Dominic Joker first spoke about his young lover, Ekaterina Kokorina. Biography of Dominic Joker Dominic Joker Life


One of the most lyrical singers and composers of the Russian stage - Dominic Joker - will perform today in St. Petersburg with a concert. The singer for the first time shared the details of his personal life with Life and said that the recently held big solo concert in Moscow was completely directed by his girlfriend Ekaterina Kokorina.

I recently gave a big solo concert for Moscow, a big solo concert, the first in 15 years. I didn't know that a big solo concert was somehow different from the usual solo concerts that I give in other cities. We have been preparing it for four months. Directed by my significant other. The girl who starts shooting the video today under my strict guidance is Katya Kokorina, for the sake of this concert she postponed the start of her solo project for four months. Here it is, love! She directed the entire script, screaming from above. If someone was at the concert and saw a small man who was screaming, this is Katya Kokorina, ”Dominik said.

According to him, the acquaintance with his soulmate happened suddenly for him, but now Katya is already familiar with his children and gets along well with them.

We met when I was selecting vocalists for "Battle of the Choirs", and somehow it all happened, all of a sudden. At that time, I had a rather strained relationship with my wife. Well, we have a great relationship with our ex-wife, we get along great, yesterday I had a parent's day, Katya and I took the little ones and went to buy them all sorts of summer things. I believe that a bad peace is better than a good quarrel. Children do not feel offended, - said the Joker.

I am in contact with the second half of Albina, she has a wonderful young man, an athlete, he can tell something to Martin, since Martin is a serious athlete - a figure skater, so I don’t see a problem in this, - Dominik said.

The singer also said that he believes in love at first sight and is sure that it can save the world.

I believe love at first sight, I do not believe that there is any other kind of love. I watched it in films, when yesterday it was just a friend, and today ... This is also love at first sight, which means yesterday there was a different look. I believe that if anything can save this world, which is heading into the abyss, it is love. Not necessarily for the second half - love for the city in which you live, for the street. Love in its purest form can save this world, added the Joker.

He said that today at the concert he was going to show the "ontology of himself" and nostalgic.

Today I want to show Peter the ontology of my beloved, I want to return to the year 2000, when we were Twice Two, to sing the songs of the Gang, the composer summed up.

Are Dominic Joker and Ekaterina Kokorina already husband and wife? VIDEO. PHOTO

Dominik Joker and Ekaterina Kokorina create a family. The singer's mother already considers Catherine her daughter-in-law.

For a year now, 35-year-old singer Dominic Joker has started a relationship with 27-year-old Ekaterina Kokorina, who is participating in the Voice show this season.

With his wife Albina and two children - 9-year-old Martin and 6-year-old Markus - Dominic now practically does not communicate.

But with Kokorina everything is more than serious. So much so that Catherine already appears as a relative on the VKontakte page of the Joker's mother Larisa Breslavskaya.

Well, if a relative, then who can she be to her, except as a daughter-in-law?

Maybe they already managed to secretly sign? Or is it just a statement of civil marriage?

The relationship between the Joker and Kokorina is already about a year old - in December 2014, the singer left his former family for a young mistress.

“We really love each other, but for now I’m afraid to tell the details: this could harm my new project,” Kokorina told reporters.

Recall. Ekaterina Kokorina from Barnaul. She met Dominic Joker in the final of the show "Battle of the Choirs", where she represented the Altai Choir.

Our today's hero is a graduate of "Star Factory-4" and an ex-member of the "Gang" group - Dominic Joker. The biography of this bright and positive guy is of interest to his large army of fans. All the necessary information about it is presented in the article.

Dominic Joker: biography, childhood and youth

The singer was born on July 19, 1980. His hometown is Odessa (Ukraine). Alexander Alexandrovich Breslavsky is the real name of our hero. Unfortunately, nothing is known about his father. But the mother, Larisa Breslavskaya, received a higher pedagogical education. She still lives in Odessa and is the head of the production center created by the famous son.

