Donald Bisset forgotten birthday. Book: Bisset D



Forgotten Birthday - Donald Bisset

A fairy tale about a baby elephant who found his forgotten birthday...

Forgotten birthday read

Once upon a time there lived a big elephant. He lived at the Whipsnade Zoo with his elephant and a baby elephant named Hjalmar.
Elephant dad was very big. The mother elephant was also big. And even Hjalmar would not be called very small. Elephants are not very small.
One fine day, the mother elephant and the baby elephant saw that the elephant father was standing on his head.

- What happened to you? asked the mother elephant.
“I’m trying to remember something,” said the elephant dad.
What are you trying to remember?
“If I knew,” said the elephant dad, “I wouldn’t try. Isn't that right, dove?
“Hjalmar,” the mother elephant said to her son, “run quickly and try to find what dad forgot.”
And Hjalmar ran along the road. Then he climbed a low hill near a bamboo grove and sat down to rest, and at the same time watch the clouds play tag in the sky.

Suddenly he heard someone crying. Weeping very close, although Hjalmar did not see who. And he said:
- Do not Cry! Do you want me to help you?
They stopped crying.
- Who are you? Hjalmar asked.
- Forgotten birthday. I don't know whose I am.
- Ai! Hjalmar said. - That's the trouble! Do you have a birthday cake?
- Certainly! What is a birthday without cake? There are six candles on mine, so someone turned six today.
“How good it is when you are six years old! Hjalmar thought. - Very good! Almost as good as seven. Five years is also not bad, and four is nothing. Well, when it's eight - when it's eight, you are already half an adult. Still, it's probably best when you're six."
“I'm very, very sorry,” he said. “But I can't help you. I just don't know who forgot their birthday.
And Hjalmar hurried home. When he returned, the elephant dad was no longer standing on his head, but was sitting at the table and having dinner.

- I remembered! said the elephant dad. “I knew it was yesterday, or tomorrow, or today. I knew it!
- What today? Hjalmar asked.
- What is your birthday today! - said the mother elephant, entering the room. You are six years old today.
Hjalmar got excited and quickly ran back to a low hill near the bamboo grove.
- Listen! he shouted. It turns out you are MY birthday. I am six years old today!
- Hooray! shouted the forgotten birthday. - Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah!

In the evening, for tea, Hjalmar received a festive cake with six candles. He extended his trunk and blew out all the candles at once.

“That's great! he thought. “It’s good when you are six years old!”

(Ill. B.Trzhementsky, E.Selivanova)

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Meeting a new book is like meeting a new person. Sympathy arises immediately, comes gradually or does not arise at all.

In Bisset's book "Forgotten Birthday" there are wonderful characters, an atmosphere of kindness, fabulous serenity.

The most interesting thing for me is to come up with drawings. What should be the Rrrr tiger, Icarus pig, Crococott, Annabelle cow?.. Imagination works when you stand in line for bread, ride the subway, even in a dream, in my opinion.

And so all his life, because one book replaces another .. This is the happiness of an illustrator. Only the echo of worldly thunderstorms penetrates into his fairy-tale land. The heroes of the books created by him will stand as a wall and protect from troubles.

But back to Bisset.

on the screen of English television, where he, like our "Aunt Valya", hosts children's programs, telling fairy tales and at the same time drawing pictures with a felt-tip pen. He is said to have a riding horse and enjoys walking in his spare time. Here. perhaps that's all. I didn't know what he looked like, so I asked the translator NV Shereshevsky, who personally knew Bisset, to get me his photograph. She wrote a letter to England. Bisset first sent a very small photograph. Looking at her, I drew a portrait. Shereshevskaya said:

Very similar, only in life it is somewhat fuller.

After a while, she handed me two more cards. On one, Donald Bisset at the age of one, dressed in a girl's dress, on the other - his mother. I pasted these two photographs into an illustration for the fairy tale "The Philosopher Beetle and Others". So that goodness does not disappear.

Natalia Viktorovna Shereshevskaya not only skillfully retold the tales from English, but also wrote the author's conversations with the tiger, which tie all the tales together. In addition, funny tiger thoughts really enliven the dialogue.

