Donald Trump, Bill Zunker Think big and don't slow down! Trump asked Bill Gates to explain the difference between HIV and HPV You can't put an empty bag.


What does Donald Trump advise to do if the boss is a sadist, why does Richard Branson build a spaceship, what else does Elon Musk need from life and what disappointed Bill Gates in life. Read and get inspired.

Donald Trump Rules

Entrepreneur, 45th President of the United States, 70, New York

If Hillary Clinton couldn't please her husband, how can she please America?

I do not like losers.

Everyone who thinks that my time has already passed, is tragically mistaken.

The only difference between me and others candidates is that I am more honest and my women are more beautiful.

If Hillary Clinton couldn't please her husband, how can she satisfy America?

Part of my attraction is that I'm rich.

I have always dreamed be underestimated.

Money has never attracted me by itself. For me, it's just a way to measure success.

I do business as an art. Some paint on canvas or write poetry. And I make deals - usually big ones.

Sometimes the best investments are those what you didn't.

A lot of people say I act like a gambler but I never gambled in my life. A gambler is one who revolves around slot machines in a casino. I prefer to own these machines.

Yes, I intend to build a huge wall on the border with Mexico. And since no one can build walls better and more efficiently than me, I will build it cheaply. And I will make sure that Mexico pays for this wall. Mark my words.

How is it that I don't like China? I once sold a house to a Chinese man for 15 million. How then can I hate his country?

See how we behave in Iraq. We build schools and build roads, and then somebody blows up a school and we build a new one, and then somebody blows up a road and we rebuild it. But with all that, we can't build a fucking school in Brooklyn.

I think, that when we started building the new building of the World Trade Center, we should have built the same building, only one floor higher, and not come up with stupid designs.

It seems to me that the main problem of the United States It's about being politically correct.

If I become president you will see Merry Christmas greetings in stores again.

Happy to announce that I am against abortion.

We live in a world where people are sure that a good person has nothing to do in politics.

I shake hands always and with pleasure. I don't think you can become a politician if you don't like to shake hands.

Some people think I have short fingers. But my fingers are long and beautiful - just like the rest of my body. And it's well documented.

I love beautiful women and beautiful women love me. The good thing is that it works both ways.

Ivanka(Trump's daughter) great figure. I would start dating her if she wasn't my daughter.

Do not burden your children with undeserved wealth. It will ruin their lives.

As long as you are able think, think big.

There is nothing more criminal than coming up with a good idea and not implementing it.

Never take a vacation. If you don't enjoy your job, then you're not working where you need to be.

My motto: Hire the best and don't trust them for anything.

If your boss is a sadist - fire your boss and find yourself a new job.

victory only losers enjoy.

I always apologize if wrong.

Quotes from public speeches.
Official photograph of the 45th President of the United States from the White House website.

Warren Buffett's Rules of Life

Entrepreneur, 86, Omaha

If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

I am not a businessman. I am an artist.

When I was 16 I had only two things in my head - girls and cars. But with the girls I did not work out, so I had to be content with cars. However, I also thought about the girls, of course. I just had more luck with cars.

I always knew that I would be rich. Didn't doubt for a second.

If you are in this 1% of the most successful and wealthy people on earth, your duty is to think about the other 99%.

Someone is resting in the shade today because someone planted a tree many years ago.

People are always talking about uncertain times. But, you know, I think that's how time works in general. On September 10, 2001, there was certainly uncertainty in the world. And October 18, 1987, too (days leading up to the attack on the World Trade Center and stock market Black Monday.).

Wall Street is the only place on earth where people who come in Rolls-Royces listen to the advice of those who come by subway.

If you buy what you don't need then soon you will start selling what you need.

All reckless investors should learn a line from a Bobby Baer song(famous country music artist). She fully explains what may happen in the future with your acquisitions: "I never went to bed with an ugly woman, but I woke up with a few."

I try to invest only in those enterprises, which are so perfect that even an idiot can manage them. Because sooner or later it will happen.

Constantly putting off looking for a good job and sitting on the one that kills you It's like postponing sex until retirement.

Honesty is a very valuable quality. You should not expect it from people who are cheap.

Every saint has a past. Every sinner has a future.

I'm sure, that every day you need to spend some time just to sit down and think. For example, I think and read at the same time. It makes my decisions less impulsive.

I only buy the most expensive suits. They just look cheap on me.

Most Successful People- those who do their favorite thing.

The ability to predict rain costs nothing. The ability to build an ark is worth a lot.