Sasha grew up as an active and inquisitive child. From an early age, he showed leadership qualities. He also liked to arrange home concerts for his parents and neighbors. The boy attended two schools - general education and music. In both institutions, teachers praised him for his thirst for knowledge and efforts. After graduating from school, the guy entered the local conservatory. However, he did not stay there long. Alexander was expelled due to ignoring the formalities of the educational process.

The beginning of creative activity

In the mid-1990s, our hero, together with his friends, created his own group "2 + 2". The guys sang rhythm and blues songs. I must say that the team was popular among Odessa youth. Then Alexander Breslavsky performed under the pseudonym MC Orange. He declared himself not only as a performer, but also as a talented composer. More than 80% of the musical material was created by him. In 1998, the team broke up.

"Star Factory-4"

Dominic Joker has always dreamed of performing on the big stage. And soon the opportunity presented itself. In 2004, a native of Odessa came to Moscow and took part in the casting for the "Star Factory-4". Members of the selection committees, true professionals in their field, highly appreciated Dominik's talent and creativity. As a result, he was among the participants in the 4th season of the project.

During his stay in the "star" house, the guy made friends. He teamed up with Timati and Ratmir Shishkov. The guys created an r'n'b group called "Gang". At the end of the project, the quartet continued to perform in front of the public. Wherever they came on tour, everywhere they were greeted with a bang. Unfortunately, in 2007 the Banda broke up. One of the team members died in a car accident. Nastya, Timati and Dominik decided to set off on a free voyage.

Continuing a career

After the collapse of the "Gang" our hero was able to prove himself as a composer. He wrote songs for such stars as "Inveterate scammers", VIA "Cream", Oleg Gazmanov and others. In 2009, Dominic's first solo album, Real People, went on sale. The entire circulation of the record was sold out in a couple of weeks. This result prompted the singer to further develop his career. Currently, the artist's creative piggy bank contains 15 singles, 19 video clips, 10 prestigious music awards and hundreds of concerts. He could be seen in the following films: "Shadow Boxing" (2011), "Towerless" (2012) and "Roof of the World" (2016).

Dominic Joker: personal life

A graduate of "Star Factory-4" never complained about the lack of female attention. He took girls not with their appearance, but with charisma and natural charm. The singer met his future wife Albina at the end of 2004. This happened in the company of their mutual friends. A slender blonde with a charming smile immediately attracted Dominic. He did everything to win her over.


The singer wanted to officially formalize relations with his beloved Albina back in 2005. But the celebration had to be postponed due to a busy work schedule. Their wedding took place only at the end of 2006. This time it was not possible to postpone this event. After all, the girl was in an interesting position. The toastmaster at the wedding was Dominik's best friend - rapper Timati. The celebration was attended by many celebrity guests. Among them, one can single out the composer and producer Igor Krutoy.

In February 2007, Dominic Joker's wife gave birth to their first child - a tiny son, who was named Martin. The young father could not stop looking at the heir. Dominic himself swaddled him, bathed him and rocked him in the crib. In December 2008, another replenishment took place in the Breslavsky family. The second son was born. The boy received a beautiful and rare name - Marcus.

New love

Dominic Joker, whose personal life interests many, has long been considered an exemplary family man. However, in November 2015, the media reported that he had met a new love. The heart of the famous performer of compositions in the style of rap and rhythm and blues was conquered by the pretty blonde Ekaterina Kokorina. She is a member of the Voice project (Channel One).

In an interview with one of the printed publications, our hero admitted that their romance with Katya began in 2014. He, as a decent man, honestly told about this wife. Dominic Joker's wife, Albina, did not make a scandal and stop him. She let her husband pack her bags and leave. The couple managed to quietly and peacefully disperse. They divorced without division of children and acquired property. Singer Dominic Joker promised to provide material support to his sons - Martin and Marcus. And he really keeps his word.