While working on the book, I was amazed at the author's extraordinary invention, his paradoxical thinking:

"Hurrah!" shouted the forgotten birthday. "Hurray, hurray, hurray!" You have to come up with something like this! Birthday can talk!

And this: “About the little bus that was afraid of the dark”

In the fairy tale "St. Pancras and King's Cross", the Queen awards Euston station with a gold medal.

And I especially like Waterloo Station. He could not stand still, caught up with the train in which King Samuel was going to visit his grandmother, and shouted:

Can I come with you too?

Come on, said King Samuel.

What is water? Scientists answer: N2 0. And Donald Bisset:

- Diamonds on the grass.

Yellow ones please! - said Donald Bisset to his beloved tiger Rrrr. - No whites, only yellow ones.

But Rrrr did not move his ear. He knew that Donald was saying it just like that: what if a pockmarked hen laid their testicles for breakfast? Yellow ones.

Yellow was his favorite color. Yellow leaves, yellow sun, yellow sand, yellow ice cream.

Yellow is even better than gold.

And the tiger is yellow, - said Rrrr. - Black stripes don't count, okay?

I agree, - said Donald Bisset. - But I like you and stripes.

Urrr, urrr. sweet i'm a tiger, huh?

Not sweet, but nice.

No sweet! And everything sweet is glorious. And it turns out the same thing. If you don't believe me, ask the dog!

Donald Bisset considered.

What would we come up with, Rrrr? he said. “I have six free days ahead of me.

Six is ​​almost seven, - answered Rrrr.

And seven is a whole week! So what are we to do?

Call and ask, - said Rrrr.

Well, of course! And how did I forget?

Donald Bisset picked up the phone and dialed the number: VBJ 1-2-3-4 (one-two-three-four).

Your Voo-Brah-Zhenie is listening, - they answered into the phone. - Do you want to have a fun vacation? Now let's think about what to advise. So... so... well, no... You know what, we'll call you in a few minutes, but for now introduce yourself to the guys who are reading this book. Maybe they don't know you yet?

With pleasure. Dear Guys! Meet my favorite tiger. His name is Rrr.

Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr said.

Sometimes he is angry, especially on Fridays.

Because all the lazy and disobedient on Fridays flogging! Before breakfast, grrrrr...

What are you thinking, Rrr? Don't listen to him, he got it wrong. We don't punish tigers. Here are schoolchildren sometimes ... I myself got it ... But I don’t want to remember about it. Rrr kidding! In fact, he is a very kind and nice tiger.

Yellow stripes!

Yes, like all real tigers.

And now it's my turn, - said Rrrr. - I'll introduce you to Donald Bisset. He is a real famous storyteller. He lives in England and writes fairy tales, draws pictures for them and tells his own fairy tales on television, because he is an actor. He plays in the theater, acts in films and knows how to ride a horse ...

Stop it, Rrrr, you're bragging.

I didn't brag, I brag about you. Do you want Donald to tell you a fairy tale as well, until his Voo-Bra-Zhenie calls?

And Rrrr thought to himself: “He knows how to compose fairy tales, but he can’t figure out how we can spend such a small vacation - VACATION WITH A NAIL. That's funny!"

But he did not say it aloud, because he wanted to hear the story himself.

New or old to tell? asked Donald Bisset.

First my favorite.

What is your favorite today?

- "About a pig that learned to fly." (The tiger had his favorite story every day.) And then tell two new ones and one old one. After all, you and I live in a book of fairy tales, right? So, without fairy tales we can not!

Donald just shook his head. “Well, this tiger is cunning!” he thought. But he did not say it out loud, but began to tell


Once a piglet - and his name was Icarus - came to the Magic Spring and asked:

Please fulfill my wish.

Piglet has long wanted to learn how to fly. No wonder his name was Icarus.

If you really want to, I can make you fly, - said the Magic Spring. - Only for this you first need to turn into a bird.

No, I want to be a pig. A pig that can fly,” said Icarus.

But piglets can't fly, objected the Magic Spring.

Icarus was very upset and went home.