If you're in a leaky boat then the energy devoted to finding another means of navigation is likely to yield more results than the energy directed to patching holes.

No matter how talented and hardworking you are - some things just take time. You cannot bear a child in one month by making nine women pregnant.

It's dangerous to cross ignorance and perseverance.

A horse that counts to ten is a wonderful horse not a great mathematician.

Always try to be with those who is better than you.

The chance is very rare but you must always be ready for it. When gold falls from the sky, you should have a bucket, not a thimble.

If you find yourself in a hole stop digging.

All I need from life is to know where I will die and never show up in that place.

You can't put an empty bag.

Quotes from Public Speaking
Photo: KIZAZ.

Elon Musk

Engineer, Entrepreneur, 45, Los Angeles

Mistakes are not scary. The main thing is to make mistakes every time in something new.

I want to be a part of that changes the world.

As a child, I was amazed how many different things are capable of exploding at will. It's amazing that I still have all ten fingers.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy taught me that the hardest thing on earth is choosing which question to ask. But if you have already chosen it, then everything else will go easily.

I have my own graveyard of failed attempts. There are a lot of tombstones, and somewhere in the depths there are a lot of freshly dug graves, which are waiting for something to be in them. But I do my best to keep them empty.

Mistakes are not scary. The main thing is to make mistakes every time in something new.

When you have your first million dollars, your life will change. Anyone who claims that this is not true is talking nonsense.

Create a good company - how to bake a good pie: you just need to take the right ingredients in the right proportions.

At SpaceX(rocket corporation founded by Musk in 2002) we are working towards a grand philosophical goal, even though we are in business. If we can build a company that will help humans become an interplanetary species, this will be the attainment of the Holy Grail. But if we create something that can deliver people and equipment to Mars, I will consider SpaceX's task completed. At least at the current stage.

Yes, people have been to the moon but since then nothing comparable has been done. I don't even hear about any really serious intentions to take the next step.

There is nothing truly expensive in rocket science. The only problem is that those who did rocket science in the old days did it with appallingly low efficiency.

You don't have to hire a lot of people to do complex work. Quantity never makes up for talent, and two people who don't know something are no better than the same one.

Perhaps my greatest mistake is the desire to rely on someone else's talent, and not on someone's personal qualities. But this is very important - when a person has a good heart.

The characters in my favorite books are The Lord of the Rings and Foundation(a cycle of fantasy novels by Isaac Asimov) - have always felt the need to save the world.

Right now all of humanity - from the first to the last person - is participating in the most dangerous experiment in history: how much carbon dioxide we must release into the atmosphere before we realize that we are facing death.

When I talk about something, it's bound to happen. Not always on schedule, but it does happen.

Not long ago I said that in the next 30 years most new cars in the US will be electric. And I don't mean hybrids. I'm talking about electric cars.

I never paid people to pretend who love my products.

Once upon a time at our headquarters in Palo Alto Tesla patents were hung all over the wall. And then we took it all off. We removed all this because we decided to open our developments in the name of the development of electric vehicles.

In four billion years of earth history, no more than half a dozen really important events have occurred: the emergence of unicellular organisms, the emergence of multicellular organisms, the division into the animal kingdom and the plant kingdom, the emergence of animals from water to land, the development of mammals and the development of consciousness. The next big step should be the idea of ​​interplanetary life, an unprecedented journey that will dramatically change and enrich us.

Many people don't like change. but we must learn to accept them. Especially if the alternative to change is a disaster.

The first years people will live on Mars under a dome, but over time we will be able to transform Mars into a semblance of Earth and walk on the surface without any protection. It will be an easy tuning of the planet.

Patience is a virtue and I'm learning to be patient. But these are hard lessons.

I would like to die on Mars- but not from hitting the surface.

rocket science not digging trenches.

From public speaking

Sir Richard Branson

Entrepreneur, 66, Necker Island

By far my favorite character is Peter Pan. Growing up is not my plan

Be careful: most things that make a profit will make your life ugly boring.

My mother always wanted me to be able to take care of myself since childhood. But, I think, today, for some educational methods, she would simply be arrested. For example, once, when I was four or five, she dropped me out of the car halfway to the house and told me to drive further on my own.

No one ever calls me Sir Richard. Well, maybe a couple of times they called it that in America, and each time the faces of these people became as if they were participating in a Shakespearean play.

So far my favorite character - This is Peter Pan. Growing up is not my plan.