For almost a year, a graduate of Star Factory-4 has been living in a civil marriage with Ekaterina Kokorina. We suggest you briefly familiarize yourself with the biography of his chosen one. Katya was born on November 27, 1987 in Barnaul. She graduated from a music school and the Institute of Contemporary Art (vocal department). She took part in such projects as "Battle of the Choirs". There they met Dominic. Then the beauty went to the show "Voice" (season 4), where she got into the Basta team. She did not reach the final. Now Ekaterina successfully combines her career and family life. She loves to please her beloved man with delicious dishes.

Participation in other projects

Where else "lit up" Dominic Joker? The biography indicates that he is a sought-after artist. In September 2013, he was invited to shoot the program "Battle of the Choirs" ("Russia-1"). He was the mentor of the team representing the Altai Territory and Siberia. For almost 3 months, our hero gave vocal lessons to the project participants. As a result, his wards took 3rd place. And this is a good result.

Together with the team "Angels of Siberia" (from the "Battle of the Choirs"), he participated in the organization of the Winter Olympic Games 2014 in Sochi. The guys not only performed on stage, but met delegations from different countries. In the summer of 2016, Dominic Joker again went to Sochi for the New Wave festival. He was not a contestant, but a guest star. In addition, our hero participated in the recording of the new anthem of the "New Wave" along with Philip Kirkorov, singer Nyusha, the Iowa group and other well-known representatives of Russian show business.


We reported on where he was born, studied and how Dominic Joker built his musical career. His biography has been studied in detail by us. Let's wish this talented and purposeful guy more hits and a happy family life!

The personality of Dominic Joker needs no introduction for a long time. Each line in his tracks is a story in which the whole gamut of human feelings sounds. Each of his songs is a hit, topping dozens of hit parades and charts of federal radio stations in the country.

Today, Dominik Joker is a successful musician, singer, producer who has managed to go far beyond the Russian stage over the past few years.

“If you are with me”, “Farewell”, “I breathe you” - this is only a small part of the artist’s popular compositions included in the playlist of fashionable clubs and karaoke bars, and the country’s prestigious awards and music awards (“Golden Gramophone”, “Song of the Year ”, “Red Star” of Channel One) only strengthen Dominic Joker’s leadership position in the Russian music market and confirm his significant contribution to the development of the music industry.

Dominic Joker (Alexander Breslavsky) was born on July 19, 1980 in Odessa. He graduated from high school there and entered the local conservatory, from which he was expelled for completely ignoring the formalities of the educational process. There were no questions about talent and hearing.

The mass public first learned about Dominic Joker as a member of the 2 + 2 boy band, which was quite popular in the mid-90s. Then Dominik first declared himself not only as a performer, but also as a successful composer. It was he who wrote the vast majority of the band's musical material.

Alas, like many production teams, the group "2 + 2" did not become a "long-playing project" and, having survived the crisis of 1998, safely broke up, releasing another album. But already without Dominic Joker, who preferred to choose solo work and work with his colleagues as a composer.

The second round of popularity of Dominic Joker was provoked by the television project "Star Factory 4" (2004), which, according to all television analysts, became the most rated season of all the shows filmed under this brand. As part of the project, Dominik, together with Timati, Ratmir Shishkov and Nastya Kochetkova, create the Banda group - at that time one of the most popular bands in the country.

The hit "Heavens Cry", written by the Joker and filmed by Mikhail Khleborodov, turns into one of the main songs of 2005 and becomes one of the most rotated singles on domestic radio and TV. Before that, the joint track of Timati and Alexa “When You Are Near” by Dominic Joker “shoots” just as powerfully. The debut album "Gangs", the music for which was also completely written by Dominic, breaks sales records.

Unfortunately, a tragedy intervened in the successful fate of the team: one of the members of the Gang, Ratmir Shishkov, died in a car accident. His death shocked everyone so much that it was decided to put an end to the history of the Banda group: without Ratmir it would not be the same group. The musicians took up solo careers.

After the collapse of the "Gang" came the real "finest hour" of the composer Dominic Joker. He collaborated with almost all Russian artists of the first echelon. "Inveterate scammers" performed his hit "It's Summer", the refined VIA "Cream" sang "Above the Clouds", Vlad Topalov told the whole country what he would do "For Love". In addition to the fact that these songs of artists so different in style and manner invariably hit the charts and charts of audience sympathy, they were united by one more thing: the author of all the music for them was Dominic Joker.