On the way, he thought of only one thing: how to still learn to fly.

Early the next morning he went to the forest and asked each bird to give him a feather. Well, of course they gave it to him.

Maybe you want to learn how to fly? they asked.

Yes, Icarus replied.

He glued the feathers together with wax to form wings. Then he climbed to the top of the mountain near the seashore. He was followed by a cat, a mouse, a bird and two rabbits, a whole company of bugs and even a snail - everyone wanted to see what he could do.

Icarus tied his wings, flapped them and flew. That was happiness! And all the spectators were also happy, and the smallest bug almost died of delight.

Icarus rose high, high, almost to the sun.

Hey piggy! Hey young lady! - he praised himself. - And the Magic Spring also said that piglets cannot fly. They can!

But from the heat of the sun, the wax melted, and the wings flew down feather-length. And behind them, the pig itself. He rolled several times in the air and flopped into the sea.

Poor Icarus was completely wet. It’s also good that he safely swam to the shore and rushed home to his mother at a run.

Do not be upset, my little Icarus, - his mother told him, - after all, you did FLY! And she hugged him tightly.

All his friends came to visit him, and my mother made them tea with cake and jam.

Late in the evening, Icarus ran to the Magic Spring. He leaned over the edge of the well and, looking at a tiny piece of water at the very bottom, said:

You're right, piglets can't fly.” And a tear rolled down his cheek.

Keep your head up, - said the Magic Spring, - you're still a good fellow!

He's very brave, this little pig, isn't he? Rrrr said when Donald had finished speaking. “And being brave is almost as good as being brave.

But it's the same thing, - Donald smiled. - And what do you think, Rrrr, do the guys know why the pig was called Icarus?

I know, but the guys probably don't know. Tell me better.

Long ago, the ancient Greeks composed fairy tales about gods and heroes. They called their stories myths. They had one myth about the young man Icarus and about his father, a skilled craftsman. Together with his father, Icarus had to escape from the evil king. And in order to fly across the sea, they made wings for themselves from feathers and glued them together with wax. father asked

Meeting a new book is like meeting a new person. Sympathy arises immediately, comes gradually or does not arise at all.

In Bisset's book "Forgotten Birthday" there are wonderful characters, an atmosphere of kindness, fabulous serenity.

The most interesting thing for me is to come up with drawings. What should be the Rrrr tiger, Icarus pig, Crococott, Annabelle cow?.. Imagination works when you stand in line for bread, ride the subway, even in a dream, in my opinion.

And so all his life, because one book replaces another .. This is the happiness of an illustrator. Only the echo of worldly thunderstorms penetrates into his fairy-tale land. The heroes of the books created by him will stand as a wall and protect from troubles.

But back to Bisset.

on the screen of English television, where he, like our "Aunt Valya", hosts children's programs, telling fairy tales and at the same time drawing pictures with a felt-tip pen. He is said to have a riding horse and enjoys walking in his spare time. Here. perhaps that's all. I didn't know what he looked like, so I asked the translator NV Shereshevsky, who personally knew Bisset, to get me his photograph. She wrote a letter to England. Bisset first sent a very small photograph. Looking at her, I drew a portrait. Shereshevskaya said:

Very similar, only in life it is somewhat fuller.

After a while, she handed me two more cards. On one, Donald Bisset at the age of one, dressed in a girl's dress, on the other - his mother. I pasted these two photographs into an illustration for the fairy tale "The Philosopher Beetle and Others". So that goodness does not disappear.

Natalia Viktorovna Shereshevskaya not only skillfully retold the tales from English, but also wrote the author's conversations with the tiger, which tie all the tales together. In addition, funny tiger thoughts really enliven the dialogue.

While working on the book, I was amazed at the author's extraordinary invention, his paradoxical thinking:

"Hurrah!" shouted the forgotten birthday. "Hurray, hurray, hurray!" You have to come up with something like this! Birthday can talk!

And this: “About the little bus that was afraid of the dark”

In the fairy tale "St. Pancras and King's Cross", the Queen awards Euston station with a gold medal.