In order to do business it is not necessary to spend many years studying. Five or six years spent trying to start a business is much more rewarding than the same amount of time spent learning about it. After all, children do not learn to walk from a textbook. Children learn to walk by trying to walk.

Without pure luck in business, unfortunately, not enough.

When I started, I was young and inexperienced. There were many difficulties. For example, for a long time I was not allowed to register a company under the name Virgin (English virgin, virgin), because they considered this word to be against the bounds of decency. Then I sat down at the table and, in the handwriting of a 15-year-old teenager, wrote them a letter that began like this: “Without any doubt, the word “virgin” cannot violate the boundaries of decency, since it is the exact opposite of any violations.” Here, of course, they softened.

My business model is simple: surround yourself with great people and give them enough freedom to create great things.

Virgin Airlines was born when I was trying to fly from Puerto Rico to the Virgin Islands and the flight was canceled due to not enough passengers. I was then in my early twenties. I wandered around the airport for a while, and then I hired a private jet, borrowed a piece of cardboard from somewhere, and wrote on it: “Virgin Airlines, $39 to the Virgin Islands.” And so, out of my own frustration, a business was born. That's the same reason I'm building a spaceship today - because NASA is not interested in sending me or you into space.

I don't understand why business people can't learn to speak simply. But I got lucky. My dyslexia has shaped my communication style: if something can't be explained in a nutshell, it's rubbish to me.

I am very excited. When people tell me something is impossible, I always try to prove otherwise.

The best investment I've ever made didn't require a huge pile of money. For 125 thousand dollars I bought Necker Island - a real gem of the British Virgin Islands.

In my life there is no "if I then".

I'm used to trouble. The barge I lived on sank, my London office burned to the ground, and the house on the Necker was struck by lightning and lit up like a torch. I remember how we looked at the fire, and I said: "Things are not the main thing." Luckily, I've never been a collector of paintings, wines, or cars, so things don't really mean anything to me. And a couple of months later we played the wedding of Holly, my daughter, on the ashes. It was the most romantic wedding venue I've ever seen in my life, and everyone around me said that if the house hadn't burned down, I should have burnt it down for the occasion.

One day I met a woman who was completely paralyzed from neck to feet. Despite everything, he was the happiest person I have ever met. She said: "Life is beautiful - because I'm alive."

Want advice on how to become a millionaire overnight? Take your billion and try to start a new airline.

All people are the same because they make mistakes.

Recorded by Ayesha Khan

Bill Gates

Microsoft Owner, 61, Seattle

If the letter contains the word "increase" - probably spam

I'm not cheeky. Quite the opposite. I am disappointed. I am humble. I am polite.

Suppose you added two years to my life, on the condition that I go to business school. I don't think I could do anything better. Look at these shelves around - do you see business books here? That's it.

Spend money reasonably as hard as earning them. In the future, I plan to engage in meaningful distribution of money, if, of course, I still have something to distribute.

I comb my hair every time before sending an e-mail, because I hope to look attractive.

Business - great game: constant competition and a minimum of rules. And the score in this game is kept in money.

Gotta say that I feel sorry for the President of the United States. My name is often on the copy of the letters that are sent to him. I think it's even harder for him to deal with his e-mail than it is for me.

Success teaches nothing. He only convinces smart people that they can't lose.

I recently went to a restaurant. A man came up to me and asked me for money. I'm confused. Then he asked me to go to his page on the Internet. I don't know if it was true or not, but I liked this alternative request so much that I gave the guy five bucks. Maybe it was a bum with his own page on the Internet.

Life becomes much more fun if you approach all its challenges creatively.

If you think in terms of time use, religion is not very efficient. There are a lot of things that I can do on a Sunday morning.

Marvelous, but Melinda (wife of Bill Gates) made me want to marry her. This is very strange, because it is absolutely contrary to my rationalistic considerations about marriage.

It's better if the child is attached to the computer than to the TV.

After few years computers will have personality and probably idiosyncrasy. They will understand verbal commands. They may even express sympathy when we are upset. But that doesn't mean they'll really think... yet.

If the letter contains the word "increase"- probably spam.

I do not like conferences in all sorts of exotic places. It seems that the nicer the place, the less work is done.

When I was young I wanted to become the best chess player in the world. I also wanted to be the best Go player in the world. I wanted the IBM-Microsoft partnership to continue for everyone's benefit, but that didn't work either. There are people I wanted to hire but couldn't. All in all, I've had enough disappointments in my life.