As a producer, he even worked with the People's Artist of Russia Oleg Gazmanov, which once again demonstrated the breadth of Dominik's musical possibilities and talent. Four years in a row - from 2004 to 2007 - he is recognized as one of the laureates of the TV festival "Song of the Year".

In 2008, Dominic Joker is implementing another big project: during the television season he is working on the show "You are a superstar", one of the most popular projects of the NTV channel. In the same year, he formally declares himself as a solo artist. His first video "Abandoned by God" appears on music channels.

And in 2009, Dominic released his debut solo album "Real People", which included 20 songs ("Abandoned by God", "Club Zone", "If this is love" and others). Moreover, as the artist himself admits, the track list of a disc or a double album could be much more voluminous: the most difficult task for him was the choice of compositions, which have accumulated a huge amount in almost ten years of work in the domestic show business.

But the year 2012 becomes a truly turning point for him. The sincere and soulful soul ballad “If you are with me” literally blows up radio and television broadcasts, it is ordered in “order tables” and live broadcasts, it is voted for on the Internet and via SMS, discussed on forums and social networks. From the first days of the opening of iTunes - the official Apple music store - in Russia, "If you are with me" hit the top 20 sales leaders. Experts and viewers of the hit parade "Red Star" (Channel One) included Dominic Joker's hit among the 20 best songs of 2012, and Russian Radio marked his composition with the "Golden Gramophone" - one of the most prestigious music awards in Russia.

At the beginning of 2013, Dominik presents his fans with another surprise: the touching composition "Farewell", written to the verses of the classic of Russian and Soviet literature Maxim Gorky. And one of the most famous video directors in the country, Irina Mironova, turns "Farewell" into a pirate story, a romantic mini-film about love, friendship, passions, betrayal and betrayal, for a little over three minutes, making Dominic Joker a real dramatic artist.

Inspired by the success of the song "If you are with me", in the fall of 2013, Dominic Joker releases the lyric composition "I Breathe You", which becomes a continuation of the love story of the popular hit. However, in the new song, Dominic Joker tries on the role of "narrator" of an incredibly touching, and most importantly, a real love story that breaks out between young people here and now.

In September 2013, Dominic Joker was invited to take part in the major all-Russian project of the Russia-1 channel "Battle of the Choirs" as a mentor to the choir of the Altai Territory and Siberia. Over the course of three months of daily grueling training, choreography and vocal classes, the members of the Dominic Joker Choir reach the final and take third place.

The non-standard approach to the choice of musical and stage material for each competition number is noted not only by viewers who award the title of “The Most Dancing and Singing Choir” to the choir of Altai Territory and Siberia, but also by the organizers of the upcoming Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games in Sochi.

Having recorded the thematic Olympic song "Climb Olympus" at the request of the organizing committee, Dominik Joker, together with his wards "Angels of Siberia", goes to Sochi to meet the delegations of athletes from the participating countries of the 2014 Games. The result of the trip to Sochi is a video filmed by Dominik and the choir in between performances and meetings of delegations. The clip, which tells about the life of the participants in the Winter Games, also uses footage of famous athletes and top officials of the state.

Returning from Sochi, Dominik shoots a new video for the song "I Breathe You" and presents the video on February 14, as a gift to fans on Valentine's Day. The long-awaited novelty of the music industry is the result of the creative symbiosis of director Alexei Golubev and Dominic Joker.

In the video, everything is built on details, both in the images of the characters and in the camera shooting itself. In the role of lovers - one of the most beautiful and young couples of Russian show business: the star of the project "Vacations in Mexico" Olga Savchenko (known under the pseudonym "Nezlaya") and LIL'ARCHI, the official Back MC of Dominic Joker and the artist's nephew.

Dominic Joker is a famous Russian and Ukrainian singer. Popularity came to him after he became a graduate of the Star Factory. The Joker is not only a performer, he is also an arranger, composer and producer. Several times he acted in films in the role of himself.