And I especially like Waterloo Station. He could not stand still, caught up with the train in which King Samuel was going to visit his grandmother, and shouted:

Can I come with you too?

Come on, said King Samuel.

What is water? Scientists answer: N2 0. And Donald Bisset:

- Diamonds on the grass.

Yellow ones please! - said Donald Bisset to his beloved tiger Rrrr. - No whites, only yellow ones.

But Rrrr did not move his ear. He knew that Donald was saying it just like that: what if a pockmarked hen laid their testicles for breakfast? Yellow ones.

Yellow was his favorite color. Yellow leaves, yellow sun, yellow sand, yellow ice cream.

Yellow is even better than gold.

And the tiger is yellow, - said Rrrr. - Black stripes don't count, okay?

I agree, - said Donald Bisset. - But I like you and stripes.

Urrr, urrr. sweet i'm a tiger, huh?

Not sweet, but nice.

No sweet! And everything sweet is glorious. And it turns out the same thing. If you don't believe me, ask the dog!

Donald Bisset considered.

What would we come up with, Rrrr? he said. “I have six free days ahead of me.

Six is ​​almost seven, - answered Rrrr.

And seven is a whole week! So what are we to do?

Call and ask, - said Rrrr.

Well, of course! And how did I forget?

Donald Bisset picked up the phone and dialed the number: VBJ 1-2-3-4 (one-two-three-four).

Your Voo-Brah-Zhenie is listening, - they answered into the phone. - Do you want to have a fun vacation? Now let's think about what to advise. So... so... well, no... You know what, we'll call you in a few minutes, but for now introduce yourself to the guys who are reading this book. Maybe they don't know you yet?

With pleasure. Dear Guys! Meet my favorite tiger. His name is Rrr.

Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr said.

Sometimes he is angry, especially on Fridays.

Because all the lazy and disobedient on Fridays flogging! Before breakfast, grrrrr...

What are you thinking, Rrr? Don't listen to him, he got it wrong. We don't punish tigers. Here are schoolchildren sometimes ... I myself got it ... But I don’t want to remember about it. Rrr kidding! In fact, he is a very kind and nice tiger.

Yellow stripes!

Yes, like all real tigers.

And now it's my turn, - said Rrrr. - I'll introduce you to Donald Bisset. He is a real famous storyteller. He lives in England and writes fairy tales, draws pictures for them and tells his own fairy tales on television, because he is an actor. He plays in the theater, acts in films and knows how to ride a horse ...

Stop it, Rrrr, you're bragging.

I didn't brag, I brag about you. Do you want Donald to tell you a fairy tale as well, until his Voo-Bra-Zhenie calls?

And Rrrr thought to himself: “He knows how to compose fairy tales, but he can’t figure out how we can spend such a small vacation - VACATION WITH A NAIL. That's funny!"

But he did not say it aloud, because he wanted to hear the story himself.

New or old to tell? asked Donald Bisset.

First my favorite.

What is your favorite today?

- "About a pig that learned to fly." (The tiger had his favorite story every day.) And then tell two new ones and one old one. After all, you and I live in a book of fairy tales, right? So, without fairy tales we can not!

Donald just shook his head. “Well, this tiger is cunning!” he thought. But he did not say it out loud, but began to tell


Once a piglet - and his name was Icarus - came to the Magic Spring and asked:

Please fulfill my wish.

Piglet has long wanted to learn how to fly. No wonder his name was Icarus.

If you really want to, I can make you fly, - said the Magic Spring. - Only for this you first need to turn into a bird.

No, I want to be a pig. A pig that can fly,” said Icarus.

But piglets can't fly, objected the Magic Spring.

Icarus was very upset and went home.

On the way, he thought of only one thing: how to still learn to fly.

Once upon a time there lived a big elephant. He lived at the Whipsnade Zoo with his elephant and a baby elephant named Hjalmar.
Elephant dad was very big. The mother elephant was also big. And even Hjalmar would not be called very small. Elephants are not very small.

One fine day, the mother elephant and the baby elephant saw that the elephant father was standing on his head.
- What happened to you? asked the mother elephant.
“I’m trying to remember something,” said the elephant dad.