Sometimes I envy those who is programming. After I stopped writing programs for Microsoft, I often said half-jokingly in meetings: "Maybe I'll come over the weekend and write this program myself." Now I don't say that anymore, but I think about it all the time.

If i knew, where is the finish line, do you think I would not have reached it many years ago?

Recorded by Janet Lowe

Flavio Briatore

Entrepreneur, 66, Monaco

I have never hit a paparazzi. Sometimes I could run something into them, but this is part of the game

I never preferred fun at work and vice versa - everything worked out naturally for me. You need to feel very subtly what is more important at the moment - to negotiate or just drink a glass of champagne.

Luck - it is the result of a sequence of actions. There is, however, such a thing as fate - and if you need to constantly maintain your own luck, like a fire in a fireplace, then you just need to be ready for fate. It's not easy either.

I grew up in the late sixties - freedom, revolution and all that was in vogue then. But I personally just worked hard in those years - I had to pay for education. I am by no means a revolutionary by nature. I prefer to stand firmly on the ground, work and play. In this sense, I have a typical Italian way of thinking.

I do not like the word "wealth". It doesn't mean anything. The quality of life does not always depend on money. I do not want to become even richer - there is only one life, and you just need to improve its quality. Money can't buy this feeling, it has to be inside. If you have it, the money will follow.

Everything I do - whether it's Formula 1, a hotel business, a club business, a clothing line, it ultimately has one purpose. I am looking for a new lifestyle.

I've only dealt with two geniuses in my life, but they were real geniuses. One was named Luciano Benetton, the other was Bernie Ecclestone. No one has influenced me more.

Jeans I wear either Levi's or Billionaire. What I really like about Billionaire is the shirts and slippers. And so, in principle, I am unpretentious in clothes - Zara will suit the mood.

I have a playboy reputation simply because, unlike many, I never hid that I wanted to have fun. I had fantastic mistresses, I am still friends with them. I always take any business seriously - and you also need to be able to have fun. At the same time, I worked like clockwork. The playboy code of honor suggests that you have a job in life. I knew a lot of rich people, and among them there was not a single idler. I had energy to hell. Eight in the morning - and I'm already in the office, although we've been drinking all night. I am 29 years old. At least my spirit stopped at this mark. Someone dies at 18, someone - at 40, someone - at 80 - I observed the first, second, and third. You have to make sure that you are lucky, that you die later.

I made myself I am no heir. Everyone in my family was a teacher, and I personally did not want to teach anyone. When I was young, people had much more opportunities than they do now. How was it before? If you had brains, then the next day you got a good job. And now smart students are forced to work as waiters.

In young age I worked as a ski instructor in an alpine resort. It's like a movie: a young Italian teaches wealthy American women how to climb a mountain. Actually, I didn't like it. I can't stand the cold. I love the sea. It's just that I was born in the mountains, we used to get two meters of snow there - so I involuntarily knew how to ski.

I have never hit a paparazzi. Sometimes I could run something into them, but this is part of the game. The paparazzi have families, they need to be fed, I understand. I have an agreement with them: in the summer I set aside two days and allow me to shoot anything - so that only then they will leave me alone.

Parties - Basically, it's always boring. Organizing a fun party is harder than earning decent money. Parties depend on people, and people, by and large, rarely know how to really have fun.

Money - it's about like body temperature, you should have it.

For me to fall in love A woman should be able to make me laugh. In the future, she must comply with two conditions: to be faithful to me and not to get on my nerves. Not so much I demand, if you look.

Recorded by Maxim Semelyak

To my parents Fred and Mary Trump, my brother Fred Trump Jr, my sisters Judge Marianne Trump-Barry and Elizabeth Trump-Grau, my brother Robert Trump, my children Donald Jr, Ivanka, Eric, Tiffany and Barron, and my charming wife Melania.

Donald Trump

This book is dedicated to my loving wife Debbie and my children Ediva, Dylan and Vera, who have always supported me in my pursuit of excellence, and to all of the Learning Annex staff who THINK BIG every day.

Bill Zunker


Over the years of my business life, I have met people who have made an indelible impression on me. Bill Zunker is one of them. When I met him, I realized that he was not just a very smart and energetic person, but a dynamo in every sense of the word. I couldn't help but admire his ideas and his enthusiasm.

Creativity is an important element of success in whatever you do. Bill is a creative person and he knows how to put his creative energy into action. Anyone who has ever crossed paths with Bill is unlikely to forget him. He is a talented promoter and his positive outlook on life has influenced thousands and thousands of people. He is an excellent mentor who knows his subject to the smallest detail.