Childhood and family of Dominic Joker

The real name of Dominic Joker is Breslavsky Alexander Alexandrovich. He was born in the city of Odessa. The name Alex is written on his birth certificate. Parents could not decide on a name for a long time, so they gave their son the name Alex - something between Alex and Alexander.

The singer's mother is half Spanish, his father is a Polish Jew. Dominik considers Odessa his homeland and always speaks of this peculiar city with special warmth. The future singer and composer was raised by his mother and stepfather.

Early come popularity

In the mid-nineties, the Joker first made himself known by becoming a member of the rather popular 2 + 2 boy band. For the first time he tried his hand as a composer in the same years.

Dominic can be called the driving force behind the Russian R'n'B and soul scene. Since the nineties, this talented musician has had a hand in several projects and groups, both as a composer and singer, and as a producer.

Dominic Joker at the Star Factory

The Joker considers his participation in the Star Factory project to be a special event in his life. We can say that this is the starting point in his creative path. He became a member of the popular project in 2004. After that, the Banda group was formed. Dominik was not only a performer in the group, he also wrote all the lyrics for the songs performed by the group.

Becoming a member of the Gang, the Joker got the opportunity to collaborate with such famous performers and groups as VIA Cream, Inveterate Scammers, Vlad Topalov, singer Sasha and many others.

Soon "Banda" released their first album. The music in it is written entirely by the Joker. It should be noted that this debut album broke all records in terms of popularity, making the "Gang" the most popular band in the country.

One of the members of the "Gang" died in a car accident, after which the group broke up, and the musicians switched to solo careers. So did Dominic Joker.

Meanwhile, the winners of this "Factory" were Irina Dubtsova, Stas Piekha and Anton Zatsepin.

The beginning of Dominic Joker's solo career

As a composer, Dominic showed himself immediately after the breakup of the group. We can say that his finest hour has come. During this period of time, his close cooperation with many first-tier performers began. From 2004 to 2008, he was recognized as the laureate of the Song of the Year festival.

In 2007, the Joker implemented a grandiose project - he did a great job creating a show called "You are a superstar." The show ran throughout the television season. A year later, Dominic decided to concentrate on his solo career.

"Abandoned by God" - that was the name of the first clip of the Joker, which was seen by viewers. After only a year, the artist released his solo album, called "Real People". Over the decade, Dominik has accumulated a lot of material, so there were some difficulties in choosing the songs that were supposed to be included in the debut album. As a result, the performer chose twenty of the best songs in his opinion. Among them are “Do not return”, “Bomb bit”, “Abandoned by God”, “Club zone”, “If this is love” and others. The presentation of the album took place in the metropolitan club "Opera".

Dominic Joker at present

In 2011, the performer and composer took part in the project “Star Factory. Return". At the same time, a film was released where the Joker played himself - this is Shadow Fight 3D: The Last Round. In the role of himself, he also starred in the 2012 film Without a Tower and in 2013 in the youth series Univer. New hostel.

2012 was a very successful year for Dominic. His song "If you are with me" hit the top twenty songs of the year. This soul ballad was awarded the Golden Gramophone music award. At the end of the same year, fans heard his new touching composition "Farewell". It was written to famous poems by Maxim Gorky. Later, Russian music video maker Irina Mironova shot a video for this song, which, in fact, is a mini-movie about betrayal, friendship and love, where the Joker starred as a dramatic actor.

The video for the song "Farewell" opened the year 2013, it was then that the premiere of this video took place. In 2013 and 2014, the singer released such singles as “Simple Things”, “I Breathe You”, “Only Heaven Knows”. Joker fans have seen new clips.

Dominic Joker's personal life

Dominic rarely talks about himself. He tries to avoid such questions as much as possible. In people, the singer appreciates loyalty to principles, love, ideals.

His musical preferences are rhythm and blues and hip-hop. The Joker became the founder of his own record company. Her name is J.O.B. Recording.

It is known that the popular performer is married. The name of his wife is Albina. The family has two sons. They have rather unusual names - Markus and Martin.

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