What are you trying to remember?
“If I knew,” said the elephant dad, “I wouldn’t try. Isn't that right, dove?
“Hjalmar,” the mother elephant said to her son, “run quickly and try to find what dad forgot.”

And Hjalmar ran along the road. Then he climbed a low hill near a bamboo grove and sat down to rest, and at the same time watch the clouds play tag in the sky
Suddenly he heard someone crying. Weeping very close, although Hjalmar did not see who. And he said:
- Do not Cry! Do you want me to help you?
They stopped crying.

- Who are you? Hjalmar asked.
- Forgotten birthday. I don't know whose I am.
- Ai! Hjalmar said. - That's the trouble! Do you have a birthday cake?

- Certainly! What is a birthday without cake? There are six candles on mine, so someone turned six today.
“How good it is when you are six years old! Hjalmar thought. - Very good! Almost as good as seven. Five years is also not bad, and four is nothing. Well, when it's eight - when it's eight, you are already half an adult. Still, it's probably best when you're six."

“I'm very, very sorry,” he said. “But I can't help you. I just don't know who forgot their birthday.
And Hjalmar hurried home. When he returned, the elephant dad was no longer standing on his head, but was sitting at the table and having dinner.
- I remembered! said the elephant dad. “I knew it was yesterday, or tomorrow, or today. I knew it!

- What today? Hjalmar asked.
- What is your birthday today! - said the mother elephant, entering the room. You are six years old today.
Hjalmar got excited and quickly ran back to a low hill near the bamboo grove.

- Listen! he shouted. It turns out you are MY birthday. I am six years old today!
- Hooray! shouted the forgotten birthday. - Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah!

In the evening, for tea, Hjalmar received a festive cake with six candles. He extended his trunk and blew out all the candles at once.
“That's great! he thought. “It’s good when you are six years old!”

Once upon a time there lived a big elephant. He lived at the Whipsnade Zoo with his elephant and a baby elephant named Hjalmar.
Elephant dad was very big. The mother elephant was also big. And even Hjalmar would not be called very small. Elephants are not very small.

One fine day, the mother elephant and the baby elephant saw that the elephant father was standing on his head.
- What happened to you? asked the mother elephant.
“I’m trying to remember something,” said the elephant dad.

What are you trying to remember?
“If I knew,” said the elephant dad, “I wouldn’t try. Isn't that right, dove?
“Hjalmar,” the mother elephant said to her son, “run quickly and try to find what dad forgot.”

And Hjalmar ran along the road. Then he climbed a low hill near a bamboo grove and sat down to rest, and at the same time watch the clouds play tag in the sky
Suddenly he heard someone crying. Weeping very close, although Hjalmar did not see who. And he said:
- Do not Cry! Do you want me to help you?
They stopped crying.

- Who are you? Hjalmar asked.
- Forgotten birthday. I don't know whose I am.
- Ai! Hjalmar said. - That's the trouble! Do you have a birthday cake?

- Certainly! What is a birthday without cake? There are six candles on mine, so someone turned six today.
“How good it is when you are six years old! Hjalmar thought. - Very good! Almost as good as seven. Five years is also not bad, and four is nothing. Well, when it's eight - when it's eight, you are already half an adult. Still, it's probably best when you're six."

“I'm very, very sorry,” he said. “But I can't help you. I just don't know who forgot their birthday.
And Hjalmar hurried home. When he returned, the elephant dad was no longer standing on his head, but was sitting at the table and having dinner.
- I remembered! said the elephant dad. “I knew it was yesterday, or tomorrow, or today. I knew it!

- What today? Hjalmar asked.
- What is your birthday today! - said the mother elephant, entering the room. You are six years old today.
Hjalmar got excited and quickly ran back to a low hill near the bamboo grove.

- Listen! he shouted. It turns out you are MY birthday. I am six years old today!
- Hooray! shouted the forgotten birthday. - Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah!

In the evening, for tea, Hjalmar received a festive cake with six candles. He extended his trunk and blew out all the candles at once.
“That's great! he thought. “It’s good when you are six years old!”

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