But besides that, he loves his job - and for me this is one of the key indicators when it comes to how to succeed. His enthusiasm has not faded over the years, and Learning Annex has achieved impressive results.

Thinking big is a creed that I have professed since my early youth, and it is a proven and reliable path to success. Bill also confesses it, and the results are evident. This book has been a great adrenaline rush for both of us, and we hope that it will not only be an interesting read, but will also teach you a lot. We want each of you to realize your dream - and if you work tirelessly, your dream will come true!

Donald Trump


From small to big

Until I met Donald Trump, Learning Annex was a small firm. It's a big company now because I've learned Donald Trump's principle of hitting the spot with all my might. Twenty-eight years ago, when I was a film student at New York's New School, I needed money to somehow support myself. And then, in 1979, at the age of twenty-six, I took the $5,000 that had been given to me as a bar mitzvah gift and started Learning Annex. At first, I saw my company as something like an informal school where experimental film professionals could share their experience with beginners. But my friend at the time, a teacher of artistic ceramics, convinced me to expand the range of subjects and create a center of learning of a different kind, where people could learn in a short time what is not taught almost anywhere else. And so the Learning Annex was born.

In those early days, at the very beginning of my journey, I dressed up as a clown and went out into the streets of Manhattan, where I handed out catalogs of our courses to passers-by. At the same time, I explained that they need to call the number indicated in the directory and say that they were sent by a clown. For this they were guaranteed a discount of five dollars. Then I ran to the office and answered the calls. To my delight, many of the callers told me that some cute clown told them about the discount. I recorded the data of the future listener and sent a confirmation letter to his address. If there were no calls, I started looking for new teachers and lecturers. The whole business consisted of one person, and I ran it from my one-room apartment on Manhattan's West Side.

My film career never took off, but the Learning Annex did, and I was happy. I realized that I was born a promoter and that I had finally found my calling.

I completely changed the concept of "continuing education", turning it into what I called edu-tainment. Everything is happening at an incredible speed these days. People don't have time for formal education. MTV and the Internet have created a generation that wants everything done quickly and in an entertaining way. I decided that the lectures should be given by celebrities and stars. I wanted our lecturers-teachers to be people of a huge scale.

When our list gained a certain amount of glamour, thanks to the inclusion of celebrities, the number of people who wanted to attend the courses immediately increased exponentially - and more and more prominent people agreed to my requests to lecture. Sarah Jessica Parker, Harrison Ford, Richard Simmons, Henry Kissinger Barbara Bush, Larry King, Renee Zellweger, Deepak Chopra and Rudy Giuliani are just a few of the hundreds of celebrities who have taken to the Learning Annex stage.

How did I manage to attract them? Since I didn't have a lot of money, I pressed another button: their guilt. I said, “You have succeeded. Why don't you give back to society?" I remember movie mogul Harvey Weinstein. I whined and whined and whined and whined, "You can dedicate one hour of your time to the Learning Annex students - for charity." Finally he agreed. It was amazing to listen to his full of interesting details about how to succeed in Hollywood. It all ended with the fact that he spoke for several hours! Likewise, we got the legendary music producer Clive Davis. He not only listened to the demos of our students, but also signed a contract with one of them right in the audience. Most celebrities did not attach importance to money.

But not Donald Trump. He didn't even answer my calls. One day, I called Trump's office and was put through to his private secretary, Norma. I knew I wouldn't get Trump's attention by casting my usual bait. He just wouldn't talk to me. I decided to stir up his interest with money, which is actually extremely unusual for me. But I really wanted to get it - and therefore I dared to take such a step. I offered what I thought was a fantastic sum: $10,000. His secretary responded, "Is that all?", dismissing my offer like a bottle of cheap Chianti. After adding a short "no", she hung up.

It took all my courage, but a few days later I called Norma again and said, "I'll give Mr. Trump $25,000." Norma replied, “No. It doesn't interest him."

I was shocked. Then I realized that I played too carefully. A week later, I took a gigantic risk by offering $100,000. It was the largest honorarium I had ever offered to a guest lecturer - but Norma was not impressed either. Without hesitation, she snapped, “It won’t work. Donald will not perform.

