hands. We got holders 13 cm long for dolls. Holders for decorations turned out to be 5 cm long and with rings on one side only. The diameter of the rings is 1 cm.

If you don't have wire, glue on popsicle sticks - this is a quick option for doll holders. But he has a drawback - the sticks coarsen and spoil the silhouette of the dolls during the performance.

You can make typical dolls (grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, animals) and use them in different performances. If you want to put on a new performance, you will only have to make the missing heroes. It is advisable to arrange the sets of heroes for different fairy tales according to signed envelopes.

The screen for the performance is wooden or cardboard. You can even use a picture frame instead of a screen.

A cardboard screen is easier to make and decorate, but less durable.

It is not necessary to make the screen traditionally rectangular. If you are seriously interested in the shadow theater, then you can make a whole set of scenery screens in the form of a castle, a forest, a hut ...

Our screen is made of wooden slats. Its dimensions are:

total height - 45 cm
the height of the "camouflage" fiberboard - 15 cm
screen height - 30 cm
frame width - 50 cm
the length of the supports (legs) for the frame is 25 cm.

The frame needs to be painted, and the bottom of the frame can be decorated with a plot picture.

A favorite theme for screen design is the starry sky. For our theater, we beat the plot of the fairy tale about the golden key. We made decorations from silver-colored insulating tape.

For strength, parts can be coated with PVA glue or varnish.

The screen is covered with a cloth. To measure the fabric correctly, trace the frame directly onto the fabric and cut out a rectangle, leaving a little distance from the edge (about 1 cm around the perimeter).

On the reverse side of the lower rail of the screen, grooves for decoration holders are glued. We used a cocktail tube cut into pieces about 3 cm long.

We stretch the fabric and attach it with wallpaper studs. The more evenly the canvas is stretched, the clearer the contours of the figures will be.

Behind the screen, at a distance of about 25 cm, a light source is installed - a flashlight, a slide projector or a table lamp.

The direction of the light is from above and behind, so the hands of the puppeteer will be invisible, and the shadows will be the most clear. The hands of the puppeteer are between the screen and the light source, and the puppeteer himself is located behind the light.

Tips for the puppeteer

For the first performances, choose simple stories from folk tales.
Rehearse well and learn the secrets of the shadow theater before giving a performance.
If you want the doll or decoration to disappear or appear imperceptibly, turn it edge-on to the screen and move it.
Arrange the puppets in order, and then during the performance the audience will not have to wait long for the “artist” to come out.
Play appropriate music during the performance.
Voice each doll with "her" voice.
By moving the light source, you will achieve various effects - depict wind, storm or snow.
Shadow theater can be played wherever there is bright light and a level wall. Instead of dolls - finger figurines.

Children fall in love with the shadow theater immediately. At first they enthusiastically watch performances, and then they begin to invent the plot themselves. Let, regardless of whether the child has directing abilities or not, at home he is always waiting for a standing ovation.

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