I sat down and thought: what to do next? Abandon the idea of ​​luring Donald Trump - or keep trying? I didn't know what to do. Then I remembered what motivation art guru Tony Robbins had taught me: “If you want to achieve something great, you have to force yourself to go beyond. You need to swing yourself to a state of hyperactivity. And you have to do it yourself. No one will do it for you." I decided that I wanted to reach the top. Donald Trump was just the incarnation of Mister Maximum. Each of us has our own heroes. Donald was mine. If I wanted to play on the same field as him, I had to push myself up to the next level. I puffed out my chest like a wheel, took a deep breath and gathered all my energy reserves. Then I called Norma at Donald Trump's office and offered $1 million for Trump's hour-long Learning Annex. At that time, the annual income of our company was five and a half million dollars. Think for a second. I offered him a million, and our entire income for the whole year was only five and a half million! At the same time, there were rarely more than a few hundred students in the hall. How I was going to get my money back - I had no idea about this. But I knew that I had to take this step. I just knew it. I listened to my instincts and called. And Norma said, “Very interesting proposal. I'll talk to Donald."

Gates said Trump asked him to explain the difference between HPV and HIV, the human papillomavirus and human immunodeficiency virus.

“He wanted to know if there was a difference between HIV and HPV, and I was able to explain that they are rarely confused with each other,” Gates said. The owner of the TV channel that posted this video claims that Trump twice clarified the difference between these viruses with Gates.

It is worth noting that the Microsoft founder turned down Trump's offer to take the post of science adviser, which has been vacant since January 2017.

According to him, at a meeting with Trump, the conversation was about the development of a universal flu vaccine. Gates previously said he would donate $12 million to the cause.

Trump was "super interested" in the idea, the billionaire said. In the course of communication, a question arose about the vacant position of a science adviser.

“He asked if I wanted to be a science advisor,” Gates says. According to him, he turned down the offer, saying that "it would not be the best use of his time."

Earlier, Bill Gates and his wife allocated 140 million for a new way to treat HIV. Fighting this virus is one of the key activities of the Gates Foundation.

Reference: human papillomavirus (HPV) HPV) is a group of viruses that is extremely widespread throughout the world. There are over 100 types of HPV, of which at least 13 lead to cancer (also known as high-risk viruses). HPV is transmitted primarily through sexual contact, and most people become infected with HPV soon after they become sexually active.

Donald Trump's inaugural speech was not much different from his campaign speeches that brought the billionaire to the White House. The new head of state is clearly counting on his vision of America to keep him going. In Washington, immediately after the solemn oath, Trump said that he would transfer power to the people.

Donald Trump, President of the United States: "Today's ceremony has a special meaning, because we are not just transferring power from one administration to another or from one party to another, we are giving the power of Washington to you, the people."

Trump talked about how America will now live in a new way, first of all thinking about itself and its problems.

Donald Trump: “For many decades, we enriched foreign industry at the expense of the American one, paid for the armies of other countries, allowing our army to degrade. We defended the borders of other states, refusing to defend our own. And spending trillions and trillions of dollars abroad while America's infrastructure fell into disrepair."

The words of the new US President are a clear departure from the statements of all previous administrations of the White House in recent years, and above all, Barack Obama, who called America the defender of universal human values. Trump is not going to impose American ideals on anyone.

Donald Trump: “We will seek friendship with all countries of the world, while remembering that the right of all nations to put their own interests above all else. We will no longer impose our worldview on anyone, but let it be an example. We will shine for all who follow us."

Trump supporters who came to Washington from across the country cheered the new president's speech. The newly minted head of the White House moved from words to deeds, including several appointments and the proclamation of a new holiday - National Patriotism Day. And one more detail: from the official website of the White House, dedicated to the rights of sexual minorities and climate change.

However, attention was paid not only to the site. Social media noted that Trump shook hands with Hillary Clinton during the ceremony. As transmits NTV correspondent Alexei Veselovsky, Bill Clinton often looked to the side, where the daughter of the 45th US President Ivanka was standing. This did not escape Hillary's attention. Also, many noted the outfit of US First Lady Melania Trump, comparing her with Jackie Kennedy, who is considered a style icon.

If on her own, then behind the cordon, the protesters tried to create problems for the authorities. There were even small clashes and tear gas. For real, but they drew attention to themselves. Several hundred Trump opponents staged pogroms in the city. As a result, several shop windows, glass of limousines were broken, garbage cans ignited. The police stopped the riots by using stun grenades and tear gas. More than a hundred demonstrators were arrested.

Another "Women's March on Washington" is expected. It was reported that up to 200 thousand people, including actresses, politicians and activists, will take part in it. For example, Scarlett Johansson, director Michael Moore and human rights activist Angela Davis, well known in the USSR in the 70s, are among the speakers.

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